Jack recalls 1st time and he and Divi go to an Orgy (Part-6)

After seeing Donna out, I returned to my kitchen and grabbed a beer and my e-reader and binoculars and retreated to my spot on the deck. I popped the beer tab and set the e-reader on the railing. I wasn't all that interested in reading so I scanned the opposite shore with my binoculars looking for any movement. There was none. It was completely quiet except for the groan of a chainsaw very far away and then I noticed the low-pitched rumbling of the train. I thought of Priya and how the train had evoked some fond memories of her early life with her husband, Naveen. Thinking of Priya made me sad and sadness always evoked post Anna memories.

An Orgy develops and Jack and Donna go on a date (Part 5)

I loved Anna with all that I was. I loved her still; or at least my memories of her. I always swore that I could never love anyone but her, so I've clung to her memories for all these years. Now, I wasn't so sure that I couldn't love someone else. I fought the thought off as being disrespectful of Anna's memory. It wouldn't stay away though. It had been easy to honor Anna all these years, buried in this house with photos or her and things that I kept that reminded me of her. My libido had checked out and sex had no part in my life at all. Then the old couple next door and then Ashley and Jacob and their pubic escapades and then Ashley appearing in my bed and I realized that my libido was alive again.

Since then, in just a few weeks, there's been Priya and Divi and her friends, my sister's in law Frankie and Joyce and niece Angela attempting to thwart my status as a hermit and then Beverly and Eva, Ali and Joan and now Donna. It seemed the universe was conspiring against me, or for me; I couldn't decide which.

I had already decided that if, in the end, I was only a sperm donor for Donna, I was cool with that. Anna and I had wanted kids. She had taken our first and only with her to the grave. The thought took my breath away and tears exploded from my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks to congregate on my chin before dropping to my bare chest. The thought of Donna carrying my child was growing on me. Whether Donna and I were able to be a couple or not, I wanted to be involved in the child's life, if that happened. That would be the first topic to discuss with her on our next date later that week.

My cell phone chimed and I got up to go inside to answer it. I couldn't remember where I'd left it last and I listened for the melodious tones that led me to the bedroom. The ring was coming from my bureau and by the time I picked up the phone, it stopped ringing. I looked to see who had called. It was my mother. I figured she wanted more money so I put the phone in my shorts pocket and didn't return her call. If it was that important, she'd call again.

By the time I got back out to the deck, my cell phone dinged indicating that I had a voice message waiting. I pulled my phone out and after a few minutes trying to remember how to retrieve voice-mail, I listened to Mom's message. Around a bunch of “how are you?”, “I miss you,” etc.; all of which she was not prone to saying, the jist was that she and my sister had rented a camp on my lake and were looking forward to seeing me. She indicated that she'd call me when they got there.” She gave no hint as to whether it would be today or tomorrow. I called her back to find out but her phone bounced to voice-mail immediately. I left a message and hung up.

I returned to my chair and turned on my e-reader and got a half a page in and shut if off. My mind was distracted. A swirl of thoughts ran around in my head. Donna and her situation, Priya's efforts to sort out her feelings and my feelings for her. Divi's persistence and my inability to deal properly with it. All these years since Anna died, I hadn't even thought much about sex. Now, all of a sudden, it was everywhere. Fortunately, it was like riding a bike. I sat there in my chair with my beer thinking about my sex life. I knew almost to the minute when it ended and I knew with a little less certainty when it started again. I think everyone remembers when their sex lives started. I certainly did.

I was eighteen. In fact, it was my eighteenth birthday when my sex life started and I remembered every second. To clarify, that was when my sex life started with someone other than myself. I'd dated a few girls in high school and had gotten so close to having sex but then the girls saw my junk or touched it and they would practically run screaming into the night. I would have thought that at least one of them would have been adventurous and jerked me off or given me a blow job or something, but no such luck.

I lived with my mother and my older sister Janet. My father had flown the coop when I was only three. I never met him and don't remember him at all. Janet is five years older than me. She remembered him and spoke fondly of him. She's very much like my mother and they drove each other nuts when she was in her teens. I was into sports at school and that was all I cared about. I just ignored Janet's bullshit and their incessant arguments.

Mom was eighteen when Janet was born. She was, and still is, very beautiful. Various men came and went over the years. She never married any of them. I liked some of them and others, I didn't. I think Janet liked every one of them and she and Mom had some vicious fights, which I just tuned out. In later years, I came to understand what they fought about.

Janet was a teenage version of Mom and she was very popular with the boys. Her body blossomed early with big boobs and narrow waist with curvy hips and long shapely legs. She showed all of those attributes off regularly and many times was sent home from school to change into something more appropriate. She drove all the boys absolutely nuts. The Phys Ed teacher was caught red-handed with his dick in her mouth and he lost his job. Janet's reputation, that she had cultivated through high school, was the only thing that saved him from going to jail. Mom knew only too well what she was all about. I later came to find out that Janet was screwing Mom's boyfriends when she wasn't around. I just ignored it all and studied and played sports.

Janet loved to make fun of my apparent inexperience with sex and girls in general. She asked me if I was gay and I objected to her insinuation. She just raised her hands in surrender and said, “Just asking.”

From the clothes that Janet liked to wear to school, you could imagine what she wore at home. I had an erection most of the time and I relieved them in our one bathroom. I didn't hide any pornography in the bathroom to jerk off to like my friends did. Between visualizations of Mom and Janet, I didn't need any. Both Mom and Janet knew exactly what I was doing in there for long periods of time. One or the other would bang on the door and yell, “Come on Jack. Quit jerking off. I need to go.”

As a teenage boy, I was being consumed by hormones. I took every opportunity to see either Mom or Janet less than fully clothed. What I didn't know, until years later, was that both Mom and Janet took every opportunity to see what I was packing.

Apparently, my junk didn't scare either of them off because on my eighteenth birthday, at a party attended by just the three of us. We were at the kitchen table getting ready to light the candles on the birthday cake when Mom announced that it was time for me to become a man. I had no idea what that meant but apparently, Mom and Janet had had this discussion already and both Mom and Janet smiled at me with expressions on their faces like I was the main entrée on the menu.

Janet slid from her chair to her knees and crawled on her hands and knees around the corner of the table and sat down on her feet between my legs. Mom moved her chair around so she could see. Janet had a sultry look on her face as she licked her lips and reached for my belt buckle. I was scared shitless. My lungs pulled up into my throat and I couldn't breathe.

Mom told me to just relax and enjoy. I had dreamed of this happening and now I was terrified. Janet finished loosening my belt and unhooking my jeans before she eased down my zipper as she stared up into my face. She giggled at the look on my face and then turned to Mom and said, “Look Mom, he's scared to death.”

In spite of it all, my cock was as hard as a steel pole and Janet had trouble getting it out of my underwear. I remember that her hand was ice cold. It was so cold that it felt like fire that burned when she wrapped her fingers as far around my cock as she could. Her eyes lit up and Mom mumbled, “Jesus Janet. Look at the size of that thing.”

Janet looked at Mom with a huge grin on her face and started jerking me off. I'd jerked myself off a thousand times and it never once felt like that. I let out a long groan as my head dropped back and I was looking at the ceiling light above the table. I remember saying, “Thank you God.” Mom and Janet both giggled at that.

I tried hard not to embarrass myself by shooting the second she touched me. I accomplished that but just barely. The instant that she touched my cock I knew I was moments away from launching my jizz in the air. In seconds, I humped up in my chair and lifted my hips as cum rocketed from my cock in a long powerful blast that hit Janet hard in the face. She pulled her face away from the stream and it continued over her shoulder to the table and as luck would have it, right onto the birthday cake. It was like time had stopped. Janet's eyes had closed as cum splattered everywhere. Her mouth was open in shock. Mom's face lit up with surprise as she gawked at the first shot flying into the cake. Time started again and Mom was laughing as six or seven more shots exploded up my shaft. Janet took another shot before she aimed my cock at Mom and she took two shots to the side of her head and face as she turned away. Mom pushed her chair back but the remaining shots landed on her blouse. Janet roared with laughter at the horrified look on Mom's face.

Janet didn't release my cock and kept right on jerking me off. My cock didn't soften even a little. It seemed to get harder and Janet leaned in and flicked her tongue to my glans and collected cum from the ‘eye'. She rolled it around in her mouth for a few moments like she was a connoisseur savoring a fine wine. Mom watched for Janet's reaction. She just swallowed without providing one.

Janet looked up at me and said, “Okay little brother. We got that first one out of the way.” She looked at Mom and said, “Do you want any of this?” she aimed my cock at her. Mom just looked down at my cock as Janet's hand slid along the shaft from balls to glans.

“I shouldn't.” was all she said as she pulled her chair up closer. Janet settled back in place and looked up into my eyes as she ran her tongue around my glans, drilling in on my ‘spot'. I was well aware of the ‘spot' but when Janet drilled the tip of her tongue on it, I thrust my hips at her and groaned out, “Oh my gawwdd. Yes. Do that.”

Janet pulled back and giggled and said to Mom, “I think he likes it there.”

Mom laughed and said, “Yeah. Just like every man I've ever met.”

