Gokuldham Society : Ch 5 ( Komalbhabi and Babita Iyar )

( To my dear readers : Hope you have enjoyed my previous chapters of the famous Parody serial TMKOC as Gokuldham Society : Ch 1 – Madhabi, Ch 2 – Dayabhabi, Ch 3 – Sonu the baby Hema Malini and Ch 4 – Komalbhabi. Now the Ch 5 – Komalbhabi and Babita Iyar. Please comment and give your valuable suggestions to motivate me)

The next day Gogi joined Goli for his snack and Komal stopped him from running out with Gogi . She wanted to have a talk with her son . He should tell his friend that he wouldn't be out for a while. Goli hollered out to his dearest friend that he would be a while.

Komal just couldn't wait. She wished that there was no one around when she did this but she wanted her son's prick right now . She looked directly at her son in her sternest manner. “Come back to my bedroom, Goli, I have something to discuss with you.”

Goli wondered what he had done wrong. His mother wasn't strict and usually told him when she thought he wasn't behaving right. He was sure his mother didn't know what he did with Gogi. He didn't think that she knew about his spying through her window.

Komal led her son into her bedroom and sat down on the edge of her bed. She positioned Goli in front of her and, still frowning, looked him straight in the eye. “I saw you on the tree platform yesterday and I've been trying to decide what to do about it. What were you doing out there?”

Goli didn't know how to handle it. How did you tell your mother that you were watching her finger fuck herself and jerking off at the same time?

“Uh, – gee, – nothing.”
“Don't you dare tell me that. You haven't been on that platform in a couple of years. Why is it so interesting all of a sudden?”

“Uh, – well, – I just got to like it again.”
“I don't think you're telling the truth. It'll be better if you come clean.”

“Uh, – aw gee, – I can't tell you, Mummy. Honest I can't.” Goli fell down before his mother, grabbed her legs and started to cry.

Komal knew she'd have him to the point that he'd be willing to do anything pretty soon. Once she got her son started , she would have no problem at all getting him to do everything she wanted him to do with her.

“You were spying on me when I didn't have any clothes on. Weren't you?” George just kept sobbing.

“Answer me. It won't be any worse than it is now.”
“Gee, mom, I guess I was.”

“What else were you doing?”
“Aw gee, mom, I can't tell you that.”

“You just better tell me. You were playing with yourself. Weren't you?” Between sobs Goli tried to look away from his mother.

He barely whispered. “Jee mummy, mujhe maf kar do.”
With a grin Komal pulled her son to his feet ” Don't cry and feel ashamed. It's normal at this age and I'm your mother. So tell me in details and show me what you were doing!”

How in the world could he take out his prick and jerk off in front of his mother. He turned away. Again he could barely be heard.

“I can't do that, mom. Honest I can't.”
“Well you better. If you can spy on me, you can show me what you were doing.”

Traveling with stepdaughter

Komal's cunt was soaking wet. She could hardly wait to get at her son's pubescent cock. She wanted to pull his pants off but thought she would have more leverage if she could make him do these things himself.

Goli looked at his innocent mother's face in horror, but all he could see was an absolutely affectionate smile . He slowly pulled his zipper down and fumbled in the fly of his jockey shorts to pull out his limp prick.

Komal wanted to suck it right into her mouth but she held back. “What were you doing when you spied on me. I want you to do that right now.”

Goli pulled on his prick a couple of times and in spite of his shyness, it pulsed up to an erection. He pumped his hand up and down his prick.

Komal replaced his hand with her own. The first thing she had done with Abdul was jerk him off. Now she was doing the same thing with her son that she had done with the Society's muslim shop-keeper .

Goli was horrified. His mother was jerking him off. How could she do that. Sure he'd dreamt about her doing that to him but he knew it was only fantasy even while he was dreaming. Mothers just didn't do things with her own son like this. He had to admit it felt real neat. Her hand felt a lot better on his prick than Gogi's. If his mother didn't stop what she was doing, he was going to shoot off immediately.

He tried to pull away from his mother but she had a firm hold on his cock with one hand and had the other on his ass holding him close. She wouldn't let him pull away and kneeled in front of her son. His hips started to jerk and his cum shot out of his pisshole all over her beautiful face .

His mother would be furious about that. She was so neat and careful with her cleanliness . The funny thing was that she didn't have a frown on any more. Rather she smeared all the white gooey stuff on her lovely face and at last licked her fingers to clean. She seemed pleased.

Goli couldn't understand that. While he was watching her glistening beautiful innocent face, his mother took off her dress and didn't have her bra or panties on.

Wow! His prick got hard again. He didn't have time to be scared, too much was happening. Komal laid on the bed, spread her legs and looked at him. “All right, you were trying to find out how I'm made. Get between my legs and get a good look.”

