My loyal girlfriend and my batchmates

It was the re-opening day of our college and as the
freshers joined, as usual we seniors started to rag
them by asking them to sing and dance and what not,
one of our batchmates and his gang standing some
distance away from us went overboard when he
asked for a kiss from one of the new junior's, I heard a
clap sound and as I turned to see what was going on
i saw my looking ferocious at Raj who was
holding his hand against his left cheek, then it struck
me my girlfriend was joining a college today but she
never said it was mine as she was keeping it as a
surprise for me.

I ran over to them, apologized & quickly separated her
from Raj whose face had turned red, he was glaring
at my girlfriend like he wanted to rape her at the

Raj was well built standing at 6ft tall and had a
asthetic body, he was a lady's man and has had sex
with almost every girl in our batch and some from
others too. So what happened was quite insulting for
him especially infront of everyone. He stood there
and stared at us leaving the scene and I saw him
leaning over to one of his friends and say something.
Allow me to introduce my girlfriend,
her name is Priyanka she's 5″1 and 55 kgs. she's also
two years younger than me, I started dating her when
she was in her high school, over the of years
my hardwork on her body made her a 40-26-36 tan
busty babe.

She had dark pink heart shaped lips that looked so
juicy dripping with saliva after a kiss, she had a sweet
innocent but yet a lusty face. All of her guy friends
made comments of her beauty and some had even
proposed but she ignored all of them and was always
loyal towards me.

On the other hand I was just an ordinary boy 5″5 with
a lean body and looked not so attractive, even my
dick was at 4.5 inches long when fully erect and that
too with little girth.
I had always resorted to my fingers to make her cum
as I couldn't satisfy her with my dick & she had said in
the past that I should get some help to make
it larger as she was not satisfied with it.
Anyways lets get back to college, the days passed
and she was happy that she got to spend time
with me during the lunch breaks and in the Library
whenever she could skip lectures, and I always made
sure I kissed her and pleased her whenever I got the

One day I found her in the library looking tensed with
teary eyes, when i sat near her and she got startled,
after seeing it was me she started to cry, I asked her
what was the reason but she didn't say anything, she
kept leaning over my shoulders and after sometime
got up and went away to her classroom. I was
confused, normally she was quite talkative and today
she didn't say a word and had teary eyes.

That evening she didn't even wait for me after college
to meet her, the whole next week she didn't come
to class, I tried calling her but she said she was not
feeling well and didn't give me any more information
on her health, she didn't even allow me to meet her
in any way, I was worried but I thought it might be a
women's thing and i troubled her less, on the Sunday
night around 11PM i received a message from
Priyanka saying that “there is no need to worry & that
she was just sick & she'll be coming tomorrow”
I felt happy and replied “xoxo

The very next day I was completely shocked as I saw
her wearing a black T-shirt that was tightly fitted on
her and the shape of her boobs could be visible from
the outside, she was showing her beautiful cleavage
to all, and below that she wore a pencil fit blue jeans
that fit around her butt like it would tear off if she
stretched her legs,
Needless to say She looked stunning & I was
dumbfounded by seeing her in such a dress that to in

Everyone was watching her including one of the
professor's who was staring at her boobies like he
wanted to remove her shirt and start sucking on her
juicy titties.

I went up to her and questioned her about the change
in the dress code, she said” I always wanted to wear this once I joined
college it's not a big deal”
I was left speechless and I said nothing i nodded
my head and asked her to meet me in the library
after the lunch break, she said she can't come today
as she was lagging behind her studies, I could see
some kind of disturbance in her face but I didn't ask
anything about it.

After the break i passed by her classroom to check
up on her where to my surprise I saw that she was
not there.
Worried I wandered around the veranda and went
to the canteen and other spaces where we used to
hangout but to my surprise she was nowhere to be

I reached the library on the second floor and as
always there was no one there,
I sat in my usual place and tried to call Priya but she
had switched off her phone

After a minute or two i heard someone approaching
me from behind it was Raj and his friend vivek. They
stared at me & i understood it was not friendly I got
up when
Raj asked ” what are you doing here?
i replied “just chilling, what are you guys doing here at
this time?
Raj looked at me with hesitation, He stuttered and
said “we were clearing some doubts with one of the

Me not thinking about anything suspicious
replied ” That's wonderful u should really help
them,especially when they ask us questions, It's a
good way of establishing a good relationship between
them and us”

As soon as I said this Raj laughed and soon Vivek
started laughing too.

