Step Mother’s Advice – The conclusion of Step Mother Advices

Step 's Advice – The conclusion of Step Mother Advices

Cynthia was euphoric for many reasons as she knelt on the carpet. Her ring and middle finger were drenched in her pussy juices as she circled the lips of her sex repeatedly, a jolt of pleasure flooded her mind with every pass.

I'm so glad Ben's bedroom is in the basement, she thought. He gets so few intruders like me that he is willing to jack off in his room with the door cracked open.

Cynthia was hidden in the darkness just outside Ben's bedroom cracked door. A familiar enough spot she had been in over the years. The stairs were right beside his door as well, Cynthia would sometimes sneak away from her best friend, Brittany just to quietly go down stairs and sit there listening to Ben play video games or talk on the phone. She wasn't exactly sure when she began her infatuation with Brittany's , but she knew now it was more than just a phase. She was in love.

Ben wasn't Brittany's real little brother, of course, their parents married a few years back so it was more like a new guy friend had found their way into their group of friends. He was awkward at first, but as the years went on Cynthia began to find herself yearning for Ben's calming presence when she was away from him. At first she thought it was a sign to hangout with Brittany more but Cynthia was already at her house everyday to avoid her own broken and unstable home. Her father used to beat her and her older brother until he died of a heart attack. Cynthia's older brother had been locked up for dealing drugs for years now, and her mom spent more time than not and passed out on the couch of their apartment. Brittany's rich stepfather's house was an oasis of normality, but Ben, more than that, was one of the few men that was respectful in her life and treated her like a lady.

It was partially her fault, Cynthia knew, but the rest was men's doing. So many of them were dogs. And not cute, fluffy, lovable dogs, but wild untamed strays that trot around looking for something to hump or fight and that's all. She rewarded the behavior, though. Encouraged even. Ever since her body had developed into the luscious curvy yet trim body she had now, all the men flocked to her. Sexually, she quickly found her attraction, in some sick twisted-Freudian mishap, that she was attracted to the bad treatment.

In bed, Cynthia loved the hair pulling, ass slapping, choking, and dirty talk.she could explain it, all she knew was the treatment made her cum faster and harder than anything. The only problem was, of course, the same men would of course be a piece of shit in everyday life, as well. Brittany would often ask why Cynthia dated such assholes and why she didn't find a nice guy…

Maybe I have…

Cynthia plunged her two fingers into her pussy that slurped wet sounds with every of her fingers. A sound that made her freeze, concerned he might hear it. But the headphone he had on and the porn he watched must've drowned out the sound she made. Ben was now 18 years old which meant he finally was legally looking at porn, not that Cynthia was much older at 19 years old. She couldn't see the video he watched but she saw the shadow on the monitor of a large breasted woman riding a large man.

Cynthia chewed on her lip as her eyes darted between Ben's face and his long . She tried to match her fingers fucking her pussy to the strokes of his shaft. As if every stroke of his shaft was him pumping it inside her pussy. She had longed to be fucked by Ben for some time now. It was an off the wall fantasy at one point but now it was a desire she needed. She must have him. The thought of his cock exploding inside her pussy. Shooting his sticky cum deep inside her.

Cynthia's fingers vibrated on her clit over and over as her eyes rolled back into her skull and the pleasure overcame her. She orgasmed three times before Ben finally shot his load into a clump of tissues in his palm. Cynthia heard the moans explode from the porno when Ben accidentally disconnected his headset. The big breasted woman cried out fakely, “Oh, yes, son! Fuck your stepmommy right in her pussy!”

Ben scrambled to close his laptop before the moans rang through the house. Cynthia retreated and hid before she could be spotted by a now paranoid Ben. Sneaking back upstairs, Cynthia couldn't help but toy with an idea. If Ben desires his stepmom… maybe he should get her…

Chapter 2


“Hey,” Cynthia said, startling Ben from his phone on his bed.

“Oh, sorry, hey,” Ben said sitting up right. “What's up?”

Cynthia giggled at how quickly and easily Ben always apologized. You know, all he really needs is a spine and he might be the perfect man. “Your mother wants you to bring up any laundry you need done. She's putting in a load.”

“Right, thanks,” Ben said, scooping a few items of dirty clothes off the ground and tossing them into a laundry bag he had at the foot of his bed.

