A young lady and her mother meet an older man

I was on my hands and knees, dripping sweat with dirt up to my elbows from weeding the flower box alongside the house when I heard the doorbell ring.

It was Sunday morning, and I wasn't expecting anyone. I was trying to get this little chore finished before the impending rain came, so I tried to ignore it. It rang a second and then a third time, so I finally got up and walked around the front of the house to see who it was.

Standing there at the door with her back to me was a very attractive young lady, dressed in flip-flops, a pair of very short, ragged cut off jeans and a T-shirt shortened to just below the swell of her breasts. When I finally looked up from her well-rounded ass to her pixie-cut blond hair, I recognized her as Sarah Rogers, my son's 22-year-old ex-girlfriend.

“Hi, Sarah. What can I do for you?”

“Hello, Mr. Wilson. I was looking for Todd.”

“Sorry, Sarah, he left this morning to spend some time with his before he goes back to school next week. I thought you two broke up. Anything I can do for you?”

“I just wanted to return some of his stuff and talk to him. That jerk I've been dating is a nerd. Uh oh, it's starting to rain. Can we go inside?”

“Sure, let's see what you've got in the box.”

“It's just some of his shirts and a couple of CDs.”

As I rummaged through the stuff, I saw that she had neglected to mention a pair of his jockey shorts and half-empty box of condoms.

“Okay, Sarah, I'll see that he gets them. How did you get here?”

“I share an apartment with my mother over on Fir Street. It was only six blocks, so I walked.”

“Well, you can't walk back in the rain. Give me a few minutes to clean up, and I'll drive you home.”

While I showered, I wondered what sort of relationship my son had with this nubile young nymph. She certainly was sexy. I was standing there, drying off with a towel when I caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, standing behind me only a few feet away, leaning against the doorjamb and giving me the once-over.

“What are you doing, Sarah? You shouldn't be here.”

“I just wanted to see what your body looked like, if you were built like Todd. You're very handsome like Todd, but your shoulders are a little broader and your waist is a little thicker. I couldn't tell about your cock because I never saw his when he didn't have a hard-on.”

I was a little embarrassed by this exchange and tried to cover myself with the towel. It would only be a moment or two before I had a hard-on too.

“I have a very nice pussy. Do you want to see it?”

Without waiting for an answer, she unzipped the jeans and dropped them around her ankles to reveal a pair of thong panties. These quickly followed the jeans, and she stepped out of both, leaving her nude from her T-shirt down.

I must say, it was a beautiful pussy — completely devoid of hair, with luscious, full, pink lips. As I watched, she rubbed it sensuously with her fingers.

“Have you got a hard-on yet, Mr. Wilson? Let me see.”

She stepped forward and, with a quick yank, whisked the towel away, leaving me completely exposed with my hard dick staring her straight in the eye.

“That's more like it! You have a beautiful cock, just like Todd's, except that I think yours is a little thicker.”

One of her hands was massaging my dick while the other was rubbing the lips of her pussy.

“Oh, come into the bedroom and have sex with me. I haven't had any since Todd and I broke up three weeks ago. I'm so horny I've been climbing the walls.”

I wanted to help her out but I knew I shouldn't. A 48-year- doesn't have any business screwing around with a 22-year-old girl. I followed her into the bedroom, fully intending to tell her so. She flopped on the bed on her back, legs spread, that beautiful, wet pussy staring up at me, and all my good intentions flew out the window.

I succumbed to the carnal lust interred deep within my psyche and buried my face in that luscious thing that had mesmerized me so. Her legs clamped shut on my head and held me in a vice-like grip while my tongue prodded deep in her deliciously moist garden of delights. She was writhing like a snake as I lashed at her with my soft probe. I finally found her clitoris and was able to suck it between my lips. While I had it imprisoned, my tongue caressed it time and again. I knew she was in the throes of an orgasm when she began to buck wildly against my face, all the while continuously moaning and thrashing from side to side.

