My Second Love Mala – Part 3

Hi All. I am KKD. Read My Second Love Mala – Part 2 before starting this.

All exams got completed we both planned to go to that farm house again and have sex. This time only me and Mala started and Mala is driving the car. Mala is wearing t-shirt and a short till her thighs. I am wearing t-shirt and short. This time I already informed to my mom before starting and told her everything about us and she told me to stay safe where ever we go. After starting to that farm house we stayed calm till we comes out of the town and gets on to the highway.

After getting in to the she is driving slowly and I am rubbing her thighs. She is laughing and looking at me. I started to squeeze her waist and pinching her on the waist. I am squeezing her and she is not stopping me and driving the car. After sometime I inserted my hand inside her t-shirt and squeezing her waist and raised it up to and moved my hands to her boobs. I got direct access to her boobs. She is not wearing anything. I looked at her in shock. She looked at me and smiled and said anyhow we will remove after going there. It waste of wearing bra. I felt happy with what she said and squeezed her boobs . She moaned loudly and continued to drive car.

After sometime she asked me did I want to see her boobs and I said yes and immediately she lifted her t-shirt up till her boobs completely visible to me and placed her t-shirt there. Her are erected and I am playing with them and squeezing her boobs. After sometime I placed my hands on her short. She is wearing short which is made of very delicate cloth instead of thick cloth and it is also just till her thighs. I am able to feel her by placing my hand on her short. She is not warring panty. Immediately I placed my hand inside her short from thighs and started to rub her pussy. She is maoning and enjoying and driving the car. After sometime she dragged her short down till thighs and showing her pussy to me. She lifted her t-shirt above till I can see her boobs and dragged down the short till I can see her pussy and driving the car. She placed her hand on my short and rubbing my dick. It is already erected and she is rubbing it by driving the car with another hand. I wanted to lick her boobs. But we both are wearing seat belts. It is not possible to go close to her. She is rubbing my dick and asked me to take my dick out and I lowered my short and opened my dick. She started to do handjob to my dick. Slowly we are going out of control.

We stopped everything and continued to drive the car to the farm house.

After reaching the farm house we both are horny and immediately went to the room and started to fuck each other and slept for sometime and got relaxed. After wake up we didn't wear the clothes and roaming all the places in the home. We had dinner in the night and went on to the terrace. Cool breezes are coming and we are already naked and feeling shivered and we both came nearby to each other and hugging each other. We brought blankets from house and placed them on the terrace and slept there on the terrace and we both fucked and slept. In the morning we wokeup cool breezes coming and we wokeup naked on the terrace. She is taking very care of me and I am getting attracted more to the care she is showing to me and wanted to become more close to her. After few days she understood that I am getting more attracted to her and said

Mala: I am observing that you are getting more attracted to me in the recent days.
Me: Yes you are taking care of me very good. I want to stay along with you like this.
Mala: Don't keep any hopes on me. I am going to US in few months. Our relationship will end once when I go to US. You will get hurt if I said you this in the last movement. So I am telling this to you now. Let's be a good . Let's enjoy all the days I stays here.

I got disappointed and hurted and didn't talk to her for two days. She also left me like that without trying to pamper me. One day I am sleeping on the bed she came to me and trying to erected my dick by doing blowjob. I got wokeup and pushed her away and said

Me: You don't want me to stay along with me but you want my dick?

She came on to me and started to fight with me. She made me to lay down on the bed by showing my back to her and she is holding my both the hands with her hands and laid on me. Her boobs are touching to my back and she already tackled my legs and wrapped them. I can't move away from her.

Mala: Even you got disappointed and hurted this is truth. We can't meet again like this once I goes to US. Once after I am going to US our relationship can't continue. I can understand your emotions and feelings. But if I would have told in the last minute when I am about to start you can't handle it. You will get hurted more. I don't want to see you in that kind of situation. So I told you earlier. I am hoping you will understand. I am leaving your hands now. If you want to continue our relationship like this turn around and squeeze my boobs or else push me away tomorrow morning we can start to home.

