Gokuldham Society : Ch 4 ( Komalbhabi )

Goli sat on the school bus waiting to get home. He kept his books in his lap so his hard on wouldn't show. In the last year his prick had been getting hard rather frequuently. Usually Goli didn't know why his prick got hard but this time he did. Gokuldham Society : Ch 3

Sonu was sitting near the front of the bus when he got on. She wore a short skirt and her legs were spread. He saw her panty pulled up tight with a crease in the center. He even saw a few hairs around the leg holes of her panty.

Goli knew that the center was pulled up into her cunt but he wasn't quite sure what a cunt looked like. This was pretty hot stuff for a ** year kid . She grinned at him when he looked at her. Had she noticed where he was looking? Had she spread her legs on purpose? Had she noticed his prick push the crotch of his pants out?

He blushed and he was glad when he got to a seat and out of her sight. Goli had an idea of what cunts were and jerking off. He'd go to the boys room in school and jerk off. Then do it again after he got home. He closed his eyes and held the image of those tight panties so he could jerk off visualizing it as soon as he got home.

The bus stopped at the , Gogi and Sonu  were the last that got off. They were walking through the compound and, for the first time, Sonu held his hand. In a short time Goli's prick got hard. He did think of Sonu  sometimes when he jerked off and they were some of his best good feelings.

He would pissed, spit on his hand, and pumped his prick into his fist about a dozen times. Spurt, spurt, spurt; the first jets of cum shot out of his prick. Dribble, dribble, dribble; the rest of his cum oozed over his fist. For some reason Sonu had a funny grin on her face when he got back to her from the toilet  and Goli couldn't figure out why.

He was still thinking about it. Goli dashed into the kitchen, touched his mother's feet , hugged and kissed her, and got a snack. He wanted to go to the bathroom and jerk off right away but knew his mother would ask him if he felt all right.

Goli had his problems with his adolescent sex drive but they were normal to most boys his age. Komal , his mother, had her problems too but they weren't that normal for a thirty five year old woman. She hadn't had a man for over five years and she was horny. Komal's husband Dr Hathi had been a total failure as a lover due to his obesity .

Her cunt really wanted to feel a hard prick even her husband's reluctant one. Komal had found cum stains on her son,  Goli's  sheets four months ago and watched him like a hawk for a change in his habits.

She wanted to catch Goli doing the same thing that Abdulbhai has been doing. She wanted to watch her own son jerk off the same way she recently watched Abdubhai . She wanted to do the same things with Goli that she'd done with Abdul . Abdul  was Society's muslim shop-keeper who was ten yrs younger than Komal.

Komalbhabi was a shy conservative minded wife and hasn't any malefriends. She rubbed her cunt every night before she could fall asleep but she wanted more than that. She wanted a stud . The most available man has been Abdulbhai as he came everyday to deliver grocery items and she trapped him into an affair.

Her son also was another person to her whom she thought to be seduced . Goli's prick would be the best kind as far as she was concerned. She fantasized about luring Goli into her bedroom one of these days.

Goli rarely had a chance to interact with children his own age except the members of ” Tappu Sena ” and Sonu was the only girl in Tappu Sena that he'd ever exchanged words with. He did talk about sex with the Gogi, Pinku and Tappu and they talk  confidentially.

Nerdy British researcher meets American college student

They would never put mouth on a girl's cunt and they didn't think that a girl would suck on a boy's prick either. In the meantime their attention fell on Babita Iyar who was the Sex-bomb of Gokuldham Society, came to the society about four years ago with her scientist husband Iyar.

They liked her and they got along well. She spent most of her time puttering around in the tool shed with flowers. She was constantly planting seeds then transplanting the seedlings around the trailer sites. That was one of the reasons that the park was so attractive now.

Goli helped her with her plants every now and then. About two months ago, they saw two dogs fucking when Goli was helping her. He got a hard on and was embarrassed when Babita aunty  saw it.

It seemed to him that she looked at his pants every time they met. He was sure it was his imagination but it still gave him a hard on every time he thought she was looking at him down there.

Babita Iyar had her own problems with sex. She was a good looking pleasant woman who never had any problem attracting gentlemen friends . She liked the relaxed atmosphere of the Gokuldham Society but she missed her male companions here .

There was just no way of having an affair in this conservative  society without the whole area knowing about it. Lately she'd been eyeing Abdulbhai, Goli and his friends . She'd seen Goli spring a hard on and knew he was no longer a little boy.

Goli wouldn't have been the first youngster his age she'd had sex with. She'd discovered Abdul and Rita having sex one day and seduced him when he was alone in his room . Actually she knew she'd raped Abdul , but he had gotten to enjoy it in very short order.