Goli looked at his mother in astonishment. He forgot to be frightened, and wasn't going to give his mother a chance to change her mind. He got on his knees between her legs and he put his face close to his mother's cunt.

There was a strange odor and drops of liquid framed the outer cunt lips. That odor smelled real good. It made his prick throb. He started to touch his mother's cunt but got frightened again and looked up at her face. His mother was smiling at him!

“Oh, Goli beta , I'm not mad at you. I'm just as horny as you are. I've been wanting to do things with you since I first saw cum stains on your sheets. Go right ahead, I want you to feel around. It'll make me feel good if you play with my bur (cunt), just as it made you feel good when I played with your lund ( prick ) ,” Komal assured her son.

Goli was catching on. He was surprised his mother knew words like bur and lund and that she used them in his presence. Well, if she could use them so could he. “You mean you got me in here so you could play with my lund and get me to play with your bur ?”

Goli wasn't as confused as Gogi . When Goli hadn't shown up in a few minutes, Gogi went around to the tree platform and watched through the window. He'd seen Komal aunty come into the bedroom followed by Goli .

He was shocked when Goli pulled out his prick and started to jerk off. He was more shocked when Komal aunty took over and Goli shot cum on her face . Now he sat holding his prick in his hand. He wasn't even jerking off, he was so interested in what was happening.

On the other side  Babita was confused too. Where was Goli ? Why was that cute little kid Gogi with the glasses just sitting there holding on to his baby-prick? What was Komalbhabi  doing in the bedroom that kept the kid so fascinated? There was a lot of things she wanted to know.

She pulled her panties down, rubbed her cunt, and watched to see what was going to happen. Komal was the only one that wasn't confused at all. She finally attained her goal. She had her shy son playing games with her. She had jerked him off , would let him play with her cunt and explore for a while before they get down to more serious business.

If Goli thought that all she wanted to do was play with his prick and have him play with her cunt he was sadly mistaken. Komal was sure that when the time came her son would be more than willing to go along with all of the things she wanted him to do with her.

Komal lay back, raised her knees, and spread her legs a little farther. Goli wanted to ask a lot of questions but the cunt in front of his face grabbed his attention, if he got a chance he would ask the questions later. The way his mother had spread her legs made the outer lips of her cunt open a little exposing the inner lips of her cunt and that thing on top that Gogi said was a clit.

Goli looked at his mother again and saw she was still smiling so he tentatively pushed a finger between the outer lips and touched the pink inner lips. They were real slick. He applied some pressure, they separated, and his finger slid right in. He pushed his finger in, wiggled it, and felt how slick the inside of his mother's cunt was. He pulled his finger out of her cunt and saw it was wet with his mother's juices. He smelled it and he liked the odor.

There had been plenty of room in there when he'd poked his finger in so he squeezed three fingers together and pushed them inside those pink lips. They slid right in and his mother wiggled her ass. She liked the feel of his fingers in her cunt. Well her hand had felt real good on his prick and he liked the feel of her cunt around his fingers.

He pushed his fingers in and out and he realized he was finger fucking his mother ! Wow! This was neat. Maybe he could make her jerk her hips the way she did when he watched through the window. He pumped his fingers faster and Komal lifted her hips to get them deeper into her cunt.

Goli remembered his mother rubbing her clit when she finger fucked herself. Her clit was larger now than it had been when he'd first seen it. Did her clit get hard like his prick? He pulled his fingers out of her cunt and rubbed on it.

Two Aristocratic Bengalee Families : Ch 4

His mother's hips jerked. “Ohhh! That's right, Goli beta , rub your mother's clit. That feels real good. Your making me come! Ahhh! Pump your fingers in and out again.”

Goli plunged all four fingers in and out of his mother's cunt and watched her face. She got a funny expression and her hips jerked. He felt her cunt contract around his fingers. Wow! He was making his mother come. This was real fun .

From the tree platform Gogi watched Goli get between his mother's legs and play with his mother's cunt. Boy would he like to get a chance to do something like that. His hand pumped slowly up and down his prick then speeded up as Goli's fingers speeded up.

Just about the time Komal aunty had her orgasms Gogi shot his cum against the house. From a few meters distance Babita saw Gogi's cum spurt of his prick, her fingers flew in and out of her cunt and she had several orgasms of her own. She suspected this wasn't the end of the afternoon's entertainment so she settled back to see what else would happen.

Gogi held on to his limp prick and waited to see what else was going to happen in Komal aunty's bedroom. Komal aunty pulled her son up, quickly removed the remaining clothes, hugged and kissed him some more.

Goli liked the feel of his mother's bare tits against his chest. He liked the feel of his hard prick pressed against his mother's bare belly. He liked the feel of his mothers lips pressed against his. His mother pressed her tongue against his lips and he opened his lips.

His mother pushed her tongue inside his mouth. Her tongue touched his. Wow! That was a blast! He rubbed his tongue against his mother's and pushed his tongue inside his mother's mouth.