Janet was an accomplished cock-sucker, just as her reputation suggested. I'd heard all the talk from my older friends, who were freshmen when Janet was a senior. Now I was a senior and I was still hearing the stories. Janet was twenty-three years old and now she wore her risqué outfits to work at the local porno shop to the complete approval of her boss and especially the customers.

She pushed her lips down my shaft and I muttered, “Oh God” and “Oh fuck,” over and over again. Janet was correct that after that first ejaculation, I was able to last much longer. She started with a two-fisted hand job as she rolled her lips around on my glans. She kept stealing glances at Mom who was fanning her flushed face with one hand.

Then Janet displaced one of her hands with her lips as she pushed further down my shaft and got her mouth and her remaining hand in synch. Mom was biting her lower lip as she watched the display of Janet's skills. One hand went to her right breast and twirled her index finger around her nipple. Janet saw what Mom was doing and she looked at me and nodded toward Mom. I smiled at Janet. I had been watching her too.

Janet pushed the other hand away as her lips pushed all the way to the bottom. The sensation of my cock pushing into Janet's throat was unbelievable. Janet took several full depth sucks and then pulled off and aimed my cock at Mom, whose face was red with sexual desire. She was breathing very erratically. Mom looked at my face and then back down to my cock glistening with Janet's saliva. She sucked her lip between her teeth and as if being attracted by a magnet, she slid off her chair to her knees and took my cock from Janet's hand. She wasted no time getting her lips over my glans. She groaned deep in her throat and I did the same.

Janet stood up and stripped naked and I thought my eye-balls would blow out of my skull. What a body. She ran her fingers through her sex and pulled her wet fingers to her lips and licked them clean.

Mom tried hard to push all of my cock into her mouth but she could only do about half and then she started gagging and coughing. I was way to far gone to care that it was my mother sucking on my cock. I thrust my hips up to push more inside her mouth but she pulled back each time. I could feel my second orgasm approaching and I placed my hands on the back of Mom's head. Janet grinned at me as she seemed to know that I was going to blow a load in Mom's mouth whether she wanted it or not. Janet nodded at me telling me to do it and I did.

Mom tried to pull back but I wouldn't let her. It was the only time in my life that I did that to a woman. I felt at the time that since Mom had orchestrated this thing, she should receive her prize. It only seemed fair at that moment. I confess that I felt bad and apologized later.

Her eyes were wild trying to deal with the sheer size of my load. When I let her go, she immediately pulled back and coughed and gagged as cum flew out of her mouth to my right thigh. When she got herself back together again, she scooped the cum off my pants and pushed it into her mouth while she grinned up at me. “Sorry Sweetie,” she mumbled.

Mom moved back to her seat and the vision of Janet's naked body standing in front of me with her legs outside of mine brought my cock quickly back to full size. She reached down and pulled my cock back from my stomach and slid forward on my thighs and guided my cock into her pussy. We both groaned hard and loud. Janet loudly said, “OH MY GOD JACK. YOUR COCK IS HUGE. BIGGEST I'VE EVER HAD. MOM! IT'S AMAZING. YOU HAVE TO GET ON THIS.”

Mom hesitated for a few moments before she stood up and stripped herself naked. The vision of my naked Mom drove my cock harder and Janet groaned hard in a low pitched, demonic voice, “OH JESUS. YOU'RE GOING TO RIP ME IN TWO.” Whatever I was doing to her, she didn't slow down as she lifted herself up and dropped herself down my shaft in rapid succession.

I was watching Janet's tits bouncing inches from my face and I cupped them both in my palms and put my index fingers and thumbs to her nipples, eliciting another moan. I had seen female orgasms on internet porno sites before so I knew what it was when I saw one but to be this close to Janet as she built steadily to hers was an amazing experience. Every muscle in her body tightened and then her facial muscles led the release. She groaned hard and then I felt her pussy clenching on my cock much quicker than my cock pulsed to fire each salvo of cum.

Janet's face exhibited her pure joy. Her eyes went glassy and her lips formed an “O” as a long moan was forced out. She tried to continue her motion on my cock but she was unable to control her body. Her face turned to Mom and she muttered, “Fuck Mom. The best cock ever.” I gripped her hips and began thrusting my hips forward to keep up the fucking motion. I didn't want it to ever end. I was in heaven and if I died right then, that would have been fine with me.

Mom was watching closely and smiled when Janet's orgasm crushed her. Mom didn't make a move until Janet sat unmoving on my cock, gasping for oxygen. Then she leaned down and whispered loud enough for both of us to hear, “Janet, honey. Can you let your Mom have some of that?” Janet grinned after a short delay and then lifted herself off my cock. My cock slapped back against my stomach and Janet slid down my legs before stepping back toward her chair and collapsed down into it. Her hands immediately went to her sex to hold back the flow of her vaginal juices.

Mom didn't waste a second as she moved onto my thighs ass first and dragged my rigid cock through her sex and sat down. She ran her hands to my balls and dragged her fingers up the length of my sloppy wet cock as she pressed it against her stomach. I reached around and cradled her big tits in my hands and tweaked her nipples. She seemed to like that as she moved her hands from my cock to cover mine and she held them there.

Janet got out of her chair and went back to her knees between my thighs and guided my rock-hard cock to Mom's pussy. Mom lifted herself high to accept it and then groaned hard as she slid down the shaft. She flinched hard at the bottom and that was my first introduction to a woman's cervix. She readjusted her position and started lifting and dropping herself off and on my cock. This position was amazing. I started thrusting my cock up hard as she let herself drop. She flinched a few more times but it didn't slow her down much.

I was really getting into fucking my mom when Janet pulled my cock from her pussy and sucked it deep in her mouth and throat. She took it in and out a few times, driving me nuts and then pushed it back in Mom's pussy. I wasn't going to last much longer and I heard Mom say, “Janet. Don't let him cum in me. Okay?”

In another minute I knew I was going to blow. Mom did too as she pulled herself up my shaft and Janet drove her lips over my glans and began feverishly jerking me off. I poured all I had into Janet's mouth and she swallowed quickly before she got overwhelmed by the volume.

When I'd finished six or eight shots, Janet pulled her lips off my cock and pushed it back into Mom's pussy. She groaned hard again and started fucking me again. In another minute, Mom groaned out, “OH FUCK. YES. I'M GONNA CUM ON MY BABY BOY'S COCK. OH MY GAAAAWWWWDDDD.”

I felt her pussy clamping hard on my softening cock. I was done and had nothing to add to her orgasm. Mom continued to fuck my cock all the way through her orgasm and then eased her pussy off and struggled to get off my thighs.

‘Holy Shit,' was all I could think. I sat there in my chair as Janet cradled my cock while it continued to pulse for quite a while after Mom left the kitchen and went to the bathroom. She didn't come back but after Janet sucked me back up again we went another round. Then Janet showed me how to pleasure a woman's pussy. She told me I was a natural and she seemed to really mean it as she moaned through several orgasms. Since that day, I've particularly enjoyed pleasuring a woman with cunnilingus. My motto has always been ‘Women cum first.'

Mom and I never got together like that again. I can still see her sucking and fucking my cock in my mind's eye. Janet and I continued on an occasional basis until I went off to college. I'm certain that Mom knew. I don't see either of them much since I moved to the lake. Mom calls every once in a while, to see if I'm still alive and to ask for money. I have plenty of that and I don't begrudge helping her out. She always says that she'll pay me back, but I know that will never happen and I never ask. I don't even remember the last time she called before today. Janet got married a few years ago in Las Vegas. No one was invited. I don't even know his name or what he does for a living or even if he works at all. I heard from Mom that he's emotionally and physically abusive. Janet always gravitated to that kind of guy. I doubt that she'd be happy with a guy that treated her well.

My reverie was interrupted by a scuffing noise on the steps up to the deck. I grabbed my e-reader and placed it in my lap to cover my tented shorts that had developed from my reminiscing. The e-reader wasn't big enough to do a very good job. I placed my hands over the e-reader. I looked to the stairs but whoever it was had stopped before they appeared above the top step. A voice said, “Jack? Are you descent?” It was Priya. It was the first time I had heard her voice in weeks since she shut our relationship down.

“Mostly,” I said.

Priya laughed and said, “It figures. Can I come up?”

“Of course. You're always welcome here. Whether I'm descent or not.” Just hearing her voice gave my heart a little jolt and I could hear it hammering in my ears. Her beautiful face and shinning black hair appeared above the top step. She was always in her bikini but not this time. She was dressed elegantly and her makeup was perfect. She was obviously going somewhere. She even had on high heels. She came across my deck and sat down in a cushioned loveseat. She looked incredible. She didn't display any emotion at all; neither sadness nor happiness. The heat in my face gave away my emotions. I was ecstatic to see her.

I attempted to tamp down my obvious joy and said, “What's up? How have you been?” I quickly analyzed those two questions and thought, ‘What an idiot I am.'

She chuckled. I was sure she could read my mind. “I'm doing okay. I think. Divi is driving me insane.” She stopped talking and examined her fingernails. Without looking at me she said, “I hate to ask you, but can you watch out for Divi again for me. I know she's eighteen but I don't like to have her here alone without someone knowing. I have to go to Boston again to finalize the financials with Naveen. He's already remarried.” She never looked up from her fingernails as she spoke. She waited for my response while she picked at one of her cuticles.