She knew he was having an affair with Rita and kept the fact that he was fucking her whenever he got a chance . Now Babita planned to get a younger boy like Goli . She was waiting for the proper circumstances. There was no chance of discovery. She wanted to rape Goli in the same way she had raped the muslim shop-keeper Abdul .

One day after his snack Goli started for the bathroom when his mother, as usual, yawned and said she was going to take a nap. Goli stopped in his tracks. His mother usually took a siesta this time of the day. Did she get undressed when she went to her room?

Could he get to see her if she got undressed? Maybe he could actually get to see a cunt? He had to find out. It wan't right to think of his respected mother without any clothes on but that didn't stop him. He thought about her sometimes when he jerked off. Thinking about your religious minded mother that way was nasty but there was nothing he could do about what he was thinking.

There was a tree platform behind their room on which the Tappu Sena passed times in confidential gossiping. This had been his favorite spot until he was nine years old. In the last couple of years he hadn't used it much but it was situated just right for his purpose now.

It was located near his mother's bedroom window and was surrounded by foliage. Since there were no trailers in the park, no one would see him perched there. He could watch through his mother's window from his tree platform. If his mother did take off her clothes he could jerk off while he watched her.

Komalbhabi was in her bedroom when Goli got to the platform. She pulled her dress off over her head and unfastened her bra. Wow! He liked the way they bounced when she scratched and the way the nipples seemed to get bigger when she rubbed them. Did a woman's tits get hard when they rubbed them the same way his prick did when he jerked off?

This was the first time he'd ever seen a pair of live tits. He'd seen porn pictures in mobile of course, but that wasn't the real one. What would it be like to suck on those tits which he nursed in his childhood ? The boys at school said it was more fun now and he wanted to try it.

He would have to try some day but he expected he'd be real old, maybe fifteen or sixteen, before he ever got the chance. He  pulled his just pubescent prick out of his pants . He gently pulled his hard prick.

Goli's prayers were answered, Komal removed her panties and rubbed her hand along her cunt. Goli gave his prick a couple more gentle pulls but he waited, maybe something else would happen. He was disappointed because he still couldn't see much of how a cunt was made. He saw a dark bush of hair. His mother had a lot of hair down there. That was part of the problem. It hid what he wanted to see. He spit on his hand and pumped a little faster.

Komal was reminiscing the affair she'd had with Abdulbhai. He used to piss behind her room which was situated to the right side of his shop and she had seen him through her bedroom window that Abdulbhai pointed his soft prick at the corner and pissed. His huge black prick had excited her and she often rubbed between her legs at night thinking about it.

The most surprising thing was its size and colour . Sometimes he jerked and it looked like a cobra when it became hard . His prick was much bigger than her husband. Her cunt got wet right away. He was jerking off the same way she had been finger fucking herself.  She spread her legs, pushed her fingers into her cunt, and pumped them in and out.

She would get Goli into the same spot that she'd gotten Abdulbhai . She liked that idea. She pumped a little faster. Goli's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth fell open. Wow! He couldn't believe his shy mother was jerking off!

Fucking my teacher

His friends said that was called finger fucking and now he could see why. His mother was fucking her cunt with her fingers. He wished it was his fingers going in and out of her cunt. His hand speeded up to match the speed of his mother's hand. His mother's fingers flew in and out of her cunt and he pumped on his prick in time with them.

It felt real good but if he kept pumping at this speed he'd shoot off too soon. He slowed down, he wanted to shoot off when his mother finished. Goli pumped and watched until his mother raised her hips off the bed and moaned out loud.

Goli clearly heard her just from five foot distance of his dear mother and it was enough to bring him off. Spurt, spurt, spurt; his cum gushed out of his prick and splattered against the side of the house. Dribble, dribble, dribble; his balls released the rest of the load.

He was glad he held off for as long as he did, this was the best come he'd ever had. He didn't want to miss anything else that happened. He gently massaged his soft prick and watched as his mother did the same thing to her cunt. He watched a while longer and his mother had fallen asleep.

Did his mother finger fuck herself every day when she took her siesta? He would watch his mother's window every day from now on.

However Goli wasn't the only voyeur. Babita was also in the shed. The shed had an excellent view of the tree platform. She was able to see Goli's prick finally . She noticed how many times he was getting a hard on lately and wondered how to get this boy to do the same things with her that Abdulbhai, had done.

Now she saw Goli's adolescent prick and her mouth watered for it. She watched him jerk off and thought how she would like to suck that delightful morsel or have it shoved into her cunt. Her cunt got wet and she pushed the crotch of her panties aside and pushed her fingers in and out.