“Goli beta , you did a good job of bringing me off. I'm going to do something for you now. Lay down on your back and I'll make you feel real good.” Komal directed her son.

Gogi held his cum slick cock in his hand and watched through the window. Komal aunty kissed her son and it looked like she pushed her tongue in his mouth. Gogi had heard about that and wondered what it felt like. His prick didn't stay soft very long. It started to throb up to another erection.

Babita saw Gogi's prick come to attention again and gently rubbed her cunt. In the room Komal french kissed her son then licked his face.She probed his navel and George's body jerked up off the bed again. She continued on a path toward his prick. A drop of pre cum glistened on the tip and she licked it off.

Goli's hips arched up from the bed begging his mother to do more. She licked on down the under side of his prick and sucked his hairless baby-balls one at a time. He wondered if his mother was going to take his prick in her mouth as he had seen Gogi's mother do with his father.

From the window when Gogi saw Komal aunty lick at her son's cock , he increased his jerking and noticing this Babita Iyar also speeded her finger fucking .

In the room engulfing her son's whole balls in her mouth, Komal was sucking it again and chewed it lightly like a chewing-gum. Goli lifted his hips to give her better access. His young hairless ass was fully exposed. She licked right on up his ass crack. Goli jumped.

Wow! That felt amazing , but how could anyone put their mouth there. Komal probed his cute pink pucker with her tongue. She had always enjoyed doing this to Abdul's dirty asshole , now her son reacted beautifully. She was going to have a lot of fun with her son . She worked her tongue in and out of his asshole.

Outside Gogi started to pump again when he saw Komal aunty licked her son's puckered asshole. He couldn't understand how anyone could do that type of nasty things but it looked nice and exciting to be the recipient.

Komal turned her son on to his back, licked the drop of pre cum off the tip of his prick, then licked all around the head. Goli didn't think he could take much more of this but he liked everything that his affectionate mother was doing to him. Komal sucked the loose skin under the pisshole into her mouth and massaged it with her tongue.

Gogi was sure that his friend would shoot his cum soon. He was right on the edge himself and he was only watching. Babita was more than on the edge, she was having multiple orgasms. She pumped her fingers in and out of her cunt in time to the pumping of Gogi's fist.

The second time she sucked Goli's cock into her mouth his hips came off the bed and he pushed his prick as far into his mother's mouth as he could. His balls hit her chain and two more head bobs; spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; his young boy cum jetted into his mother's mouth.

Goli watched, wide eyed, as his mother swallowed every drop. Gogi's  cum splashed up against the house at the same time and Babita had a hard job to keep from moaning. All that cum flying through the air was an awful waste. She would have to do something about that.

Komal sucked on her son's cock until it was limp and his hips relaxed. Gogi's prick got soft and he stopped pumping. Babita  idled her finger in and out of her cunt. Komal kissed and hugged her loving son .

“Well, Goli beta, kya khyal hai, mai achchi tara lund chuste hoon  ( do you think your mother is a good cocksucker ) ?” Goli blushed.

The words his mother used shocked him even after what had happened. His respected mother had certainly made him feel good. He also had to do something to make her feel good.

“Uh, mom, I guess you're right. Can I, uh, lap your cunt? Would you like me to do that.” Goli was a gem. It had taken Komal a while to get Abdulbhai to lap her cunt the first time and her son was offering to do it on his own. She shouldn't have waited this long to get started with him.

“There is nothing I'd like more, Goli beta .”
“All right, Mummy, you lay on your back. I want to do the same thing to you that you did to me.” Goli hesitated and blushed a crimson red.

“I hope I turn out to be just as good a cunt lapper as you are a cocksucker.” Goli assured his mother.

Two Aristocratic Bengalee Families : Ch 5

Goli liked using those words. His mother lay down on her back in the middle of the bed. Gogi's eyes were glued to the window, he wondered what was going to happen now. His prick was still soft but he could see Goli's prick rising to another erection.

Goli and his mother must be talking about something very exciting to make him get hard again so soon after shooting his load. Babita was watching closely and saw Gogi's hand start to move. She pushed her fingers into her cunt.

Goli started the same way his mother had. He kissed her and rubbed tongues with her. His prick got hard and trailed over his mother's belly as he moved.

When he got to her tit's into his mouth, it was interesting. His mother's reactions were extreme. She put her hand behind his head and held him close. He liked the feel of her rubbery nipple and sucked hard. It didn't stay rubbery very long it got hard in his mouth and he moved to the other tit to make it hard too.

“Ohhh! That feels good Goli sona . Suck on my tits. Nurse on them like you did when you were a baby. Ahhh!” Goli nursed.

Gogi's prick pulsed up to an erection. This was something he'd always wanted to try. He wondered what it felt like to suck a woman's tit. His hand gently pumped and so did Babita.

