Son’s best friends turn a MILF into a depraved fucktoy

Emilia burned for her husband to notice her again. It wasn't that they stopped having sex, but over a twenty-year marriage, Jim's insatiable need for her dwindled to perfunctory clockwork humps that usually ended with him using her vibrator on Emilia to come long after he did. And when they were done, he'd almost immediately launch into a talk about his day, with no hint of passion, of love.

Even so, Emilia might have stayed in her boring, uninspired rut for the rest of her days if a perfect shitstorm didn't blow through her life. First came the news that her son Landon, the brightest point in her life, was moving in with his girlfriend instead of coming home that summer. Emilia was proud of him for growing up, of course, and his girlfriend was a well-adjusted wonderful woman who would be graduating in another year, but Landon was only nineteen, damn it. He should be home with her where she could take care of him while he worked a summer job or two. Of course Emilia recognized she was being selfish, and she wished him and his girlfriend all the best, but at home, alone, she felt a desperate pang of loneliness.

That loneliness was compounded when Jim announced he'd be taking on an early night shift for the power company. It was a step up for them monetarily, but with her job as a florist and his already-comfortable salary, they really didn't need the extra money. He was adamant, though, especially since his boss dangled a managerial position in front of him like a carrot. Emilia hadn't seen him this excited in years, and though the nights would be rough, she would survive for him.

The storm force winds were further amplified by the return of her son's three best from colleges around the state. Each of them had blossomed from the gangly awkward teenagers she knew and loved into handsome young men, likely the fantasies of many of the women on their campuses. They were nineteen or twenty now, but Emilia had never thought of them as anything more than frequent guests at her house, even if she'd caught their stares and muttered conversations about her looks to one another throughout the years. They were boys, after all, and though she had to scold them a few times, they behaved.

They came over late in the afternoon just a few days after they got home for summer break. Emilia was fresh off a yoga workout, her mat still laid out in the middle of the living room. Her dark hair was swept back in a ponytail, her girls tightly encased in a sports bra and white tank. Her yoga pants definitely showed off a lot more of her body, but she had on a pair of athletic boy shorts underneath, so it wasn't like she was going to be giving everything away.

Emilia bounded to the door, wondering who it was, and was pleasantly surprised to find Simon, Jaxton, and Milo. She'd seen Jaxton's unmistakable car in his parents' driveway that morning — he had the thing plastered in decals and it was unmissable just a few doors down — but hadn't realized the other two boys were home.

Boys? The three of them looked like men now. Gone was Milo's weedy frame and mop of red hair. He'd cleaned up and filled out nicely, even sporting some sleek muscles under a tight-fitting tee. Jaxton, a halfback in high school and college, had always been muscular, but now his short-cropped hair made him look ten years older. And Simon, their ringleader, he had grown up most of all. His fiercely intelligent eyes were framed by waves of curly brown hair that hung nearly to his cheeks. It was a look both boyish and incredibly fetching.

Jesus, what is wrong with you? Emilia thought. These are your sons' friends. You might be in a rut but take it down a notch.

“Hey guys!” she said, already moving out of the way for them to come in. She was a bit surprised and amused they knocked for once instead of barging right in like they used to.

“Hey, Mrs. Candless!” Milo said. Of all of them, even her son, Milo was always going to be the youngest in spirit. He was bouncy and excitable, and she loved his youthful energy, especially when he was dragging her son on an adventure somewhere and getting him out of the house and away from his games and video streams.

“Hey!” Jaxton said with his usual blunt efficiency. People sometimes confused him for stupid, but he had been third in their class and earned a big scholarship to study mechanical engineering. His quiet stoicism was, as he said, because he didn't have much to say.

“Mrs. Candless,” Simon said, grinning like he knew she was thinking about how handsome they'd become. That smile won him a dozen girlfriends throughout the years in high school, and Emilia had little doubt that number had skyrocketed in college. “You look great. Caught you in a workout?”

“Just doing some yoga. I'm down five pounds,” she said, her fingers twitching. She wanted to place them at her hips, her go-to move when she was flirting or being flirted with. “And look at you guys! Wow. You grew up. Yummy little things.”

Oh damn it, had she really just said that? Yummy?

Simon's grin spread, and yup, Emilia's panties were now officially going to be drenched. Sweet, oblivious Milo said, “Is Landon home yet? We were going to go golfing and thought we'd grab him.”

“Oh, he didn't tell you? He and his girlfriend are moving in together. They're staying there this summer.”

“Aw, man,” Milo groaned.

“Come in anyways. Sit for a few minutes and keep me company.”

The guys spread out in the living room, Simon lounged like a cat in the armchair Emilia's husband usually favored, while the other two took the couch. She leaned over to grab her yoga mat, in profile to the guys. She caught all three of them staring at her boobs or her butt. Inwardly, she smirked. Still had it.

“Get you guys something to eat? Drink?”

Simon asked, “Got any of your sun tea?”

“You know it. Milo? Jaxton?”

“Oh yeah,” Jaxton said, grinning.

Milo nodded. “Thanks, Mrs. Candless.”

Emilia headed into the kitchen to get them some of her tea. The boys, when they were younger, could go through a whole pitcher of the stuff in one sitting, especially with Landon around. While she was pouring them each a massive glass full of it, she heard Milo whispering out in the living room, “Holy shit, her ass in those pants.”

“No kidding,” Jaxton breathed. “How did she get even hotter?”

Emilia grinned to herself. Still the same old guys. It was nice to be noticed. She'd been working her ass off — or rather, on, trying to tone up her butt and lose a little extra around her thighs. It seemed to be working.

She put a little extra sashay to her walk when she came back in. three glasses of iced tea in hand. They sipped, and told her about college and their jobs for the summer.

“And girls?” Emilia asked, winking at Milo.

He grinned sheepishly. “Ahhh, I had a girlfriend, but we decided to break up a months ago.”

“I had a pair of them,” Jaxton grunted. “Cheerleaders. Too much drama.”

“At the same time?” Emilia asked, hoping they didn't notice her shift or press her damp thighs together at the thought of Jaxton with two women.

“Yeah,” Jaxton said with a grin.

“And they… knew?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Whew.” Emilia glanced at Simon. “How about you, stud?”

“Ooh, I like that,” Simon said. “Nothing serious.”

“Is it ever with you?” she asked.

“I mean, hey, Mrs. Candless, if it was you, I'd settle down and be a one-woman guy the rest of my life.” He made a kissing sound at her and Milo laughed.

“How you even get a date with lines like that,” Emilia said, but she was secretly flattered. It was harmless flirting, she knew, but damn it, his good looks were intoxicating.

“How about you?” Milo asked. “How's Jim treating you?”

“Things are good,” Emilia said. “He just got a promotion, so, you know, it's good.”

“You sound thrilled,” Simon said.

She gave him a faint smile. “Is it obvious? It's fine. It really is. He's just working late afternoons up until midnight now, and usually longer than that. And with Landon not…” Stinging tears rushed up in her without warning, tears she'd been holding back for days, and Emilia choked up. Milo and Simon were there in a flash, taking either side of the chair she was sitting on and rubbing her back. Jaxton was only a moment behind. With no room, he just stood there, rubbing his hands, but his presence was a comfort anyways. Whatever flirting had been done earlier, their compassion was real, and they hugged her in turn, Simon moving so Jaxton could get in there and show her some love.

“Hey,” Simon said when the tears had died down. “You're not alone this summer, Mrs. Candless.”

“Yeah!” Jaxton said cheerfully. “You got us.”

Milo grinned. “Aren't we supposed to be trying to make her feel better? Not make her cry?

Emilia laughed through the last of her tears, and clutched Jaxton and Milo's hands. She blinked up at them in turn and sniffed. “Thank you, boys.”

“Ah, you're welcome,” Simon said. “You're our block mom. We kinda love ya, if you didn't know.”

She clicked her tongue and started crying again, but this time it seemed healthier, less despondent. When she came back down from it, Milo was picking up after the guys and hauling all the glasses out to the kitchen. Jaxton and Simon sat back down on the edge of the couch.

Simon said, “Guys, whaddya think? Drag Mrs. Candless with us to hit a bucket of balls?”

“Oh, really-” Emilia started to protest, but Milo and Jaxton interrupted her as one.

“Oh hell yeah,” Jaxton grunted.

“Yup!” Milo agreed.

Emilia stared between the three of them. “You guys should go enjoy yourselves.”

Simon leaned down and took her under the arm. His fingers brushed against the side of her breast, no more than a flick, and Emilia hoped he didn't notice her shorter breath. “Come on, Mrs. Candless. We don't take it seriously anyways. Besides, you'll give us something beautiful to stare at when we're playing with our clubs.”

She groaned but let herself be lifted to her feet. “That's awful.”

Simon leaned in close and winked. “Yeah. But you love it.”

And she did. Emilia really did.

* * *

She didn't think of skorts as being in the slightest, but Simon, Jaxton, and Milo all kept staring at her long legs and taut thighs. A year ago Emilia might have scolded them, but the truth was, their gazes and naked hunger for her turned her on.

These are your sons' friends, the sane part of Emilia's mind warned her.

Uh huh, the sexual goddess within her purred. And it's perfectly legal to think about riding their faces. Or their dicks.

Apart from the skorts, she tossed on a sleeveless blouse, and okay, maybe she undid an extra button, but she still had on the sports bra, so it wasn't really a big deal. Was it?

Emilia insisted on paying for their bucket of balls. No one else was out on the driving range, though the course itself looked pretty busy. They set up their golf bags and put on a little music on Milo's phone. Hip-hop beats backed them as the three guys pushed their tees into the grass. When Emilia bent over to do the same, she glanced back to see all three of them nakedly staring at her ass.

“Eyes up, boys,” she said, and they looked away when secretly she wanted them to stare. When was the last time Jim looked at her with that kind of hunger? Ten years? Fifteen, more like. Sure, they were still intimate on occasion, but not since this new job, and even before then, the sex had a perfunctory nature to it. Making love — no, good sweaty sex — should be more than just two people doing the marital equivalent of taking out the garbage.

With that thought in mind, Emilia grabbed her driver and took up a position at her ball. She knew the boys were staring at her again, so this time, pretending not to notice, she gave her ass a little shimmy. Milo was the least subtle of the bunch and audibly sighed in pleasure. The other two were silent until she made her shot.

“Great drive,” Jaxton said.

“Good form,” Simon said, openly staring at her legs.

She grinned at him. “Oh? My form, huh? Let's see how you stroke it. Your balls, I mean.”

Milo burst out laughing, and Jaxton shook his head. Simon smirked, and lined up his driver. He reared back and gave the ball a blistering smack on the ass.

“What do you think?” he asked. “Long enough for you?”

“Mm,” Emilia said, pretending to ponder that. “I've seen longer.”

Jaxton groaned, “The puns are going to kill me.”

They settled in. Emilia had to admit, the driving range was just what she needed. Hitting something helped her blow off steam. Who'd have thought it? The guys settled into a conversation mostly among themselves, talking about long-term plans throughout the summer. They were thinking about going up to the mountains to camp sometime, a summer must, and of course, there was the Fourth, which was usually their city's biggest holiday.

Emilia might have warded off the boys' wandering eyes when she mildly scolded them earlier when she bent over, but by her sixth or so ball, they were back to staring whenever she bent over. Her form was slipping, and Jaxton said, “Hey, Mrs. Candless, you mind a pointer?”

“No, not at all.”

“You're swinging too wide.”

“Huh?” she asked.

“Happens to me when I've been playing for a while,” he said. “Here.”

He came over with his own driver, and in slow motion, brought his club back in a swing. “Right about here,” he said. “Try that.”

Emilia lined up as he backed away, and did as he directed. Her swing immediately improved, and she smiled at him. “Thanks, Jaxton.”

“You bet.”

Milo said, “Hey, I think I can help too.”

“Oh?” she asked.

He came over and sidled up behind her. Without warning, he reached around her and took the club, his groin sliding against the fabric of her ass. “You're gripping it too high,” he murmured into her ear.

She should have told him to back up, but the contact, the closeness of his was so pleasurable all Emilia could think to do was glance over her shoulder and murmur, “Gotta have the right grip.”

“Mm hm,” Milo said, his smile widening. Oh God, but if they hadn't been out in the open like this, that smile could have led to some very bad things. “Try it.”

She brought back the club as his hands fell to her waist. Emilia brought down the club at the same time as Milo ground harder against her. The ball shot wide left, and he backed away as Jaxton cracked up.

“Nah, nah,” he said. “Here. I gotta show you again.”

Jaxton came around behind her, and Emilia was dwarfed by the bulk of him. His hands came around her and she eased back against his hard muscles, sucking in a breath when she thought she felt his cock surge against her ass. He breathed against her neck, “You had it right the . Gotta grip it near the tip. That a girl. Like that.”

She brought her arms back again, and Jaxton dropped his hands to her waist, just as Milo had. Along the way, though, his hands brushed the sides of her breasts, and her hands shook as the club reached its zenith. When she swung, the ball careened right, and reluctantly, Jaxton stepped back.

“My turn,” Simon said, and stepped forward to reach around her waist.

“And what advice do you have?” Emilia asked as he pulled her back against him. Something iron hard pressed against her back.

“Advice?” he breathed into her ear. “Grip it however the hell you want to, Mrs. Candless.”

She couldn't help shivering against him, and brought her arms back in one more swing. His hands fell to her waist, and he cupped her ass between them as she swung. The ball flew perfectly straight.

The mood shifted after that. Their playful banter stopped, and now the boys were staring at Emilia with an openness that in equal parts excited and unnerved her. She hit another couple balls, this time without anyone's “help,” and called it a day.

“You boys have fun,” she said.

“See you again soon, Mrs. Candless?” Milo asked hopefully.

Whatever inner turmoil was going on, Emilia smiled at him. “You don't need to keep me company this summer.”

“If it isn't obvious, we want to,” he said, anything but smiling.

Oh Lord, this summer was going to kill her.

* * *

“You are not going to masturbate to them,” Emilia told herself in the mirror at every red light. “You are not going to masturbate to them. You are not going to masturbate to them.”

When she got home, her clothes flew off her as she raced to her bedroom. Their bedroom, she reminded herself, glancing at a picture of Jim and blushing. Sure, she'd fantasized about plenty of guys in twenty years of marriage. But none of them had been anything more than a passing fancy. Simon, Milo, and Jaxton? She wanted them in each of her holes, and she wanted it now. If they showed up at her door, she would have let them in and begged for it.

All her resolve fell by the wayside as she jerked open the nightstand's drawer and pulled out her favorite toy, a six-inch-long clit vibrator, wide on one end, a round point at the other. It had about ten settings ranging from, “Eh, I just need a little massaging and I'll get there eventually” to “I'm looking for satisfaction right this fucking second.” Emilia turned it on to eight, three past her usual setting. She thought about it, flopped onto the bed, and flicked the vibrator to a full ten. She didn't want to be teased. All the teasing was done already, out there on the course, by those three boys — men, now, delicious men.

As the vibrator touched her clit, she thought about Milo's fearlessness in touching her, in clutching her tight.

“Take me Milo,” Emilia whispered, her eyes squeezed shut.

As her legs parted wide, she thought about Jaxton dropping her shorts and holding her in those powerful arms, crushing her to his muscles as he fucked her over and over and over again.

“Mm, Jaxton, me hard,” she cried out.

But most of all, she thought about Simon, and that rock-hard prick of his against her back, the hot breath of his words against her ears. She thought about taking their cocks in her hands, maybe sucking one of them down while she jerked the other two off. In her fantasy, it was Simon who got the blowjob, and Jaxton and Milo in her hands, but oh God, she wanted all of them in every possible way.

“Fuck me Simon,” she gasped, “Oooh, fuck my slutty face.”

They were her son's best friends.

And Emilia burned for them like she'd never burned for anyone. Not even Jim. Not even her husband.

She came like a geyser, her feet rolling, her knees pumping up at the air as her orgasm rushed through her. Her lips parted in a sharp cry, and Emilia finished, panting for them, gasping for the young men to fill her hands, her mouth, her pussy.

And as she came down, Emilia opened her eyes. A few pictures of her and Jim and Landon hung on the opposite wall, and she blushed as she looked at the younger, happier versions of herself, the ones that weren't so desperate, so lonely.

* * *

The cheerleading coach knelt on all fours, stuffing her face full of Jaxton's cock as he idly stroked her head. Ms. Rosie Brook had been Milo's first conquest when he turned eighteen. On a bet from Simon, he walked right into her office, told her he'd just turned eighteen, and kissed her right there. It was ballsy and should have led to him getting expelled. Instead, ten minutes later, he was deep in her cunt from behind, fucking her bent over her desk as she howled his name.

Just five years older than they were, Ms. Brook was a blonde stunner, with honey-gold hair, a wide smile capped by plush lips, and an ass that all of them loved to plow on a regular basis when they were home. Her big swayed as she enthusiastically drove her mouth up and down Jaxton's cock. Of all of them, he was her favorite. She had a thing for black young men.

“If we do this,” Simon said, rolling his bottle of beer hand to hand, “it fucks things up between us and Landon. Forever.”

