Mom changes her life – and her son’s

Mom changes her life – and her son’s, incest ,


Julia looked critically at the 40-something woman she saw in her full-length bedroom mirror. The woman who looked back at Julia wore a plain white bra and equally plain white panties. Her figure was still good and the flesh of her thighs and buttocks still reasonably firm. Julia turned and studied herself from the side. She ran a hand slowly down her front, over the cool smooth nylon of her full-cut briefs, and thought with some satisfaction that even her belly wasn’t yet showing the telltale signs of middle age.

“You’ve still got it, Julia,” she said aloud to the woman in the mirror. And then she whispered to herself, “So how come you haven’t had a cock in you since your husband ran off with that tiny-brain big-boob secretary of his?”

Julia was dressing for work. She was about to put on the outfit her boss insisted be worn by all of his female employees — the gals called it their unofficial uniform – a simple white blouse and a neatly tailored mid-length dark blue skirt. Dark pantyhose and sensible low heels usually completed the obligatory look.

Julia was suddenly struck with the depressing sameness and blandness of the outfit — and of her life.

‘I want more than this’, she thought, thinking of her life rather than the clothes. ‘I want more excitement, more fun, more variety. And I want more sex. I need more sex.’

She went to her lingerie drawer and pulled out some sexy lingerie, a matching bra and panty set in black silk with strategically placed panels of black lace. And then, on a mischievous whim, she took out a garter belt and black net stockings. And high heeled black pumps.

The plain white underwear came off, and the sexy black lingerie and shoes went on. Julia looked again at the woman in the mirror, and wondered if this ‘new’ Julia had what it would take to seriously shake up her dull and boring world.

On went the same old blouse and skirt, but now Julia looked surprisingly different from the way she usually did at work. The most obvious thing were the oval cups of the sexy black bra, now clearly discernible through the sheer material of the blouse. Her nicely shaped breasts had always been modestly downplayed in a white bra under a white blouse, but now they were definitely up front and, she hoped, attention-getting. She liked the flash of black net hose moving below the skirt, and the high heels looked, well, like high heels are meant to look.

Julia walked around a bit, peeking back over her shoulder at the mirror, and liked the way the heels added to the naturally seductive sway and bounce of her buttocks in the snug skirt.

“You look fuckin’ gorgeous, babe,” she said aloud to her reflection.

“Yeah, you sure fuckin’ do,” came a voice from behind her.

Julia nearly jumped out of her shoes in surprise. She spun around, and there in the bedroom doorway stood her son Robbie. He had a big grin on his face and the unmistakable bulge of a half-hard cock in his jeans.

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