“You should enjoy it while it lasts,” Cynthia smirked. “Once you're off at college you're going to be all on your own.”

“What? You will be there,” Ben said. “I thought you'd take over doing my laundry.”

“In your dreams.” Cynthia laughed. “What are you up to today?” Cynthia asked.

“Oh, I just was going to meet up with some friends. You know, last time I'd see them for a bit after I leave next week. but I'd be back later tonight.”

“Anyone else you have to say bye to?”

“Not really,” Ben shrugged. “Short list.”

“So, no new girlfriends then?” Cynthia asked with a twist in her hips. Her pencil skirt lifted some as she moved.

Ben retreated, stepping back as his face cheeks reddened, “What? Um. Uh no, nothing- no girlfriends.”

Cynthia smiled and leaned back against the door frame to his bedroom. The girlish smile drawn across her lips, her shirt raised up above her belly button, and her skirt inched up her thigh as her foot leaned back against the door frame. Cynthia caught Ben's eyes dipping below her eye line as he drank in her body. Ben was such a polite boy, him even having inappropriate thoughts about her caused Ben to feel ashamed. He looked down and fumbled with his stack of old high school papers on his desk.

“You know, you're a good looking boy,” Cynthia said. “You don't need to be single for the rest of your life.”

“I'm not- I mean, I won't,” Ben said defiantly.

“You know, your stepmom has been talking about you. She even said she couldn't believe you were still single. She said how good looking you are, and how she'd like to give you some advice, you know, some like, pointers about relationships, but she didn't want to be too forward about it.” Cynthia shrugged. “Maybe you should ask her about some advice at some point…” Cynthia turned to leave the room as she saw Ben pondering her words. With a final smirk she said, “just a thought…” before disappearing up the stairs.

Cynthia hung out up stairs with Brittany for some time just watching TV in her room. She listened to Sharon loading the washer downstairs. Time passed before she heard Ben's car start and leave the driveway. About the time Sharon was switching the load of laundry into the dryer, Cynthia snuck back down stairs into the basement. Opening Ben's laptop she looked up the website history on his browser. She found a slew of video all filled with curvy stepmom's being fucked hard by strong, muscle bound men. Men Ben wishes he could be like…

Cynthia found a particularly video that was rather long and positioned the laptop so that it faced the open bedroom door. Pressing play, she looked at her phone and thought she timed it out right. The dryer should finish any minute, giving Sharon enough time to fold the clothes and come down here to drop off Ben's clean clothes as she normally does.

The video was 39 minutes long. She turned the video volume up so that it was definitely noticeable when Sharon came into the room. Cynthia found herself hesitating as she thought about leaving the bedroom. Was this a good idea? What if it didn't turn out as I thought? Is this what I really want?

The buzzer on the dryer went off indicating it was done. Leaving Ben's door open, Cynthia quickly snuck back up the stairs before Sharon came to finish folding the laundry. She was committed now.

Chapter 3


Breakfast was filling and exactly what Cynthia needed. The orange juice took the edge off of the slight hangover she had from the night before. It still was as surreal as any dream or fantasy she ever had. Glancing at Ben and Sharon when they weren't looking, Cynthia saw the awkward looks they gave another and their strange demeanor. Last night really happened…

The thought that she successfully orchestrated a mini threesome of sorts between her, Sharon, and Ben while Brittany and Angela passed out drunk was surreal. Almost as surreal as Cynthia having fingered Sharon last night.

Cynthia wasn't a lesbian. At least she didn't think she was a lesbian. She's never been attracted to women before in her life. Sure, to make the boys freakout before she and Brittany have kissed and touched each other. It never meant anything. It was just for shock value. Brittany and Angela were Cynthia's best friends. She didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship, but at the same time she saw something in Ben. Something that was real and true. She saw a man she didn't just want to fuck, but a man she could see dating, living with… maybe even spending my life with…

Cynthia was risking much for this chance, she knew that, but what she didn't anticipate was her urges overtaking her like they did the night before. Having successfully manipulated Ben and Sharon into the same room for sex last night. Cynthia could help her horny curiousness. Huddled in her familiar spot outside Ben's door crouched at the foot of the stairs, she teased and tortured her own pussy for what felt like hours while Sharon and Ben navigated a real life episode of an online stepmom porn scene. The soft moans that escaped Sharon's lips made Cynthia swoon almost as much as the deep growls of Ben as he entered his .

