Bangalore sexy story reader fucked hard

Hello, all readers of Indian Sex 4 Stories. Once again, this is Praveen from Bangalore. Today, I would like to describe the story that occurred recently. I had written my story on this site and I had received positive feedback from several readers on my email. One of them was Khushi. This story is dedicated … Read more

Sex education with vallar teacher – 1

 Sex education with Vallar teacher Hello my lovely reader I’m Surya age 22 and I’m from Bangalore. I have the dirtiest desires for sex. I love traditional women a lot. I wanna tell you my beautiful story of Vallar teacher. About vallar She is 36 her structure is 36,34,38. She has beautiful boobs and a … Read more

The Hot Threesome with my Sister in Law

I’m back with another story of how I fucked my sister in law and shared her pussy with her cousin. It was a family party planned one weekend and my sister in law and her cousins were invited. After an awesome get together, we all decided to drink a little and enjoy the music. Now … Read more

Caught Mom while having sex with my Cousin

Mom Got Caught Having Sex With My Cousin Hi there this is the true event which occurred few weeks back, I and my cousins are we close to each other we share a lot of secrets with each other and trust each other his age is [25 M] and my Moms age is [46 F] … Read more

Sorry parents if you think we will stay virgin by send us to private girls school

For the last three years, I had attended the private girls school and i share my room with three other girls. We heard plenty of rumors about the opposite sex. We talked about it all the time at lunch and during breaks but none of us had any concrete information about what the boys were … Read more

Sister was about to be shared by her husband

Sister was about to be shared by her husband – Cuckolding from a Woman’s View Main Characters of the story are Mandy & Bud, Jan & John, and Mary & Don. “Mandy wait until I tell you what happened last night!” my sister almost yelled into the phone at me. It was Jan and while … Read more

A Loving Lockdown Christmas, A mother finds love, desire and passion on Christmas.

A Loving Lockdown Christmas A mother finds love, desire and passion on Christmas. Prologue 1 year ago… “Do I have to? I got offers from both state colleges I applied to.” Vivian Kesley grimaced as she glanced over at her son, knowing exactly why he was reluctant. “And miss out on Stanford? Seriously Jason, do … Read more

Young shy petite wife gets turned on

My wife who is very shy,but very sexy, natural tan all over, hazel eyes,long black hair, shaved long slim legs,small boobs, bubble butt,aged 18,looks 14,I worked as barman,she would often sit with me,help pick up empty glasses from tables,where a lot of dirty minded old men sat, usually 65 years old and above, Well one … Read more

A couple explores wifesharing

I love the smell of sunscreen. It reminds me of going away on vacation, of being hundreds of miles away from the responsibilities of your personal and professional life. Of course, I had to remind myself as I applied the sunscreen to my legs on that August afternoon, this wasn’t a vacation. We were merely … Read more