Goli nursed until his mother pushed his head down her body. He probed her navel. He licked down farther and his mother's hips came off the bed. He remembered what his mother had done he swiped his tongue along the outer lips of her cunt. Hey, that tasted good! He pushed his tongue inside his mother's outer cunt lips and licked the whole length.

Komal's hips jerked up off the bed so he gave his mother's cunt a couple more licks. He licked at the exposed portion of her cunt and found that it still tasted good. Gogi wondered if Goli would lick his mother's asshole also.

It seemed awful yucky, his hand speeded up a bit in anticipation. So did Babita's even though she didn't know what Gogi was anticipating.

Goli ran his tongue all the way up his mother's ass crack. His mother's hips jerked. He found out there was nothing nasty about licking ass at all. He licked again and pushed his tongue against her asshole.

When Gogi saw that his friend push his tongue up his mother's asshole , he almost came. Goli rolled his mother over and pushed his tongue as far into her cunt as he could make it go. Wow, did that make his mother jump. He pushed his tongue in and out of those slick inner lips and his mother lifted her hips each time he pushed his tongue in.

He sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and he was rewarded with a violent hip jerk. His mother sure did like that. He sucked on her clit and massaged the top of it with his tongue. His mother was moaned and tossed her head from side to side.

Komal couldn't take any more, her son had turned out to be one fine cunt lapper. She pushed her son's head away from her cunt and she pulled him up to kiss him some more and tasted her own pussy-juices on her son's mouth. She felt his hard baby-prick pull up her legs, across her cunt, and come to rest on her belly. She liked the way it felt.

Goli wanted to fuck his mother at least as much as she wanted to fuck him. Komal positioned her son's prick at the entrance to her cunt. He eased his hips down and his prick disappeared into the hole that he originally came out of when he entered this world.

Gogi's prick got hard again fast and Babita was astonished. This cute kid could really recuperate in a hurry. Goli let his prick soak in his mother's cunt for an instant then, as if on their own accord, his hips flexed and pulled his prick out till only his cock head was buried. He looked between their bodies and saw it come out glistening with his mother's cunt juices.

He lowered his hips again and saw his prick sink back into his mother's cunt. He flexed his hips and as he lowered them his mothers hips came up off the bed to meet his thrusts. His balls hit between her legs and her cunt hair tickled his belly as their crotches slapped together.

There was a tit right in front of his face. He scarfed the nipple into his mouth and nursed. His mother's cunt contracted violently around his prick. He nursed some more. When the nipple of the tit he was sucking on got hard he switched to the other one. Each time he sucked he felt his mother's cunt contract around his prick.

Gogi's fist was flying again. So were Babita's fingers. In the room Goli  pumped away. He'd already come twice in the last hour and he was glad for that. He was lasting a lot longer than he thought he could. Each time he pushed his prick into his mother's cunt, his mother's belly slapped his. After five minutes of rough thrusting, he felt the cum rising in his balls and his hips speeded up again. His cum spurted into his mother's cunt and his prick got limp, so did he.

Both Goli and his mother collapsed panting. Gogi's cum hit the house and Babita did moan as she had multiple orgasms again. Then his mother turned him end for end and licked the cum from his prick and sucked it into her mouth.

He had her cunt in front of his face so he dove right in, he liked lapping cunt. He was licking up his own cum then found that this was another thing he didn't mind doing. He followed the leaking cum along his mother's ass crack and probed her asshole a couple of times.

“Goli , you better get dressed and go out to your friend . He'll wonder what's happened to you. Tomorrow tell him you have some chores to do and come in here as soon as you get home from school.” Goli was still being very obedient.

He was going to be more obedient tomorrow too. He would be in his mother's bedroom at the exact time that she told him to be. Goli get dressed and went to meet his friend . As soon as Goli came out, he saw Gogi, his mouth fell open and he blushed.

“Were you watching on the tree platform?” It was Gogi's turn to blush but that didn't stop a torrent of questions.

“Uh, yeh, I guess so. I had nothing to do so I just went there to take a look. What happened? How come your mother had you take your prick out. Why did she jerk you off, fuck you, and suck your cock? I saw you licking your mother's cunt. Isn't that nasty? I don't think I could make myself lick an ass? How could you do something like that?” Gogi questioned.

“Gee, I didn't know what was happening. Mummy started out as if she were mad then, after she jerked me off, It was fun. It was the same way with licking ass, she did it to me, I tried it and I liked it. Mummy said to tell you I can't come out right away tomorrow because she wants me in the bedroom again. I'm sure going to obey my respected mother.” Goli replied.

” Uh, – Goli , do you mind if I watch from the platform tomorrow too. It's even more fun watching you and your mother than watching my mother and father. You seem to do a lot more things.” Gogi requested.

