Wild night

One Friday after work my girlfriend said she wanted to do something tonight. It's been a while since we have done anything since we are saving for a house and our future. I asked what would you like to do, dinner movies?

She said that she wanted to that's its been awhile since we've danced and had fun. It's been over a years since we have been to a club so I was in for it. I said I would call a couple of our too see if they were in but she said she wanted it to be just us. I was ok with that, we have done it before and had great times.

So I said sure let's go downtown tonight and see where the night brings us. She agreed. It was time to get ready and we have been already pre drinking enough where we had a little buzz. As I was getting ready she came in the bathroom with the most tight slutty dress I could have ever imagined, but was so on her. Her ass barely covered hole in the stomach area with her belly button ring showing barley covering her titts. She asked how do I look, and I said to be honest, the most sexiest woman alive. She laughed and said I thought you were going to tell me to change. I laughed and said tonight's another night, I'm allowing things.

We then started kissing and of course led to use having sex. We finished and started putting back on our clothes. She's started putting on her bra and I told her not tonight. She had no questions just said it looks better without it anyways. As she got back dressed you can noticed her perfect right threw her dress. I told her that it turns me on when she shows them off. She smiled and said well then it will be done. I called a cab earlier and we are now on our way downtown dresses like a little slut. While we were in the cab I kept rubbing her leg getting close to he pussy where she then slowly started kissing my neck.

My was getting so I grabbed her hand and put in on my cock. She slowly stater rubbing it as I can see the cab driver watching us here and there from the rear view mirror. Her dress was so small that he could see her thong from the mirror.

When I noticed he was able to see I slowly rubbed her pussy. It was crazy because she has never said anything about being this wild. She sometimes dresses a little sluttly but never have we done the while someone was right there. I seen the drives eyes in the mirror watching me rub her pussy so I moved over her underwear and started fingering her. She whispered in my ear, I'm so horney, and he's watching us. I whispered back, does it turn you on?

She replied, I can fuck you right here. By then it was out time to get out so we payed him and said be back by 1 if you can. He smiled and said 100 percent. We started walking for a bit noticing all the guy are looking my girlfriend up and down like she some model pornstar. As we walked by a couple clubs I remembered that there was a club not to far away. So we started walking that way and were there. I asked her how about here. She said , do you know what this place is? I said yes, but the way today's going I feel like here will be fun. She laughed and said ya I could be. So we went in and this is both our at a stingers club.

When we got in it actually looked like a night club just with a lot more men. There were other and women too but way more men. We went to the bar, so many guys looking at my girlfriend was actually turning me on. We ordered drinks and right away 3 guys all friends came to introduce themselves. They wanted to pay for our drinks but my girlfriend said it was OK thanks. They asked us what we were doing here and we told them just to see what it was about. I noticed one guy kept getting really close to my girlfriend as I was speaking to the other guy. He was talking to her with his body literally up against her. She then came to me and the bought us a round and we said we wanted to go for a walk. She said that he told her he wants to meet her in the rooms upstairs.

She was saying it with a little shy smile. We went for a walk seen that the had glory holes a hall that led to rooms for people to have sex and another room we didn't go to because you needed to be naked. So we walked bake to the bar grabbed a few more drinks and more and more guys came up to us. I think every guy there wanted my girlfriend as she was the hottest and youngest one there at 24. We were dancing and very and started making out on the dance floor just like the cab ride. Her getting all wet me touching her pussy while everybody is there.

I seen the 3 guys that came up to us earlier and waved them over. They came right away with one guy came talking to me and the other 2 to my girlfriend. The guy offered to buy us drinks for the night and this time she agreed. I was leaning on the bar with my back and she was leaning on me with her ass to my cock with the other 2 guys were pressing the cocks one on each leg grinding on her while she was grinding on my dick. We were all having shots still dancing away when I noticed she wasn't touching me anymore with her hands. Her hands were fully all over the other 2 guys while she's making out with me. It was hard to see but it looked as she was rubbing there cocks with her legs pulling there ass closer. She then said something to one of them and he said something back and they all went up stairs. She then kissed me grabbed my cock and said in suck a horney for right in my ear nice and loud because of the music, IM READY BABY.

She grabbed my hand and started walking upstairs. She brought us to the stalls where the glory holes were. She was counting the stalls looking for a specific one. She then brought us in one and we started making out right away. I told here why here, why this stall? She never answered just kept rubbing my dick and kissing me.

Out of no where a big raw dick pop threw on of the holes. I was shocked not just because a diced popped out of no where, but how big it was. 20 seconds later 2 more pop in threw the holes. She started smiling right away all these guys had mushroom head cock 2 were big 1 was average. Right away I thought they planned where too go, she wants to fuck there's guys. She then said do you mind babe, I'm so horney today grabbing the biggest cock there jerking it slowly. I just want to suck some cock tonight. You showing my pussy to the cab driver turned me so on that I wanted to see his dick too. Now her hand on 2 cock stroking them harder.

My dick was so hard right now that I didn't care what she did it was turning me on knowing she wanted to fuck these guys. She then kneeled down and started sucking one of there dicks. Then another and another until she had one in her mouth and one in each hand. I pulled my cock out stroking it while she sucks these guys cocks and stares right at me. She kept going till finally all three guys came. She was so happy got up kissed me and said let's go home.

We got outside and who do we see? The same cab driver. We went to him right away and told him where you picked us up. Right away we started kissing and rubbing each other.

I then pulled down her dress showing her beautiful titts and fingering her pussy. He told us the ride is free for us if he can jerk off while he drives us. We had a good 20 mins till we get home. I told him I'm pretty sure she won't mind doing that for you as he smiled said really. Of course she was so horny she said yes. She leaned over the arm rest and pulled it out for him and started jerking him off. I then pushed her up a bit more so I could get behind her and fuck her from the back. Her head was now so close to his dick I grabbed her head and told her to suck his cock.

With no questions asked her mouth opened wide and started sucking his dick. He told her to stop because he could t drive so we told him to pull over. He parked on a side street and the my girlfriend right away leaning over to suck his dick. The cab driver cummed and then I cummed in her pussy. He drove us home and the rude was free.

My girlfriend said she loved tonight and wouldn't mind doing it again. We now do this twice a year

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