Love and love only: AN UNUSUAL LOVE STORY



Hi I'm and now I'm here to describe an incident which happened few months before.
It is all started in a bus travel from Bangalore to Coimbatore. Some of my friends were working in Bangalore so went there to meet them. I have reached there on Friday and spend 2 days with them in their flat. We went to Nandhi Hills one day and the next day we spend the evening in a pub. So while the weekend celebration goes on I forgot to book the return ticket. At last I got a ticket in a Non AC bus which starts at 8pm from Madiwala. I was a bit late to reach at the bus and it was already filled by the passengers. When I was looking for my seat I have seen that it is already acquired by a lady (age 30 approx) and she is sleeping by keeping the adjacent seat vacant. Actually I have booked the window seat since it is a Non AC Bus so I have called that lady. She was very tired and I got the smell of beer when she has opened her mouth. She told that she has the vomiting tendency so can you please adjust. With a big hesitation I agreed to her and sat near to her. Time is around 11:30 pm and I was watching film in my mobile. Suddenly I felt some disturbance and when I looked I found that she is not feeling well.
Me: what happened?
She: nothing. A small fever I think
Me: do you need any tablets
She: no. thanks
Suddenly she vomited and a part of it fell up on me. I was very angry, but she was not fully conscious. I have called the bus conductor and asked him to stop in any hospital. Actually it was a village and they have dropped us in a small public health centre. I have thought that someone other will come to help me. But no one came and instead they have given me her luggage too. Now I'm carrying all the luggage's in my one shoulder and herself in another shoulder. You may think it as a bit awkward that that bus person has dropped down an unknown lady and a boy in some unknown places. But for they the trip matters, for other passengers too. All they want to reach their destination in time no one will be ready to spare their time.
I have taken her to the hospital and it was a very small one. When the receptionist asked me about her details I have told them all the matters that happened in the bus. They have smiled and told its quiet natural here. All the bus people doing so, nothing to worry. Since it is night doctor won't come now, we will give her a drip and you can take rest too. Doctor will come in the morning and by that time she will be ok and you can leave then.

I have taken her to the room and the nurses have given her the drip. The nurses told me don't disturb her and let her sleep. That time only I have looked at her in full. She is her early thirties or late twenties. She is having mangalsuthra in neck. Well built structured body. Then I slept in the chair available in that room.

My phones alarms starts making sound at sharp 5:30am which was my scheduled dropping time at Coimbatore. I got freshen up and the nurses told me that they will come to check her temperature at 6am so by that time make her wake up and give something to eat. I have bought tea and bread for her. I tapped on her shoulder and she woke up. Actually it was a shock to her

She: who are you? Where am i? what happened?
Me: hey relax relax
She: hey who are you
Me: Madam I am Rahul. Your co passenger and I were seated just adjacent to you. Actually you were sitting in my seat, the window sit and you was looking so tired. When I asked you what happened you have told that you are having fever and after sometime you vomited on me. Do you remember that?
She: yeah like a shade
Me: and then the bus people dropped you here. Since you are alone and not in a situation to do things by your own I also stepped down. Then I have taken you here and for the last 7 hours you were sleeping. The drip is just over and the nurses will come to check the temperature. The doctor will come only at 8am, if the fever is ok then we can move from here at 10am I think. Anyway nurse will come now and before that please have this tea and bread
She: I don't know how to thank you.
Me: hey no problem.
She: Thank you
Me: hey leave it
She has taken the tea and bread.
Me: how's you now?
She: ya I am ok now
Me: ok. By the way I am Rahul from Kerala and working in Coimbatore
She: ok. I am Rekha from Coimbatore.
Me: Coimbatore which part? I am from Ukkadam only
She: I am from Peelmedu
Me: oh ok.
Nurses came and checked the temperature. After that she got freshened up and got ready to leave. Meantime I bought Idli and chatni from outside and came back to the room
She: oh. I thought you went to freshen up
Me: hey no. Let us have some breakfast. You have taken that bread only na. Come let us eat.
She: I think I am creating much difficulty to you. I suggest that you can leave na? why you have to spare a day?
Me: stop it madam.
She: you can call me Rekha
Me: ok Rekha. If I don't have to spare a day then I can leave yesterday itself. No one will ask me anything. Is it? If I can be with you till now then its my responsibility to take you to your home safely.
She: But
Me: But what?
She: Ok

There started the Rahul-Rekha ..
As it is halfway between Bangalore and Salem it is not possible to get in to an AC bus, for that we have to go to Salem. So from there we get in to a bus to Salem. I have found out a seat for her in the bus and made her to sit, but I was standing since there is no seat. After that when I looked at her to check whether she is sleeping or not I have seen her she is looking at me with a small smile, just like school girl looking at her crush. I asked her by nodding the head “what happened” she just smiled and told “nothing”.we both smiled at each other.
We have reached Salem at 1pm. We directly hired a cab and went to the main bus stand, but we disappointed by the reply from the station master that the next AC bus to Coimbatore is at 5pm only.
Me: I think it is better to go to a hotel and take a lunch now. Rest of the things will discuss there
She: yup. I too think so
We have moved to Annapoorna Hotel and ordered 2 meals.
She: so how did you taken leave today?
Me: nothing I messaged my superior that I am having stomach trouble
She: hi hi. Between I think we both need an introduction na?
Me: of course. I was about to say it
She: ok then introduce yourself
Me: no no ladies first
She: ok. I am Rekha Raghav. Basically from Cudallore but from the last 1 yr I am staying at peelmedu. I have studied BFT and now looking for some online garment business.
Me: ok cool, but?
She: what but?
Me: you haven't told about your husband
She: yup. Between who told you that I am married?
Me: I have seen your mangalsuthra.
She: ha ha. He is Raghav and we got married 2 years before. He is working in Abudhabi in their military wing as electronics engineer.
Me: ok fine. So you are staying here in peelmedu with his parents?
She: Yup I am staying with his mother.
Me: kids?
She: not yet
Me: ok cool
She: ok now it is your turn
Me: ok I am Rahul, a keralite and working in Coimbatore for the last 2 years. I am engineer graduate and family consist of mom and sister
She: Married?
Me: no yar. A typical Single guy who is always ready to mingle
She: hi hi.
Me: by the way why did you come to Bangalore? to meet any friends?
She: No No. I have come to meet a person to discuss about my business venture
Me: ok. So when did you arrived?
She: I came here only yesterday night and stayed in a hotel. Today morning I met that person and then came back that's all
Me: from where did you get that sudden fever
She: actually I don't know. May be the change of water costs the fever I think and what about you?
Me: I came to meet my friends. I came here on Friday night and spend 2 days with them. I use to come here in alternate months, most of my friends were working here and I don't have much friends over there in Coimbatore so whenever I gets time I will come here. I just like Bangalore
She: true. City of happiness and freedom. We can go anywhere at any time and no one will question you
Me: exactly
We have laughed and by the time our lunch has arrived and we have finished it within no time.
We have paid the bill and checked the time it is 1:30pm to be precise
She: what is next plan?
Me: few options are there like any walking park?
She: are you mad. Just look at the atmosphere it is 37 degree hot and I am not going with this plan as I am having fever
Me: oh yes yes. Next is roaming in any mall or watching film
She: any mall is there in salem?
Me: let us ask
She: wait wait. What about film?
Me: that's a good idea I think. Since we both having luggage bag it is not easy to roam around the mall by keeping all these
She: exactly
Me: wait I will check the films list in book my show app
She: go ahead
At that her phone rang and she was bit angry to see the name in the screen.
She: one minute please
Me: go ahead
She attended the call and went some distance away from me and talked, meantime I have checked the films list
She: I am sorry. It is him from abudhabi asking whether I have reached home or not
Me: ohk
She: I have already called to his mom in the morning told that I am having a small fever so I will start from Bangalore only in the afternoon
Me: so you haven't told the actual things na
She: no yar. If says them that I am with a guy yesterday onwards they will kill me
Me: ha ha. Ok then keep it as a secret
She: of course. Hey what about the films? Did you check it?
Me: yup. Mayanadhi (Mystic River) Film is featuring one show in carnival cinemas. Did you see that movie?
She: no. I didn't
Me: it is a must watch movie yar. You should watch it. I have watched it already
She: then it will be boring for you na
Me: no no. I love that movie
She: then fix it
Me: ok so we can now to carnival cinemas

