His sex with his stepmother and then mom

, , , and then mom,  “Ok Mom. I've got all my stuff packed.” I said as I made my way to the steps. I could tell my mom wasn't happy about my decision to spend my summer vacation with my father and step-mom in Indiana. But I was now 18, and I think she was worried I would just move out there to live if she made a big of fuss about it. You see, my parents divorced back when I was 12, and from what Mom had told me she caught dad having an affair.

That's why Mom didn't care for Dad now, and I did my best not to show my excitement. I was especially over anxious to meet my step-mom for the first time. I had never met her since Mom was dead set against me visiting Dad. But from the pictures I had seen of her, she was a total fox. One photo, in particular, would cause my dick to twitch every time I looked at it. It was a picture of them standing arm in arm on a beach. Dad was in red swim trunks and Bethany, my step mom, had on this super sexy hot pink bikini. I swear it barely covered her perky sizeable breasts. The material was so thin it was easy to make out her huge areolas as they jutted out from the fabric. Bethany looked much younger than Dad in the photo and had long black hair. Her eyes were brown, and her lips were full. I'm not sure of her height yet, but her head was just about to my dad's shoulder.

I never could understand why Dad would have an affair since my is the sexiest 42-year-old woman I know. Mom is about 5'2 and a slim build. Her chest size isn't as large as Bethany's; she's about a C cup. Her hair is straight, blonde, and just below her shoulders. Her eyes are blue, and like Bethany she has full lips.

From time to time, as Mom cleaned and moved around the house, my eyes would catch her firm and circular bum as she bent over. This would always cause a rise in my shorts. I would even on occasion wonder what she would do if I just reached out and grabbed her ass. I never considered my erotic thoughts of Mom nasty, or thought of it as improper getting turned on by my own mother. She limited my dating experiences so as to be virtually nonexistent. So my only relief would be to jerk off to images of her as I laid in bed.

“You are sure you packed your underwear and socks” I heard from the other room.

“Yes I'm sure. Mom, when are you going to treat me like an adult. I am 18 now.” I said in a huffy voice.

“Never… You're always going to be my little boy and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.”

I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the car. I opened the trunk and tossed my luggage inside. Just then I felt a soft hand upon my shoulder.

“I'm sorry Tyler. I know you're an adult now. I'll just have to accept the fact that my little boy has grown up.”

I could see Mom's eyes tearing up which made me turn and give her a big hug. She wasted no time embracing me tightly, and I could feel her soft breasts press firmly against my chest. My dick began to strain against my blue jeans as we held our embrace for more than the usual time. Quickly, I broke away before it was evident I was getting hard.

“You want me to drive Mom.” I said when I noticed her tear filled eyes.

“Yes I think that would be best.”

As we drove toward the airport, I could see Mom getting more and more depressed, so I tried to say something to make her feel better.

“Mom… It's only for the summer”

“I know sweetie. It's just that I've never been alone before.”

“You know I'm only a phone call away.”

Mom just smiled and patted my leg.

Leaving Mom behind was harder than I thought, and we hugged one last time before I got on the plane. However, once again, I became aware of Mom's breasts as they squished between us and sent my dick into full hardness. Then I felt this strong urge to lower my hands down and grab her ass. Thankfully, Mom pulled away before I could actually act on my perverted impulse.

The flight to Dads wasn't long, and I was greeted by him and Bethany.

Holy fuck! I thought. Bethany was even younger and sexier than the photos I'd seen.

Dad gave me a hug, and so did Bethany. And once again, my dick went stiff when her wonderful jugs pressed into me.

As we walked around to the luggage area and then to the car, I couldn't stop myself from watching Bethany's ass as it swayed from side to side. The tight white pants she wore showed off her sexy firm bum beautifully. Like when I hugged Mom for the last time. I wanted to reach out and take hold of her marvelous ass in both my hands and just squeeze.

You're one horny dude today. I thought to myself as we finally reached Dad's car.

The ride to Dad's house was long but the conversation never hit a low. As Dad drove, Bethany and I talked, and I had been right about her age. I was shocked when I found out she was only six years older than me.

