Aunts play toy

I was 15 living with my she was in her 40s latina sexy and divorced..she had a house with a pool and needed help around with her stay with her during the summer and help her with the yard pool and errands.every time she would leave to work id have the house to my self i would wake up and begin the work it was hot so id take my time taking a few quick dips into the evening i had put a few piles of leafs to pick up when it cooled down..

On accident they where by my aunts widow..she had got home and asked if my work was done i mentioned about the piles and id pick them up..she went into her room i went outside and grabbed the rake and trash can as i started i looked over to her window and caught a view my aunts naked body as she was changing i took a good look and moved..

As i went over to my second pile she came out to see what ive done very nice looks great i stood silent whats wrong she asked i didnt say much just finished the pile she walked over toward her window and realized the her window had a clear shot…she called me over and had asked if i saw her changing.i said yes and explained that i was picking up the pile when i just looked.she didnt say much..she walked away. A few nights later i went outside and saw her light on so i peaked in she was on her bed naked with some toys and giving herself pleasure i quitely so i thougt just peaked in my cock was hard and ibegan to masterbate..

I saw her moving and was getting excited some how she quickly jumped to her window and caught me..get your ass in here now she said i quickly went in and straight to her room she stood naked and angry..what the hell are you doing peeking in my window i couldn't answer her take a seat you like to watch i sat down and she began to play do you like this i was erect and silent yes i whispered come here.i walked over to her bed and she took my hand to her breast i ran my hand across her nipples then down her wet pussy she pulled my face to it and had me lick it was wet and sweet thick she moaned a little giving me directions on how and where she wanted my tounge i foung her spot and she held me tight lick lick i kept up with her as she let out a moan now get up here loose them shorts i was hard she slipped me into her and moved my hips back and fourth faster faster i moved as long as i could before my body tighten up and i let out my load she let me fill her up then took me out to view my cum dripping out of her that summer we ended up sleeping together every night engaging in sexual encounters

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