My step-sister turned into a fox while I was gone

I turned my rental car into Mulberry Lane and my eyes widened at the decorations lining the houses on both sides of the street. Some things never changed – and one of those things was the love of decorating for Christmas on the street where I grew up. I smiled as I approached #93 and saw the colored lights highlighting the edges of our front porch. It warmed my heart to be returning for the holidays.

It had been two years since I'd been home and I was looking forward to seeing everybody. The family had changed, of course, as most families do these days. My father had divorced while I was in college and my mother had moved out of state. He had remarried and his new wife, Marilyn, had moved into our old homestead. While my older sister, Jennifer, and I had moved away, Marilyn had a younger daughter, Lanie, who had moved into my father's house with her, but long after I had vacated the premises.

I was down in Austin now working for a tech firm. I didn't get back to New Jersey as much as I'd like, but my father visited Texas when he could and I saw my sister a few times a year in my travels. This was the first time I had been home in some time and I was looking forward to hanging in the old neighborhood for a few days, visiting with my family and getting to know my step-sister a bit better.

The car made a stony crunching sound on the driveway as I pulled in and I saw the door open as I emerged from my vehicle. I could see the silhouette of my father's figure on the front porch.

“There he is, the wayward son,” he bellowed, as he came down the porch steps to greet me.

“Hey, Dad,” I replied. He gave me a big hug and welcomed me home. I climbed the stairs and entered the front door. Marilyn was inside and greeted me warmly with another hug. It was great to be home.

My father, Frank, opened me an IPA and we leaned against the kitchen counter, catching up. I'd be home for about eight days and was looking forward to kicking back and enjoying a little R&R. Marilyn and my dad were full of questions and we caught up as the notion of being on my home turf crept slowly into my psyche. This was going to be a good couple of days.

“How's Lanie doing?” I inquired. Melanie, who everyone called Lanie, was Marilyn's daughter and I hadn't seen her in over three years. She'd been at camp the last time I'd been home, so she'd been a junior in high school on my last visit. She was a sophomore at now and I was looking forward to seeing my step-sister and getting to know her all over again.

“She's doing great, Michael. She got home a few days ago and is out with friends right now. I'm sure she'll be home before long. I know she's looking forward to seeing you,” Marilyn replied.

We talked for a little while longer, I opened another ale, and was just taking my first swig when the front door swung open and Lanie walked through. She didn't see me at first as she shed her parka and untwisted the scarf around her neck. She was just pulling off her hat when she saw me standing in the kitchen.

“Michael!” she screamed. She ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. The soft flesh of her generous bosom mashed against my chest as I gave her my best big step-brother hug. “When did you get in?” she asked excitedly.

I surveyed this lovely young lady as I got ready to reply. Three years ago she'd been a gawky teen. The years had done wonders, because she was now an absolute babe. She had one of those long lean curvy bodies with breasts a little larger than one might expect on such a slender frame. Her long dark brown hair was tied up in a casual twist and her face was that of a woman now – and a beautiful one at that.

“I got in about an hour ago. Just been hanging out with the parentals and catching up. It's nice to see you, Lanie. You look great,” I said, which was the understatement of the day. She was a veritable knock-out. She was wearing knee high leather boots, black jeans that looked to be painted on and a snug baby blue top that hugged her curves in soft cashmere. I wanted to touch.

“Michael, Lanie took over your room after you left, so you'll be in the other bedroom for your stay. Hope you don't mind,” my father chimed in.

“No problem at all. I'm just happy to be here,” I stated, holding my ale up in a toast to home.

“Yeah, sorry, bro. I had to lose the Black Sabbath posters and Day-Glo stars,” Lanie joked. “It got a bit of a makeover,” she smiled.

“Hey, just because you don't have any taste in music, that's not my problem,” I replied in jest.

Lanie smiled at my joke and I melted. What a gorgeous smile. Wow. A guy goes away for a couple of years and his step-sister grows into a fox. I'd been looking forward to this trip home for some time. Now I was really looking forward to my stay, regardless of what room I might be in.

My dad and Marilyn eventually headed up to bed and Lanie and I stayed downstairs to talk. Lanie caught me up on school and her first couple years of college. She was really excited to see all her buddies from home and I suspected she would be coming and going a lot in the next few days. She asked about my work in Austin and what it was like living down in Texas. I'd been there since grad school and had settled right into the culture of the city and an excellent job.

All the time we were talking I was subtly checking out Lanie's body. I remembered her being somewhat attractive when she was in high school. But nothing had prepared me for how hot my young step-sister had become. Her jeans were like a second skin and her long legs and tight round ass were world class. She was a flirt too, and even though we thought of one another as brother and sister, the truth was we weren't really related in any way. I thought how I shouldn't be looking at her and thinking the things that I was. But, I was having a hard time keeping my eyes from scanning the length of her curvy frame.

The next few days were a wonderful mix of catching up with my father and old friends in town and flirting with Lanie. She had that deadly combo of innocent looks and a devilish mind. We had a great rapport and the nine year age difference felt like nothing to me. We were constantly making eye contact and causing the other to grin at some silly joke or move. She had a wicked sense of humor, yet she had a good mind as well. In fact, that, more than anything, was what I found so attractive about her. We just had this connection that was undeniable. It wasn't really a family thing because we were not related by blood, nor had we ever really lived in the same house. But, there was something there and I have to admit, I found her intoxicating.

And, most importantly, I sensed that she felt the same way. We both had our own agendas while we were home: she was off seeing her old friends, as was I. But when we were in the house, we were tuned into one another, and if we weren't joking with one another, we were having a serious conversation about some current event or timely topic. I was becoming enraptured with this young lady and it felt like the feeling was mutual.

She was never dressed provocatively, but had the kind of body that was impossible to hide. And she showed it off, nevertheless, in subtle ways. If she wore tight clothing it accentuated the supple curves of her figure. When she wore something looser, it was cut just enough to provide a provocative peek into her delicious cleavage or show off her long lean thighs. She never wore anything overtly sexy, but she didn't need to.

