Lust for My Wife’s Sister

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years now. During that time, we’ve had our ups and downs, as most couples do. Whenever problems have arisen, we’ve been able to work through them, strengthening our relationship along the way. However, last week something happened that I thought would destroy all of our hard work.

Our sex life, like everything else, has gone in cycles. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it cools. We were going through one of our cooler periods lately. As a result, I was spending more and more time on-line reading erotic stories and looking at various web sites. The sites I like the most feature amateur and voyeur photos. There’s just something about “the girl next door” that really gets me going. I’d much rather look a real woman than some air-brushed, so-called “ideal.” The idea that regular women are being generous enough to take their clothes off so I can look at their beautiful bodies is an incredible turn-on for me. Unfortunately, Linda, my wife, doesn’t always share my enthusiasm for surfing the web for porn. Consequently, I need to sneak my viewing.

Last week, while my wife was up in our bedroom, I was down in the den surreptitiously looking at beautiful, real women and slowly stroking my cock. I opened a contribution from a woman who’s story stated she had never posted any erotic photos before, and she hoped that someone out there would find her sexy. When I looked at the photos, I got the shock of my life. I recognized the woman. At first I couldn’t place her face. Admittedly, I was looking more at her incredible body. She had lovely, full breasts that that hung heavy. Her legs were long and she had nice, full hips. But I knew I recognized her face, her bright green eyes, her luxurious and wavy chestnut hair.

Because the pictures were out of context, it took several seconds before I realized these were photos of Kira, my wife’s younger sister. As I scrolled through the photos, I couldn’t believe that I was seeing my sister-in-law in ways I had only fantasized about. At family gatherings, I often retreated to the bathroom to stroke myself off because Kira would get me so frustrated. She had a knack for wearing simple clothes and elevating them to the height of sexiness. She looked absolutely stunning in a pair of faded jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt. But as I sat in front of my glowing monitor, Kira smiled out at me wearing little then nothing. First she lounged in a silky robe. Then there were a few pictures of her in a black, lacy push-up bra and matching panties. Finally, and much to the delight of my cock, she wore only her smile.

I lightly touched the tip of my cock and was surprised by how much pre-cum leaked from the head. I was so hard it hurt. All of my fantasies about my wife’s little sis flooded over me. There she was, naked and willing in front of me. I rubbed the pre-cum all over my cock and ran a finger up and down my shaft. I stared at the pictures of Kira and before I knew it I felt the gush of cum stretch my cock and explode all over my hand and thigh and spill onto the floor. I couldn’t remember a time when I came so much just from masturbating. Then, to my surprise, I didn’t get soft. The vision of Kira naked was intoxicating. Her body was even more spectacular than it was in my fantasies. Her breasts hung soft and heavy with brown, puckery areolas and thick nipples. Her hips curved seductively. Her pussy was trimmed. The more I looked at her pussy the more I realized how much it resembled my wife’s. Both Linda and Kira have fleshy, full pussy lips. In the last picture, Kira was lightly fingering herself and it was obvious how wet she was: those lips glistened in the light. I needed to taste her, to feel her, to experience that soft, wet pussy. I thought about jacking off again (I still couldn’t believe I stayed hard and horny!), but instead I decided to see if Linda was “in the mood.”

After a stop in the bathroom to clean up my mess, I headed upstairs. Even though my hard-on subsided a bit, it was still obvious I was aroused. I figured that wouldn’t look too good, so I tried to think about anything but my sexy sister-in-law. Linda was propped up in bed reading a book. For a moment, a flash of guilt swept over me. I was about to have sex with my wife because I was lusting after her sister. Linda looked at me over her glasses. She always looks sultry when she does this, and the fact that she was wearing a thin, cotton nightgown didn’t hurt at all. “What are you up to? You’re acting kind of strangely.”

“Nothing dear. I just, well…” and I climbed into bed next to her and began nuzzling her neck.

“Mmm, that’s nice,” Linda cooed.