She had multiple orgasms when she saw boy's cum shoot out of his prick. It was a horrible waste of cum but she couldn't think of anything to do about it right now.

Babita wondered if Komalbhabi's son would be on the platform the next day. He was watching something that was happening in his mother's bedroom. She knew that Komalbhabi took a siesta about this time and guessed Goli  was examining his mother's nude body.

If that was the case he would probably be back tomorrow doing the same thing he had today. She'd be here tomorrow at the same time too. She hoped the same thing happened again. It was fun watching the boy jerk off.

However Goli wasn't sure of the details about the feelings but Babita and Komal were. Goli's prick still wasn't satisfied when he went to bed that night. He thought over what he had seen his mother doing that afternoon. This was much more concrete than any of his previous fantasies.

He'd seen a pair of tits and he had seen his mother's cunt. He wondered what it looked like inside. The way his mother had pushed several fingers in and out it must be able to take a rather big object. Would his prick be big enough to fill it?

His prick was about eight inches long and a little bigger around than his marker pen . Maybe in another six months or so his prick would be more bigger to fill his mother's cunt.

In the next room Komal finger fucked herself before she fell asleep that night. The house had aluminum siding and she thought she had heard something hit against the side that afternoon.

Had Goli finally found that he could peek in her widow. She would try to see if she could catch him tomorrow. Then again, maybe should let him watch for a couple of days before she caught him jerking off. It would get him hornier and more willing to go along with the things she wanted to do with him.

It had taken quite a while to get Abdulbhai to do some of the things she wanted him to do with her. If she got her son really horny it might be easier to get him to do those things. Her hand speeded up thinking of having his fingers pushing in and out of her cunt while she jerked him off and had his cum spray all over her face . It wasn't very long before she was having multiple orgasms.

On the other hand Babita wasn't going quietly to sleep that night either. She visualized the gorgeous young prick she'd seen that afternoon. She wondered what kind of a cunt lapper Goli would make. She wanted to suck his cock till he couldn't come any more and she wanted him to fuck both her cunt and her arsehole.

If his own mother didn't get to him pretty soon she was going to get to him first. She didn't want to wait too much longer. Her hand speeded up thinking of having his fingers pushing in and out of her cunt while she sucked on his big prick. It wasn't very long before she was having multiple orgasms.

Goli could hardly wait to get home from school the next day. He kept his books in his lap to keep his hard dick on from showing. Sonu asked him to come for a visit but he said he had chores to do.

Would his mother do the same thing that she'd done the day before. He'd be there at the window watching just in case. His prick was hard all through snack time thinking about it. When his mother did her stretch and yawn bit he hurried out to his perch in the tree outside her bedroom window.

Babita was also at her vantage point and was glad to see Goli's arrival. She'd taken her panties off and moved a stool over to her spy hole by the door. She fingered her cunt when he showed up and took his position on the platform.

She wished she had a closer view, but was afraid Goli would spot her if she tried to get closer. Well she'd get closer soon. She hoped it would be real soon. She could hardly wait to get hold of that fresh young adolescent prick.

Goli was wide eyed as his mother pulled her dress over her head, take off her bra, and scratched under her tits. His prick was throbbing already but he just took it out of his pants and held on to it.

He wished that he could hear what she was mumbling when she acted like that. Well , Komal , as she normally did at this time, was reliving her affair with the Muslim shop-keeper. She had rearranged the curtain on her bedroom window so that she could peep outside and watch Abdulbhai when he went near the platform for jerking . She wanted to see him jerk off again.

Now she used that strategy in reverse. Instead of her peeping Abdulbhai's jerking off, she wanted her son to spy on her while she finger fucked herself. She hoped he was outside watching. She suspected he was, she'd seen a huge bulge in his pants while he was having a snack.

It made her orgasms more intense when she thought her son was watching her. She made sure she was in position and watching from the window when Abdulbhai lowered his pants and pulled out his black cobra the first time she'd spied on him.

The window was at the back of the house and she knew no one could see her. She pulled her panties aside and rubbed her cunt as she watched Abdulbhai jerk off. She tried to time her orgasm so it would coincide with the jets of cum shooting out of Abdulbhai's prick but her cunt usually spasmed before that happened.

Was her son doing the same thing. She'd heard that sound against the siding when she'd had her orgasms yesterday. Goli must watching her and timing his comes the same way she had timed hers when she was watching Abdulbhai.