Now, I'm not exactly a slouch myself. I may be a few months from entering my thirties, but good genes and an active lifestyle have allowed me to keep the slender profile I was born with. I didn't tower over Lanie at six feet, but I loved thinking that a good pair of heels would bring us onto an almost even playing field. My brown locks were lighter than Lanie's and I needed to visit a barber soon. But it was getting so I didn't want to miss any opportunity to be around Lanie. Who knew when I might see her again?

Our cat and mouse game continued through the Christmas week. Light touches and sexy giggles became the norm. One evening when I was on cooking duty, she leaned up against me to see what I was doing and I felt the generous flesh of a big soft boob press against my elbow. Another time she leaned over in front of me in a loose sweater and I saw the soft round globes of her luscious breasts bulging out of a low cut black bra. Again, there was never anything overt or overstated. Our flirtations were under cover and masked in subtlety.

Two incidents from that trip home still resonate strongly with me. The first incident was accidental and momentary, but will be a visual memory that will stay with me forever. Lanie and I were sharing a bathroom and one evening after I'd been reading in bed for a bit, I got up to go to the bathroom. The light was on and the door was ajar, so I assumed it was empty. I pushed the door open and there stood Lanie, brushing her teeth. She was wearing a tight pink top that was low cut and embraced and accentuated her luscious cleavage. She stopped as she turned to look at me with the toothbrush still in her mouth. As we stared at one another over those brief few seconds, a dollop of toothpaste spittle dropped from her lips onto the bulging upper slopes of her breasts. She didn't turn away and didn't smile. She just looked at me.

I was embarrassed and enthralled at the same time. She looked so innocent, but so fucking sexy. My eyes went from hers, to her mouth, to her breasts where they stayed for a moment too long. I finally muttered some kind of apology and backed out and closed the door. The sight of that white foamy saliva dropping onto her bosomy flesh is an image engrained in my brain for all time.

The other incident occurred the next night on Christmas Eve. My father and step-mother had gone off to bed. Lanie and I sat by the tree, admiring the lights and talking about Christmas and our memories from childhood. It was a sweet conversation, but a short one, as we both headed to bed before it got too late. A quick and unexpected kiss on the lips and a sexy smile sent me on my way. I was just about to fall asleep when I was stirred by some sort of weird sound. I thought I heard a buzzing of some sort and awoke enough to give a careful listen. As I listened intently I detected a soft whimper from next door and realized that my next door neighbor was playing with a vibrator.

My room was pitch dark so my senses were on high alert as I was suddenly wide awake and turned on by the very notion that Lanie was pleasuring herself only a few feet away from where I slept. I knew our beds shared the same wall, so I strained to listen and tried to figure out what she was doing.

The low whine of the vibrator sounded like it was somewhat muffled; like it was tucked tightly between her legs. And her soft moans were obviously being stifled by a pillow, as they sounded muted and plaintive. I was suddenly and completely aroused and my hand went down to gently stroke my cock as I listened intently. I wondered what she was fantasizing about and secretly hoped it was me.

I knew I was going to come, so I timed my release the best I could to be in sync with Lanie's. Even through the wall I could detect the final crescendo of her arousal and a deep muffled groan and a shake or two of the bed against the wall were all I needed to release myself. I shot a huge load all over the sheets and bedspread as I collapsed into a deep slumber.

I looked at Lanie a little differently on Christmas Day. She was perky and almost a bit preppy that morning. But I knew she'd been masturbating to beat the band only hours earlier. I had a new appreciation for the depth of my young step-sister's sexuality. And I wanted to find out more.

It was at lunch on Christmas Day that my father informed us that he and Marilyn were going to go visit my Uncle Chester up in the Hudson Valley the next afternoon and that they'd stay up there for the night and return early the following day. Lanie and I were welcome to come if we wanted, but he'd understand if we wanted to stay behind. Lanie and I looked at one another like co-conspirators. We smiled at each other and both knew what the other was thinking.

“Thanks, Dad, but I think I'll hang. I still haven't seen Jeff or Phil and I know they're in town tonight. Tell Uncle Chester I said hello, though. Okay?”

Dad turned his gaze to Lanie.

“Yeah, me too, Frank. I'm going to be heading north to ski in a few days and think I'll take a pass and lay low. Hope that's okay.”

“Sure. I'm kinda springing it on you anyway. Well, keep the home fires burning for us. We'll head out tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure there will be plenty of leftovers, so you're not likely to starve,” he joked. Lanie caught my gaze and winked. I felt a little shiver run down my spine.

That night our house was descended upon by every relative within a 50 mile radius and the small downstairs was overflowing with good cheer. I was able to visit with relatives that I hadn't seen in some time and it was one of those loud boisterous family parties that just went on for hours as long lost relatives, neighbors and friends kept arriving. I was a bit sad that Jennifer hadn't made it home for the festivities, but I was also secretly happy that her absence allowed me to hang more with Lanie. The thought of tomorrow was never far from my mind.

As the party began to wind down, I found myself leaning against the counter in the kitchen when Lanie walked in. She was wearing a festive red dress that hugged her body in all the right places and showcased her lovely physique for all to see. She gave me a knowing smile and sidled up next to me.

“So, bro. What should we do tomorrow night?” She took a sip of her beer and eyed me with a mischievous look in her eye.

“Well, we could hit a few clubs. Go hear some music. Maybe even go into the city. What are you interested in?” I queried.

“Hmm. I was thinking…” she started to say as she let her thought trail off and turned to me with a wicked smile. “How about we just stay in?” she suggested. “We could watch a movie or two, make a fire, sit by the tree, relax. You know, just hang out. It could be a slumber party,” she said as she clapped her hands in excitement. I smiled at her suggestion and didn't want to appear too eager to agree with her idea.

“You sure you don't want to have a wild party while Dad and Marilyn are away?” I replied, knowing what her answer would be.

“Nope. Tonight is enough company for me. Let's just hang tomorrow night and maybe have too much to drink,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

“Okay, sis. You're on. I've got a bunch of movies on my laptop. We can talk more tomorrow. We should get back to our guests.” And we did so, but now both of us were charged up about the potential for a private pajama party the next evening.

