Incest orgy of sex and swapping sisters & mothers

My name is honey. I am a widow of 36 Yrs. with 18 Yrs. son Som studying in 12th standard. and Mou studying in class IX. It is the life story of my son and his friends. Let us hear from Som himself.

I am Som. After joining in college I suddenly noticed that friendship grow up on likeness of mind and alike family background irrespective of caste and creed. My other two friends Ali and John is the greatest example of that.To tell about Ali his has given Talaq to his mom and his mom Zeenat being a bank Manager no financial problem with him and her daughter nafisa.

Now for John it is very sad as his father has left them and gone to his native land at . His mom Maria is a Professor in college and sister jen studying. My mom is also working in a high post of Housing Development Authority. Thus none of the three families have an financial problems.

We all three were sorrow for our moms as they always remain gloomy in the home due to absence of their better halves. Now we all three took the decision to build up our physique in the Gym and as per plan after six month of Gym we all grew up a lot and we are getting appreciation from our female members in the home. Now we promoted to class XII and one fine evening watched a porn movie involving sex between mom and son and we all three got a point to satisfy mom but who will approach first.
Among we three John was very daring and let us here from him what he has done in the night.

My name is John. In that night I told to my mom That I am feeling some uncanny and want to sleep with her and my mom suspected something foul but allowed me to sleep with her. I went to bed with a Bermuda only and mom with a see through nighty . My 37 Yrs. mom has a unique figure of 36-26-36 with protruding nipples and a black aerola on the melon breasts. Just after sleeping I notice that my cock has stood up hugely in my Bermuda and perhaps my mom has noticed but without saying anything she has slept.
Now after all the light is off. after half an hour I notice that the nighty of my mom has gone upto the breasts revealing the hairy cunt with juicy grapes of nipples.Her legs are apart giving full view of the cunt.

I first gave kiss of desire to both the nipples at first and noticed no movements from her and then gave a kiss to her pussy and sucked her clit and suddenly noticed that labia has opened a further more. now i got the courage to lick her cunt and after 10 minutes found something his coming out of her vagina making her pussy slippery. Also pre-cum is oozing out of my cock.

Now I started to rub my 11 inch cock against the cunt mouth and astonished to find that the labia is stretching and pussy mouth is opening slowly and slowly and my cock is also entering slowly and slowly as it is very much salivated with both of our mingled sex juices and to the most beauty when my belly has touched her belly suddenly with one ecstasy my mom crossed her leg behind me and now my cock has been locked in her snatch and she took my mouth for long kisses and now she is another woman. Let us hear from Maria

Son you are truly a great, remind me of your dad's cock and it was exactly this size. i am living with this dream of sex satisfaction and you have given me the same.Now she instructed me to pump her breasts and suck her nipples and rather from that day she not only became my regular but also my sex . but another thing I have to mention that apart from two there was another sex apprentice and I will describe it later.
After hearing all these experience of John Ali and myself wanted to take some drastic decision towards our mom but I am very much coward to take any bold decision and it was Ali who broke the curtain between her mom and himself.

Let us hear it from Ali itself.
In the evening Ali made her A.C in not working mode and told her mom to where to sleep in night with her or with his sister.Her mom gave him permission to sleep with her. In the night after all light is off. Ali and his mom sleeping side-wise face to face. Ali suddenly put his leg on her mom and her mom kept quite for 2 minutes and then turned and both the legs parted as a result the cock of ali rested on her mom's pussy but it was Ali's Lungi which was separating them.

Now to Ali's surprise he found that her mom's hand is at his Lungi's Knot and slight movement of Ali opened his lungi and he became total nude. Now Ali started to undress her mom and he noticed that she is helping him though she is sleeping.

Now Ali went for insertion of Cock In his mom's hairless pussy and in this juncture his mom got up and took her 10 inch cock in the mouth and instructed Ali to suck her cunt and after through moisturizing of cock her mom took a pillow under her buttock and legs apart , instructed Ali to fuck and suck nipples and pump breasts and Ali after discharging load on the cunt swallowed all the mingled juices and became sex apprentice of her mom from that day.

Now at last it was my turn to provoke my mom and I was lucky that day as my sister has gone to her friend's house for night staying . In the home in the evening I was only wearing my jockey and the Gym has given me enough strength and it is quite visible over the jockey the size of my cock and my mom is staring at that and She told me to sleep with her in the same bed.In the night I went to bed early and pretend to sleep.
After 20 minutes my mom entered the bed room and that is also full nude. and with no hesitation she opened my jockey and my 10and half inch pecker standing like bamboo-pole. My mom took the cock in her hand with back and forth movement of skin my pre-cum juice flowed and she totally sucked my cock and after that also adding some gel in my cock and in her CUNTshe started to conquer my cock.