Since I have already watched the film my full concentration was on her. But she was watching it with very interest. I have seen her tears when Maathan dies in the end. After the movie we rushed to the Bus stand and got seated up in the bus.
She: Thank you Rahul
Me: for what?
She: for suggesting the movie
Me: oh thank you. Do you like it?
She: i just loved it and still im having its hang over.
Me: yup it is that like a movie and only due to that hangover i have seen it twice in the theater itself
She: yeah very nice one like a love poem
Me: i have seen you are weeping in the climax
She: ha ha. You have seen it ah.. ya i couldn't control my tears then
Me: so you must be had a school or college term na?
She: ha ha. No no
Me: hey you are lying
She: you have told that you also watched it twice if so you had a school affair is it?
Me: hey how cunning you are
She: thats me
She: ok then tell me about that affair
Me: nothing. It is happened back in 2006. I was studying in 8th standard and there was a girl in my class. She was an introvert but i liked her very much. I was very afraid of proposing a girl at that time so i didn't opened my mind and after comleting 10th she went to another school. But later in 12th standard i have proposed her and she said ok
She: wow. How cute, so you as behind her from 8th standard na?
Me: yup
She: ok then what happened?
Me: after 4 years relationship we got broke up in 2013 due to some family problems in her family
She: oh
Me: i was in depression that time but later i came back to normal life. And now when i say all these to someone else it is just a comedy story
She: what so comedy in it?
Me: Nothing
She: Hey tell me yar
Me: Nothing yar. Actually we were on a bet that she told that she will fail in one subject in the last semester exams which was seems to be tough for her and i told that no you will win. So we agreed for a bet that if she wins she will give me a kiss or else i have to do whatever she says
She: ha ha crazy challenge na
Me: ha ha
She: Then what happened?
Me: it's exactly before one week of result announcement we go break up and what happened in the end is she won the exam
She: ha ha
Me: hey yar why are you laughing. It's my love story
She: i am sorry. I was thinking like it was the perfect time for the break up na?
Me: ha ha exactly. So i missed that kiss
She: so poor
We kept on talking till the bus reaches Coimbatore and everyone else in the bus was staring us thinking like what all things are these people discussing.
After reaching Coimbatore she told that she has to rush to her home but I insisted her to take dinner first and then go because she has to take medicine. We had food from Coimbatore and after that we hired a online Taxi and rushed to her flat in Peelmedu. We have exchanged our phone numbers.
I dropped her infront of her flat and went back to my room. After sometime i got a message in my whatsapp saying a hi. It was she.
She: did you reached?
Me: yup 10 minutes before
She: ok. I think that you will inform me
Me: Oh I'm sorry. I was very tired so directly went for a bath and only now came back
She: ok. Anyway thank you for giving a wonderful day
Me: ha ha. I have to say this to you
She: ha ha
Me: how's the fever now?
She: almost ok
Me: did you take that tonic?
She: oh i forgot it
Me: go and take it
She: ok thanks for remembering
Me: ha ha
She: ok good night
Me: good night
I had a wonderful sleep actually and woke up in the morning very lately. When i checked the time in mobile i have seen a message from her in whatsapp. When i opened it i got stunned. It is her selfie. In reply i have sent her a pleasing smiley and wished her good morning.
She: just now i came back from temple and just clicked a photo.
Me: its really cute
She: Thank you
Me: i will message you later. I have to rush to the office
She: ok carry on
After getting dressed up i got an idea. I just clicked a selfie and sent her
She: oh its nice but.
Me: but what?
She: i think it is nice to wear a light color shirt because your pants were black na?
Me: oh here comes the Garments Business Rekha
She: ha ha. We have to dressed up according the colour combination na
Me: ok madam. Wait
I have changed my shirt to a light one and clicked a selfie
She: yup. This is a cool one.
Me: ok catch you later. Bye
She: Bye

From that day onwards we were in regular contact and will message each other every day. From her messages and calls I came to know much about her.

Her marriage was an arranged one and it happened within a time of 2 weeks. Actually that was something embarrassing for me. Her father is running a garment factory and her plan was to do MBA and to going for a start up to market the garments in online shopping sites.
But things got changed suddenly. One day night her father told her that one guy is coming tomorrow to see her. She had cried allot but her father is a hard person. That guy came on next day they have “fixed the deal”. He is working in Dubai and since he don't have much leave they have fixed the marriage after 14 days, and they got married. She buried all her dreams within her. Her husband is also a hard type, he don't like her wife working anywhere. In spite of the odds she is now trying to restart her dream of online garment business. Through one of her friend she got the contact of a garment dealer in bangalore and to meet him only she went to banglore on that day. Then she told about the garment business to her husband he got angry and told won't invest in it and if you are going to take up it then you have to look after everything, there wont be any support from her husband. What she says is that she had waited all these years ad its the time to take a decision whether to forget her dream or to chase it.

One day she messaged me
She: Rahul what do you whether i have to forget about the business plan or take up it?
Me: See Rekha. I can't say that. Because it is your life matter na. Ask your parents and husband
She: cut the crap. If you are considering as a best friend then tell me. Otherwise leave it
Me: hey please
She: ok then bye
Me: hey don't go
She: then tell me
Me: you go and chase your dream. I don't know how i can support you
She: thank you. These words mean allot to me. You are such a big mental support to me. You don't your importance that's why you are saying so.
She sent me a kissing smiley
Me: ahaa thats cool. Kiss is my weakness
She: ha ha ya the one who just missed a kiss from his sole lover
Me: hey dont pull my leg
She: I will
Me: see how cruel you are
She: ha ha. So we will do this
Me: what kissing? Ah ha ha
She: shut up monkey.
Me: ha ha ok madam
She: yeah we will do this business
Me: of course. As per the new proverb behind every successfull lady there will be a man. I am ready to be that man madam
She: ha ha. You are so sweet.
By saying that she again sent me kissing smileys
Our relation got stronger day by day. On one Sunday while i was at my room suddenly i got a video call from her. It is the first time that we are making video call. At first i thought it is by mistake she made that call. So i just disconnected it, but then again the call came and i attended it. she was in a blue saree
She: why did you disconnect the call?
Me: i thought its by mistake you made that call
She: donkey. I am not drunk
Me: ha ha ok madam. Now come to the matter. Are you getting ready for an outing?
She: yup. I have to attend a reception so I'm in hurry. Called you to just show how i look like. Actually I am bit confused that is it a matching or i have wear some other saree
she placed the mobile on the table and moved back to show me her full size figure.
Me: yup it is good but i think if it is a green one then it will be better and also try with a hanging type ear ring
She: is it? Ok just wait and i will be right back
Me: ok
After 5 minutes she came in a green saree
Me: yup this is awesome. Now you are looking like an angel
She: stop bluffing
Me: im not bluffing
She: so it is ok? Are you sure?
By saying that she has given me a front show and then turned around and showed me her back
Me: wow nice back
She: what?
Me: hey nothing
She: tell me yar
Me: nothing i mean it is a nice back
She: ha ha is it?
Me: yup. All the guys will look at you today
She: sounds good. Actually i not use to dress up well for functions but after we have talked about our business i got thrilled and thought to seek your suggestions. It will be boring when i am alone
Me: ok anyway it is good and sexy
She: ok thank you. Catch you later and take care.
Me: take care dear

