My brother

Hi guys this is my first story so I would love some feedback….. Also please do not post my story anywhere else much appreciated…

So this story starts whith me I'll explain myself my name is Damian and ever since I was little I have never really been very boyish and I've always leaned towards girly things and as I grew older I started growing out my hair sharing everywhere on my body to look as much like a girl as possible. By this point I feel as though I should have been born as a girl and because of me being slightly over wieght it made me look like I have tits well that pretty much all me so now onto my brother my brother Chris he is a tad younger than me and he is decently built but he is the son of my mom's boyfriend and he only moved in recently and when he walked in the door I froze and I can't believe it but I blushed he was in my eyes so hot so I started to get to know him and I slowly fell in love with him so I decided to open up to him about my gender and my feelings about wishing I was a girl and he was surprisingly ok with it and I asked him not to tell anyone and he said ok and I said thank but the worst thing happened my parents started asking me questions about it I was disappointed and angry I couldn't even look at him the same so I stopped taking to him for the most part……

So now i find out that me and my family are going camping and to my luck I'm sharing a tent with Chris I was angry but I dealt with it. When we headed to the campsite it was a nice drive at this point in my life I looked like a girl so I was wearing a skirt and in the middle of the ride Chris put his hand on my leg whith his fingers going down to my thigh I was blushing and I grabbed his hand and just put it on top of my leg instead of my inner thigh and he left it there and was slowly rubbing my leg I looked at him and whispered to him to stop but then he whispered to me why it's fine isn't it and I just sighed and looked away i didn't know how to tell him to stop so I just ignored it…

When we got there we went straight into setting up camp all the tents were fairly separated mine and chris my mom's and dads and my sisters due to my strength me and my brother went to go get fire wood so we walked a way off to where there was some good fire wood when we got over there he stopped me and he suddenly grabbed me in a bear hug and started groping my ass so I pushed him away and slapped him so he stood up straight and grabbed my wrist hard enough to make me neel I started crying it hurt so bad then he pulled me up to him and he said sorry and then we went and got firewood and brought it back while we were eating dinner while mom and dad were talking to us he kept on touching my leg and ass so my mom asked him why he was doing that and he said no reason so mom said ok sure after dinner mom pulled me over and asked if he did anything and I told her that he had kissed me so I slapped him and then she said she couldn't believe he would do that and then I told her that I think everything is fine now so she said ok and then we all headed for bed my sister had already been in her tent so I walked over and told her goodnight I entered the tent and Chris was already in there laying down he said hey as I laid down and I didn't answer I just got comfortable and after about a minute of silence I asked him why he was doing that even mom was asking why you were touching my leg there was a long pause and I started crying then he wrapped his arms around me and held as I was crying in his arms I asked why now huh why not before you betrayed why not then why now when I hate why do you do this why why and he just held me tighter and slowly I got comfortable and stopped crying for the most part then he started patting my head my and running his hands through my long hair and then he tilted my head up and looked down at me and he kissed me softly and I slowly responded and then he backed off and said I'm sorry for hurting you I just love it so I won't be able to stop myself then he lifted my shirt and found my nipples he grabbed them with his hands and squeezed a little I was surprised and slightly yelped.

After I did that he said so even you Yelp are that of a girl and i whined and said don't say stuff like that he he pinched me so I squeezed his leg in between mine and I started moaning then he did it he put it in his mouth I couldn't help but arch my back then he bit me and at that moment I was in so much extacy that I came so he paused and asked if I just came and I whimpered and nodded so he lifted up my skirt to reveal my panties they were soaked so he moved them and used his fingers to grab some of the cum and he brought it out and said open so I reluctantly did and he poured my own seem in my mouth it was salty but not that bad I guess then he said I hope you like that flavor cause not a single drop of yours or mine won't be in your mouth and don't worry I'll make your breakfast tomorrow and I said ok then he pulled off my panties and showed me a big pool of cum on them it was so huge cause I hadn't came in a while it was at least half a cup and he said slurp it all up so I did it was so salty and I gagged a little but I quickly finished because he said if you miss any I'll beat you after I finished he said good girl and patted my head and said you love your cum don't you and I just whimpered then he opened his bag he brout with us and he pulled out needles and pills and said

I'm going to make you a girl and I froze and asked what he meant but he said no questions and squeezed my upper thought to the point of bruises showing and it hurt really bad so I just stayed quiet then he pushed me on my back and said hold still and put a needle directly in my nipples and as far down as the needle would allow and then he injected me with some type of liquid I started to ask what it was but I stopped my self he did the same to my other nipple and the he moved lower and grabbed my small penis and grabbed my ball sack and found one of my balls and injected liquid in it and also in the other one and finally he grabbed my penis head and injected some blue stuff and he told me then that this will make my penis shrink and become a clit then he tossed me over and injected alot into my ass and then he lubed me up I told him I'm not ready for that yet but he punched me multiple times and left me red and said I told you so and then I stopped resisting and the he took his cock out and showed it to me he was a monster he was 8 Inc 3 inch wide an he grabbed my head and moved his cockhead in my mouth but I had to stretch to the max to fit it then he angled my head backwards and suddenly thrust all the way in he pushed all the way in then used his hands to put his balls in Wich made him be able to go another two inches in and Al I could do is wait and then he said I can see my cock at the very bottom of your neck and then he touched it and there was literally and inch wide buldge all the way down my throat so he took his hand and start pushing on it really hard to masturbate himself and at the same time it was choking me but then he said come on choke more and he pushed harder then he came and Midway cumming he pulled out enough to cum on my tounge so I started sucking his cum out his cum was so good so kept on trying to suck more out but it stopped and Chris pulled me off of him and said was my cum that good and I just blushed and then blurted out yes then he said that he has another medicine to give me and I got exited because from everything so far I'm temporarily broken the medice he gave me this time he had me open my mouth and he injected in my lips tounge cheeks and the back of my throat and I asked what that was and he finally answered and said taste modifiers and I asked what it does and he said anything that's not cum or saliva will taste gross and you'll love my cum even more.