She released my hands and released my legs from tackle and immediately I got anger and pushed her away. She didn't speak a word and went away from there. I got hurted and laid on the bed. After sometime I started to think and got realised what she said is also correct and wanted to speak back with her. I went in search of her and found her at dining table. I went and sit nearby to her started to take food and looking at her. I wanted to speak with her but I am hesitating to speak with her and just looking at her. She not even looking at me. She completed eating her food and stood up and about to move away from there. At that time I called her name. She immediately stopped and told me at what time we are going to start tomorrow morning. Before I speak she went away from there. I completed my eating and went back to room and thinking what to do. She went to another room and slept. I went in search of her and found that she is sleeping in another room. I went nearby to her and sit on her bed and tried to call her name. She is not responding and sleeping. I too laid beside her on the bed and looking at her. I placed my hands on her boobs and squeezed her boobs. She didn't wokeup and sleeping like that. I started to squeeze them more. She is not waking up and still sleeping like that and I started to squeeze her boobs hard. She slowly moaning and dragging me closer and slowly waking up from sleep. She dragged me closer and hugged me and slowly opened her eyes and woke up and saw me and thought what I did previously and pushed me away and shouted on me and asked

Mala: Why did you came here? You already given your decision.
I placed my hands on her hands and said
Me: I did it out of anger. You tell me if you ask the people who are in anger to take those type of decision how we can take the decision. After that I think and realised what you said is also correct and came back to you.
Mala: First you take your hands away and move out from here. Otherwise I will beat you.

I didn't took away my hands and she tried to beat me and I defended her and again she tried to beat me again I defended her. She got angry and trying to beat me hard. We both are fighting with each other and I am trying to calm down her. She is not listening to me and keepon trying to beat me. After fighting for longtime I tackled her and made her to lay down on the bed as she did for me before. I am holding both her hands with my hands and tackled her legs with my legs and she is lying on the bed by showing her back to me and I am laying on her. My dick is already erected and pointing towards her pussy. She is shouting and asking to leave her and move away from her. I asked her to stay calm. She is not staying calm and keepon asking me to move away from her. I am telling her repeatedly to stay calm. She didn't listened and pushed my dick inside her pussy with one force and it went deep inside and she moaned Ahhhh…………… at once loudly. She is again telling me to leave her and I started to give strokes. I am keepon giving strokes and after sometime she started to moan and asking me to do it more. When she asked me to do it more immediately I released her hands and started to squeeze her boobs. We both started to enjoy the fuck. I fucked her for 20 mins and released sperm inside her pussy. After her she said

Mala: If you don't speak to me again I will throw out of the house. We are just friends. We will enjoy all the time we are here and forget. If it is ok for you stay here or else you can leave.
I dragged her closer to me and given liplock to her and said
Me: Ok. I will stay with you and try to spend with you and I will to be as normal as possible with you.

She said ok and we both hugged each other and slept on the bed. After that we tried massage Fuck, Yoga fuck etc., After few days we got bored by in the house and wanted to get into the farms and get fuck there.

We went outside into the farm. I am wearing t-shirt and short and Mala came out on bra and panty. I asked her to wear to more dress. She said there is compound wall to this farm house. No will enter inside without knowing to us. Anyhow we will remove this. It is also waste of wearing these as well. Just for your sake I am wearing this. We went to the coconut trees and tied net to the coconut trees and removed our clothes and started to do sex in the net. After sometime net is not able to bare our weight and teared and we both fell down on the ground. We didn't stop and continued to fuck. After fucking we are walking all the way in the farms and moving around completely naked. Mala asked what is the use of wearing the dress and coming to farm. I didn't speak anything. We enjoyed all the day went to the home. Next day I came out only in short and Mala came out completely naked. We went to the Mango tree and climbed on to the tree and sit on a branch and get fucked on the branch. Again we get down after sometime and walking completely naked all the way in the farms. Next day onwards I too used to come outside completely naked and used to fuck where ever and how ever we want. We spent almost 8 months in the farm house and she went to US. As she already said that our relationship won't stay for long time and we need to forget each other. From that day onwards I used to spend with her with the same intension so I didn't feel anything and stayed normal and spend time with the people with whom I used to spend previously and enjoying with them.

After that I decided to never love anyone again and only have sex and forget and didn't love anyone and just have sex and forget them. After few months I came to the metropolitan cities and searched for the job and got a job.

(Thanks for you feedback and messages in Gmail and Google chat)

If any , aunties and from are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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