From that day onwards she has started to make video calls regularly. Our daily routine was that she will come in video call at 8:30 pm and will place mobile in the kitchen stand. Then she will go for cooking and while we will speak on simple and simple things. We will continue that till she sleeps after dinner. In night mostly she will be in Nighty or Shirt with short pants, whatever be the dress she doesn't concerned about it because she is talking to the one whom she trusted very much.
One day she messaged me.
She: Rahul are you free tomorrow?
Me: yup. What is the matter?
She: can you come with me for the shopping?
Me: double ok.
She: then let us meet in the city bus stand at 10 pm and from there we will go in bus?
Me: done
Since it was Sunday, the bus to the shopping mall side was full of passengers. Both of us were standing. Then happened the most “usual” thing in a lady's life.
I have seen that she is not happy; I can read it from her face. She is feeling some sort of uneasiness. The matter is the guy who is standing behind her keep on pushing his body to her body. I got very angry and slapped on his face by saying
“Get away you fucker”
Everyone in the bus came for my assistance and we have beaten that guy badly. We handed him over to the traffic police.
After that the bus resumed its journey and then I came near to her and tapped on her neck saying
“don't worry. No one is gonna touch without your permission”
Then I stood behind her till we reach the shopping mall.
While we were getting down from the bus, one lady passenger has told her something which I couldn't hear. But after that talk I have seen that Rekha is smiling, when I asked her what the matter is, she just told.
“Nothing, its ladies matter”
“oh secret”
“Yup secret”
We then moved to the Reliance Trendz shop.
She: do you want anything to buy?
Me: nothing actually. Then you please wait 5 minutes I have to buy some under garments and I will be right back
Me: ok. I will be here
She: ok dear
After the shopping while we are leaving the shop, she told me
She: hold on Rahul
Me: what happened?
She: I think they have taken the wrong product
Me: does the material changed?
She: yup. It is a normal bra only
Me: ok. Come
We came back to the counter and said to the sales girl
Me: hey she is purchased a Padded Bra and you have packed a normal one. What happened?
Sales girl: sorry sir, please wait and we will change it. Madam size is 33B na?
She: Yup
By hearing that I have started to laugh
She: what?
Me: nothing
She: you crazy. Shut your mouth
Me: ha ha
We have spend the day till evening in the mall and I reached my room at 7:30 pm
In the evening while we were in video call I have asked her
Me: can I ask you one thing?
She: ya tell me da
Me: what did that lady told you in the bus stop
She: ha ha. You didn't leave it?
Me: no never
She: it is nothing da
Me: hey you have told na there should not be any secret between us?
She: yeah
Me: then tell me
She: ok. What she told is “Most of the women who travels in bus has to face this activities daily, but most of them will ignore it by thinking why we have to create a mess, even some husbands will also think like it. This ignorance is the confidence of those dirty guys. Even myself also faced this problem in this same bus. But at that time I couldn't react and no one has come for my rescue also. Your husband is a different person; he stands by you when you are in trouble. You are a lucky person. He loves you and cares you a lot madam. I can see it in his anger.”
Me: ha ha. Promotion from best friend to husband na?
She: yeah
Me: why silent?
She: no yar. I am lucky to have you. Why did you beat that guy?
Me: I felt like to kill that guy, but I could only beat him.
She: ha ha. But did you see that it is nice to say Rekha Rahul than simply Rekha
Me: ha ha exactly. What did you told in reply to her?
She: just smiled
Me: so you liked that what she told
She: yup to be frank.
Me: that's cool
She: I felt like.
Me: felt like what?
She: nothing
Me: hey tell me yar
She: felt like to give you a kiss
Me: ha ha. Again history repeats and I misses an another kiss too
She: ha ha …
Me: ok then give me the kiss
She: sorry offer expired
Me: no no. I won't go. Give me now
She: chi poda
Me: no yar
She: ok
Me: yup I am ready
She came closer to the mobile screen and given a kiss on the mobile screen.
She: hows it?
Me: not bad
She: can I sleep now?
Me: take care dear. Good night
She: good night dear
We have disconnected the call. Suddenly I got an idea and called her back
She: what yar? Do you need more kisses
Me: ha ha not now.
She: then what?
Me: I have a doubt. If you don't mind please clarify it
She: ok ask me.
Me: while we were in the shopping mall you have told na that you have purchased padded bra and they have packed a normal bra. What is the actual difference?
She: naughty boy. Trying to take advantage of giving a kiss ah?
Me: hey no yar
She: ok Rahul. I am already in bed so I will clarify it by tomorrow morning
Me: sure?
She: sure dear
Me: ohk then Rekha Rahul give me a goodnight kiss
She again given me a kiss and then we slept
Next day was Friday and I woke up at 8am and when I checked the phone I have seen 2 photos from her. Both of those photos were her half size figure and in same costume. Then she sent me a message, “did you see any difference in these 2 photos”.

I have checked those photos. In one picture her boobs are much more uplifted and pointed than in the other photo.
“In the first picture you having nice shape than in the other”
She: yup that's the difference. Padded bra is for uplifting the breast and hence it will give a good shape to the breast and to your body as a whole
Me: oh ok ok
She: now do you understand
Me: yup madam
She: hi hi naughty boy
Me: hi hi.
On that same Friday I got a call from my home asking me to come home as soon as possible, because it's the time that kerala getting flooded. My home area also getting affected so they got afraid and asked me to come home.
In the evening after the office I have taken my friends swift car and started to home at 9 pm. She called me
She: is everything ok at home
Me: ya dear. They were little tensed that is why I am going
She: are you sleepy?
Me: no yar
She: don't take chance
Me: what will do then?
She: ok don't cut the call and we will speak up to you reach home
Me: hey yar. Go and sleep. I will manage it
She: obey me
Me: hey yar
She: obey me
Me: ok. If I obey you what will you give me?
She: oh negotiation
Me: ya sort of
She: ok one kiss I will give you
Me: in real?
She: yup in real
Me: that's cool
She: ha ha naughty
We have started to talk on many useless things and later she told that she will ask a question and find the answer for it. I said ok
She: so the question is “one of your things which will be big at sometimes and small at sometimes. What is it?”
Me: what
She: is “one of your things which will be big at sometimes and small at sometimes. What is it?”
Me: very hard one
She: not really. I have to take bath now. So you have 15 minutes with you. You think and I will be right back
Me: ok
I was driving though the road by thinking about the question. I have struck with an answer in my mind. “DICK, IT IS DICK”
It will be big when I get erection and will be small in normal times and as she told its keep on increasing and decreasing its size daily.
After sometime she called me
She: did you get the answer?
Me: yup. You know I am very brilliant
She: then tell me
Me: Dick
She: what
Me: Dick, Penis
She has burst in to laugh. She keeps on laughing loudly.
Me: why are you laughing?
She: ha ah monkey it is not dick it is shadow man
Me: shadow?
She: yeah it will be small in morning and all and it will be big in the evening and night
Me: oh yeah
She: ha ha
Me: hey don't laugh
She: I couldn't control my laugh yar
Me: my answer is also a correct one na
She: but that will not as big as you shadow na
I also burst in to laugh
I have reached home at 1 am and the battery charge was 3%. It was heavy rain outside and there is no power too.
Me: ok I have reached and now you go to sleep
She: ok take care. Come back soon.
Me: sure dear
I have given a kiss over phone
She also responded it with a kiss
Things have changed drastically on that night. The heavy rain leads to the flood in parts of kochi which is only 20 km away from my home. I got a call from my friend saying that one of mutual friends home in under water we have save them at any cost and while we are talking my phone got switched off. I was very anxious and went directly to the place with my friend. We have rushed to the spot and started the rescue mission along with the other peoples. As time passes situation got even worse. Most of the places in kochi were under the water and people moved to temporary rescue camps. Me and my friends even haven't eaten anything other than biscuit for the 2 days and were in full swing to rescue the peoples.
Suddenly I remembered that my phone is in off situation and she must be in tension. Oh my God I forgot her matter completely. I rushed back to my home and still there is no power. I have checked the phone it is still off.
I have told to mom that I have to join on duty on Monday at any cost so I am leaving. And the time was 1am in the Sunday night. I have reached my room in Coimbatore at 5:30 am.
Immediately I put my phone in charging and switched it ON after it reaches 2 % of charge. When I enabled the mobile data whatsapp messages started to flow and she has sent me about 150 messages and 30 calls. From the messages I came to know that she was much tensed about me. But I struck with another one message
“Please contact me. I cannot do anything without you. I miss you very much. I love you very much. Please Rahul please I need you”
She is in love with me, yeah that's the breaking news. My minds said to rush to her now itself. I have sent her a voice message and started my car to her apartment. My voice message was “Dear Rekha it was my fault, as you know well about the flood matter, hence no electricity is there in hometown. Do you why I came now it is just because of you. I know how much you loves me. Anyway I am coming for you to your apartment”
After sometime while I was driving I got a call from her.
She: Rahul..
Me: I am sorry dear
She started to cry
Me: Hey please don't cry. I am coming
She: Hmm
Me: stop crying yar
She: k. Say to the security as you are my relative from Ooty.
Me: ok. Don't cry. I have came na
She: ok ok
Me: But your mother in law is there in home na?
She: yeah. But no problem she will wake up by 9 am only.
Me: ok. I am coming
When I reached the front gate of that apartment, I have introduced myself as her relative then the security has called her and confirmed it.
Parked the car in the underground parking area and was waiting for the lift. But the indication showed that the lift is coming downwards. When it opened I have seen her.
She was in her nighty. Her hair was tied behind her head in a ball shape. No ornaments. No make ups. But she seems to be the most attractive and sexiest women in the world at that moment.
I promise you people, every lady seems to be the sexiest in nighty and not in a bikini or something with a lot of makeup.
She was in tears and when I entered in to the life she just pressed the door closing button and suddenly hugged me. She was crying
She: I could not bear this without you Rahul
Me: hey I have come na. So leave it
I patted her on her back and she kept me more tightly.
When the lift door opened we suddenly parted and she signaled me to stay back. She just looked around and asked me to follow her. After we have entered her home she went to the other room and checked whether her mother in law is awaken or not. Then she came back and asked me to come to her bed room. When I entered the room she locked the room and hugged me from the back. I turned around and made her to look at me
Me: tell me what happened?
She: do you know how badly I missed you.
Again she started to cry
She: I don't want to miss you, please
I just wiped her tears off
Me: You won't miss me again, I promise you
I kissed on her forehead and hugged her. Later we have moved to the bed. She was lying on my chest with fingers on my chest hairs. I have explained her all happened in Kerala. She noticed a small wound on my chest. She checked it with her fingers
She: what is it?
Me: hey it is nothing
She: tell me what happened?
Me: nothing serious yar. While jumping from the boat, its edge touched there. That's all
She: I am sorry.
Me: for what?
She: I am the only reason to stop you from being a part of this great flood rescue. I know it is only because of me you have returned now
Me: yup I have come only for you. These 2 days have shown me how much you missed me and how madly you loves me
She raised her head and gently placed a kiss over my wound
Me: now feeling well
She: hi hi
I was running my fingers through her hair
She: I want to sleep now
Me: Sleep my dear. I will set the alarm at 8:30 am
For the next 1 and half hours she slept on my bare chest. World's wonderful feeling is nothing but your lover is sleeping on your chest. It shows her affection, trust and love.
Alarm started to cry at sharp 8:30am. We both woke up and I told her
Me: I have a request
She: tell me da
Me: please stay here like this for 5 minutes more.
She: ha ha with pleasure.
She kissed on my chest and again kept her head on my chest and hugged tightly.
I was running my fingers through her hair. She looked at me
Me: why are you looking like this?
She: nothing
I kissed on her forehead.
Later we both woke up and she moved to her mother in law's room after instructing me to stay back in her room. Then happened the happiest thing, since it is Monday her mother in law has to go to the temple. So she told her to prepare the lunch and mean time she will go to the temple and will be back. She left the home at sharp 9:30am and expecting the return by 11am.
Rekha was very happy actually. She came to the room and told me
She: are you busy?
Me: are you joking? I am here for you and ready for anything
She: Thank you dear
Me: Ok then I has a plan we will prepare special Kerala Vegetable Biriyani today.
She: wow that's cool
Me: ok so can we start
She: of course.
she jumped and hugged me.
For the next one hour we were acted like newly wedded couple who were in a mission to impress the mother in law.
I have prepared a Vegetable Biriyani and Kerala Special Vegetable soup and everything set on the stove for the final boiling.
Me: Rekha it is 10:15am now. So now you go and take bath after that we will arrange these items on the table and I will go back to my room.
She: oh no no. Now I don't want to bath
Me: chi chi dirty girl. Go go have bath
She: no I won't go.
Me: come here
I kept her hands and walked to her room. Opened her Almara and taken a salwar, bra, panty and towel then given it to her. Opened her bathroom
Me: Now go and have bath dear
She: no I have a demand
Me: what demand? Do I wanna assist you?
She: chi poda
Me: ha ha what then
She: I need your t shirt
Me: this one?
She: yup
Me: hey yar it is dirty now. I will wash it and will give you later
She: I need it now. I love the smell of your sweat and after all it has the smell of the rescue in Kerala flood.
Me: but
She: but what
Me: then how will I go from here
She: I will give his one shirt
Me: but
She: don't waste my time
She came outside from the bathroom and taken my t shirt off.
She has given back her salwar and told me to keep it inside the shelf and asked me to take a pavada from the shelf.
She smiled and entered in to the bathroom. Before closing the door I have told her
Me: just call me if you need any help
She: poda dirty boy
Me: ha ha