Vivek said “i wish we met sooner”
I didn't understand why he said that but I just smiled
and said ” Yes we should have”
Raj said” Rohan why don't you come with us and let's
clear the junior's doubt together”
I declined and said ” I'm searching for my girlfriend
and i believe she would be coming here any minute
now so I'll sit here.

Raj and Vivek shook their heads and Vivek said with a
smile “yes u should stay here just in case she comes.
I smiled at them and sat down and saw them walking
to the farthest corner of the library that was about 50
metres away from where I was sitting, it was darker
there as the lights working there were not so bright, i
wondered out of all the places why there.
But I ignored that and I saw them disappear behind
the last bookcase.

In that pindrop silence
I could hear some whispers of the two men and the
faint voice of a lady.

I was curious to know who the junior was but I was
too scared to go and find out as both of them were
very short tempered and have a history of beating up
the other students.

I stood up but sat down again, but soon my mind
started raising doubts and I feared for the worst, i
slowly got up again and without making any noise i
approached the last bookcase, as soon as I got closer
I could hear the girl was moaning & I understood she
was having sex with the two guys.

I saw some clothes including blue jeans and a
black T-shirt lying on the floor but it was hard to
make out if it was right or wrong as the light was very
damp there, I kneeled down and slowly removed a
book from the centre shelf and saw two big boobies
bouncing up and down, they were dripping with saliva,
i removed another book this time from the bottom
shelf and i saw Raj lying on the floor with the girl
riding in a cowboy position, she had a thick booty, I
got up and i removed another book this time from the
top shelf I saw Vivek standing with his dick stretched
out and ready to insert it into the girls mouth,
I took a glimpse at the girl and in the partial darkness
I saw Priyanka moaning and opening her mouth wide
open for Vivek's dick to enter, a cold shiver ran down
my spine and I froze, My girlfriend who i thought
was loyal to me, taking two dicks at once, One in her
pussy and the other in her mouth. I don't know why
but my dick became hard seeing the two men
my beautiful girlfriend.

I removed some more books from the three shelves
to get a better view,
She took Vivek's dick in her mouth and began moving
her head forwards and backwards.
i saw her saliva all over Vivek's and it made my
dick even harder
Vivek said “yes suck my dick like a slut bitch ” and
she began to do it faster. Vivek removed his dick from
her mouth knelt down and started kissing her, they
started kissing each other like they were starving for
it, both of them biting each other's lips and pulling
them, he pressed her right boob with so much
strength she tried to scream while her mouth was in
Raj asked them to stand up and he too got up, he told
Priya to stand in between them and started to rub his
dick in between priya's ass, he whispered something
in her ear and her eyes widened, Priya was now
sandwiched in between Vivek and Raj, soon Vivek
picked her up, and now she was hugging him and as
he inserted his dick into her pussy, i saw Raj applying
some lubricant from a bottle that was kept aside, he
now stood behind Priya and slowly inserted his dick
in priya's anal, i saw my girlfriend wiggle with pain and she let out a
small scream, tears came rolling down her eyes and
once Raj pushed his dick inside I saw both of them
pushing up their dicks in my girlfriend in a rhythm.
Seeing all this I slowly started stroking my small dick i
couldn't control myself anymore.
I heard Priya saying ” ouch it hurts
and started moaning after that,
Vivek kissed her again this time with even more
hunger, she grabbed his head from behind.
Raj kissed her neck and this made her even more
hungrier, she moved her face to her left side so that
she could kiss both men at the same time and I saw
them sharing my lips together, the three of
them dripping with saliva from their mouths.
After 10 mins they put her down and she knelt on the
ground as both of the men stood and she grabbed
both the dicks and began taking one and stroking the
Vivek was the first to cum on my beautiful girlfriend's
face followed by Raj.