“I know,” Milo said. He sighed. “Dude's my best friend. It sucks.”

“Was,” Jaxton said. He idly grabbed a fistful of Ms. Brook's hair and drove her down harder on his cock, making her gag. She stared up at him, fire and fury in her eyes, but he ignored her. “But do we really care? Landon got himself some pussy on the reg and checked out.”

“Aw, come on, man, we still bullshit on Facebook,” Milo said.

“You two live close to each other,” Simon said. “When's the last time he wanted to hang out? Do anything?”

Milo considered that, and shook his head. “You're right. I know. I just… ugh, we're talking about sleeping with his mom.”

Jaxton finally relented on Ms. Brook and she came up off him, gasping, “You asshole.”

“Don't backtalk me, slut,” Jaxton said. He snapped his fingers and pointed at his dick. Her eyes still held his as she dropped low on his cock again, bobbing even harder. She liked to be treated roughly. Her thighs were already wet, and getting wetter.

Simon stood up and unzipped his shorts. “Of course we're talking about fucking Mrs. Candless. You're going to tell me she's really not number one in your dream journal, Nancy?”

Milo blushed at that. “I mean, yeah, of course. She's the hottest woman ever.”

Ms. Brook came up off Jaxton again. “I'm right here, you know.”

Simon's shorts and skivvies dropped to the ground and he stepped over to Ms. Brook. None of the three guys were shy about being naked around each other. Over the years, they'd developed a code — if someone was getting fucked, they all got fucked. Landon wasn't part of that. He was a friend, but he was too nice a guy for this aspect of their friendship. He didn't like to use women. They did.

Ms. Brook yelped when Simon's hand rose up and came down in a hard crack across her ass. “Slut, we are talking. You exist to serve our dicks right now. Shut the hell up and suck Jaxton off while I fuck your tight ass.”

Milo leaned forward and grabbed the lube off the table. His underhanded toss went high, but Simon jumped up with all the ease of a former baseball player and snagged it out of the air. When he looked back down at Ms. Brook, she was sucking and slurping on Jaxton's tip again, her ass higher in the air.

“I don't know,” Milo sighed. “I guess. Just promise me one thing. The three of us, we're doing this shit for life.”

“Isn't a pussy out there that's worth breaking up the band,” Jaxton said. “You know mine are always yours.”

“Same,” Simon said, slathering up two fingers and unceremoniously driving down to the second joints in Ms. Brook's well-used ass. Since they turned eighteen, the three of them had fucked it so often he wasn't sure she even needed the lube, but better to be safe than sorry.

“So we're going to do this?” Jaxton grunted. He was starting to flex his cock harder and harder into Ms. Brook's mouth. She worked him like a pro, her blonde hair falling across his hips as she alternated between staring adoringly at his cock and up at him.

“Fuck it,” Milo said. “Yeah, if we can, we do it. Sorry, Landon.”

Simon snorted. “Let's not pretend you're really heartbroken about this. Everything goes well, it's going to be Mrs. Candless's ass we're fucking soon.” He pulled his fingers out of Ms. Brook's ass and leaned down, positioning his cock between her cheeks. “How about you, cheerleading slut? Want to join in on a little hot action?”

“Mmmf!” Ms. Brook moaned. Her moan turned into a sharp yelp when Simon sheathed himself inches deep in her ass, but she responded almost immediately, rocking back to get more of him inside her.

Milo stood up and shucked off his own shorts. He didn't join them, but stroked his cock languidly. She'd want a dick in her pussy as soon as his two friends came in her, and he loved nothing so much as seeing her big tits bounce up and down in his face as she rode him.

“We don't just bum rush her,” he said. “We need to take this slow. I think we go over there one by one and report back to the other guys what we do. Or don't.”

“I like that idea,” Jaxton said. He leaned over and gripped another fistful of Ms. Brook's hair. “And if one of us calls you to show up with us, you'll go, won't you, slut?”

“Esh!” she moaned again. They'd known since the first few times they fucked her she was bisexual. Once she brought over two of her eighteen-year-old cheerleaders, telling them to expect a treat for the hard work they'd put in that year. Jaxton, Simon, Landon, and Milo had fucked the trio of women into countless orgasms, and midway through, when they demanded it, the two cheerleaders licked their coach's pussy and asshole to one of Ms. Brook's most intense orgasms ever. She'd been a bubbling pile of goo after that, and Milo and Landon fucked both cheerleaders one last time, the two girls locked in a sixty-nine. They'd never had a lesbian experience before that day, and now they lived together.

For a while, talk died down as Jaxton fucked Ms. Brook's face and Simon speared her ass. Her moans and Jaxton's grunts were the only sounds they made. Milo leaned back and closed his eyes, stroking his cock to the thought of Mrs. Candless getting fucked this way. Then he thought of something, and one of his eyes popped open.


“What about him?” Simon grunted. He had a grip on Ms. Brook's waist now, and was fucking her hard.

“Do we know if he has a gun or anything?”

“Uy ike…” Ms. Brook said around Jaxton's cock. She popped off him, and he glared down at her. Before he could speak, she said, “A guy like him, it doesn't matter if he does or doesn't. If this asshole's leaving his wife this unhappy, he's a pussy. And pussies never go for a gun.”

The three guys looked at each other and Jaxton grinned. He reached down to pet her head. “Ms. Brook, you are one cock-hungry whore, but goddamn, I like you.”

“Thanks?” she said, before he gripped the back of her head and plunged her mouth back down on his cock.

* * *

Emilia rode her husband hard, her chest dragging along his with every bounce on his dick. His hands rested on her sides as he grunted and strained to meet her every thrust, sweat rolling down his forehead. Just a week ago, she would have loved to see the effort, the desire on his face, but now the visage of him grunting underneath her did nothing for Emilia.

She knew what she wanted. And it wasn't Jim.

“Fuck me from behind,” she gasped.

“Fu-?” he asked, startled enough to quit pumping. She was rarely vulgar in bed, usually only letting slip a swear when she was right on the edge of coming.

“Do it, Jim!” she snapped.

Emilia hurtled off him and spun around on her hands and knees. She waited for her husband to reposition himself. He wasn't fat or particularly fit, but somewhere square in the middle, leaning towards softness but not quite there yet. The night shifts had really thrown off his workouts, unlike Emilia, who'd been running, doing yoga, and keeping her ass trim and tight at the gym every other day. He lined himself up, and she wished he'd hurry it up already.

“Fuck me, goddamn it!” she panted over her shoulder.

A flash of hurt in his eyes, and then he sank inside her. His audible sigh of pleasure sent a thrill of pleasure through her, and when he started to build up to her frenetic earlier pace, the machinery inside Emilia really whirred to life. She dropped her head low and squeezed her eyes shut, imagining it was Milo doing this to her, Jaxton, Simon. Jim was not an ass man or she'd have begged him to slip his thumb into her bud, making her feel double penetrated. Would the boys have done that? Would they have even hesitated? She didn't know. God, two of them fucking her at once?

Or… how about all three?

The slowly building pressure jumped to boiling, and her body rocked from head to toe as Emilia fought to crest, right there, right there. She almost moaned their names, almost fucked things up beyond repair, but instead, she thought of Simon's knowing grin as he fed her his cock, as Jaxton fucked her pussy and Milo hilted his cock in her ass.

Never had her orgasm hit her so hard. She pulsed with it, her pussy clenching at her husband in fits, trying to keep him deep, trying to hold onto this sensation as long as possible. Her arms shook too hard to hold herself upright, and she collapsed into the mattress, twisting her head and moaning. Her juices gushed over her husband's prick, dripping down her thighs and onto the bedding. He wasn't all that far behind her, a minute, maybe two, and then he was driving deep, coming, coming, coming. The warmth of him deep inside her nearly set Emilia off again, and had Jim played with her clit, she probably would have. But instead, he pulled out and dropped to the side, gasping for air.

“Jesus, baby, what got into you?” he asked.

She turned so they were facing the same direction, and rested by his side, one leg thrown over his. “I don't know. Just needed to feel needed, I guess.”

He stroked her cheek, his chest rising and falling from the exertion of what they'd just done. She barely felt out of breath. If that had turned into a three-hour marathon, Emilia would have been fucking exhilarated. “That's dumb. I need you every day.”

“Yeah, but when was the last time we were really passionate with each other?”

Jim frowned. “I thought our sex life was pretty good. We certainly do it often enough.”

“Often enough for who, Jim? You?” She sighed. “I'm sorry. I'm being catty. But I need you to… I don't know, make me feel special.”

“So now I'm not making you feel special?” he asked, and pushed himself upright. “Jesus, Em, when did all this come up?”

“Just forget about it.”

“No. You started this. What am I not doing to make you feel special? I'm working goddamn crazy hours. For us and for Landon. How is that not special?”

“You know what I mean,” Emilia said, sitting upright and propping the pillow up behind her so she could sit against the headboard. “You haven't made me feel wanted in a long time. Years, maybe.”

“So… harder sex, huh?” he said, turning so his legs dangled off the bed. He checked the time on his phone and stood. “I'm going to shower up and go in early.”

“Baby-” Emilia started.

As he headed for the hallway and the bathroom beyond, he muttered to himself, “We all have cars I paid for. A house to live in, that I paid for. And she wants to feel more goddamn special than that.”

The comments stung, and though she did work, there was a seed of truth to them. Back when she was eighteen and pregnant with Landon, they both worked because they had to. Their parents were supportive, but limited in what they could do to help. She hustled her ass off at two restaurants, and Jim was in his last year of college, working in the evenings and on the weekends to chip in. By the time the baby came around, he was done with school, and they'd survived — barely.

One night, they were too broke to afford diapers and had to ask for help from relatives to buy some, Jim swore to her as they drove back home that someday she'd have the life she deserved. It was no empty promise. In another year, he had a great job working with a construction company. In eight, they bought the house. Five years ago, the construction company folded, and he swapped to a lesser-paying job with the electric company, but they still lived a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. Emilia's earnings from the florist's shop paled in comparison. It was barely enough to cover the power, water, garbage, and cell phones.

When she heard the shower start up, her tears started flowing. Not because what Jim said hurt, but because of the thoughts she had when he was fucking her. She wasn't cheating on him, not quite, but in her own mind, she already knew on some level she couldn't withstand a summer full of advances from the boys if they were serious in pursuing her.

When Jim came back in and saw the glistening tear tracks, he stopped short of the bed, and looked ashamed of himself. “Aw, Jesus, baby, I'm sorry. I was angry.”

God, that made Emilia want to cry all the harder. She shook her head, unable to speak.

“Hey, how about I call ahead and see if we can get a table at Crawford's sometime? Make a night out of it? Go dancing, maybe?”

That brought a weak chuckle out of Emilia. “I think we'd be the oldest people on the dance floor by fifteen years, hon.”

“You're thirty-eight, not dead,” he said. “Come on. Let's have some fun.”

“Okay,” Emilia said, her smile much more natural now. “Yes. Absolutely.”

* * *

Milo lived the furthest away from the Candless's place, but was still only three blocks away. He didn't bother driving, but jogged over, nodding to a couple neighbors he passed by. There were some other hotties on the street, but none of them compared to Emilia. From the first day when they were twelve Landon invited him over to play video games, Mrs. Candless had been Milo's number one fantasy. He damn near bit his fist every time he thought of her big juicy ass and the tits he wanted to suck.

It wasn't just her hourglass figure, either, but all of her. Emilia was sexy right up until she smiled with those tight lips, and then she transformed into something beautiful. Combined with the gentle crinkle of her dark eyes, she could have been a model. Most their teenage years, she carried a little extra softness to her, a fullness in the thighs and a little pooch to the stomach. He'd liked that softness and kind of missed it, but he had to admit, the tightening up she'd done really made her all that much sexier.

How many times had he fantasized about walking in on her when she was in the kitchen, in nothing but her underwear, or maybe wearing one of her aprons? She fulfilled a deep, dark lust in him for a motherly type. Seeing her that first day, having her serve him and Landon up some cookies while they played, it drove him towards discovering his very first and greatest kink — older woman, and specifically, as the years went on, hot moms.

At college, the real reason he broke up with his girlfriend was pretty simple, all things considered — she found out Milo had been fucking a professor, a single mom, regularly. She'd never found out about the forty-something real estate agent or her best friend, a thirty-five-year-old stay-at-home MILF. That was probably for the best. Their fight had been pretty ugly as it was. And objectively, his girlfriend's astonishment was right. The cougars, to just about any other guy, wouldn't have held a candle to his girlfriend's long legs, bubble butt, or her angelic face, but given the choice between her young tight body and the cougars, Milo would pick the cougars every time.

Mrs. Candless was the one who started all those helpless fantasies. And now, finally, Milo felt like he was on the verge of fucking her.

I'm sorry, Landon, he murmured to himself, but the apology was a distant, miniscule thing compared to the sheer joy and rampaging lust pounding in his skull.

He knocked.

Mrs. Candless wasn't home.

“Fuck,” he muttered. But as he started off her porch, her familiar Kia turned a corner. She honked and he waved. Her garage door rolled up, and he ducked under it to greet her when she pulled in.

Emilia looked pleasantly surprised when Milo opened her car door for her. She accepted his hand and smiled as he helped her out of the car.

“My sweet boy,” she said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

“Not so sweet gawking at you in that skirt,” he admitted. “You look fantastic.”

And Emilia did, too. The white skirt wasn't particularly short, but it clung to her curvy butt and waist. A shorter black and white striped top married the skirt at her waist, showing off her new, narrower stomach. Over it all she wore a cute middy jean jacket.

Emilia blushed, and swatted his chest. “Stop. No, wait, keep going.” He laughed, and she gestured at the door behind him. He got that for her too, and openly stared at her legs in her hosiery, the muscles made even more taut by the high heels she wore.

“This for work?” he asked.

“Yes, sort of. A wedding expo. We had a small booth there, giving out flowers to all the women who wanted one. Which is all of them.” They headed through the laundry room and into the kitchen. Emilia tossed aside her purse, and unslung her jacket. “Have you eaten? I've been on my feet all day so I don't feel like cooking, but I was thinking I'd order in.”

“Sounds great to me,” Milo said. “How about a foot massage while we wait?”

Emilia smiled faintly at that. “Mm. I'd like that. Promise me it'll just be my feet you massage?”

“Absolutely not.”

She burst out laughing, and Milo joined in. While she fetched a bottle of lotion and ditched her pantyhose and heels, Milo browsed restaurants on his phone.

“What are you in the mood for?” he called.

“Something not carb crazy and I don't want a whole bunch of leftovers around the house if it's just me. So no pizza or Chinese.”

“Fair enough,” he said.

They settled on a new restaurant neither had tried yet, and ordered online. Emilia came back into the living room, legs now bare and freshly lotioned. It gave them an enticing gleam, and Milo tried not to think about running his tongue up and down the length of her calves — and higher.

“Let me get my debit card,” she said.

“Already ordered,” Milo said.

“What? No, Milo-“

“We told you, we're taking care of you this summer,” he said.

“You need to save your money for college,” Emilia admonished him.

“I got a job with Jaxton at a call center. I can treat my favorite block mom if I want to.”

That was true, but Milo was leaving out that he got a grand deposited every month from the real estate agent he'd been sleeping with. Sugar momma money that hadn't even been his idea. She called it a down payment on his cock for the next semester. For some reason she got off on treating him. Fine by Milo.

“Well, thank you, hon,” Emilia said, reaching over to squeeze his knee. “But next time it's on me.”

Milo caught her hand before it moved away. Her eyes widened, but he didn't move the hand closer to his cock. Instead, he just held it in place. “Mrs. Candless, someone this summer needs to treat you the way you deserve.”

She slipped her hand free and patted his. “Then let's start with that foot massage.”

He nodded, and accepted the bottle of lotion from her. Milo wanted to say something. To tell her the three of them weren't nice guys. That given half a chance they would use her and move right the fuck on, because that was what they did.

But he didn't. In the end, Milo told her to lift her feet up onto his lap, and he hated himself for it a tiny bit, but he was under no illusion that Emilia Candless was innocent in all this either. She could make her own decisions. No one was going to force her to do anything she didn't want to do — or beg them to do.

And at the end of the summer, when they left for school again and if they'd fucked her brains out — and he had no doubt now they were going to — Emilia Candless would be left physically satisfied with her life in absolute ruins. Because that was what they did too.

They used women. They made no apologies. And Milo made none now.

He squeezed out a generous amount of lotion into his hands and warmed it up while Emilia grabbed the remote for the TV and snuggled up onto her side. Her feet rested along his thigh. She was too curled up for him to get a peek up her skirt, but that was all right for now. He was touching her. It was a start.

“I'm very ticklish,” Emilia murmured. She still held the remote, but hadn't turned the TV on yet. Instead, her eyes were on him as she rested on her side, head on a couch pillow.

“There's a trick to that,” Milo said. “Most of the time it works.”

She watched as he rubbed not her feet, but the base of her calves and the ankle on one foot. The lotion was warm by that point and she gave no reaction. So much tension to her, but he knew he was tense too. His dream woman was about to open up to him like a flower.