I nibbled her ear and caressed her arm. She kissed my neck as she dropped her book on the floor. We mashed our mouths together, our tongues darting against each other. I reached up and kneaded her breast. Linda’s breasts were bigger than her sisters, but not by much. I loved the sexy freckles on my wife’s chest. Kira has the same splatter of freckles on her chest, too. I took one of Linda’s nipples in my mouth and sucked. Like Kira, Linda has puckery brown areolas and thick nipples. They are heaven to suckle. Bus as I sucked on my wife, in my mind I was sucking on Kira.

Linda reached down and caressed my cock. “My, my, someone’s hard and leaking lots of pre-cum tonight,” she said in a voice throaty and sultry. This snapped me out of my fantasy—a fantasy that resulted in the hard, slick cock my wife was fondling.

“That’s what you do to me,” I said as I kissed down my wife’s chest, past her stomach, and down to her pussy. I could smell her arousal. When I finally got to her full bush of pubic hair, Linda spread her legs wide for me. When I looked at her pussy a small shock like a jolt of electricity ran through my body. It was like I was looking at Kira’s pussy! I kissed her lips and licked her juices. I tongued her clit and soon Linda was writing and moaning. I continued to eat her and before long Linda was pounding the bed in the throes of orgasm. My face was drenched with her pussy juice, and I lapped it up from her thighs and her bush. I wondered if Kira tasted as good as my wife.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to fuck Kira…er, Linda. I climbed up and mounted my wife. She looked up at me through glazed eyes and said, “damn, you’re horny tonight.”

“I know,” was all I said as I sank my cock into her sloppy pussy. I looked down and watched my cock move in and out and thought that’s how it would look if I was fucking Kira. Even though I came once already that evening, I was on the verge of blowing again very quickly. My wife spread her legs even farther for me and I leaned over to take a jiggling tit in my mouth. About five thrusts later, I felt my balls tighten and I sent a rush of semen into Linda. I moaned with the release and almost called out her sister’s name.

Afterward, we lounged in the glow of sex. We kissed softly, and I fingered her messy pussy. “No more, please John, I’m spent,” she whispered. Even though I could easy have fucked again, I let her fall asleep in my arms. As we laid together, the guilt pangs returned. My wife was so trusting and loving, and for all intents and purposes, I just fucked her sister. Sure, it was my wife’s body but in my head it belonged to Kira. How could I have been so callous as to make love with my wife while all along comparing her to her younger sister? My wife is beautiful, always has been. But there is just something about Kira. Linda has always been a bit jealous of her, and on more than one occasion she’d asked me if I thought Kira was beautiful. I’d always replied by saying something non-committal like, “of course she’s beautiful, she looks like you.” Linda never really bought it, but thanked me anyway.

The next night Linda had to work late. I was home alone and of course I found myself in front of the computer. I logged into the site I visited the night before and went straight for Kira’s pictures. There she was, smiling out at me as if I was the only one looking at her photos. I stroked myself languidly, my cock already slick with pre-cum. I was ready to blow but wanted to extend the feeling a while longer so I decided to look at some other pictures and then finish with my lovely sister-in-law. As I browsed I was astonished and delighted to find another post from Kira. This time, she was dressed in a tight, clingy t-shirt that I recognized. She sometimes wore it when we got together and it drove me absolutely crazy with lust. In these photos, she wore the shirt but was braless. She had on her tight low-rise jeans and struck a series of seductive poses. In the first picture she jutted her chest way out and tilted her head like a sex-kitten. In the next, she had unzipped her jeans just enough to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties. This was followed by a picture of her wearing just the short, tight t-shirt. She was laughing as if she was well aware of the sexual power she wielded. By the last photo, she feigned modesty by attempting to cover her ample breasts and trimmed pussy with her delicate hands. Of course, she really didn’t really cover much. That did it. I had been slowly stroking and I felt the cum rush through my cock. Like the previous night, I made a huge mess of myself.