After sometime she came to the kitchen in my t shirt. My beloved readers I don't know how to describe that scene. She was stunning in my t shirt. It was yellow in colour and her clearly visible. As my body size is little small compared to her, the t shirt seems to be very tight for her and that made me mad.
She: why are you looking like this?
Me: you are awesome in this outfit
She: I know what you mean
Me: hey not like that
She: like what?
Me: nothing
She: hey tell me. Like what?
Me: nothing yar
She: hey told me
Me: I will say but don't misunderstand ok?
She: I will try my best. Now say
Me: you are looking so hot
She: ha ha is it?
Me: why are you laughing?
She: it is a compliment na? Then you have to say it directly na
Me: ha ha is it?
She: yup. Now do you wanna click some selfies with this hot girl?
Me: of course
We have clicked some selfies and then she came to taste the soup. I have taken it some in my right hand and licked it from my hand. She enjoyed the taste then she has licked my all fingers and told me.
She: wow awesome
Me: thank you
Later we have arranged everything on table and it is getting 11am and I got myself ready to leave. While I am moving on to the front door she rushed to me and hugged tightly from my back. She was pushing her entire body in to my back. I turned around and hugged her. I have taken her face in my hands and kissed on her eyes and cheek.
She: I have a request
Me: tell me dear
She: you should go back to Kerala and continue your rescue operations
Me: yup I will
She: today itself you should go
Me: yeah
She: my mind says to come with you but
Me: I know dear
She: but I can do something
She has pointed on to a big packed box placed on the corner of the hall
Me: what is that?
She: come
She opened the box and it is full of kid's dresses
She: it is from my dad's garment factory. I have planned to sell this as the inaugural products through our online portal
Me: that is a good idea
She: no I have changed my mind and I am going to hand over this to you and you will take this to any rescue camp. A cloth is intended to give protection to someone's body and I think it is those flood affected people needs the protection now. I can't imagine the small kids shivering and crying due to excessive chillness
Me: rekha you are impossible
She: hey no. You are the reason behind this. You go and do whatever you can do and should call me if you need any help
Me: sure
I kissed on her forehead
Me: take care my dear
I waved bye and left from there with the dress box.
When I reached my room back I got a call from her.
Me: hello dear
She: uuummmaaahhaa…..
Me: ha ha what is this?
She: it is my kiss man
Me: but for what?
She: hey you donkey. Mother in law liked your vegetable biriyani very much
Me: oh is it? Thank you thank you
She: yeah she praised me very much “Rekha your special dish is very tasty. I liked it a lot”
Me: ha ha that is cool
She: anyway thank you for escaping me from todays cooking work
Me: ha ha always welcome madam
She: where are you now?
Me: just now reached home
She: ok then go and sleep some time I am also going to take a nap
Me: then why can't we sleep together
She: ha ha next time babe
Me: ha ha ok
She: sleep well and go to Kerala
Me: yeah friends called me. I will start at 3pm sharp.
She: ok. Take care
I got freshen up and had a tea. Then I went to the bed but I was not sleepy so thought to browse sometime in Facebook. I was checking her photos and suddenly I stucked with her about details in Facebook. Her birthday is just 7 days far away. Oh my God what timing I have. I have to present her something precious and she must be flattening by seeing my gift. But what will I gift her. If you have a lover you can understand my confusion, all lovers be like this.
Me and my local friends worked very hard for the rescue. All the affected people were shifted to the local rescue camps, all of them just having a bag full of their things. Most of the camps faced the shortage of water, food, dress etc. We have tried our best to do fulfill all these things. I made her the admin of my rescue facebook group. She was 24*7 active in facebook. She has sorted out all the rescue related messages and rescue camps products related messages. It is like someone will report that this rescue camp has an urgent need of water then we will verify the information using our any of the friend and he will message the result to her and then she will pass me the information like what is the need and how much is required. She has coordinated everything very well. Even though we didn't chatted much for the next few days I came to know that I love her very much.
Slowly things started to be under control. On the 6th day evening I have drove back to Coimbatore.
I called her and told that I am back at Coimbatore.
She: so what is tomorrow's program?
Me: yup I am coming to it. Actually I need a break so I am thinking to go for a drive tomorrow. Will you come with me?
She: mmm
Me: please da
She: ok. But to where?
Me: To a temple in palakkad. It is actually located in a forest. So it will be good I think
She: oh in forest? Hey naughty planning something else?
Me: hey yar. Don't you know me?
She: ha ha I am kidding yar
We have started the drive in the afternoon and reached the forest area by 4pm. From there we walked through the trees.
Me: did you have bath?
She: is that necessary?
Me: ha ha
Me: hey I am saying that a river is here. So if want to bath then I can give you a company
She: chi
Me: ha ha
We have seen that most of the trees where fallen down due to the flood issue. Flood affected that place very badly, after sometime we have reached in a tribal village. It is a very small village which consists of only 10-20 houses. Everyone was looking at her with cute smile and she was totally confused by their looks. She held my hand and made me to stop walking.
She: what is this? Who are they? Why they are smiling at me?
Me: smile is a good thing na
She: what? Are you joking?
Me: come
We walked in to a small open area behind those houses. Some kids were standing there by expecting someone. She was wondered by seeing them. Those kids were wearing the cloths that she given me for flood relief.
Me: flood hit them very badly and since it's a tribal area no one enquired about them. I met one of them accidently. Then my team came her. Flood has taken away their books, dresses everything. At that time only you gave me these dresses. I know you have designed these dresses as designer clothes. But I thought to give it to them. I am sorry if I have done anything wrong
She was in tears
She: rahul..
Me: hey don't cry
She: no no I won't. You know dresses are meant for body protection and now I am feeling proud of myself
She looked towards the kids.
Me: oh thank God.
She: I am flattened for you
Me: is it?
She: yeah
Me: ha ha. Then a small surprise is there for you
She: I am already surprised.
I came behind her and kept my hands over her eyes.
Me: here it is
I have released my hands from her face
Those kids were keeping a birth day cake with candle with them.
Me: happy birthday to you my love
She cried. She hugged me.
She: I never loved by someone like this
Kids started to sing birthday song and clapping. Later we have cut the cake and shared to everyone.
After a while the kids went for playing and only we 2 left in the ground.
She: so you have planned all these na?
Me: yup
She: but how do you know my birth day? Even I didn't cared about it
Me: lie
She: what?
Me: that's a lie
She: who told you?
Me: I have the proof. I have seen the pictures of your birthday celebration with your college friends in your Facebook.
She: Rahul…
Me: now say one thing
She: what?
Me: did you enjoy this or not?
She: you know something; I am 101% happy when you are with me. This party was a total surprise for me. No one had wished me today. For everyone else it is just a normal day.
Me: didn't you expect a wish from me?
She: actually I was in a confusion that whether you know my birth date or not
Me: ok. I am happy
She: I am happy because of you
I have taken a small box from my pocket and opened it. It is a ring. I have taken it and held her arms in my hand
Me: happy birthday my love
I kissed on her palm and worn the ring in her finger.
She was crying and wiped her tears with my fingers.
Me: I don't want you to cry. Be happy
She: I love you
Me: ha ha then you should give something for the person who had arranged all these na
She: ha ha
Me: why are you laughing?
She: nothing