” Uh, I guess if you want to watch you can. It'll probably be more exciting to me too, knowing that I'm being watched.” Goli gave his permission.

The next afternoon Gogi was waiting when his friend got home from school. He envied him but he didn't blame him for taking advantage of the opportunity that his mother was giving him. If his mother ever tried to do things like that to him he sure would do anything she wanted.

Gogi tossed the idea of his mother sucking his cock and fucking him around for a while and decided it was pure fantasy, but the idea of it had his prick as hard as a rock. Nothing like that could ever happen to him.

Goli got off the school bus and saw his friend . Very loudly, so his mother could hear, Goli told Gogi he wouldn't be able to come out for at least an hour.

Goli went inside, put away his books, and ran to his mother's bedroom. He'd had a hard time on all day at school and he hadn't jerked off because he wanted to save it for his dearest affectionate mother.

Komal was laying on the bed waiting egarly for her son . Goli  was out of his clothes in no time flat. He got on to the bed with his mother but first touched his mother's sacred feet . Komal  overwhelmed by her son's devotion, her eyes moistened , she hugged him with tearful eyes and the two of them started kissing. He moved down, slurped a nipple into his mouth and pushed his fingers into his mother's cunt. She licked at his ear and gently pulled on his prick. Goli almost came right then and there.

He pulled his prick out of his mother's hand. He was so hot he was ready to shoot off. Komal was familiar with the problem. She lay her son on his back, moved her body over his and sucked his prick into her mouth. Her cunt was in front of her son's face so he licked it and pushed his tounge in it.

As Komal prophesied in less than half a minute; spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; Goli shot a load of cum that had built up since early that morning into his mother's mouth. At the same time he felt his mother's cunt contract around his tongue and was glad that he had been able to make her come.

Outside Gogi sat on the edge of the tree platform about four feet off the ground with his legs spread and his prick held in his hand. He had his full attention on what was happening in the bedroom.

Babita was surprised to see that cute boy with the glasses out there without Goli again. She moved closer to him. Gogi was too intent on the sixty nine porn live-show going on in the bedroom to notice her. Babita got one look at his pubescent prick and decided that now was the time.

She wasn't going to wait one minute longer. Once the decision was made, Babita quickly moved over, took Gogi's hand from his prick, and replaced it with her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth two times. Gogi moaned and spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; he shot his first load of cum into Babita Iyar's mouth before he realized what was happening.

He watched Babita drink his cum. He had seen his mother do this with his father's cum and Komal aunty to do it with her son but he'd never expected to have it happen to himself.

Babita pulled her mouth away once his prick was limp and put a finger to her lips. Gogi was a bright boy. He wasn't sure what was happening, but if Babita aunty wanted to give him a blow job he was willing to accept it.

Babita was now curious about what was going on in Komalbhabi's bedroom. Now was the exact time to find out. Grabbing Gogi's prick as a handle, she pulled him over to the platform of Komalbhabi's bedroom window. She placed Gogi's hand on her cunt and he pushed his fingers into it. He felt around and his fingers slid into a real slick hole.

They both watched what was going on. After Komal sucked the full load of cum out of her son's prick she licked at his balls then licked his ass crack and tongue fucked his asshole. She had always been able to give Abdulbhai an instant hard on doing that. It had the same effect on her son also .

His prick pulsed up to a beautiful erection. He got a new hard on faster too. He licked at his mother's ass and he got a hip jerk in response. She moved her body over her son's and squatted so that his prick disappeared into her cunt.

Gogi's parents hadn't fucked in this position. He'd never even heard of fucking this way with the woman on top but it felt as good as the other way. He pushed his hips up off the bed to bury his prick in his mother's cunt. As he lowered his hips, his mother raised hers. Only the head of his prick was in Komal's  cunt and they reversed their motion.

Goli looked between their bodies and watched his prick slide in and out of his loving shy mother's cunt. As much as Gogi wanted to watch Goli fuck his mother, he was more interested in getting his cock sucked.

Gogi got on his knees in front of 's Sex-bomb and lifting her small skirt he pulled her outer cunt lips open. It smelled real interesting, maybe it wouldn't taste too bad. He pushed his tongue into Babita aunty's cunt. She held his head by his ears and rubbed her cunt up and down his face.

Gogi wasn't experienced but made up for it with enthusiasm. He pushed his tongue in and out of Babita's slit then sucked her clit. Babita had a big clit, almost as a ripe grape fruit before it started to grow, she panted and rotated her hips. Her cunt contracted around his tongue a half dozen times before she  pushed his head away.

Babita switched positions and Gogi held her by the ears as she sucked his cock and he watched what was going on in the bedroom. In the bedroom Komal aunty leaned forward and there was a tit in front of her son's face . He slurped the nipple into his mouth and nursed.

