She had Freckles Like Her Mom

Danielle and I met immediately after college. We hit it off, almost
instantly, and after a whirlwind romance, we were engaged and married
within a few months. Most of my friends, he told me, that it was
foolish. They said, how could anyone know, after such a short period
of time, she would be the one woman, that I would want to screw for
the rest of my life.

I wasn't too worried about that though, Danielle and I had an amazing
sex life. She had a smoking hot body, standing about 5 foot nine, and
was a little more big boned, then most of the women I had dated. Even
then, Danielle definitely wasn't what I would call fat, just really
thick. She held up, two of nicest 34D breasts I had ever seen and a
nice tight pussy to die for. We fucked like animals, at least five or
six times a week. I was set
for life. Or at least that's what I thought,

It didn't take long, for me to figure out that I was just a fish. She
set the bait, by opening her beautiful legs, and reeled me in, with
illusions of crazy good sex life. About two months after our wedding
day, things started to taper off. Soon, it was just when Danielle, was
in the mood. And
those days, were few and far between. Needless to say, I became
reacquainted, by taking things into my own hands, literally.

Danielle's parents had divorced, when she was very young. It was a
messy, and ugly affair. The two of them couldn't stand each other, and
as a result it was difficult for either one of them to come together
for any of Danielle‘s achievements. Her dad's family had missed the
wedding completely. Both her mom and her dad has remarried and had
children of their own. Each of them having a daughter and a son. It
was definitely a complicated family dynamic.

A few months after the wedding, Gary invited us down to meet the family for
the first time. It was summer, we packed our bags and headed to the
little town of Leafland, Texas for the first time as husband and wife.
We arrived in our rental car, where at their beautiful home the four
of them greeted us with hugs, and welcomed us in, as we shared stories
and laughs.

Danielle's little brother Byron and I were getting along perfectly, he
was like a little brother I never had. At age 12, we were perfect for
each other, and ran around happily playing ball, video games and
swimming in the pool.

Rachel, Danielle's little sister, had just turned 16. She looked just
like her mom, about 5'4” in height, with freckles, petite, with perky
breasts and a fat little movie star ass that wiggled when she walked.
She was a fucking hot little number, and she knew it. She walked
around in cut off shorts with her ass hanging out and little spaghetti
strap tank tops that left nothing to the imagination. Her mom didn't
seem to care, that her little vixen of a daughter, would walk around
with no bra on, nipples poking out, from underneath her trappings.

Everybody got along like magic. Gary and I had a lot in common. We sat
talking about baseball and racing, The boys had their fun, engaged in
manly activities. and the girls enjoyed themselves at the mall buying
new outfits, including a new swimsuit which Danielle had inadvertently
left at home. Of course, Rachel begged her mom for a new bikini as

Us guys had started the barbecue, and were going to work braising ribs, and
cooking hotdogs for the nights meal. The girls had change into their
swimsuits, and jumping in the pool made every effort to get me wet.
Pulling off my shirt, I dove in, after my attackers. Laughing and
splashing, we continued the fun for the better part of an hour.

It was during this time, that my wife Danielle pulled me aside.

“Hey guess what!” she said excitedly, “I have a secret! Someone has a
little crush on you and thinks you're sooooo cute!” She laughed.

“What?” I asked, “Are you serious” I mocked, “Is it your little sister?”

“Bingo!” Danielle chirped. She was telling me at the mall, how hot you
were, and what a great catch her big sister made!” She said laughing.
“Isn't that cute!” She said, “My sweet little sister!”

“Yeah, real cute.” I said sarcastically. “I'm a big winner!” I
retorted. “Looks like you and your sister are going to have to share
me!” And then I laughed a bit nervously.

That night, for the first time in a long time, we made love. Danielle
rode my cock, like she was possessed. Her big tits bounced, as she
rose and sunk on my inflated prick. I fucked her back like a stallion,
but the entire time she was riding me, I couldn't help but think of
her sexy little sister
Rachel. Those incredible looking little tits, of hers, and that fat little ass.