Seeing her eyes wet, I hold her hand. She said: “I really like you a lot Rahul” and hugged me. I was not expecting this. But I also hugged her and started consoling her. We hugged for some time and the situation started getting hot as there was nobody in the ground. She said: “I love you Rekha. I don't know whether it is wrong or right but I really love you….” She pulled me closer and slowly kissed on my neck. I did not resist. I went ahead and kissed her neck multiple times. She looked into my eyes. This time it was a combination of love and lust in her eyes. She closed her eyes and kissed my lips. We were sitting in the ground and were lip locked. I was kissing her lips and holding her by her waist.
Slowly the kiss turned into a smooch. Now our tongues were playing with each other and we were passionately kissing each other. My hands slowly started moving on her belly, then her arms, then her neck.
She parted from the kiss
She: this is my treat for the birth day gift
Me: please some more time please
She: some other time da
Me: ok.
After that she left the ground and went to the peoples out there to ask about the dresses and all. I went to play with the kids.
After sometime she came back and called me.
Me: what happened?
She: it is my turn to surprise you
Me: ok go ahead
She: I left the home by saying that I am going to my aunt's home
Me: ok
She: so now I called my mom in law and told that the aunt's kid having fever and hospitalized. So only her elder girl is here. She is having school tomorrow so I am staying here for her help
Me: wow
I hugged her
She: hows it?
Me: loved it yar. But where will we stay today?
She: There
She pointed to a small hut. We went there and it is a single room and have a bed in it.


I entered the room and was pleasantly surprised she looked completely
different, bewitching & beautiful, she was in a green saree, thick
bold lips coated with marron lipstick, deep eyes with black eyeliner
and pink shadow, good firm boobs pushed up to the brim of her blouse
from her push up bra her boobs were juggling almost about to pop out
any moment. Her short blouse had pushed her boobs up and was revealing
a lot of skin down from her boobs up to her waist. Nice firm
bootylicious ass and a beautiful fair waist and a deep pretty navel,
her complete looks were enticing me towards her, She had noticed me
staring at her body.
And then, of course, there was the sari itself that was doing its
magic. What a garment, There isn't another outfit in the world that
balances better the twin feminine urges to conceal and reveal. It
outlines the woman's shape but under a sari, unflattering legs are
invisible. But it reveals the midriff,. I was mesmerized, by the mere
fact of being able to see her belly button when she walked, the single
fold of flesh above the knot of her sari, the curve of her waist
toward her hips. That swell of flesh just above a woman's hipbone,
is the sexiest part of the female anatomy to me. And I didn't even
have to undress her to see it. I was completely smitten.” Rekha
stole my breath and common sense with just a smile. I awkwardly
withdrew my horny looks leaving enough indications and doubts in her
mind Her breasts shape were clearly visible from the side they were
just mouth-watering ready and firm to be gobbled.
after some brief conversation i was uncomfortable in the jeans so I changed to shorts and t shirt by draping a towel around and I saw her trying to peek while I was changing, I asked if she would like to change then I would go out she said she was comfortable and we kept chatting. She was sitting relaxed her saree had loosened up her hands were folded pushing her boobs up and pushing them out of the blouse giving a view her cleavage I was occasionally enjoying the view. Arousal begins within the mind, then seeps out where fantasy propels physicality, she was sitting so close to me and her sexuality was inviting and arousing me at the same time, I had a monster hard on finding it difficult to hide and she clearly noticed it , she now knew that more than me my erection was talking to her. In my minds thoughts about what I would like to do her body. Thoughts of How I would like to have my delightfully wicked way with her, undress her, smother your naked skin with hungry urgent kisses, and thrust my hard and moist cock deep inside the pouting red lips of her mouth… and her Vagina were breezing and flowing making me stutter and stammer in my conversation with her
Oh fuck i had to kiss her. My whole body was screaming for her now, Time seemed to stop; the
world around me stilled. There was only her. My thumb caressed at her lips, the lips i wanted to kiss. The thrill and Joy of Sex will makes you feel, young again. I did not want to miss the opportunity and moved closer to her feeling her lips and said now we are free only, she looked at me and said, asked are you sure, I asked do you have any problem she said no, and there she was in my kitty. I placed my hands on her hands and pulled her towards me, she moved towards me and I took her lips in my mouth and started to kiss each other passionately, the lack of sex and
sudden opportunity made her little wild and she was biting my lips with all passion and force, after some deep kissing we got down from the bed and I started to undress her. I opened her blouse slowly, unhooking her buttons and then her silky bra, running my fingers along her breasts feeling the softness of them. When her bra finally fell opened, I sucked Juicy boobs, then
caressed her breasts putting her on, I licked her nipples, then moved my lips slowly down I went down and with one hand i held her waist, and with the other i pulled down the inner skirt, giving me enough view and space to have a glance of her panties .
These are pretty panties i said, I saw her bare legs and thin panties with her pubic triangle showing through. The lingerie enhanced the charm of her femininity, I leaned forward and kissed her again and she kissed me back with more fervor her hands running slowly up my curly
hair and down over my thick shoulders and along my strong arms and I was holding her gorgeous female body against mine.
She started feeling my naked muscular chest, her eyes wanting and inviting me – my hot cock was ready to spear her. Her nipples were aroused, feeling as hard and long as coat hooks. They prodded fiercely at me, like little calling signs of how horny and ready for sex she
was. The best advertisement of all: firm, hard, pink erect nipples! Ready to be sucked. She was a Super -hyper hot lady.
Erotic attraction often serves as the catalyst for an intimate connection between two people, but it is not a sign of love. Exciting, pleasurable sex can take place between two people who do not even know each other and the same was happening here. The air felt thick with the feeling between us, like it was filling the room: a room full of our carnal heat.
Fuck me Rahul pls,” she whispered, giving me permission, taking me into her flesh, a soft invitation to madness, as I started to caress and feel her body gently, She bit her bottom lip as she rested her eyes on the proud, thick hot shaft of mine, she moved her hand slowly down and was feeling the size and length of my shaft. Her mouth went dry, and wasting no time she dragged her gaze up my muscled torso and bent down taking my dick in her mouth gently licking it softly and gently.
She pushed me on the bed and started to suck my cock with much vigour and energy, after some soft and hard sucking she released my dick and started to play with my meat balls gently licking them and gobbling them, just the feeling of having a man for whom she was starving, made
her feel excited and she felt I was in her possession. She dipped her head and took my cock all in her mouth and down her throat, sighing at the salty sweet taste. It was not like she'd Never done this before. She smiled looking at me a and I could feel her heart and desires soar and she leaned back so she could see my face as my Dick sprung free when she took it out.
Her angelic eyes widened curiously and her lips parted. a deep colour swept into her cheeks. She had intended to arouse me. She had more than succeeded. She was too naïve and young to know that in the effort to rouse a man, women frequently kindle fires that they can only control and douse.
She slid her hand up my thigh and placed it around my cock feeling its warmth, her hand felt as soft as velvet to the touch. Closing my eyes I felt her lick the top of my dicks head before taking me all the way in again. I placed my hands on her head as it bopped up and down while
she sucked me, making her hair fall on my legs, It felt like silk as I brushed it aside so I could watch her full lips wrap around my dick as she sucked and licked it. I squeezed her breasts hard, flattening them against her chest, as I softly kissed the nape of her neck.
Thrusting my hips with the rhythm of her movement, I felt every seductive flicker along my Firm Burning rod, up and down the sides and when she cupped my heavy sacks and started stroking it, she made me groan “Oooarrrgh”. Lightly, she scraped her teeth along the length
of my shaft as she swirled her tongue around its head as she came up again. Pulling her up, she smiled at me, taking her hand and squeezing my dick as she stroked it while still raking her long nails around my balls.
Lifting up my testicles with her other hand, she started licking around each balls, going under and around driving me wild. As she picked up her speed on my dick, she left my balls, sucked on my cock in tune with her hand and raked her nails on my testicles. Watching her flirt me with the sensation of her nails, hand and mouth going at once, I felt myself losing control and when she moaned causing vibration on my dick, I was so close to coming in her mouth. Not wanting to blow my load yet as I still have her tight wet cunt to sample, I said in a raspy voice “Enough” pulling her head up with my hands.
In my mind I relaxed and allowed her to do it by her choice; the balance shifted. She enjoyed every way she could touch me, feeling the heat from my body, the atoms of my breath.
She was looking ravishing and had turned red, She pulled my head back further, and i could hear her ragged breathing as her mouth came close to my ear, sounding so desperate for me. I was feeling her boobs were all over my body as she moved feeling and licking all over me but I
was yet to get her soft melons in my hands to suck, cuddle and lick them., I was patiently holding myself back allowing her the space of enjoy . After few minutes I could not resist and I pushed her down and her panties were still on but it didn't let that stop me, tearing them off and nosing them out of my way and tonguing her pussy, making low, growling noises from throat like a big cat purring with pleasure while it devoured its prey.”
Before she could speak, I lay her down on the couch and started kissing her, long and passionately. Her body ached as I ravished her mouth and our tongues played with each other. She began to enjoy and feel the heat of our passion spread all over her body causing her clit
to throb as my tongue played inside her mouth, triggering a wild wave of sensation across her body.
Loving the feel of her full soft lips against mine, I moaned as she pulled me closer rubbing her hard pebble nipples against my chest. Wanting to taste her tits, I started stroking her face with my hand, working my way down her neck, I felt her shiver as I stroked her gorgeous mounds which were straining to have my hands on them. Her tits were of good size not huge but ample and perky and when I cupped them, they fitted in my hands nicely to squeeze them.
I placed both hands on her breasts, caressing them, massaging her tits then taking one nipple at a time pulling and rolling them between my fingers. This made her tingle at the heat of my touch making her moan in pleasure. “Aha Rahyul, this is so nice , don't stop , pls aha, pls suck, hard , suck them pls , suck them pls, aha , aha , aha she moaned as I tantalised them. I could see I was driving her crazy that she wanted to push me down, straddle my cock and ride me wildly And when I took her nipples and sucked them making her tits most sensitive, she wanted my big cock
inside her. She broke our kiss and said “Please fuck me, Pleeasse Noooow!!” she whined.
I looked down in anticipation,Wanting to desperately shove my dick in her waiting cunt and fucking her hard, I knew I had to control myself and prepare her first. In a raw voice I said “Not yet. I want to savour you slowly”. I got onto my knees, I ran my hands up from her ankles, up her wet inner legs opening her legs with my hands and plunged my finger into her moist pussy. I said “Rekha Your already dripping for me.” I said as my finger went in and out over and over
again slowly.
She laid her head back on the bed, rubbing and pulling her nipples. When she felt the tension building, she held my hand still and said “Rekha, Pls don't do this, I am ready now, Pls come inside pls” I laughed at her eagerness as I tried to contain myself my finger still inside her. “Not now, pls wait ” I replied, “You're not ready yet”. Trying to push away the feeling of her tight wet cunt around my finger and wanting to replace with it dick instead, I opened her pussy lips and covered her swollen nub with my mouth.
She almost yelled at the sensation created by my mouth, sucking her pussy and my tongue licking her clit. Feeling my chin beard scraped against her inner thigh and prickling her swollen lips, she trembled.
When I start moving more fingers around deep inside, almost fisting her – she did yell. Loud and clear. – Ah Vinod very nice , slowly pls , oh god, ah , ah , ah , slowly pls oh god, Rahul yes, don't stop, deeper Rahul , pls aha , oh god, god “, her pleasure screams increasing with every swift stroke of mine.