He took his sweet time. Jim worked a double that day and wouldn't be home until the early hours of the morning, so there was no rush. Milo worked Emilia's calf and her ankle with both hands, making slow swoops and easy half circles. Slowly her tension eased and he kept the pressure up down to the sides of her foot, twisting it side to side to relax it further.

“Mm, you're very good at this,” Emilia murmured. “Should have gone pro.”

“Hey, not a bad idea,” Milo said. “So long as you promise to tell all the other hot moms.”

“Lord, there'd be a line a mile long if I didn't keep you all to myself.”

He snickered. “None of us except Landon are one-woman guys, Mrs. Candless.”

“Says the boy who had a girlfriend this last year.”

Milo grinned. “And why do you think we split up?”

“Milo! No! You?” She twisted and sat up just far enough to smack his shoulder. “I would have never thought.”

She didn't twist back onto her side this time as she settled down. Her skirt was pulled too far down to see anything, but it was definitely an intriguing move, and at this point in the game, Milo doubted anything that happened was going to be unintentional.

“Says the married woman who has three young guys dreaming night after night about her,” Milo said. His tone was serious, and her smile faltered. She stared up at him, both silent for a while as he began to work her toes.

“Tell me,” she said.

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me who you slept with. You're my block boys. I want to know who you really are.”

Without hesitation, Milo told her. He told her about the first two weeks of class, and about coming in to speak to his professor about a test he'd supposedly flunked. About how the professor had him on his knees in minutes, eating her out while she graded papers and made phone calls like nothing was going on.

That left Mrs. Candless squirming, and her lips parted as he began to rub the arch of her foot, her ticklishness forgotten about.

Milo told her too about the real estate agent he met at a school fundraiser, and about how she blew him in the front seat of her Cadillac SUV. Mrs. Candless's knees slid further apart with that one, her eyes locked on him the whole time. The remote dropped to the floor when he told her about the MILF, rubbing her other foot now as he detailed in more specific ways what they'd done together.

* * *

Milo's eyes burned holes into Emilia's. He brought her foot up to his lips, and kissed it. “She'd just given birth a year ago,” he murmured. “Her tits… they still had milk to give.”

“Oh my God,” Emilia whispered. Her pussy was drenched. If Milo could see down her skirt, he'd know he could take her right there and then and she'd beg him for more. The thought of this beautiful young man sucking at her nipples, sucking out her milk… it was so much. And the lips on her skin…

“That's not even getting into what I did with her and Jamie together,” Milo said.

“You… slept with them both? Together?”

Milo sucked her big toe into his mouth, watching her as he wet it with his tongue. He only let it free after a long moment, and breathed, “Yes.”

Her other foot rested across his legs. She twisted until she could guide it across his hip, Milo still only watched her eyes, even when she grazed his cock in his basketball shorts. He was long, that much she could tell, and he was so very hard. Her son's best friend, hard for her.

“I'm married,” she whispered, dragging her foot up and down the length of his prick.

“So what?” Milo asked. His hand left her foot and dropped to the hem of her skirt. She couldn't help a moan as he inched the fabric higher, to her knees.

“Jim's a good man.” And still her foot rubbed his cock.

“Good men don't leave their wives unsatisfied,” Milo said. There was a note of aggression to his voice, something she'd never heard from him. Her sweet Milo was not the man she thought he was, she realized. There was an alpha in there somewhere, a man who took. And she wanted to be taken so fucking bad.

“Landon's your best friend…”

Milo pushed his butt up off the couch, and she grabbed at the hand on her skirt, trying to keep him there. But he wasn't going anywhere. Instead, all he did was slide his shorts and his boxers down. Down far enough that his long, meaty cock sprang free.

“Oh my God,” Emilia whispered.

“Let me tell you one thing,” Milo said. “I don't give a fuck about Jim or Landon. Not when I can have you.”

Emilia's foot slid against his length again as the skirt inched upward. She swallowed hard as skin brushed against skin. He turned, one knee resting on the floor, the other on the couch. Both her feet worked his cock slowly, rubbing up and down as he leaned over her.

“Tell any of us no,” Milo said to her as Emilia burned so fucking hot, “and we'll stop. So tell it to me now. Tell me you don't want me to keep sliding this skirt up so I can finger your pussy until you come all over my hand.”

“I want you to fuck me,” Emilia whispered, her feet letting him go.

He moved up further on the couch between her thighs, and for a moment, she thought he'd do it, thought he'd fuck her. Milo leaned down to kiss her, his hunger driving his lips against hers once, twice, three times. Fast, but not without passion. The skirt came up to her thighs as he turned his head to whisper in her ear, “You don't get that yet. When we fuck you, we'll all take you. One by one, and then all at once.”

The thought, the mere image, rocked Emilia so hard the pleasure burst from her core all the way up and down her spine. She came, and he'd done nothing more erotic than rub her feet and tell her what they were going to do to her.

“Milo,” she gasped, her back lifting and dropping. “Ohhhh, Milo, please, I need it, I want you.”

“You came,” he murmured against her lips.

“Uh huh,” she panted.

“You were fucking beautiful. I'm going to make you do it again.”

He chuckled throatily and kissed her. His hand slid under her skirt, and for the briefest of moments, he paused and drank her in. Emilia blushed under his scrutiny, her hands rising to his cheeks, tracing the fine lines of his beautiful face.

“I'm glad it's you first,” she murmured, and leaned up to kiss him with far more gentleness than they'd shown each other up to that point.

His fingers slid along the length of the barely-there black thong she slipped on when she changed out of her hose. Emilia had known the moment she saw him in the driveway how this was going to go. How she wanted it to go. She desperately wanted Milo to fuck her, but the anticipation of all three boys — men, she reminded herself — at once was so much she still quivered thinking about it.

He traced her thick lips. The thong was so tiny it couldn't hide her sex, only prevent his fingers from slipping into her core.

“I've wanted you for so long,” he said, staring into her eyes. “Do you know that, Mrs. Candless? How many times I've fantasized about fucking you?”

“Nnnn,” she moaned. His thumb ran down the middle of her slit and she wrapped her arms around him, lining every inch of his chin with her lips.

“The hottest mom I've ever seen, and your pussy's mine. Isn't it?”

“Yours!” she gasped as his thumb slid back up, resting against her clit.

“My best friend's mom,” he said, and dropped his lips to hers again as he stroked her clit.

The intensity of her first orgasm had barely left Emilia, and she was already so very sensitive. The expert way his fingers moved kept her on that edge. Boy? Had she really been thinking of Milo as a boy? Men used their fingers like this. Not even Jim, after twenty years of marriage, could manipulate her pussy so easily Milo's fingers danced, and her body danced with him.

He didn't bother with her panties. Not for a good long time, anyways. While his thumb teased her clit, two of his fingers played at her big puffy lips. Every now and then he'd slip the fingers against the fabric against her pussy, rubbing it into Emilia's wetness. His lips on hers were almost as pleasurable. Milo knew how to kiss — not hard, but with enough force to make her feel wanted, to stoke the passion she'd been missing for so long. And when he dropped his mouth to suck and kiss at her neck, her hips shot wide, and Emilia's back arched for a second time.

“Oh fuck, Milo, coming again, I'm coming so fucking hard…”

He nipped at her skin. None too softly either — enough that she'd probably bruise. The bite did it for her. The pain and pleasure collided and her words turned into a sob of pure pleasure, her second orgasm hitting her even harder and longer than the first.

His fingers left her — no. That wasn't quite right. They moved. They finally tugged down her panties, and he went with them, stopping only to pull her skirt up so he could stare at her pussy, dripping the evidence of her orgasms on the leather couch. There would be such a mess to clean up, such a smell of sex, but Emilia didn't care. She wanted those fingers back inside her, or even better…

“Lick me,” she begged.

“No,” Milo said simply, and pulled the panties down her legs and off. He held them to his face and sighed happily before dropping his shorts and tossing them on top. “Those are mine now. I got to be the first. I'm taking a trophy of my new favorite slut.”

The word rocked Emilia like a slap. A slut. His slut. Jim. Landon. What was she doing? What the everloving fuck was she doing?

But the voice of sanity quieted the moment his hand returned to her sex. Milo leaned above her now as he cupped her pussy and drove two fingers inside her. His other hand rested on his cock and he jerked it slowly. Her eyes and feverish mind fixated on it, and the thoughts of her husband and son disappeared. Milo was so goddamn big. And long.

“Fuck me, please!” she begged, her voice hoarse from the second orgasm.

“No,” Milo said again, almost fondly. He started to say something else, but the doorbell rang. The food. They both forgot about the food. He laughed merrily, and slapped her thigh. “Get up and get that.”

Emilia pushed herself up on shaky elbows. “I'm a mess, I should…”

“I didn't ask. I told you. If you want our dicks, you're going to get up and answer the door.”

Emilia whimpered, but sat up and swung her legs off the side of the couch. As she rose, she started to tug back down her skirt, but Milo's hand shot out and grabbed hers.

“No,” he said again.

“But they'll see everything,” Emilia whispered. The doorbell rang again and she cast it a sharp look.

“Yes, Mrs. Candless. They will.” He smacked her bare ass. Not lightly, either. It was a good hard spank, one that left his bright red fingerprints in her tanned flesh.

“You can't do that, you can't mark me, Jim…”

“Jim? I don't give a fuck about Jim. You take care of us first.”

A voice outside. “Come on, I can hear you in there.”

Milo waved a hand at the door. Emilia glared at him, then rushed at the door all at once before she lost her nerve. She flung it open, and a beautiful young woman with raven black hair stood there gaping, a plastic bag stuffed full of food in one hand.

“Thank you,” Emilia gasped, and snatched the food out of the woman's hand. She started to swing the door shut, but the woman put a hand out.

“You need to sign,” she croaked.

Milo got up and padded behind Emilia. His rock-hard cock slid between her ass cheeks and he sucked the other side of her neck before swatting her ass cheek again. “Slut, she told you to sign.”

The delivery woman's eyes went even bigger, and she gasped. Emilia stammered out an apology and took the proffered receipt and pen with a shaky hand. Milo grinned over her shoulder as he began to undo the buttons on her blouse.

Emilia signed and gave the receipt back. Milo said, “Want a taste?” The delivery woman turned and fled, and Milo slammed the door in her wake, spinning Emilia around and pushing her back against it. Anger made her face flushed, but he gave zero shits as he grabbed her cheeks and crushed his lips to hers again. The bag of food dropped to the floor and she clutched at his face too, panting against him. One of his hands dropped and he plunged three fingers into her pussy, finger fucking her hard. She grabbed his dick in response. He was so thick she almost couldn't get a hand completely around him.

“Spit on it,” he growled against her. “Get it wet for your hand.” She stopped to raise a hand to her face, but he grabbed it and shoved it down by her side. “No, slut, on your knees. Spit on my prick.”

Emilia dropped. Her hands gripped his dick as she glared fire up at him. Her mouth lowered until it was right over his dick, and she spat once, twice, a pause, then a third time. Emilia rose back up and grabbed his hand to place it back at her cunt. It was a race to see who made the other come first, one Emilia thought with a sinking feeling she was going to lose — again.

“Do you like that, baby?” she asked, her voice going sweet. “This hot MILF jacking you off?”

“Uh huh,” Milo grunted. His free hand slid up inside her blouse and he squeezed one of her tits.

“When you come, come on them, Milo. My sweet Milo. Come all over your best friend's mom's tits.”

“Fuck,” he grunted, his ass flexing hard as he pumped his cock into her hand and fingered her harder and harder. Her pleasure was already building again. She lifted a knee and planted a foot back against the door, spreading her hips wider for him.

“Come for me, baby, come for me, let me feel that hot fucking come all over my tits.”

Milo's fingers jerked out from her pussy and he ripped at the blouse. And it did rip — buttons didn't go flying like in some bad romance, but the fabric tore and hung down her shoulder at an angle, leaving one of her breasts clad only in her black bra. She threw her head back hard enough to bang against the door when he dropped his mouth to her nipple and sucked it through the fabric.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes, suck me, baby, suck my tit,” she gasped. She didn't notice his hand under her skirt again. All she felt was the nuzzling of his mouth, the fabric scratching against her skin, the pleasure flowing from her core all over again. When he plunged four of his fingers inside her cunt, that was it. Her foot slammed down and she wailed, “Oh, shit, ohhhhh shit, MILO!”

She gushed on his hand a second time, and third if she counted the orgasm he gave her with the foot massage. A fucking third time. When was the last time Jim had brought her to three orgasms? In their twenties? It was his face she thought about as she came and came and came. Not a thought of love, but of contempt. In that moment she hated Jim. Hated his pumping and his tired few minutes of foreplay. In this young man's hands she'd come three times so hard she was faint with it. Milo owned her. Maybe the other boys would be good too, she didn't know, but if they managed even half of what Milo could, she was going to be broken for Jim forever.

Emilia sank. She didn't mean to. The pleasure was just too much. Milo jerked his hand out and steadied her, helping her down onto her ass as she leaned back against the door. Once her eyes fluttered and her breathing started back up again, his cock was there, right in her face, and he was jerking it with wild abandon, his need blazing in his eyes. She opened her mouth, to suck him down, to lick him to do something, but he was aiming lower, and coming, coming, coming. So very fucking much come. It hit her bared breast, her blouse, her nipple through the fabric of the bra. Then he was aiming higher, coming all over her face, shot after shot after shot in a never-ending flow of him. Some of it dripped along her lips and she licked them instinctively, staring up at him, tasting his salty bitterness and craving more. She raised a wavering hand to jerk at his spent cock. He caught it, and instead lifted her almost effortlessly to her feet.

The minutes after he came were something of a mess of images in Emilia's mind. She remembered Milo depositing her on the couch, gentle after their furious lovemaking — or fingering, anyways. She remembered a flash of him leaving for a moment and mewling for him to come back while desperately wishing he wouldn't. Shame. She remembered looking at a picture of Jim and feeling the hot flush of shame and something baser. Something more primal.

But then Milo was back with her, taking care of her, wiping her down and kissing her softly again. She leaned her forehead against his and cried, and instead of comforting her, he knelt down again, and slid the bra off her breasts. Without a word, he started sucking at her nipple again as she cried and cried and cried.

In minutes, Milo was rock hard again, panting over her as he fucked her breasts with hard strokes that ended with him nearly hitting her chin. She looked aside again at that picture of Jim and Landon, and hated herself not for feeling guilty, but for feeling so goddamn horny that she would have done anything to have Milo's cock filling her cunt deep.

When he'd come all over her again, Milo cleaned her off once more. He watched as she stood up on shaky legs and made her way to the bathroom to examine the bite marks and the bruises and the spank on her ass. She looked like she'd just been through the wringer. She looked like she'd just been well and properly fucked for the first time in a very, very long while.

She turned to tell Milo that she wanted him. Wanted him now. But he was already gone.

* * *

For Jaxton, it was just another day of getting his dick wet. He powered through a morning workout in the gym his parents made out of their garage. His dad was a workout freak too, something that bonded them together. Wasn't so big on football, but he showed up to every one of Jaxton's games that he could make it to, and always when they went to divisionals and state. His parents even drove up to see three of his college games, and that was no joke. His mom hated watching him play because she hated the potential that he might get hurt. Plus, it was a hell of a long drive — four hours each way. The first time Jaxton saw them there, he was proud as hell. The third time, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he had the best parents in the world.

Of course, Landon's mom was always a favorite too, but for other reasons.

He was the only one of the boys to have seen her tits — well, before Milo fingered her to a few orgasms and then tit-fucked her. Not even Mrs. Candless knew about it. It was by pure freakish accident. Jaxton had been sleeping over, and woke up early in the morning to take a leak. The Candless household had two bathrooms, one of which had been unusable because they were in the middle of retiling it. Jaxton headed for the other one, hearing Mr. and Mrs. Candless talking. They must have forgot that they were sharing a bathroom, because they'd left the door cracked. Jaxton was going to turn around, but he caught the view of the mirror and his jaw nearly hit the damn floor.

Mrs. Candless, nude, stood in portrait to the mirror. She was bent over, her knee raised. Maybe shaving her legs or something. She never looked at the mirror. Those big tits hung like teardrops, and Jaxton stared at them until his hard-on poked through his boxers.

It had been one of the greatest days of his younger years. Now, though, he had a slew of memories that nearly drowned out that one.

He still thought she was hot. That wasn't the point. But ever since he lost his virginity at sixteen, there had been dozens of hot women. She was a MILF, but he'd fucked scores of them, and nowadays he generally liked his pussy about his age. He was even thinking about going back early to see if any of the sorority sisters he gangbanged with his teammates were around. They were always good for a quick, nasty screw.

Eh, get this done for his fuck brothers, and then he'd reevaluate things.

Milo told them Emilia's schedule, and Jaxton showed up just after one in the afternoon, freshly showered and looking good in white slacks and a tan canvas shirt. He'd started dressing better at college when his coach told him he looked like a bum.

He knocked and let himself in. Mrs. Candless was in the living room, and immediately Jaxton rethought his earlier assessment that Emilia was just another MILF.