She finally looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. I said, “Why do you hate to ask?” She dropped her eyes back to her outstretched fingers and remained silent for many seconds. I let her ruminate in whatever her answer was going to be.

She glanced up at me to see if I was going to take her off the hook but I didn't. I just kept waiting for her response to my question. Then she burst out her response in a flood, “Because I've been such a shit to you. All you've done is care about me and comfort me and God only knows how much I need that right now. I visited my sister to get away and all I did was drive her nuts. I know I'm driving Divi nuts too. I know she's coming over here before dawn. I know she's needs some comfort too and I can't seem to give her any. All we do is argue. Jack, Divi is my life and all I'm doing is pushing her away just like I pushed you away. I can't lose her like I've lost you.” She burst out crying. In moments she was sobbing.

I got out of my chair and sat down beside her on the loveseat and pulled her body to me. She leaned against me and cried so hard. I gently ran my hands over her back to sooth her but I was getting aroused as my fingers reminded me of what an amazing body she has.

When Priya started to get herself back together again I asked the next question, “Why do you think you've lost me?”

She didn't hesitate this time. “Because I see all these women coming and going. I'm not blind.” She snuffled and blew her nose on a tissue that she pulled out of a pocket. “I don't blame you Jack. I don't have a hold on you. I threw you away when Naveen threw me away. I was angry.” She became quiet as she sulked and daubed her eyes with the tissue.

I was quiet for a few moments too as I contemplated how to respond. Since Anna's death, no woman had my heart more than Priya. Yes, she had thrown me away and I was crushed. Yes, women did seem to be coming and going. I guess there is a God. The key words were that ‘they were going'. I loved every moment of those trysts but I didn't delude myself by thinking they were ever anything but that. Donna might be an outlier, I wasn't sure about our potential yet and I didn't know where this conversation with Priya was going either.

I finally said, “I don't think you've lost me. I know you've been in pain and I'd love to be there for you to help you through it any way I can. I went through the anger phase when Anna died. It's not the same thing but I understand.” I kissed her on the forehead and continued, “Go to Boston, finish things with Naveen. I'll keep an eye on Divi until you get back.” I bent to kiss her on the forehead again but she lifted her face and kissed me gently on the lips. I softly kissed her lips. She pulled back and smiled at me.

Then she got up off the loveseat and said, “I'll tell Divi that you'll be watching out for her. I hope I'm not gone all night. If it drags over too long, I'll get a room and be back tomorrow morning. Okay?” I nodded and she headed for the stairs. She turned back at the top of the stairs and said, “Thank you Jack. For everything.”

The encounter left me hopeful but when I analyzed everything that she said, I was still left in the dark as to where her head was. ‘Just play it by ear, Jack. Just play it by ear,' I said out loud to myself. I heard Priya drive out several minutes later and Divi came up the stairs to my deck a few minutes after that. She was in her bikini and the salacious thoughts that ran through my mind caused another erection to lift my shorts. I dropped my e-reader back in my lap.

Divi must have noticed my erection. The e-reader wasn't covering much. To my surprise, she made no comment about it and came over and sat down where her mother had sat. She looked out over the lake and said, “I understand that you are my babysitter.”

I replied, “True. Did your mother tell you she may not be back until tomorrow morning if things get dragged out down there?” She looked at me with a surprised expression and then her face morphed into a grin. I knew immediately what she was thinking. She didn't say a word though. We just sat there enjoying the warmth of the sun, listening to the constant high-pitched whine of the Cicadas. I noticed that her nipples were pushing hard on her bikini top material. She glanced over at my lap and smiled as her gaze lifted to my face.

Divi ignored my obvious erection and said, “It's a beautiful day. How about you take me for a boat ride?” We could make up a picnic basket and anchor somewhere. It could be a sunset dinner cruise.”

I loved the idea and said, “That's a great plan. Let's get some sandwiches together and some beers and soda. You go home and get some warmer clothes. After the sun goes down it can get cool and damp.” I was hoping that she'd jump up and go but she didn't. I guessed that she was waiting for me to get up so she could see the tent in my shorts. She didn't move so I had to. I leaned toward the railing and picked up the binoculars, ignored the warm remains of my beer and stood up. Divi giggled at my failed attempts to hide my boner and reached out to pinch it as I walked past her to the slider. I turned my hips to block her attempt and she laughed and stood up. I went inside and Divi went back to her house.

Twenty minutes later we were pushing off from the dock with a picnic basket packed with tuna and chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, several beers and a couple sodas. Divi was still in her bikini but she brought a hoody and sweat pants. I packed a hoody too. I had no particular direction in mind and we just slowly cruised and listened to the songs on my thumb-drive plugged into the auxiliary port. The sun was heading for the western horizon when I turned off the motor and drifted to a stop. I didn't want to be concerned with drifting aground in the gentle breeze, so I threw out the anchor and made sure it set properly.

Divi broke out the picnic basket and grabbed one of my beers and popped the top. She was legally underage but I had no problems with her drinking alcohol in a controlled environment. She took a sip and I could tell that she thought it tasted like shit. She made a face but didn't say anything. She took another sip.

I hadn't realized that I had anchored in virtually the same spot as I had stopped with Beverly and Eva. It was so dark that night. In fact, I still didn't know until a familiar female voice from a house on the nearest shoreline said, “Jack! Is that you?” Divi looked at me with a quizzical expression. I knew immediately that the voice came from the woman on the shore that night, yelling for her husband Frank to give it all to her. I didn't know her name because it was never mentioned.

I yelled back, “Ding. Round two,” and she roared with laughter. Divi wasn't in on the inside joke but she grinned at me anyway. She took another sip from her beer as she handed one to me.

I popped my beer and raised it to the woman standing on her deck looking out at us. From this distance I guessed that she was in her mid-forties. She turned her back to us and yelled, “Hey Frank. Guess who's back?” Frank must have said something from inside the house and the woman yelled, “Yeah. It's Jack… No. He only has one tonight… Okay, I will.” The woman turned back toward us and yelled, “We're having a party tonight. We'd love it if you could come. Your friend is invited too.” Divi was confused by the back and forth, long distance conversation but she understood the word ‘party' and her eyes went wide pleading for me to say ‘yes' as she whispered, “Please, please, please.”

I smiled at her and yelled out, “Sure. Sounds like fun. What time?”

The woman yelled back, “Eight o'clock. My names Rita by the way.”

I raised my right thumb in the air and yelled back, “Very nice to meet you Rita. We'll see you at eight. Can we tie up to your dock?”

Rita yelled, “Sure. You'll probably have to raft-up. Others will be coming by boat too.” Rita waved and went back inside her house. It felt kind of awkward to be sitting in the same spot so I moved my boat further down the shore and anchored again. We ate the sandwiches and Divi drank three beers. She was pretty well buzzed. It was still an hour before sundown when we headed back to get ready for the party. In Divi's inebriated condition, she was getting a little frisky and she sat down on the deck by my captain's chair and pushed a hand up my thigh into my shorts. We played keep away for several minutes before I relented to her persistence.

When Divi's lips dropped down over my glans, I knew that I'd wasted time resisting her efforts. She gazed up at me with those huge dark eyes with her ultra-white sclera. She was playfully rolling her lips around my crown as she feverishly jerked on the shaft with both counter-rotating hands. I raised my eyes to the heavens and muttered, “Fuck, Divi. That's incredible.” She grinned around my knob and then changed her attack as she slowly pushed her lips down my shaft displacing both hands. I groaned hard when my glans slid into her throat. She bobbed her head a few times and pulled back up my shaft and popped her lips off the glans.

Divi said, “What do you think? I'm getting better, huh?” All I could do was nod. She went right back down again and stayed down as she alternated between a one-handed hand job with a half depth blow job to her full depth blow job with her hands fondling my balls to a knob job with both hands flailing up and down my cock. To say the least, I didn't last very long. Like before, Divi took the first two powerful shots in her mouth and then aimed the rest of them to her chest as she continued jerking me off. Her dark skin glistened with the pearly white cum. Much of it ran down through her cleavage to her bikini bottom. When I was done, she released my cock and pulled the cups of her bikini aside and rubbed the cum that collected on her soft fleshly boobs into her skin. She had a wicked grin on her face as she looked up at me while she lathered her boobs with my cum and then licked her palms and sucked her fingers clean.

Divi giggled at my pulsing cock laying on my left thigh. She leaned in and picked up my cock and kissed the glans and then pushed it back into my shorts and pulled the leg down to cover it. Then she looked up at me and said, “There. It's all better now.” I burst out laughing as she continued to grin at me. She got to her feet and grabbed another beer from the cooler and sat down in a starboard facing seat just as we were approaching my dock. She stood back up and leaned out to port to grab the piling as I eased up to it. She pulled us the rest of the way as I shut down the motor. I started to get off to tie us up but Divi stopped me and said that she could do it. I watched to make sure she was doing it right and I congratulated her when she stood up with her arms splayed wide and said, “Ta-daaaa.” She was pleased with herself as she got that last loop on the cleats turned over so they would lock down and not come loose.

