Love trap from cute to slut – 1

from cute to slut – 1

This is Rohit from Tirupati I grow up in a different situation and become a therapist for free by profession (social service)and a small business to live my marriage life is not so happy in the matters of sex. I am now running 29 years old with 8 inch fat and strong dick.

As per my nature and profession I am very friendly to all my friends and all people. As a therapist I need to heal the mind with deep discussions in this process I heard lot of sex stories which gives me great pressure but I preferred them as secret to know to reveal up to now but recently decided to share all the sex stories I have ever here. I have been experiencing all types of sex stories now I am going to tell each one of them. There is nothing fiction in it.. but only change the names and locations for their safety.

Here is the story….

One day one of my friend call me told me that his family friends uncle has a problem and he told me that he is going to call me. Lateral after 2 to 3 days I got a call from an unknown number and introduced to me as a Brahim and prist by profession. And he told me that he is having the family of three numbers himself age nearly 60 wife 32 and beautiful daughter. By the conversation I understand that there are oxidise and he never send his daughter to schooling because of their culture. And his daughter has to do all the household works then at evening she was allowed to send Bharatanatyam class but for the few months this girl behaviour has changed a lot and she was so depressed and hopelessness so they approached me with a condition that I should not see her directly and the has to talk only with the presence of her mother. On to the spot I want to tell you that's not possible but you to my friend request I have accepted and had 2 to 3 sections along with their mother I gained their trust.

After 2 to 3 months once again the father consulted me and told me that now she was a little bit ok but not fully back into her condition so with greater difficulty I have told that it won't happens until I speak to her alone. Without any second thought her father accepted and change it is location near to my home even he told me that everyday he wants to send her daughter to me in the evening and he when he was going back from the temple is going to collect her.

There after few days I have been very friendly with her and she become like my assistant. As she was from an orthodox she don't know anything about outside world so I used to treat her with care and explain all her doubts then few days later she start opening up and here the real story starts.

One day Rupa asked me anna can you promise me one thing that whatever I tell you now you should not tell to anyone else I said ok and I will help you with that.

Now I am telling in the words of Rupa.

Me and my family lives in hermitage where there are only Brahmin families live and my father is one of the head of the community so he don't like to send me to the school where other caste people are studying and even in our caste girls are not supposed to go for the outside for education. When I got the age of 9 years my father join me in bharatanatyam class just outside of our hermitize I have to walk 2 kilometres to reach my class where 1.5 km outside road. Going to Bharatanatyam classes one of my happiest things for a week there will be 3 classes so on the day my work at the home will be also very very less. In home there is no even TV also the only one entertainment we have is radio the to when daddy is out are used to hear about movie songs. And the boys which I see in my locality always of skinny and soft. (Search in Google Brahmin boys you will know it) after 6 years of my class when I reach the age of 15 still I remember the day when I am going on road to reach my class I see a car and young boys laughing by facing the difficulty of fixing their car by their looks understand that there are very rich but I simply passed them. I always go to class with my akka sister in our community within few monthly she got married and move to the new place. So I start going alone on the road and few times I saw that boys and little bit somewhere else I have attracted to them. But I never start spoking with them and I came to know that this is a their bunking spot. I don't know why this boy hate to go school.

One day while I'm going I found one chocolate on the road besides them I lost all my census and pick it up and went to the class after the class you believe me or not for the first time I ate the chocolate its different than that traditional sweets. From that day are used to see different types of chocolates and each and everyday I used to collect them in habit after the class. One day I didn't find any chocolate on the road I start looking around the directions then one of the boy from the group having a dairy milk in his hand and he signed me to come and collect. Very tense at the time and decided to go on my way but after few steps stopped and move towards them that is the first mistake I have done. Maybe 10 steps I haven't in the time of 1 minute I got sweating a lot. When went near to him his perfume got intoxicated me and my breathing was increased I have collected chocolate in his hand slowly and run away in my way. That is my life first adventure. This is continue for few months then I see him only on his motorbike waiting for me with a different chocolates and usually he started smiling. One day he has asked my name I told him and asked his name he told me Sebastian Stalin and Christian by hearing this with thunder passed to my body and I simply run away from him.

When I reached the home I asked my mother that one of my friend went to a marriage function of our day she found another religion person can she supposed to talk or to make friendship is it a sin mom. My mom said no it is not see our lord Krishna married another religion women then what is the bad in talking. And even advised me you shouldn't talk to the other relations because your father will kill you. Then for the first time I cursed myself for being a part of this family.

