Bangalore sexy story reader fucked hard

Hello, all readers of Indian Sex 4 Stories. Once again, this is Praveen from Bangalore. Today, I would like to describe the story that occurred recently. I had written my story on this site and I had received positive feedback from several readers on my email.

One of them was Khushi. This story is dedicated to her. She was the first to respond to my previous story.

Khushi had messaged me saying she enjoyed my story. I wrote to her, complimented her for her response, and attempted to initiate a conversation. She took time to reply and I almost gave up on hopes of hearing back from her again. However, she appeared to be shy and introverted, and did not want to open up. Our early chats never went any further than ‘hi’ and ‘hello’.

She rarely responded to my texts instantly. Part of the miscommunication stemmed from the unusual times we were online. We both appeared to be online at various times. The other explanation seemed to be that Khushi was hesitant to talk with strangers.

However, luck shined on me one day when I stumbled onto my reader Khushi online. Her early responses were frigid, but she finally softened up. I learned that she was thirty, married and that her husband lived abroad. She was a simple girl living in Bangalore who shared a flat with her friends.

We started talking more often over time, and she started opening up to me. Despite her introversion, she was able to hold my interest. We began to have casual talks and talk a little more together over time. She shared some photos with me one day, and I was in awe of her beauty.

I was in awe and felt fortunate that I had a conversation with such a stunning woman. When it came to our conversations, Khushi was very rigid and never made anything personal. I respected that if my texts descended into the area of the sexual world, she would stop responding.

As the days went by, we were getting to know one another. Khushi asked me whether I would be interested in meeting her one day, out of the blue. She was quite explicit in saying that this would be a friendly get-together and that there would be no more expectations. The meeting with her thrilled me and excited me a lot.

I had only known Khushi for three months, so I wasn’t expecting anything more than a friendly get-together. We made plans to grab coffee at a Bangalore mall on Saturday. Due to excitement, I reached the place ahead of time and informed her that I was there.

I was waiting for Khushi at a coffee shop, but I told her that I just had arrived on time. A tap on my shoulder startled me. She was a gorgeous woman who looked like a model standing next to me. It shocked me. I wasn’t even sure I was speaking to the same individual for a moment.

Khushi was dressed in a loose-fitting white t-shirt and a pair of blue tight-fitting shorts. Her hair matched silk’s smoothness, adorning her face, an alluring canvas. Gently embracing her breasts with a sensual flow at her waist. Every strand resembled a silky whisper. Her eyes shone with the brilliance of emeralds with a color deeper than the sea. Her captivating stare has the ability to effortlessly captivate an observer.

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