After cleaning up, I downloaded the photos from both posts and stored them in my Palm Pilot (and, yes, I understood the irony in that) so I could look at them whenever I wanted to.

Over the course of the next week or so I didn’t have an opportunity to surf for porn, but my downloaded pictures of Kira definitely kept me going. Many times when Linda and I would have sex, I couldn’t help but think about her sister. I saw Kira’s pussy as I ate Linda’s. I saw Kira’s perfect breasts as I sucked Linda’s. I fucked Kira as I fucked Linda.

I thought I was handling things fairly well. I figured it was all just fantasy and that I would eventually get over my fascination with Kira. A few stroke sessions (granted, INCREDIBLE stroke sessions), and then a pleasant but secret memory. Then there was the next family get together: Kira’s birthday party. I realized this would be the first time I saw Kira in person since I found her photos. On top of it all, she was to be the guest of honor and the constant center of attention all night.

For the most part, the party was fun, even if I was on edge the entire evening. Kira looked radiant. She wore a gauzy peasant blouse with her tight jeans (the same ones, I assumed, from the second photo shoot). The blouse was low cut and showed off her cleavage to the best advantage. I felt my palms sweat. My balls tingled. When Nick, her boyfriend, came over to take our coats it hit me like a ton of bricks that he must have taken the photos of Kira. Until that point I had been so engrossed in seeing her naked that I didn’t even think about the fact that someone had to have taken the pictures. It was as if she made them magically appear just for me. I felt a momentary pang of jealousy toward Nick. He got to see her, to touch her, to fuck her on a regular basis. Lucky bastard. I also realized that there were countless people out there who also saw my Kira, lusted after her, masturbated to her sexy body. (And, yes, I did start to think of her as “my” Kira, as wrong at that was.)

I drank a bit more than I normally would simply because I tried to keep my mind off of my sister-in-law. Of course, the alcohol only fueled my desires. I found myself trying to get close and talk to Kira while also trying to avoid her because I wasn’t sure if I could trust myself around her. I know Nick caught me leering at her cleavage once or twice. I could deal with that. He knew she was sexy and he had to understand that men would look at her. Unfortunately, Linda caught me leering once, too. She gave me a shame-on-you look but I didn’t get in any more trouble. I figured I should quench my desire, so I slipped into the bathroom. I stroked myself thinking about Kira and how she’d look slipping out of her blouse at the end of the night. I pulled out my Palm Pilot and called up my favorite picture, the one where she was trying to be modest but instead was sexy as hell. I shot my load within just a few strokes. I came so hard that the force of my cum made a splashing sound in the toilet. After I cleaned up I was able to rejoin the party and pay less attention to Kira. About an hour later, Linda found me and asked if I was ready to go. I figured it was a good idea so we found Kira to say our goodbyes.

Just before we were about to leave, Kira asked Linda for the phone number of our realtor since she was in the market for a condo. “John has it, he’ll give it to you,” she said.

I pulled out my Palm Pilot and told her it was listed under R for realtor. She took it from me and went to the kitchen to write down the number. When she got back, she had a very strange look on her face. When she hugged me to say goodbye she whispered to me, “glad you enjoyed them.” I figured she meant her friends at the party we hadn’t met before, but when she gave me the Palm Pilot back, I saw her picture on the screen. I fumbled to turn it off before anyone else saw. Kira just gave me a wicked smile and kissed Linda goodnight. She gave me a quick peck on my fully blushed cheek and I swear I felt her tongue for a split second.

The ride home was icy. Linda was pissed off at me and kind of drunk—a potentially lethal combination. I just wasn’t sure what she knew or how much trouble I was in. She sat in the passenger’s seat, stony faced and arms crossed. Eventually she said, “It was pretty obvious what you did tonight, you know.”

I cleared my throat and tried to see just what it was I did that was pretty obvious. “I’m sorry, hon, I just….”

“You just embarrassed yourself tonight is what you just did. I can’t believe how you were ogling Kira’s chest.”