I slept like a bear that night. I don't think even vibrations emanating from the next room were going to keep me up after a long Christmas Day. I awoke the next morning and went for a run, then spent the remainder of the morning and early afternoon doing a few errands and visiting a friend or two I hadn't seen yet. I returned to the house around 4:30, just as Frank and Marilyn were packing the car and getting ready to go.

“So, there are plenty of leftovers for you two and more than enough beers left in the fridge. Have a good time, keep safe, and we'll see you mid-day tomorrow,” said Marilyn, waving as she got in the car and closed the door.

Lanie had been inside and came outside to join me on the porch as we waved good-bye to the departing Jeep. She was wearing skin tight jeans and a tight pink cashmere sweater that she'd just gotten for Christmas. It hugged her bust in a way that made it quite clear that this young lady was naturally stacked. Once the car was out of sight I just stood there looking at her breasts, wondering what she'd look like naked. She turned suddenly, saw me eyeing her profile, and smiled.

“You like the sweater Mom gave me?” she asked innocently enough, but with a wicked smile.

“I do, indeed. It fits you very well,” I replied.

She put her hands behind her back in a sort of innocent pose, pushed up on her toes and back down again. As her heels hit the floor her boobs jiggled in the most impossibly provocative way. I made no bones about where I was looking and she didn't seem to mind. In fact, I was quite sure the little bouncing performance was completely for my benefit. My eyes moved back to hers.

“In fact,” I added, “it may be my most favorite sweater of all time.”

She giggled provocatively and suggested we head inside. As she started prepping dinner, I made us each a drink with bourbon, figuring we'd start with a little buzz before returning to beer. I made a nice fire and turned on the Christmas tree lights. We turned on some non-Christmas music and drank and danced as we heated leftovers. We had a veritable feast and were both heartily enjoying our party for two. I would have gone anywhere she had wanted to go on this night, but I was very happy she'd chosen a night at home. The fire was cranking and things were heating up in more ways than one.

As we finished up Lanie asked to look at the list of movies and I brought them up on my laptop. She chose one that we could watch and then said she was going to get comfortable for movie time and change into her jammies. She suggested I do the same.

“Hmm, well, I don't really wear pajamas,” I replied.

“Well, what do you wear, then?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “I sleep naked.”

“I see,” she said with sly smile.

“Why? What do you wear? I asked a little overanxiously.

“I guess you'll just have to wait and see, bro. Why don't you get the laptop connected up to the TV? I'll be right back,” she promised, as she headed upstairs.

I cleaned up the kitchen a little and then got the laptop connected up with the television and dialed up the movie she wanted. It was a light romantic comedy, but I figured it would end up being background after a while. I was just settling into the big leather sofa when she came back down from upstairs. I stared in awe.

She was wearing a tight little black top with spaghetti straps and skin tight shorts, almost like boy shorts, that were deep pink with big black polka dots. It was casual, but sexy as hell. Her breasts were barely contained in the top and the shorts fit her like a second skin, highlighting the perfect curvature of her sinfully round butt. I stared as she moved about the room, seemingly oblivious to me, as she gathered up a few things, including her glasses and a big comforter. I marveled at the way her braless breasts bounced tightly under her sexy black top.

“Those are jammies?” I asked in disbelief.

“They are, indeed. Some of us wear them,” she pronounced.

She finally settled down on the couch next to me and smiled.

“Showtime?” she asked.

“I don't know. Showtime already started as far as I'm concerned,” I said, as I took in this lovely creature settling in next to me for a movie.

“Well, that's because only one of us is dressed in the spirit of a pajama party. Others of us are curmudgeons,” she teased.

I got up to throw another log on the fire and started the movie. I dimmed the lights and sat down again next to Lanie, but just a little closer this time.

We were only a few minutes into the movie when she asked if I'd like some of the comforter. I couldn't pass up a suggestion like that, so I agreed and she threw half of the blanket over my body. In doing so she turned toward me and kind of cuddled up. I could feel those wonderful soft breasts pressed against my upper arm and just froze, hoping she wouldn't move away.

As the movie progressed we got more warm and comfortable under the comforter. There was something about being covered up that allowed for a closer connection. I couldn't describe why that was, but it seemed like we were a little freer about touching once we were both under cover, so to speak. Perhaps it was the feeling that you're hidden from the outside world. But, whatever the case, Lanie liked cuddling and I wasn't going to dissuade her in any way. At one point she moved her leg up onto mine a little bit. She was close enough that I could detect her subtle scent and hear her breathe.

Suddenly she pulled the comforter off of me.

“Okay, Mister. This isn't working. You have way too many clothes on and your jeans feel rough against my legs,” she stated emphatically. “Stand up for a minute,” she demanded.

I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but I complied with her wishes. I stood in front of her as she threw the comforter aside and sat up in front of me. Without any hesitation she grabbed my belt buckle and began to undo my belt. I looked down into the deep delicious cleavage allowed by my angle from above and her skimpy top and felt a rush of arousal snake through my body.

“These are coming off, mister. I hope you don't mind,” she stated for the record.

I didn't mind, but I'm not sure I could have put up much of a fight even if I had. She wasn't doing this in a particularly sexy way; she just wanted me out of my pants and was determined to make that happen. She unzipped the fly, grabbed the waistband of my jeans and pulled down. I could tell it wasn't the first time she'd removed a pair of jeans.

I was wearing a tight pair of light gray boxer briefs that were one of my favorites. They were super comfortable, but I also loved the way they collected my cock and balls into a tight round contained package. This fact was not lost on Lanie as I saw her eye the considerable bulge tucked neatly away beneath the smooth stretchy fiber of my underwear. I wasn't hard by any stretch, but I was beginning to get somewhat aroused. I stepped out of my jeans and she tossed them unceremoniously to the side.

“There. Is that better?” she asked as she scooted back to where she'd been under the comforter. I saw her eyes wander down and ogle my package with a lusty grin. She held up my side so I could settle in next to her.