When the next day I am making he was little bit anger for my behavior I apologize him and from that day onwards he will be coming on bike and he will be walking along with me to my dance class and getting me various sweets and chocolates as to my favorite I always in my life I where only traditional dresses nor I never travel to any other place. That time a great news came to my home that one of my uncle came from America to my father offered to go there as a priest for 2 years. Myself and my mother actress sad before my dad and after he went for the day my mother and myself scream with joy and she is to tell me that she wants to visit her friend houses because she missed them a lot. I am very happy because my work in the home was feel very very less I can enjoy with anything.

One day Sebastian while talking she asked me why you are always in traditional clothes I never even see you in churidar. I told him I only have traditional clothes at my home but seeing the wallpapers of the movies and all other places I like to try modern clothes but my parents will not allow me to buy any of them. Then the next day while I see him he was with a gift box 🎁 I am very curious to know what is there in it when I open it I saw a beautiful top and jean. I told him that I cannot accept and have no place to wear it. He was little sad by taking it back and me to but we cannot do anything on it the very nexst today he asked me to bunk my dance class and come with him for a long drive. Even he knows nobody at my home not there I am very happy excited and nervous at the same time. He promised me to take a new place after few days of pleasing. I have accepted it for a shot drive not for long one.

Next day he came with a 🚗 car. I said in the back seat and we just went for outskirts and had ice cream and pizza first time in my life. I was over join and this continue for few days. He requested me to sit in the front because he was feeling like that driver.
I came to the front seat and our short journey getting longer minutes to the hours but not too long. This my usual habit play with his phone because I don't have any smartphone. One day I have taken phone from his hand I saw him and his friends at a beach 🏖️. I am very curious to know how it feel fresh in the place like. You told me it can not been explainable only one way is to feel it.

he told me that if I can give him 7 hours of drive permission then he will take me to the beach. In a mean time my mum got a call from her mother that she was very ill and my mother wants to pay visit without my father notice so she told me that I should maintain the house and she trust me a lot so that I don't do any mistake. I made a promise and I made a lot of mistakes from that point. Next day due to the bad weather our telephone line got problem my dad call to my neighbour I a told that we are not lifting the call because of the problem my neighbour told my father about the connection problem and my neighbor to my father don't worry he can call to his home anytime and very nice today he also went for a tirumala tour.

So I am free from all the worries told Sebastian that this is the golden period of my life I want to enjoy it to the fullest let's enjoy all the days. Next day he told me to come before 9:00 a.m. to our spot so that we can move to the beach I have done whatever he said and we started our journey we reached a beautiful beach where no one is around that and there are some cottages and I want to play with the water first all started as a decent girl only water to the feet but at a sudden when I am looking at resorts at other end huge wave hit me to the ground all my dress🥻 become wet sebastian stare at me and start laughing that made me humulated and I start crying immediately he came and first time he touched my wrist a current passed through my body and he consoled at me and told that the dress he brought for me he still in his car I said I cannot change it in open grounds. Immediately he made a call to someone and a man in some official dress came to us and handle the key is a room key of the cottage.

Without letting me for the thinking he said that you cannot come into my car with this wet dress and you cannot spoil it how could you enter into your house this statements makes me freak and a lot. And he told that you can change in a room I ask him whose house it is he laughed and said this is no men house this are called hotels where people come for to stay 1 hour or 2 days and enjoy the days.

When we enter into the room the room was fabulous and there is a bathroom with a tub it is simply I can tell it is a heaven he told me to fresh up . Up to then he will stay outside for my comfort. After he went giving a statement that it is very difficult for him to give you a beautiful girl it's statement given siver in my body. There is a large mirror in the room before that I started with my wet half sari 🥻 I was lost in my own beauty. I don't know why I start I am dressing myself before that very slowly after I came into bra and panty I feel so much of shy moved went into the bathroom. Remote the bra when I am removing my panty it was stuck to my pussy with little bit force I remove it and I saw a white gel in between my panty at first site I thought I got period intermediately understand that it is something else.

I have completed bath and where my new dress but I didn't find any innerwears in it the only one pair which is so wet so without any choice I ware that dress 👗 and Sebastian inside I understand myself that when he enter down between my between legs getting wet he came inside his mouth in O share and looking at me without any blink.