Her leg jutted straight out to one side as she bent the other direction, stuck right in the middle of a half-moon yoga pose. Her form was excellent but that sure as shit wasn't what he was staring at. Her ass, in a pair of tight exercise shorts, was outlined in every detail. If she was wearing panties, the shorts were doing a damned miraculous job of hiding them.

She pushed her hand off the floor and twirled, still staying on one foot. Her frown turned into a smile. “Jaxton, you scared me.”

“Sorry,” he grunted. He closed the door behind him, and nodded at her. “Half-moon looked good.”

“You know yoga?” she asked, surprised. One foot dropped back as she did a basic lunge, spreading one hand in front of her, the other behind. She must have been at this a while. Sweat beaded on her brow and dampened her sports bra.

He stared for a moment at her bared midriff, then back up at her. “Uh. Yeah. Football. Coach makes us do it for balance.”

“Have a seat or grab a drink. I'm almost done here. Unless you want to join in.”

That made Jaxton smile. “I'll bring shorts the next time.”

He sat and watched her stretch. Well, more specifically, he stared at her curvy ass in those shorts. Maybe he'd slept with more beautiful women but he was hard-pressed to think of any in that moment that turned him on more. Watching that ass stretch drove his cock to full hardness, and for a moment, he thought about doing what he had planned right there in the house. But his idea had been so damned appealing, it was hard to let it go that easily.

Instead, he waited until Mrs. Candless finished up. She snatched up her yoga mat and rolled it up, looking over at him with a gleam in her eyes. “So what are you up to today?”

“You want to go see a movie?”

Emilia blinked, and looked confused. “I thought… a movie?”

She thought they were going to jump right to the fooling around, like with Milo. Oh, did she have a surprise coming. “Let me rephrase. Mrs. Candless, get dressed, because I'm dragging you out on a date.”

That broke through her confusion and got a smile out of her. She headed for the bedroom and stuffed away the yoga mat in a pantry. As she headed into the bedroom, Jaxton realized it'd be a couple days before he saw her properly nude — and that was fucking criminal, considering Milo already had and Simon most definitely would soon. He stood up, yawning, and followed her down the hallway.

Mrs. Candless had shut her door, but there were no locks on any of the rooms, so he just opened it. She jumped when she saw him staring at her, her fingers at the waistband of her shorts. He said nothing, just watched, and Emilia blushed hard as she turned slowly, putting her ass in his direction before slipping the shorts down over nothing but skin.

“God. Damn,” Jaxton muttered.

She had the ass of a woman ten years younger. Some cellulite and a little sag, sure, but goddamn fit for someone nearing forty. Her pussy lips hung big and juicy, just begging for someone to lick them. He very nearly did.

“You are so fucking ready for it, aren't you? Some young cock?”

Mrs. Candless stood back upright, but didn't speak. She hoisted her sports bra up over her tits. He couldn't see much from this side, save the slopes of them on the side.

“Turn for me.”

She did, dropping the bra to the floor. Her big nipples ended in an upward peak, looking desperately like they needed to be sucked. Her dark hair was still in a ponytail. He stepped forward, hands rising not to her breasts, but to her hair. He freed it, and pulled it down across her shoulders so it spilled down beside her breasts. Her lips parted with him so close, her chest rising and falling, her cheeks burning bright. He slipped out his phone, and she instinctively covered herself.

“Don't,” Jaxton warned her.


“You are our slut now. What you want, what you're embarrassed by, I don't give a fuck about. I want something to jack off to when I'm thinking about home. You're it.”

“You're all terrible,” Emilia breathed, but her hand dropped, and she looked away as he began to snap pictures.

“Yeah. We are,” Jaxton said, his grin toothy. “Turn around.”

She did, looking back over her shoulder at his command. He took dozens of pictures, making her bend over, spreading her ass cheeks so he could get a close up of her puckered bud and her pussy lips. He pushed her back towards the bed and had her lay there, spreading herself wide for him while he took more photos. Emilia asked him to please delete the ones where her face was visible, but he just laughed. Eventually, bored and horny, he told her they were done, and went to her closet to look through what she had for clothes.

It took him a long while to find what he wanted her to wear. He shoved aside her jeans, her tee shirts, the work blouses and skirts. That left about a fifth of her closet space, not much, and he frowned at the sparse few sexy outfits she had in there. He grabbed her a short sundress spotted in sunflowers, and a matching pair of bikini briefs and a bra.

As she dressed, he lounged against a wall, watching. “You need sexier clothes. You're our slut now. You look the part.”

“But Jim-“

“The hell does Jim have to do with anything?” Jaxton snapped. “What did I just say? Whose slut are you?”

“Yours,” she whispered. “Yours. Milo's. Simon's.”

“Good. So what are you going to do?”

“Wear sexier things.”

He stepped forward and patted her butt. “That's it.”

They headed out together, taking his car. He sang along to the radio, ignoring Emilia as she sat in the corner, a hand at her chin, staring blankly out the windows.

* * *

Like Milo, Jaxton paid for everything. The tickets to the action comedy. The popcorn, The drinks. Emilia had a hard time focusing in on any of it. She'd been fighting back tears ever since he photographed her nude. Not that she hadn't liked it — she loved it. Never had she done such a thing, not even for Jim. Oh, she'd sent him plenty of boob pics throughout the years, and a few times even her pussy. But her face had never been in the shots. If someone saw those pictures, they'd know what a filthy slut she really was for her block boys.

And the fact that Emilia loved that thought sent her spiraling deeper and deeper in to that confused mire of lust and confusion.

The movie they picked was an older one, probably due to leave the theaters any day now. There was a reason for that, though she didn't understand it right away. Jaxton picked a spot at the back, guiding her down the rows of seats. Maybe eight other people sat in the theater, scattered in groups of ones and twos. The pre-preview trivia and advertisements rolled away merrily on the screen, reminding the viewer to guzzle soft drinks by the gallons and stuff their faces full of candy and popcorn.

The pair still hadn't said much to each other. Emilia kept glancing at Jaxton. Reconciling Milo with the boy he'd been to the man he'd become had been difficult. He'd always been the sweetest of the bunch, even over her own Landon. Seeing his near-cruelty shocked her to her very core.

But with Jaxton, she'd always suspected there was a mean streak in him — or at least a hyper-aggressive one. Any given position he played in football, he approached it like he was always out to kill. As a defensive lineman in his freshman year of high school, he'd once nearly broken the spine of an opposing quarterback when he hit him with a spear so hard it shocked the field into silence.

But he was also still the boy who tutored Emilia's son through algebra. Who liked to bake cookies with her. Who she'd once held when he had his heart broken as a fourteen or fifteen year old, him sobbing like a baby. Who had been the one among his friends to look at her with the most disguised lust, who she thought of as a good kid, who she would have never guessed would make her strip so he could take intimate pictures of her most forbidden flesh.

There were tears there in the dark of the theater, then. But there was also the other half of Emilia. The questioning lust.

Jaxton had her naked back at the house. Why hadn't he done anything to her? He'd obviously been turned on. Why had he not jacked off, or made her jerk him off like with Milo, or fucked her tits, or done… well, anything? That Emilia would have let him, there was no question. She was well and truly beyond the point of saying no to anything any of the three demanded.

Why was he letting her squirm? Didn't he know how wet she was for him? How ready?

Emilia reached over in the darkness and gripped his knee. He looked at her, smirking, and shoved another handful of popcorn into his mouth before his attention returned to the screen. “Milo bet you'd break first,” he said after he swallowed. “You just cost me twenty bucks.”

“It was an accident,” Emilia breathed.


She didn't say anything to that, mostly because she knew he was right. She took the popcorn from him and dropped it into the seat to her left. Jaxton reached across her for it, his arm pressed against her tits in the summer dress. She grabbed his hand, and glaring at him, guided it to the fabric between her thighs.

“You don't get anything today,” he said.


“Not a fingering, not me eating you out, nothing.” He glanced at her again. Such a hard face. So sweet when he wanted to look that way, but there was little of that boy left. Maybe nothing at all. “Today you learn about what we're going to take from you.”

“What does that mean?” she murmured.

The pre-preview ads cut away to the first movie trailer. Jaxton reached down and casually unzipped himself. She looked down, and in the dim theater lighting, she sucked in a breath. He was big too. Not as long as Milo, but thicker. Fatter.

“Fifteen minutes of previews, maybe. And the movie, the run time is one hour fifty-three minutes,” he said. “Start to finish. Factor in maybe six minutes for the credits, and I don't want to hang around for those. That means you got maybe two hours. You're going to get on your knees or bend over and blow me. If you haven't made me come four times by then, the games are done. No Simon. Not a chance of the three of us coming back to fuck you.” Jaxton dug in his pocket and held up his keys. “I'll even give you these. You can walk out of here right now, go home, and never touch me. You won't see us the rest of the summer.”

Emilia snatched the keys from him. A sense of savage joy speared her heart when she saw a genuine look of shock on his face. He thought she really was going to walk out. Emilia nearly did. Her butt left the seat, still so humiliated about the pictures, and raw from Milo's savage turn of character, and… all of this. It was so goddamn overwhelming. She wanted to go home and throw a blanket over her head and never come out. She wanted to rush to Jim and tell him the truth. She wanted…

She wanted.

Jaxton's shock turned to a slow, easy grin. Emilia hesitated, then slowly leaned over to kiss him, her cheeks still glistening with her earlier tears. He wiped them away, and stopped just long enough to cup her cheek in one of his massive hands.

“You can go,” he told her, and despite it all, she knew he meant it. Here was the last kernel of the boy she knew, caring about her. But Emilia's mind was made up, and she gave him back the keys.

There would be so little room if she got on her knees between his. She tried anyways, looking around to make sure they weren't being watched before rising up and standing in front of him. Feeling saucy, she raised the back of her dress right in Jaxton's face. He surprised her by wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her back to him, burying his face against her bud and giving her one single, solitary lick through the fabric of her panties. She thought she felt him shiver. Then she turned, and knelt on the vaguely sticky hard flooring, scrunching up with him as tight as she could, grinning up at him as she reached for that big fat prick.

The prick of another one of her son's friends.

Her heels pushed against the seat behind her, Jaxton had to spread his knees wide to accommodate her, but he didn't look down or otherwise acknowledge the hot mom. With one last look around, she gripped his cock in both hands, brought her head forward, and licked his tip.

Slut, Milo whispered in her mind. Our dirty slut.

Emilia shuddered with pleasure at the thought. Every inch of her thrilled to this. At licking Jaxton's dick. At the size, yes, but also at the neatness of him, the carefully trimmed hair, the fresh scent of him, the care he obviously gave himself like Milo. When was the last time Jim had trimmed? When had he ever been so enticing as this young man's prick?

She traced her tongue up and down the first inch of Jaxton, teasing him, getting him good and hard. Then she explored all the way down to his root, pushing him up towards his belly with one hand while she licked and kissed his length. His balls were fucking huge too. She hesitated at them, but decided if she was in this, she was in it, and ran her tongue along the skin. Jaxton jerked at that, and she grinned to herself. One easy target for her tongue had been found. She sucked that ball into her mouth, whipping her tongue around it, making him rock back and forth in his seat.

Emilia stopped the torture quickly and jetted to his tip, sucking the first half inch into her mouth, bobbing back and forth on that short bit. Just the helm of him was enough to make her have to open wide, and she loved it. Jaxton obviously did too. His tip was already leaking, and the first preview hadn't even finished yet. He munched away on the popcorn, his eyes never leaving the screen, his hand never touching her. Well, that was just fuel to Emilia's fire. He'd pay her attention before this was through. Oh hell yes he would.

Her sucking and licking intensified. She knew from experience with Jim and a few other guys that if you wanted a man to come and come fast, it wasn't deep throating that was going to do the trick, but working their first inch or two. And she worked Jaxton with every trick she had, swirling her head side to side, licking his base, rubbing his tip against the roof of her mouth. She plunged down once, hard, a tease of what was to come, and took him all the way to the tonsils, making him jump again.

The first preview ended. The MILF paused, holding Jaxton halfway into her mouth, looking around, sure someone would say something like, “Oh my God, that slut's on her knees blowing that man.” But no, there was some light whispers, the usual wannabe theater critics saying, “Oh, that looks good,” or, “Not going to see that.” Christ, she hated going to movies. Then again, if she got more opportunities like this, maybe she'd be a fan in the future.

The second trailer hit with a slow wailing cover of a seventies pop song. She moved again, surging down Jaxton's cock, tongue whipping across his base. She wanted his come. She wanted it right the hell now. He shifted in his chair. Was that a grunt? She grinned around him and bobbed harder, up and down her son's friend. God, this was dirty. What was she kneeling on? Pop? Something worse? The thought should have disgusted her and it did, but with it came another surge of pleasure. She glanced left and right. Still no one.

Go for broke.

Jaxton's grunt this time was audible as she licked his tip, his underside. Something boomed on the screen, and the cover picked up pace as the narrator growled about a chosen one. A hand on her head. Soft, surprisingly soft. A double tap. Maybe Emilia had never blown Jaxton before, but that was pretty universal sign language. She tried to pull away, but Jaxton gripped the back of her head, and with a squawk, her head was shoved down on his length.

Come blasted the back of Emilia's throat, her tonsils. She fought the urge to cough, to let some of the come escape her mouth with a gasp. The seal she kept over Jaxton's cock trembled as he just kept going and going. Youth. She'd forgotten about this, the seemingly never-ending virility of them, the sheer amounts young men could and would fill her with.

His grip on her head lessened. She jerked to her feet and collapsed on the chair next to him before grabbing a fistful of napkins from her purse and coughing into them so explosively they got glares from a couple of the audience members. She gasped, “Sorry,” and clutched at her diet soda, sucking it down and alleviating some of the burning in the back of her throat.

Into Jaxton's ear, Emilia hissed, “You asshole.”

He grinned, and offered her the popcorn. She hesitated, then took a handful to throw in his face. That got a genuine snicker out of him.

They watched the rest of the previews in silence, more for her recovery than his. The onslaught of ads, movie previews, and reminders to shut off their cell phones (and eat the overpriced snacks and chug down that soda, chug it all down, hallelujah) just kept going on and on and on. Emilia reached out for Jaxton's cock more out of boredom than anything else, and was shocked and pleased to discover him hard again.

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Move your soda to the other side.” He did, and she raised the divider between them. Before she could bend over, though, Jaxton grabbed her arm. She looked at him, and he flicked a finger towards the aisle. An usher swept a flashlight up and down the lane, and Emilia settled back, sure the guy was looking for them. Instead, he headed down halfway to the theater, leaning in to speak to a person near the wheelchair access spot. Whatever they talked about was brief, and the usher came back up the aisle and disappeared back out to the lobby. Emilia watched the aisle for a minute or two to make sure the woman in the wheelchair wasn't going to come up their way, and then hurried to bend over and take Jaxton's cock in her mouth again.

Where Emilia didn't use her hands much the first time, now she grabbed his base and jacked his root at the same time as she slobbered all over his tip again. Jaxton rested a hand on the back of her head, and got more into it as the opening studio credits rolled. He was slick and gross with some of the come she hadn't swallowed down the first time, but there was nothing clean about what she was doing. Not by a longshot. This was dirty, one of the dirtiest things she'd done, and her mind reeled from the insanity of it. She was blowing a young man who just a couple years ago would have been illegal. Fucking hell.

A wisecracking narrator began to tell the story of his life, but from that point forward, Emilia gave the movie almost no attention. She tossed her head back, watching Jaxton try so hard to ignore her as she jerked his base with both hands.

“I love how fat your dick is,” she breathed in his ear.

“You're not sucking,” he murmured back.

“Tell me you don't love it.”

He grinned — slightly, but it was there. Then she bent over and devoured him again. His hand roamed from her head down her spine, and she shivered under his touch. Emilia wanted him right then and there, and if he'd asked for it, she would have swung her leg over Jaxton and fucked her athletic young man until he came in her tight, so-very-wet pussy. But he didn't. He squeezed her ass, stroked her back, plunged her head down on his cock from time to time, and just kept watching the movie.

It infuriated Emilia. It spurred her on. And in the dark theater, she let go of his cock and slammed her mouth down to his base, taking every meaty inch of him in her mouth and the back of her throat. She held the position until her eyes watered, and came back up, taking small gasps of air as silently as she could. Then she drove back down, fucking his cock with her mouth, her throat. He shifted, and thrust up, and gripped the other arm of the chair.

As wild as she was making him, though, Jaxton just wouldn't come. Her jaw ached, and the position was terrible. She pushed herself up further, sitting on her chair on both knees, sucking him down. Better, but not by much. The metal around the rim of the chair was going to cut off the circulation if he didn't come soon. She moaned more out of desperation than need, but Jaxton shuddered at the sound. Inspired, she waited for some loud sound on the screen — wailing sirens — and did it again, louder. He grabbed her ass again, thrusting up at her mouth. Twenty minutes into the movie, and Emilia finally had his number.

Her fists made squick squick squick sounds every time she jacked him and her slobbering on his cock had to be audible to anyone within a few rows. Thankfully, there were none. No one yet had to move or go to the bathroom, but if they did, she wouldn't have cared. Emilia wanted that come. Wanted it now.