She rushed back to her house to change and I went to mine to do the same. I cleaned out the picnic basket and rinsed out the beer cans for recycling and headed for the bedroom. I laid out a fresh change of clothes which consisted of a pair of cargo shorts, sandals and a knit, short-sleeved, three-button pull over shirt. I got in the shower and lathered myself from head to toe with a new scented shower gel. When I shut off the water and reached past the shower curtain for the towel on the towel rack, the towel appeared in my hand. Divi was back already. She said, “Oh my God. I love that scent. What is it?” I took the towel from her and then handed out the bottle of shower gel. When I pulled back the curtain, she was inhaling deeply from the open bottle.

Divi was dressed more elegantly than I had planned. Way sexier too. She wore a leather crème colored mini-skirt with a slightly transparent teal blue silk blouse displaying a black bra beneath. She wore a pair of sexy high heeled platform shoes. She'd let her black hair hang loose framing her beautiful face and her eyes seemed even larger than normal and then I realized that she had eye makeup on. She'd put on lipstick too. She was beyond gorgeous and my dick rose to salute her beauty. Divi giggled as she watched my cock rise from completely flaccid to full hard-on. I didn't try to hide it. I was hoping maybe she could do something about it. She didn't make a move except to grab the towel from my hands and dried me off as she complained that we were going to be late. She giggled as she ran the towel between my thighs and wrapped the towel around my cock and pretended to dry it off as she jerked it up and down a few times. Then she pulled the towel off and leaned in and kissed my glans and then looked up at my face and gave me a coquettish smile.

Divi collected my clothes that I'd laid out and brought them to the bathroom. I dressed and thought, ‘So what if I look like a slob next to Divi.' I had a sneaky feeling that neither of us would be dressed for long anyway. Regardless, Divi would be a hit.

It was eight o'clock when we pushed off the dock. The sun was creeping closer to the horizon. It was big and bright orange in color. I thought, ‘Red sky at night, sailor's delight. It would be a nice day tomorrow.' By the time we rounded the point I could see that Rita was correct. There were several boats rafted up to each other secured to the dock. I tied up to the outermost pontoon boat and a man appeared to help. He introduced himself as ‘Frank'. He was older than I had assumed Rita was. I guessed he was mid-fifties. He shook my hand but he didn't take his eyes off Divi. I introduced her and he took her hand in both of his and then turned her hand over and kissed her palm as Divi giggled. We went up the sloping yard to his house.

There were several couples milling around the bar and kitchen. Like every house-party I'd ever been to, everyone congregated in the kitchen and spilled over to the small dining room. Conversations stopped when Frank ushered us into the living room. I could almost feel them thinking, ‘Fresh meat.' The men were ogling Divi and one of the wives laughed and said, “Jesus Max. Close your mouth. You're drooling.” That broke everyone else up as the room burst into laughter. Divi had a confused look on her face as she didn't understand what had happened. She blushed red and grabbed my arm and clung to me as we were introduced to everyone. The others were introduced to us but I didn't remember any of their names other than Frank and Rita.

The party was rolling along with innocuous conversations between small groups and then different groups would form and new conversations would start. Frank took the initiative to ask Divi how old she was. She answered with the truth and Frank looked at me for confirmation. I just nodded. Frank grinned and simply said, “Great.” Now I was sure about where this party was going. Frank wanted to know if Divi was ‘of-age' and he was ecstatic to find out she was eighteen. I motioned for Divi to follow me out to the deck and she excused herself from a group of gawking men that had surrounded her.

I told Divi what I suspected this party was going to turn into pretty soon. She said, “I guessed that was the case.” I was surprised at her casual attitude.

I responded, “We can go if you're uncomfortable in any way.” I was more anxious than she seemed to be.

Divi didn't answer right away. She looked out over the dark lake and then said, “I have no idea what to expect. I obviously have never done this before. I'm curious though. Will you look out for me? I'll leave the moment you say things are getting weird.”

I said, “Divi, I don't know any of these people. You are obviously the lamb brought to the slaughter at this party. You start with me and you agree not to go anywhere out of my sight. Okay?” She recognized the serious tone of my voice and the look at my face. She nodded and clutched on to my arm. The thought of what was about to happen caused her to tremble but she gave me a smile and nodded. We went back inside.

Several guys had congregated in a group and they watched every move Divi made. I looked at them with a glare and whispered to Divi, “Don't do anything that you're uncomfortable with. Just say no and say it loud. These guys appear to be here with their wives so they might be your ally or your worst nightmare.”

Divi giggled and whispered, “Jesus Jack. Keep talking and we might as well go home now. I'll be okay and I promise I won't go anywhere you're not.” We rejoined the party. I was surprised that Divi had gone back to the beer and she was getting buzzed again. Counting Divi and me, there were a dozen people there. Everyone was drinking heavily, which concerned me too because rational thought went out the window the more booze one consumed. I grabbed a beer and sipped it slowly.

Consistent with Divi's determined and aggressive nature, she walked right up to the group of guys that had been ogling her since we got there and joined their conversation. I was fearful that she wouldn't follow through on her promise. As I concentrated on Divi and her group of guys, I couldn't help but notice Rita was suddenly dressed in a completely transparent negligée. Nothing was left to the imagination. She walked directly across the room to me. It was like the starting gun had just fired. Clothes started coming off and couples paired up. Some couples were what I figured were married couples and others weren't. Before anyone could move on Divi, Frank moved in and placed his hard cock in her hand. She was a little startled by Frank's aggressive move but she recovered quickly and started jerking him off as she looked over at me as Rita began pulling off my shirt.

I stopped Rita and said, “Hold on a minute. Divi is going to start with me. She's never been to one of these.” I quickly thought, ‘What the fuck am I talking about. I've never been to one of these either.' Rita motioned to Frank to bring Divi over. She spoke to her husband in hushed tones and then turned back to me and said, “Frank is aware of the situation. He will be gentle and believe me, he will be keeping an eye out for her welfare as much as you.

Divi said, “It's okay Jack,” as she continued jerking Frank off.

Rita said, “Well Frank, it looks like you've got a spit-fire hanging on your cock.” I thought, ‘You have no idea.' I relented and Frank took Divi to the sofa and helped Divi disrobe. I let Rita disrobe me and she pushed me back into a dining room chair and went to her knees. She had great tits. Not too big; just perfect for her slender frame. I could plainly see her nipples pushing against the flimsy material of her long flowing negligee.

Rita was pressing her lips down my shaft when one of the other guys moved in behind her and pulled her ass up so she was on her knees with her forearms braced on my thighs. She glanced back to see who it was and pulled my cock out and said, “Hi Manny. Are you picking up where you left off last time?” He was naked with a bit of a paunch on him. He was stroking his cock as he pushed up closer to Rita's ass. She waited until he pushed into her and then she pushed her lips back down my shaft and started a blow job at the same pace as Manny's fucking motion. She was letting his momentum drive her on and off my cock. She was taking all of him and all of me from opposite ends.

Frank was gawking at Divi's incredible body and fondling her tits. His cock was as hard as a steel rod. He sat back on the sofa and Divi inhaled his cock as he groaned loud enough to elicit laughs from several others. Divi took his entire cock several times and then she pulled off and moved up in his lap and maneuvered his cock to her sex and sat down hard on it. Frank ran his hands over her tits and she groaned at the combined assault. She noticed me watching and she grinned at me. She rocked her hips forward and back and Frank mumbled, “Oh fuck Divi. You're so tight.” She ramped up her pace and two minutes later, Frank pulled his cock from her pussy and fired his load all over Divi's torso. She was squealing with delight. Frank finished his orgasm and then I heard him ask Divi, “Are you on Birth Control?” I thought, ‘That's a fucking lousy time to ask that question.' Divi nodded as she ran her fingers through his cum on her chest. She cleaned her fingers with her tongue.

I noticed one guy off to the side watching Frank and Divi. He was younger than the others in this group but not as young as Divi. The moment that Frank pulled out of Divi's pussy, apparently because he was concerned about impregnating her, this guy approached Divi from behind. Divi was leaning forward feeding her cum covered tits to Frank and this guy pushed his cock to Divi's anus and pushed. Divi was startled and quickly moved away from the guy who pushed forward again. Divi turned to face him and said loudly, “No. I don't want to do that.”

Frank spoke up and said, “Jim. She said no. Back off. There are others here that are into that.”

Jim hesitated as he ran his hands down Divi's body and said, “Jesus Frank. She's the finest piece of ass I've seen in a long time.” Divi apparently didn't like being referred to as a ‘piece of ass' and she rejected his attempt to feed her his cock. I was surprised because Divi liked sucking cock. He went away in a huff to find another potential candidate.

Manny was really driving his cock into Rita's pussy in a doggy position driving her mouth all the way down my shaft. She was an accomplished cock sucker too and I could feel my glans push into her throat each time. Manny was quickly approaching his orgasm and Rita began pushing herself back hard against his cock. Then Manny groaned out, “Oh fuck Rita, I'm Cumming. Jesus Christ.” He humped up and slammed his cock into her which drove her too hard onto my cock and she pulled back from my cock and milked Manny's cock dry before she went back down on me.