After some movement of cock head over the pussy lip it opened and slowly and slowly the total cock vanished inside her snatch. Now like a cowgirl she started riding my cock and I also opened my eyes and started fondling her breast and sucking nipples and found some liquid is oozing out of her nipples . I admitted that without her courage it was impossible for me to fuck her and now she is my regular sex partner and got certificate better than dad and she also became my sex teacher.

Now we all three friends make a meeting to spice up our life.

It was very natural , something extra special sister swapping and very very rare mom swapping and planned to do that We som,John and Ali became the closest friends and more then blood relation that is sex relation friends. We all discussing how our fuck life with mom is progressing

John: Friends do you know that at first my mom told I am as good as my dad but now she is telling that I am much more better than dad but she can not engulf my full cock as it is touching her womb times and again so I also refrained from entering my whole cock inside her cunt.
Som: Exactly the same thing with me (I hide the fact that it is being compensated by the honey milk from my mom breast)
Ali : what i will say?
John: what do you mean?
Ali : Contrary to you two my conservative mom engulfing the whole cock and demanding more and I am getting tired with her to full fill her sex desire. I secretly call her Zena the sex Queen instead of Zeenat.

Som laughed inside his mind as he calls her mom as honeymilk

Now the thought of fucking friends mom arose at this juncture and we all are planning to take final decision by tomorrow evening.

By the next day John suddenly cancelled the plan and asked when we can fuck our mom then why we should not fuck our beloved sisters.
We all three friends agreed to the plan that we will fuck our sisters without hampering our mom's feelings.So we decided to take help of our mom for introduction of our sisters in the sex orgy family party.

It was again John who took the first step as their family was most extrovert family among three of us. John told to her mom Maria regarding fucking Jen. Jen was a apprentice as she has Taken all the theoretical lesson of sex through the peep hole in her mom's bed room and masturbate each times when she finds her brother cock inside her mom's pussy and she also heard the consultation of her senior sex partners about her introduction.

Next evening around 9'o clock during bed time Zen suddenly came out of her bed room in sexy front open see through nighty showing her pink pussy and huge breast. She is 36-26-36 and John was quite confident that her sister can engulf the cock as she is buxom then her mom.

Zen: Mom there is cock roach in my bed room and I am afraid of that . Where I will sleep today. with you or with brother.
Maria: with both of us
Zen: Pardon.
Maria: sorry . with me only.

Next Maria went to Zen's bed room and found no cock roach. So this is the fake story. Now she will see fuck story . the cock roach here means cock's approach towards her .
Now in Maria's bed room there was three nos. of pillows and Zen slept on the middle pillow with leg apart.

After half an hour Maria entered the bed room and she fully knew the intention of her daughter to be get fucked. She first took of the nighty from her fake sleep daughter. Now John entered the room fully nude. Maria first sucked her son's dick and applied jelly on the cock and now she started sucking of her daughter's pussy and pre cum juice started to flow within five minuted and then applied jelly in her cunt.

Now She told John to enter the cunt very slowly and slowly. John started with placing of his bulbous cock head on his sister vagina and now his mom took charge of his cock and slow movement of cock's head over the pussy lips resulted in opening of cunt lips and the entrance of cock gave a huge cry of pain from Zen's mouth but she is pretending fuck sleep. slowly and slowly the humongous cock has entered 8 inch around his sister's pussy and within 20 minutes there is enough sex water coming out of her sister's cunt pit making his cock more and more friction less.

Suddenly John thought about entering his full 11 inch cock and during this thrust his sister suddenly jumped and put her hand around the base of her brother's cock and beg excuse not to enter anymore otherwise her pussy will burst then she burst with cum load on John's pecker.

Now Maria swapped her sex place with daughter Zen and took John's cock inside and after 20 minutes of fucking they erupted at a time. John took out his mingled juice cock which was fully cleaned by Zen's mouth and now Zen and Maria go for69 position to clean and pussy and cunt juice.

Next day in their meeting John explained all the facts happened with her sister and mom. And He is still very sad as he disclosed that the depth of his sister's pussy is less than his mom. We also became very sorrow to hear that. Now it should be the term of Ali but being very conservative family, I took the step to introduce my sister mou in this sex act as I Knew my mom Always want more and more. may be there is secret relation between them behind me.

As I have already told that my sis is replica of my mom with 34-24-34 vital statistics.
Next I hold the courage to tell my mom for introduction of my sister mou in this sex act. Mom told today you leave next night I will arrange for your fucking to your sister and today you have to satisfy me fully without sucking my nipples and pumping my breasts.I was very happy as i am going to fuck my sis next day and told my mom is cunt sucking is allowed? she replied yes.