She dropped her mouth down hard on him again, sucking him, holding him deep. She cupped his balls, stroked them idly, and he grabbed the back of her head. Another double tap, but she was already gagging on him. She pushed up hard enough that he popped free of her mouth, spraying down her face, her neck, her tits through the dress.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck fuck fuck. Everyone would see that when they left. There was no getting to a bathroom without having to pass by at least one or two ushers. Jesus. And if anybody recognized her…

Emilia swallowed what little hit her tongue, and sat back, biting her lip, trying not to cry. This was insane. She was going to get caught, sooner or later. And when she did, Jim would break. He still loved her, and despite their problems, she loved him. But did she love him enough to stop this? To end it?

No. That decision had been made even before Milo drove her to several of the best orgasms of her life. She knew she wanted the boys. Even if they hadn't seduced her, Emilia was sure over the summer she would have fallen to their advances.

Jaxton's fingers touched her chin. Lifted it. His phone was in his hand again, and she blinked. “Smile,” he whispered, and clicked a pair of pictures. She took the phone from him and stared at them. Her face was glazed. Utterly glazed. She dripped Jaxton like a fucking donut.

It was the hottest thing she'd ever seen.

Her throat worked. She should delete the pictures. She had the phone. She could take care of all the ones he'd taken earlier too. Her finger hovered over the trashcan button. Do it, her mind whispered. Delete it. End this madness.

Instead, her finger moved to the share button and she sent the pictures to her own phone. All of them. Without a word, she handed the phone back. Jaxton stared at her a long moment, a grin slowly spreading. When Emilia went to wipe her face with a handful of tissues, he caught her hand and shook his head. He pulled the tissues out of her hand, and extended two of her fingers before swiping them through the globs of come slowly rolling down her cheeks and neck. She got the idea, and cleaned herself off that way before staring him in the eyes and sucking it all down.

Two blowjobs down. Two to go.

Emilia kept a hand on his prick in order to keep better track of his recovery. Even with Jaxton's youth, this was going to be a narrow thing. While she waited, she rolled her shoulders and shifted in her chair, trying to stretch as much as possible. Her leg hurt where the metal cut into it. There was no way she could do that position a second time. She was going to have to get back on her knees, but that meant more of a cramped space. A lose-lose situation, unless you were Jaxton.

Her eyes couldn't focus on the screen. Instead, Emilia thought about the boys' graduation party, thrown at her house. About seeing her four young men straddling that line between the boys they'd just been and the men they'd become. About the one beer she'd shared with them, maybe a mistake, but not one she'd take back. About her sweet Milo kissing her on the cheek, thanking her for always being there for them. About Jaxton plopping his graduation cap on her head and dancing with her. About Simon and Landon hugging it out, telling each other they'd always stay friends.

Jaxton was ready again. Emilia slipped off her seat, knelt between his legs one more time, and sucked him into her mouth for the third time in less than an hour.

This time, he controlled things. He swept up a fistful of her hair and drove her mouth deep down on him. Emilia made no effort to protest, to do anything but suck her son's friend's fat prick all the way down. Her dress rose up. Someone was fingering her pussy. Oh. It was her. She was doing this to herself.

The clock ticked, but Emilia thought nothing of it as her mouth and throat were used so basely. Her knees hurt, her legs were cramped, but she fingered herself nearly as hard as Milo had not so long ago, her breaths coming fast and hard when Jaxton wasn't gagging her with his cock. Her free hand went to his balls, massaging them and teasing the sensitive flesh there. That got a big jump out of him, and he began to subtly lift his hips to fuck her face even harder.

“Oh fuck,” Jaxton grunted. Despite the noise in the theater, the sound was loud, and at the thought that anyone could see, warmth and pleasure spread from Emilia's core up and down her spine.

Subtlety was now out the window. Faster she slurped and sucked, her lips making none-too-soft wet popping sounds every time her mouth came off Jaxton's cock. Her pussy gushed with her pleasure, and thinking of Milo again, she rubbed her clit with her thumb, moaning as she rocked on her hand. Jaxton's face-fucking grew harder and harder and his chair creaked from the effort. Someone giggled a few rows down and Emilia knew with both numb horror and infinite excitement they'd finally been discovered.



Emilia drove her mouth up and down Jaxton's cock. Both his hands rested on her head, shoving her down even further as he bucked up at her. There was no warning this time. He jammed his cock to its root into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, making her aching jaw hurt even more, and he came. Just a few pumps this time, blessedly, but she drank it all down greedily anyways. No coughing this time. No gagging. She was eager for it. She was almost disappointed there wasn't more.


She glanced sideways, Jaxton's prick still stuffed into her mouth. An usher stood there, youngish, grimacing. He flicked the flashlight towards the entrance and jerked his head. Emilia pushed herself upright, wiping at her lips, and Jaxton rose after her, casually zipping himself up and tugging down the back of her dress.

They followed the usher out into the hallway. He was slim and boyish, with a goatee and furtive eyes that took in the drying droplets of come on Emilia's dress. He whispered loudly, “You can't be doing that in the theater! That's a lifetime ban, and I should call the cops!”

Jaxton gripped the guy's shoulder with enough force to let him know there was some serious muscle to him. “How old are you?”


“How old are you?”

“Nineteen, but what does that-?”

Jaxton grinned. “Maybe we can work something out.” He gestured at Emilia, who was finally starting to understand. She shook her head frantically, but Jaxton wasn't paying her any attention. “Look at her. You'll never get another shot at a MILF that fucking sexy. You want to see her tits?” He reached out and tugged down a shoulder of Emilia's dress, baring her breast in its bra. That came down too, and the usher glanced around furtively before staring at the big dark nipple and licking his lips. Emilia blushed, but she had to admit, being put on display like this was a massive turn-on.

Slut, Milo whispered again in her mind.

The usher reached out and touched her nipple. Someone laughed inside the theater, and Emilia hurriedly pulled up the dress and they waited for an oblivious fat man to walk by, cradling a bucket and an enormous soda. When he'd disappeared around the corner, the usher said, “Come on.”

They hurried towards the bathrooms, and slipped into the men's after the usher looked inside to make sure they were alone. The wheelchair-accessible stall was big enough for the three of them, so they went in there and Jaxton locked it behind him.

“You need to hurry up with him,” he said casually to Emilia. “You only have half an hour left before you need to make me come a fourth time.”

“A fourth?” the usher asked, a dazed expression in his eyes. He shook himself and stared hungrily at Emilia's crotch. “Oh fuck, I can't believe this is happening.”

“Blowjob or a handjob,” Jaxton said. “She's saving that pussy for something special.”

“B-blowjob?” the usher asked Emilia.

For an answer, she dropped to her knees in the stall. Another hard surface. Great. She helped the young man unzip, and his pants fell to the ground. His white briefs bulged just a tiny bit with his hard-on, and when he pulled them down, she almost laughed. He was tiny. Maybe as long as her ring finger, and maybe two or three times thicker.

A surge of savage, bizarre pride welled up inside her. This stranger couldn't compare to her block boys' big cocks. He was pathetic compared to the young black god standing in the corner, watching with a smirk. She took the young man's cock into her mouth, whipping her tongue across his head, knowing he would be done in minutes, if that. She lifted a hand and curled a finger at Jaxton. Her man stepped forward, and she pulled off the usher long enough to unzip him too.

Emilia sucked the usher down once more and came off him. “Want to see what a real man looks like?” she asked. Jaxton's eyes widened along with his grin, and she fished him out. Soft from his three blowjobs, he was still much longer and meatier than the other guy. “This cock is going to be in my pussy. My ass.” She tapped the usher's prick. “This cock is going to spurt a couple times, and then you'll go fuck some pimple-faced girl the rest of your life who'll wish she had anything but your pathetic little cock inside her pussy.”

“Hey!” the usher protested.

But she was done. Emilia sucked him down, staring up not at him, but at Jaxton. She jacked him as hard as she sucked the usher, and amazingly, Jaxton responded. Oh, he was plenty spongey, and youth did have its limits in that short of a time, but he was rising to the occasion.

To his credit, the usher lasted longer than she expected. He didn't do a thing with his hands except clench them. His hips started jerking a couple minutes in, and by the end of it, he was trying in his tiny dicked way to fuck her face, letting out grunts and “oh yeahs” like a machinegun.

A man came in at some point and said, “Holy shit, someone's having a party.” Jaxton grinned at that but the usher panicked. He backed away, going for his pants, but Emilia grabbed his ass and dove back down on his prick, sucking his tip. When the man at the urinals flushed, the usher grunted, and exploded in Emilia's mouth. Like she thought, he only came a few spurts.

Jaxton grabbed the man and pushed him backwards, taking his place as Emilia swallowed the guy's come. “Get the fuck out of here,” he growled.

The usher hurried out of there, giving Emilia a muttered thanks before slamming the stall door behind him. Jaxton reached over, thumbed the lock, and Emilia devoured him. He pulled out his phone again, snapping picture after picture of her face stuffed full of his cock, her makeup smeared and running, her eyes staring up at him, worshipful, lost to the pleasures of the moment.

She came up off him long enough to gasp, “I want copies of those.” Jaxton roared with laughter and complied before shoving the phone away and grabbing the back of her head.

“Time's almost up,” he said.

“Fuck my face,” she replied back. “Use me, Jaxton. Use your friend's mom like your come rag.” She slipped her dress down to bare her breasts. “Come on me. Come in me. I don't care. If you want to spin me around and fuck me, I'm yours.”

He thrust his cock into her mouth with a growl. His pants came down, revealing his muscular thighs. He pistoned them back and forth as his cock slammed in and out of her mouth, no longer fucking around with his game but taking her the way Emilia wanted him to. He grabbed the back of her head for even more balance, his tip driving into her throat as she stared up at him, eyes welling up with the need for air. He didn't give a shit and she didn't want him to. Her throat was already sore. Her jaw would ache for days.

Emilia wanted more. She wanted her son's friend to ram that cock home one more time, spraying her throat down with his come. She wanted it inside her. She wanted him fucking her ragged, calling out his name. She wanted him in her ass, spreading her so very fucking wide. Ohhh, that would hurt, but it was going to be such a good hurt.

She whimpered, her hand going to her pussy under the dress again. She wasted no time strumming her clit through the fabric of her panties. Close already, it wasn't going to take more than a few minutes for her to get off. More people, talking, laughing, and still Jaxton face-fucked her, her head bumping back against the metal wall now as someone realized what was happening and told them to keep going. Someone else came into the stall next to them and peeked over.

“That slut is going hard as a motherfucker!

“Gurk!” Emilia agreed. Her drenched pussy twitched at the thought of being watched. At the thought of someone seeing her with a mouthful of young Jaxton's big cock. She came with a whimper, and Jaxton grinned, feeling her shiver along his length as he kept up the hard pace. It barely registered when he reached over and flicked the lock open on the door.

The stall banged open and more guys crowded in to look. One of them went for his own pants but Jaxton looked at him and snarled, “She's mine.”

“All right, dude,” the guy said, hands up. “Can we take pictures?”

“Can they take pictures?” Jaxton asked her, smirking.

“Nnnagh, uck, uck, uck,” Emilia gasped, still lost in the throes of her orgasm and sucking him for all she was worth.

“That's a yes from her,” Jaxton said. The guys dug out their phones and Emilia watched them out of the corner of her eye as they snapped picture after picture of her mouth stuffed full of Jaxton's prick. As he fucked her face. Her mouth. Her throat.

He jerked out, his cock in his hands. She grabbed it, jacking him harder and harder until he was spraying her down for an unbelievable fourth time. There wasn't much but compared to the usher he was fucking pouring gallons on her. Shots streaked across her breasts, her dress, her face. Jaxton grabbed her up and turned her around, finishing once on her bared ass for the pleasure of the guys still taking pictures.

“Show's over,” he said, and the guys backed away, laughing, cheering, high-fiving each other.

Emilia gasped for air, clutching at him for balance. Jaxton cleaned her up with a fistful of toilet paper, and threw it in the can. When she had her dress back on and adjusted — though absolutely ruined by the come — she spoke one word hoarsely.


“Twenty minutes to spare.”

She grinned blearily, and Jaxton looped an arm under her shoulder to help her walk out.

* * *

As much fun as the games were with Mrs. Candless, when she asked for a few days to recover from Jaxton's hard and repeated throat-fucking, the boys recognized this was a necessity. They might have enjoyed their swift defiling of their friend's mom, but they weren't out to actually physically hurt her, and given the hoarseness of her voice when she called, she was a hundred percent genuine.

While he patiently waited, Simon got Emilia's measurements from her and did some shopping. Much like Milo, there were two older women in his life who kept him well supplied with a pair of prepaid debit cards. They could afford it. One was a divorcee whose ex-husband owned a successful bagel chain, the other was married to a bank executive who could only get it up with the help of a happy little blue helper. He knew about the affair and grudgingly gave his wife the go-ahead, so long as it was kept quiet and there were no pictures. Simon happily obeyed the first rule and wildly disregarded the second, but then again, she was a French-Canadian stunner and he wasn't going to let that shit slip by without lots of video and pictures.

He hit up a few popular lingerie chains and some smaller boutiques, buying up not just underwear but some sexy outfits too. He planned on fucking Mrs. Candless all summer long, so he wanted to make sure she was armed with plenty of assistance to make her already hot-mom body pop even more. His last stop the day before he would go over to her house and change her world forever was a sex shop. Here, he bought just a handful of items, already grinning about how he'd use them.

In the morning, after helping his father in the garage for a while, Simon took off and picked up Rosie Brook. The bubbly cheerleader coach was dressed exactly as he told her, and he damn near fucked her at her front door. The too-short sequined cheerleader skirt definitely wasn't one of her students', but was something she'd bought explicitly for this at his command. The short-sleeved top matched the skirt with sequined shoulders, but he barely noticed those. It was the plunging neckline and the way the cloth barely clung to her tits that sold it. A flick at that fabric and the top was going to go flying over her nipples.

“Perfect,” Simon said, and flipped up the skirt to smack her ass, hard.

“Thank you,” Ms. Brook said, blushing. “Is she set?”

“She will be,” Simon said, chuckling.

They showed up at Mrs. Candless's shortly after one. A car slow rolled by as Rosie bent over to dig out Simon's purchases that week from the backseat. She definitely had that effect on men.

As she trailed behind him, Simon knocked on Mrs. Candless's front door and let himself in. The hottest neighborhood mom of them all strode out from the kitchen, smiling as she wiped her hands on her apron.

“Hey Sim…” Her voice trailed off as she gaped at Ms. Brook.

Simon grinned. “Rosie. Brook, Emilia Candless. And vice versa.”

“Wha… what?” Emilia sputtered.

“Ms. Brook is the local cheerleading coach,” Simon said. “And she's going to teach you how to eat pussy.”

* * *

Emilia took in the bags the beautiful blonde brought in. Ms. Brook gave her a wide smile. “It's Rosie. The boys have an annoying tendency to still want to call me Ms. Brook.”

“You're…” Emilia started, then paused, giving the gorgeous woman a once over.

“Sleeping with them? Yes.”

Simon settled on the edge of the armchair. “I bought you a bunch of clothes. Lingerie, some shorts, tops, skirts, that sort of thing. From now on out, when you know one of us is stopping over, you're going to wear something sexy.”

“But Jim-“

“Yeah,” Simon said, irritated. “How is Jim? Hm? Loving hearing about his wife fooling around with three college guys? Wear the goddamn clothes, Emilia.”

Rosie rolled her eyes. “He's vulgar and likes to put on an act, but it's worth it. I've never slept with anybody like those three. Let's get you dressed.”

“Strip here,” Simon said. “Leave the apron on. Milo mentioned you naked in it was a fantasy of his. I want to get some pictures for him.”

Rosie untied the apron for Emilia so she could shimmy out of her clothes. The way the blonde coach studied her with such sheer enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air after the animalistic nature of the boys. She was genuinely gentle.

“You've got such a terrific ass,” Rosie said. “Wow. Like… wow.”

“Thank you,” Emilia murmured, tossing her hair back as Rosie tied the apron again. “You're, um, very beautiful too.”

“What do you do for work?”

“Part-time florist,” Emilia said as Rosie studied her head to foot.

“Oh wait! Are you on Kensington?”

“Yes,” Emilia said, blinking.

“I thought you looked familiar! I came in-“

“Jesus, this isn't the gossip hour,” Simon snapped. He grabbed his phone and downed half the iced tea. “She's missing something.”

“Shoes,” Rosie said. To Emilia, “Do you have some nice high heels?”

“In my closet. I'll be right back.”

“A necklace too. Earrings. Something.” Rosie watched her go, then bounced on her feet. “Bathroom?”

Simon pointed at a door, and Rosie darted for it. She came back a minute later with some lotion. Simon raised an eyebrow, but she just grinned and shook her head. When Emilia came back with a pair of cherry red high heels and wearing more jewelry, Rosie nodded approvingly and dropped behind her. Emilia drew in a breath when the blonde kissed one of her cheeks.