Komal groaned and speeded up. Goli drove his prick up into his mother's cunt as she pumped her hips up and down. Their crotches slapped each time his prick was as far into his mother's cunt as he could get it.

Komal pulled her large tit out of her son's mouth, kissed him and sucked on his tongue. Her orgasms started and her cunt spasmed around her son”s prick. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; her cunt sucked the cum out of her son's prick.

At last Goli's limp prick slid out of his mother's cunt, and she switched her body around for the clean up bit. Goli buried his face in his mother's cunt and got to drink another load of his cum while she licked his prick and ass clean.

At the same time that Gogi shot his young boy cum into Babita's mouth ; spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; He  fed a load to Babita . Gogi's head bounced up and down as he divided his attention between Babita's sucking of his cum out of his prick and Goli and his mother going through the cleanup routine.

Goli licked his mother's cunt and sucked her clit. This was better than yesterday. He had started out scared yesterday and he wasn't at all scared today. He felt that he could keep this up all day. At least he'd like to try.

He took his mother's clit between his teeth and rubbed his tongue on it. Komal pushed her hips toward his face and licked the head of his prick. His tongue pushed into his mother's cunt hole. She sucked his prick all the way into her mouth.

Komal's cunt contracted and Goli licked even harder and pumped faster. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; his cum shot once again into his mother's mouth and he could feel his mother swallow the spurts and suck the remaining dribbles out of his balls. As she swallowed the last drops, Komal glanced up and saw Gogi's head at the window.

Outside the room, behind window Gogi's hips jerked and spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; Babita Iyar nursed another load of cum out of his prick and drank it down hungrily. She liked the amount of cum she could suck out of this cute kid.

Gogi saw Komal aunty glanced at him, pulled his prick out of Babita aunty's mouth, and ran. Babita guessed something happened and she retreated to the tool shed. Komal pulled away from from her son went to the window, and looked out. There was no one to be seen.

Would Gogi tell his parents what he had seen her do? She hoped not. She could get into a lot of trouble if he disclosed to other members of Gokuldham Society with a story about her having sex with her son. Maybe she could bribe him to keep quiet by inviting him in to join with her son .

All boys of that age were fascinated with sex anyway. Besides, it would be fun to have sex with two boys at once. She'd never done anything like that but the idea of sucking off one boy while the other one fucked her was more than a little appealing. She didn't say anything to her son , she had to think it over.

Komal had to think of a way to get Gogi involved without scaring him and having him tell his parents. If she got the right approach maybe her son could talk Gogi into joining them.

Babita was sitting in the tool shed working on a similar set of plans. She wanted to get Gogi to fuck her and she didn't think that would be difficult to get him to do it now. Trapping Goli  would take a little more planning but from her experience with Abdulbhai she didn't think that would be too much trouble either. Getting them both together at the same time might pose problems but she'd work them out when she came to them.

She decided that she was making too much of a problem of it. They were together most of the time anyway. She would be at the clearing without any clothes on that night when they walked in the park . It would be a lot of fun doing things with both of them.

Goli was a little surprised at the abrupt way his mother had gotten out of bed, but their usual hour was up . He got up, got dressed, and went looking for his friend. Goli found Gogi down by the store-room of the Society.

Threesome with widow aunt and her sexy daughter

Gogi skipped that portion of the incident between Babita and himself and just told Goli that his mother had seen him looking in the window. The two boys sat there and thought things over. At last Gogi came up with an idea and he looked at Goli speculatively , ” I'd like to try to get to fuck your mother. Would you mind it if I fucked her?”

Goli thought about that for a while and he couldn't come up with a good reason why his friend shouldn't fuck his mother. Maybe this was something else they would enjoy doing together.

“You know that I would never tell what I saw you doing but your mother might think I would. Maybe your mother will let me do the same things that you're doing with her, if you tell her that I promised not to disclose anything if she does those things with me too.” Gogi said and Goli thought this over.

Goli just couldn't think of a better idea. “Gee, maybe she'd do things with the both of us together if we put it that way. That would be neat. We could have a lot of fun. I'll ask her this evening and give you the answer tonight.”

Later Goli joined his mother in the kitchen as she prepared supper. Both mother and son looked at each other and wondered how to bring the subject .

Komal finally took a deep breath and looked directly at her son ” Goli beta, your friend was watching us through the window today . He saw everything we did yesterday and I was sure he would be there again today. I guess I should have told you but I didn't know how to. Do you think he'll tell his parents what he saw?”

“Mummy, I know he would never tell anybody about what he saw. He told me that himself. But he wants to do things with you too and he told me to say that he wouldn't tell anyone of the Society if you let him join us tomorrow.” Goli said.

Komal had been thinking of having two young cocks at one time ever since she'd seen Gogi's head in the window. She rather liked the idea. She decided to get her son's view on the subject. If he didn't object she was going to do it.