Once at the house, Dad unloaded the car while Bethany showed me around. I knew Dad did well in business but never thought he would own such a sizeable house. The downstairs had a large dining and living room along with a recreation room in the back of the house. The kitchen had a white tile floor with tan granite tops and bar stools around an eating area. The upstairs was just as impressive with a master bed & bath and three bedrooms that had their own private bathrooms. Bethany then took me outside behind the house and showed me the concrete patio that surrounded a large in ground pool and hot tub. Behind the pool were many mature trees and a lush green lawn. The entire yard was enclosed by a tall, white privacy fence.

Dad met us in the backyard, and we sat on the patio talking some more before calling it a night.

Dad showed me to my room and said, “Goodnight son. I hope you enjoy your visit.”

“I'm sure I will.”

After Dad left, I sat beside the bed and called Mom to tell her I made it ok, and that I missed her. Mom expressed how she missed me also and asked about Bethany. I didn't want Mom to get upset once more so I played it down saying how she looked plain and didn't bother to mention how young she was. We talked for another ten minutes and then said goodnight. I promised to call her again soon.

I didn't feel like looking for my pj's so I just stripped naked and turned off the light. I then crashed onto the bed and looked up at the dark ceiling and pictured Bethany's ass swaying in those tight white pants until I feel asleep.

When morning came I had a raging boner. Bethany's sweet ass was still dancing in my brain.

Well there's only one thing I can do. I thought to myself and headed for the shower. As the hot water washed over my back, I jerked my cock to Bethany's sultry image. I was just about to blow my load when I heard. “Oh I'm so sorry.” Being startled, I turned towards the glass doors and with my stiff cock still in my hand saw Bethany standing there looking down at my rod holding a bunch of towels.

Seeing Bethany staring at my cock caused me to explode. My cum plastered all over the glass door, and I heard Bethany say, “Oh!”, before she quickly turned and rushed out. I felt embarrassed by what had happened, but also excited. Quickly, I dried myself off and dressed. I figured I should apologize for what I did and went in search of Bethany. She was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and I immediately told her I was sorry.

“No I'm sorry Tyler. I shouldn't have entered your room like that. I was in a daze and didn't realize you were taking a shower and um… you know… relieving yourself.”

“That's ok. I was kind of in a daze myself.” I chuckled. Hoping that would break the tension I felt now between us.

“Missing your girlfriend back home?” Bethany questioned.

“Um… No I don't have a girlfriend. Mom was kind of strict about me dating. She thought it would have interfered with my schoolwork.

“Oh that's too bad.”

“I was actually thinking about this new girl I met. I can't seem to shake her from my mind.”

“Well I hope she knows how you feel about her.”

“I think she does now.” I said.

Bethany stopped cooking and just stood there looking at the frying pan.

Oh shit I went too far. I thought

Think idiot, think before she says something.

“So where is Dad?”

“Uh… Oh… your father already went to work. Take a seat as these are just about finished.”

“You didn't have to make me breakfast.”

“I don't mind. Besides I don't like eating alone.”

Bethany and I ate and talked for about an hour. She told me how Dad had been leaving early and staying late at work for the last couple of months.

When we finished, I offered to wash the dishes but Bethany sent me on my way. I went into the living room and turned the television on. I wasn't aware that Bethany finished the dishes and changed until she came into the room wearing her little bikini. My mouth watered as I gazed at her beautiful half naked figured and could feel my cock stiffening in my pants.

“If you need anything I'll be out back laying in the sun.” Bethany said as she walked away shaking her barely covered ass.

Quickly, I went up to my room and peeked out the window. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw Bethany lying next to the pool with her marvelous ass sticking up. My hand went to my cock, which was already stiff, and I fondled it until I noticed her move and hid myself from view. I waited a couple of seconds and steadily peered out the window once more. She was now laying on her back with a pair of dark sunglass that made it impossible for me to tell if she could see me spying on her. I stood there and jerked off wishing I could run my hands over those wonderful tits until I came.