“Much,” I agreed. This time as she cuddled up next to me again, I put my arm over her head and around her far shoulder and arm. This allowed her to snuggle much closer as she slid her leg up on mine again, her head resting on my chest. Now we were skin on skin and much closer than before.

“Mmmm,” she cooed. “I love to cuddle.”

“I can see that. Cuddle all you want, Lanie. I'm at your service.” I was now wearing only my briefs and a tight white tee shirt. We went back to watching the movie, but now I was very aware of a couple things.

First, my right arm had a lot more freedom of movement now and I could touch her side, her hips, her arms and her shoulder. I could even touch her hair. And I did all of that as we lay there. I loved feeling the tautness of her fine body underneath the little top she was wearing. She felt so warm snuggled up against me.

The second thing I was aware of was her touching me. She moved her right hand all over my chest. She started out with just a little exploration, but as we continued to watch the movie, her hand began to wander far and wide.

“Mmm, you're in good shape, Michael. Tight abs there, bro. Do you work out?” she inquired softly.

“There's a gym in our office complex. So, yes. I spend a fair amount of time there,” I responded.

“Well, it shows.”

Her hand slid down to my hips and she touched my briefs.

“These feel silky smooth. I like touching them,” she stated as she slid her hand along my side from the waistband to the bottom at mid-thigh, only inches from my now hardening shaft. Her soft touch was beginning to arouse me and I was starting to hope she'd keep exploring and eventually touch the growing bulge in my underwear.

“Isn't this more comfortable than those stuffy old jeans?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I agreed. “I think I'm becoming a cuddle convert.”

“Good,” she replied. “Nothing like being under a warm comforter with a nice fire and a sexy man.”

“For you, maybe. I'd rather be under the comforter with my sexy step-sister,” I joked. She laughed in return and gave me a squeeze.

Her top had ridden up a bit given her position, so my right hand began to explore the exposed flesh of her side and tummy as we both pretended to watch the screen. But, the truth was we were both getting preoccupied by the other's touch. I could have easily reached around to cradle the fullness of her right breast, but I resisted being too forward until the time was right. But that time felt like it was approaching rapidly. Even now I was beginning to graze the soft swell of her right boob as my hand wandered up and down her side. I was dying to feel the weight and fleshiness of her bosom.

“Yeah, this cuddling stuff is alright. Long live pajama parties!” I cheered.

“See? I told you so. Glad you're enjoying yourself, Michael. This is a nice way to spend the holidays.”

Her touching was getting to me now. Her fingertips were lightly grazing up and down my body, but avoiding my hardening cock and I was now aching for her to touch me there. I encouraged her with my own touch and nuzzling my lips in her hair. I knew she was going to get there eventually, but she knew how to tease and work slowly; that was for sure.



“I want you to touch me,” I whispered.

“I am touching you,” she replied, tongue in cheek. I couldn't play this game anymore. I needed her to touch my cock.

“I want you to touch me everywhere,” I stated for the record.

“Mmm. I don't know, Michael. Should I?” She was a merciless tease as her hand came closer and closer, just grazing the edge of my thickened member. “Where is it that you want me to touch you, bro? Tell your little sister.”

“My cock, Lanie. I want you to touch it,” I pleaded.

With a touch as light as a feather she began to outline the edge of the fully formed bulge in my briefs. I was rock hard now and my erection was angled off at a forty five degree angle.

“Here?” she asked innocently.

“Yesss,” I replied.

She was touching me now, finally, but with a feathery grip so light that I ached for more. Slowly, very slowly, she became more aggressive. Her palm cupped my balls and squeezed lightly before her fingers dragged up the length of my brief encased erection.

“Oh my, Michael. You're a big boy. And you're very hard, baby.”

I felt I had license to touch her now and my hand scooped around and cupped the softest boob I had ever had in my hand. My fingertips quickly found her distended nipple and now both of us were aching for more. Her reaction to my breast massage was a clear indication that she was beginning to enjoy this manual exploration as much as I was. I felt her give my dick a hard squeeze as she began to rub her palm up and down my length.

“Mmm, you're so hard, Michael. Who knew my step-bro was so big and thick,” she gasped. “I like thick.”

Suddenly she threw the comforter back, sat up and swung a leg over my body. She pulled the comforter over her shoulders, covering us in a sort of tent, and straddled my lap. I felt her sit down on my cock and she reached down to straighten me out so I was straight up and down. She ground her pussy down on my rearranged cock and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“I want you to touch me too, Michael.” As she said this she let go of the blanket and let it fall away. As she looked at me she grabbed the bottom of her tight top and began to pull it up. As the full bottoms of her breasts came into view, she stopped for effect. I was mesmerized and she was playing me for all she was worth. She jiggled them slightly and giggled. And then, with an upward flourish, she pulled her top up and released her breasts.

They flopped down with a fleshy bounce and I was suddenly face to face with the most beautiful pair of tits I had ever seen. They were full and round and swayed as she moved into position, hovering above me. She pulled the top up over her head and threw it aside, her breasts shimmying with each movement.

“Oh, my God, Lanie. I've been dreaming of what your tits would look like. They're…” I was at a loss for words. “They're beautiful,” I whispered as I cradled their fleshy softness in the palms of my hands.

Her breasts were certainly a solid D cup and hung provocatively from her torso. Her nipples were on the large side for such a slender girl and very smooth and pink. Her tips were visibly distended and looked like they were aching to be sucked. But, more than anything, it was the way her breasts hung and jiggled with each movement that had me totally transfixed.

I was half laying down on the sofa, my head propped against the back cushion and my feet firmly planted on the floor. Lanie knelt above me and sat down on my cock, snuggling down onto my length. I could feel the heat and wetness of her pussy as she ground down on me. She leaned forward so we were face to face, her lips inches from mine. I felt so close to her at that moment.

“I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you standing in the kitchen the other night,” she whispered.

“What's stopping you, then?” I replied. She smiled.