After a week of window peeping Komal found that wasn't enough. She wanted to see Abdulbhai's prick closer. She had wanted to feel his prick and play with it. Did Goli want to see her cunt up close and did he want to push in his fingers? Numerous perverted imaginations about Abdul and her son were floating in her mind.

She had certainly wanted to feel Abdulbhai push his fingers into her cunt. She wondered if Goli fantasized about having her pull on his prick? If he was like Abdulbhai she suspected he did. She knew it would feel much better to have his fingers in her cunt rather than her own.

Did Goli dream about having his mother Jerk him off? Again from her experiences with Abdulbhai , she suspected he did. Komal watched from the window but she wanted to play with Abdulbhai's prick until it shot off. She wanted to feel and smell his muslim cum just the way she smelled her fingers after she finger fucked herself.

Sinnndy's First Time

Goli's cum would smell and taste the same as Abdulbhai's. When Komal's frustration got acute enough she went outside and forwarded to the platform .

Abdulbhai was holding his nine inch prick in his hand and pumping his fist up and down. He looked up, pushed his prick between his thighs, and started to cry. Komal still didn't see Abdul's prick up close. She frowned at the Society's shop-keeper and used her sternest voice.

“What were you doing, Abdulbhai ?” Abdul only sobbed and kept his prick pushed down. He lost his hard on and didn't know what to say to Komalbhabi . He was afraid Komalbhabi  would tell the Society's members and he knew what he was doing was bad.

However she stood there with her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Answer me, what where you doing?”

“Uh, ah, nothing.”
“Don't tell me nothing. I saw you with your lund  ( prick) in your hand. Were you playing with your lund?”

Abdul was astonished to hear Komalbhabi use that word. He was scared and confused. Komal softened.

“If you show me what you were doing I won't tell others .” “Please don't tell others, they would throw me outside the society , please Komalbhabi .” He lived in constant fear of it.
“I won't if you show me what you were doing.”

Abdul looked at Komalbhabi and blushed. He was so embarrassed at this point he didn't know what to do.

“Aw, Komalbhabi , I can't do that.” Komal could see that Abdul  was beginning to waver. Maybe now was the time to start trading.

“If you don't, I will tell others . Uh, not only that if you show me what you were doing, I'll let you see me.” Abdul gasped and his eyes popped wide open in astonishment.

“You'll let me see you down there?”
“Yes, if you show me what you were doing.” Saying this Komal led him secretly to her bedroom.

Part of Abdul's fantasy while he jerked off was having Komalbhabi stand in front of him with her dress pulled up and her panties down. He spread his thighs very slowly. His prick was limp. He'd been frightened out of his hard on, but as soon as he saw Komalbhabi look, it throbbed up to attention again.

Another part of Abdul's fantasy was having Komalbhabi look at and even feel his prick. He looked up and blushed again. He hoped she didn't know what he'd been thinking. He could hardly wait to get to see what her cunt looked like.

“Now let me see you. I want to see you down there. You said you'd let me see you.” Komal had no problem about exposing herself to the muslim shop-keeper. She pulled up her dress and pushed her panties over down over her hips. She was so hot that her crotch was soaking wet with her cunt juice.

She put her fingers on each side of her cunt and spread the outer lips apart so Abdul could see what she had hidden on the inside.

Komal however returned to present situation. Abdul wouldn't be outside her window now, but Goli might be. She would act as if he were just in case. She took off her dress and she pushed her huge 38″ tits up so that her son could get a good look if he was on that tree platform.

Komal would have to use a different strategy with her son. She would have to catch him peeping and make him think she was going to punish him for it. She might frighten him into doing things much more rapidly than he would be willing to do them otherwise.

She pulled down her panties as these thoughts ran through her mind and noticed her son's presence through the corner of her eyes. Goli saw his mother start the same routine as yesterday. He was determined to last as long as his mother did.

Then Komal changed the procedure some. She moved toward the window, put her fingers on each side of her cunt, and spread the outer lips apart. She hoped her son got an eyeful. He saw the outer lips of his mother's cunt separate and he caught a glimpse of some pink on the inside.

His hand speeded up in spite of his resolve to wait for his mother to get ready to come. Komal pushed two fingers into her cunt then rubbed her fingers on the little bump toward the top. Goli's hips jerked and his cum spouted out of his prick.

This intimate view of his dearest mother's cunt had just been too much. Komal clearly heard the cum hit the side of the house and started to finger fuck herself in earnest. From a slightly distance Babita also watched. When Goli's hand pumped up and down on his prick her fingers flashed in and out of her cunt. When his cum flew out and splashed against the house, she also shuddered with an orgasm.