Cleaning myself up, I went back to the living room and watched TV until Beth was finished tanning.

“So you feel like seeing some sights.” She asked.

Yeah that sounds like a great idea.”

Beth went and changed coming back wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a tight white tee shirt. I couldn't help but lock my eye onto her breast when I noticed her nipples pressing hard against the shirt.

“Hey… Eyes up here.” She said laughingly.

“Oh sorry.” I replied feeling my face blush.

“You young men are all like. Only thinking of one thing.”

“Well it's hard not to when your step-mom is a hottie.”

Beth gave me a skeptical look and chuckled before asking if I was ready.

I sprang up, and we headed out the door.

Time seemed to fly by as she showed me around town, and I thoroughly enjoyed being with her. I wished it didn't have to end, but we had to make it home before Dad arrived so Beth could make supper.

Beth was a great cook, and I complimented her as we all sat and ate dinner. Dad asked what I did for the day and told him about Beth and I sight seeing. He explained what Beth had already told me about working late and wished he could take some time off. However, his deadline made it impossible to do so. Bethany spoke up and said how she didn't mind keeping me company, and I felt pleased hearing that.

After dinner, we all went out back to the patio and made more small talk as Dad and Bethany enjoyed a glass of wine. I was feeling tired and excused myself saying I had to call Mom before going to sleep.

Mom seemed a little upset when I went over what we had done so far out here and questioned me more about Bethany. It was getting harder for me to disguise my true feelings for her and exactly how hot she really was. I think Mom saw through my attempt, but didn't let on when we said goodbye.

The next couple days were just like my first. Beth would lay out; I would jerk off, and we could go sight-seeing until Dad came home at night. Then came the morning Beth was tanning, and I noticed her hand leisurely go between her legs and lightly tickle her pussy through her bikini bottoms. My mouth dropped along with my pants and I stroked my cock feverishly to the sight before my eyes. I was just about to explode when Bethany suddenly stopped and lifted her glasses. I stood frozen when I saw her looking up at my window.

To my amazement, she quickly went back to rubbing herself, but also moved her other hand to a breast, playing with her nipple through the bikini top. I could see by her expression she was getting into it until the phone rang. Bethany fixed herself and went inside to answer the phone. I was way too close to shooting at that point, and finished myself off in the bathroom.

“That was your father. He's working late tonight so it will just be us at dinner.” I heard Bethany yell.

“Oh ok.” I responded as I cleaned myself up.

I went back downstairs to find Bethany in the kitchen sipping a glass of ice tea. She asked if I wanted a glass. I nodded yes while taking a seat at the table. She rose and went to the fridge. I couldn't take my eyes of her sexy figure and hoped I would get another chance to see her masturbate. However, Beth caught me gawking when she looked over her shoulder and smile.

“Jesus Tyler you would swear you never seen a woman in a bikini before.”

“Well not one with such a sexy body.” I said.

“My god, I think we need to find you a girlfriend.” Bethany laughingly said.

So as we sat and drank our tea, Bethany came up with a plan for the rest of the day. She and I would go to the public pool. Beth figured I would be able to meet girls my age and just maybe hit it off with one of them. In reality, I wanted to go back to seeing her tickle her twat and was kind of surprised it was never mentioned.

Maybe she didn't see me?

Bethany changed into a black slim summer dress and drove us to the pool. Once inside, we found a grassy spot, and she laid out a towel and pulled the dress over her head revealing a different swimsuit. This one was a red one piece that was more conservative. It still showed off her sexy figure and accented her gorgeous ass. However, it covered most of her bum unlike the bikini did.

“We'll… get going. I see a lot of sexy girls for you to meet.” Beth said, pointing to the pool.

I did try to make some small talk and introduced myself to most of the girls who were there. Nevertheless, being a stranger I didn't have much luck. Either they already had a boyfriend or questioned me about the girl I kept staring at.

It seemed out of all the girls here. Bethany still had my eye, and I couldn't hide the fact.

