Mom’s love of the bottle makes her horny

My name is Leon and I am 21 years old. I left my home in Edinburgh, Scotland, when I was 18, going into an IT job in London and to my shame, had not been home since. Always I had an excuse, usually work-related but the truth was I didn’t get on with my dad, who was an arrogant, uncaring man. Now my dad had finally left after mum caught him red-handed, screwing his secretary in their bed. I felt it only right to show face now, as I had always been close to my mum, really close. I had … Read more

Unwrapping Christmas Presents

Author’s Note: All characters over eighteen. Assuming this goes up before Christmas, Merry Christmas to anyone who gives it a read. **** Molly sat up by herself by the fire. It was late, and the book she was attempting to read was only marginally holding her attention. She would have been in bed long ago, but she had something important to wait for. She was half-dozing by the time she head the front door open, but the sound jolted her awake immediately. She grinned wide, tossed her book aside, and dashed toward the sound. Jade, Molly’s older sister, was just … Read more

A husband discovers his wife’s secret affair

The aroma of cedar drifts through our open window as I lounge in bed on a warm spring morning. The snow from a few weeks ago is just about gone, and the scent of damp pine needles that carpet the forest floor adds another layer of freshness to the morning air. It’s been a long cold winter, and this is the first warm morning we’ve had in a few months. The welcoming breeze envelops me when I fold the sheet away, and there’s a calmness in the air. I take a deep breath while listening to the birds chirping and … Read more

Good news, family stress, and an unhappy separation

I puzzled over Mike’s request to the point I had trouble sleeping and to distraction during the day. I had few responsibilities to keep my mind otherwise occupied. The upcoming commencement was the only obligation I still had at Tech. I was tempted to skip it, but I knew my father and Jane, Gwen, and Mike were all looking forward to it. Jane planned a Saturday party at her beach house. I kept up with all the Physics journals but spent much of my time with the twins. It was a luxury no other father I knew had. Even changing … Read more

First Threesome Experience of a swinging couple

This is a follow up of my last story (Swinging Adventures – Indian Couple)… After our first couple swap, Megha opened up to the idea of the lifestyle. She and Leena became good friends and they bonded well. Leena shared her stories of her days when she and Mehul were in the USA, and how they’d traveled across the west coast, stayed in hostels, and met with couples. She also mentioned her experiences of threesomes where she and Mehul met single guys. Megha was very curious about it. “Leena, how did the threesomes happen? How did they affect your relationship?” … Read more

Find love with my sister and our cousin at a family reunion

Find love with my sister and our cousin at a family reunion, Grandpa’s ranch butted up against a big swatch of National Forest. He used to say he didn’t know for sure where his property stopped and the federal land began, so he never farmed too close to the forest. Every August, Aunts, Uncles, and every flavor of cousin from first or second to those once or twice removed descended for a weekend family reunion that required a scorecard and a degree in genealogy to sort out how everyone was related. Depending on your clan, the annual Gallagher-McGee Family Reunion … Read more

Sex with wife’s friend – part 3

Yes I was ready for round 2. I wanted more of that voluptuous body. (Read part 2) I wanted to have every inch of her. She kneeled between my legs as I sat on the futon and began to lick my flaccid cock. She took her time licking my cum covered cock and balls. The feeling of her sucking ever so gently on my balls and slowly stroking my cock was amazing. Fuck I was getting harder by the second as she teased me with a look of lust on her face. She urged me to the edge of the … Read more

Mother helps me

It has taken me a long time to get this down in writing. I am in my early 70’s, married when I was 34, found out my wife was having an affair and divorced when I was 41. The consequence of finding out about the affair had a psychological effect on me as I began to feel inadequate when it came to sex. It was between the time that the now ex-wife said she wanted to leave and when she moved out, that I just could not get a full erection to have sex with her and however hard I … Read more

Halloween Threesome

I felt stupid going to a Halloween party at the last minute. Why did I say yes? Swinging by the costume shop I was disappointed by the picked over selection and ended up with a cheap Dracula costume, for God’s sake. I didn’t even want to go to the party but the thought of going as something as lame as Dracula made it all the worse. When I got to the party I spotted another rather petite Dracula across the room. From the back I saw the cape with the raised collar and gorgeous short blonde bob. My eyes swept … Read more

A mature couple, a Bobcat, a young woman with a past

A mature couple, a Bobcat, a young woman with a past, The first time I saw her she was walking a bobcat down the sidewalk. I was spreading mulch around the rose bushes in the yard, and I heard someone walking down the sidewalk. I looked up and saw the bobcat. I was somewhat startled, to say the least, and prepared to flee for my life. Then I noticed her. Something was wrong with this picture. First, you just don’t walk any kind of cat. They don’t cooperate like that. Second, you don’t walk bobcats: you run away if they … Read more