The New Girl-28

Thank you for all your messages and encouragement, Please read the previous part here ( The New Girl-27 ). Now let’s continue I said “ok fine, but give me half an hour to have my lunch and take rest, then I will call you”. He gave me that million dollar smile. I went inside his cabin … Read more

Coming To Mom’s Rescue

“You son-of-a-bitch. Get out!” Brenda Connelly screamed at her husband. “Karen just let me explain.” The words had barely gotten out of his mouth before he had to duck to avoid being hit by a vase she had thrown across the room. “I told you to get out!” Brenda screamed again. “I packed your fucking … Read more

Daughter proves to her daddy she’s not a little girl anymore

I love my daddy. Like really love him. Ever since my mom died he’s always been there for me, and been an amazing Daddy. When I tell him I want to be with him for the rest of my life, he just laughs it off as me being a Daddy’s girl. Don’t get me wrong, … Read more

A father intimately fucks his two young girls

A father intimately fucks his two young girls It was October, and in Colorado the rain that came down temped just above freezing. This was, and always will be, Tom Leary’s favorite time of year. The dreadful summer heat was now, to him, a distant memory, one he was happy to forget. As he stood … Read more

My accident gave me my future wife & Daughters

Watching carry on nurse tonight brought back a flood of memories for me, I was in hospital in 74, I broke my fibula and tibia and my ankle was just about shattered on my right leg, so it meant a operation and a few weeks in hospital and broke my wrist on my left, it … Read more

Having Sex With my twin Sister

Chapter 1 – Introduction – Today I am going to tell you the story of my first lesbian expereince with my twin sister Tori. Firstly, I live in a small family of me, my sister, and my mother. I do not know my father and neither does my sister as you will see later. Our … Read more

All fools day with Nagaveena

Little did I suspect as to how yesterday will turn out… All Fools Day 2010.. I woke up as usual at 5 am in a very different environment from the earlier night. The room was filled with a very lovely Incense as SMITA had planned something very different for the two of us. Bed Tea … Read more

Daughters and Sidenifil

I notice as I get older the more I need Sildenafil. I suspect that it is because that I am 51 years old but I know that it is not the entire reason. Sildenafil allows me to fuck like I did in my 20’s. It is nice to have a rock hard cock to not … Read more