“Nothing.” She leaned down and our mouths met in the gentlest kiss possible, our lips barely touching. At the same time it was like we'd plugged into some kind of underground electrical pulse. As our kiss slowly increased in intensity, I felt her begin to grind her pussy ever so subtly against my raging erection. Her tongue came out to greet mine and our kissing began to gain speed like a runaway train. We turned our heads ninety degrees so our mouths meshed perfectly. We were both starting to breathe heavily now and our bodies rocked together, though still separated by her shorts and my briefs.

She pulled away from the kiss, still straddling me, and sat up straight. Her magnificent breasts were once more there for the taking, protruding so perfectly from her slender frame. Her tits curved seductively and her large nipples sat high on her upturned breasts. I was in heaven. She cupped them gently and bounced them up and down a few times. They were too big to be cradled by her small slender hands. I moaned my appreciation and she giggled in response. She let them go and leaned forward so they dangled right in front of me.

My hands reached up to fondle and squeeze the beautiful orbs that jiggled and hovered above me. I cradled her flesh and pinched her nipples, eliciting a whimper of arousal from my incredible step-sister. She continued to grind down on me and started to move back and forth, almost sliding along my flattened shaft.

“God, Lanie. You have the most beautiful tits. They're incredible,” I gushed as I gazed in awe at her lovely breasts. I couldn't stop touching and feeling them; their softness and pliancy defied description. She was offering them to me and they were mine to play with on this wonderful evening.

“Lord, the guys at school must love these,” I opined.

She smiled. “I haven't had any complaints that I can think of,” she joked. “They're very sensitive,” she said as I continued to play with them. I was alternating between feeling and fondling the soft fullness of her breasts with grazing and pinching her distended nipples. She clearly delighted in the attention. I loved slapping them ever so softly and watching them sway back and forth. She moaned her approval.

“Merry Christmas,” she giggled.

“Best present EVER,” I replied.

“Oh I've got a few more for you,” she said.

“More tits? My God. Where?” I asked incredulously.

“No silly. More presents.”

“Mmm, when do I get them?

“Soon,” she replied, as she leaned forward, pulling up on her knees a bit and dangled her left breast inches from my mouth. She was offering me a taste and I partook. I stuck my tongue out and twirled it around her stiffened nipple. I pursed my lips and sucked it into my mouth, eliciting a low groan of appreciation and another round of grinding at our lower connection.

This new position allowed my hands a little more leeway as I reached behind to clasp her ass. I was not going to be able to get enough of this young woman or her body. My hands wandered everywhere – along her back, down the outside of her thighs, under the waistband of her shorty shorts to cup the upper slopes of her bubbly little butt. She offered me one breast, then the other, to suckle and lick and kiss. I was in a very happy place.

I was finally emboldened and turned on enough to reach down between her legs and gently cup the generous gap between her legs. Her shorts were completely soaked with hot juices and she gasped as she pulled her tit away from my mouth and closed her eyes. I squeezed what felt like very fleshy lips, still covered by a thin silky material.

Lanie suddenly got an evil grin, the first of many, and disengaged from our embrace.

“Time for another present,” she cooed as she dismounted and kneeled between my spread legs. She began to drag her hanging breasts along my throbbing dick. She cupped her tit and directed the right nipple to rub along the length of my brief clad erection. She rubbed up and down a few times before palming the throbbing bulge in my briefs with the gentlest touch.

“Ohh,” she exclaimed, rubbing the length of my shaft. “Is this a present for me?”

“Yup,” I replied. “Just waiting to get unwrapped. Brought it all the way from Austin.”

She smiled, but seemed to be in no hurry to unveil the rigid flesh barely encased in my briefs. Instead she continued to squeeze my package and slide her slender hand along the thick unmistakable bulge of my cock. I was coming to see that this girl was a tease of the first order. Finally, flashing that evil grin once again, she grasped the waistband of my tight boxer briefs and began to pull them down. The head of my throbbing cock emerged, followed by the tight sac of my balls. My cock, finally unleashed, bobbled skyward as she pulled my underwear down and off my legs.

“Oh my. What do we have here?” she asked, obviously delighted by the thick wavering erection towering before her. “Merry Christmas to me!” she exclaimed. I was so fucking hard and so very turned on. I wanted her to grab me and suck, but she had other ideas. She quickly tied up her long hair so it wouldn't get in the way of the action or the view.

For a minute or two, but what felt like an hour, she just moved her hands up and down my thighs, over my stomach, anywhere but my cock. She swooped in like she was going to take it in her mouth, only to veer away at the last minute and kiss just the tip. She gently cradled my ball sac as she looked up into my eyes and smiled.

“You are a delicious tease,” I said. She smiled at what I knew she took as a compliment.

“Mmm, I knew you'd have a nice cock, Michael. It's beautiful,” she whispered. “There must be some very happy ladies in Austin.”

“A few,” was all I could respond. I couldn't speak, quite honestly. I was dumbstruck watching and waiting for her to engage. She grabbed me at the root and guided the tip to her pursed lips; planting a gentle kiss on the frenulum as she smiled up at me with those big brown eyes. Then she began what had to be the most agonizingly wonderful combo blowjob and handjob I had ever received. She was in no hurry and was going to take her sweet time. I decided to relax and enjoy this wonderful moment.

“There's a word for what you're doing, you know,” I said quietly.

“Yes, I know,” she replied as she licked my length slowly, never taking her eyes of mine. “Edging, I believe,” she added. She swooped over the top, went down a few inches, bobbed up and down several times with a juicy mouth, then let me pop out of her mouth while looking intently at me with pouty empty lips.

“God, Lanie. Where did you learn…”? I was cut off as she went low and began to lick my balls while slowly, impossibly slowly, jerking the top two inches with an encircled thumb and forefinger. She paused to answer, matter-of-factly.

“Senior year. My high school boyfriend. We were both virgins and were going to wait for Senior Prom night to have full blown sex, which we did in a hotel room in New York after the prom.” She casually stroked me up and down as she relayed her story. “But all spring we concentrated on doing everything but. And we both learned how to take our time and enjoy touching and oral. And so…”

“You're magnificent, Lanie,” I stated honestly. It was true. She was. “God bless your high school boyfriend,” I grunted, barely able to form a sentence.

