Wife and mother becomes a black bull’s whore

Kelley turned her SUV into the driveway and quickly killed the lights as she turned the engine off. A quick glance at the clock on the dash showed 3:47. She sat thinking for a few moments in the darkness before saying aloud for at least the hundredth time, “Shit. What did I do? Tom is gonna kill me.” She had texted Tom half an hour ago as she was leaving Lisa's house to let him know she was on her way home. He hadn't responded so she prayed he was asleep. He had known she was going to be late. She usually was when she went out with the girls. In fact, it wasn't uncommon for the girls to crash at whichever friend's house was closest when they went out to party together. They'd sleep off the fun, then get up the next morning to head back to their own homes. He told her as she left that he probably wouldn't wait up.

Still, she couldn't help being nervous as hell. Kelley was coming home from somewhere she never should have been, and the guilt was already crushing her. Driving home her imagination ran through every possible horrifying scenario that might happen. She imagined him standing at the door demanding she explain where she had been all night. Or worse, he might look at her and see it in her eyes. She just knew Tom would suspect something the moment he laid eyes on her. The best she could hope for was to find Tom asleep in bed. That would give her time to pop in the shower and get cleaned up. She had showered immediately after arriving at Lisa's house, but she needed to be absolutely sure. She also needed time to process the events of the night. From the moment she had arrived at Lisa's house she had been trying to make sense of it. After she showered, Kelley and Lisa sat in the dark in Lisa's patio room. Over a glass of wine she told Lisa some of what had happened. But she held a lot of it back. Lisa was stunned to say the least. If Kelley had told her everything, Lisa would never have believed her. Kelley couldn't believe it either. But she had to find a way to make sense of it. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to act normally. Would it even be possible to act normal after tonight? She didn't know. Kelley just wanted to slip into bed beside her husband and pray that this night would end and be behind her forever.

She pulled the keys from the ignition, grabbed her purse and was about to open the door to go inside. Her phone in her purse. Her heart stopped for a moment. ‘Tom must be awake,' she thought, ‘He's probably wondering where I am.' She reached into her purse and pulled out the phone. As she lifted it the screen lit up. The notification banner showed the message preview. The text was not from Tom. It was from Darrell, but it didn't show what he said. He must have sent her an emoji message or a gif or something. Kelley swiped her thumb over the screen to open the message. When it opened, she let out a startled cry, “Oh my God!”

Stunned, Kelley's hand fell away from the door handle and she sat back in her seat. A heavy weight settled over her, and she suddenly felt sick. Holding her phone in a very shaky hand, she stared at the image on the screen. She was looking at herself. Anyone else looking at the picture might not know it was her, but Kelley knew. There on the screen was a closeup picture of her ass. Darrell's left hand was firmly gripping her left ass cheek, and half of his thick, black cock was stuffed in her ass. The exposed portion of his dark shaft shone wetly. It was covered with a mixture of her wetness and the creamy spunk he had just pumped into her ass only moments before. Much of that pearly white seed was collected around his thick meat where it disappeared into her tightly stretched anus. An unbelievable amount of that seed had dribbled into her panties after she had left Darrell's apartment and drove to Lisa's to get cleaned up. She still couldn't get over how much cum there had been.

Kelley knew Darrell had taken a couple of pictures. He said he wanted to show her how sexy his cock looked in her ass from his perspective. She protested but he took a couple anyway. He showed them to her. He was right. It did look surprisingly sexy. Still, after looking at the images, Kelley begged him to delete the pictures he had taken. The last thing she wanted was for someone to have proof of her cheating on Tom. She watched Darrell delete the pics! So how…? It suddenly dawned on her what he must have done. That bastard must have recovered them from the deleted folder on his phone. She cussed at her ignorance. She should have made sure he deleted them permanently. What the fuck was she thinking? As she sat there frantically trying to decide what to do about this, the phone swooshed as another text arrived from Darrell.

Hey slut, I hope you love that pic as much as I do. I never intended to delete the pics. I'm gonna all my boys how sexy you looked with my black cock buried in your gorgeous white ass. And I KNOW you loved it too.

Kelley read the text again and again. A mixture of fear turning to panic and betrayed anger was welling up inside her. She started to fire off a heated response. Darrell, you bastard, I told you that you could not keep those pictures. I'm a married wo…

Another picture popped up. This one taken higher up over them. The angle was looking down the front of Darrel's body. His belly was pressed tightly against her ass. He was obviously balls deep in her ass. She could see from her ass, over her naked back and up to where her shoulders and head were covered by the pillow she was holding to hide from the camera.

