Sexy, sweet Cheri loses her virginity on babysitting job

It was the spring of 1971 and Cheri was an 18 year old senior at a small high school in a little river town in the Northern Mid-west. She was also everyman's fantasy of what a hot 18 year old girl should look like too; long blonde hair, clear blue eyes and a killer tan body from hanging out at the river beaches all Summer long. Nothing excited her more than throwing on a skimpy bikini and flirting with all the boys on the beach. She always enjoyed seeing the bulges grow in their swimsuits! Her ” girl next door ” wholesome looks belayed the steaming vixen lying right under the surface.

The sweet Cheri had already begun experimenting with lesbian sex with a couple of her high school girlfriends, but had decided it was time to lose her virginity to a man. A real man that knew what he was doing, not just some high school boy fumbling around. Cheri was fairly sophisticated with kissing and foreplay from her lesbian episodes with her friends Katrina and Katie. Now she wanted a real cock between her legs instead of a teenage girl's tongue!

Cheri had known the Fisher family since she was a very little girl. Bob and Gina Fisher had moved a few houses down from her folks right after they had been married at 18. They had two kids by now and Cheri had been their regular baby sitter since she was 12 years old.

Bob was the classic ” tall, dark and handsome ” and had almost an Elvis look to him. Bob and Gina were both in their early 30's. Gina had let herself go the last few years, while Bob was better looking in his 30's than he was at 18. They didn't look right together as a couple anymore and Cheri always had the feeling that Bob was sexually frustrated. Turned out her hunch was right on!

Cheri had noticed the last couple of years that Bob had been nervous and tense around her when she arrived to baby sit. Once in awhile he would drive her home during bad weather and it was almost like he was dropping off a date. She always had the feeling that Bob was fighting the impulse to kiss her goodnight. Cheri also had to fight the same impulse to kiss Bob goodnight too. She found it an exciting prospect to roll around her head. Making out with a married man…

Bob had called Cheri and said that Gina and him were going to an overnight marriage retreat and if she could stay the night at the house with the kids the next week. He offered Cheri double time and that was a good chunk of change that she needed right now. She had been saving for a car. She always had a crush on Bob and he always had a soft spot for her too. Plus, Cheri was enjoying dressing up sexy for her baby sitting sessions and flirting a bit with Bob lately. She could tell that Gina was a little jealous and pissed at her too.

Cheri went over to the Fisher's house on the appointed day for her baby sitting job dressed in a little ” naughty ” school girl's plaid skirt and a tank top with no bra. Bob looked her up and down with hungry eyes as he gave here instructions and contact information for the night. Cheri bid them a good night as they left for the retreat. Sally and Ben were great kids and never any problem. Cheri played some kid's board games, watched a little TV and sent them off to bed by 9 PM. They always slept like logs and Cheri had the whole house to her self and was getting paid to boot!

Cheri was dozing on the couch at about 1 AM when she was suddenly awoken by somebody unlocking the front door. It was Bob and she could tell he had been drinking a bit. He explained that he and Gina had gotten into a fight and he just left her at the retreat and headed for a bar on the way home to lick his wounds. He told Cheri that his marriage was going through some hard times and he didn't know what to do.

Bob set down next to Cheri on the couch and spilled his guts out about how Gina wasn't the same woman he had married, how she had let herself go and their sex life had dwindled down to nothing. The he started to sob. Cheri felt so sorry for him that she gave him a big hug right there on the sofa. He instinctively put his arms around Cheri and laid his head on her shoulder. Bob made Cheri feel like a real mature woman helping him through a tough time.

Bob suddenly lifted his head off Cheri's shoulder so they were sitting face to face on the sofa. He put his right hand behind Cheri's head and pulled her towards him and gently kissed her on the lips. She faked a little resistance as their lips met.

” Mr. Fisher, you a married man and… ”

That's as far as Cheri got as he pushed her down on her back, his tongue darting into her mouth as he held her hands over her head. Their kisses became longer and deeper. Cheri felt his breathing becoming heavier as his hands went for her firm teenage tits. He took Cheri's tank top straps in each hand and yanked them down to her belly, exposing her breasts. He started at them, a feverish look in his eyes, as he went on a feeding frenzy of licking and sucking on her luscious C-cups. Cheri could do little except moan in ecstasy.

