Incest orgy of sex and swapping sisters & mothers

My name is honey. I am a widow of 36 Yrs. with 18 Yrs. son Som studying in 12th standard. and daughter Mou studying in class IX. It is the life story of my son and his friends. Let us hear from Som himself. I am Som. After joining in college I suddenly noticed that … Read more

Jack recalls 1st time and he and Divi go to an Orgy (Part-6)

After seeing Donna out, I returned to my kitchen and grabbed a beer and my e-reader and binoculars and retreated to my spot on the deck. I popped the beer tab and set the e-reader on the railing. I wasn’t all that interested in reading so I scanned the opposite shore with my binoculars looking … Read more

An Orgy develops and Jack and Donna go on a date (Part 5)

The next morning, I eased out of a deep sleep as the gray hues of dawn pushed away the total darkness. I became aware of my morning woody and reached under the covers to feel how hard it was. It was hard. The covers rose and fell as my hand took several full-length strokes. Priya … Read more

College roommate comes to visit and have a 4 way bi orgy

This story is how two couples seductively come together to become best friends and even better lovers. There is bisexual content between two women, two men, and both couples together. If you do not like to read stories that has same sex scenes then this story is not for you. “Bill, come here quick.” I … Read more

Hot incest summer: Chaperone daughter’s teen orgy

Hot incest summer: Chaperone daughter’s teen orgy Pt. 2 โ€“ The Day after. I awoke the next morning lying flat on my back, dreaming of the night before with daughter Julia and her best friend Hannah (See “Hot Summer Night”). As usual, my cock was hard with a morning woody. The very real dream probably … Read more

Indian incest: An orgy with Ritu

Indian incest: An orgy with Ritu, Pls read my story sequel for better understanding of the character and the story… My story involves my 3 sexy sisters and how I was able to full fill my much awaited fantasy of fucking them story continues… Next day was a working a day and Ritu got ready … Read more

Indian incest: An orgy with sisters

Pls read earlier parts for better understanding of the character and the story… My story continues… ***** For the first time I slept all nude and that too sandwiched between to naked sexy women. Whole night while turning my dick would pork into either Neha or Angelina ass, I slept keeping my nude legs all … Read more

Family orgy, house of family secrets

Family orgy, house of family secrets, family taboo… I can still remember how jealous I felt when my sister Lucy started going out with boys because I knew that one of them would eventually steal her away from me. It was Mark who stole her away. Mark was different from her other boyfriends. He was … Read more

Sexual Nirvana, An afternoon family orgy leads to total satisfaction

Sexual Nirvana, An afternoon family orgy leads to total satisfaction,ย Molly came back early from her part-time summer job on a Friday afternoon, thinking she would be alone for a while at home. But David was already there watching some kind of Xtreme games in the living room in his short. As always she was happy … Read more

Ian and Sally have bisexual family orgy

Ian and Sally have bisexual family orgy…ย Sally entered her son, Pete’s, bedroom without bothering to knock, to be greeted by the sight of him naked on the bed, legs splayed and his seven inch cock pointing straight up into the air, left hand massaging his balls and his right hand slowly stroking up and down … Read more

Get married and have an orgy at their house, The Wedding of Jane and Tony

Jane and I had settled back into our normal life after our vacation in Europe. It was nice to be home since we had spent the bulk of the summer travelling. As you may recall, I proposed to Jane while we were in Sweden, so the bulk of Jane’s time was taken up with wedding … Read more

Poppy gets fucked by everyone, A Holiday Orgy

We were sharing a holiday villa with two couples and a pair of bachelors. Vicky and Ben were old friends from college and Lisa and Charles were friends of theirs. Mark and Adam were both worked with Charles. I had met Lisa and Charles before but Mark and Adam were new to us. The villa … Read more

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