Another pic. This one she hadn't expected. Her bright green eyes looking up at him. They were watery from having been choked on his impossibly thick cock. Her mascara streaked down her cheeks. Darrell's right hand held her chin up and his left held a fistful of her red hair. His cock was stuffed as far back into her throat as she could take it. Her mouth stretched into a tight, wide ‘O' around the dark, veiny middle of his shaft. Her lipstick smeared around her mouth like clown makeup. Staring at the picture, Kelley thought about how hot she had gotten sucking that huge black dick. It had made her feel almost drunk with lust as she slurped and slobbered on it. And when he came, Darrell nearly drowned her with the hot load. He hadn't warned her before his cock erupted in her mouth. His ejaculate came so quickly that she hadn't been able to swallow it all before her mouth was filled. The spunk had burst from her lips around his cock and dribbled down until it hung from her chin. Then Darrell had pulled his cock from her mouth. Hot spurts of jizz continued to spray from the tip in powerful streams splattering all over her face. She had never known a man to cum so much, and this was only the first load Darrell would give her before he sent her on her way.

As if Darrell was reading her mind, he sent another pic. Her face in this image was painted with thick globs of Darrell's cum. Strings of his seed hung from her chin and jaw line down to her tits. This after she had already choked down a half dozen thick spurts. Her right eye was barely visible through the creamy ejaculate. Thick gobs were pasted across her nose, above and below the left eye. The wavy red hair hair framing her face was clumped together with his spunk. Her cum covered lips were gently wrapped around the fat head of his cock as she looked up at him through the salty cream covering her eyes.

A fifth picture. This one thankfully obscured Kelley's identity from view. The two of them were lying on the bed. Darrell was on his knees between her legs. His back was to the camera which must have been near the foot of the bed. Her legs were lifted up so that her ankles hung over his shoulders. His thick, black cock was buried nuts deep in her pussy. The sheets between her legs were clearly soaked from the many orgasms he had given her. At this point, Kelley realized that these pics were not taken by Darrell. Had someone been spying? She couldn't recall anyone else being in the apartment.

A new pic. Another from the foot of the bed. Darrell was on his knees slightly off to the side. He was holding her feet up by her ankles and his cock, dark and shiny, pointed at her swollen pussy. Her labia were plump and red. Her vagina gaped, and she could see Darrell's thick spend dribbling from her freshly fucked pussy. She remembered how incredible it felt when his semen flooded into her depths. She had never felt a man's cum rush into her with such force before. It was as though he had turned on a hose inside her.

Darrell's next text appeared on the screen. You take some great pictures, Baby, but this is my favorite part of tonight.

The phone took a moment as it worked to download a new file. This, however, was not a picture, but instead appeared to be a video. Kelley's face flushed with a new rush of panic and anger. The image in the frame was blurry. She couldn't make it out, but it didn't appear to be another shot of her from behind. Kelley's mind wrestled with competing thoughts. ‘Who the fuck took all these pictures? How can there be a fucking video? Oh my God his cock felt so good inside me. What am I looking at?'

The file finished downloading. Kelley's thumb hesitated over the blurred image for a moment before touching it to make it play. Trying to steady the phone in a very shaky hand, Kelley stared at it; the glow of the screen lit her face inside the early morning darkness of the car.

The blurry image came into focus and Kelley realized she was looking at an extreme closeup of her left hand. Her wedding band and diamond ring glittered in the light. She heard herself moaning and groaning and the camera's focus continued to pan out. Kelley quickly pressed the volume button to turn it down as though she worried that someone else might hear this. She continued to watch. She watched as her fingers were gripping the sheet in her fist. The camera panned back more and a dawning sense of horror washed over Kelley as she realized what Darrell had done. Kelley sat in stunned disbelief as she started to cry softly. The video continued to play.

The camera's focus pulled away from her left hand holding onto the sheets with a death grip and moved over to a closeup of her face. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut. Her mouth opened in a long, low moan. The expression on her face was an odd mixture of discomfort and hopeful optimism. The camera pulled away a little further so that her shoulders and body came into view. Kelley was naked on the bed. She was on her knees holding herself up on all fours. Her red hair, wet with sweat and sticky with Darrell's thick semen, hung down and clung to her face and neck. Her face was wet and shiny. The makeup around her eyes had run down her cheeks. Her lipstick was smeared all over her cheeks and around her mouth. There was a dreamy, glazed look in her eyes. But something else was there. A look of determination as she bit her lower lip. Her incredible tits hung under her almost low enough to brush over the bedding. Her thick nipples were hard as bullets. All she could see of Darrell was where he was on his knees on the bed behind her and up to where his body was just over her backside. She could see nothing of his upper torso. His dark hands were holding her hips. His fingers gripped her tightly.