Manny pulled back from Rita and wiped his dick on Rita's negligee before standing up and retreating to the bar as he stroked his softening cock. Rita pulled off my cock and pulled me with her as she fell back on her ass and then down on her back. She spread her legs to display her sopping wet cum soaked pussy. I came out of the chair to my hands and knees and untied her negligee and kissed her tits and attacked her hard nipples. There was no problem pushing my hard cock inside her slippery pussy. She groaned hard and muttered, “Fuck. That's big. Jesus Jack. Fuck me with that thing.” I did as she asked. One of the other women came over and began fondling my balls and when I felt a pair of lips close over them, that was it for me. I groaned out loudly as shot after shot erupted into Rita's pussy.

When I was done, the woman on my balls pulled me from Rita's pussy and sank her lips over my gooey cock and sucked it clean. I was sitting on the floor watching this woman go after my cock. She had the best body of all of the others but she wasn't particularly pretty. Even though I was softening after my orgasm, the woman sucking on my cock couldn't take all of me. She gagged and coughed several times.

I thought of Divi and looked her way. To my surprise she was in a sixty-nine position with another woman. They were both vigorously attacking the other's pussy. They were both groaning hard as a couple guys stood close by jerking themselves off. Divi was on top and one of the guys moved his cock to her pussy pushing the woman's mouth aside. Divi groaned hard into the woman's pussy as his cock pushed into her. I watched her closely to make sure she was okay.

She looked back to see who had his cock in her and seemed to be okay with it as she went back to the woman's pussy as she grunted with every thrust of the cock. A line was forming behind Divi. Every guy there wanted a shot at her. Another lesbian sixty-nine formed in the middle of the living room floor.

The hot-bodied, middle-aged woman was insistent that she was going to get my cock back up again fast and she was successful. She pulled her lips off my cock and pushed me to my back as she slid her naked body up on my thighs and then maneuvered herself onto my cock. She dropped herself hard and screamed out as she pulled back. “Fuck.” She yelled. “Jack's cock hit my cervix. Fuck, that hurt.” She didn't dwell on it and began lifting herself on and off my cock with her legs. She rolled her hips around dragging my cock with her. She had smallish breasts but her nipples were unusually long and as hard as nails.

When she tired, she dropped to her knees and began thrusting her hips forward and back. She exploded into her orgasms and her screams were long and loud, interrupting other couples who stopped what they were doing to see what was going on.

No one left the room, which I was thankful for. I heard Divi burst into an orgasm and the guy in her pussy was right behind her. He blew his load into her pussy.

I pulled my gooey cock from the woman's pussy. I didn't even get her name. Another woman, I didn't get her name either, grabbed my cock and pushed her lips on. She was getting reamed doggy style by a guy on his knees slamming his cock into her. He suddenly groaned hard and pulled his cock from her and began jerking hard on it as cum spewed up the woman's back and into her hair. She didn't miss a beat on my cock.

Divi was now on her back with her legs locked around a guy on his knees between her legs. She was yanking his cock hard into her. The guy wasn't going to last very long and moments later he groaned out, “Oh my God, Divi. Here I go.” He fell forward over her and sucked one of her torpedo shaped tits to his lips as he humped his hips into her for a long time. She glanced over at me and grinned. She was having a good time.

The woman sucking on my cock immediately became a target of the young guy looking for anal sex and he pushed his hard cock to her anus as she was on her knees and elbows driving her lips on and off my cock. She pulled off my cock and looked back at him and said “Do it Jimmy. Fuck my ass.” She braced herself for his insertion and sucked her breath in and held it as Jimmy forcefully pushed himself inside. She muttered to no one in particular, “Fuck. That hurts.” Jimmy immediately began fucking this woman's ass. She groaned hard and pulled away from him. He followed her and continued fucking her ass.

I didn't know this group but I had seen enough from Jimmy and I looked up at him and said, “You know, if you let her adjust to your cock before you start butt-fucking her, both of you will enjoy it more.” Jimmy gave me a nasty look and kept right on fucking the woman's ass. It was becoming obvious that the woman was in considerable discomfort as she tried to creep away from him. Again, he wouldn't let her get away. She lifted my cock to her lips again as if that would distract her from Jimmy's brutal attack, but she suddenly pulled away and screamed. Before I could get up off the floor, Frank grabbed Jimmy by the hair and pulled him back away from her. She screamed again when he was pulled out of her.

Jimmy came up pissed off and ready to fight. Frank stepped back away from Jimmy with his hands pushed out in front of him to protect himself from Jimmy's advance. In spite of the seriousness of the situation, it was kind of comical: Two naked men with erections squaring off for a fight. The younger woman, who I had assumed was with Jimmy, stepped in between them and knelt down and sucked Jimmy's cock into her mouth. The fight was over before it started. I heard Rita say, “Rachel, honey. You have to get your husband under control.”

The woman sucking on Jimmy's cock pulled off and said, “Sorry Rita. He gets like this when he's drinking. I'll take care of him.” She sank her lips back down his cock all the way to his balls and Jimmy groaned and without warning launched his jizz into his wife's throat. She immediately coughed and gagged and pulled back. She coughed some more and pulled off and yelled, “You fucking asshole. You did that on purpose. I've told you not to do that.” He burst out laughing and slapped his wife's face with his softening cock. She cuffed it aside, stood up and pushed him back hard. I saw the expression on Jimmy's face. He wasn't going to put up with his own wife doing that and his temper was building. I stood up and stepped between Jimmy and Rachel. I towered over him and he thought better of challenging me. He turned and walked away.

I turned to face Rachel. She had cum all over her face and hair. I asked if she was alright and she smiled at me and nodded. She said, “He's not usually like this but booze doesn't agree with him. He'll go back to the boat and sleep it off.” She dropped her gaze from my face to my cock and said, “I'm not going home until I've had some of that.” She wrapped her fingers as far as she could around my shaft. It wasn't even that hard. She stroked it a few times and it was hard then.

I looked at Rachel and said, “Now is as good a time as any.” She grinned and led me by the cock to the kitchen and climbed her ass up on the counter. The height of her pussy was perfect for my height and I let her pull me between her legs and she guided my cock into her sex. Her tits were big for her size. Age and gravity hadn't had their impacts on them. I tweaked her nipples and she moaned, “Give me that cock.” I rocked my hips forward and my cock easily slid deep in her pussy. I slowed as I anticipated her cervix. She had apparently never encountered a cock that would go that deep and she threw her legs around behind my ass, locked her feet together and yanked me to her.

Her eyes went wide when my cock pushed hard against the bottom of her vagina. She yelled, “Jesus Christ. That hurt.” She let go of me with her legs and I backed up a few inches as Rachel bit her lip and rolled her head to the side and groaned, “Fuck Jack. I've never run aground on a guy's cock.”

I looked down at her and said, “Sorry. I tried to be careful. It happens all the time. Are you okay. I'll wait until you're ready.” She smiled up at me and then she rolled her hips up driving her pussy deeper on my cock. She slowed at the depth and then I began fucking her with varying depths and pace and when I shifted to a short depth piston fuck, Rachel went into a constant groan that was emphasized at both ends of the stroke. Her groan built louder and with a higher pitch until she was screaming into her orgasm. Those not engaged in some form of sexual encounter crowded around in a semi-circle to watch Rachel's facial contortions as she exploded. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled herself to me. I grabbed her ass and pulled her off the counter and fully onto my cock as I pistoned my hips searching for my own orgasm.

The one remaining woman, whom I hadn't had any contact with pushed herself up on the counter beside Rachel and spread her legs. She ran her fingers through her sex spreading her labia. She was soaking wet. She pulled Rachel back down on the counter and said, “Rachel, honey. I haven't had any of Jack's cock. Can I have some before he cums? I want to feel all of him.”

Rachel gave her a delirious smile and said, “Sure Bonny. Everyone should get a piece of that. Holy shit.” She spread her legs and pushed her fingers to her pussy as I pulled out. Rachel frowned as my glans pulled from her. I took one step to my right and Bonny wrapped her legs around my hips to do the same thing that Rachel was sorry that she did.

Rachel put her hand on Bonny's closest leg and said, “Bonny, honey. I wouldn't do that if I was you. Well, I was you and I did that. Jack's cock is too long for your pussy and if you want to feel what its like to have a cock bottom out on your cervix, then go for it. It hurts like hell.”

Bonny looked up at me and smiled as she let her legs fall back down over the counter. I eased my cock into her and slowed even more as I approached what I figured was her cervix. She tensed as I came close and then I started to back away. Bonny apparently was too curious and she thrust her hips up at me and let out a loud groan, “Oh fuck. You weren't kidding.” She smiled at Rachel and said, “I had to know.” Rachel giggled and nodded that she felt the same way. I started fucking Bonny the same way I had Rachel. With varying depths and pace and just like Rachel had, when I switched to the short depth piston fuck, Bonny's moans grew into a scream as her orgasm crushed her and her orgasm pulled mine forward and I groaned hard as cum boiled out of my cock and exploded up my shaft to Bonny's waiting pussy which was furiously pulsing.