To be true, Cynthia couldn't believe the two of them didn't hear her through the door. Her face was flushed to a sweaty temperature and the erotic moment had surged to a level she didn't plan for. Any reason or logic she possessed was gone. Drunk on horniness, Cynthia entered the sexual swarray in Ben's room without a thought. She fingered Sharon's pussy without hesitation. Cynthia nearly came watching Ben's long hard cock devoured by his stepmother, then only for him to cum on her face. God, Ben must've been in heaven last night.

The uncomfortableness between the three of them were equally matched, which was a good thing. It meant neither one of them were horrified or upset about what happened, but all of them knew the ramifications of what it could mean. Of what could happen if Brittany found out about Cynthia and Ben. If Angela or Brittany found out about Sharon and stepson. How would they react? How would anyone react? Why does doing something that felt so right, feel so wrong, too?

Sharon left to go about her day, hurrying off to the gym and the store to put distance between her and the house and those who lounged about the house. Brittany and Cynthia spent most of the morning and afternoon laying around the couch watching trash TV. Angela had to go see her man which she seemed especially annoyed about so she disappeared for several hours. It was sexually infuriating and frustrating laying on the couch and imagining Ben down stairs all by himself. He was alone. He was hiding like the nice, shy boy he was. Maybe he was even stroking his shaft right now? Thinking of me coming down there and finding him, just like in one of the porn vids he watches. I was so close to his cock and yet I didn't taste it last night. I didn't feel it inside me. He could be fucking me right now. I could be downstairs wrapping my legs around his hips and force him to cum inside me.

Cynthia rubbed her thighs together under her sweatpants and hoody she wore. She had to think about something else. She had to focus on something else because she was starting to pant. Sooner or later Brittany is going to ask why she was constantly flush and sweaty and acting like a bitch in heat every time she was within 10 yards of her little step brother. Eventually, she would have to admit her intoxicating lust and love for Ben.

Cynthia didn't know how Brittany would take the news. She thought she would support Cynthia in most of her healthy relationships. Brittany was a good friend like that. And she liked her stepbrother almost like a gay best friend. Ben was a nice trusting guy who she felt like they could be roommates. In fact, that was even discussed since all three of them would be going to Boston University starting next week when Ben started college and Cynthia and Brittany returned for their sophomore year. Angela lived with her boy toy so she was out as a roommate, but the three of them could still live together.

It was Ben who turned down living with Angela and Brittany. He was too shy and reserved. He probably was afraid of the boisterous and loud girls cramping his style. Over shadowing him. Cock blocked him from getting his first girlfriend.

Brittany stood up and stretched, “I've got to go.”

“Where?” Cynthia asked.

“I told you. I've got to pick up those clothes Sarah wants to get rid of. She wanted to get lunch and give them to me before I leave for school. You want to come with?”

Cynthia rolled her eyes, “you know better.”

“Come on, you two need to make up,” Brittany whined. “I can't be the ref between you two for the rest of my life. She's not that bad.”

“No, I'm secretly hoping she just magically drops dead or disappears…” Cynthia rolled her eyes. “I thought you'd stop hanging out with her after high school.”

“Well, she hasn't dropped dead yet,” Brittany shrugged. “So you're just going to chill here all day instead?”

“I'll be okay, I'll find something to do,” Cynthia shrugged.

Chapter 4


Ben packed his handfuls of luggage with clothes and electronics… to be honest he was only half paying attention to what he packed inside the bags. The various levels of distraction he had going on was insurmountable. Should I distract myself by thinking about my stepmom fucking me then me cumming on her face? Or how about my stepsister's best friend coming into my room naked and fingering my stepmother while she sucked my dick?

Ben didn't have a clue how things could happen and change so drastically over the past day. He had discussed leaving for Boston University early next week but now he was considering leaving first thing Monday. Hell, maybe even tomorrow. My apartment is ready. I can leave now before things get weirder between me and my stepfamily.

The cellphone vibrated in his jeans pocket and Ben looked at the screen.




Nothing. Y?


Brit wants you to get your clothes you left in your stepmom's room.


I didn't leave any clothes


She said they mixed up in laundry



Going upstairs, Ben was intent on avoiding Cynthia and Sharon as much as possible. Sharon should still be at the store or gym, wherever she went, and as long as Brittany was around Cynthia should not make things weird. Or any weirder than they already are.

