Sex with neighbour

Hi I'm munna from Hyderabad resident in kondapur this is about how I had fun with my I'm 23 year still virgin still don't have many experiences I'm. Fair and average not fit guy an I'm vegetarian so I had some belly and had many fantasies over elder women .all this happend on one day her name is latha she is 22 newly married girl her sizes are 36 34 36 perfect figure

She got married at the age of 20 where her hubby is a software this all happened one day after completion of MBA I used to work as an finance analyst in small company where I don't see many my neighbours it was Saturday I saw her at balcony I was mesmerized and started fantasied about her then I started talking with her she also replied me after a talk I asked her number she asked y then I said I just want to be friends then didn't gave me after few days I msged her at night I msged her she asked how I got her number I said just from ur husband phone she said don't msg me ( me started began to friends with her hubby because I want to get close to her also her hubby is a nice guy but he's trying to ignore her due to heavy work I don't want see her wife with that intention but later I knew that her hubby has an affair )

after some time I got depression then I threw my phone away later I got msg from. Her hi I started. Flirting with her and later she become close to me after few days then I told her her hubby was like a scum she said I know that because he is ignoring her from few months I got some courage and Asked her to movie she came where it was a boring movie I touched her and she didn't respond after some time she put her hand in my thigh and saw me eye to eye and she turned away I hold her and said ur the prettiest girl ever she smiled I thought like ide manchi chance and kissed her for 2 min she then slapped and went away.

She didn't talked with me and after few days she mesaaged me saying I'm sorry I told you ur sorry I'm sorry for that kiss she said its OK and asked me to come her home I went and saw she was wearing Saree and she looked sexy in that offered me tea I said OK then she went to kitchen and I followed grabbed her from back kissed her in. Neck

She's shocked at that me doing that and she turned I got scared then she kissed me on lips for 2 min

nd I removed her blouse and grabbed her breast and sucked for 10 min and removed her Saree and she not wearing any thing and I finger her pussy
She is moaning like ah ah awah inka kavali kavli baa chestunav cheyi
Means want more good continue in telugu

She sound like ah ah ..

Awah uh uh
Awah uh uh

then I throb my penis in to her pussycat fucked her while

Then she started shouting like harder harder even my hubby never fucked me like this

Awah uh uh
wah uh uhr great I said slut have more
She said I'm ur slut now
Do as u please then I turned her back started fucking her ass it's so soft I felt like I want eat all of her ass
And started ducking her even in back

Awah uh uh

Awah uh uh

At the end she gave kiss and I left and next day we both went to station to pick her hubby and there nobody is there I saw and took her to end behind pillar and kissed her at public spot for 10 min luckily no-one spot us then train came we picked her hubby from train went to home

Later we didn't have sex for whole week after one Saturday we had family dinner where we eat and her husband drink some wine he went to sleep I thought it's the nice chance and I woke her up and said I want you know she refused that t
Her husband is here only. I said don't worry he slept and I told her he is not going to wake up today .then she saw we went to bathroom and started making up in bath room. And she slowly opens my zip started sucking it's first time I felt that awesome feeling she sucked for more than 10 min and I cummed in her mouth she was eating all of that .

Later she opened her pussy and shown inside and I started kissing with my tongue and I didn't know it will be tasty and also she enjoyed then we moved to bed and started kissing her full body and she did same we had passionate kiss for 10 min and I fucked her hard like a lover then we became sex friends she used to invite me when ever she need sex

But they moved away to Bangalore but I have a contact we did some other times also

continued when ever she is free feel free to contact me my mail Id is [email protected] give me feedback if any married or unmarried ping me

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