I was just about to give up when Bethany waved me to come over and noticed a girl about my age next to her.

“Tyler this is Heather.” Bethany said.

Heather was a very nice-looking girl with long chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She was about as tall as me and had a slim figured. Her little perky tits were jutting out of her black one piece, and I just smile and shook her hand.

It turned out that Bethany and Heather knew each other from the neighborhood, and Bethany had explained to her how I didn't know anyone yet.

The rest of the day was spent talking with Heather and her friends. Bethany came up to us and said she had more things to do. She then asked Heather if she could give me a ride back home, which Heather simply replied. “No problem.”

It was almost dark when we left the pool, but Heather and her friends also had plans for the night. They asked if I wanted to join in and I was more than willing agree.

Heather dropped me off at home, and I told Bethany about going to the drive-in with Heather and her gang. I ate something quickly and changed clothes. My lusting over Bethany seemed diminished, and I was now interested in seeing what might happen with Heather.

I heard a car horn “beep” and said goodbye to Bethany.

“Don't stay out too late.” I heard as I closed the door.

The drive-in was ok, but nothing advanced any further with Heather and I. Even after I tried some of my slick moves. It appeared friends were all she was looking for. So I did my best not to show my disappointment as we watched the movie.

After the movie, the group wanted to do more stuff, but I just was getting bored and asked to go home. So Heather dropped me off before they headed onto their next night adventure.

The house was quiet, and I figured dad and Bethany would be sleeping so I went into the kitchen to get a glass of ice tea. However, as I poured the glass, I heard bare feet walking across the tile floor and turned around.

Holy Fuck! I thought as Bethany walked towards me wearing a sheer milky sleep shirt that clearly showed her naked breast and white bikini panties underneath.

“Oh sorry for the intrusion.” Bethany said as she sat upon a chair closest to the refrigerator.

I couldn't take my eyes off her and actually muttered some words that didn't even make sense. Bethany just chuckled and said.

“Tyler does this outfit bother you?”

“Huh?… Oh… hell no… I think you look super hot.”

“At least someone in the house noticed. Your father didn't even take a second look and went right to sleep.”

“I can tell you I won't be getting much sleep now.”

Bethany blushed after I said that, and she changed the subject.

“So how did your night with Heather go?”

I sat next to Bethany and told her how the night went and how nothing happened.

“Oh sorry Tyler. I thought you two hit if off this afternoon.”

“So did I.”

“There's always tomorrow.” Bethany said and rose up from her chair.

“I guess you're right.”

Again, Bethany chuckled and leaned in and pecked my cheek.

“Goodnight.” She said and walked away shaking her gorgeous ass.

“Goodnight.” I replied and added. “Thanks for the memories.”

Bethany glanced over her shoulder and smiled as she gave her ass a little shake for me.

That night as I jerked off to the Image of Bethany in her night attire, and wished I had taken things further.

Maybe that's why she came downstairs. I thought.

I mean why else would she walk in only wearing that outfit? “You fucking idiot!” I said to myself.

If another opportunity arises, I'm going for it. 

The next day started off the same. Dad left early; Beth made breakfast, and we sat talking about general things until Bethany brought up my mother. She seemed interested in asking me peculiar questions. She wanted to know if my mother looked her age, and if I thought, she was sexy. The questions embarrassed me, but I answered as truthfully as I could. Beth stopped talking and seemed lost in thought when I inquired about her family. Even so, I wasn't as blunt as she was and kept my questions simple, such as what do her parents did for a living? It turned out her mom had passed away, and her father remarried a much younger woman. I could tell by Bethany's voice, she didn't care much for her new step-mom but also detected some jealousy.

After we ate, I went into the living room and once again turned on the tube. Bethany finished the dishes and again changed into her tiny bikini. However, this time she asked if would like to lie outside with her.

Of course, I agreed and went to change into a pair of swimming trunks.

When I made it to the backyard, Bethany had moved another folding recliner next to hers, and she was already lying on her back with those dark glasses on.

Standing next to the vacant recliner I said. “Is this spot taken” and chuckled.