Ben's plan was simple. Avoidance. If he could avoid them for the next 48 hours, this could all be another distant awkward memory. He didn't really care about what it meant for his father and stepmother. Frankly, he was convinced they'd be separated by the end of the year the way they were going at it usually. Of course he wanted to have sex with his stepmother, again. Of course, he wanted to see Cynthia naked, again. But at what cost? Ben had spent the entire afternoon weighing the pros and cons of trying to recreate what happened last night to happen again, and sure, it would be great if it happened and everyone stayed quiet and then his dad and stepmom separated. But what if they stayed together?

What if they were together for the rest of Ben's life and every Christmas for the next 50 years he would have to feel awkward and ashamed for this weekend? What if Brittany finds out and is filled with hate and anger towards Cynthia and Ben? Brittany, pathetically, was his best friend. Ben couldn't imagine his best friend hating him forever- and then having to see her every visit home for the rest of his life. He'd be risking potentially, permanent displeasure for a brief fleeting pleasure. No, I already know what the right thing to do is. I'm going to get my clothes. Go to my room. Close my door. And I'm going to hide for the next 24 hours. Then, I'll leave first thing Monday morning for college. I just need to make it through the next 24 hours…

Ben made it to the second story of the house having tiptoed around the living room where the TV played and, he assumed, Cynthia and Brittany still sat. Creeping into Sharon's bedroom, Ben saw a pile of his clothes on the corner of the large King size bed. He walked into the room to grab the pile and heard the door close behind him.

Startled, he turned around and saw Cynthia standing behind him with a devious smile on his lips. “Holy shit, you scared me,” Ben half laughed.

“Stop, talking…” Cynthia said without explanation and Ben complied. He stood in a daze as he realized how much her appearance had changed since this morning. Cynthia's hair was taken from the pony tail it was in and was washed. The hoodie and sweatpants she once wore had been exchanged for a pink pair of booty shorts that barely covered the lower curve of her thick butt. Her white top was scrunched around her full breasts that bounced freely beneath her clothes without a bra. But the low cut V of her shirt left plenty to stare at as she approached.

Cynthia took the clothes from Ben's hands and tossed them on the floor. Leading him by the fingertips, she brought him around the foot of the bed, passed the master bathroom attached to the room, and sat him on the far side of the bed. Ben couldn't help but think, this was my dad's side of the bed. The thought gave him an uneasy pause as he followed along.

“You've been avoiding me,” Cynthia said as she loomed over him. “Did you not want to talk about last night? Did you not like last night?”

“I… I… no, I liked it I just-“

“You just… Do you not think I'm attractive now?” Cynthia asked as she entered his personal space.

“No, I just- it's complicated, you know. And-“

Cynthia took Ben's hand and lifted it to her breast. Through her shirt, Cynthia held Ben's palm to her breast and he instinctively groped and mashed the breast into Cynthia's chest. He watched her eyes close and her mouth pant as her nipples hardened and protruded from her shirt. “It's complicated? Mmm… Is that your cock I see hardening against your jeans right now? Do you think I'm attractive?” Cynthia asked as she turned around and placed her butt against Ben's lap. Twerking to the left and the right, she held Ben's hand around her body on her chest as Ben felt her hair brush his cheek as she panted.

“Yes,” Ben said simply as his cock throbbed against the fabric that separated Cynthia's ass and him. Turning back around Cynthia removed Ben's shirt, then unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned his jeans.

Cynthia's hands grabbed at Ben's waistband as she bent over. Her breasts bounced before Ben's eyes as she smirked. “Do you want to fuck me?” Cynthia asked in a raspy whisper.

Stuck in a tense stare, Ben replied, “I do…”

With a pull of her arms, Cynthia pulled Ben's pants and boxers off of Ben, leaving him naked before her with his throbbing cock pointing up at her. Ben felt exposed and realized he was completely naked while Cynthia was fully clothed. He wanted to reach down and put on his clothes but then remember Cynthia just took them all off. I don't want to be rude. She took them off for a reason.

Lay back,” Cynthia said with a smirk on her face. Ben did with his arms at his sides and his cock pointing tall into the air. Cynthia took Ben's palm and thumbed a massage into the center of it for several seconds. “Why is it you don't then? Fuck me?”