“Had to,” Rosie said. “You're going to love it today, hon. I promise.”

“I've never been with a woman.”

“I know. But you want to, right? The guys talk a lot of crap, but at the end of the day, if you say no, they won't push. They tried to get me to bring my sister over so we could all have some fun. Ugh.”

Simon grumbled, “We apologized.”

“Yeah, well, gross,” Rosie said. She squirted a handful of lotion into her hands and spread it along the backs of Emilia's legs. “There. That'll help them pop in the pictures. I taught my girls to do that when they need glamor shots.”

“Have you been coaching-“

“Uggggggh!” Simon said. “If you have to talk, at least look sexy doing it.”

Rosie grabbed Emilia's hand. “Let's get you in the kitchen. Milo will like that.”

They set up a few poses for the pictures. Emilia couldn't believe she was just letting this happen, but after the mind-reeling chaos of the blowjob session with Jaxton and all the pictures that had been taken of her, this seemed tame in comparison. She stuck out her ass and bent her knee so she was idly digging the point of her shoe into the floor for one of the photos, probably the best of the bunch. Rosie liked the set of Emilia serving her at the dinner table, bending over to put bites of cookies between Rosie's lips. Simon was most fond of the close ups of her ass and her cleavage, and by the end of it, he was raging hard.

Rosie unzipped him at the dinner table, and gave him one good suck before turning and winking at Emilia. “Want a taste?”

Emilia didn't respond at first. Milo had been long and plenty meaty. Jaxton was maybe an inch shorter than Milo but thicker. Simon was as long as Milo, maybe more, and so very close to Jaxton's width that the difference was negligible.

Simon was fucking hung.

“Holy shit,” she said. If her eyes had crossed and an “awooga” sign popped above her head, she wouldn't have even noticed. “Did you all take some kind of medication or something?”

Simon snickered. “Get over here and have a taste.”

That distant sane part of Emilia's mind reminded her this was crazy, but she hurried over anyways, kneeling on her knees with her heels and apron still on to suck his tip into her mouth. All three of her block boys were porn star levels of big. That was insane. It was impossible. Her mind was cracking.

But it was the truth. It was impossible to not take her time exploring that cock with her mouth, to savor the taste of him. She sucked him down further and further, eyes widening at just how much there was of him left even when she could take no more. Out of the corner of her eye, Rosie watched her with an amused smile and reddened cheeks. She reached out and stroked Emilia's butt.

“Aren't they perfect?”

Emilia gulped and swallowed one last inch of Simon, taking him deep in her throat and holding him there as her eyes watered. When she came up off him she gasped, “Fuck yes they are.”

“Landon's bedroom,” Simon said. “Let's go.”

Emilia licked her lips and took his proffered hand. So did Rosie. They followed behind their young lover to Emilia's son's room. She had it all made up, including his comfy queen-sized bed. His old posters still hung on the wall along with a few framed photos of the family and his friends.

Rosie guided Emilia to the bed, and helped her out of the apron. When she knelt to take off Emilia's shoes, Simon shook his head. “No. Leave those. I want to see her eat you out in those. And you leave the cheerleader outfit on. Well done with that, by the way. Sexy as fuck.”

Rosie beamed. Emilia shuffled side to side, feeling self-conscious. “Me… eat her out?”

“Yes. You get the concept, right? Your tongue, your mouth, her pussy? I take it Jim's done that to you at some point.”

Emilia blushed and looked away. “He's… not very good at it.”

“Getting the feeling Jim's not good at a whole lot in the bedroom.”

“That's not true!” Emilia snapped. “He's just not… not…”

“Not them,” Ms. Brook suggested.

Emilia hung her head and nodded. “How should we…?”

“Well,” Rosie said, and guided her down onto the mattress. “Let's start like this.”

She leaned in, and cupped Emilia's face gently. Emilia's lips parted as the other woman drew closer and closer, until their breath comingled. Rosie's thumbs traced her cheeks as she brought her soft, plump lips to Emilia's. The kiss was good, softer, gentler than anything Emilia had been expecting of her time with Simon. This, she could get used to. This was… amazing.

Her own hands came up, shaky and unsure of themselves. She decided to emulate Rosie, stroking her cheeks and pursuing her lips when Rosie pulled back to catch her breath. So lost in Rosie's warmth and passion, she didn't notice Simon stripping down, or him bringing over Landon's computer chair and settling into it. He languidly stroked himself as he watched the two beautiful women make out, not giving them any instructions or orders. He wanted this to play out naturally. His day with Emilia would be the calm before the storm.

Of course, that didn't mean that it wasn't going to be hot as hell.

Their kissing transformed from gentle and inquisitive to something more probing. Their hands began to explore. Not far, but necks, shoulders, their mutually long hair. Emilia loved it. The other woman was so warm and soft in all the best ways. Her block boys were hard, sleek, utilitarian, but Rosie was voluptuous and welcoming. It was such a hard turn from the way things had been going that it gave Emilia pause. Was there something degrading coming? Some awful thing she'd probably love despite being utterly humiliated?

Did she want that? She didn't know. But she did want Rosie in that moment, and so her unsettled mind refocused on the other woman. She trailed her fingers down Rosie's arm, all the way to her long, delicate hands, and squeezed them. Rosie squeezed back, smiling against her lips.

“It can be good,” she murmured. “It can be sweet and fun or it can be trashy and hot. Whatever you want, baby. It's yours today.”

Emilia shot Simon a look. Of all the boys, she'd expected him to be the most aggressive. She was even a little scared of what he might do. But he gestured at Rosie as if to say to listen to her.

Slowly she traced the things she wanted to touch. Rosie's curvy hips under the cheerleader skirt. The small of her back. Her soft abs. The sides of her breasts through the barely-there top. Her delicate throat. Her jaw, tipping it up for one more kiss. The valley between her breasts. Her hard nipples.

And like that, they moved together. Rosie fell onto her back, pulling Emilia with her. The sexy MILF leaned over the other woman at an angle, kissing her chin, her neck, her shoulders. Rosie eased her top down under her breasts, leaving them bare. Tempted by the flesh, Emilia hesitated a moment, then dropped her mouth to kiss the underswells, prompting a moan from the blonde cheerleading coach. Simon got up to do something to Rosie — Emilia shot him a quick glance and he was peeling down the blonde's skirt and panties before sitting back down again. Emilia's hand roamed further south while she kissed and tasted Rosie's tummy, slipping down past her hairless mound to her sex and finding it as wet as she was.

She looked up at Rosie, feeling shy and not sure why. “I want to taste you. Is that okay?”

“Mmm,” Rosie pretended to think aloud. “Oh, I suppose.”

Emilia smiled, and dropped her mouth lower, right on the freshly shaven skin of Rosie's mound. Rosie curled a finger at Simon. He stood up and came to the side of the bed. Rosie moved over, chased by Emilia. The blonde coach reached out and guided Simon's prick to her mouth, opening wide and sucked him down as Emilia began to lick at the sensitive skin around Rosie's folds.

This was the first time she'd ever tasted a woman besides herself, and Emilia took her time with it, exploring the sensations. Rosie smelled — and tasted — of a light, fragrant coconut soap, pleasant and faint. Droplets of her need gleamed on her lips but had yet to escape to her thighs. Emilia herself was practically dripping from her desire.

Rosie's lips themselves were thin and almost non-existent compared to Emilia's own. The other woman also bleached her bud, leaving it deliciously clean looking. A thought of Rosie's tongue slipping around her own bud made her shiver with pleasure. As the other woman sucked on Simon, Emilia hesitantly slid her tongue out and ran around the other woman's bud.

Rosie came off Simon with a whimper. “Oh wow,” she gasped. “Zero to sixty. She's licking my ass.”

Simon, who'd been watching Rosie's lips around his cock, shot Emilia a surprised look. “Huh. Wasn't expecting that.”

Emilia shrugged uncomfortably. “I… just…”

“It's okay, hon,” Rosie encouraged her. “Touch or taste anything you want.”

Still feeling embarrassed, Emilia returned her attention to Rosie's pussy. She thought about how she liked to be touched and licked, and started at the base, exploring Rosie's pink lips. Everything she'd done so far with the guys had felt so taboo, but there was a simple, soft-burning joy to this, even if she was still cheating on Jim. She hadn't really thought much about bisexual fantasies, save here and there to have a nice long look at a pretty woman or flash upon a sexy celebrity when she needed some fuel for an orgasm. This might have been too much if she'd been shoved towards it the same way Milo and Jaxton had done with her. But this quiet exploration of a new side of her sexual nature was exactly what Emilia needed to feel like she was becoming something new.

Why Emilia found the taste and feel of Rosie's pussy so intoxicating she was never quite sure. Maybe it was the thrill of trying something so new and wild, but she was surprised to find she loved going down on the other woman. Aside from the taste of her coconut soap, her pussy tasted fresher than any cock Emilia had ever sucked. Less sweaty, more feminine. There was a musk there, yes, but it was so faint it was almost unnoticeable. And the feel of her delicate pink flesh responding so immediately to her every touch fascinated Emilia. She knew she shouldn't treat this like a science experiment but she couldn't really help herself. It was no exaggeration to say every inch of Rosie had her captivated.

Using her thumbs, she spread the other woman wide and ran her tongue excruciatingly slowly up Rosie's depths. The other woman loved it, wiggling reflexively as Emilia neared her hood. She reversed course, going back to Emilia's base, and even gave the thin stretch of flesh between her bud and her pussy a lick too. Rosie really liked that. So did Emilia, so it was good to know at least one of her favorite moves got a response out of the beautiful blonde.

Feeling more confident, she swirled her tongue back up through Rosie's folds, and this time, teased her hooded clit with her fingers instead of spreading the other woman wide. That really turned Rosie on, and she moaned around Simon's cock as he pumped it in and out of her mouth. The young man stayed surprisingly quiet, letting this play out naturally, watching both women with his intense eyes. A few times he reached down and stroked Emilia's head like a good dog, a move she was embarrassed to admit to herself she really liked.

But why was he being so damned normal?

Whatever. Emilia had too much fun right in front of her to care. She thumbed back Rosie's hood, revealing her big pearl. This, she was delighted to find, make Rosie jump just about every time her tongue connected to it. She was a responsive woman too, and loved the parallel between them. She worked the clit with her tongue slowly, teasing it with hard licks and then a reprieve. The other woman moaned around Simon's prick and eventually pulled off him.

“You tease,” she said, grinning.

Emilia winked up at her and hopped up for a quick, passionate kiss. On her way back down, she circled Rosie's nipples with her tongue and gave them each a quick suck before returning to her gleaming clit. Now she went for broke, sucking and licking it while sliding two fingers experimentally into the other woman, afraid her nails might hurt Rosie.

But she had nothing to fear. Her delicate touch set Rosie off, and she began rocking her ass to meet Emilia's fingers as she sank them in and out. Rosie's thighs kept spreading wide and coming back together, her toes curling. Emilia was going to make her come. The thought rocked her, and sent a wave of pleasure through her. She was actually okay at this. At making love to another woman.

Rosie's hand joined her tongue at her clit. She rubbed the sides of her pearl with two fingers, sucking harder and harder on Simon's cock and jacking his base with her free hand. Emilia reached up with her own unoccupied hand and cupped one of Rosie's breasts, squeezing it, rolling her palm across the nipple. At the same time, she slashed Rosie's clit with her tongue, hard fast swishes that left the other woman gurgling around Simon's cock.

It sounded vaguely like “I'm coming!”

And she did. Rosie's pussy pulsed as her back arched. She slammed as much of her mouth down on Simon's cock as she could, a deep “mmmmf!” escaping her. Her pink walls grew even more, juices trickling from her. Not nearly as much as Emilia did when she came, but still a plentiful amount. Emilia tugged her fingers free and sucked up as much of that precious liquid as she could, a grin on her face. Now Rosie's taste was a bit stronger, and so very enjoyable. She could get used to this.

Rosie yanked off Simon's cock and gasped, “Kiss me, please…”

Emilia crawled up her body and cupped Rosie's quivering sex as she pressed her slick mouth to the other woman's. Rosie held her close for a long moment, her breaths hard against Emilia's. Simon was gone, moving around the bed and climbing onto it. He hooked Rosie's feet and lifted them. Both women looked down as he brought his slick cock to her entrance and plunged in, driving the already sensitive Rosie to cry out again.

“Oh God, yes, fuck me Simon, fuck me hard.”

“Why don't you quiet her down?” Simon said, grinning.

Emilia didn't get it, not quite at first, but then she realized what he was saying, and glanced sharply at Rosie. The other woman, cheeks flushed, looked back up and nodded. Emilia folded her bottom lip between her teeth as she rose to her knees and turned, straddling Rosie's gorgeous face. Rosie gripped har ass and pulled her low, and at the first long lunge of her tongue, Emilia nearly came right then and there.

“Rosie,” she moaned, “your tongue feels so good.”

The sensations and sights were almost too much. Under her, licking her pussy fervently, Rosie had her hands clamped to Emilia's ass. Her tongue alone felt amazing but her fingers spread Emilia wide and teased her bud much like her own tongue had done to Rosie. Eyes closed, Emilia danced her hands along her own skin, rubbing her mound, her clit, her hips, her tummy, her breasts. Everything felt so good. So new. She felt reborn. Her eyes opened as Simon rocked in and out of Rosie. She held his gaze, cupping her tits and offering them up with a faint smile.

“You're sexy like this. Wild,” he said. Then he blinked and looked away. “They really didn't fuck you?”

“No,” she murmured, watching his big cock disappear and reappear over and over again.

“Good. Did you like Milo fingering you?”

“Uh huh,” Emilia panted, grinding down onto Rosie's face.

“And sucking off Jaxton with so many people watching? Did you like that?”

She couldn't reply, but her whimper of need was enough.

“And how about now? Like watching me fuck this slut? Like riding her face? Like having your pussy eaten by a woman for the first time?”

“Yesss!” she gasped.

He jerked out of Rosie and stood up on the bed. His cock glistened as he brought it to her lips. “Taste her again,” he growled. “Taste Ms. Brook's sweet pussy on the cock that's going to own you tomorrow.”

Her mouth slammed down on him at the same time as she came. Her pussy erupted on Rosie's mouth, drenching the other woman, and she shuddered even as she gagged on Simon's big dick. Gone in a heartbeat was the watchful, peaceful young man, and in his place was his friends' equal, driving his cock deep into the hot mom's mouth, her throat. All she could do was hang on, gripping at his ass.

Underneath her, Rosie's licking intensified to match his frantic pace. She never relented, never let Emilia come down from that first orgasm. A finger probed Emilia's ass to the first knuckle as she gurgled around Simon's humongous prick, her eyes tearing up as she stared up at him. It didn't stop him. He clutched the back of her head and drove her down even further, all the way to his balls, cramming his cock further down her throat than she thought she could physically take. Her jaw spread so wide it hurt, but she was savagely proud of taking every inch he had to give her, even as he pulled out and rammed the fucking log right back into her mouth.

The orgasms piled into each other. There was nothing to do but hang on. Just as soon as she'd come down from one her clit was being sucked on or the finger in her ass drove deeper. Emilia came and came and came.

Rosie had been playing with herself the whole time, and at her cry, Simon glanced down and jerked out of Emilia. As the MILF fell sideways, coughing and trying to catch her breath, Simon had Rosie on her elbows and knees, pounding into her pussy as she cried out with a hoarse, “FUCK!” The word kept bouncing out of her, stuttered every time Simon filled her pussy. Emilia watched, still sucking in great lungfuls of air, playing with her too-sensitive pussy, unable to stop. She was on autopilot. Simon could have done anything he wanted in that moment. He stared down at her, his muscles flexing, sweat beading on his brow. He spanked Rosie hard, and the crack made Emilia jump.

Rosie tipped forward, head crushed to the mattress. She rocked back and forth, reaching a shaky hand out for Emilia as her cries went wordless. Simon took the arm and pinned it behind her back, then grabbed the other and did the same. He was absolutely merciless in his pounding, and the biggest, goofiest grin spread wide across Rosie's face.

“It's… so… fucking… good!” she gasped. Her body strained forward, nearly going flat against the bed. Her feet kicked against the comforter and she threw her head back as far as she could, silent as she came again.

Simon jerked out of her and knelt between Emilia's legs. He lined up his cock with her pussy, his eyes crazed, and for a moment, she thought he was going to do it, going to fuck her.

“Milo… Jaxton…” she croaked, holding up a hand.

The words pierced the fog of his lust, and he squeezed his eyes shut, drawing deep lungfuls of breath. She scooted down the bed, taking his cock in her hands and aiming at her face. He came in mere moments, the biggest blast of all the boys yet, painting her face, her neck, her hair.

Rosie came between them, a hand on Simon's chest. She nodded at him, and he fell to the side, still looking like a bull ready to charge but coming down. Rosie murmured, “Hold still, hon, you don't want it in your eyes. He comes so much.”

“They all do,” Emilia said.

Rosie giggled. “Right?”