Kelley whimpered, “Oh god…easy…go slow…..shhhhhiiit.”

“Where is my cock,” Darrell asked.

“Unh…in my ass,” Kelley said through clenched teeth.

“Where is my cock,” Darrell asked again as the sting of his slap across her ass made Kelley a bit more alert. Her eyes popped open as her mind struggled to make sense of the pain and pleasure signals rushing through it.

She grunted as she felt him push in a little deeper, then responded, “It's deep in my ass.”

“What's in your ass, slut?” He pushed in deeper still.

Still panting, “Oh my god….Your cock.”

The other cheek burned.

“What about my cock?”

Struggling to understand what he wanted, Kelley tried to find the right words Darrell was looking to hear.

“Shhhiit…Unh…Your cock is in my ass.”

Another slight push. “My black cock?”

“Unnhhh. Yes. Your black cock. Your black cock is in my ass.”

“Is it deep in your married, white ass?” Another nudge forward.

Kelley groaned, “Oh god. So deep. It's deep in my married, white ass.”

It was actually only half in at that point.

“Have you ever had a dick in your ass, slut?”

“No. Never.”

“And does the slut love having my black cock deep in her married, white ass?”

Darrell's hand lifted as though he was about to smack her ass again. Kelley moaned again loudly as her head bent low to the mattress. Instead of slapping her ass, Darrell suddenly reached forward and grabbed a fistful of her hair. He snatched it back toward him forcing Kelley to lift her head until she was looking up at the ceiling. At the same time he drove his cock as far into her ass as it would go.

Kelley's eyes flew open as she groaned. “Unh…Oh my god. Yes! Yes! The slut loves having your black cock deep in her married ass.”

“That's right, slut. And does the married slut love my cock in her ass more than she loves her husband's little white dick?”

Without a moment's hesitation, Kelley responded. “Ooof…..fu…fuck…. Yes. I love your black cock.”

“More than your husband's little white dick?”

“Yes. oh my god, unnhhhh, yes. More than my husband's dick.”

“His little white dick.”

“Unnhhh, shit…yes, his little white dick.”

“You loved having my in your whore mouth. Didn't you slut?”

Kelley sucked air through her teeth still adjusting to the thick cock in her ass. “Yes.”

“And my black cock made your slutty, married pussy cum over and over?”

“Mmmmm oh god. So much fucking cum.”

“That's a good slut. Now fuck my black cock with your slutty, married, white ass.”

Darrell held her head up with her hair wrapped in his fist. The cords in her neck stood out. She tried not to fight against him so that he didn't pull her hair. Darrell made no more effort to move his body against hers. Kelley eased herself forward, rocking her body on her hands and knees. She felt his cock slowly slide through her anus. Her sphincter contracted tightly. She tried to steady her breathing; still trying to adjust to this harsh invasion of her ass. No one had ever done this to her before. She felt herself nearing the end of his cock. She leaned forward just far enough to let the head tug on her anus from the inside. Then she pushed herself back against him forcing the thick shaft slowly back into the depths of her guts. Kelley felt herself beginning to move past the discomfort to find there was pleasure. She built a slow, steady rhythm. Her tits, hanging under her, swayed gently back and forth with the easy momentum.

Kelley moaned softly as Darrell's cock stimulated her in ways she had never before experienced. She lifted one hand from the bed, shifting her weight to the other, and reached back to rub her pussy. Her labia were still swollen from the brutal fuck Darrell had given her earlier. She winced as her fingers rubbed over the tender flesh before sliding two of them into her soaked cunt. Without processing what it meant she easily pushed a third finger into her pussy so that she could get herself off. She would realize later how loose her pussy felt. Moving back and forth, fucking her ass on Darrell's cock and her fingers into her pussy, she started to cum again. She slipped a fourth finger into her slit and rubbed her clit with her thumb. A gush of warm fluids dribbled through her fingers and rained onto the mattress under her. Her back arched and her thighs shuddered. Her hips and ass bucked up and down which caused another intense rush of pleasure to wash over her and prolonged her orgasm. The shuddering threatened to make her lose control, and she almost let Darrell's cock slip from her ass.