“I- its complicated,” Ben stuttered as he felt his hand guided between Cynthia's thighs. His fingers were placed at the crotch of her shorts and he felt the warm, tender crevasse of her pussy lips. The moist bunch of shorts and panties that was open to him. “I- I don't know if… I don't want to take advantage of you.” Ben stuttered as his middle finger began to rub up and down the center of her crotch.

Cynthia bit her lip as her hips rocked back and forth slowly, riding his hand. Her small hand reached out and delicately touched the shaft of his cock. His dick reacted by flexing and releasing a small drop of precum at her touch. Petting him, Ben's heart raced as he watched Cynthia licked her lips as she stroked him.

“Ben,” Cynthia said, looking him in the eyes. “Look at me… does it look like I'm being taken advantage of?”

Ben felt his mind slip down a slope of self degradation and vulnerability. Like he was on display for the world to see, stripped naked to see how truly pathetic he was. He wondered if this was what Cynthia was doing now. Maybe that was what she was doing last night, too. It was all an insult. A form of torture. An elaborate prank making fun of how pathetic he was.

Cynthia must've sensed his mind slipping from the moment and his body retreating from her touch, because she moved onto him now. Onto the bed, she swung a leg over his hips and straddled him. Ben watched her pull her shirt off tossing it to the side of the bed and her luscious 19 year old breasts fall and bounce before him.

Cynthia looked down on him with passion in her eyes and something else. Something he had never seen before. Not truly. “Do I look like I want you?” She asked. Without waiting for a reply asked again, “then why don't you take me?”

Cynthia rubbed her hand up and down the center of Ben's chest while her other hand wrapped around the hard cock that flexed between her thighs. Stroking softly, she stared into his eyes as she stroked him over and over again. Her gentle fingers felt like a massage on his cock as the playful, goofiness that Ben had been used to seeing in Cynthia was gone. Her expression was of caring, of concern, and desire. With tender eyes she looked down at Ben as she stroked his cock with a look he had never seen. Cynthia looked at Ben with love in her eyes.

Ben's heart quickened as his cock flexed and stiffened in her palm. She was rubbing his pre-cum that leaked from his tip up and down his shaft. He was so close to cumming in Cynthia's hand when she suddenly stopped. Kissing up his chest, she kissed his neck, then sucked on his earlobe. Her hot breath massaging his neck as her nipples brushed along his chest with her swaying tits.

She removed her shorts and panties, tossing them to the pile of clothes with the rest so that she was as naked as he was then. She lowered her bare pussy lips down on Ben's throbbing shaft. Careful not to allow him to enter her, she grinded her soaked pussy lips up and down his cock. Arching her hips as she pushed her round ass out then dragging her hips down as she pressed her clit down on his hard member. Ben thought he could nearly cum just from the feel of her body on his. The sight of her breasts jiggling as she teased him.

“I see you…” she said as she continued to writhe slowly on him. Her breath labored as she hummed a moan between her words. “I see you better than you do. I see the man you can become. I see the life you could live. I see the man I'd stand beside… But that's not the man beneath me…”

Cynthia got off of Ben abruptly and went to the dresser beside the bed. Opening the top drawers, she pulled out a pair of black panties. My stepmother's panties… walking back over to the bed, Cynthia brushed the tip of the panties down Ben's face, his chest, then wrapped them around his cock as she stroked him with the panties gently for several seconds.

“I saw your stepmother, too,” Cynthia said. “I saw the way she looked at you… talked about you… You should have heard her talk about finding porn on your laptop yesterday…”

“What? When?” Ben said, surprised.

“While you were out with friends,” Cynthia shrugged. “You left your laptop open with stepmother porn playing when she brought down your laundry.”

“No, I didn't,” Ben said.

“She thinks you did.” Cynthia said. Ben's eyes became recognition as Cynthia continued. “She also thought it was coupled as odd timing when you add in that you asked her for advice on girls before you leave for college…”

“But you…” Ben started.

“I told you. I see you. I see your lust after her…”Cynthia said, stroking his shaft with more purpose. Engorging his cock with his stepmother's panties around him. He felt his heart rate rise as the pleasure increased. “I'm the kind of girlfriend that gives into her boyfriend's desires. I'm the kind of girlfriend who wants her man to have everything he desires…”

Ben squirmed as he was near cumming. He was so distracted he almost didn't hear the thudding up the stairs as someone neared the bedroom door.

