Mom’s love of the bottle makes her horny

My name is Leon and I am 21 years old. I left my home in Edinburgh, Scotland, when I was 18, going into an IT job in London and to my shame, had not been home since.

Always I had an excuse, usually work-related but the truth was I didn't get on with my dad, who was an arrogant, uncaring man.

Now my dad had finally left after mum caught him red-handed, screwing his secretary in their bed.

I felt it only right to show face now, as I had always been close to my mum, really close.

I had phoned her to arrange things and although I could tell she was happy at me visiting, I could also tell she had been crying and her voice was a little slurred. It could have been the connection but I wondered.

I took a flight from the City of London Airport and touched down on home turf in just over an hour. A quick taxi soon saw me standing at the door of my old home, now only occupied by my 45 year old .

I rang the doorbell and waited. My dad had made me surrender my key when I left for London.

I heard her shout from down the hall.

“If you're here to pedal some religious shite, you can fuck off!” My mum's voice was unmistakable.

The door opened and her scowl turned into a smile when she saw me.

“Oh Leon son, you're here early! Come away in lad.”

As I entered she put her arms around me. Laura is her name and she is only 5'5″, with long black hair and ice blue eyes. She had always been shapely but I could see that she had put on a few pounds.

I am 6'2″ like my dad but shared my mum's hair and eye colourings.

She rested her head on my chest and it was then that I detected the smell of alcohol.

“Mum, i'm so sorry about what's happened to you. Dad's a pig of a man.”

“Don't I know it, son. Did you know that I walked in on him and his secretary, naked in the marital bed?”

I nodded meekly, not knowing what to say to make her feel better.

“There he was, lying on his back, arms behind his head, whilst that little slut sucked his cock.” She said miserably.

“That must have been hard to take for you, mum.”

That just seemed to inflame her.

“Hard to take? Too fucking right it was. After all the times I'd sucked him off and swallowed his cum, seeing her doing it was an insult.”

Hearing her talk this way should have been sickening me but instead I felt my cock wake from its slumber.

“Try and calm down mum, he's not worth it.” I said as I tried to control my erection.

“You're right, of course, son but why her? What is wrong with me? Am I so ugly?

“Of course not, mum, you're beautiful.” I quickly answered.

“You're just saying that to humour me.” She pouted.

“Not at all. You have a gorgeous body.” I said as I stared at her 36d tits.

She was wearing a thin white blouse and I could see her lacey bra, barely containing those heaving mounds that I hadn't suckled on since I was a baby.

“I believe you, I can see I've had an effect.” She said, looking down at my crotch.

My face reddened and I could only stumble an answer.

“Don't be embarrassed son, so what if you're turned on by your slutty mum?”

She moved towards me, taking one flap of my checked shirt out of my jeans and rubbing my belly.

“Mum, stop! You'll go too far and I won't be responsible for my actions.” I spoke shakily.

“You always used to like me rubbing your belly.” She said, as her trademark pout appeared again.

“That was before puberty hit, mum, you never got a tip of my cock pushing out at you!” I exclaimed.

Mum just giggled. “Has your mummy got you excited, Leon?”

Too bloody right she had, but this was neither the time or place to do what my body was telling me to. She was more than half sloshed and when she sobered up, she would be full of regrets.

“Look mum, you sit down and I'll make us a coffee, i'll just be two minutes.”

“Okay Leon love.” Mum said, sounding a little dejected or was it rejected?

As the kettle boiled, my heartbeat returned to normal and I convinced myself that I had done the right thing by not taking advantage of the situation.

I came through to the lounge with two steaming mugs of coffee. Black no sugar, for myself. Latte, two sugars for mum.

However, she lay slumped sideways against a cushion, out for the count.

Should I just leave her to lie there and come round in the morning, all sore? No, I decided I would lift her and carry her to bed. I scooped her up, her open mouth giving me ideas I knew were wrong.

I was glad there were no stairs to climb and it was with some relief that I laid her on her double bed.

Then I thought that she'd be cold if left her there all night on top of the duvet, so I managed to move her and the duvet enough so that I could cover her.

Then my mind told me she would be too hot, so I ventured to remove some clothing.

She was still out as I unbuttoned her blouse and struggled to remove it. Her bra-bound tits taunted me by jiggling before my eyes. God, they were beautiful! I could see her huge aureola through the lace.

I decided to also remove her leggings and after failing when I started to pull from the feet, I pulled from the waist. I swear it was a mistake but her panties came down too. I now had a close up view of my mum's hairy pussy and I realised I was so hard.

I knew I had to get out of her room and so I leaned over to give her a goodnight peck on the cheek.

“Where do you think you're going?” My mum said, as she grabbed my right knee.

“Just saying goodnight, mum, that's all.”

“I didn't realise that included ogling my tits and exposing my pussy…….” She said in a husky tone.

I was taken aback and didn't know what to say. Mum took the initiative and pulled me to her for a full kiss on the lips. I should have struggled, I know, but I was stuck in the moment. Her tongue searched for mine and when they met, it triggered an animal response in me. This was now past the point of no return. I grabbed at her full left tit, still in bra and rubbed, feeling her nipple explode in size.

“Oh Leon, mummy needs you tonight. Take me!”

Her bra had a front clasp and I quickly undid it. Her big, soft breasts tumbled out and immediately I started to lick and suck on them, with the occasional nibble on the nipple.

Mum was also busy, having yanked my jeans down. Now her hand was inside my boxers and gripping my erection.

“Ooh you are a big boy Leon, so much bigger than your daddy.

My nine inches throbbed like crazy at her touch.

With my free hand I brushed her hairy bush.

“Where does mummy want my cock?” I said, barely believing my own words.

“Every hole you can find, lover boy.”

“Suck it for me mummy.” I asked anxiously.

“With pleasure. Mummy needs practice with big cocks.”

Her soft hand cupped my balls and then she licked around my groin area, which is hairless. She slowly licked round the base, then licked and kissed my veiny shaft. By the time her tongue had circled under my cock head, I had forgotten that this was my sweet old mum.

“Mum stop! I don't want to cum yet. Let me play with you.”

She opened her ligs wider and let my hand slide into her. She was so wet as I massaged her cavern.

“Fuck me, son, fuck me hard!” She panted.

I was happy to obey and I hooked her legs over my shoulders and drove deep inside her, balls deep. She was squealing with delight as I pumped her, piston-like.

I knew I was cumming but this time I wasn't going to stop. I shot four big blasts into her before I withdrew, then I just went head first into her cum-filled pussy.

Her lips opened wide for me, as my tongue darted here and there. I soon found her clit and massaged it, all the time taking in my own cum and her pussy juice. She was gyrating rhythmically and shouting out my name. I felt her thighs tighten around my head and she came in long shudders.

She looked into my eyes and said

“Oh my darling Leon, what have you done to your mummy?”

That was one question not requiring an answer.

I moved up and kissed her again.

“I can taste some cum through my juice. Maybe I can get a proper taste next time.”

So, she was planning a next time. Was it the drink talking?

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