Another sudden, searing sting as Darrell slapped her right cheek.

“I told you to fuck my cock with your ass, slut. The fuck you doing getting yourself off?”

Kelley's hand fell from her pussy. She placed both hands on the mattress under her, renewed her grip on the bedding and started rocking back and forth again trying to move faster.

The left cheek burned as the fire in the right one was just beginning to calm.

Grunting and panting, Kelley picked up the pace even more. Soon she was rocking back and forth so hard, her ass was slapping against Darrell's belly and thighs. Her tits swung wildly and violently under her. Warm milk leaked from her nipples. Darrell continued to hold himself still so that she did all the work.

“That's right bitch. Fuck that ass with my big nigger cock.”

Darrell let go of Kelley's hair and grabbed two big handfuls of her fleshy ass. Both cheeks were bright red where he had spanked her. He was sure there would be bruises tomorrow. Bruises that would likely be shaped like his hands. He gripped her tightly but still allowed her to control the momentum. For fun he shook her cheeks and watched them jiggle. He watched the slut in front of him with awe as she was clearly becoming a whole different person from who she had been when they met at the club a few hours ago. Kelley held herself up and continued to fuck herself onto his cock. She was focused so intently on pleasing Darrell that she was oblivious to the fact that her pussy continued to spasm and gush as she came over and over. Her body thrummed as though an electric current was coursing through her.

Kelley's movements and the sight of her doing everything she could to please him with her gorgeous body started to have the desired effect. Darrell could feel another orgasm of his own beginning to build. He grabbed her hips tightly and leaned forward against her using his hands to press her forward and down. Darrell used his weight to push Kelley down onto the bed. She collapsed under him, her legs spread wide as he fell between them. The length of his body fell on top of hers. He lay still, nuzzling her neck with his nose. He loved her smell and the feel of her soft skin against his. His cock was still buried deep in her ass. Kelley's head was turned to the side and rested on the mattress. Her breathing was hard and fast. Darrell slid his arm under her chin and gently wrapped it around her neck so that her head lifted up and her face was turned toward the hidden camera. Moving close to her ear, he spoke softly.

“Where is my cock, slut?”

“Your big black cock is in my slutty, married, white ass.”

“Wrong. Your ass is mine now, slut.”

Darrell let her head fall to the mattress again. He placed both of his hands on Kelley's shoulders and pushed himself up; pressing her hard into the mattress. She groaned under his weight. Darrell hooked his right foot over her right leg and drew that leg closer to the middle under him. Then he did the same thing with the left so that he sat astride her thighs with her legs together under him. His cock pulled free from her ass and sprung up between her thighs as he moved her into this position. He watched with amused interest as Kelley arched her back, lifting her ass up as though trying to find the cock she had lost. He sat upright on her thighs. His knees were on the bed on either side of her hips and his lower legs and feet were holding her legs together. He slapped her ass on both sides thinking he wanted to be sure those hand prints stuck around for a while. He grabbed Kelley's ass cheeks and spread them apart so that he could look at her sexy asshole. It looked angry and red. He also liked the way it looked looser than the first time he saw it. He drew up the spit in his mouth and let it fall from his mouth onto her anus. Pushing his cock down, he slid it along her crack and squeezed her fabulous fleshy ass cheeks together to spread his saliva around. Then he slapped each cheek a few times with his dick. He pulled back a bit so he could point it down at her poor little rosebud and rubbed it up and down a bit.

“You ready for more of this cock, slut?”

“Yes. I want it. Please let me have that black cock.”

“You want it in your slutty white ass?”

“Oh yesss. God I want your cock in my slutty white whore ass.”

There was a sticky wet sound as Darrell slowly pushed the head of his cock against her sphincter. Kelley sucked in a sharp breath as the head stretched the once virgin hole open wide and popped back into her asshole. She groaned. The thick head pushed in much easier this time than it had at first. She was learning to relax. Darrell held himself still a moment to enjoy the way her ass gripped at his cock like it was a mouth trying to suck him. Then he leaned forward pushing himself all the way in.

Kelley groaned as she felt the heat of his cock moving into her again. “Oh my god. Your cock feels so fucking good in my ass.”

Darrell laid back down on top of Kelley. He wrapped his arm under her chin so that she was again facing right into the camera; the camera she had been utterly unaware of the whole time. Flexing himself he made his cock throb and pulse inside Kelley's ass. Then he started to fuck her slow and deep using his arm around her neck to pull himself up and in. She moaned softly as his cock moved in and out.