Komalbhabi must be doing more than lying there on her back to get this much reaction from her only son . Goli was still pumping on his prick and she kept her fingers active in her cunt. Goli kept on his fishing. Maybe his prick would get hard again and he'd come again when his mother did.

Komal was now thinking about Abdul's prick as it was the first time she'd ever touched other than his husband . She laid down on the bed and pushed her fingers into her cunt. As soon as Goli saw this his prick got hard again. His mother's fingers pumped in and out. She rubbed her clit with her other hand. Komal's hips bounced on the bed. She was having orgasms and whispering to Abdul .

“Oh, Abdul , khelo meri choot se. Meri paani nikalo. Shoot your cum for me. Let me see the cum shoot out of your prick. Ahhh! Ohhh!” Komal's image of the muslim shop-keeper was replaced by her son. She'd love to watch her son shoot his cum and she might if she looked out the window.

Goli saw his mother's hips come off the bed. He tried to hear what his mother said but couldn't. Spurt, spurt, spurt, his cum hit the side of the house. Komal heard it and had several more orgasms. Dribble, dribble, dribble; more cum oozed out of the tip and lubricated his hand as he continued pumping. He didn't stop until his prick was soft.

Babita watched the boy jerk off, get a new hard on, and started jerking off again. Her hand speeded up and she wondered what Komalbhabi did that had activated her son's prick so hard soon again. She must be putting on quite an exciting  show. She wasn't going to be able to hold off much longer. If Komalbhabi  didn't get her son pretty soon she was going to be beat out by herself.

Babita found one day Abdulbhai was fucking Komalbhabi. She kept him away from his shop the next day and while her husband Iyar  was in his laboratory and she'd cajoled and threatened him into fucking her. It had been delightful. Before the day was over she'd sucked a load of cum out of his nasty muslim prick and had him lap her cunt until she had one of the best orgasms she'd ever had. She'd even allowed him to fuck her asshole.

Threesome with widow aunt and her sexy daughter

Babita watched the boy's cum arch through the air for the second time. Her fingers flashed in and out of her cunt and her hips were jerking back and forth as murmured to herself. “Shoot that cum in my cunt, baby. Shoot it into me. I'm coming now. Come with me. Ahhh! Ahhh!”

All week Goli got home from school, had a snack, waited for his mother to retire for a nap, took up his position, and waited. This had become his best jerk off of the day and he was certain that he would never willingly miss the show his mother put on for him. He was glad the foot of his mother's bed faced near the window.

Every now and then she would separate the lips of her cunt so that he would get to see more. He knew what his mother did in her bedroom and he couldn't have stayed away even if he wanted to. He was there jerking off and hoping to see more every day.

Komal caught several glimpses of her son on the platform. She wanted to see more but she had to take her glasses off before she could take off her dress, and things were sort of blurry. She was sure her son was jerking off but she would have liked to have seen his prick and watched the cum spurt out of it.

Well Goli might be ready now but she was going to wait till next week before she went about seducing him. She had been making plans and knew how she was going to go about it. She reviewed the plans and made some changes every time she put on a show for her dear son

It was the best time of the day for Babita too. She would wait for the boy to get on to the tree platform and take out his prick then she would start to finger fuck herself while she watched him jerk off. The days that Goli shot off twice were very good days for her too. She would have multiple orgasms and lay her plans for getting to Goli for some real live sex.

If Komal didn't initiate him soon, she wouldn't be able to hold back. She'd walk over and suck his prick till he shot that load of cum into her mouth. Goli's jerk off sessions in bed at night weren't as exciting as they used to be. He wished he could get closer to his mother's bedroom window.

There was just no better vantage point than his tree platform. He could see his mother's tits real good, he could see his mother's fingers go in and out of her cunt, but he couldn't get a good look at the inside of his mother's cunt even when she spread her cunt lips so close to window, and she did that now at the start of each session and occasionally when she was lying on the bed.

Komal remembered sneaking out into the bushes with Abdul . Abdul's prick was bigger than her marker pen when she had cornered him in the bathroom that first time. That day Abdul came to her for some cosmetic goods, when she was in her bathroom taking a shower and spied on her through the keyhole. He had shot off as soon as she had touched his prick.

She found it was best to suck on his prick and drink down the cum he shot into her mouth to take the edge off his hornyness the first round of the day. Then he would lick her cunt until she had an orgasm.

By the time Abdul's prick would be hard again and he would be ready to fuck her. Komal was sure her son would be the same way. She liked the idea. Having Abdul shoot his cum in her mouth always gave her an orgasm. She knew she would have multiple orgasms when Goli shot the first load into her mouth.