“No it's all yours. I think you'll like it better than your window seat.”

“Oh you saw that?”

Bethany lightly laughed and just nodded her head.

I felt my face blushing as I sprawled out on the chair.

As we soaked up the sun, I made some light conversation hoping it would keep her off the topic of my watching her in self-pleasure. However, I was caught off guard when she forwardly asked.

“So Tyler, are you still a virgin?”

“Hugh… Umm. Well, kind of.”

Bethany rose up on her elbows and looked at me puzzled. “Kind of?” How can you be kind of?”

Mother and son commit incest for money

“I had a girl make me um… cum by jerking me off before.” I replied.

Bethany laughed loudly by my comment and said. “So you're still a virgin then.”

Her laughing irked me and I felt myself become brave and daring.

“I think you need more lotion on your skin.” I blurted out, hoping it would cut her laughing short.

“You think so?” Bethany replied and reached for the bottle. However, I got to it first and sat up.

“I'll put it on for you.”

Bethany paused for a moment before replying “Ok”. She then sat up leaving me room to tuck behind her. I straddled the chair with my legs and sat down behind Bethany.

I saw her looking over her shoulder as I applied a generous amount of lotion to my hands. But the lotion felt real slick, and asked what this was.

“It's baby oil and iodine silly. It helps me get the most out of my tanning time.”

“Oh…”I replied, but her calling me silly only irked me more.

Silly am I? A virgin am I? I thought and grew more brazen as I slowly massaged the slick oil into her shoulder blades.

I was in no rush to complete my task and enjoyed how her soft skin felt on my palms as I rubbed my way down her back adding more oil as I went.

It was more of a seducing massage then applying lotion, and we both were getting into it. My dick was pressing hard against the inside of my shorts now and when I traced my hands lightly up her spine, I heard a low sigh.

I added more oil, and massaged where her shoulders met her neck. Bethany lowered her head forward and eased herself back until her slick skin was pushing into my chest.

“Like that?” I asked.

“Oh yes. It feels wonderful. It's so relaxing.”

“Then let's get more comfortable.” I said, quickly getting up and repositioned the recliner to add a backrest. I then sat back down with my legs spread over the chair but pulled Bethany close until her ass was right against my hard groin. I could feel the crack of her butt slide against my cock as she rested her back on my chest once again. I held her shoulders and eased both of us backwards until I was against the backrest.

“Oh yes…” Bethany purred when I went back to rubbing the oil on her lower neck. I heard low whimpers and saw her clutch the side of the chair as I slowly maneuvered my hand forward and was now rubbing the front of her shoulder blades and across the top of her chest.

My cock was at full hardness and oozing precum as I eased my hand lower. I stopped just above her breasts and worked back towards her upper arms.

“I think this might be feeling too good.” Bethany said and wiggled her ass against my stiff cock.”

“I think it's just fine.” I replied and leaned forward kissing the nape of her neck while I squeezed her upper arms.

“Oh… Tyler… I don't think your father would approve of this.” She softy moaned.

“Shhh… It's ok. Just a friendly massage.” I whispered back into her ear as my hands rubbed down her arms and across her tummy. I continued to lightly kiss her neck as my hands rubbed in circles on her stomach. Bethany's breathing became heavier, and I knew she was getting as turned on as I was. I went for broke and leisurely inched my hands higher up her front until they were lightly touching the underside of her wonderful breasts. Bethany didn't stop me, so I proceed further and hooked my thumbs under her bikini top slowly pulling it up and off. However, when my palms touched her bare breast, I heard her mumble.

“I think this is more than a friendly massage.”

“Shhh… relax. I know you're enjoying this,” I said boldly and rubbed my hands playfully across her bosoms. I kept rubbing my finger around her areolas until her nipples became super hard. I could hear her panting now, and I pushed my stiff cock harder against her ass as I squeezed her globes.

“Tyler… Oh Tyler. Too far… This is too far…” I heard her plead, but I ignored it and lowered my left hand down past her tummy and palmed her bikini covered mound.