Wonder what else she would do if I went deeper, I pushed a little harder my hand almost disappearing inside her. Both her hands were clenched firmly on the bedspread, bunching it tightly, as i continued to swipe my fingers in and out of her pussy walls. Her inner muscles
clenched around my hand, she grabbed my head with her hands firmly. Panting and grunting loudly, she held me there, as my hand withdrew, not wanting me to move she pressed her cunt hard onto my mouth, rubbing and grinding against it. I ate her pussy, licking it up and down in small movements just under her clit as I finger fucked her faster and faster. I could feel her inner walls squeezing my fingers and knew she was about to come soon. I stoped what I was doing and I could hear her whimper in protest.” No pls do it , don't stop, ah Rahul , pls come on , come Rahul, pls , pls , ah , aha , I cant Rahul, pls come in , pls “ and she widened her legs .

I Leaned over and start kissing her on her mouth, trailing my kisses down from the hollow of her neck, and down to her tits, licking and pulling her nipples. She hissed as l left her breasts, missing the attention I was giving them.
I went down to her love triangle again, stuck two fingers back in and ate out her pussy, sucking and licking as I again fucked her with my fingers, faster and faster. She held my head firmly, not wanting me to move away again, as she pushed her hips up and down against my mouth, wanting me to do it much harder. With my tongue inside of her pussy and as I moved my head from side to side, up and down, I started picking up the tempo. Screaming and shaking with full force, she came, her juices dripping out of her wet hole and down my face and into my mouth. I removed my mouth off her pussy, licking her cum off my lips and still playing with her clit, urging on her climax, I stuck my cock into her clit gently, caressing and softly stroking it from outside on her entrance gate maddening and intensifying her release.

I palmed her breast, my thumb flicking over her nipple. she cried out, and i buried myself in her with a mighty stroke. For a moment, I was nothing, no one. Then we were fused, two hearts beating as one, and I promised her it always would be that way whenever we would get a
opportunity as i pulled out a few inches, “ She screamed “ I Love you Rekha pls do it fast , oh god I cant wait , pls , aa jao , mama , pressure , pls , pls fast , don't stop ah , ah , ah uff don't stop pls “ the muscles of my back flexing beneath her hands, and then slammed back into her. Again and again, she broke and broke against me as i moved, as she murmured my name and told me she loved me and she was starving for this for a long – long time.
“Am I hurting you?”“A little,” she replied, punctuated by a gasp of breath. “Oh, it feels so fucking big!”. Its been long time but I like it pls fuck me “she again started to move her ass in
upward motion .I dropped the pace and fucked her slowly, trying to control the pace, as I could feel her very tight and convulsing pussy. It was hard not to ram in her and come inside but somehow I held back. Wanting to be even farther inside her and knowing that her cunt was already getting accustomed to me, I pulled out and told her to lean forward on the bed.
“I don't believe how tight you are!” she gasped and replied Its been unused and barren for some time now but now I feel like I've been split in two!”
Doing what I requested, she put her hands on the arm rest pulled herself up and leaned over, arching her back and opening her legs wide. Stroking my hard cock at the position, giving me a good view of her ass, I wanted to fuck it badly but knew I couldn't. I made a grand entry again in a single hard painful push and Rekha gasped at the feeling of my thrust, I started to plunge my dick deep in and out of her fiery pussy, making the sensation build and as we fucked my balls were hitting her legs. I ran one hand smoothly over her boobs caressing them and ass while with the other I help the bed firmly supporting me to push and penetrating deeper inside her.
Looking down, I saw her cunt wrapped around my dick tightly and seeing her left over cum coating it. Grabbing the couch, she yelled” Oh yes. Fuck me harder. Oh yes. I love how your cock is deep inside me. Hmm, still deeper , pls fast fast, don't stop Rekha , yes , yes pls push it in pls , mama, Rahul fuck , fuck don't stop yes , yes ” she said over and over again.
Flexing my ass and clenching my teeth together, I tried not to come. I could see her feet held up high behind her as she bent her knees back showing off her sexy legs. Trying to distract myself from coming first, I reached down, opened her folds and started rubbing her clit which was still sensitive. Yelling out she wiggled her hips and pushing them hard against me..
“Just tear it hard , hard , don't stop , yeah yes , yes she screamed – ! Make it hurt! Fuck my pussy” I started pumping her like a madman, driving my cock in and out of her beautiful, tight pussy as instructed.

And when that lightning once filled her veins, her head, she gasped out my name,” Rahul yes, yes, ah aha, ah aha oh god , love you Rahul, I cant mama, yes, yes, oh god, god “her own release made its way down, her body firmed up she gripped me through each shuddering wave, savoring the weight of me, the feel of my skin as her support and strength. Moments later, she screamed out “I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come.” as I fucked and played with her and I increased the speed. She came, squirting all over my dick and crying out as her pussy walls broke open the flood gates, she wrapped her legs around me and screamed “yeeess!!!, oh god, ah , ah, ah, uff , Rahul.
Feeling her orgasm subsiding and her pussy still squeezing me, I told her to bend one leg on the bed so she can see it better When she did, I stared down, stroking my hand up and down her calf, touching her foot. Grunting at the sight, I held her hip and pushed even deeper and harder, speeding up my dicks pace at a frantic pace even harder and firmer.