“I want you to come for me, Michael. I want to watch you and taste you,” she said in this sexy voice as she returned to touching and kissing and sucking my cock. I was in a total and utter state of arousal. I felt completely relaxed, but also on the edge of my seat, literally. “Come for me, bro,” she said.

So, I lay back and let her have her way with me. What lovely torture! I watched as she sucked my balls while stroking me, then switched it up and massaged both testicles while sucking me as gently and solidly as any woman ever had. And slowly and surely she kept increasing the pace, edging me toward climax. And once she knew I was closing in, as she felt my body tensing and my breathing get erratic, she pursed her lips on my frenulum and began an up and down motion with her lips and tongue. All the while she stared into my eyes, her slender manicured fingers gently wrapped around the base of my shaft. It was the most natural erotic thing in the world.

I began to twitch with delight and I lifted my ass off the couch to give her full access to my dick. I was edging toward explosion and she knew it. She was in complete control. Between the licking sounds and her little whimpers of delight, I was inching toward a massive climax.

“Oh fuck, Lanie. That's it – right there, don't stop! God damn, baby…ahh, sis,” I shouted as I felt my body tense and my cock start to erupt.

The first spurt was a precursor; the second exploded up into the air, ropes of cum landing all over my chest as the even stronger third spurt erupted like a volcano. I managed a few aftershocks that added to the mess all over my body as Lanie never stopped her intense licking. As my spasms subsided she took my cock in her mouth and cleaned up any excess cum. Then she proceeded to kiss my stomach and chest, licking up every drop of my semen.

“Mmm, nice orgasm, bro. That was a lot of cum,” she observed, as she returned to gently touching and licking my somewhat flaccid cock. “And such a nice cock, too. I love it.”

“Well, you've had me going all week long,” I said. Then I threw something out to gauge her reaction. “Especially after listening to you the other night.”

“The other night?” she asked, furrowing her brow. “What do you mean?”

“The walls are thin, Lanie. What kind of vibrator were you using anyway?” I asked with a smile.

“You're fresh,” she said with a light slap to my head. “Himm, I was trying to be quiet too. Oh, well,” she shrugged. “Oh, that's just my little traveling buddy, a little pocket rocket,” she added. “I love it.”

“I could tell. Tell you what, I'm going to change up the music and add a log to the fire. Why don't you go get your little toy and bring it downstairs? I'd love to use it on you.” I stood, my semi-flaccid cock dangling thickly.

“You would? Geez, I've never had a guy interested in doing that,” she stated somewhat confused. She stood and I gazed at the perfection of her almost naked body.

“Well, I had a girlfriend a year or so ago that loved her toys and I learned to love using them on her. So, scoot,” I said with a little slap to her cute little ass. “Oh, but we have to get rid of these first,” I said grabbing her shorts. She stood facing away from me as I slid the tight little shorts down off her ass, tucking them under her bubble shaped cheeks. God, she had the roundest little butt. I lightly spanked her cheeks, admiring their soft tightness, then pulled her shorts down and off. She was now naked and facing toward the couch.

“Bend over,” I instructed. She did as I asked, slightly spreading her legs as she placed her hands on the sofa cushion. I knelt behind her and spread her gorgeous cheeks. Her pussy and asshole peaked out at me and I ravaged them both with my tongue. I sucked and licked and probed with a pointed tongue and Lanie wiggled from the assault. I'd just had a small teasing appetizer and knew the main course would come later – and would be delicious.

“Damn, you're a naughty big brother,” she admonished as she pulled away and headed for the stairs. I watched the tight jiggle of her ass cheeks as she retreated, then tended to my duties. She returned a few minutes later with a tiny vibrator in her hand. Her tits bounced so free and loose as she returned to the sofa. As I poked the fire I told her to scooch down to the inside corner of the L-shaped couch.

I finished up and came walking back toward her, by cock swaying loosely as I walked. I saw Lanie watching me dangle. I sat down on the corner of the coffee table, facing Lanie; my legs spread and my cock hanging thick and full between my thighs. Lanie eyed me hungrily.

“Sit back and spread your legs, sis. I want to see you,” I instructed. I think she liked being told what to do, so she reclined into the corner of the couch with a smile. She spread her long slender thighs and placed a foot on the edge of each cushion, opening her sex wide to me.

“I want to look at you, Lanie. Show me,” I said.

She put her hands on her thighs and framed her glorious pussy. Her outer labia were two thick ridges of smooth hairless flesh, framing a pair of pale pink inner lips that were slightly splayed and barely hiding the cutest little button of a clit. She pulled the glistening pink skin slightly, opening herself up to me. I could see she was enjoying being on display and was not embarrassed in the slightest to be showing off her juicy cunt for my enjoyment.

“Here's your other Christmas present, Michael. But you're going to have to come and get it,” she chided.

“Oh, I intend to, Lanie. But I'm enjoying looking at you. You have an amazingly beautiful body, sis. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“A few people, yes,” she whispered, as she pulled on her lips and opened the depth of her hole. Her spread thighs were framing one of the most beautiful views I had ever witnessed. Her hole glistened with arousal and a bit of creamy juice had even dripped down into the tight light brown sphincter of her asshole. She looked incredibly edible, and I fully intended to taste her in good time. But watching her, for the moment, was a huge turn-on.

She touched her pussy as she watched me watch her. Any modicum of modesty was long gone as she spread her lips and opened her holes to my gaze. She rubbed her clit languidly and looked at me with lowered lids. Her pussy was gorgeous and she knew it. She curved her middle and ring finger together and stuck them far into her vagina, extracting them slowly, showing me that they were wet, then bringing them up to her mouth to taste herself. She looked into my eyes, then down at my dangling balls and shaft, hanging full and ready to re-engage.

“Mmm,” she moaned under her breath. God, I needed to taste this girl.

I took the few steps to the couch and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“I want to taste that sweet pussy, Lanie. I want you to come in my mouth,” I suggested.

“You know where it is,” she whispered in return.