“But that's up to you. If you want to be the man you could become…” Cynthia said. Her words disappeared almost as fast as she did. Leaving the black pair of Sharon's panties draped across my cock, Cynthia snuck into the bathroom and closed the door just as the door to the hallway opened. Ben froze as he laid naked in his stepmother's bed with her panties on him as she stared at him from the doorway. This was another step in Cynthia's plan, Ben thought. She wants me to fuck Sharon while she listens, again.

Chapter 5


Sharon was in a daze as she laid naked on her bed. With sweat on her brow and her breath finally coming under control, she stared at the ceiling. Ben had left her to go back down to his room a few minutes ago and Sharon still could not believe she did it, again. For so many years she had dealt with celibacy due to her estranged husband, she forgot how amazing it felt to have a man's cum inside her. She could feel it begin to leak from between her pussy lips.

Sharon had forgotten how much she loved sex. How much she missed being with a man. How much she enjoyed being around someone who was a good man. It wasn't like she wanted to be with Ben but the mutually beneficial relationship she had with him felt so good. It was exactly what she needed. Exactly what she wanted.

She heard the door open and looked towards the hallway where Ben had left expecting to see him return. Sharon found her pussy stirring at the thought of receiving more attention. But when she looked at the door it was closed. Sharon furrowed her brow as she heard the door continue to open and brush across the carpet when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. It was her bathroom door. It was open and standing in the doorway was Cynthia's naked body.

“Cynthia! Oh my god!” Sharon said as she sat up. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts and pulled a cover over her thighs. “What are you- how did you-“

“I have a question for you,” Cynthia said as she walked to the foot of the bed. “I know you care about Ben and I know you like him- he's a good boy. You're going to divorce his dad soon, aren't you?”

Cynthia's hand rubbed up Sharon's leg, startling her. Her palm cupped Sharon's inner thigh and rubbed higher and higher until she touched Sharon's warm, moist, tender flesh just around her pussy lips. Sharon felt her heart thudding in her chest. Her thoughts whirled in a maddening circle as she tried to focus on what was being said. She couldn't believe Cynthia was hiding in her bathroom the entire time she had sex with Ben. How long had she been in there? What was happening before I came home?

“Yes…” Sharon gasped.

Cynthia's fingers slid between Sharon's pussy lips, slowly pushing inside her with her fingertips before retreating again and again. Sharon's eyes rolled back as she released a coo. Cynthia's thumb swiped over Sharon's clit, spreading Ben's cum over her pussy lips again and again.

“I'd like to watch out after him when he leaves your house and you leave his family.” Cynthia said. “Would you think I'd make a good girlfriend for him?”

“Oh, yes…” Sharon groaned as Cynthia's fingers pierced deeper inside Sharon's pussy. The juices from her pussy coating Cynthia's fingers with every pump.

“Would you talk to Brittany?” Cynthia asked. “And help convince your daughter I'd be a good girlfriend for Ben. I'd be a good person to keep him attached to the family.”

Cynthia's fingers pumped Sharon's pussy quickly now making her breasts bounce with every thrust. Sharon's grunt became more guttural as she swooned in the bed. “Yessss… oh, god yesss… I will! Oh, god!”

Sharon had her eyes closed but when she opened them she saw Cynthia crawling between her thighs. Cynthia stuck out her tongue and made a long lap of Sharon's pussy from the base all the way to the top of her clit. Cynthia's eyes stayed locked on Sharon as she repeated the lick over and over. Lapping up every bit of Ben's cum that leaked out of Sharon's pussy, Cynthia pushed her tongue inside Sharon's pussy.

“Ohhhhgaadd. Oh god yes!” Sharon groaned as her thick thighs shuddered around this 19 year old's face.

Cynthia's tongue slipped up to Sharon's clit and began making circles on it just as Cynthia slid two fingers deep inside her pussy. The feeling of Cynthia's tongue vibrating on her clit mixed with the fingers fucking her pussy became too much to bare.

“Ohmygod! Ohmygod! You're going to make me cum!” Sharon moaned as she arched her hips and felt her clit sucked on by Cynthia's hot lips. Her body convulsed as a powerful orgasm took Sharon's body and flooded Cynthia's face.