Her body shivered when I touched her sacred spot, and she let out a louder moan.

I rubbed my hand up and down on her covered pussy and could feel her getting wetter with every stroke. Her moans became more frequent, and her ass was now lifting off the recliner meeting my every stroke.

“You like this don't you.” I said as I pressed my fingers tight against her pussy and pushed the material into her slit.

“Oh… yes… but we have to stop.” Bethany barely whispered as I pushed my hand harder and faster against her covered mound. I felt her hard clit against my fingers.

My precum soaked cock was sliding up and down her crack as her own body was bucking and pushing against my fingers.

It's was now or never. I thought and quickly slipped my hand inside her bikini bottoms until I had three fingers inside her soaked cunt.

“Oh Tyler!… Jesus!… Oh…” Bethany wailed and thrashed around as I finger fucked her and pinched her hard nipple. She was super hot and so was I. Fucking her was my only thought now. As her cunt thrust hard against my finger, I momentarily stopped playing with her chest and struggled to lower my shorts. Bethany's ass smashing against my groin made it almost impossible to do, but I managed to free my manhood and slid my bare cock against her covered ass.

My cock begged to touch bare skin, and I tried to ease her bottoms down as I kept fucking her hard with my fingers. However, before I could get them lowered, Bethany grabbed my invading hand and held it in place as her cunt tightened around my fingers. Then she made a strange groaning sound.

I had never felt a woman orgasm before, and I was astonished by it. I didn't have a chance to stop Bethany when she released her grip on my hand and rose from the chair.

Now I was looking up at her as she gazed upon my exposed hard dick.

“Thank you. Now it's your turn.” she said as she picked up the oil and slicked up her hands. Sitting back down facing me with her legs spread across the chair, she grasped my stiff rod and stroked it vigorously. I was already very close to shooting my load, and it didn't' take long before my cum was flying all over the chair, us, and the patio.

Bethany smiled, rose up and said. “I think that will hold you for a while.” And walked back into the house.

I fixed my shorts and went inside to change and when I came back downstairs I found Bethany in the living room waiting for me.

“Tyler. Please, come here. I think we need to talk.”

“Ok,” I said and sat next to her.

“I think what we did was a mistake. We can't do that again. Even though your father has been neglecting me for some time. It was wrong for me to let us do that.”

“But…,” I started to say. Bethany cut me off and once more said I should find a girl my own age. I unwillingly agreed, and we talked again how I could meet some girls. This time the local mall was the target so Bethany took me there while she did some shopping of her own.

The mall was packed with people, and I managed to actually meet a couple of girls. Katie seemed to take an interest in me, and in no time we made plans to meet up later and go to a dance hall. I gave her my address and number and went searching for Bethany. Of course, the place I found her was in Victoria Secrets, and she was right in the middle of holding up a pair of black lacy thong panties.

Man I would love to see her in those. I thought

Bethany turned around still holding the panties up and noticed me just standing there.

“So what do you think about these.”

“You are kidding me? You even have to ask?”

“I thought you would say something like that.” Bethany laughingly said.

I explained what had happened and what I was going to do later with the girls as Bethany glanced over a couple more sexy panties.

“So maybe tonight you'll score Tyler.” Bethany said as she walked up to the cashier and purchased a few of the garments.

We talked about girls and stuff on the drive home, and I was becoming excited about the evening. Hopefully, like Bethany said, I would finally get laid.

Promptly at 8 o'clock, Katie showed with her friends, and I introduced them to Bethany. Then I said goodbye and saw Bethany give me a sly wink before I closed the door.

The night went great, and I think Katie really liked me. She teased and joked with me about sex the whole night. My cock was raging hard and I couldn't wait to feel what fucking a girl was really like. However, when the night ended, and we dropped her friends off, I tried to make some advances and got the cold shoulder.

“Tyler I think you're really sweet. But this is just our first time out together. I'm not some kind of a slut that puts out on the initial night. I hope you understand.”