Me: what are you looking at
S: you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
M: don't look at me like that it's making me uncomfortable.
S: if it is really so then why are you smiling
M: I don't know and one side I am feeling extreme happier and other and I don't know what's the feeling called as
S: if you allow me I will tell you
M: humm
S: neel down be4 me opend a box it contains mangalsutra. And told me if I accept he will change his religion and marry me if I say want to say no then there is a car waiting outside you may leave I don't bother you.
M: that sudden proposal made my world upside down without knowing I lost my self and I told I need time and went into bed room locked my self and start thinking I got a lot of questions. With that questions I went to the hall he was sitting on sofa with a hot cup of coffee and how for me. Me with very tumbling legs nerversely went and sat beside and took the coffee.
S: see my dear I know you won't accept me not believe me you can leave after the coffee and don't worry I never marry a girl in my life and even I don't think how I can live without you.
this emotional statements made me so weak. And I asked him.
M: how could you manage my family and your family to make me marriage.
S: you know that my both my parents has died in an accident and I have only uncle he is my guardian. We can bride some priest of your cast and act like their son and marry you and take to the brought so whenever you want to come you can come to India or else if they are coming they have to intimate does so that we can create the same drama over there.

With confident in his eyes maintenance and made me fall in his love.
That moment he has taken my hands into face and make a small kiss my hand that's the first kiss in my life then kept the box in my hand. Without any second thought I said yes. Due AC I am shivering. Slowly he kissed me on my shoulder then he came near to me slowly move his hand on my wirist next kiss landed on my neck that make mouth hummm then he came near my ear his hot breathing touching my ear and melting my pussy he whisper in my ear ‘i love u and u are most beautiful girl in the world' and taken my junkey (ear ring) into his lips and stared licking me I stared mounting more loadly haaaa haaaaaa with lead my head back and open mouth slowly he made me sleep on the bed and catched my lowed lips with his lips and stared licked and aske me to do same I did it then we stared French kiss starting i felt like dying later I used to it and repeat the process for 10 mints unltill we both lot breathing and fell on bed then she move slowly to my feet in start kissing and licking my toes it made me laughing to my heart then he to the top kissing me and vv slowly his hand moved to my boos on my dress and start lightly pressing and kissing me then he moved his hand slowly inside my t shirt to my belly bottom hole and start touching sensitivity each sec I am getting happier and wet slow with each kiss his hand moved up finally on my boos i have and mom torched them many time while bathing but his touch was completely different and each second by perfect boobs are getting tight I want to stop him before it too late but my body is not listening to me.

In few sec I realize whatever my effects will go in my so I want to enjoy the moment each second thrills me and taken me to the new world, and in meantime she was trying to lift my dress i hold his hand tight and no with my head but he make a requesting puppy face which made me melt in second and slowly with draw my hand and closed my eyes in shy. He slowly mood his hand to my backbone and lift me like a feather and in an instant he removed my shirt with a shyness I hugged him tight. He is my dumb start kissing my lips slowly removal his t-shirt by touching his abs I feel so thrilled and keep touching them. I said like I met hero of my life usually I will watch this type of bodies in movie posters. Then his lips slowly moved to my neck and start linking my sweat then he slowly looking into my eye he moved to my neck then lower neck then suddenly he pressed my boobs hard when I closed my eyes with pain. he kept his month on my nipple and start drinking like a baby. I was moaning kelp my hand on his hair a strange feeling running to my body on bed my body turn into S shape I'm feeling very thrill to watch what coming next slowly he changed the nipples and start using that contain that turned red slowly moved his hand to my wrist slowly as a water drop from between my boobs restart moving slowly towards down words welfare my belly bottom and his both hands start getting grip on the both sides of my hip now I am more my body into rivers U shape and his slowly trickle nose on my belly bottom suddenly start laughing haaa haaaaa haaa, story start doing tongue job into my hole I start expressing my joy in the sounds like hum humm aaaaa aaaaaa abhaaaa interesting my legs and one another and last in sense when I start releasing he was kissing my side hip and with right hand he unbotton my jeans I said “this is sin, doing all this things before marriage please stop”with murmuring voice he said “okay I will stop, but who told you this is sin that society are parents of yours have we ever given any kind of happiness I am giving” if you really love me and believe me you have to accept me and show your love. With his romantic words I have completely sunender myself to show my love.