Chapter 6


“No,” the word came out of Ben as if someone said it. “I'll fuck you the way I say.”

“Mmmmmugh,” Angela whined a moan of protest as combed her long brown hair over her shoulder with her hand. Ben grabbed her shoulder with one hand and smacked her thick, fat ass cheek with one hand as he pressed his shaft completely inside her. “Ohhh yeah…”

Pulling out he slowly pushed back inside, seeing and feeling the eagerness of her ass pressing back against him. Twice more he smacked her ass cheek. “Ohhh ya, baby brother, smack that fucking ass!”

With slow forceful thrusts, Ben bucked his hips penetrating her pussy several times with his flexing shaft as she growled and whined for more. It was when her begging moans peaked and became near unbearable sounding that Ben's hand clasped tightly on her shoulder and her hips as he began to fuck his older stepsister harder.

“Oh god yes, yes, yes! Ohhh fuck me,” Angela demanded. Ben's cock pounded inside her pussy at a hard, steady pace. The clapping of their bodies filled the basement room as Angela struggled to grip the desk. “Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh oh god- don't stop!” Angela moaned.

Ben was so focused on keeping them upright and gripping her body he could truly appreciate how hot the moment was. His curvy sister's body- her thick thighs, fat ass, and plump breasts bouncing and jiggling with every hard thrust.

“Ohm meh gawdyes!” Angela suddenly gasped in a desperate cry. Her head tucked down in concentration. “Oh godimcumming!” Her words came out together in a guttural groan. When Ben kept on fucking her at the same hard steady pace Angela went silent as her upper body collapsed against his desk. Her breasts flat against the table top, her back arched so her ass pointed back at him.

“Ohmygod! Yes! Yes! Jesus Christ!” Angela grunted through grinded teeth. What surprised Ben more than Angela, he thought, was that he didn't cum. After rebounding so quickly after having sex with Sharon it seemed his stamina had improved.

A thin layer of sweat formed on Ben's brow and chest as he pounded Angela's pussy raw. His flexing shaft was stiff and filled her up with each thrust. His breaths and moans were ragged and animalistic. Angela's legs were feeble and weary. Ben's hand gripped a fist full of Angela's hair as he pulled back slowly craning her neck back and arching her back for him.

“Ah ah ah ah Ahh oh fuck yes, baby brother- fuck your ohh Ahh fuck your like the whore she is!” Angela cried. Ben slapped her ass again twice more. “Yes, oh… my… god…”

Ben tightened on her hair and her sweaty hips as he pelted his shaft inside her hard. The pace was furious as he gritted his teeth and flexed his abs pounding her. Angela's luscious breasts bounced haphazardly, smacking into another and the desktop as she gasped for air. Ben held his sister's hips up with one hand when her thighs went limp as he felt her pulsating pussy tighten on his cock.

“Oohhgodddd!” Angela exploded as Ben's cock fell from her pussy and her juices squirted down her legs and his. She shrunk down to her hands and knees, collapsing in front of the desk as she panted. “Ohfuu- it it won't stop. I I can't- mmmmmnahh,” Angela mouthed as she writhed on the floor through the continuous orgasm.

It wasn't until Angela's orgasm finally passed and she began taking deep breaths to calm herself did Ben hear a whimper from his doorway. Without thinking he walked over there. His hard cock still swinging between his legs.

“Oooomm,” the high pitched whimper came again and he saw even Angela had sat up from her place on the carpet to see what that sound was.

Ben opened the bedroom door and saw the young woman wearing a white top with no bra that exposed her hard nipples piercing through her shirt. She had a cornflower blue short skirt that was flipped up to her belly with her knees spread eagle. Cynthia's slender fingers were fast at work on her clit, rubbing viciously on it. Ben saw her beautiful eyes pinched shut and her free hand clasped over her open mouth trying and failing desperately to muffle her escaping moans.

“Is someone there?” Angela's exhausted voice sounded concerned.

Ben looked back at his naked stepsister then back at Cynthia who was still riding her orgasm. Ben smirked and thought of one word. Confidence.

And with that he reached down and startled Cynthia into a gasp as he grabbed her arm to bring her in his room.

