Traveling with stepdaughter

My discovered that I have been reading the stories on Sex4stories and asked me to write out our first experience.

Nat and I didn't get along very well when she was a girl. She favored her real dad over me and that come to be expected but put a strain on her and I. Until the summer that she was 15. She spent most of the summer with her dad a  couple of states away and got in with the wrong crowd. She was smoking pot, and got into drinking booze. It was close to the end of August so I headed out in my dodge conversion van to go get her. It took about 15 hours to get there then I slept in the van that night before picking her up the next day.

I couldn't believe that she was happy to see me. I know she wasn't putting on a show in front of her real dad because he was at work. 5 foot 0 inch, 110 pound Nat came out of the house wearing faded yellow bikini under her tank top and mini skirt. She was breathtaking with her long bleach blonde hair. which was naturally brown. I got out and she gave me a big hug. the scent of her hair and her perfume tickled my nose and teased my cock. Her C cup size tits were crushed against me as I squeezed her tight against me savoring the moment of her embrace.before loading her luggage. The van was new to me and she never saw it until then. she walked around in it with its extra tall ceiling. She bounced around on the bed in the far back while saying. “I can take a nap if I get tired.” But instead of her sitting in the front passenger's seat she chose to sit in the captain's seat alongside the sliding door. I adjusted the rearview mirror that was useless anyway to be able to glance up and look at her as I drove. I got to admit that I was very aroused as I watched her through the rearview mirror while she texted her friends. I was surprised when she put her left foot up on her suitcases that were stacked up. I got a goodview of her  bikini bottoms as the hid her slit. I imagine how luscious her shaved young must taste and look.

It was about an hour before I pulled off the highway into a shopping complex to get us a sub and drinks from a deli. We sat in the van with the AC on eating and talking about her summer. She told me how she began drinking a peppermint snapps and she asked me to buy her a small bottle from the liquor store. I was pretty skeptical didn't really want to encourage her drinking. I was about to tell her “No!” but she began squirming around and said as she removed her bikini top from under her tank top while sassing. “This thing is so uncomfortable. The opening on her tank tap was rather large and I could see the side of her beautiful young tits. Then she tossed her bikini top at me. Finally, I said “Okay!” I got out of the van with my cock tingling and headed into the liquor store. When I got in I told her to pour it into her empty Sprite bottle so I could toss the snapps bottle in the receptacle before we pulled away.

Nat sat in the passenger's seat in the front but released the swivel so she could turn her seat sideways to be facing me. I glanced over at her as she had her foot up on the engine cover. I was going to ask her to remove her foot. I didn't like how she was treating my property but nothing came out of my mouth as my eyes rested between her legs to discover that she removed her bikini bottoms. Now I had seen her pussy by mistake when she was a couple of years younger but it didn't look as beautiful back then is it did now.  She knew that I saw her pussy and knew that she could get anything that she wanted from me. Her pussy looked freshly shaved except for a trimmed patch above her slit. She giggled as she said to me. “I lost cherry on the 4th of July by a friend of my dads. So if you are up for game we can try out the bed in the back when it gets dark.” I was so excited. I asked her.

“How many times have you had sex?” she replied. “Plenty.”

At that point I really wanted to her little cunt. I stretched towards her so I could finger her slit at 70 miles per hour. she was wet. as my cock throbbed. I said. “I knew that you would always have a nice fucken pussy. I'll never forget when you fell to sleep with you legs open that day after you got out of the shower.” she giggled and said. “I wasn't sleeping. I wanted you to see my pussy, so I just pretended. I was hoping that you would have touched me down there.”

I couldn't take it anymore. I took the next offramp that lead through woods. I noticed a dirt road and took it before stopping in a clearing. Nat asked what I was doing and I replied. “I want to lick your pussy. go sit in the other seat.” She got up and made her way to the captain's seat near the sliding door. I knew that I would have to make it quick so I got down between her legs. I spread her lips with my fingers so I could place my tongue to her clit. My hand found its way under her tank top to roll her nipples between my fingers as I ate her cunt out. Her came quicker than Imagined and I didn't stop that easy. I gave her a break for about a minute as I sucked her nipples then went back down between her legs. Her second orgasm was almost as intense for her as the first but I wanted to get going before we got caught. As I stood back she moved tp the bed and begged. “Just fuck me for a minute.” she wiggled out of her tank top and skirt. I pulled my shorts down. Her pussy was definitely made for a cock like mine. It presented minimal resistance as my cock slid into her. I grunted like a bear as I released my cream all over the outside of her young cunt. I took her hand and smeared her fingers into my jiz before placing her fingers to her mouth. she licked the white cream from her fingers and reached down for more.

We were temporarily relieved as we got back on the road. our conversation was all about sex. We talked about her friends and her sisters. she told me that she began masturbating before she started her period. I glanced down at her Sprite bottle and noticed that she barely drank any snapps. she told me that she wanted to be sober when I fucked her later after dark.

Darkness could not have come fast enough, but I was not going to fuck in the van. I called my wife and told her that we were going to stop at a hotel and do the last five hours in the morning. The first thing that Nat did was take a shower and then I did as well. I watch Nat lay on the king size bed fingering her clit. she told me that she wanted me to be her first but got tired of waiting for me to approach her. I sat in the chair stroking y cock as I watched and listened to my stepdaughter to demonstrate what she does when she is by herself in bed at night. But my hard cock was on overload. I instructed her to get on all fours on the edge of the bed and I entered her cunt from behind. I loved looking down and watching her pussy fill with my cock and stretch as it slid back out. I looked over at the mirror on the wall and could watch me fuck my wifes first born. I told Nat that I wanted her to ride me. the sensation when she slid down on my cock was indescribable, it was beyond awesome. I watched her tittie bounce and jiggle. Her nipples were so light that the color almost blended with her skin tone. She climbed off of me and got my cell phone from the dresser. and after handing it to me she climbed back onto my cock and said. “Take some pics and a video  but don't stop until you cum inside of me.” Her body quivered and convulsed as I filled her cunt with my Jism.

We fucked again the next morning before we left but it didn't stop there. Nat is now 24 and we still fuck a lot. my wife would rather that it was her than some stranger riding me so when our middle daughter came of age she was introduced to her sister and my sexual activities and joined in with us.

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