I grunted, and dumped what seemed like a gallon of cum into my wife,
all the time, fantasizing, wishing it was Rachel. Danielle collapsed
after her orgasm in a pile next to me, and passed out in a stupor. All
I could do, as I was laying next to her, with my eyes open, looking at
the ceiling, was think about my little .

The next morning, I woke up ‪around 10 o'clock‬. Danielle had already
gotten out of bed. Scraping myself together, and matting down my hair,
I climbed up the stairs from the basement where we were staying. I
could smell bacon, and other delicious things, when I got to the
kitchen Danielle and her stepmom Barbara were just wrapping up their
morning dishes from breakfast.

“Help yourself to just something to eat Jackson,” Barbara said. “Danielle and
I are heading out to run some errands. The boys are at Byron's
baseball game, and we won't be back till late this afternoon, but
you're more than welcome, to join dad at the game.

“Sounds good I said, I think I will have something to eat.” I said
hungrily, “And then I'll probably take a shower and freshen up a bit.”

The breakfast nook in their house, was situated toward the back, and opened
up next to pair a beautiful French doors trimmed in white. They had a
delightful view, of the pool in the backyard. It was the middle of
summer, and as you know and Texas by ‪10 o'clock‬, it had already
gotten very hot.

It was about to get even hotter…..

I was sitting eating my meal, and was looking out the window when something
caught my eye. My mouth dropped, and things seem to be in slow motion,
like in one of those movies, where a beautiful girl, pulls herself out
of the pool, with her wet hair, and her big tits popping together, as
she pulls her self completely out. Only this was real life, and the
beautiful girl was my 16-year-old sister in law.

My cock stiffened instinctively, as she bent over, to grab a towel,
and began drying herself off carefully. The bikini she wore, was
different than the suit she had on the day before. This one rose high
up on her hips, with barely enough fabric, to cover her young
femininity. Two triangles, of black material, we're almost not enough
to cover her bulging breasts which
became even more prominent, as she arched her back, and the cat like
stretched beautifully in the morning sun. Finally drying her hair, and
looking through the window towards me, Rachel spotted my gaping mouth
immediately I closed, and fumbling around with my fork tried
desperately to look like I was busy finishing my food.

“Morning, Jackson.” she piped coyly, as she made her way back into the
house. “Whatcha doing?” she asked excitedly.

Rachel had not bothered to cover herself with a towel, and there she
stood with her tempting young body now just inches from an erection I
hid under the ledge of the counter.

“Oh hey, Rachel,” I greeted her, “Didn't know you were still here.” I added.

“Oh yeah,” she said, “I just kind a wanted to hang out at home. You
look like you just woke up sleepyhead!” she joked. “So what do you
think of my new suit?” she asked and twirled around, hitting me with
her wet hair, as she spun. I could see her freckled ass almost
completely, on account that her bottoms were wedged pretty good in
between her two luscious cheeks.

“Oh yeah, nice, I like it,” I choked, as I swallowed a gulp of air,
and now watching her full tits as she bounced up and down with the
delight. “You look real mature,” I said fumbling for words, “It makes
you look much older. It's real pretty.” I remarked.

“Don't you mean I'm pretty in it!” She quipped back.

“Huh,? yeah exactly,” I said “Very pretty” I added now feeling a little flush.

“Thanks Jackson,” she blushed, “You're the best! So, like, If you
don't have any plans, I thought maybe we could hang out. You know,
like, Maybe you can tell me all the stories about how you and Danielle

“Well I guess,” I said, “I mean I really don't have to be anywhere,
but are you sure you would really rather hang out with your friends? I
don't want to keep you from anything.” I added.

“Don't be silly!” She said “I really like being with you! You're like
super cool! Not like all those dumb teenage boys.” she continued.
“Come on Jackson! We can have lots of fun!” She cooed sexily. “Besides
there's this really cool movie on Netflix I've been wanting to watch.
We can watch it together!”

“Come on!” She urged, as she grabbed me with both hands and pulling me by
mine, led me down the stairs to the den next to the guest bedroom where
Danielle and I have been staying. There was a big flatscreen TV on the
wall, and several couches, with throw pillows. Grabbing some pillows,
Rachel arranged a little nest in the large area on the floor, in front
of the couches.