She wiped at Emilia's eyes and forehead, and offered the other woman her fingers. Emilia sucked him down — he was definitely the bitterest of the boys, but she still liked the taste, driven mostly by that taboo in sucking down his come. Rosie took some for herself, sucked her fingers down with a flourish and a pop. Emilia couldn't help a breathless laugh.

* * *

Rosie had to go, so after she got cleaned up, she arranged for an Uber to take her home. Simon and Emilia stayed in bed, him on his back, her on her side, stroking his chest. He stared at the pictures on the wall, and rose up to take one of them down. He held it for Emilia to see. It was of Landon when he was sixteen or so, a family photo along with Simon, Jaxton, and Landon's then-girlfriend.

“Do you want to know the real reason why Charlotte broke up with him?”

Emilia shook her head, tears rising up. “No. You didn't.”

“We did. Well, Jaxton and me. Milo back then was too good for it. He knew, but he didn't want any part of it.” Simon tossed the picture in a wastebasket and slid back into bed. “Charlotte felt so bad for Landon she broke up with him.”

“You bastards,” Emilia said, but her words were toneless and her hand was already back on his chest.

Slut, Milo whispered again in her ear. Had she even thought about Jim or Landon once while she was with Rosie or Simon? She couldn't remember.

Simon continued like she hadn't spoken. “That summer, though, Milo tells us he regrets it. Not betraying Landon. He regretted not coming with us to sleep with his girlfriend.” He grinned. “By our senior year, Milo was pulling in more than Jaxton and I combined. Well, nearly. That's the kind of guy he is. Who all of us are.”

Emilia cried for her son, even as she reached down to stroke Simon's half-hard cock again.

Simon looked at her sideways. “It's who you are too.”

“No, I'm not,” she whispered.

“Bullshit. You barely hesitated when Milo told you to flash that delivery woman. And Jaxton, well… those pictures are going to have a nice long life on the Internet. And when we're done with you tomorrow, this-” he gestured at the walls “-is over.”

“I can't tomorrow. Jim's working an early shift so he can take me out to a nice dinner.”

“We'll come over early while he's working,” Simon said dismissively.

She leaned up and looked at him, surprised. “You will?”

“Sure,” Simon said, shrugging and giving her a lazy smile. Oh, there were teeth there. She knew it. But she didn't protest. Didn't tell him to come another day. Instead, she leaned down and sucked his cock into her mouth.

He rummaged in a bag next to the bed. Emilia was paying him no mind until he squirted something into his hand. “Feet by my head,” he said, and she twisted to oblige, still sucking at his tip. Something cold pressed against her asshole, and she gasped and shot him a sharp look over her shoulder. “Relax, it's just lube. And a plug. You'll be grateful for it when we fuck your ass tomorrow.”

“But Jim and dinner, it's a date night, so-“

Simon glared at her. “I thought the other guys made it clear. You are ours. No one fucks this pussy but us this summer. We own your ass, we own your cunt, we own your mouth. So don't you even think about sleeping with Jim tomorrow. You service us first and then you go have a boring-ass dinner with him and say you have a headache. Understand?”

“Yes, Simon,” she whispered, and sucked him back into her mouth again. She whimpered when his lubed finger slid into her ass. He pulled it out and squirted more lube into her cleft before slipping it back in. She shivered at the penetration, and sucked harder.

“You like it in the ass, huh?”

She hesitated, then around him, muttered, “Uh huh.”

“Good. I think Jaxton wants to take you there first. Milo will want your pussy. He's crushed hard on you forever. Me… I'm gonna let you choose.”

That seemed like an odd comment since only her mouth would be left. She didn't see his smile, the hard one, the one that scared her sometimes.

* * *

“What do you have planned for the day?” Jim asked, tugging on his socks the next morning.

Finally getting fucked by our son's three best friends. Or… the guys he thought were his friends.

“Simon, Milo, and Jaxton are stopping by to help me with some things,” she said tonelessly, staring out the bedroom window.

“Help you out with some things?” Jim asked. “What does that mean?”

“Some chores I need taken care of before you get home. Then I think I'm going to take them…”

…in every hole…

“…to get a bite to eat. Welcome them home properly.”

…by letting Simon sink that big, long prick deep in my throat again.

“That's great,” Jim said, distracted but smiling at her. “Tell the guys I said hello.”

“I'll do…”

…all of them. Over and over and over again. I've already been dripping their come, Jim…

Slut, Milo whispered again. Slut. Slut. Slut.

“…that,” she said, trying to return his smile. “Jim… why don't you call in sick? We can… we can go to the lake. Or drive up and visit your parents. Or go see Landon.”

“Now?” he asked, chuckling. “Landon has his life. Let him live it a little before we go smother him. Besides, you said it yourself. The other boys are coming.”

Oh hell, he had to pick that word. Her thighs parted involuntarily, and a flash of heat made her tingle. “Jim…”

“Look, honey, I'm already pushing things by switching shifts today. I know you're feeling a little lonely and underappreciated.” He checked his phone and grinned. “You want to maybe fool around a little? I got half an hour. If we skip breakfast…”

Yes,” she whispered. “Yes. Let's…”

You're ours. You're not going to touch Jim.

She started crying. Jim, perplexed, sat down next to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Baby? Talk to me.” She shook her head and he sighed. “Christ, the melodrama. Okay. Look. Fuck, I'm going to get in trouble for this. I'll call in sick, I'll… what is it you want? Want to drive and see Landon? Sure. Yeah. Let's give him a few hours' notice and tell him-“

“Just forget it,” Emilia snapped. She shoved off the bed and fled for the hallway and the bathroom. Behind her, Jim huffed, and followed her out.

“No, you're the one that started this. What is it you really want? Want me to quit? Huh?”

I want three young hard dicks. I want each one of them in me. I want to come again so fucking hard I nearly black out.

I want Milo.

I want Jaxton.

I want Simon.

I want to be a slut.

“I think you're feeling really emotional about Landon being away. I get that. I do. We'll have a great dinner tonight, we'll talk about it, and… I don't know, maybe I'll see about getting put back in the day shift. Okay? Let's just… we'll talk.”

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. She blinked after him as he walked to the kitchen, humming to himself, the argument already behind him. Emilia stumbled into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and silently cried into her hands as the finality of the last twenty years washed over her.

When her tears slowed and finally stopped, Emilia slipped out of her pink lace babydoll, one of Simon's gifts to her. She'd explained its existence away to Jim, but couldn't remember the specifics and none of it mattered now anyways. She showered, humming under her breath, her eyes distant, her hand straying to her pussy, to her breasts, to her ass often, already anticipating what was to come. She stepped out eventually and dried herself off. Without looking in the mirror, Emilia dug in the cupboard for the bottle of lube Simon left for her and the plug she'd buried under the hand towels. The plug slipped back into her ass as she still hummed. Her makeup came next, and as she stared at the red lipstick in her hand, the soft noise finally stopped.

Had Jim looked in at that moment, her husband would have seen an odd sight. His wife uncapped the lipstick, staring blankly at herself in the mirror as she whispered one word.

Emilia placed the tip against her breast, writing slowly and in reverse, so whoever looked at her tits could read it.

First an S.

A day when Landon was thirteen or fourteen, sitting around a video game console, shouting at each other. She came in with lunch, and Milo stared up at her adoringly and told her how much they loved her. It was the first time any of them spoke the word, save Landon, of course, but it was echoed immediately by Jaxton and Simon.

An L.

Older, the four of them in a school play together, Landon a wonderful actor, the other three spouting out their lines like they were chewing on paper. It was a riot. The other three had only joined in because Landon begged them. Were Simon and Jaxton sleeping with Landon's girlfriend by then? Probably.

A U.

Jaxton hitting a kid so hard off the defensive line his helmet flew off. Despite the ref's whistle, he kept going, roaring at the opposing quarterback before the other boy dropped out of sheer terror. Simon, Milo, and Landon rushed the field, all of them laughing so hard they couldn't stop for minutes as they grabbed their friend — and the game was still supposed to be going on.

A T.

Simon, bringing over his college acceptance letter before he'd even opened it. She had helped him with the application and the essay, and he told her somberly she deserved to open it for the aid she gave him, that none of them would have been nearly so happy these last four or five years without their block mom looking out for them.

The gleaming red on her breast made her shudder. Not with tears, but with desire. Those boys were gone now. Even her Landon. In their place were strangers. Grown men. And she was going to fuck Simon, Jaxton, and Milo.


Jim called to her when he was heading out the door. She looked up, bleary-eyed, and called back, “Goodbye, Jim.”

* * *

They came to her an hour later. Milo, her once sweet Milo, with a half-crazed look of adoration and lust on his face, his shorts already tented in anticipation of years of lust fulfilled. Jaxton, who kissed her cheek and squeezed her ass, making a silent promise she knew she'd let him keep. And Simon, the devil of them all. The one that she hated and wanted most.

She closed the door behind them, and let her simple white blouse drop to the floor. They stared at the red lettering peeking above her lingerie. Simon pointed down the hall at a bedroom.

Jim and Emilia's bedroom.

“Let's go,” he said.

* * *

Among the lingerie Simon bought for her was a set of white lace panties and a matching bra. White for a bride, her fractured mind thought, and white to finish a marriage. Emilia wore them now, breasts rising and falling as her three block boys studied her from every angle. No. Her men.

“My men,” she breathed.

Milo moved to her first. Standing behind her, he brushed the hair away from her neck and kissed the soft junction at her shoulder. Her lips parted and she breathed his name. Her panties came down, and he kissed each of her cheeks lovingly as he helped her out of her underwear. The plug peeking out at him came out too, tossed away uncaringly. None of them would give a damn that day about cleaning up or hiding any evidence.

Milo rose to his feet again as Jaxton stepped in, his own breaths coming hard and fast now. Gone was the young man who tried to pay her no mind in the movie theater. Now his eyes were hungry for her, and he reached out and undid her bra, letting it fall to the ground before he leaned down and sucked one of her nipples. His big fingers sought out her pussy and she moaned as he slid one in, testing her wetness.

Simon stayed apart, but his eyes were hungriest of all. She crooked a finger at him but he didn't join her. Instead, he began to strip down, folding his clothes neatly in a pile in a chair in a corner.

“He'll have you soon enough,” Milo promised her. “For now, you're mine and Jaxton's.”

“Your slut,” she moaned as Jaxton's finger pumped in and out of her slowly.

“Yes,” Milo said simply. “We love you, Mrs. Candless.”

“Uh huh,” Jaxton agreed.

“Yes,” Simon said, leaning against a wall. “We do love you. No joke. Whatever happens, that's always true. And if you want out, if you really want us to stop this, this is the last time we'll give you the chance. Whatever you want or don't want this summer, you'll have.”

“But,” Jaxton said, cupping her sex and rubbing her clit with his palm while his middle finger sought her g-spot, “If you have us today, you have us any time we want it. Our slut for the summer.”

“Not Jim's,” Milo said. “Ours.”

“Did you boys rehearse that?” Emilia asked, grinning.

“Maybe a bit,” Milo admitted.

His sweet grin melted her all over again and she sighed as Jaxton began to rub both her most sensitive spots at once.

“I want all of you,” she murmured. “I want to be your MILF. I want to be your cougar fantasy. I want every dick in this room in me so often I don't know what's happening anymore.”

“And Jim?” Milo asked before he nibbled on her shoulder and cupped her breasts, rocking his still-clothed cock against her ass.

“Coming home at five. I'll tell him…” She swallowed. “I'll tell him I'm going through some things. That'll be enough to last the summer.”

“Good,” Milo said. He stepped back, and she glanced behind her as he slipped free of his shorts and his shirt. His boxers came down too, and his cock sprang up. “Swap me,” he told Jaxton.

The other young man nodded and stepped back to strip out of his slacks and polo while Milo dropped to his knees in front of Emilia. “I wanted to do this last week,” he said, and gripped her ass to bring her closer to his mouth.

“Milo,” she whimpered as his tongue met her slit.

His fingers had been amazing but Milo's skill with his tongue approached divine. There were no wasted movements. He remembered what her body responded to and used his tongue and his lips to send her right back to that moment on the couch, when she became his — and theirs — for the very first time.

Her puffy pink lips were his first target, drawing his concentration as behind her Jaxton stepped up again, his fat prick sliding between the cleft of her ass as he licked and sucked her neck and her shoulder. His big arms wrapped around her and he cupped and squeezed her tits, groaning into her ear. She leaned back against him, twisting her head, and Jaxton kissed her. It was neither gentle or harsh, but loving, the kind of kiss she might expect from Jim.

As Milo teased her sensitive walls, Jaxton pinched her nipples and kissed her again and again. She brought her hands to his and murmured against his mouth, “Harder.” He grinned and complied, making it hurt just enough to add some fire to the pleasure. She whimpered against him, and dropped the hand to Milo's head, looking down at him. Staring back up, he moved to her clit, giving it a kiss first before sucking it. She gasped and clutched his hair.

“Lick my clit, baby, mm, just like that.”

Jaxton gave her tits another pinch, then ran his hands up and down her stomach as he kissed her shoulder again, then the blades of her back, and her spine. She shivered and cooed as he began to lick and kiss his way down her spine. Milo alternated between long licks of her pussy and teasing her clit, still looking up at her with those sweet eyes.

Across the room, leaning against the wall, Simon watched all this, stroking his cock. She curled a finger at him but he ignored it. As Jaxton worked his way down her back, Simon finally broke the pose and grabbed his cell phone from the dresser beside him. He snapped a few pictures as Jaxton kissed and licked her spine and Milo did the same with her cunt. It was curious, but she was too lost in her pleasure to pay him much mind.

Especially when Jaxton spread her cheeks wide, and his tongue danced against her asshole.

Emilia froze. The sensation was so foreign, so taboo she didn't recognize it for what it was at first, and then when she did, the words exploded out of her lungs. “Oh, fuck! Tongue my ass, Jaxton!”

The dual sensations of her clit being teased and licked while Jaxton drove his tongue into the depths of her most forbidden hole drove her wild. And when Milo slid two fingers into her pussy, the warmth went electric. She thrust back and forth, unable to focus on just one of her block boys. They were both so fucking good.

Her hands moved everywhere. She cupped her own breasts, pulling the nipples, tweaking them. She grabbed at her hair, staring up at the ceiling, rocking against Jaxton's tongue in her ass as he spread her even wider. Why became apparent moments later when his tongue was replaced by two fingers almost at the exact same moment as Milo did the same with her pussy.

Double-stuffed. Fingers in her ass and her pussy. A tongue on the lower spine. Another on her clit, working fast now, merciless.

“Oh… FUCK!”

Emilia came like a sprinter off the mark. Her knees almost buckled, her whole body shaking with the force of it. She gushed onto Milo's fingers, what felt like galloons, and one of her hands rose to her mouth. She sucked down two fingers, staring over at Simon, begging him silently to join them. He had the phone trained on her, his smile lost, getting closeups of the guys and her face.

“Milo. She's your crush. Take her first,” Jaxton said.

Milo pulled away from Emilia's pussy and stood up. She reached down and squeezed his prick as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with such a hunger she nearly melted again. His hands fell to her ass and he guided her backwards like that to the bed, dropping her down onto her back and sliding his cock along her length as she spread her legs wide.

“Put me inside you,” he murmured.

Emilia kissed him again, then aimed his cock for her entrance. Over his shoulder was a picture of Landon and Jim together on a dock. Memories of a different life. She felt nothing for them now, nothing but a weary wish all the old images were just gone. Instead of weeping, Emilia smiled. Then she pulled her Milo inside her for the very first time.

And it was fucking magic.

Her already-sensitive pussy eagerly greeted every inch of him, tightening against his walls, throbbing against him. She dug her nails into his back gasping at the release of so much pent-up emotions.

It wasn't just his cock that felt so good. His lips flowed to a dozen tiny pleasure centers along her face, her neck, her shoulder. He really knew where to tease a woman to make her feel so hot, and she was already a fireball. Her legs rose with the pressure building up again so fast within her, and she kicked involuntarily every time he hit her depths. She whimpered and buried her head against his shoulder.

Jaxton said, “Don't come in her until we've all fucked her.”

Milo grunted something vaguely affirmative to that, and redoubled his efforts. His cock pumped in and out of Emilia, her name on his lips as he breathed in her ear.

“Come for me, Emilia.”

“Call me it again,” she whimpered.


She pulled away and cupped her breast for him, folding her lip between her teeth. His eyes crinkled, and he breathed, “My slut.”

“Nnnn,” she moaned, her back arching. “I'm your slut, Milo, I'm your, unnngh, MILF goddamn whore…”

He grinned and kissed her hard again. Still close to her lips, he said, “What do you want?”

“Your dick! Your big dicks! I want you all to… to…” Her feet kicked hard into the air as his cock whipped in and out of her, a furious pace that left her crying out with every hard thrust. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, fuck, Milo, YES!”

Her ass tried to rise up but he had her pinned, pounding into her slick pussy as she came and came and came again. “Jaxton!” he shouted, casting a wild glare at the other man.

“Good to go.”