But did she mean how I was ogling it in picture form? I tried to play it cool. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“Weren’t that bad? Everytime I turned around you were staring at her cleavage.”

So it was just what had happened at the party that got me in trouble.

“And then,” she continued, “you had to blush like a schoolboy when she hugged you goodnight.”

So she saw that. “Linda, it…I mean…well your sister has a knack for getting people to look at her. I don’t know how anyone COULDN’T have looked at her cleavage the way she had it on display with that blouse.”

“She’s always done that,” Linda said. I could feel her anger shifting from me to Kira. “That’s how she stole not one but two of my boyfriends.” I knew she must be particularly drunk if she brought up the stolen boyfriends story. When Linda drinks, she gets either wild and uninhibited or sullen and insecure. I was hoping she wasn’t sliding toward the latter.

“Is that what this is all about? Linda, I’m married to you. I love you. I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And right now I’m going home with you.” I wasn’t sure how far I should push this, but I figured I had to go for the big score. “Yes, I admit I was looking at Kira’s cleavage tonight. Frankly, she had it right out there for everyone. I know I wasn’t the only one who looked. But I…”

“You think she’s sexier than me, don’t you,” Linda interrupted. It was a statement, not a question.

“No I don’t. Like I’ve told you before, she’s attractive because she looks so much like you. But it’s you I want.” I paused, considering whether or not to go on. I decided to just blurt it out, “To be honest, when I was looking at her cleavage, I was thinking about yours.”

She looked at me incredulously and I thought I had gone too far. “That sweet of you to say that, but you don’t have to lie.”

“I’m not lying!” And I wasn’t, really. When I was looking at Kira’s chest, I was thinking about the ways it compared to my wife’s: their freckles, the ways their breasts swell and hang similarly, the size and shape of their areolas, the fullness of their nipples.

“Do you really like my breasts as much as Kira’s?”

“I love your breasts, Linda.”

“Oh really,” her voice changed. Instead of angry, she sounded…sultry. “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

“Perhaps you’d better take another look.” And with that, she turned in her seat and unbuttoned her blouse. She caressed her bra-covered breasts, all the while giving me seductive looks. My cock sprang to life. Even though it was dark out, I’m sure other drivers would be able to see her. She then pulled one breast out over the cup of her bra and fingered her nipple. She took the other one out and cupped them for me. I had to make sure I didn’t run the car off the highway. I knew she must have been drunker than I thought since this is not something Linda would do. Not that I was complaining! As a matter of fact, I realized that I was more turned on by my wife at that moment than I had been in quite sometime. I looked up at her face and saw she was smiling devilishly at me. She leaned over to caress my cock through my pants. As she leaned, her breasts swayed lewdly over the top of her bra.

“Well, it would certainly appear that you do indeed like what you see,” she said as she felt my hard cock.

We turned onto our street, Linda’s hand on my cock, her breasts swaying free. When we pulled into the garage, she didn’t even bother to button up. She stripped off her blouse and bra before I could close the garage door. I couldn’t believe what she was doing. She slung her blouse and bra over her shoulder, jiggled her chest at me and said, “let’s go play.”

How could I argue?

We left a trail of clothes up the stairs and into the bedroom. By the time we got there, we were naked and incredibly horny. She flopped on the bed with a girlish giggle. I pounced on her and kissed her deeply. I nibbled down her neck to her chest. I licked the underside of her breasts, through her cleaved and back around. I purposely avoided her nipples until she was writhing with anticipation. Then I sucked her nipple deep into my mouth. She screamed with a sudden orgasm that surprised both of us. As I sucked more, she ran her fingers through my hair. “Mmm, that feels so fucking good,” she said.

My mouth stayed on her nipples while my hand made it’s way to her pussy. I felt her soft stomach. I felt her bushy pubic hair. Then I felt the moist velvet of her lips. She was soaked and I loved it. When I caressed her pussy lips she moaned. When I slid a finger in, she howled. I sucked her nipples and finger fucked her for some time. Then, out of the blue, she said, “Would you like to be doing this to Kira?”