I made myself comfortable, and Rachel sat cross legged next to me,
chattering away, grilling me with different questions, and
occasionally, giving my arm a squeeze, or a playful push away. I tried
desperately to hide my now aching, and fully erect cock, crossing my
legs a bit, but it was pretty useless. I was pretty sure, she was
sneaking peaks, and I had
some confidence, that she was aware of my straining protuberance.

“And stay single as long as you can,” I counseled, “Just have fun.” I
remarked. “A pretty girl like you. Won't have any problems at all,
finding some cute boy to take her out.” I added.

“Oh! Jackson! That's so sweet.” she said, “And giving me a little kiss
on the cheek, and a tight squeeze, I could feel the ample flesh from
the tops of her breasts against my arm, as she hugged me, with
gratitude. She was still wearing her bikini top, but had pulled some
denim shorts on,
that were frayed at the ends.

Thoughts in my mind, scattered and raced, ”Be careful Jackson.” I
thought to myself. “You're treading on dangerous water.” Even though
Danielle and I had just the night before had an amazing romp in the
hay, my loins were very much, still on fire. Can you imagine I thought
dreamily, having my way with two of the Allen women! I paused for a
moment, and then reminded myself, that one of them, was only really
just a girl.

My thoughts, were you interrupted abruptly. “What do you think Jackson,”
she asked, “Does this look like a good one?” she questioned.

“Good one? “ I asked.

“The movie!, Silly!” she said, “You were daydreaming.”

“Oh, sorry, I, I guess I was,” I said smiling.

“Yeah sure that looks good.” I replied.

Then we settled in, watching some romantic comedy that she had picked.
During the movie, we argued, and flirting a little bit, discussed,
what the guy in the movie should or should not have been doing with
his date. Rachel was saying one thing, and I mockingly argued the

“No you big dummy!” she said with a smile on her face, “You've got it
all wrong!” And then she grabbed one of the pillows and playfully hit
me in the

“Oh I said! That's the way you want it then!” And I grabbed one of my own,
and smacked her good and her fat little ass. It knocked her forward the bit,
into the mess of pillows.

“Oh!” she screamed!, “It's on!” And the fight ensued. Laughing and screaming we
battled each other like little kids. Her firm breasts were bouncing,
as she swung a pillow in my direction. The virtual absence, of any
real swimsuit, shifted dramatically exposing her young mounds of
flesh. She did whelped on me good, and falling backwards to the
ground, I caught myself with my arms.

Seizing the opportunity, in my weakness, she pounced on top of me and,
her legs straddling my lower torso. I could feel, her excited teenage
body, as she pummeled me with no mercy. My cock was still incredibly
rigid, as she moved, bouncing inadvertently along its length.

I tried desperately, in between the barrage of hits to lift her off in
my desperate state, hoping that maybe by some miracle, she had not
noticed, the stiff pole underneath her. As I reached up, behind her,
my fingers accidentally loosened the strings of her bikini top. Off
came the top!

“Shit!” I Yelped, “So sorry Rach! I didn't mean to…”

And then I realized, that the inadvertent movements along my prick,
became more deliberate. I looked up, at Rachel's glassed over eyes,
and realized that she was enjoying this. She had dropped pillow beside
her, and with it the remnants of her bikini top.

“Oh God! Jackson,” she cried this”This feels good. My God!” she
exclaimed, “I can feel how big it is! I'm getting so wet!”

“Rachel! No! We can't do this! And it's not right! Shit! If your
sister found out, She would cut my balls off!” I yelled.

“That fucking bitch gets everything!” she complained, “I'll bet she
doesn't even put out that much anyways! You might as well get some
pussy now! Because you won't be getting any for a long time! Besides
she doesn't have to find out! Are you going to tell her?! I saw you
watching me through the window, Jackson. I know you want this hot
little body. Now fuck me now! And fuck me good and hard!” She panted
as she continued to rub her self against my pants.

“Jesus, Rachel!” I gasped, ”You are one horny little bitch, And I am
going to fuck you, until I split that little body of yours and half!”