Bob's left hand went beneath Cheri's short, plaid skirt, hooking a finger around her now damp panties and gently rubbed her swelling pussy. Cheri let out a soft ” no, no ‘, while really meaning ‘yes, yes “, His lips met hers again, stifling her words into muffled moans. His naughty finger entered Cheri's now wet pussy and massaged her hyper sensitive clit.

” Are you still a virgin, Cheri, ” Bob asked

” Yes ” Cheri said softly

” Well, you won't be after tonight. ” Bob replied, lustily

With that, Bob got up off of Cheri and stood up, ripping off his clothes down to his briefs. Cheri could see the bulge in his shorts with a wet spot in front of pre-cum. He pulled down his briefs and his dick sprang up like a cobra ready to strike. All Cheri could do was look at that beautiful cock that would soon be stuck between her thighs.

” This may hurt a bit, but it will feel good too. ” Bob whispered

Cheri had already mastered the art of masturbating with various items around the house, including her Mom's ” face massager. ” That's what they had called vibrators in the old days. Her and a couple of her girlfriends had also used the vibrator on each other on occasion. Bob getting his dick in her virgin cunt did not present a problem.

Bob kneeled down in front of Cheri and unbuttoned her short skirt and threw it aside. He wrapped his fingers around the waistband of her panties and yanked them off. His eyes were feverish with passion as he stared at her tight, young, 18 year old naked body, flat on her back, with his cock twitching just inches from her warm tempting love hole. Bob lay back on top of Cheri and gave her long, deep kisses, their tongues intertwined as their moaning got louder. Bob lifted himself up a little, took his right hand to his throbbing dick and firmly spread Cheri's tan legs.

” I don't know if this is right, ” Cheri said innocently, ” your still a married man and…”

That's as far as she got, as the next sound out of Cheri's mouth was a sexy squeal as Bob slid his cock into her tight pussy. Cheri felt magical, fulfilled and wonderful as she felt every centimeter of Bob's manhood inside her virgin cunt. He lost control and started pounding her little blond snatch like a cheap piece of meat her was trying to tenderize. Cheri started squealing again as his balls slapped her ass in an increasingly faster rhythm. Cheri wrapped her arms around Bob's neck and held on for dear life, orgasms ripping through her like thunderstorms on a hot summer afternoon. The sounds of slapping flesh and loud moans filled the room.

” I'm gonna cum., ” shouted Bob.

With that said, Bob kissed Cheri deeply as she felt his swollen cock shoot it's warm, milky payload of sperm into her virgin pussy. Cheri wrapped her legs around his sweaty torso and squeezed every drop of his cum into her steaming cunt. Bob collapsed on top of Cheri and whispered sweet love talk into her ears. They rolled over on their sides and he stared into Cheri's clear blue eyes with a burning soft passion as he brushed back her blond hair with his hand.

” Thanks, my sweet Cheri, that was the best sex I have ever had. ” Bob said softly

Bob got up on his knees between Cheri's legs. She decided this might be a good opportunity to get in a little cock sucking experience too. He started to get up, but Cheri grabbed his cock as she pulled herself up so her mouth was just inches from the swollen head of his beautiful penis. She gently put the head of his cock in her mouth.

” Agg”, Bob screamed, ” Oh, my God, Gina never does this; oh. ”

Cheri sucked his dick like a pro until it was as stiff as a board again.

” Oh, God, I'm gonna cum again. ” Bob gushed.

Bob quickly pulled his cock from Cheri's mouth and sprayed her pretty face with a warm bath of his cum. Cheri was in heaven.

Just then, headlights appeared in the driveway. It was Gina's car! Bob and Cheri both sprang up, wiping the cum from their bodies and throwing on cloths just as Gina came through the door. She was pissed at Bob anyway, but she didn't have a clue that he had just pumped a load of his cum into Cheri's pussy and face moments before!

” I have to drive Cheri home. We can argue when I get back, ” Bob said sarcastically

Bob and Cheri were silent as they drove the short distance to her house. He parked in a dark part of the street and faced Cheri.

” Thanks again, Cheri, I needed that. ”

He kissed Cheri and the kisses started growing deeper and deeper and they were both getting sexually excited again. Cheri moaned as her hand went to Bob's zipper and unleashed his hard prick from his pants. She leaned over and put his stiff dick in her warm mouth again. She just couldn't get enough cock! She sucked and sucked until Bob let out another gasp and shot his 3rd load of cum down her throat. She swallowed every drop.

Bob and Cheri kissed a few minutes longer and she left him with a smile on his face. Cheri had just lost her virginity and was eager to try out her new found sexual skills in a small Northern town.

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