Now Priyanka's face and mouth was covered & filled
with cum.

She drank the cum that was in her mouth and wiped
the cum on her face with a towel, she was tired and
laid on the ground with her legs stretched,
Vivek came down on her and placed his face in
between her legs and started licking her pussy,
Raj laid beside her and quickly
took her left booby in his mouth and his right hand
was playing with the other.
after 5 minutes she started to shiver and | knew she
has reached and was ready to cum, she
tried to push Vivek's face out of her pussy but he
restrained her, soon she squirted and Vivek's face
was full of her cum. He got up and now laid beside
her on her right side and took the other booby in his
They were both now sucking my girlfriend's delicious
milky boobies and she was smiling,
She said” drink all the milk you want” & she turned
towards the space where i was standing
“”ll still have more to feed you don't worry dear”
I was shocked when she said that, as I didn't know if
she saW me or not.
She continued again ” You can come out dear, Raj
saw you staring at us through the book shelf, i was
not aware of you watching me having sex with Raj
and Vivek until Raj told me when he was inserting his
penis in my ass,

Did you like it dear ?
Do you like me to fuck them again ?
I was ashamed and completely devastated to know
my girlfriend knew I was watching her while she was
having sex with two dudes.
She got up and walked towards me
hugged me and took my dick in her hand and started
stroking it, she was glaring at the expression on my
face, i closed my eyes as I was too embarrassed to
look at her
She pushed her head towards mine and started
kissing me, I could smell the scent of cum in her
mouth, she pushed her tongue inside my mouth
after a moment I did the same, she stopped after
some time and grabbed my hand and made me walk
towards Raj and Vivek,
they were still lying down on the ground exhausted
and smiling,
she asked them to make space for me to lie down
and they did, I now lied between them and Priya sat
on my small dick smiling at me,
she began moving her body up and down, she
moaned ” ah yes baby give me your little dick, fuck
me more”
Vivek and Raj sat up and started to kiss and lick her
boobs again, they were sucking her nipples and this
made her to thrust faster, i cummed inside her pussy
and i left out a sigh,
she asked ” did my baby would you
like to lick my pussy filled with your cum ” and she
removed her pussy from my dick and moved it
towards my mouth, and she sat on my face, and
before she did I could still see Raj and Vivek still
feasting on her boobies and priya's face was full of
lust, watching her i didn't hesitate to do what she told me
I quickly started licking my cum of priya's pussy
she moaned again this time louder and her voice
could be heard in all corners of the library, after 5
minutes she cummed all over my face,
As she got up from my face, Raj offered his hand to
me and pulled me up, he hugged me naked with his
dick touching mine, Vivek joined in from behind, we
had a naked hug and seeing this
Priya said “hey leave my man alone he's all mine” we
started laughing when she said this,
Raj and Vivek complimented me on having such
a lusty beautiful girlfriend and i shook my head
and replied “thank you for giving me a wonderful
experience, we should do this more often”
Vivek got excited & said ” we should do this at the
beach next time I know a place that is secluded and
not many people come there”
Priya responded” next time I would be making all of
you cum at least three times so be ready boys”
Hearing my girlfriend say all this I was too stunned to
speak all I did was smile.
We all wore our clothes again and we all helped Priya
to wear her's and we did a kiss with the three
of our faces against priya's before Raj and Vivek
parted ways.
After they left, i gathered some courage and asked
“Priya what had happened here, was it a dream?”
to which she replied ” don't worry dear we will be
having this dream for the rest of our lives together”
My dick got hard again but as I didn't have anymore
energy to cum I kissed Priya on her forehead and we
walked out of the library as if nothing happened.

The end,
Stay tuned,
hope you liked the story
A prequel will be posted soon so don't worry guys,
P.s this is not made up all of what I wrote happened in
real life to me and we are married now and enjoying
our fantasies to the fullest.

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