I looked up at her, and her eyes lids were heavy with lust. Instead of trying to get me in trouble, I think Linda was getting off on the idea that I found her sister attractive. But I wasn’t quite sure. “I told you, I love your body.”

“That’s not what I asked,” she growled, “I asked if you’d like to be doing this to my sister.”

I sucked a bit more and ran my finger over her clit before I said in a quiet voice, “yes.”

As soon as she heard me, she exploded in another orgasm—one of the most intense she’s had in years. “Yes, fuck yes, John! I want to see you suck my sister’s titties!”

I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I was so fucking horny. I dry humped her leg…actually, dry humping was a bit of a misnomer. I left a huge slick of pre-cum on her leg. I decided to play along. I grabbed both of Linda’s breasts and mashed them together. This way I could suck both nipples at the same time. “I bet you’d love me to do this to Kira.” She just moaned her approval and scissored me with her legs. As I kneaded her soft breasts I rubbed my cock on her swollen clit. My pre-cum and Linda’s wetness made for a messy combination.

“Fuck me, John!” Linda shouted. In one deep stroke, I buried my cock in her pussy. She was so wet, so ready that I met little resistance. I just felt her moist, hot pussy slurping up my cock.

I fucked my wife and I fucked her hard. I watched as my cock disappeared into her. I watched her breasts as they swayed and jiggled lewdly. I watched her face as she contorted it with her pending orgasm.

My cock stretched to its limits. My balls pulled up tight. I was ready to cum. “Fuck, Linda, I’m almost there.”

Just as I was about to shoot, Linda gave me a shock that sent me over the top. “Imagine shooting your sperm into my sister as you cum!”

“Oh, yes!” It felt as if the cum was forcibly ripped from my body. I could have sworn that the my cock couldn’t have shot such a volume all at once, but there I was coating the inside of my wife with my thick, hot cum while she encouraged me to think about fucking her sister.

I collapsed on her and we both panted with exhaustion. I stayed buried deep in her, our sweaty, cummy bodies mashed together. We kissed.

After several minutes of just enjoying each other’s body, Linda said, “we should probably talk about that.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“When we were at the party and I saw you looking at Kira’s cleavage, I had a whole flood of emotions. I was pissed at you. I was pissed at her. I was frustrated that she was getting all kinds of attention from other men—you included. I was hurt that you weren’t ogling me. And most of all I was jealous. A part of me was thinking, ‘oh shit, here we go again.’ I know you’re my husband, and I know you wouldn’t leave me for my sister, but it was just my old insecurities coming out. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, about you and Kira. The more I thought about it, the more the jealousy built up. But then I began to feel something else. Hidden deep within the jealousy I was also beginning to feel…horny. As the jealousy grew it fed my lust. By the time we were ready to leave, I couldn’t help but think about anything other than you sucking on Kira’s breasts. I guess that’s why I tried to start a fight in the car. I didn’t understand why I was reacting the way I was. I was confused, frustrated, jealous, and horny. I tried to let it out through anger. But obviously that wasn’t the right emotion.”

“I have to tell you that when you flashed me in the car, I just couldn’t believe it. Just thinking back on it right now is getting me going.” Sure enough, when Linda’s hand brushed against my thigh and settled on my cock, she felt me getting hard again.

“I couldn’t believe how horny I was. And I hate to admit it, but it was thinking about you and my sister that got me there.” She thought about what she said then added quickly, “not that I want you to have an affair with her!”

I pouted, and I saw the briefest flash of anger cross her face. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”

“You’d better be. This is one of those instances where fantasy and reality should never, ever meet. Unless, of course, you want me to cut off your balls.” She winked and grabbed them, pulling slightly.

We fucked again that night. It was the first time in ages we fucked twice in one night, and we loved it.

Afterward, we talked more about the rigid lines between fantasy and reality. I toyed with the idea of telling Linda about the pictures of her sister on the web, but for the moment I decided against it.