I worked my way south, nibbling under her ear and along her neck before licking my way over her breasts, pausing briefly to suck each nipple. I descended further, taking my time as I wended my way down over the taut curves of her belly. Her hip bones were delicate protrusions, adding to the allure of her flat stomach and accentuating the glorious rise of her hairless mons. I could feel her lift her hips; giving me access; inviting me home.

I pulled back to just take in the glorious beauty of her delicate pink pussy. Her wide spread labia framed the most beautiful inner lips imaginable. Her pink hood was allowing the pearl of her clit to poke out ever so slightly. Her lips cascaded down either side, splaying open in furled ridges of succulence. It was such a tasty sight to behold.

Two of her fingers formed a vee and gently pulled her lips apart, displaying the deep intoxicating tunnel of her sex. I blew on her lips and then leaned to each side to softly kiss her inner thighs. If she could take her time, I could take mine too. And I was enjoying this display of womanly flesh far too much to rush things. I blew gently on her pussy and told her how beautiful she was. She responded by smiling and sliding two fingers back into her juicy hole. She held forth her retracted fingers for me to taste. I obliged and took my time sucking her fingers.

But I needed to go to the source. No second hand pussy juice for me, thank you very much. I leaned down low and looked up into her sultry eyes with my lips barely an inch from her sex. I reached out my tongue, as my eyes locked on hers and, ever so gently, licked her clit with the very tip of my tongue. She squirmed with appreciation as she lifted her hips up further. My hands slipped below to cup her soft ass cheeks as I opened my mouth and French kissed her wide open cunt.

She gasped and ground her groin into my face as my tongue began to probe and explore her depths. I was noisy, moaning with delight and slurping on the mingling of saliva and female lubrication. God, she tasted good.

I pulled back, put one hand under each knee and pushed back. I knew she'd be flexible, and she was. I pushed her back so that her pussy and asshole were on complete and unfettered display. Her inner lips were distended with arousal and her entire pussy shone with the flow of her juices. Suddenly my mouth was everywhere – licking her juicy hole, sucking on her flared lips, probing deeply into her hot core. And I couldn't stop there. The tight sphincter of her puckered little asshole was too alluring to ignore. I buried my tongue as deep as it would go and began to tongue fuck her sweet little anus with gusto.

She hissed her approval through clenched teeth. “Oh, you dirty fucker, Michael. You're tongue fucking my ass, brother! Fuck, that feels amazing.”

I flashed back to watching Lanie walk in the house just a week ago – my innocent young step-sister. Now she was bent back over herself and I was tonguing her asshole and she was loving it. I can't say this is what I had expected on my visit home, but it surely was a pleasant surprise.

I reached back for the little pocket rocket she had left on the coffee table and turned it on. I returned to lick her ass and pussy and reached over her leg to guide the little vibrating cylinder directly over her clit. I needed to watch my handiwork at this point, so I replaced my tongue with two fingers and inserted them deep into her slippery hole as I slowly rolled the rocket back and forth over her clit. I curled my fingers upwards and found the forward walls of her smooth inner flesh. She was dripping and moaning as the little rocket buzzed.

Once I was dialed in I began to wiggle my fingers and move the vibrator ever so slowly, gauging her reaction and trying to find that perfect rhythm – just enough to tap into her own inner rhythm, but very conscious of not overdoing it. I could tell by the way her body reacted and her telltale moans that I had found just the right groove. I loved watching her clutch the cushions, her breasts shimmying as her body reacted strongly to the manual stimulation coupled with the buzzing bullet. She was chasing an orgasm and it was my full intention to get her there.

“Come for me, Lanie. Come for your bro,” I urged. Her eyes were shut tight and her mouth was open as she began to utter unintelligible moans of delight, urging me on. My fingers began to elicit that squelching sound that so often portends the juicy flow of a powerful orgasm. And as I talked softly to her, I felt her body tense and her hips rise up to meet me.

What a beautiful sight at that moment to see my step-sister in the moment before she let go. I could feel it coming and then with a shudder and guttural scream of delight, her entire body shook with a powerful climax that pulsed through every pore of her beautiful being. It was a rare pleasure to watch her orgasm at my hands. As I felt her throb through the final throes of pleasure, I pulled the rocket away from her groove, exposing the pink wet flower of her sex. Damn, she was fine.

I slowed my fingers to a crawl and then eased them out of her soaking wet cavern. I turned the rocket off and placed it on the coffee table before returning to my viewpoint between her long splayed legs. Her pussy glistened with the moist afterglow of a very juicy orgasm. Her inner thighs were painted with the evidence of her flow and I gazed at the open flower of her sexual core.

“Fuck, Michael,” she crooned. “Damn, bro. That was amazing.”

“Just repaying you for your lovely presents,” I replied. “There's more where that came from. That was just a stocking stuffer.”

“Mmm, speaking of being stuffed,” she said. Lanie pushed off the sofa and pulled me to the place where she'd been sitting. My cock was hanging heavy, but was primed for another round and she knew it. I layed back and my dick hung thick and ready as she lifted it and wrapped her slender fingers around the girth of my shaft. With lazy strokes, seductive eye contact and a swirling tongue, she slowly brought me back to full erection.

“Damn, Michael. This cock is so fine, baby. Your baby step-sister needs a ride.”

“I was going to put a bow on it for you, but since you already know what it is, I guess…”

“Yeah, let's skip the formalities,” she stated as she stroked me with an expert touch – not too soft and slow, not too hard and fast. She used a languid hand motion that soon had me hard as a rock again. She leaned over and took control. As her gorgeous full tits dangled below her torso, she looked me in the eyes and jerked my cock up and down. With each up stroke her hand hit her hanging left breast and it bounced and jiggled. This was pure visual seduction and it was working. I couldn't take my eyes off of what she was doing.

With little fanfare she stood, crawled up on the couch and straddled me. She reached down between her legs with a determined look and guided the head of my erection to her steamy hole. Her gorgeous tits were right in my face as I felt her let go and sink down just an inch.