“Cynthia!” Angela screamed, startled. Ben didn't hesitate. Pulling Cynthia to her knees beside the bed, her his throbbing cock. Cynthia wore a smile of excitement as she parted her lips as she took the head of Ben's cock into her mouth for the . Her eyes closed and her tongue lapped the head of his penis over and over as she savored the moment.

Cynthia's tiny hands wrapped around his shaft as she pumped his shaft while her lips worked up and down the head of his cock. With each push, her lips went farther and farther down his shaft making him groan.

Angela, tipsy from the alcohol, swayed from side to side where she knelt on the bed in a daze as she watched the site. Ben threw his head back in a grunt before looking down into Angela's eyes. There was curious interest in her eyes as she watched Cynthia devour his shaft. When Cynthia suddenly deep throated his entire shaft, gagging on it, Ben closed his eyes and grunted until she pulled her lips off of him.

When Ben opened his eyes Angela was on her knees beside Cynthia and grasping his shaft. Stroking his wet hard member she pushed her lips down his shaft as Cynthia took his balls in her mouth one at a time. Switching back and forth. Angela's massive breasts bounced as her head bobbed up and down on his cock. Their lips met around Ben's cock. They kissed and licked at the tip of his penis as Cynthia's hand cupped Angela's breasts.

Ben grabbed Cynthia by her arm and raised her up to her feet and pushed her down on the bed. Cynthia looked up at Ben with excited wonder as she was tossed around under Ben's charge. Angela was guided on top of Cynthia. Straddling Cynthia, Angela mounted her as she immediately leaned forward. Their breasts mashing into another as they kissed, experimenting with another beyond what they had previously.

Ben lined his hard cock up with Cynthia's pussy and pressed the tip inside her tight pussy lips. He felt the pressure squeeze on him as he pressed inside. He heard Cynthia moan while kissing Angela. Thrusting inside her, Ben had to force his bare cock in and out of Cynthia several time before he pushed all the way inside her.

“Arrghhh oh fuck!” Cynthia cried as Angela kissed and sucked on her neck. Bucking his hips Ben picked up the speed. “Oh my god, baby, yes yes fuck me!”

Ben gathered Angela's loose hair into a ponytail grip with one hand as he fucked Cynthia. His hand gripping Angela's fat breast with one hand as he fucked Cynthia's tight pussy. Suddenly, he pulled out of Cynthia and guided his cock inside of Angela's eager pussy.

“Oh god!” Angela cried out as Ben pulled her head back by her hair. “Oh my god, yess…”

With hard bucks of his hips, Ben fucked his hard making her giant breasts clap together with every thrust. Cynthia pinched her nipples and mashed Angela's breasts together as Ben fuck her pussy raw with a hard grip of her hair.

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh yeah yeah!” Angela cried out as another orgasm washed over her. “Ohhhh godddd…”

Ben pulled his cock out from her pussy and rammed it back inside Cynthia who wasn't ready. “Ahhhh fuck!” Cynthia cried.

Her legs closed around Ben's hips refusing to let him pull out as he fucked her deeply. Angela twerked her hips, grinding her clit down on Cynthia's wet clit as the euphoria erupted between them. The sweaty mash of bodies squeezed, pinched, grinded on another as the chorus of screams peaked.

“Oh god- oh god, Ben,” Cynthia moaned. “Cum inside me. Cum inside my pussy baby!”

Ben gritted his teeth and groaned at her sweet words. His hands gripped Angela's thick hips as he fucked Cynthia's tight pussy. Cynthia's voice screamed, “I'm cumming I'm cumming oh god yes I'm- I'm… ahhh!”

Ben's cock spasmed hard as he released strings of hot cum inside Cynthia's tight wet pussy. She writhed just as Angela writhed as she came again, grinding her pussy on Cynthia's. Ben held his shaft inside Cynthia until the last drop of his cum had oozed out and inside of the girl before he collapsed in the bed beside the two women.

His oldest stepsister and his other stepsister's best friend. What a wild weekend. How did this happen? Where is this going?

After several minutes of them catching their breath, Angela stood up in silence, gathered her clothes and left Ben's bedroom. Cynthia and Ben remained naked in his bed longer. They held each other in silence with Cynthia curled into Ben's chest. He didn't know what would happen when Brittany came home. He didn't know what he would say to his stepmother when he went up stairs. He didn't know what would happen with his father when he finally came home from the business trip. What Ben did know was, he was going to be the man he was meant to be from now on.

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