As it turned out, that night was a turning point in our sexual relationship. We both felt freer to express our fantasies and desires. During the course of the next few weeks, I gradually introduced Linda to some porno web sites. I was careful not to make it look like I was too familiar with them, as I didn’t want her to figure out that I had been looking at them long before our sexual renaissance. I tried to make it seem like we were “experimenting” together. Luckily, she enjoyed most of the sites, particularly those featuring erotic stories.

She also really enjoyed the amateur/voyeur photo sites. The first time we “stumbled” across my favorite voyeur site, Linda said, “There’s something really sexy and taboo about seeing naked pictures of someone’s wife, co-worker, or neighbor.”

“Or sister,” I almost added, but held my tongue.

We’d look at the pictures and stroke each other. We’d invent histories about the people featured. We’d wonder how the husbands or boyfriends felt about their partners showing off to the world. The more we looked and talked, the more it excited me to think about showing off Linda. I think she, too, began to develop an interest in posting pictures, but for the time being I knew it was just fantasy.

After a while, I suggested we join the site. This gave us access to the archives…and more explicit photos. The increased access in turn increased our sexual activity. Linda enjoyed picking out a woman for me then having me look at her photos while giving me a sloppy blow job. She’d then have me pick out photos for her to look at while I ate her. This was wonderfully fun.

One night Linda was particularly horny. She was really getting off on having me tell her which women I’d like to fuck, and why. “Do her tits turn you on? I know they do because they’re turning ME on,” she’d say. Or, “I’d love to see your cock buried balls-deep in her pussy.” She sat back in her chair and lasciviously fingered herself as she talked dirty to me, getting off on watching me lust after other women.

I was rock hard and horny as hell. I made a decision. “Let me have the mouse for a moment, I want to browse the pics for a while,” I said.

“Have at it,” she said as her fingers snaked around my aching cock. “Wow, you’re particularly hard.”

“You’ve just got me all worked up.” I tried to make my clicking look random, but I knew exactly where I was navigating. I clicked on a few posts. Linda stroked me, rubbing my pre-cum all over my cock. She commented on how sexy this woman looked or how much fun in bed that woman would be. I fingered her, hoping to get her even hornier.

Then I did it. I opened Kira’s post. At first, Linda didn’t recognize her sister. She just stroked my cock and said, “mmm, she’s got GREAT tits. I’ll bet you….” And then the realization hit her. “Oh…my…god.”

I tried to play it off like I wasn’t sure what was wrong. “Those ARE some great tits,” I kept fingering her and playing along like it was any other post.

“John, look,” Linda whispered, “it’s Kira!”

“What? No it’s…holy shit!” I feigned surprise. I also kept my finger in her pussy. And whether out of shock or some hidden desire, Linda kept her hand on my cock.

“I don’t fucking believe this,” she said. I tried to figure out how she was feeling about seeing very sexy pictures of her little sister on our computer screen. “I don’t fucking believe this,” she said again. But this time, she began stroking my cock. I was so close to cumming right then and there. She turned to look at me. I searched her eyes for anger or disappointment, but saw something else. I saw lust, that was for sure, but I also saw a flicker of jealousy. I saw conflict. I saw raw, animalistic emotion.

“I suppose you finally got your wish,” she said. She licked her lips and kissed me deeply, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. She broke the kiss and caressed my balls as she said, “you finally get to see Kira’s tits in all their splendor.” She scrolled down the page. I saw a moment of surprise flicker across her face as she saw all the pictures. “And you get to see her pussy, too,’ she added. I looked at Linda as she looked at Kira’s pictures. After a few moments, Linda let out a long, slow breath and said, “Wow. She’s fucking hot.” She didn’t say it like she would have if were looking at any anonymous, sexy woman. It was more of an admission, a concession. I think, for the first time, Linda truly saw her sister’s blatant sexuality and understood why men—including her very own husband—found her so sexy, desirable, and undeniably fuckable. Her jealousy was justified. But just like that night after the party, Linda’s jealousy of her little sister fueled her sexual desire.