Feeling my climax coming, I quickly pulled out. She reached over and started stroking my cock as I threw back my head and groaned in orgasm, spilling my creamy cum all over her. She kept on rubbing me back and forth, feeling this I kept on thrusting in her hand, milking every last drop of my cum. With both of them panting from their encounter, she back and laid down on the bed and I collapsed on top of her.
Holding my sweaty body against hers, she looked up with face flushed and smiled at me. “That was incredible” she sighed, “All I felt was pure pleasure”.
I continued kneading her breasts and kissing her neck and shoulders while she lay completely motionless beside me. She told the entry in her pussy had been somewhat painful for her, but that was not unexpected. The walls of her rectum were warm and smooth against my cock. It was, without a doubt, one of the best fucks I had had in long time, and with her reactions and request for a night session also I would say she did enjoy and felt the same way.
Rekha turned herself completely around until we were belly to belly, chest to chest, She wrapped her arms around my back and held me tight pressing her pussy close up against my limp cock, I gripped her ass pulling her in closer and we could feel the wetness our pumped out juices . That was fucking great,” she whispered sexilly.

I have opened my eyes and she is still sleeping on my bare chest. We both were covered only by the small blanket. Later we both waken up and rushed back to Coimbatore. On the way back she was quiet and I felt some uneasiness

Me: Rekha are you ok?
She: hmm
Me: what happened? Do you feel guilty?
She: no never. It was a wonderful night Rahul
Me: then what?
She: if you don't mind I will say it
Me: come on say it
She: I want to be your wife
Me: are you serious?
She: do you think that a lady who loves her man a a lot will say this for a comedy?
Me: im sorry babe
I stopped the car and taken her face in my hands
Me: I love you a lot and you also. I want to grow old with you. I need you by my side. But you are?
She: ya. I am married. I am well aware of that
Me: ya
She: is it ok for your parents that you marrying a divorcee?
Me: what? Divorcee?
She: just asked
Me: my parents have given me full freedom to select my companion and they know well that I won't make a mistake in my selection
She: so what is your selection?
Me: this one
Saying that I have kissed her on her forehead
She: if the God permits it will happen. Pray well and give 2 year for me
Me: whats your plan?
She: no plans. Have faith in my love and God.
Me: what?
She: leave it. I am already late drop me back my love
Things gone nicely for the next few days. On a Friday evening she messaged me.
She: Rahul I got a call from rakesh gowda (amazon's dress dealer in banglore) and he is ready to launch our item in amazon
Me: wow… sounds great congrats my dear. At last all your patience getting results
She: thank God.
Me: I need treat for this
She: ha ha ok done.
Me: so whats next?
She: next I have to go to his office and have to sign the papers.
Me: so when we are going?
She: sir I think you have made a mistake, instead of “you”, you spelled “we”
Me: that's not by mistake lady. We both will go to banglore to sign the contract
She: oho who told that?
Me: it's the decision from the husband
She: ha ha. My dear hubby do you think that I will go alone there?
Me: ha ha.
She: it is all started in a banglore journey na?
Me: now we can kick start another Bangalore journey but this time let together go for it.
She: always together dear
Me: love you
She: miss you
Did you notice the change in the conversation? We didn't speak about her husband this time and also we are not bothered about his like or dislike in this Bangalore visit. Now I am her man and she is my queen.
But something negative happened as expected. She explained that after we boarded the bus from Coimbatore to Bangalore.
Thus we found ourselves on an overnight journey by a Volvo AC bus the next night. We had two seats together, she took the window seat and me to her right, the aisle seat. The bus started at ten pm. The AC was comfortable and a nice romantic movie was shown on the LCD TV.
Once again her husband disallowed her to move forward with the garment online business. He said a big no.
She: he said that he don't need a wife who is working somewhere
Me: leave it
She: ha ha you fool am not sad and I'm very happy too
Me: ha ha
She: yeah my plans were started to work
Me: you my clever queen
I planted a kiss on her forehead.

We silently watched the movie for a while; each lost in their own thoughts and dozed a little. Soon it was cold and we covered ourselves with the thin blankets provided, after reclining the seats. Rekha couldn't adjust her seat handle and I reached across and helped her, my arm brushing against her right breast in the process.

When the lights were all switched off, it was dark enough to sleep. My left hand found her right hand resting on the hand rest and held it lightly. After a minute, I let my fingers caress her soft hand and slim fingers. They were warm and the touch was smooth. Her breath quickened.

She loved my touch. To let me know that she approved, she locked her fingers with my and pressed very lightly. I was thrilled. I was given a green signal by his queen!
I turned slightly to my left. Removing my left hand from hers for a second, I lifted and pushed back the hand rest. My left hand quickly regained her right hand. I maneuvered my right hand under the blanket and then reached slowly under her blanket aiming for her right breast.

I was not far off the mark. My advancing hand touched her blouse on her right side of the breast. As my eager fingers touched her, Rekha's pulse raced. She had never experienced this kind of thrill all her life and here was this young man seeking her boobs so eagerly. She would let me play with them, she thought. She kept quiet.

After a few seconds of hesitation, I moved my fingers lightly along the breast and pressed them against its softness. It felt heavenly. Rekha turned ever so slightly to her right and presented me more of her boob.

When my palm boldly cupped it, she exhaled. As I pressed her breasts, Rekha covered my hand with hers. She caressed and pulled at the soft hairs on the back of my hand.

There was no pretense and we were actively involved now. I fumbled under the blanket to open her blouse. She moved my hand away and whispered, “Wait.”

After a full minute, her hand sought my and guided it to her bosom. Not only her blouse was open now, her bra was also unhooked too and her bare breast touched my hand. Turning fully to my left and pushing my left hand too under the blanket, I started fondling both breasts.

I found her engorged nipples and tweaked them, rolling them between thumb and forefinger and marveled in their response. My strong, eager hands kneaded her full boobs sending her into raptures. I couldn't get enough of them and I just wouldn't let them go. They were very precious gifts for the hungry man.

After several minutes of fondling, she gently pushed my hands away from her bruising breasts and whispered, “Stop for now please! They are sour and hurting. Let us sleep.”

I felt like a kid from whom his favorite toys have been snatched away. But I was heartened that she only said stop for ‘now'. I wanted to be a good boy with his lover because I wanted more from her.

As I am relaxed in his own seat and closed my eyes, Rekha quickly readjusted her bra and blouse under the cover of the blanket. She sensed my disappointment. But she also knew that, in the confined space of the bus and with people around them, they should be very careful. She however, wanted to keep the control with her.

Slowly she pushed her right hand under his blanket and rested it on my left thigh. I felt her soft hand instantly. As it lay there, I waited for her next move. She gently pressed my thigh with her palm. That was the signal for me. My left hand caught her right hand and guided it, a trifle hesitantly, to the big bulge in his trousers.

Rekha cupped my bulge in her soft hand and squeezed it gently. It was a touch that was both tender and inciting. With my right hand he reached for the zipper and pulled it down, opening up to her. Rekha's hand went in and held the bulged cotton briefs in her hand. I felt, at that moment, that my lover wanted me as much as I wanted her and relaxed.

Rekha ran her hand along the length of my rock hard penis. Her hand gripped it at the root and traveled along the entire length. Then she started stroking it under the cover of my blanket; slow and steady strokes. Turning slightly to her right, she now put her left hand too under the blanket. While her right hand stroked my cock, her left caressed and squeezed the tip.
Her moves were too much for me who was already on the verge and he ejaculated with a big jet inside my cotton briefs. Rekha felt the hot semen wetting her hand through the fabric and wondered how it tastes. She would find it soon enough. Not just that! She would have all that semen flow into her virginal cunt too!!

Exhausted, we slept soundly for the rest of the journey.

We got down at madiwala and went to the hotel directly that I booked in OYO app. After getting freshen up we headed to meet the person to sign the contract. All the business matters were happily ended in just 2 hours and after that we returned to the hotel.
She walked into the room and I followed her eagerly.

She was dressed in a light green sari and a matching blouse. She quickly unfurled her sari and removed it. Still looking into my eyes, she slowly unhooked and removed her blouse. She was now clad only in a green petticoat and a white bra. Her full, white breasts spilled over the cups of her bra and were very alluring.

Her midriff and tummy that showed up between her bra and petticoat was flat and silken smooth. Her waist was curved and alluringly smooth. Just looking at her, my cock sprang to attention.

I removed my shirt. As I moved closer, she caught the edges of my vest and pulled it over my head. Resting her right palm on my broad naked chest, she rubbed it all over lovingly, enjoying the feel of hardness, youth and the sparse black hairs.

I put his hands on her smooth waist and pulled her close to me.I hugged my sexy Lover. Rekha felt her ample breasts tremble at the contact and pressure of my young male chest.

And then she kissed me. Yes! She raised her lips to me and whispered, “Kiss me, dear.”

The first kiss between us was the sweetest either of them ever had. Her lips were full, wet and juicy. My lips were young, eager and hungry. As our lips touched, we just had one strong urge…devour each other. We just locked their lips and chewed.

My eager tongue pushed into her hot mouth and was welcomed instantly. As it started probing all around, her tongue joined in a playful duel that enhanced their passion. Her teeth nibbled my lips lightly, inciting me a little more.