“Oh my God, stop, stop, no, don't stop! I can't take any more! Don't stop! Quick, put your cock in me while I still feel his way. Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

Being a gentleman, I had to honor her request. She just lay there, whimpering and jerking each time I drove my phallus deep in her box or withdrew it a little. Slowly she was able to compose herself, but just as slowly I lost my focus. Bit by bit, every nerve in my body abandoned its post and reconvened in my penis. There was no thought in my mind except the euphoria of my hard dick sliding in and out of the warm sleeve of her pussy. Nothing but the feeling of our union was of any consequence as I rammed myself up to the hilt in her, time after time.

I felt it coming, the fulfillment of my quest to fill her cunt to overflowing with cum. In some distant corner of my mind I realized that she was almost screaming with another climax as my ripe cock gushed spurt after spurt of seed into her, pushing me over the edge of ecstasy into the land of euphoria.

She barely moved as I collapsed along side of her. I must have fallen asleep but sometime later I became aware of her getting out of bed. The next thing I knew was the feeling of something warm washing my soft penis and then the unmistaken feeling of it being engulfed by a mouth. I opened my eyes to see her standing beside the bed, still nude, bent over and sucking my cock. I lay back, closed my eyes and savored the sensation of her warm, wet mouth as she sucked and nursed on my rapidly hardening member. Within minutes it was rigid as iron and once again, standing up, straight and proud.

She stood up, surveyed what she had caused and murmured to herself, “That's just what I wanted.”

Without another word, she mounted my inflexible shaft as if she was mounting a horse. It slid easily into her wet hole as she eased herself all the way down to where the soft lips of her pussy were against my balls. With her hands supporting herself on my chest and smiling down into my face, she commenced her ride. And quite a ride it was, up and down, back and forth, in and out, until I was once again ready to pump her full of my jism.

At the last second, her eyes lost their focus and her head sagged. I think she stopped moving and was only quivering because she had a climax, but it held me on the pinnacle of orgasm until my need had passed. Slowly she regained her senses and resumed her journey, going up so high I was afraid I would fall out. She came back down just far enough so that the helmet of my prick was just barely inside of her. By flexing the muscles of her vagina, she was able to ‘milk' me as one might milk a cow. This time there was no stopping, and I unloaded what little sperm I had left into her warm box as a gigantic orgasm overtook me. I was left shuddering and gasping for breath.

Now it was her turn to collapse alongside of me.

“Oh God, Mr. Wilson, you are so much better than Todd, I can't believe it. He didn't like to eat pussy, and he couldn't last anywhere near as long as you. Oh look, it's almost dark, and I've got to get dressed and get home. My mom will wonder where I am. If I come back tomorrow, will you eat my pussy and fuck me again?”

My common sense screamed “no”, but my ego said, “Sure, any time.”

I drove her home, smug and self-satisfied with what had happened. Sure, she was young, but she was an adult and well experienced in sexual matters. And since it was the first piece of ass I had had in over a month, I certainly enjoyed it, and thought I did pretty well by her.

The next day, at the shop, I thought about her all day long. Every time I thought about the previous days events, I got a hard on. I finally got so horny that I asked my business partner, Fred, to take over and went home. I thought about jacking off, but I knew that she was coming over and was expected to give her a repeat of yesterday's performance.

I straightened up a little, sprayed some air freshener around, fixed some hors d'oeuvres, opened a nice bottle of wine, put out some candles, and was just stepping out of the shower when the doorbell rang. I quickly splashed on a very sexy after-shave, grabbed my robe, and dashed to the door to let her in.

“Hello. Are you Mr. Wilson, Ted Wilson, Todd's father?”

Standing there was not Sarah but rather a more version of Sarah. She was slender, perhaps in her late 30s, taller than Sarah but with the same blue eyes; the same round, firm ass and tits; the same short, blond hair.