“Tell me what you want, slut.”

“Unnhhh fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me with your big, black cock.”

Kelley sat in her car mesmerized as she watched the video. Intent on giving her what she asked for, Darrell started to fuck the shit out of her ass. His body atop hers, he pounded his cock in and out of her. From the vantage point of the camera, she could see his backside lifting and falling as fast and as hard as he could go. The look of pure lust and pleasure on her face was astonishing. She really did look like a whore. Her body was pinned under him and all she could do was cum the whole time he fucked her ass into . She panted and grunted under his weight, trying to catch her breath as his cock assaulted her ass. His body dominated hers. Her moans and grunts were punctuated with expletives, cries to god, and repeated breathless pleas for Darrell to fuck her.

As she watched this and remembered it all as it happened, Kelley's free hand moved between her thighs. She wasn't wearing any underwear. They were ruined after the drive to Lisa's. Darrell's scum had dribbled from both her ass and her vagina. There had been no point in putting them on again after she showered. Kelley was not surprised to find her pussy was soaking wet again. The seat was sticky under her. She started rubbing her pussy. It was still sore, but it felt nice to rub herself softly. On the screen, Darrell was beginning to grunt. His body slapping down onto hers over and over. Finally, he fell down on top of her and let out a long groan. Sweat dripped from his face onto her back and shoulders. Holding himself inside her as far as he could push himself, his cock pumped another impossibly thick load of his hot seed into her bowels. He lowered his face again near her own.

“I own this fucking ass. You hear me, slut? Whose ass is this?”


Pulling himself back and then shoving his cock into her again and holding it in deep, Darrel asked again, “Whose body is this you fucking slut?”

It was a subtle difference, but she caught it. Kelley whimpered as his cock pushed her over the edge to another trembling orgasm. She could barely form the words, “It's your ass. It's your body.”

“And I can fuck this body any time I want it.”

“Oh my god, Yes! Please!”

“What are you?”

“I'm a slut.”

“That's right. What else are you?”

“A whore. I'm a whore.”

“And whose whore are you?”

“Yours. I'm your whore.”

Darrell looked right into the camera and laughed. “And tonight is just the beginning.”

The video ended.

Kelley dropped the phone on the passenger seat beside her. Hornier than she had ever been in her life, she spread her legs on the seat. Pulling her dress up, she pushed two, then three, and then all four fingers into her slippery slit and moaned through a shuddering orgasm. For what must have been the thousandth time that night, her pussy spasmed and gushed cum. The warm fluid flowed from the depths of her cunt, through her fingers, and puddled in the seat between her thighs before slowly draining away as it ran under the crack of her ass and soaked into the seat and the back of her dress.

At the time, Kelley had no idea of the implications of what had happened to her tonight. She never imagined she might cheat on Tom. Yet she had done so in spectacular fashion. And while she couldn't explain what had come over her, most troubling was how she had responded to the way Darrell treated her and the things he said. It was as though she had become a completely different woman. She is a happily married woman. She has two children. One is a newborn for Christ's sake. She told herself she really fucked up. This could only be a one time thing. Darrell must have known that, so why would he say those things? Kelley's fingers continued to move in and out of her soaked, throbbing cunt as these conflicting thoughts ran through her mind. Soft wet sounds filled the interior of her car as her fingers worked inside her tender vagina. She should never have even been with Darrell. What made her say the things she said about herself? And why did she say those terrible things about her husband? Trying to find her resolve and get control of this storm of emotions, she made a decision. There could be no doubt. Seeing Darrell again was absolutely out of the question. She had her family to think of.

Another text.

Kelley pulled her cum covered fingers from her pussy. Threads of warm, sticky fluid stretched between her pussy and fingers as her hand moved away. Her hand trembled as she reached across to pick the phone up again.

“Good night. Get some rest, slut. I'll be seeing you again soon.”

For a moment, Kelley considered what she should say. This was too much. She touched the screen to respond. Her fingers slid across the screen, smearing her sticky cum on the glass as she typed, “Good night. I can't wait to see you again.”

Kelley grabbed her purse, dropped the phone inside, opened the door and climbed out of her SUV. With keys in hand she swung the door closed behind her and walked on wobbly legs toward the house. She shivered a little as the cool morning air whispered through the material of her dress and chilled her wet thighs and tender, naked pussy. The sky was growing lighter. It was almost 5 am.

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