About a month after that she started having sex with Abdulbhai , he didn't perform as well on some days as he did on others. Komal wondered if the Society's shop-keeper had been doing things with other ladies of the society . She'd tried to find out but he claimed that she was the only one he fucked and sucked with.

The next week started the same way the previous week ended. Komal went to her room and peered out of the window. She suspected Goli was out there watching her and she wanted to give him an eyeful. She undressed in her usual manner and then went right to the window. She stood there for a few minutes massaging her tits. She was sure she caught a glimpse of her son hidden among the foliage.

Komal spread her cunt lips and thought she saw some motion. She held the lips apart with one hand pumped her fingers in and out of her cunt with the other so her son could see what she was doing. She stroked her clit in such a way that it was clearly visible. The foliage rustled.

Goli couldn't believe what he was seeing. It seemed his mother was trying to show him what she was doing with her fingers. It was all he could do to control his hand motion. Boy, would he like to rub that bump she had there on the top of her cunt. His eyes were popping out of his head and his fist flew back and forth on his prick. He was ready, spurt, spurt, spurt; three jets of cum shot out of his prick and arched over to the side of the house. Dribble, dribble, dribble; the rest of his cum leaked out of his prick.

Komal heard the jets of cum hit the house, knew that her son  must be jerking off out there, and had multiple orgasms. Babita also watched Goli closely and finger fucked herself as the boy jerked off. She matched the tempo of the fingers pumping in and out of her cunt to the tempo he used to fuck his fist.

Babita realized that Komalbhabi must be doing some very interesting things in the bedroom to have her son hard again and ready for a second jerk off session so soon after he came the first time. Her thoughts went back to Abdulbhai .

She would lick the head of Abdulbhai's prick until it would come to attention and he would wake up. She developed the same routine that Abdulbhai had. She found out it was best to nurse the first load of cum out of his prick by sucking him off.

Babita never understood why she didn't want Komalbhabi to find out that she was playing the same games with Abdul that Komalbhabi was. She wondered if she could get hold of Goli  the same way. This time she would let Komalbhabi know. She could think of lots of things the three of them could do together.

She was sure Goli would be just as exciting a lover Abdul was.  She would just have to keep her eyes open and wait for the proper time. She figured it would be rather soon.

Goli got off the school bus the next day and dashed into the house. He rushed through his snack because he knew his mother would sit there as long as he was eating. He finished and Komal did her usual stretch and yawn bit and said she was going to take a nap.

This was Goli's signal to head for the tree platform. His prick was hard in anticipation of what he was going to see today . He rushed out the kitchen door, and made a dash around the corner of the house to take his post on the tree platform.

Next day Gogi, another member of Tappu Sena came to the tree platform for gossiping. Goli was courteous to Gogi and  his parents who seemed like nice people. Gogi's mother Roshan Sodhi was a good looking woman with a figure that was even better than his mother's.

Goli thought it would be fun to watch her do the same things his mother did. He told Goli about how much ahead of his class in school he was. It seemed that Gogi was going to want to be around him all the time so Goli knew he wouldn't ever be able to watch his mother in the afternoon while Gogi was present there .

Although there was a close relationship among the members of Tappu Sena, Goli never disclosed his personal matters to other members of Tappu Sena which he often did with Gogi. One day he said , “I still jerk off sometimes, but I do some things I like better now.”

Gogi was inspired by this, he disclosed also, “Uh, – I have also something  private , I'll tell you later. ”

Goli returned his house at eight. His mother stood in the doorway telling him to fetch some grocery items . His mother was wearing a thin maxi and he saw the light come through. He saw that she had nothing on under the maxi and he got a hard on.

He started down one of the paths towards Gogi's house and met him . He grabbed Goli's sleeve and held his fingers to his lips. He led Goli behind their house and pointed to a window. There was a lacy curtain that you could see right through.

Goli's eyes popped out of his head. He hadn't expected see anything like this. Gogi's mother Roshan was taking off her nighty and his father was undressed. Roshan was a good looking woman with tits as big as his mother's. Sodhi was built like an athlete and had a lot of hair on his chest and around his prick.

Cousin Baby

Goli looked at that prick with amazement. It was huge. “Mummy and daddy always send me away this time of the night so that they can fuck. When we get to a lonely place I can get to watch them. Then no one would notice that I watched at the window every night. It's neat watching the different things my parents do together.”

Gogi was doing the same thing he did when he watched his mother finger fuck herself only Gogi's mother had his father to fuck with. It should be more interesting and exciting to watch them fuck than watch his mother finger fuck herself.