“Er, yes. Are you Sarah's sister?”

“No, I'm Ruth, her mother. May I come in?”

Oh shit!

“Of course. Forgive me; I just stepped out of the shower. Give me a moment to slip into something.”

“That's all right, I won't keep you. I just want to know if you are the one that seduced my Sarah.”

“Well, I… Er… Please don't get upset, but in truth it was Sarah who seduced me.”

“I'm not upset. I just wanted to see the man Sarah is raving about. She said you were the best lover she ever had and that you made her climax at least three or four times. Is that true?”

Again my fucking, big-mouth ego said, “I do believe it was four.”

“She said you looked a lot like Todd, but I don't think so. You are taller and heaver, but I do see a slight resemblance in your facial features. If anything, you're more handsome.”

“Thank you. You're very pretty like Sarah, but you don't look old enough to be her mother.

“Well, thank you too. I'm 40, I was 18 when she was born — knocked up by the first guy I slept with.”

“Sorry to hear that. So, you're not married?”

“No, I left him when Sarah was 7 years old.”

“How did you find out about Sarah and me?”

“She told me. She tells me everything, and we share everything. I'll bet she didn't tell you that we shared Todd.”

I looked at her in a different light. As attractive as she was, I still couldn't picture my 23-year-old son having sex with her.

“Did she tell you that we're going to share you?”

Without waiting for an answer, she stepped forward and kissed me, full on the lips. It wasn't just any old kiss, but an open mouth with a wet tongue thrust between my lips. Any other time I would have been taken aback, but as horny as I was, I kissed her back, dueling with her tongue, matching parry for parry.

I could feel myself getting excited and wondered if she could tell. My question was answered in just a moment when she ground her body against my groin and said, “I can tell you like that, and you wouldn't mind being shared. Let's go into your bedroom.”

She laughed a little when she saw the preparations I had made. “Wow, you really went all out! I guess that Sarah made a good impression on you. I just hope you think the same of me when this is all over.”

She turned around, grabbed me by lapels of my robe, and kissed me again. This time, her hand strayed down into the opening of my robe and began caressing my hard cock. After a moment or two of this, she fell to her knees and extracted my rigid phallus through the front of the robe. She stared at it for a few seconds and then, slowly and softly slid her mouth around it.

It was heaven! Her mouth was a pliable, yielding sheath and her tongue was magic, caressing the soft sensitive under-belly of my cock. I could feel her lips tight around my shaft, her tongue probing at the little slit and swirling around the rim of the head, but best of all was the exquisite feeling of being deep in her mouth. I began to pump, fucking her face. I could look down and see my hard dick gliding in and out between her luscious red lips. I closed my eyes and savored the feelings that were soon overtaking me.

My release was so sudden, so complete that I was almost reeling. Cum gushed out of me in a series of surges, leaving me drained. I might have fallen if I hadn't been leaning against the wall for support. She continued to nurse long after the last remnant of semen had been sucked from me.

Finally, she pushed away and stood up. She said, “Wait for me; I'll be right back,” and disappeared into the bathroom.

I groped my way towards the bed, but before I got there, she returned, looking fresh as a daisy but completely nude. She plopped sideways on the big king-sized bed in a sitting position and held out her arms to me. Her feet were still on the floor. “Okay, big boy. It's your turn. Let's see if you are as good as Sarah said you are.”

I dropped my robe, went to her, and kissed her full lips. My tongue darted in and out of her mouth, simulating what it would like to do to her pussy later. When I moved down to her breasts, she laid back and pushed them out proudly to me by pressing her upper arms together. I kissed and sucked on each nipple, suckling like a baby, exploring the areola with my tongue. Still using my tongue, I left a wet trail from her tits, down her stomach to the hairless mound just above the flower of her womanhood.