My hands roamed the expanse of her smooth back and encountered the bra strap. My fumbling fingers unhooked it after a couple of attempt. Her boobs sprang free from the restraining cups and bounced. My hands reached for them greedily and squeezed them hard, making her wince and moan.

I looked at her light brown aureole that were perfect circles and the pinkish nipples that lengthened as they hardened and stood proud.

“Kiss them, my love, they are yours,” she crooned.

As he brought I lips to her nipple, she sat down on the bed and pulled my head to her bosom.

I locked her erect nipple between my lips and sucked it greedily.

“Oh! my baby! Suck away; suck your wife's nipples hard.”

Her words electrified me and I sucked it harder, not just the nipple but the aureole and a bit of tit too. Dizzy with passion, Rekha pulled his head harder against her bosom and fed more of her tit into my hot mouth, literally stuffing it. It was awesome, I thought, as my mouth tasted her big tit.

Guided by her hand, my hand kneaded the other boob which soon turned angry red with all the rough mauling. Pulling her right tit out of my hungry mouth, she fed me her left tit and the sucking and mauling continued. We kept at it and lost the track of time.

My erection was making him extremely uncomfortable and I tried to remove my pants. Rekha immediately said, “No, don't remove. Not now. Wait.”

Pushing me a little away from her, she sat me next to her on the bed.

Resting her hand on my crotch, she slowly unzipped my trouser, inserted her right hand into the opening and grabbed my bulged briefs. She pulled the tent out of the opening. Moving her own legs a little apart, she signaled me to follow her lead.

I immediately lifted her petticoat halfway on to her silken white thighs and rested my hand there. I caressed her soft, silken smooth, hairless thighs and squeezed them with both hands. Pushing my hand further up, I reached for her panties. As my eager hands touched her panties clad pussy, I felt its heat and dampness.

I grabbed my wife's pussy; just the way she grabbed her husband's cock.

As she stroked my phallus, I massaged her pussy and its swollen lips.

She squeezed hard and I responded likewise. Then I improvised further.

In one quick move, I inserted his palm into the wet panties and grabbed her damp and hot pussy. I found the lips and the slit, inserted my forefinger into her hot cunt in one go and wiggled my finger.

Taken by surprise, Rekha responded eagerly. Grabbing my hand with her free hand, she managed to get myself to insert two more fingers and added her own.

And following my cue, she reached under my briefs and grabbed my naked and pulsating rod. It was hot to her touch. She started stroking it faster, in harmony with my fingers in her cunt.

She suddenly saw their images in the dresser mirror that was across the bed.

“Oh, Sekhar, look at us, isn't that wonderful?” she exclaimed, pointing at the mirror.

They shifted a little so that the images were even better captured.

After a few more strokes, the husband first ejaculated in a big spurt all over his wife's hands and then his wife exploded in a big orgasm that literally shook her whole body with spasms.

We fell into each other's arms, totally spent and lost to the surrounding world.

We dozed a little under the cool breeze of the fan, even as our bodies recovered from the physical exertion. Rekha opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was my limp penis hanging out from the opening in my briefs. It was impressive even in that state. She reached out with her hand and touched it fondly.

I looked at her full, bouncy breasts and the now placid but cute nipples and automatically cupped one.

“Time to clean up, Rahul,” Rekha said, getting off the bed and going to the bath room.

Returning with a couple of towels, she wiped my cock and groin dry. Then she wiped her own pussy and the neighborhood. Then we washed and cleaned up.

we have boarded the bus back to coimbatore and sleptin each others arms.

Home Breaking
After 2 days she messaged me saying that her husband is very angry on her for again putting up the business matters. She was bit nervous. He shouted on both on herself and his mother for letting her to go to Bangalore. He is very short tempered; if he gets angry then no one can stop him. He even telephoned her home and shouted at her Father. He told that it is her parent's problem that's why she is not obeying his husband. She gets angry then, and she called him back and quarreled with him for dragging her father in to the matter. She explained everything to me. I thought like I want to be with her now. It's the right time that she needs my presence at least for some confidence. But she refused and told me that,
She: No Rahul, no problem
Me: but I have to see you. I want to be there
She: I can handle this man. After all I have expected all these. Now my parents know that he is not the right person for me.
Me: what did your parents told you
She: appa called me yesterday and cried a lot by saying that he is the one who forced to get marry this man. Appa thought that he will be my better half. But not
Me: then
She: then nothing. Rahul actually things were going in the right direction only.
Me: what?
She: hey my love, if things will be like this then by next this time I will be in your home as your wife
Me: is it?
She: hope so
Me: I am thrilled
She: ha ha me too.
Me: I wanna see you now
She: hey you crazy it is not possible.
Me: nothing is impossible man
She: oh acting like so brave you are.
Me: not acting yar
She: is it? Ok then come to my apartment. I will be waiting here with my mother in law.
Me: oh so you think that I couldn't make it na?
She: yup exactly. If you are going to come then the flat security will ask you? Who are you? Why are you here? Do you think they will permit a stranger inside these buildings?
Me: ok leave that. What's the next issue?
She: ok even if you convinced them how you will get hide from my mother in law?
Me: hmm
She: so be quiet. We will meet this Sunday ok?
Me: not ok
She: please
Me: I said I want to see you now
She: there is no way yar
Me: where there is a will then there will be a way
She: ha ha.
Me: bye
She: bye love you
Hung up the phone.

I have decided to take a chance. No plans just get in to her house and give her a kiss to boost up her. Started the car and directly went to her flat.
I called her.
Me: listen I am taking this chance
She: I expected so
Me: ok then listen to me
She: rahul it is bit risky na?
Me: life is full of risks yar
She: but..
Me: I am coming for my love. Now you listen to me
She: ok
Me: unplug the telephone line. So when I get there, the security guard will telephone you. Since the line is unplugged he will get the busy tone continuously. Then he will try to the next mobile number. Whose mobile number is given in the gate?
She: both mine and mothers
Me: ok. Mostly he will dial to mother's number I guess
She: yes
Me: ok so you keep that mobile with you and don't forget to put it in vibrating mode.
She: ok
Me: so when he calls you just ignore it for the first time and when he calls again you pick it and say that the mother has went to the neighbours flat. So he will tell you that someone named Rahul is here
She: ok
Me: I will say that I am your cousin brother.
She: ok.
Me: that's it. And one more thing don't bolt the front door
She: Rahul im tensed
Me: ha ha nothing yar. Today I want to spend some valuable time with you. So your husband is coming that's all
She: you always crazy
Me: ha ha catch you there.
She: hm come fast my love
Me: ha ha look you are very eager to see me
She: ha ha

While on the way to her apartment I have bought some sleeping pills and oranges. I have pressed the horn when I reached infront of the Apartment Gate.
The security, who is a middle aged man came and opened the Gate.
Security: Who are you? What you want?
Me: Good morning Ji, My cousins were staying here in 12B. I am here to meet them
Security: 12B? who? Tell me the name
Me: Rakkammal, she is my cousin.
Security: ok. Sir please wait for a minute, let me ask them
Me: oh sure
I have offered him an orange, but he hesitated to take it. Then I forcefully gave it to him.
Me: Take it Ji
Security: Thank you sir
Then he called to the Landline, he tried 2 times and no one has picked the phone.
Security: I think no one is there in the flat, no one is attending my call
Me: hey no ji. Few minutes before Rakkammal has talked to me in her mobile
Security: oh I have tried to the Landline only.
Me: ha that may be fault
Security: yeah. Let me try in her mobile
He called and in the second try Rekha picked the phone and he is happy with her reply and the Gate made wide open infront of me.

After parking the car I have messaged her.
Me: I am coming and I will be there in 2 minutes. Door were not bolted na?
She: yup. Come fast
Me: where is your mother in law.
She: in her room
Me: that's not safe
She: so what to do?
Me: ok do onething. Just send her to the neighbours flat to ask some curd.
She: im scared
Me: hey don't worry yar. Plan is simple, from here I will take the lift and will get down in the 3rd floor. After then you send her to the neighbours flat and I will get in to your flat which is in the 4th floor by using the stairs.
She: everything is ok na?
Me: everything is perfect yar.
She: ok
I have taken the lift and reached the 3rd floor. A message came to my whatsapp from her
Me: she left just now.
I ran to her flat and got in like a flash.
After getting in I just bolted the door without making sound. When I turned back I found her standing in the hall with an exclamatory look, I told her to don't make noise. After that what all happened there was just like romantic film scene.
I asked her to come in to my arms. She ran in to my arms and we hugged tightly each other. I was running my arms in her hair. I have seen tears in her eyes, I just wiped them off and kissed in her forehead.
Me: if you are not ok then how can I sit there peacefully?
She: I love you
Me: love you too
Kissed on her forehead and hugged again.
Suddenly a knock heard on the door. Her mother in law is back.

Mail me your valuable responses to [email protected]

Added by Rahul

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