My heart sank when she said that, but I agreed, and she took me home. At least I got a quick peck on the lips before I exited the vehicle and waved good-bye.

As I walked slowly to the door, my mind went back over the night, and I became horny and depressed. The final straw was when I opened the door and saw Bethany wearing a sexy black lace baby doll that exposed her naked rack and the same black panties she bought today.

“Jesus Bethany!” I shouted.

“Oh Tyler I thought it was your father. He still hasn't come home from work yet. I'll go change.”

“It's ok. It just finishes off the terrible night.

“Oh honey what happened.” Bethany said.

I walked into the kitchen with my head hung low and poured a tall glass of ice tea. Bethany sat down on the bar stool next to the refrigerator like the other night, as I went over my night with her. When I finished my depressing tale of Katie teasing me and coming home with blue balls, Bethany pouted her lips and held her arms out. “Let me give you a hug.”

I walked next to her and put my arms around her waist as she pulled me tight against her chest squishing her fantastic melons into me while we both rested our heads on each other's shoulder. We stayed like that longer than we should have, and I could feel my dick once again rising to the occasion. Lifting my head from her shoulder, she followed suit, and we were both stared into each other eyes. Before she could say anything, I learned in and kiss her hard on the lips and was happy when her mouth opened, and our tongues danced around.

We kissed passionately and as our breathing became heavy, I lowered my hands down and back until I was palming her wonderful rear. Bethany never broke our kiss as I grasped and clutched at her ass. So I made my next move and slithered my right hand up to her breast. Bethany was now moaning in my mouth as I massaged her nipples through the lacey material. My cock needed attention, and I pulled her closer to me, which spread her legs open. I moved forward pushing her legs further apart until my rock-hard cock was nestled against her pussy.

“My god Tyler you're so hard.” Bethany said as I ground my stiff dick up and down her sweet mound. My lust now was full blown, and as we passionately kissed I stopped feeling her breast and reached for my pants. However, Bethany broke our kiss when she heard my zipper and said.

“Wait Tyler. Your father can walk in at any minute now. We have to stop before this goes too far.”

I looked her in the eyes and said, “I know you want this too.”

Before she could respond, I feverishly moved my hand from her rear and under her baby doll planting it firmly on her mound.

“Oh” I heard before pressing my lips hard against hers again. I wasted no time and hooked a finger under the small thong panties moving them to the side. Quickly, I twisted my fingers around until they parted her pussy lips, and I had three digits deep inside her soaked snatch.

Once again, Bethany started to buck and broke our kiss as she moaned and thrashed around on the stool. I kissed her neck and slithered my head down until I could suck a hard nipple through the lacy material and into my mouth. Bethany's breath raced, and I could feel her cunt tightening around my fingers like before when I thought she was just about to come. I quickly pulled my fingers out and grasped her by the waste lifting her body up onto the counter top. I think that startled her, and gave me the opportunity to do my next move before she could protest. With a hard tug, I tore the tiny black thong free and dove my head under her night wear.

“Oh Fuck!” I heard her whimper as I licked her clit hard and fast. Her hands grasped my hair and pushed me tight against her snatch as I reinserted my fingers and fucked her with them, still flicking her clit with my tongue.

“Oh Tyler! Oh Fuck! I'm going to cum!”

In her excited state, Bethany didn't realize I had worked my pants down, and my free hand was stroking my cock making sure it was ready for my next plan of attack.

With Bethany thrashing and grinding her pussy on me, I freed my hands and tongue fucked her as I maneuvered her legs until they were over my shoulder and grasped her upper thighs. Slowly, I eased her forward until her ass was just about off the counter. Bethany held onto the edge of the counter with both hands and lifted her ass up using her legs on my shoulder to support her weight, which drove my tongue deeper inside her snatch sending her into a frenzy. Her ass bucked up and down as she pleaded in a moaning voice.

“Tyler we can't do this. Oh God. Oh… so good.” But her pleading turned into sounds of ecstasy as her pussy juice covered my face, and I knew she was ready. With Beth in this position, I quickly removed my head from her snatch and straightened myself up, which sent her ass falling towards my stiff cock. I felt her slick pussy slide against my shaft, and with a single push forward I hit my mark.