I pumped my hips into her until my last shot. Bonny was lying flat on her back on the counter staring at the ceiling as her body spasmed through her orgasm. Rachel rolled over on the counter and bent down and kissed Bonny passionately on the lips. I felt a hand pull my cock from Bonny's pussy and I looked down to see Divi as she pushed her lips over my wet glans and pushed her lips all the way to my balls. She was showing off again.

Frank was standing beside me and he said, “Jesus Jack. She's insatiable. She's invited to all of our parties.”

Rita spoke up and said, “So are you Jack.” The other women all started hooting their agreement.

I was done and I had to back Divi off my cock. She was certain that she could get me up again and I had no doubt that he could, but it was time to go. I told Divi to gather her clothes and I found mine. We thanked Rita and Frank for inviting us and Rita laughed when Divi shook Franks cock like she was shaking his hand. At Rita's insistence, I gave her my email address. I balked at giving her my phone number.

We didn't get dressed. We went back to the boat carrying our clothes. The humid air had condensed on the seats and Divi yelped when she sat down. I did the same. I got the towels out from under the cushion and spread one across the captain's chair and tossed another to Divi. She draped it across her cushion and sat down. Thankfully, I was still moored on the outside of the rafted boats so I could get away without bothering someone else. I beeped my horn and ten naked people came out on the deck and waved.

I left the throttle at idle and pushed it into reverse. I eased out and slowly moved back to the main part of the lake. It had cooled considerably and Divi was chilled. She came and sat down in my lap with my hardening dick sticking up between her thighs. She giggled as she put her hands on it. She said, “Hey look. This is what I'd look like if I had a dick.” She stroked it from balls to the ridge all the way home. She wasn't trying to get me off and I came nowhere close. I used my docking lights to line up my approach. They lit us up like a spot light. I quickly shut them off after I was satisfied with my position and Divi jumped onto the dock and pulled the boat up close. She tied us up and I checked to make sure she did it right. She did fine and she grinned at me when I didn't make any adjustments.

We carried our clothes off the dock to the yard and a voice from the dark spoke to our right, “I see you two are all warmed up. How about a nightcap?” It was Ashley. She was sitting on her deck and had seen us come in and could plainly see that we were both naked when the docking lights came on.

I glanced quickly at Divi's house to see if Priya was back yet. The house was completely dark. I guessed that she hadn't made it back and wouldn't be back until morning. I looked toward where I assumed Divi was standing in the pitch blackness. The few solar lights scattered along the shoreline offered nothing more than navigational aids but no illumination worth mentioning. I said, “It's up to you Divi. It's been quite a night already.”

Divi said, “I bet Ashley and I could get you up again.”

I chuckled and said, “I wouldn't take that bet. I'm sure you could.” I yelled up to Ashley, “Sure. We could probably have another round before bed.” I knew full well that Ashley's offer of a nightcap had nothing to do with alcohol. “We'll be right over.” We climbed to my deck and set our clothes on the kitchen counter. Just the thought of the pending three-way was causing my cock to harden and Divi helped that process by stroking it a few times as we went out the front door and across the two driveways to Ashley's front door. The air was cool and damp on our naked skin. By the time Ashley opened her front door, I was at full staff and it got even harder when the interior lights backlit her naked form. She motioned for us to come in.

We were hardly inside with the door closed behind us and Divi and Ashley were in a tongue sucking embrace. They were the same height and their tits mashed together as their hands pawed at the other. I started stroking my cock slowly as I watched to see where this was going to go. I glanced around to see if Jacob was there. Then I realized that his truck hadn't been in the driveway. Divi and Ashley were moaning into each other's mouths and I increased the pace of my hand on my cock.

Ashley broke their embrace and said, “You guys reek of sex and cum.” Divi giggled. Ashley looked at me with my cock in my hand and said, “Don't you dare touch that. We'll take care of that for you, huh, Divi?” Divi glanced down at my raging hard cock and nodded before she bent down and sucked Ashley's left nipple to her mouth. Ashley groaned from Divi's attack. It looked like Divi had her face pressed to a volleyball. Ashley guided Divi's lips to her other globe and groaned again as Divi's tongue flicked around her right nipple.

Ashley put both of her palms on Divi's tits and gently rolled her hands around their contour. It was Divi's turn to groan. If it got any hotter between these two, they would burst into flames. They were both gasping for air and we hadn't even got three feet from the front door.

Ashley back-walked herself through the kitchen to the living room. Divi wasn't about to release Ashley's mammoth tits and she was dragged along with her. I followed willingly.

They didn't make it to the sofa and Divi went down to the carpet with Ashley following her down. They were attacking anywhere they could reach with their lips and tongues. Their sexual heat was almost palpable. I had to renew my own hand job or I was going to explode.

Divi had been on the bottom but she was the aggressor and she rolled Ashley onto her back and attacked her tits again. Ashley was moaning, “Oh my God Divi. That feels amazing.” Divi grabbed as much of Ashley's tits as she could and buried her face between them. She frantically rubbed her face all over them and then pulled back gasping for oxygen.

Ashley wrapped her hands around Divi's head and held her to her boobs as they both sucked in huge quantities of air only to immediately expel each breath. Ashley looked up at me standing behind her head. I was looking down past my granite hard cock. She lifted one hand from Divi's head and motioned for me to come down. I thought she wanted me to join their embrace but as I got down on my knees she reached up and took my cock from my hand and pulled it toward her face. Divi's chin was buried between Ashley's tits and she watched to see what Ashley was doing with me.

When Ashley got me where she wanted me, I was straddling her face with a knee on either side of her head. She was stroking my cock and sucking on my balls. I groaned as she sucked first one testicle and then the other inside her mouth and batted each around with her tongue. I'm sure Ashley planned the whole thing but my cock was inches from Divi's face and she abandoned Ashley's tits and pushed herself up and pressed her lips over the crown and drilled her tongue into the sensitive spot under the glans. It was my turn to groan with Ashley sucking my balls while Divi sucked my cock. I didn't move and let these two beautiful women have their way with me.

Divi drove her lips all the way down my shaft. The sensation of my cock pushing into her throat caused me to groan again. At the bottom, Divi flicked out her tongue to my balls and their tongues entwined until Divi had to come up for air.

With everyone where Ashley wanted them, she reached down between her and Divi's bodies and began fingering Divi's sex. Divi responded to Ashley's attack by groaning hard on my cock. She began rocking her hips on Ashley's probing fingers as she increased the pace of her blow job. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and I had to decide how I wanted this to end because my balls were beginning to ache and I doubted that I'd be able to get up again for a while. I opted to stay right where I was and blow my load in Divi's mouth.

I couldn't help myself when I gently began rocking my hips to drive my cock back and forth. Divi's eyes were looking up as far as she could at this angle and her dark eyes, all made up like that pushed me closer to my climax. Divi's eyes smiled as she knew I wasn't far away and she increased her pace again. Ashley could feel my balls tighten. I tried my best to delay the ultimate sensation of this pending ejaculation and then I was done. Cum explode up my cock into Divi's waiting mouth. She had positioned her lips at the ridge of my glans and greedily sucked the cum from me. She swallowed after the first salvo and readied herself for the next and the next.

Then Divi pulled her lips off my cock and pushed it down for Ashley to get some. My cock didn't readily bend that way and the fourth and fifth shots landed in Ashley's cleavage, which happened to be Divi's cleavage too because they were mashing their tits together. Ashley giggled as she struggled to get her lips on the end of my cock. She was able to collect shots six, seven and eight in her mouth as she used her tongue to prevent the deposit from going down her throat until she was ready to swallow.

When I was done, Ashley released my cock and opened her mouth to show Divi her load. Divi grinned and did the same. Cum pushed out of Divi's mouth to her lips and then she sucked it back in. Ashley swallowed hard in a gulp and then smiled up at me and then opened her mouth inviting Divi to drop her load into her mouth. Divi immediately understood what Ashley wanted and she opened her mouth high above Ashley's and let the mixture of cum and saliva drool in a long pearly white, gooey string into Ashley's waiting mouth. Divi's lips followed the last of it down to Ashley's lips and Ashley pushed Divi's deposit back in Divi's mouth. Divi made a big show of swallowing and then they kissed again with hot passion. My cock pulsed on the side of Divi's face as I watched their steamy embrace.

I was sure that I was done but Ashley and Divi weren't. They maneuvered themselves into a sixty-nine position with Divi still on top. They were both gasping furiously for air as they drilled their tongues in and out of the other's pussy and flicked over their clitoris'. I sat there on the floor beside them watching every move and in spite of my aching balls my cock was on the rise again. I cradled my balls tenderly and pleaded silently with them to give me one more as my hand slid up my saliva-slick, rock-hard shaft once again.

I was amazed at how quickly they could drive the other to an orgasm. Ashley had had two and Divi had one and they were still going. My big head made a command decision and I crawled on hands and knees behind Divi with her ass in the air with Ashley's face pressed to her sex. They were both groaning through another orgasm. I could see Divi's pussy pulsing on Ashley's tongue.