I just minded and closed my eyes and raised my hips. He immediately told me thank you for your trust. And remote my pant and he reached my toes in start licking my thumb and he said to look at his eyes please start licking my toes all kind of feelings and at the same time continuous same with other leg s slowly kissing my feet he start moving towards my nea then my thie them with his boyfriend he separated my legs start kissing my bush I never shared between my legs no one told me to do so he start licking my hair after sometime please start licking upper part of my pussy I started moaning haaa haaa haaaaa I can't take any more and my body she would like to fish without water and changes I find inside my body I don't know what to do something killing from inside and pushing me to come outside I am a passing that feeling with my voice haahaaaaa yaaaaaa and my nails decade into his neck with a short pain he starts shouting but not stopped licking my whole bodies by breathing like a phone hahaaa my throat got dry haa haah haaaa my heartbeat rise up to 122 to 200 speed every cell in my body was asking for more suddenly I was unable to control my pee I told “Sebastian darling I'm unable to control my pee leave me I have to go to washroom” he smiled and said ” it's not pee you are getting orgasam even it is a pee, do it freely” with his words I was shouting like I am going to die haaa haaa haaa wayaasss ssaaaaa ssaaaa ssaaaa ssaaaa yaayaaaayyaayaa haahahy suddenly I released both cum and peee and last my conscious. When I lost my sense when I wake up I am on sofa and body paining my left hand had a lot of white glue some glue light yellow then I wake up and felt vvv shy to face my God my bf and found no clothes with that bedsheet only I went into bathroom their the tub filled with hot water and rose petals
I took a dip into the water and took a nap when I came out and had a bath and feel so light. Then with the towel I came into the room. No one was in the room. He was a gift box on the bed. I saw a red nighty which was so transparent. I told myself I can't wear it, I searched for my dress in the whole room and I didn't find it. With no other choice I took the dress and I saw the table there is a note that have me and there was a delicious meal with all my favourite.

I took it then after I start watching TV video songs then my boyfriend came from outside with some sweets then we watch movie for 2 hours while watching TV hits and slowly mode from my shoulders to my nightly on to my boobs but he never press them is a cloth between my body to his hand and he was simply moving around my nipple and it start becoming hard and heard slowly is breath touched my neck then followed by a kiss followed by licking and came to my lips and he start sucking slowly his both hands came on to my shoulders and take in the not of the nighty and remove it up to my belly suddenly both my boobs came into TV lighting with shy I close my eyes with my hands and posed boobs to him and he came down instant licking around my nipple arena without touching my nipple which makes me breath a lot automatically my hands went to his hair and height director him to my nipple that's what he is directly look into my eyes understand it is tongue to my nipple and start sucking like a small kid my hip riser into the air start pressing the other boobs process was continued for 5 minutes. My thought become dry I ask him for a water he grabbed the bottle on the table besides the bed open the cap and star pouring into my mouth then kept the bottle and he removed it t-shirt with one hand by seeing his abs I am getting crazy and follow the six pack with my hand way to lines went deep into his trousers when I reach there starting point of the trouser I look that him he smiled and stand up to on the bed and in one flash he removed to my beauty his 5inc dick flash should be for my eyes that is the first time in my life I am seeing the live dick and she sat on the bed and I start moving my hand on his dick and balls he start giving crazy sounds and I start kisses his nipple as he done with my then he is slowly when I am doing this he kept his hands on my bare back remove the hands to my ass in between the dress also came down to my knees without my knowledge.

He pushed me to the side of the bed restart kissing my lips slowly to my neck slowly to my belly bottom then he start kissing licking my feet then slowly he came kissing to the top of my Tai then to my pussy it is full of hair with his hands his slightly kumd the hair into one direction and start licking my pussy when I am giving crazy sounds again he came to my lips in start kissing in the meantime his dick was start rubbing on my pussy I knowing my situation he given me sign of that can he proceed I simply smile. His left hand to his dick and hold it and said “it will give you a little pain if you can bear it you can convert into the real women and have the all pressures of the world” I simply smile with a hard push his dick head enter into my pussy I got very hard pain in start shouting and pushing him to stop he said if i stops him now he will never do it again so I control myself and surrender to him then one more push 50% entered in I start biting my own lips then he start licking my neck within few times the pain was gone and he start giving little jacks and I'm feeling ultimate pressure at 1 he stopped moving but I rise in my hip for more by saying it is mind very very slowly remaining dick into him until is ball's stretched my ass and he start giving small moments and kissing my upper part of the body I hug him very tightly with my nails I start painting on his back to give him the same pain I have received but he was enjoying it looking into my eyes he start rising is speed and even my legs become loser and giving full access to him I forget it the whole world and creed into his hug in the chill climate and she start moving faster for every moment I was going into the new words the pleasure was unexpected to and I start asking to give me more and she was increasing his speed at one point again I thought of licking something I told him he told me to wait and he want to cum along with me then at one shot hi leaked completely into me and held besides me and hugging me when we both went to sleep.

[email protected] mail me if need any help. Free consultant or for therapy and stories….

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