“Mmm. I need my older step-bro's cock…inside me,” she whispered.

“It's all yours, baby,” I answered. “Merry Christmas!”

With that she let go, placed her hands on the back of the sofa and sank down on me. We both gasped together. It took her a few goes, but before long she was completely impaled on my throbbing erection and she began to bounce up and down with a desperate need. There was something so wrong about what we were doing. But, it felt so fucking right.

“Fuck, you're so big bro. It feels so good!” she seethed as she began to ride and fuck me with fervor. She wasn't kidding around. She was rising up until just the tip was grabbed by her slippery lips before slamming down hard and bottoming out. That lovely sound of wet flesh slapping against another began to permeate the room as she rode me like she'd never have cock again. She began to moan and each downward stroke elicited a deep grunt as the air was forced out of her body.

She grabbed my head with both hands and began to kiss me deeply as she switched to a back and forth grinding motion. Damn, what were they teaching the girls at college these days? She was fucking me with an abandon that I hadn't experienced all that many times. She was a natural. I alternated between playing with her heaving tits and grabbing her bottom to guide her up and down the pole she was riding. What a sight we must have made right at that moment. Wasn't it good that Frank and Marilyn were miles away right now and not a threat to walk in on their progeny fucking up a storm?

“You on the pill, baby sis?” I questioned.

“Yesss,” she hissed. “Cum inside me, Michael. Deep!” she urged.

I intended to comply, but it was time to switch it up. I needed to be more in control. I needed to be the one slamming it home. I grabbed her ass and threw her over on the couch.

“Ohhhh, my!” she cried. “Taking control, are we?”

I didn't answer. Or, I should say, I answered with my cock. She spread her legs wide, one on the sofa and one on the floor, as I plunged home in one sweet deep thrust.

“Awwww, fuck!” she screamed. I hooked my right elbow under her left knee to pull her up and open. Then I reared back and began to fuck my baby step-sister like this was the normal thing step siblings do to one another over the holidays. I propped myself into a perfect position where I knew she could feel every fucking inch as I pounded her into the couch – over and over again. My balls were tightly slapping against her ass as I found my rhythm and drove it home, which was, in fact, where I was.

“Yes, baby. Harder. Fuck! Deeper…yesss.” Lanie was on fire and taking every thrust and every inch like a pro. She may have only been a sophomore, but she fucked well beyond her years.

I pushed up on my arms and looked down as I thrust. There is nothing I love more than seeing my lover's tits bounce and shimmy from my fuck. Lanie's beautiful bust was shaking wildly in tight round circles as I fucked her. Her encouraging words just made me go faster…harder…deeper. And that is clearly just what she wanted. I wanted to cum inside her – fill her with my seed.

But not yet. One more stop. I pulled out and grabbed her legs and twisted. She knew exactly what I wanted and turned over willingly. She placed her head on the sofa and planted her knees on the sofa cushion, her ass high in the air, and waited for me to enter her from behind. For a moment I pondered exploring her ass. But we were in a rhythm and I figured I'd go down that road another time. Right now, I needed to be back in her pussy.

“Mmm, big bro gonna fuck me doggy?” she asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer..

“You know it,” was all I could say as I guided my hard wet cock to that lovely pink slice of love. I teased her with the tip, dipping it in and out and along her heavenly slit. Then, just as she was getting used to the peripheral tease, I grabbed her hips, reared back, and slammed into her as hard as I could. She was wet and willing and grunted her approval.

“Ahhhh, fuck. Michael. Yesss!!” What more encouragement does a man need? She felt so tight, but so well lubricated and ready. I pulled her ass to me and bottomed out, wiggling my hips to make the point. I circled my motion and felt my cock swirling deep inside her pussy. She felt it too.

I was looking down at the exquisite shape of her hips and ass, tapering down to the tiniest waist. It was a vision from heaven and I felt like I was encased in silken flesh. I stared down at her bottom as it jiggled with each deep thrust. She was on the receiving end now and loving every pump. Our rhythm picked up pace and pretty soon we were banging hard and as deep as I could go. My lower hips were slapping against her ass in a relentless rhythmic bang. She kept pushing back as if she couldn't get enough. This only inspired me to give her more and more.

At some point we reached that epic draw where two people are totally in sync and fucking with an abandon that can only be sustained long enough to reach release. We were rapidly approaching climax and we both knew it.

It wasn't the physical motion that drove us over the edge. It was the sights and smells and sounds of our sex that pushed us both to our second release. I'm not sure which of us screamed louder; not that it mattered. It was a cacophony of slapping skin, grinding grunts and pummeling flesh that brought us each to a synchronized and very powerful orgasm. Lanie was flowing like a river at this point and I emptied myself into her. That very moment of mutual release was, and always will be, the highlight of that Christmas visit home.

We collapsed, literally, on the leather sofa – both of us panting and groaning. Step siblings shouldn't return for the holidays and fuck like this! But we did. We had. And we would again.

That night was momentous on so many levels. Once we had exchanged fleshly gifts, there was no turning back. We fucked all night long – finally falling asleep in the wee hours up in her bedroom. A few hours of rest and we were back at it, knowing our parents would be home by the early afternoon. By the time they did arrive, the house was back in order and no one would have guessed that we had been fucking up a storm only hours earlier.

It was very difficult to say goodbye two days later. But life goes on and we both needed to get back to our daily lives and routines. As crazy as it had been, we both kept it in perspective. We were two people at very different points in our lives and we had taken advantage of a wonderful moment in time.

Lanie and I had crossed a line that we would cross two more times in the years to come. While those moments would be few and far between, we had established a private connection now that we took advantage of when we could. And even though we both went our separate ways after the holidays – she back to school and me back to Austin – we kept in touch in a very sexy way.

Our physical relationship ebbed some years later after we met respective mates. That made continuing our sibling connection impossible, and immoral, to be honest. But our times together before we both went our separate ways were absolutely mind-blowing. And that first connection – that first fuck over the holidays – alone in the house I grew up in – will forever – and ever – be emblazoned in my mind as one of those sexual memories that floats me to sleep at night.

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