“Good.” He jerked out of Emilia and she threw an arm over her face, gasping, crying with the force of her orgasm. Her whole body still rocked, and she barely noticed when Jaxton's big hands landed on her sides. He flipped her over onto the edge of the bed and she rose up as Milo stuffed a pillow under her stomach, putting her ass up in the air just high enough that Jaxton could do all the work himself. Milo turned her head towards him and she stared unseeing as his cock brushed her cheek, her lips. She opened automatically, and Milo stuffed her mouth full of his long prick. She tasted herself and closed her eyes, savoring it, savoring the moment. They shot right back open when Jaxton's cock plunged hard into her, driving her into the mattress with his first thrust and every one thereafter.

They used her, and Emilia loved it. Milo's cock was slick with her own juices, and he slammed it in and out of her mouth, going deep in her throat but not holding his position there long. He was too close to the edge for that. Given how hard he was fucking her face, he had to grab the back of her head to keep from pushing her too far away.

Jaxton had to do the same thing with her waist. He punished her pussy from behind and above, driving into her with a force that would have made her howl with pleasure if she wasn't stuffed full of Milo's cock on the other end. There was no helping them. No guiding her own pleasure. Nothing to do but be fucked as hard as she'd ever been fucked in her life.

Fingers on her rim. She thought it was Jaxton but his big hands were still on her waist. Someone uncapped something and she felt the cool drizzle of lube on her ass. Simon. He was finally getting into it. Two fingers traced her bud, pulling her open for more lube. Then the two fingers slid inside.

“Owwarrk!” she gasped around Milo's cock. “Ass! Ass!”

What she meant to say was a mystery to even her, but the pleasure was clear from the way she shivered and shuddered when Simon started finger fucking her ass to go with the other two guys. He was kneeling on the bed beside her, but she couldn't see him from this side. At least, not until Milo clutched the back of her head and drove his cock deep one last time into her mouth, coming, coming, filling her throat, her mouth. He yanked out of her and come sprayed across the comforter as she coughed it out, gasping for air.

Milo stumbled backwards. “Holy shit. Best cocksucker I've ever had. Holy fucking shit.”

“Told you,” Jaxton grunted. “I'm fucking close too. I want to come on her tits again.”

“Don't clean her off,” Simon warned.

“I know,” Jaxton said.

“Why?” Emilia asked hoarsely.

Jaxton chuckled and slapped her ass. “You'll see.”

He yanked out of her, leaving her pussy gaping and ready for Simon. They flipped her over onto her back again, and Jaxton fisted his big cock, aiming it at her tits, her face, her neck. She reached for him but before she could even touch him, he was coming, such huge, heavy ropes. Her boys didn't come in small loads, that was for sure. Several of the shots streaked across her face at the end, and when he was done, he stuffed her mouth full of his soon-to-be-softening prick as Simon slammed his own cock into her for the first time.

“How long?” Milo asked. The question made no sense to Emilia, but it wasn't directed to her.

“Give me fifteen and I'm good to go,” Jaxton said. “You going to come in her right now, Simon?”

“No. I can hold out.”

Milo gestured at something as Simon pounded into Emilia's pussy. “Should I…?”

“Yeah, do it.”

Jaxton pulled out of her mouth and slapped Emilia's cheek with his cock. “We've got something coming for you, Mrs. Candless. Something you're just going to fucking love.”

She moaned wordlessly, her breasts bouncing up and down in time to Simon's rough fucking. With Jaxton finished, he could position her how he wanted, and yanked out of her fast to get her up and off the bed. She leaned over it, her ass thrust out as Simon slammed back into her to his hilt, filling her deeper, harder than either of the other boys. Deeper than anyone else. He owned her pussy, and she cried out joyfully as her ass slapped back at him, rippling every time he fucked her deep.

Another orgasm. This one lacked the intensity of her others. It was barely a blip. Her own pleasure was second to the cock in front of her face. Milo. She sucked him down again, this time doing the bulk of the work thanks to Simon pushing her hard back and forth as he fucked her. Jaxton was there too, kneeling on the bed beside Milo, and she swapped to him, sucking him down and staring up at both of them as she alternated. They hardened again so very fast, almost inhumanly so, and she wept not out of shame but joy that these men were hers, her block boys, her young lovers.

And as she came down from the orgasm, across the city, Jim received a text.

* * *

He was drinking coffee in one of the work trucks. The downed power pole was back up and fixed, a relief. This one had been a bitch and consumed most of the crew's morning. But it was taken care of now, and before he headed to the next job, he was grabbing a much belated breakfast burrito and a sandwich.

In mid-sip, Jim's cell phone went off. He didn't recognize the number, but it sure grabbed his attention.

“Hey Jim. Come home. Emilia's waiting.”

“What the…?” Jim asked, opening up the text and the attached video. His eyes widened.

* * *

“Time,” Simon snarled.

“Maybe ten minutes, give or take five,” Milo said. “If you're going to come and be hard again-“

“Never mind that. I'm fine. Emilia?”

“Guh,” she moaned.

Simon gripped her cheeks and forced her to look up at him. “Emilia. Are you with me?”

“Fuck me fuck me fuck me…”

“Do you remember me telling you you'd choose where I finished?”

“Yessss,” she hissed, squeezing her eyes shut.


“My… p-pussy.”

“Get her to the couch.”

Jaxton pulled out of Emilia's mouth and Simon pulled out of her well-stretched pussy. She fell forward immediately, gasping for air, strength leaving her. Milo and Jaxton pulled her to her feet and helped her out to the couch. Simon was there already, sitting down. She mounted him without asking, guiding his cock to her pussy instinctually and driving down with a hard slap of flesh.

“Now,” Simon said to Jaxton. The other boy nodded and lined up behind Emilia.

His cock tapped against her ass. His hand pushed her down so he had a better angle. She mewled wordlessly as she rested on Simon, her breasts against his chest and Jaxton lined up his cock.

Lined up right against her asshole.

“Oh fuck,” Emilia whispered, and Jaxton's head spread her wide. “Oh FUCK!” she shouted. “Full, full, so fucking full!”

Two cocks as big and fat as theirs, spreading her wide. Milo was up on the couch, one leg on the cushion, the other on the floor. His cock aimed at her face and she stared up at him, mouth parted, breaths coming hard and ragged. He stuffed her full of his cock again, sighing with pleasure as she sucked him down deep, hand coming up to rest at his base and squeeze his balls.

Triple-stuffed. Emilia was tripled stuffed. The fucking really began.

There was no conscious mind to her left. Her world was sucking and being fucked. Her ass hurt but it was a good hurt. Jaxton didn't drive into her deep, but fed her enough to give her a serious ass-fucking. Her pussy clamped to Simon's dick like they belonged together, and Milo's long cock filled her throat.

Simon and Jaxton found a rhythm fast. When Simon drove in, Jaxton pulled out, and like that, nothing they did was too much. Her ass squelched around Jaxton's size stuffed into her ass, but she never noticed. Her eyes watered and she stared up at Milo, gagging on his beautiful prick and loving it.

Vibrations. Revving.

Milo pulled out nearly to her lips and she fisted his root, jacking him hard and laughing around his tip. He slammed his cock back into her mouth and she stared up at him, grinning and crying all at once as Simon thrust up harder and harder at her.

A slammed door and a shout. A name. Her name.

Jaxton's cock jackhammered into her ass. He was fucking her deeper now, but she was used to him by that point and could take the extra inch. God, he felt good. Stuffing her so full.

Keys. The lock turning.

Simon fucked up into her harder and harder, sweat on his brow, his chest. He'd been fucking her for so long. Twenty minutes. Half an hour. So long. He was close, too. She could feel how tense he was.

Then the noises registered. Jim.

“No,” her husband moaned. “No, Emilia, no.”

She sucked Milo harder, bobbing her head up and down his length. She was still covered in come from… someone. Jaxton, she thought, but it didn't really matter. By the end of the day they'd have all come in every one of her holes, covered her, made her theirs in every conceivable way.

“Milo? Jax? S-Simon?”

“Heya Mr. Candless,” Milo said, grabbing the back of Emilia's head and fucking her face all the way to his balls. He held his cock there as her eyes watered. “We'll be done in a minute.”

“Emilia!” Jim shouted. “Are you… are they forcing… get the fuck off her!”

“I don't think she wants to do that, Jim,” Simon said, gripping Emilia's waist. “How about it, Mrs. Candless? Milo, let her talk.”

Milo jerked out of her throat and leaned backwards. Emilia, gasping, tried to grab at his cock and pull it back to her.

“Emilia, I asked you a question,” Simon said, turning her chin to look at him as he pounded up into her pussy. “Want us to stop? Or do you want me to come in your hot MILF cunt?”

“Emilia?” Jim whimpered.

“Come in me, come in me, all of you come in me,” Emilia begged. Over her shoulder, she looked at Jim and croaked, “I tried to tell you. They're fucking me so good, Jim. You're never going to have me again. I'm their whore. I'm their slut.” She whipped her attention back to Simon. “Come in your slut. Own my fucking pussy.”

Simon laughed and grabbed her waist. He pushed in three, maybe four times while Jim staggered backwards in slow motion, trying to look away but unable to. Simon came, his cock pumping up into her, coming, coming, coming, and Jaxton's cock in her ass was so close too. She gasped and leaned back, reaching up for his face.

“Come in my ass, do it, do it baby.”

Milo jacked his cock right at her face and she grabbed it, jerking it for him, begging him for it as Jim ran to his car and fled.

* * *

The living room looked like a battlefield. Jaxton rested on a corner of the couch, gasping for air. He'd been the last one to fuck her again after washing his cock off. Night had fallen a long time ago, and by now, they'd lost count of the number of times each of them had used the MILF's holes.

Milo stumbled towards him, holding out a bottle of water. Jaxton took it with a hoarse grunt, and Milo began picking up his clothes.

Simon, from the armchair, mumbled, “You're leaving?”

Milo threw Mrs. Candless a look. She rested on the floor, facedown. She was covered in what they'd done to her, some of it caked in from earlier in the day, some of it fresh. Judging from the shaking, she was crying again. She'd been doing that on and off since that frantic in front of Jim.

“Yeah,” Milo said. He gestured at Emilia as she pushed herself up to her knees. “Just not the same, you know?”

“Yeah,” Simon said. Landon's hot mom was gone. Utterly, totally gone. They'd fucked her in every version of every fantasy they'd ever dreamed of with her. There was no mystique left. For Milo, Simon knew, it would be on to the next slut.

“I should go too,” Jaxton said, his throat clearer now that he had a drink. He rose to his feet, wincing. “God, I don't think anyone's ever worked us harder than that.”

He disappeared into the bedroom to dress. Milo grabbed up his car keys, and glanced down at Mrs. Candless. She looked back up at him, cheeks red. She said nothing, but reached instinctively for his dick again, thinking that was what she was supposed to do. Milo shook his head. “Man, I really loved you.” He sighed, and left.

Jaxton came out, tugging his shirt down over his broad shoulders. He went into the kitchen and grabbed some of the delivery they'd ordered at some point during the day. He came back out with a mouthful of food. “See ya soon, Mrs. C.”

“Ja-Jax…” she croaked, but he was already gone too.

Simon stood up and winced just as Jaxton had. He was right. They really had gone to town. He stared down at Mrs. Candless for a long time, then said, “Come on. Let's get you up and into the shower.”

She came with him willingly, head low, her hair matted where they'd come in it. He couldn't keep her upright and clean her up at the same time, so he ran her a bath and helped her in. While she shivered despite the warmth of the water, Simon knelt beside her, running a washrag over the worst of it, feeling strangely paternal towards her. She held his wrist at one point and brought his fingers to her lips, sucking them down, eyes glittering still. He made a “sh” sound, and she visibly relaxed.

When Emilia was clean again, he helped Mrs. Candless out of the bath and drained the tub. Taking her into the master bedroom wasn't going to work. The bed was coated in come and pussy juices. So he brought her to Landon's room, settling her on the bed. He grabbed some of the lingerie he bought her, along with shorts and a tank. By that point, she had the strength again to dress herself, though she was even more sore than him and Jaxton.

“All right, I'm going to head out too,” Simon said, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Thank you. That was the hottest damn thing I've ever done.”

She looked up at him, bleary and worn out. “I can't stay here.”

“I know.”

“I don't have anywhere to go.”

Simon held her gaze. It would have been so easy to walk out of there. Just a day ago, he probably would have led the charge to leave, cackling. But maybe somewhere in the midst of everything they'd done, he'd broken too. He nodded. “Wait here.”

He brought her water, and walked around the house, gathering things up. Clothes. Her purse. Jewelry. All of it went into a box, and all of it went into his car. She stood at the window, watching him, trembling. Afraid he was leaving her too, Simon realized. He went back inside and brought Mrs. Candless out. They didn't bother locking the door. Hell, he wasn't sure he even bothered shutting it.

They drove, and she sucked his cock. He was too exhausted to get a hardon, but the movement was reflexive for her by that point, soothing for her as much as it was for him. She sucked at his tip, her hand at her pussy through the clothes. They drove, and she tried to keep things going, but there was just nothing more for either of them to give.

He pulled into Rosie Brook's driveway sometime after eleven. A light was still on in the living room, and she peeked out of the curtains as he stepped out of the car. A minute later, in her PJs, she came out the door. “Simon?”

“She needs somewhere,” Simon said. “Just until the fall.”

He came around the car and helped Mrs. Candless out. Rosie came to her, checking her over. She kissed Emilia softly, and murmured to Simon, “You guys really did a number on her.”

“Yeah. Nothing against her will. But… yeah.”

“I'll be whatever you want me to be,” Emilia said to Rosie. There was no tone to her voice. They were simply words.

Rosie sighed. “Okay. She can stay here. But give her a week or two before you guys come around again. Jesus. Not every woman's made for your shit.”

Simon chuckled. He hesitated, then surprising Rosie, he kissed her cheek. “Thanks. If I don't say that often enough-“

“Or ever,” Rosie muttered.

“-I mean it.”

She nodded, and helped Emilia inside.

* * *

While Landon called in a few days to shout at her for fifteen straight minutes, Emilia unzipped Jaxton and instinctively sucked him into her mouth. When the divorce papers came, she called Milo and knelt in Rosie's backyard so he could fuck her ass for nearly an hour.

But she wasn't broken. She was becoming something new.

One day, in a sundress over red lingerie, she walked into a tattoo parlor. The artist, to his credit, didn't argue with her much about getting SLUT permanently tattooed onto her breast. Of course, the fact that she let him fuck her with a condom on afterward helped the negotiations quite a bit too.

The emptiness inside her shifted and twisted into something different. Anticipation. She took on a second job. Slept every night with Rosie, with whom she was developing something of a relationship. An odd one, mostly born of convenience and friendship, but it was something.

Emilia changed. But so did the boys.

“Milo's going back early,” Simon said to her. They were seated in wicker chairs outside, sipping sun tea and staring at a sunset.

“Why?” Emilia asked.

Simon smiled. “His sugar momma's pregnant. She wants him to finish school, but she also wants him there to bully around. He'll move in with her for a few weeks, then probably run for the hills.”

Emilia surprised herself with a laugh.

Simon grinned too. “He made us agree when we got serious about you that we wouldn't break up the band. Now he's the first one out the door. If you'd told me at the beginning of all this that it didn't end with him proposing to you, I'd have called you nuts.”

“I think he wants what he can't have,” Emilia said. She glanced at Simon and then away again. “I hope Landon doesn't kill him.”

“Me too. And Jaxton leaves soon for training,” he said, pretending like he hadn't noticed.

She reached down instinctively and brushed her sore sex. “He came by today to say goodbye.”

“Ah,” Simon said, smiling more faintly now.

“Which leaves you,” Emilia said softly. “When do you go back? That's what you're here to tell me, isn't it?”

“A few weeks yet.” He shrugged. “I'm in no rush.”

“Good,” she whispered, and reached out to take his hand.

“Emilia… are you going to be okay here? With Rosie? You could come with me. If you want.”

She squeezed his hand, and let it go. “We both know long-term that's not healthy for either of us. You need to go live your life.”

“That wasn't really an answer.”

“I don't know,” Emilia admitted. “I like Rosie. But I'm also thirteen years older than her. Is she going to get bored of me? Am I going to get bored of her?” She shrugged. “After this summer, I don't really know who I am anymore. And that's okay. It's… hm. Painful. But it's okay. I'll promise you one thing. I'll come visit. Maybe around the holidays we'll do something. “

“That would be great. I…” Simon gulped at his tea, obviously trying to find the words.

“If you're going to try and apologize, don't,” Emilia said. “I was going to leave Jim. I know that now in my heart. Maybe not with the, um, flourishes, but you boys helped me get past the obvious. Coming to grips with that, it's been scary. Life-altering. But it's the first time in a long, long time I've felt like I can go anywhere. Do anything. I can decide who I want to be. Who I want to be with. I didn't know how important all that was, but it is important. I'm never going to be tied down again. Maybe that makes me horrible. Maybe not. But we are who we are, right?”

Simon stared out at the sunset, slowly fading into oranges and pinks. “Yes. We are who we are.”

Emilia settled back in her chair, cupping her tea in both hands. She shook her head. “What a strange summer.”

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