I lifted my cock and inched forward guiding it to Divi's pussy. First contact was on Ashley's nose and she let her face drop out of Divi's pussy. Divi objected and pushed her pussy down just as my cock arrived and eased into her. She stopped right there and had to abandon Ashley's pussy as she let out a long loud groan, “Oh my gawwddd. I've been waiting for that all night. Fuck me Jack.” In spite of my aching balls, I did as she requested.

When she could, Divi resumed her attack on Ashley's sex as Ashley scooched her body further down so she could suck on my balls again. In spite of the pain in my balls, the touch of her lips was electric. I stopped my thrusts so Ashley could keep a grip on them. Divi took up the action as she began rocking her body back and forth on my cock.

I knew my balls were going to object to providing another load and that pending pain was delaying my orgasm. I could feel it building and then fall back only to build again and fall back. Divi was screaming her way thru orgasm after orgasm as my cock hardened and softened again. She finally turned back to me and said, “Fuck Jack. You're gonna kill me. Give it to me. Pleeeeeasseee,” as she was crushed by another orgasm.

I picked up the pace expecting that would get me over the top. Ashley had to abandon my balls but she placed her fingers on the underside of my cock as it slammed in and out of Divi's pussy. Ashley's pressure did the trick and I exploded in a painful eruption of cum. Divi screamed from the first salvo to the last and when I pulled out of her, she dropped her hips and Ashley greedily lapped up the cum oozing from her pussy. Divi was in orgasm mode as Ashley's lapping tongue drove her to another one.

We all collapsed in a heap of gasping bodies. Ashley moved over and stuffed my softening cock into her mouth. She lashed it with her tongue and cleaned my shaft from tip to balls. Divi was oblivious to anything around her as she continued to gasp for air long after I had recovered. When Ashley pulled her lips from my rapidly softening cock she said, “I wanted so bad to fuck your cock, but I couldn't. Not without Jake here.” She had invoked her own rule of no vaginal fucking with anyone except Jacob. I noted that there had been a caveat that it would be okay if Jacob was present and okayed it.

Ashley and I pushed ourselves against the sofa and watched Divi, who was slowly recovering. Ashley began fondling my cock and I had to stop her. She looked at me with a smile and said, “Too many times today Jack?” I nodded and she cupped my balls and said, “Poor babies,” as she leaned down and kissed each one. Ashley tweaked her nipples while we waited for Divi. I couldn't take my eyes off her huge tits.

Another ten minutes and Divi pushed herself up to a sitting position and said, “Fuck Jack. I lost count of how many times I've gotten off tonight.”

I said, “Me too. My balls are telling me it was too many though.”

She giggled and cupped my balls gently in the palm of her right hand and said, “Poor baby. I promise I'll give you until morning to recover.”

I said, “I see that your mom wasn't home when we got off the boat. I'm assuming that she stayed in Boston overnight. I wouldn't ask you to sleep at home alone.” She grinned at me. The little Minx had already figured it all out.

We said goodnight to Ashley and went across the two driveways to my front door. The mosquitoes had already found us when we rushed into the breezeway and then into the hallway to the kitchen. Divi peeled off to the right and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower come on. She came out to the kitchen and said, “I'm a little chilled. You don't mind if I take a shower to warm up and clean all the cum off me, do you?”

I inhaled my own stink and said, “I'll join you. I reek too.” Divi started to get aroused again and started jerking on my cock. I put my hand on hers and stopped her. She looked up at me. Her lips pouted with disappointment. She reluctantly released me cock and we went back to washing each other. She loved my new shower gel and she lathered me up from head to toe and rinsed me off. She pressed herself against my chest and inhaled deeply. I got on my knees to wash Divi from head to toe and we dried each other off and she excitedly pulled back the covers and climbed in. Her presence was sanctioned and she was all smiles. I rolled over and kissed her and turned out the light. Even with the caution from my balls I was aroused by Divi's close proximity. She was naked, as was I.

I had no idea when Priya would be home in the morning. If Divi was going to be her usual persistent self and insist on one more blow job or a fuck, it would have to be early. I laid there for a long time pressing my burgeoning cock to my stomach and then rolled on my side away from her and drifted off to sleep.

It seemed like I'd been asleep ten minutes when I felt a hand on my balls. I had turned over in my sleep at some point and was now facing her. I opened my eyes and Divi's beautiful face was inches from mine. She whispered, “Have your balls recovered yet?” I chuckled and assessed their condition. I replaced her hand with mine and fondled my balls to further evaluate whether they would be willing participants in whatever Divi had in mind. They seemed okay. Not pain free, but tolerable. I released my balls and Divi's hand went to my cock. It was soft when I woke up but it wasn't now. Divi giggled and said, “Attention!!” like she was an army drill sergeant. I chuckled and kissed her on the lips and she added a lot more passion to her response.

I broke our embrace and fell on my back tenting the covers above me. Divi rolled over close and pressed her breasts against my side and continued to lazily stroke my cock from balls to glans. She moved her head up on my shoulder and kissed my neck. Then she said, “Last night, that creepy Jimmy guy wanted to fuck my ass.”

I waited for her to continue and when she didn't; I said, “I admit he was kind of creepy but I can't blame him for wanting to fuck your ass. You have a gorgeous ass.” She giggled at my response.

She said, “When Ali and Joan were here and we had the orgy; they were both anxious for you to fuck their asses. They said that's all they did when they were in college so they wouldn't get pregnant. I don't get it. I tried putting my dildo up there and it hurt awful. They loved your huge cock in their asses. My dildo is nowhere near as big around as you.”

“Some women like it and others don't. Most won't even try it. Many men aren't interested in doing that either. Ali's and Joan's husbands don't like the thought of their precious dicks getting that kind of dirty,” I said.

Divi was quiet a moment as she continued to slowly stroke my erection. Then she said, “I was thinking. I'm going to college soon and I definitely don't want to get pregnant and I know that none of the birth control methods work one hundred percent. I guess there are two solutions: Don't fuck or fuck in the ass.” I didn't say anything and she was quiet for a long time. She kissed my erect nipple and continued, “Do you think you could show me how?” I looked over at her face and she was looking at me with those dark hopeful eyes that were impossible to deny. I turned to my left and looked at the digital clock. It read 6:09.

Without explanation, I rolled away from her, pulling my cock from her grip. I pulled open the drawer of my nightstand and lifted out a small jar of petroleum jelly and rolled back to my back. Divi's hand gripped my cock again and resumed her slow strokes. I showed her the jar and explained that there were all kinds of products out there now, designed to aid lubrication. I chuckled and said, “I doubt any of them specifically tout anal intercourse. Some stimulate the man and woman. Others are designed for taste for oral sex.” That got Divi's attention. From the grin on her face, I could tell what she was thinking and I made a mental note to get some.

Divi took the jar in her free hand and rotated it around reading the label. She handed it back to me and said, “You didn't use this with Ali or Joan. Why not?”

“Yeah, I probably should have though. Both of them are familiar with anal intercourse. They know how to relax their sphincter. Plus, they expect and even savor some pain, I think. I don't like to hurt a woman in any way whether they like it or not. I'm pretty sure that your buddy Jimmy likes hurting women and particularly likes hurting them in that way. He was really enjoying butt-fucking that woman and the more pain she felt the better he liked it. I detest guys like that but you'll encounter them in your travels. Don't ever let a man hurt you.” You handled Jimmy perfectly last night. I was fearful that you'd feel like you needed to fit in so you'd take whatever was offered to you.”

Divi kissed my shoulder and smiled. “I admit that I wanted to fit in and not be a wimpy girl. If you hadn't given me those instructions before we started, I probably would have let him.” She didn't let the conversation put her off her goal and she said, “So, are you going to show me now?”

I laughed and groaned and lifted my hips as she increased the pace of her hand job. “Jesus Divi. You are beyond persistent.” She giggled and rolled the right side of her body up on top of mine and threw her right leg over my right leg. She pushed herself up my body and kissed me hard on the lips. When she broke our embrace, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she looked down in my eyes. I said, “Okay. But it's going to hurt. There's no way it won't hurt.”

Divi kissed me again and said, “I know you'll be as gentle with me as possible. What do I do?” She released my cock and then thought better of it and grabbed it again. “Should I get you off before?”

“No. Don't do that. Trying to do this with a soft cock is impossible. You want to get the guy as hard as you can. It's tough to push a soft cock in. It seems a little contrary because a hard cock is fatter. The length of a cock is not a concern, it's the girth.”

Divi giggled and said, “Well, if I can take yours, I should be okay, right?” I nodded. She released my cock and bent down and kissed my glans. I guided her to her hands and knees on the bed and moved her so she was facing away from me. She turned her head to watch what I was doing. I told her that I'd explain everything I was doing as I went.

I opened the jar of petroleum jelly and Divi watched as I pulled out a glob with my index and middle fingers. I placed the glob on her anus and smeared it around her rosebud. Then I explained that I would push my index finger inside her anus to push the jelly in. She groaned hard when I did that. I explained that she needed to consciously relax her sphincter muscle like when she was trying to pass a poop. She giggled at the crudeness of my explanation but I immediately felt her anus relax a little. I didn't move my finger in and out of her like I was fucking her with it. I just slowly pushed it in so she could adapt to it. I could feel her relaxing. I left it there for a couple minutes and then pulled it out slowly. I moved forward and pushed my hard cock between her thighs. She rocked her hips forward to present her anus but I pulled her hips back. She was confused by this move and I explained that I was going to put my cock in her pussy to coat it with her lubrication. She was all in on that as she pushed herself back hard on my cock and groaned as I penetrated deep into her vagina. I was conscious of her cervix, even if she wasn't, and stopped short of causing her any pain.

