Hot summer fun on the water

Hot summer fun on the water, mother and daughter threesome, Ty loaded the rest of his tools into his bag and closed up his truck. It had turned out to be one of the hottest days of the summer so far and he was not looking forward to that long trek down the pier that would be followed by more hot work. Ty was a boat man. He had grown up on them and had found his passion working on them. Although forty five, no one could ever tell his age just by looking at him. He was fit, still had a full head of dark brown, disheveled hair and most importantly he was young at heart.

He had gotten a call after lunch from a woman who needed someone to take a look at a boat. Ty hadn’t quite heard all the details as he was in the middle of a job but it seemed like she needed some expert opinions on certain things in order to get the boat in shape to sell. As much as he was looking forward to calling it an early Friday, the woman sounded a bit desperate and he was never one to leave a gal in distress.

As he rounded the last corner of his long walk and headed up to the fifty-two foot yacht he saw a striking woman standing on the deck. From a distance he was not regretting take the job. As he approached she gave a friendly wave and flashed a bright smile.

“Hi! You must be Ty. I’m Lillian. Lillian Davis. Thank you so much for coming out this afternoon. I’m sure this is the last thing you wanted to be doing!”

“It’s no problem – that’s what I do.” Ty said with a smile of his own. Behind his shades he admired Lillian Davis. She looked to be about 5’6 and was well endowed up top. He was happy to admire her natural breasts through the gauzy, sky blue dress she was wearing. It cut in a low V and hugged her 34″ waist in just the right way. He looked his way up from her bare feet, taking in her tan and tone legs to mid-thigh, where sadly her dress ended. She had magnificent dirty red hair that fell just to the middle of her back and when she pulled down her shades to shake his hand he could see she had startling blue eyes.

“I’m Ty Williams” he introduced himself and shook her hand. “So – sounds like you have a few things for me to take a look at” Even though he was happy to just keep looking at her.

“Yes I do Mr. Williams. I don’t know if you remember me saying earlier but this boat was my husbands. I got it in the divorce. I didn’t want it but he decided he would rather run off to Aspen with one of his little snow bunnies so it was a trade off for something I suppose. Anyhow – I’m sorry to bore you with that information. What I need you to do is take a look at the refrigerator in the galley. It seems like it’s not cooling very well and we’ve had several people interested in coming to look at the boat this weekend. I want it to be in the best working order so I can show it and hopefully sell it as soon as possible.”

“Sure thing Ms. Davis, show the way”.

“Just call me Lillian” she said smiling. She turned and headed into the main cabin and Ty couldn’t help but admire her shapely calves as she did so.

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