“You have no idea,” she said with an evil grin on her face, and then
she scooted down and unzipping my pants, and pulled them down to my
ankles, she grabbed hold, at the base of my cock, with her small hand
started stroking my dick. She spat, generously on the tip of my cock,
then taking the tip, in her cute little mouth, and looking up into my
eyes, Rachel began bobbing her head gently, at first, taking, soft,
little bites. Then she went to work, more aggressively, drooling
profusely as she pulled off and continued down again.

Danielle never liked giving me blowjobs,
so this was pure bliss. I could see her freckled little cheeks, moving
violently, as she devoured my bulging manhood. She had managed to move
down on about 6 inches and was working her way to get the other two
in, when she started choking, and gagging, on my girth. She came up,
for a quick breath, and continued her focus, on the object of her
mastery. Rachel came up short again, spitting, and gagging, unable to
fully take in the length. Then, using both of my hands, I pushed her
mouth, all the way to the base of my prick, and held her head down for
about 15 seconds, as she choked, gasping for air, I pitched my head
back, and grunting, emptied my load down her throat.

“My God, Rachel!” I said now out of breath, “That was amazing! That was the
best, blowjob of my life!!” I exclaimed!

“Better than Danielle?”, she piped back with a smile on her face, and with semen
dripping from the corners of her mouth.

“Way better!”, was all I could say. “But now it's time to give you
some pleasure.” I said smiling, and pushing Rachel down to her back, I
lowered my head to her sopping wet hole, and began to tickle, her
young clit, with my tongue.

She writhed, moaning out with pleasure, as I lapped like a hungry dog,
at her young pussy. She tried to wiggle away, now delirious, but I
only held her close, grabbing the tops of her thighs, mashing my mouth
more firmly, and sucking meticulously, the folds, of her pussy. She
shook, violently, screaming hysterically, but gratifyingly, as she
experienced her first massive orgasm.

“Shit! Shit! Oh God! Oh fuck,Jackson! This is so good!” she continued,
screaming aloud.

At this point my cock was starting to get hard again. It felt like a
steel rod. As Rachel screamed, through her second orgasm. I pulled
myself up, sliding myself between her legs.

“God Jackson……” she sighed, with slurred speech, “Fuck me, fuck me
good! Fuck me like the dirty little slut that I am. Make me your

Without hesitation, I have penetrated her young body, slamming the
cock into her tight little pussy. Her eyes popped wide,
as I begin to pump her a little frame, like a madman. I was possessed,
pistoning, in and out, quick and hard, slamming her little body
violently with each stroke. Her small firm breasts bounced up and down
with each motion, again her eyes rolled back into her head as she
buckled in the throes of another sensual orgasm.

“Oh God….” she garbled out, she really sounded spent now. She continued
panting, and moaning, with each thrust.

“Oh fuck! Yes baby!, Yes!,” I groaned, I
was laying into her, with a hopeless abandon. She cried out, screaming with

She likes it rough, I thought to myself. By now sweat glistening off
our bodies, and I felt like I would tear her asunder, as her body
flailed helplessly beneath me like a rag doll. But the more I fucked
her, the more she moaned with pleasure. She climaxed again, moving her
hips upwards as she wailed through the fourth one.

I could now feel myself building to a massive eruption. My strokes
lengthen, becoming more deliberate, as the pleasure began to to come
to a peak, I yelled with futility.

“Here it comes!, Rachel!, Oh my fucking God!” I screamed, I'm going to cum!

Hearing my words, she dug her nails into my ass, pulling, my manhood
deeper inside her than ever before, and grunting and thrusting with
one last movement, I
spilled out my deed, deep inside.

We collapsed in each other's arms, kissing each other passionately,
and gently, I cradled her, wrapping my arms around her waist just
under her ribs. Looking back, smiling, and biting her lower lip
seductively, she asked, “Can we do this again?”

PS; A few weeks after our little trip to her dad's, we got some news. Danielle
was pregnant!

But that was not all….

A month later we learned… that some else was pregnant too….

None of them, ever did put two and two together. Since Rachel‘s baby was born
month premature.

But we knew… Rachel kept our little secret, and so, I was the proud
father, of two little girls. Lindsey and Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn had her daddy‘s eyes, and she had her mother's cute little

to be continued…

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