I gently pushed my thumb inside her anus and she flinched and pulled away from me. I held my thumb inside and with my free hand I gripped her hip and fucked her pussy for several strokes and then stopped. As I expected, she didn't want to stop and she whimpered, “Oh fuck Jack. Don't stop. That's amazing.” I started to pull my cock out but she followed it back to keep it embedded. She had forgotten about the thumb in her ass.

I said,” Divi, honey. If you want to abandon the butt-fucking thing, I'm okay with that but if you want to continue, it's awful hard to fuck your ass from inside your pussy.” She burst out laughing and pulled herself forward and off my cock. I followed her forward with my thumb keeping the same depth. She groaned hard when I eased my thumb from her ass. I looked down and saw that her anus was gaped open to the size of my thumb. I spread more petroleum jelly on my glans and up my shaft and then told her that I was going to put my glans on her anus and that she was to hold her position by pushing back as I pushed forward. I guided my cock to her anus and the moment that my cock touched her she went rigid.

I whispered, “Relax Divi. Relax your anus like you did on my finger. She was already breathing erratically. I had my doubts that she was going to be able to do this. I pressed forward harder and pulled her hips to me. She groaned and then let out a yelp. She was wagging her head from side to side as she started a constant moan. I told her to relax again but I didn't feel anything from her. I eased my grip on her hips and pulled back.

She pushed back on me and said, “Don't give up on me yet. It hurts. I knew it would hurt. Just do it like you did when you took Molly's cherry.”

I groaned with that analogy and said, “Divi, sweetheart. It's not the same thing. If I force it, I could do damage.”

“Okay. Okay. I'm relaxing. Just don't give up on me.” I could feel her relax and my glans suddenly pushed forward. She had probably pushed back hard and then my knob was inside her. She lifted her head to scream but no sound came out. Then she turned back to me and muttered, “Fuck, that hurt. It's getting better though.” We pushed ever so slowly together again and my glans pushed deeper. She trembled and then pushed herself back again. She was groaning non-stop and I held myself in position as she pushed more and more of me inside her ass. She was going very slow, which was totally fine. I kept reminding her to relax her anus. She was pushing back a little faster and then my balls pressed against her pussy and she had to stop.

Divi looked between her hanging tits and then reached between her legs and fondled my balls and rubbed them against her clitoris only to surge forward upon contact. She groaned at her own sudden movement. I couldn't believe how tight she was. The heat was incredible.

Divi started to pull forward and she stopped several times and when the ridge of my glans hit the tight ring of her anus, she immediately pushed herself back at me. She groaned as my cock pushed back inside her but she was moving much faster this time. She stopped at the bottom again and gathered her breath. She smiled back at me and said, “It's way better now.” She took a deep breath and pulled herself back off my cock and then she was fucking my cock with her ass. The tightness eased a little. She was getting the hang of relaxing and after another minute she turned her face back to me and said, “Oh my gawwddd Jack. Fuck my ass.” Her face was flushed with sexual heat. The sultry expression on her face hardened my cock and she groaned hard as a result.

I fucked Divi's ass with caution while she diddled her pussy and clitoris. She was groaning with pleasure instead of pain and I picked up the pace. I had been concentrating so hard on Divi that I forgot about my orgasm. Now it was pressing hard and I could feel my balls starting to ache again as I was calling for another load of cum. I ignored the ache and hooked my fingertips into Divi's hipbones and vigorously drove my cock in and out of her.

Suddenly, her body went rigid and her hips reflexively rolled forward as she exploded into her orgasm. I stopped and she yelled out, “Jesus Christ. Don't stop. Fuck Jack. Please don't stop.” I resumed my motion and Divi groaned hard as another orgasm rocked through her. It was so close to the first one it could have been the same one. She dropped to her elbows and then onto her shoulders as she gasped for air.

Then my orgasm burst forward and cum rocketed up my shaft into Divi's bowels. She groaned into the bed covers as I pummeled her ass until I finished firing many salvos. When I was done, Divi seemed to melt down onto the bed pulling her ass off my cock, which was quickly softening. We were both gasping for air and I laid down beside her and ran my hand over her perfectly round butt-cheeks and up her back to sooth her. She trembled from my touch. I laid my flaccid cock across the back of her thigh. I caressed her lower back and ass as we both recovered.

It was totally silent. Our breathing was back to normal and Divi rolled on her side toward me and looked at me with a smile on her face and said, “That was amazing Jack. Thank you. I started to get the hang of the relaxing part after a while. I'm sure I wouldn't have the same trouble with a smaller dick.” I pushed forward and kissed her.

We retreated to the shower and cleaned ourselves up. I didn't want Divi going home reeking of sex. As far as I was concerned, our sexual escapades of the last twelve hours were our secret. Priya didn't need to know a thing about it. As time went on, I was getting less and less concerned about deceiving Priya.

After the shower, we dressed in the clothes we had on last night and I made breakfast. Divi's sexy outfit was sure to raise questions from her mother so I suggested that she run home and change. When she got back, we ate on the deck. We both laughed when we realized that Ashley was doing Yoga exercises on the dock wearing a spandex one-piece outfit that had not been designed to contain her massive tits. The family of Loons was back and the parade of boats had all congregated to watch. It was a sight to behold. I got my binoculars so I could get a better view.

Ashley wasn't the only show. One of the boats closest to shore contained a single twenty-something year old guy sitting in the driver's seat with his bathing suit around his ankles jerking himself off. Beside his boat was a pontoon boat containing a thirty-something year old couple. The guy was sitting in the captain's chair with the woman kneeling on the deck giving him a tit-fuck as she watched the younger guy jerking off twenty feet away. He was alternating his view from Ashley to the tit-fuck and as he approached his orgasm, he stood up and aimed his cum over the side into the lake.

Divi saw what the guy was doing and she yelled out, “Hey. I swim in that water.” He either didn't hear her or he didn't care. He didn't react or respond. I shifted my view back to the tit-fuck couple just in time to watch him shoot his load into the woman's face and her cleavage. I could hear her laughing as he loosed several bolts of cum. Divi took the binoculars from me and watched the last couple of shots from him. She giggled and said, “He's hot.”

Ashley finished her yoga and ever the showman, waved to her admirers and waggled her tits in that ridiculously tight outfit and then cat-walked across her lawn and climbed up to her deck. She came to the railing facing her audience and stripped the top half of her outfit to her waist and lifted each of her mammoth boobs to her lips and kissed each of them to a roar of applause from the boaters. Divi and I exploded in laughter. What a show for this early in the morning.

I went inside and made two cups of coffee and as I stepped back on the deck, Priya was coming up the stairs to my right. She looked longingly at the coffees in my hands and said, “Oh my God, I need one of those.” I handed mine to her and carried the other to the table and handed it to Divi.

I examined Priya's face to see if I could glean anything about how things went in Boston or any displeasure she might exhibit about Divi being here. It was a little after eight o'clock so she must have hit the road awfully early. She took a sip off the hot cup and leaned against the railing. She was dressed much more casually than when she left. I offered her a seat but she declined saying, “I've been sitting for three hours.”

Priya took another cautious sip and said, “So. What did you guys do to entertain yourselves yesterday?” Divi and I both started to answer at the same time with some lie or another and I shut up so there would only be one lie. Divi told the truth as far as it went about the picnic and boat ride. There was a lot of time to account for and she wasn't doing very well. She was a worse liar than me. I just kept my mouth shut and then went back inside to make myself a cup of coffee. When I came out Priya was interrogating Divi and I stopped her.

“Divi slept here last night. There was no way I was going to ask her to sleep in her bed with no one else at home. My willpower has its limits in the face of Divi's persistence and we had sex this morning.” I left out all the other stuff and let Priya ruminate on my confession. She wasn't pleased but she wasn't irate either. She didn't really exhibit any expression that I could read to reveal what she was thinking. She looked unblinking at me and then at Divi who was examining her fingernails again.

Priya took another longer sip from the coffee cup and she turned her gaze back to me. Her expression morphed from a faint smile to a sultry look and she said quietly, “Is there any left for me?”

I knew exactly what she meant and I didn't want to mess with her but I couldn't help myself as I grinned and said, “Sure. You must be starved. There's scrambled eggs and I can make some more toast. More coffee?”

Priya looked at me for a moment and then punched me hard on the arm and said, “Don't tease me. This has been hard for me and I thought about how badly I've treated you all the way to Boston and all the way home this morning. The three of us have a weird relationship but I can't deny it anymore.” She restated her question, “Is there any left for me?” The grin on her face was beaming and Divi abandoned her fingernails and grinned at her mother first and then me. She wasn't any surer of where we were going than I was but we would take one step at a time.

For now, the first step was to assess the condition of my balls. The reality was that regardless of the pain in my balls, there would always be enough for her.

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