In the night around 10.30 I saw that light off in Mou's bed room and I entered my mom honey's bed room and she is ready in the same pink nighty showing her fully perfect nude body and I am obsessed with her figure. Now I stared to suck her pussy opening labia by two hands and around 15 minutes pre-cum juice stared flowing and I found the taste is some how different from other day and any how continue my sex journey by placing one pillow under her buttock as usual and rides my mom like a cow boy and started to stretch her pussy and today I am finding the cunt pressure is more than as usual , may be at the happiness of fucking sis next day.

Now when my cock has entered to the point of touching my mom's womb and I have a sudden thought to give vigorous fuck to displace her womb and gave push in the snatch and to my surprise my cock has entered to its base but nothing has has happened and suddenly the lady beneath me requested brother give me more and more and with astonishment i discharged in the pussy and in this moment my mom honey entered the room and ordered me to drink all the love mingle juices from my sister's cunt. Now my mom brought a dildo to satisfy herself with the help of my sister as this is their regular routine for last one year.

Next evening we all three friends met together and I discussed the fact that my mom and sis are lesbian and even my sis cunt has much more depth than my mom and I am unable to touch her womb. Now it is Ali, should proceed

Next day Ali was talking to Zena
Ali: Mom can I marry my uncle's daughter?
Zena: Yes
Ali:my sister Nafi?
Mom-NO. But you can fuck if you want.
Ali: Please mom all my two friends have fucked their sisters with the help of their mom. I am the last. Pl. Mom Help.
Mom: O.K

All their conversions were heard by nafi and she became extremely happy to learn that her will fuck to show the heaven pleasure as discussed by her friends.
In the night nafi came to Zena's bed room and told her mom see some thing is itching here and pointed her pussy.

Now Zena told open your legs apart widely and Nafi did the same. Now Zena applied her tongue inside her cunt for something and Nafi replied the itching is not soothing , now Zena applied fingers inside her pussy and actually fingering with first one finger than two fingers and pre-cum juice and Zena's tongue has moister the whole cunt . Now Nafi replied the itching is in much more inside and Zena fully understood the ointment to stop the itch. Now Zena told Nafi to take doggie position and she has some thing to sooth the pain.

In this moment Ali entered Tip Toe and Mom Zena ordered to enter the pussy from behind and Ali entered his cock inside his sister's cunt and Nafi making sex cry and telling itching is more inside and about after 25 minutes Nafi discharged her load on her brother's pecker.After removing the cock she took hold of the cock and made it much more harder to enter her mom's pussy.Ali after fucking his mom and discharging the sperm on sister's breasts put his cock in sister's mouth who licked to clean and his mom drank all the jism on her daughter's cunt and from breasts.

Next day when we met Ali told all his story regarding fucking mom and sisters together and did not forget to mention that he is unable to touch the womb of his sister like his mom.

World is round and small. In this small township of Guntur all our three sisters were reading in the same school and neither they knew about us nor we knew about them as we were called as brothers and they are as sisters among us.

They were also best friends and let us here about their sex gossip

Mou: I am doing lesbian with my mom for a year but the love of cock is different. the hammering of cock over the pussy took me to seventh heaven but my brother could not satisfy me as he could not touch my womb but he is touching mom's womb daily.
Nafi: My brother also fucked me doggie style and also fucked in every position but never able to touch my womb.

Zen:Do not tell about me I could not took the whole cock as it nis truly great.
Suddenly all three suggested to swap their brothers among them.
Mou: My mom has gone outside and your mom is also on education tour you can stay at my home to taste my brother's cock.

In the night two ladies entered son's bed room and fucked and som was astonished to find that Zen's cock just like his mom that is Zen could not take som's pecker fully inside her.

After one week Nafi got the chance to take Mou at her home and introduced to Ali in absence of their mom. Now Ali fucked Mou but could not satisfy as she wanted more and more.

Next within short time Zen got the chance to take Nafi to her home and the size of John's cock make her very happy but during fuck session between them it was proved that she can not take the full length of John's cock.

Nextly three brother fuckers on a sex swapping cum fest as they wanted to go for a picnic with their brothers. The cock fitting pussy permutation and combination remains with the last option.

In the next Saturday we three friends told that we are going to picnic with our sisters
At the meeting place on Saturday when we saw our friends we all three Ali, som and John kept quite as if we did not know each other.

In the sex fest it was make lottery and Nafi was first to fuck with som and and it was 45 minutes fuck time best in both's life to discharge at the same time and the cock is made for this cunt only.

Next Zen and Ali and it was also very happy ending as only this time Ali's cock has touched the womb and best fucking time of 40 minutes with same time of discharge.
Now last comes the John and his humongous cock is calling mou. Mou is not so well built and we two girls and two boys fearing that the cock will rupture mou's pussy. But it is the most astonishing thing that mou has engulfed the whole cock and their sex war last for a hour best in any one's life time and they both discharged at the same time.

We all became very happy to found our sex partner and not to tell mom about all these

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