I could feel a shudder go through her body when I kissed the petals of her flower. My tongue inserted between the delicate petals brought a low moan and a succession of involuntary twitches. Her hands were on the back of my head, demanding that I go deeper into her aromatic oasis. Her flower was exuding delicious nectar that I lapped at greedily.

The more I lapped, the wider she spread her legs and the harder she pushed on the back if my head. I could tell by her whimpers she was fast approaching the first of what I hoped would be many orgasms. She was now writhing with each stroke of my tongue. I brought my hand up and inserted my finger into her, just below where my lips had captured and were sucking on her clitoris. The reaction was immediate; she let out a low-pitched moan that slowly increased in pitch and crescendo. Within a few seconds she was wailing and she had clamped her legs together hard, capturing my head. It was all I could do to withdraw my hand.

When I finally got loose and looked up, her eyes were closed, and she was gasping for breath. I lay alongside of her and, ignoring the moisture on my face, kissed her again. This time her kiss lacked the earlier fire, and she was almost docile. Her eyes flickered open, and she said, “I've never had an orgasm quite like that. Sarah didn't begin to prepare me for something that complete. I want you to make love to me, but I must wait a minute so I can catch my breath.”

I didn't mind. Right now, I wasn't sure I could perform either. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and hands. By the time I returned, she was curled into a fetal position and fast asleep. I crawled in and, spooned tight against her naked body, joined her in dreamland. And, boy, did I dream.

“Wake up. Your hard dick is poking me in the ass. If you want to do that, let me get on my hands and knees. I really don't like anal sex but you can do it in my pussy from behind.”

It sounded like a winner to me, so — with her on her hands and knees on the bed and me standing on the floor behind her — I slowly pushed my newly erected pole into her box. I was holding on to her hips and, by pushing her back and forth, was causing her slippery cunt to slide over my sensitive meat. I would slowly withdraw and, with a quick motion, suddenly drive my shaft all the way up to my balls in her velvet container.

I was standing there, eyes closed, my stiff staff sliding in and out of her and getting progressively closer to a climax when a voice behind me said, “Wow! It sure smells like sex in here. Have you guys been going at it all afternoon?”

As much as it startled me, I never missed a stroke, even when Sarah's hand began to caress the cheek of my ass.

Her mom said, “For goodness sakes, Sarah, can't you see we're busy. Go away and wait your turn.”

Now Sarah was feeling my balls as my pile-driving ass pounded my rod deep into her mother. Her soft, warm hand on my tender testicles was all it took. I unloaded the meager remainder of my semen into Ruth's welcoming snatch at the same moment she went down the roadway to the village of orgasmic bliss. Slowly I withdrew my rapidly softening tool from Ruth's cunt while it was still dripping cum, and made my way to the bathroom.

It took me quite a few minutes to clean up and regain my composure. By the time I got back to the bedroom, both of them were in bed and covered up to their chins with the sheet. Sarah threw back the cover, revealing part of her bare breasts, and patted the mattress, inviting me in.

“We're waiting for you. Mom says she has only done it three times and you still owe her one more to catch up to me.”

“Good luck to her! I don't think I could get another hard-on if Miss America promised me a blow job.”

“Don't you worry about a thing; you just lie there and enjoy what we're going to do to you. Mom and I are experts at this.”

They were better than experts, but it still took them the better part of an hour to get my attention. It finally ended up with Ruth straddling my groin, sitting on my reasonably hard penis, riding me like a bucking bronco, and Sarah spanning my face with my tongue lodged in her sweet pussy.

I experienced my third, Ruth finally got her fourth, and Sarah started a whole new series.

Well anyway, all of that was almost seven months ago, so Todd didn't know that the girls moved in with me. He went to a friend's house close to campus for Thanksgiving, and then spent Christmas with his mother in New Jersey, so I still haven't told him I got married. He's coming here for spring break, and the girls are looking forward to seeing him again. I wonder how he's going to feel about having sex with his new , Sarah, or his new , Ruth.

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