Goli was willing to agree that it was neat. Sodhi's prick must have been ten inches long and it was bigger than his own adolescent cock. He hoped his prick would be that big some day. Then he saw one of those things that he didn't think people did. Gogi's mother got on her knees, licked the tip of her husband's prick, ran her tongue all around the head, and then she licked up and down the ten inch shaft.

After that she sucked the head of his prick into her mouth and bobbed her head a few times. Roshan got on the bed and her husband put his face over her cunt. He must be licking it. Goli  hadn't thought people did that either. Then Gogi's father got on his knees between his wife's legs and push his huge prick into her cunt.

Goli couldn't under- stand how a prick that big could get into a slit that narrow. Gogi pinched his prick through his pants and Goli did the same thing to keep from shooting off. Gogi's father pumped his hips and the bed springs squeaked. Sodhi's  hips started out slow but after a while moved faster and faster. After what seemed like a long time his hips jerked a couple of times, slowed down, then stopped moving.

Goli assumed he'd shot his cum into Roshan aunty's cunt. It had taken Sodhi a long time to shoot off. Goli wished he could hold off that long. In a minute or so Sodhi turned on the bed and pushed his face between his wife's legs. He must be doing what the boy's called cunt lapping and Roshan sucked her husband's soft prick and licked it clean.

Sodhi must be licking his own cum out of his wife's cunt. Goli  always wanted to taste his cum but had chickened out every time he brought his hand to his mouth.

A short while after the boys left Roshan got up and went to the window. Sodhi joined her as she pushed the curtains aside and peered out into the darkness. She looked at her husband and grinned. “I'll bet he got an eyeful tonight. I'm glad that he enjoys the show.”

“He should have gotten an eyeful, there's no one else around and he could be sure no one would see him. I wonder if he realized that when he suggested we stop here.” Sodhi said.

“One of these days I'm going to rape him. He must be ready by now, I've wanted to since I found cum spots on his sheets about six months ago.” Roshan smiled at her husband.

“Any time you can take him on, I am too. I can't wait to do a threesome with you and our son. It'll be a ball.” Sodhi revealed his perverted ideas.

“You know, Sodhi , he's gotten very friendly with Goli and I wonder if he invited him to watch us tonight. I thought I saw Goli waiting for Gogi down path.” Roshan grinned.

“He might have. I thought I saw Goli waiting too. I'll bet they were watching us and jerking off. I'd like to watch them do it one time. I remember how thrilling it was for me to spy on my parents and jerk off when I was a kid. The fact they might discover me made it a little scary and made it feel even better.”   Sodhi told.

“This Gokuldham Society is perfect for our plans. I think we ought to stay here for a long time . It's secluded enough so that we can do things we couldn't get at other places. It might be the place where we can get our son and other members of the society into our nightly act.” Sodhi became excited.

“You know, that kid Goli is cute. Do you think we could get him into the act too. I'd love to try three males at one time! Gees, that would be something to write home about. I'd really like to try that. Imagine having one prick in my cunt, one prick up my asshole, and one prick shooting off in my mouth. As Gogi would say, ‘Wow! Mummy ,That's awesome!'” Roshan said excitedly.

“That's an idea. Why don't we just leave it hang and find things to occupy ourselves for about a week or so. Then we'll see what develops between Gogi and Goli . If they form a real comradeship it should be easy to get our son into our fun and games at the same time we get Goli into them.” Sodhi cleared his plan .

The two of them stood at the window but they hadn't been idle. Sodhi's fingers worked in and out of his wife's cunt. Roshan gently massaged her husband's prick, which was hard again. They were ready for another round. The fantasy of having her son and his friend perform sex acts with her had Roshan's perverted cunt sopping wet.

Roshan led her willing husband back to the bed. They positioned themselves for a leisurely sixty nine. Sodhi licked and sucked on her wife's clit then ran the tip of his tongue along her cunt. And Roshan licked a drop of pre cum off the tip of his prick, ran her tongue around its head, licked down the underside then sucked his balls.

Sodhi took her clit between his lips and lashed the head of it with his tongue. It was time to get down to serious business. Roshan swallowed around the head of his prick and rubbed her cunt all over his face. She moaned and her cunt contracted around her husband's tongue.

Spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble; he shot his load after load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed it as it erupted from his prick. Once Gogi had Goli away behind the window, he turned to him and grinned. “Gee, I'd love to feel my mother's cunt and as well as my father's prick. I jerked off while I watched them until I found out something else .

Goli and Gogi did have fun. He regretted not seeing his mother take her afternoon nap but he found a lot of neat things to do with Gogi .