So I said show me and he found a drip of cum and put it on my tounge and I couldn't believe it I've never had anything so good and then he said to open my mouth and then he spit in my mouth and the moment it hit my lips I reached up and tried getting my tounge in his mouth then he put a cover over my head and gave me a tube and he said to suck when he says and I nodd little did I know that he was attaching the other side of the tube to his dick and he said to suck so I did and he said be prepared it's warm and then I tasted something amazing it tasted like oranges so I sucked harder and harder I probably drank 40 ounces worth then he said to keep on sucking but take the cover off and as I am drinking I see where the tube leads and the wierd part was I could even smell oranges and as I thought that he said that medicine also messes with smells a bit th he said don't waist a drop so I kept on drinking and since I had my eyes closed because I got into it he suddenly slapped me saying it's all gone I took the tube out of my mouth and poured but then he said turn around and then in one shot he tore my ass open I started bleeding so he plunged in me fully and the reached over to grab something and it turns out it's gloves with metal balls in them and I was scared and asked what those were for and he said my pleasure then he pulled his dick out and flipped me over to where my dick was facing him and he said be ready so he started plunging his dick in me then on one of them he started punching my dick and balls just thrust after thrust punch after punch and he paused and I was crying in agony and he said it's all fine now the medice I gave you just fixed a couple problems and I cried what problems then he grabbed a knife and without me even having a chance he grabbed my ball sack and sliced it down the middle then took the knife and sliced the under side of my dick and I was in shock then he patted my stomach and said now I can get you pregnant and j sat up and looked down and there was a pussy a perfect one then he pulled his dick back and rammed it in my pussy breaking my virgin pussy.

I yelped but he covered my mouth and said it's ok now and then He rubbed my dick Wich now is a clit and I moaned it felt so good then he came in me and then he pulled out and said now you are my girl friend and j asked him if I really had a pussy and I said yes and then he grabbed a glove and said I'm gonna torture you alot now that your mine and he put it on and put his hand in my pussy and then added another and slower started putting more of his arm in and he said yep that's all good. Then he said the medicine gave you also make you heal really quick and I said wow really and he said yes and then pulled out a really big dildo covered in pointy bits and also a piston and he attached the dildo to it and set it at the entrance of my pussy and he started picking my nipples then he turned on the matching it entered me slowly tearing me as it went untill it was all the way in and then it suddenly pulled out and started fucking me at at least 200 pumps per minute and I was blessing but eventually the blessing stop and I was just feeling pain from my pussy and I told him that it hurt really bad but all he did was speed it up to 250 he then pulled out a vibe and put it on my clit it wrapped around it and clipped on then he pulled out the dildo and said that's it for now but he turned on the vibe and put the second part inside my womb and I couldn't stop orgasming and I passed out …..

When I woke up the next morning there was still pleasure coming from my pussy so I did my best to not pay attention to it and I looked around and Chris wasn't there but the tent was cleaned up and I was in new clothes a pair of tights and a skirt along with a shirt and to my surprise a bra and I wondered why I had it on but then I looked my nipples were half and inch long and leaking milk and my areola was 4 inches wide and a bright pink color and my breasts had to at least be d cups I had no idea what to tell my family so I grabbed a mirror and my lips were more full my eyelashes were longer I had no body hair and my hair was down to my knees I just stood there then Chris walked in and said goodmorning I said what am I gonna do and he said do about what I said what am I gonna tell them he just batantly said he told them already I told the when I woke up you were that way and they can knand looked and Christy said I'll give him a bra so she gave you a bra then he handed me my breakfast I was surprised it was pankakes he then took out syrup and poured it on there it was thick and creamy cum then he said open your mouth so I did and he put his cock there and he said drink so I did it was so good this time Chris was more prepared he had just chugged two gallons of water so I kept drinking when it was gone I started trying to get semen and he said not now he said eat so I did and I are the pankakes and in the syrup container was cum so I took the lid off and drank it all then I noticed my breasts leaking so he gave me a straw a atached a sucker to both of my nipples and then he turned them on and when I tasted it I keep it was pure semen I kept chugging and my tits happily made more and I sat there for 30 minutes chugging my own breast cum when I finished I was very full and Chris told me to put my bra back on and get redressed so I did and I stepped out and my family was out there my sister had a strange look on her face but she walked up to me and told me to follow her she brought me over by some rock and she asked me what happened and I blushed and said Chris happened he gave me medicine and it changed me now I'm addicted to cum and saliva and I can't live without Chris's cock……… Tbc

End of part one

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