Sex with chennai sexy lady

Hi readers, this is Harish iT guy from Chennai age 25. As my regular life goes on as a project engineer as well as a call boy. Being a call boy is not a profession for me but for a satisfaction and to satisfy lonely women at any age.

I received a mail from a lady who is around 29 years old and widow for last 3 years and mother of a girl. Let us assume her name Aisha. Chocolate in colour, 36 she said pussy licking is her favourite which makes her cum flawlessly and she is missing it badly after her hubby death. Boobs size around 5.3” height. First she inquired about my services and charges. She want to make sure that she is in contact with a trustable guy. So we planned for a meeting in movie.

Till then we are commuting through mail only. Slowly she started trust me and gave her number. We started to have phone sex and video sex as well. Wow she has amazing round perfect boobs and clean shaved pussy. She sent her pic without her face which gave a spark in my body that I am going to enjoy. Finally we met as per plan in theatre in a shopping mall. She came in a chudi without any thupatta. Nice round boobs with a little belly and big ass which can't be hide in that chudi bottom. We greeted ourselves spoke something about our life and she was surprised about being open about my personal life. I told her that this is pure fun and I am not going to demand money until you are satisfied. She was so happy to hear that. We booked ticket for a Hindi movie.

My goodness it was a week day and very less crowd in theatre. First we went to McDonald's and had some chicken sandwich and drinks. We roamed the shopping mall and headed to theatre when the movie was about to start and we are sitting side seats. The movie was going on and I was not in a mood to watch but to do something naughty. I slowly touched her hand. She didn't responded nor denied. I started holding her hand and caressing her fingers.

My elbow was touching her boobs slightly. She was quit and enjoying my act. Slowly I grabbed her boobs on her chudi and started massaging it. During interval she asked what I was doing. I replied doing my job. She giggled and responded you have a lot of job to do I said then why wasting time here and we both laughed. We headed to her house which is near to the shopping mall. I asked no one will come? She said no worries my daughter in hostel. Servant will come in morning only. We had some juice and snacks. While drinking it I spilled some on her thighs intentionally and said oh sorry let me clean it and touched there, she pinched my cheeks you are naughty. I started massaging there she let out a soft moan ahhh and I kissed her neck softly moving my hand close to her crotch.

She was already wet and trembling. I kissed all over her face she held my face and kissed my lips. She was sucking my lips like a hungry baby and we are exchanging saliva and i started pressing her boobs with one hand and I massaged her pussy on her pant with my another hand. She told me lets go to bed room and we headed to the bedroom and undressed each other as fast we can. Wow what a amazing pair of boobs like jugs. I just grabbed them and started sucking one by one she was going mad and making loud moan. She shouted in joy that she want my cock right now. She bent down and took my cock in her started sucking fastly and she made me lie on bed she came on me I told her to give her pussy which she happily did.

I opened her pussy lips and started fucking her with my tongue and finger simultaneously she was shivering in pleasure and trying to suck my cock as much as possible and giving deep throat to it. She tightened her legs I understood she is gonna cum and I increased pace of finger fuck. She held my cock strong and cummed a lots on my face which tasted real good. She was exhausted and fell on me breathing heavily. She kissed and said thanks for making me cum good which I replied be ready for the real fun and she blushed. I came on her and positioned my dick on her wet pussy. It was little tight and I pushed myself in she gave a soft moan. I started fucking her slowly and kissing her lips she was hugging me tight and moaning please suck my boobs which I did with pleasure. I was crushing her boobs with my hand and fucking her fast she crossed her legs around my waist and tightened shouted that she is cumming.

She cummed 4 times in 15 minutes and I was close to my orgasm. I increased my pace and she was kissing me moaning cum inside me please fill me with your hot cum which I did and collapsed on her. We both were breathing heavy and lied for some time. She was rubbing my cock and kissed on my cheeks and lips. And she brought avocado juice for both of us. I made her lie and poured some on her boobs and started licking it she was holding my head and moaning please eat my pussy. I slowly went to her pussy after licking her belly and placed my mouth on her pussy started teasing her clit with my tongue and she was again trembling and I slowly inserted my finger in her asshole which is surprise to her and she let out a loud moan and I spitted some saliva and started rubbing it fast and finger fucked her asshole. but At first she was bit hesitant and told that even her husband did not touched her asshole not even a kiss or smooch and slowly she started enjoying it and I told her that I am gonna show heaven and I placed a pillow under her ass to support my cock and placed my cock in her asshole she was bit afraid and eager at the same time and She please me pleased be gentle to which i responded don't worry dear let me handle it and I slowly inserted my cock and it was not going full and So I took oil and applied on her asshole and on my cock again inserted it was fully inside her asshole after a hard push she was feeling difficult in breath and stopped for a second and let her catch her breath and She signaled that she was ready and I started fucking her ass slowly she was enjoying my act slowly and we took doggy position and started fucking her a little fast and After some time she wanted my cock in her pussy so she made me lie and sat on my cock started to ride it like a horse and I was in cloud nine and she was keep on cumming and After 10 minutes

I was about to cum I was moaning loud and Suddenly she took my cock in her mouth and started sucking it vigorously I cummed in her mouth and she tried to swallow it and spilled some on the bed sheet and We spent our whole afternoon and night fucking and cuddling each other and She said she will again call me and still we are in touch. we used to fuck whenever she want and sometimes i don't take money because we are going to movies and restaurants behaving like a couple and She paid me 8K and she said she have some of her friends who will need me and I said I am always glad to help and winked.

After that we had group fun with one of her friend whose name is Kavitha and we went to Ooty trip stayed for 3 days and enjoyed like anything. I will write that as my next story as soon as possible. Readers please leave your valuable comments to encourage me. House wife or widow any age of women can contact me and i assure you it will be secret and 100 % privacy. Age is not a bar to enjoy. If you need my service which is secret and genuine please don't hesitate to contact me [email protected]

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