One afternoon Goli shot off six times and his balls were still aching when he went to bed. Every night the two boys met to watch Gogi's parents fuck. One night Gogi's father lay down on his back and his mother leaned over him and took his prick in her mouth. She moved her hips over his face and he pushed his tongue into her cunt.

Then Gogi's mother suck his father's prick into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down, he moved his mouth all over her cunt. Gogi took one look at what was going on, took a deep breath, and looked at Goli .

“Oh gee, their going to sixty nine. This is good. Let's jerk each other off while we watch.” Gogi reached for Goli's prick and Goli took hold of Gogi's . They jerked each other off while they watched. It seemed to Goli that Gogi's mother drank his father's cum when he shot off. Goli hardly believed his eyes.

The boys' cum spurted out of their pricks and hit the side of the window the same time Roshan was swallowing his husband's cum. Few moments later the boys left the place.

Futanari Family: Secrets

However Roshan was very sensitive to the sound of cum hitting any flat surface. They found some drops of cum splattered on the side and Roshan scooped some up with her finger. She tasted it and turned to her husband. “I want some more of that from the source, and tomorrow wouldn't be too soon. We have to lay some plans to lay those two boys. They're are inseparable now. Let's follow them and see if they jerk off again. At their age I bet they do it three or four times a night.”

“That's a good idea. I've wanted to watch my son jerk off for just as long as you've wanted to suck and fuck with him.” Sodhi grinned.

While they waited for the boys to arrive they held a further conversation. ” Sodhi , those two boys way ahead of us. If we don't get to them pretty quick Gogi's going to convince Goli to find them some little girl and persuade her to play doctor.”

” You're right. We do have to do something pretty quick if we don't want to be beat out.” Sodhi supported his wife.

The day after that Gogi's parents decided to give the boys as much leeway as they could.

” You have presented me a nice thing and now it's my turn to show you something ” Goli said.

Then he led Gogi to the platform and showed him where to sit so that he could see good. Babita was glad to see Goli back at his old stand and happy to see the cute kid Gogi also with him.

She watched the two of them open their flies and take out their pricks. They were gorgeous young adolescent cocks and they made both her cunt and her mouth water. She'd love to suck a load of cum out of each of them. Her view of them from the shed was much better now.

Babita pulled up her skirt, pulled down her panties, and ran her fingers in and out of her cunt waiting for the real action to start. She wished she had Abdul there , then she wouldn't have to finger fuck herself. She had to figure some way to get to them.

In the meantime Komal made her entrance as expected. She walked to the window as she removed her dress and bra. She scratched under her breast and her son's prick jerked in time with the way they wobbled. His mother fingered a nipple and the nipple got larger.

Komal did these things too close to the window in case her son was watching clearly. She would seduce her son but if he was watching she wanted to keep him interested.

Komal pulled her panties down and held the lips of her cunt open with one hand while she rubbed the bump up near the top. Goli had never seen this much of a cunt before. He pumped on Gogi's prick and Gogi pumped on his.

Komal was watching and thought she caught sight of some motion near the tree platform out of the corner of her eye. Had Gogi gone with his parents today or was he with her son. That would be fun. He was a cute kid. She wouldn't mind seducing him at the same time she seduced her son.

Two adolescent boys at the same time. Wow! One prick to fuck her and another to suck on. She hadn't even thought of that. Her cunt started to drip. She stayed right where she was, pulled the outer lips of her cunt even farther apart, and pushed two fingers inside the inner lips. Her fingers moved in and out and she could just see that someone was out there in the tree platform.

Komal hoped that her son was jerking off and enjoying it as much as she enjoyed having him watch her finger fuck herself. Goli was enjoying it and so was Gogi . For that matter Babita  was finger fucking herself using the same tempo as the two boys were.

Everybody watched everybody else and jerked off. The boys were the first to climax and their cum hit the side of the house. Even Gogi had never gotten as close a look at his mother's cunt as the two of them had right now.

Komal heard the cum splat against the side of the house and had several magnificent orgasms. Babita saw the cum fly and she had more than one splendid orgasm too. Things quieted down after that.

Babita wondered if she dared get Goli off by himself sometimes and fuck him like she used to fuck Abdul . She would love to suck a load of cum out of that cute little prick of his. She had to think about that. Maybe she could get hold of the cute kid with glasses whose folks were staying at the park. He'd been on the platform jerking off with Goli that afternoon.

Komal decided she'd had enough. She wasn't going to wait for the trailer to leave. Tomorrow she was going to get to her son. She would suck his pubescent prick, and have him fuck her. She'd have to take the chance so that Sodhi and Roshan didn't find out what she was doing with her son.

End of Ch : 5

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My angel Rani Chitthi

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