“Would you mind if he joined us?” Komal looked at her son questioningly. Goli had no problems what so ever.

“Gees no, That would be more fun . I guess we could do a lot of things with you together.” Her son's instant acceptance made her more cheerful .

“Okay, when you see him tonight tell him he can join us tomorrow.” Komal declared her final decision.

Goli couldn't wait for eight o'clock. He was waiting at the door to the trailer a quarter of an hour early. Gogi was also just as impatient. He thought his family would never finish dinner and would get out so that they could fuck.

At ladt Gogi came out and Goli was breathless with the news he had for him. “Mamoni say's yes , she likes the idea of doing things with the both of us. She said she thought it would be more fun to suck one of us off while the other one fucked her. Uh, I told her you wouldn't tell no matter what, but she wanted you to join us anyway.”

“Oh, wow! I hope my parents go antiquing tomorrow again.”

They were so excited they almost forgot to watch Gogi's parents fuck. Gogi's parents did a sixty nine that night but the boys didn't even jerk off while they were watching. Both of them had enjoyed a lot of sex that after- noon and they were too excited about what was going to happen the next afternoon.

Both friends discussed what they would like to do with Goli's mother. Gogi asked his friend about ass licking again and Goli  assured him again that it was fun .

The other adults of Gokuldham Society had some idea of some of the things that were going on with the boys but only Babita had a full overview. She knew about the boys watching on Komalbhabi. She had found out about Komalbhabi's seducing of her own son .

Babita also assumed they had been spying on Gogi's parents while they fucked. She was waiting there behind a tree when Goli and Gogi came and went behind the bushes .The first thing they did when they got to the clearing was take off their pants.

She hadn't decided how she was going to break in on the sessions between Komalbhabi and her son , but she had gone long enough without a young boy prick in her cunt. She didn't think the boys could resist doing the things she wanted them to do with her, so she walked out into the clearing.

She was all prepared for an interesting evening with the two boys and she was prepared for it. Removing her all clothes Babita proceeded towards them. Gogi was surprised to see her and Goli was shocked to see her fully naked. He had always thought of Babita aunty as a Sex-bomb of Gokuldham Society . It was quite obvious she was.

Babita was willing to have the two boys look her over. She was in her late twenties. The skin on her body was smooth and her huge tits stood perky. Babita Iyar was proud of her looks and her figure and was glad to show it off to the boys. The boys had no trouble taking this inventory in the light of the full moon.

Gogi immediately kneeled in front of her and licked her cunt. She liked licking cunts, her cunt smelled real juicy. She spread her legs a to give Gogi good access. That long tongue working her cunt over felt good to her. She realized the confusion her appearance caused, and grinned.

“Wouldn't you boys prefer to fuck me ? Ahhh! I  Ohhh! You know I'm a good cocksucker, Gogi and I'm good for more than that. Oooo! Gogi is bringing me off already! I'm sure the two of you would have more fun fucking me than watching Gogi's parents fuck ”

Goli didn't know how to respond. He stood there, his mouths hung open, and his prick throbbed at attention. He had no idea what had gone on between Babita aunty and his friend that afternoon. He looked from one to the other.

Gogi lifted his mouth from Babita's cunt, stammered for a moment then told all. “Uh, – well, – you see she was sucking me off while I watched you today. I was sitting on the platform jerking off when she came over and before I knew what was happening she was sucking my cock. She sort of surprised me and I didn't know how to tell you about it so I just kept quiet.”

Babita Iyar saw that Goli needed some time to let all this sink in. He hadn't run. He hadn't put on his pants. He still had a hard on so he wasn't really frightened. He just needed to adjust to the situation before he was ready to do anything.

She decided to ease him along. “Goli , I've been in the shed watching you jerk off while you peeked in your mother's window since the first day you started. I wanted to suck your prick since that very first day. It got even more interesting when the two of you jerked off. Today I decided to get some of that cum that was going to waste. I gave him a blow job while he sat on the platform and watched you and your mother. Then, when I pulled him over to the window, he lapped my cunt while I watched. I have to admit, that surprised me. I don't think he's ever been with a woman before and it usually takes a little preparation to get a boy to lap cunt. We had a lot of fun. You do a rather spectacular sixty nine with your mother, by the way. What in the world have you been watching in there for the last two weeks?”

Goli was taken aback. “Well, uh, – I guess I was spying on my mother while she finger fucked herself. I found out she did it every day and it was fun to watch her and jerk off at the same time. I didn't find out till yesterday that she knew I was watching and doing it so that I could see. She wanted to catch me out there and get me into the bedroom with her.”

It seemed that Babita knew everything that was going on in the park of Gokuldham Society. She knew what Goli was doing with his mother,  they'd been watching Gogi's parents fuck. He looked at her as she stood there hunching her cunt against Gogi's tongue and moaning every now and then as she had an orgasm.