My head, light and dizzy, tried to process what was happening. “Are you cool with this?” As fucking horny as I was I had to make sure that this wouldn’t turn into something ugly.

Linda never took her hand from my leaking cock. She stared me directly in the eyes. I was struck by the emotion in them, not the least of all being lust. Without a word, she knelt down and kissed my cock. Then looking back up at me she said, “Look at my sister’s body while I suck you dry.”

I don’t know how I didn’t cum on the spot. My wife slurped my cock deep into her mouth, deeper than she ever had. She looked so good swallowing me that for a moment I forgot Kira. Linda popped my cock from her mouth and insisted, “Look at my sister!”

How could I argue. I spread my legs and leaned back in my chair. I scrolled up and down pictures of my sister-in-law as my wife slurped and sucked my rigid cock. Within moments I felt my balls tighten up. I felt my orgasm building deep within my body. I moaned and Linda caressed my balls. A combination of my pre-cum and her saliva oozed over my cock, my balls, and her hands. “Fuck…” I yelled as I focused on my favorite picture of Kira. My cock exploded in an incredible orgasm. Linda choked momentarily on the volume of cum but quickly recovered. Amazingly, only a small dribbled seeped out of the corners of her mouth. She was swallowing me so deeply that the majority of my cum shot straight down her throat. At that moment, I noticed that she was furiously fingering her clit. She moaned out in an orgasm of her own as she continued to suck my cock and kneed my balls, trying to milk every last drop of cum. I collapsed back on my chair. Linda whimpered in the aftershocks of her orgasm. She kept my messy cock in her mouth, kissing it, sucking it, not wanting to let it slip from her.

I started to come back to earth. I looked down at my wife and she was collapsed at my feet, my cock still in her hands. “Oh fucking god,” she said, her voice soft and airy, “so fucking amazing.”

I stroked her hair and said, “yes it fucking was.”

After a few minutes of recovery, Linda sat up on my lap, her hand gently teasing my saliva and cum slicked cock. She kissed me deeply. I could taste my cum on her lips and tongue. Her wet pussy made a mess of my leg. Behind her, I could still see the pictures of her sister on the monitor.

We kept kissing and Linda kept playing with my cock. I never got fully soft, and the more we kissed, the harder I got. She offered her breast to me. I sucked it. “Do you still want to do this to Kira?” she whispered.

I wasn’t sure if she was still horny or if the jealousy had taken over. I looked up at her. I couldn’t read her face. She jiggled her breasts in my face then mashed my mouth onto her nipple. “Suck me, John.”

I teased and suckled her breasts for several minutes. I eased my hand between her legs and tickled her clit. We kissed. We clutched at each other’s body.

All of a sudden, Linda stood up and turned to the computer. She clicked on menu to see if she could find other pictures of her sister. Immediately, she found the second post, the one with Kira wearing the clingy t-shirt and tight jeans. Linda tossed her hair over her shoulder and glanced back at me. “Do you like these, too?”

“Yes.” I said, simply.

She scrolled down some more. “Do you like her body?”


Linda looked at the pictures for several more seconds. She leaned over on the desk, her ass pointing directly at me. Then, without looking at me, she asked, “do you want to fuck my little sister?”

“Yes,” I said, honestly. I thought I heard her moan, but whether from jealously or lust, I couldn’t be certain.

She looked at the pictures for a little while longer. Then, like a sex kitten, she looked at me over her shoulder and wiggled her ass at me. “Will I do?”


She bent over a bit more, offering herself to me. I stood up and easily inserted my cock into my wife’s pussy. We moaned together.

“Fuck me but look at my sister.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Think of her tight ass…”


“Think of her puffy pussy lips…”


“Think of sliding your adulterous dick in my slut of a sister…”


“Cum in her! Fill her cunt with your cum!”

“Fuck yes!” And with that I exploded in Kira, for at that moment I was fucking her, not my wife.

Please wait…

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