It would be as much more fun sucking and fucking with the Sex-bomb of Gokuldham Society as it was with his mother. Why shouldn't he do the same things with her.

“You really want to do the same things with the two of us that my mother does with me? You want us to fuck you? You want us to lap your cunt? You want to suck our cocks?” Removing his clothes Goli queried.

“Yes , I want to do all of those things with you. I sure do like some hot young cocks now and then. Haan, main tumhara lund chusna chahata hoon. Haan, main chahata hoon ki tum dono mujhe chodo. Haan, agar tum chahate ho to mrei bur bhi chhat sakte ho ( Yes, I want to suck your young pricks. Yes, I want you to fuck me. Yes, if you want to do it, I'd like to have you lap my cunt too ).” Babita Iyar shuddered one more time then she pushed Gogi's head away from her cunt and walked over to where the Goli was standing. Gogi also followed her and stood other side of Babita aunty.

She grabbed one of those hot young cocks in each hand and massaged the pricks gently while she moved up to Gogi and rubbed her body against his. “I know you've never fucked a girl. Would you like to fuck me while I demonstrate to Goli that I know how to suck cock?”

“Uh, – gees yeh! I sure would like to fuck you! I've never have fucked anyone . Do you mind Goli ? Is it all right if I fuck Babita aunty first ?”

” Uh, it's OK “, he thought it would be fun to have Babita aunty to  give him a blow job while he watched his friend fuck her.

“Well, Goli beta, please stand here in front of me while I suck your cock and your friend can fuck me the way, called doggy fashion .” Babita got on her hands and knees in front of Goli .

She took his prick in one hand and licked the drops of pre cum that were oozing out of his pisshole off of the head of his prick. Gogi moved behind Babita aunty , located her juicy cunt with his fingers, centered his prick, and pushed it in as far as it would go. It was the first cunt he'd ever had his prick in and it sure felt good.

Goli pulled his hips back and thrust them forward fucking his prick in and out of Babita's mouth and at the same time she pushed her hips back against Gogi as he pushed his hips forward. As the kids would say, sucking cock and being fucked at the same time was great fun .

Babita Iyar swallowed around the head of Goli's prick when Gogi fucked her cunt from behind . Babita pushed her cunt back against Gogi's pelvis and bobbed her head over Goli's prick. Two adolescent pricks at once were a real turn on. Babita's tight cunt contracted with her orgasms.

Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; Gogi's cum jetted into her cunt and at the same time Goli rewarded the Society's Sex-bomb's nursing mouth with a gushing mouthful of cum; spurt, dribble, spurt, dribble.

Loving the girls

The three of them disengaged few minutes later . The three of them lay on the soft grass catching their breaths. Babita moved the boys' heads to her tits and told them to nurse. Each of them sucked a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

Gogi still hadn't had time to really explore a cunt and he reached down to feel around. Babita didn't mind at all, she spread her legs a little and raised her knees so that the cute kid would have better access.

When her cunt was finally cleaned by Gogi , Babita wanted to try Goli on for size. She'd been fantasizing about that prick fucking her for quite a while. She moved over Goli's body and, holding his prick in position, lowered her cunt down over it. Goli knew this position, it was the one his mother had used that afternoon.

He pushed his prick with upward thrusts into Babita aunty's cunt and sucked one of her huge perky tits into his mouth. Babita rode on Goli's prick and was having the time of her life. She pulled her tit out of his mouth and offered him the other. Goli slurped it into his mouth and sucked on that one for a while.

Within minutes Goli's cum spurted into Babita aunty's cunt. Goli knew what to do, quickly he switched around and sucked his cum out of aunty's cunt. Where as Babita sucked the juices off his limp prick then licked up the seepage from his balls and ass. He sucked his aunty's clit in his mouth and bobbed his head a few times.

Babita Iyar had several more orgasm's. She realised that Goli was better than Abdulbhai had been and he seemed to enjoy it more too.

“Goli beta , you're a fine little fucker. Right now you can take care of your mother in the afternoon but I want you every night. That could be a lot of work for a ** year old boy. Do you think you can handle it?” Babita wished.

“Gee aunty , this isn't work, it's fun. I've had more fun the last two days than I've had in my whole life before. Besides, after I come a few times, I can last a lot longer and that's fun too.” Goli then gave Babita's big ass a couple of licks for good measure.

After some time Babita had one boy on each side of her, she gently massaged their soft pricks and offered each of them a tit. Both boys started to nurse which had a salutary effect on their pricks .

Finally they pushed her away and got dressed. Gogi realized that he wouldn't be outside the window the next day and told Babita. Babita wanted to know why, in which Goli and Gogi  explained. This was something that Babita was going to think over. Watching the kids suck and fuck with Komalbhabi would be fun, but she wanted to get into the act. They went back to the house and went to bed. All of them fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

End of Ch : 5

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