“Oh! Oh! Oh no! We can't fuck!” I heard Bethany say as my steel rod slipped into her wetness, and her body stiffened up. I can't even describe how good it felt as her warm moist cunt gripped my cock as I pushed it deep inside her.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ugh! Ugh!” Bethany screamed as I pushed and pulled my cock until my nuts hit flesh.

“This is so wrong! So wrong! Oh my God.” Bethany moaned loudly as she held onto the counter, and I pushed and pulled my steel pole until her own body gave in, and she was riding my stiff dick moving her ass up and down to meet my every thrust as I held her legs on my shoulders.

No longer a virgin, I wanted more. More of this Goddess. I needed to fuck her like she'd never been fucked before. However, I couldn't do it like this. So as I kept fucking her, I moved her legs off of my shoulders, and she wrapped them around my waist. I grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her towards me. Bethany wrapped her arms around my neck, and I carried her to the closest wall. Pushing her back against it, I lowered my hands, dropping her ass, as I thrust up, which sent my cock as deep as it could go.

Bethany bounced her body up and down as her legs squeezed around me tightly and her fingers dug into my neck. Quicker and faster I went until I was pounding my meat feverishly inside her. Bethany wailed and moaned as I fucked her with all I had. I felt her pussy tighten on my cock, and she arched her back pushing her shoulders hard against the wall as her body quivered.

“I'm Cumming! Oh fuck! I'm Cumming!” She screamed, and I thrust my dick deep inside her. It was too much for me to handle, and as I felt her grinding out her orgasm on me; I exploded deep inside her.

I held her tight to me as we came off our sexual bliss then Bethany lifted herself up until my cock pulled out and slide her body down mine until she was standing upon the floor.

“What have we done?” I heard her whisper in my ear.

Just then, we caught headlights passing by the window, and Bethany hurried herself upstairs as I fixed my clothes before Dad walked in.

I sat on the stool we had just fucked on and acted as natural as I could, sipping my iced tea when Dad entered the house.

“So how was your day?”

“Err, it was all right. I met a couple of girls and had a good time with them.”

“So did you get to score with one?” Dad said and gave me a light punch to the arm.

“Yea… I actually did.” I said with a big smile.

“That's great son. I'm happy you're having a good time out here.”

“I am dad. I'm having a fantastic time out here.”

“Well I'm tired.” Dad said and made his way to his room.

I sipped my tea and waited another ten minutes before going to my own room. That's when it hit me.

Holy Fuck! I forgot to call Mom.

It had been a while since I last spoke to her and I felt bad that I had forgotten.

“I hope she's not too hurt.” I mumbled to myself.

As I lay on my bed, my mind bounced back and forth from wondering how Mom was to my first-time fucking. Needless to say, fucking Bethany soon overtook my worries about Mom. I stroked my cock reminiscing over how her pussy felt as we fucked. I couldn't wait to have my cock deep inside my step-mother once again and fell asleep imaging what tomorrow would bring.

I awoke the next morning with a massive hard on and couldn't wait to meet Bethany downstairs for our morning breakfast. Fucking my step-mother again was all I could think of. I sprang from the bed, dressing as fast as I could.

My young mind was filled with different places and ways I could fuck her – over the table at breakfast – by the pool as she took in her morning tan. My dick was already dripping precum, by the time I made it downstairs. However, when I walked into the kitchen Dad was sitting at the table.

Fuck it's Saturday I thought and proceeded to look around for Bethany. She was nowhere in sight.

“Hi Dad where's Bethany?”

“Oh I think me working late got her upset. She mentioned going shopping, but I can tell something was on her mind before she left.”

“To tell you the truth son, I wasn't working late at all. I went to a strip club to unwind.” I didn't plan on being that late, but this stripper named Kitty caught my eye.” You weren't the only one to get a piece of tail last night. Dad chuckled.

“What about Bethany?” I said.

“This is between you and me son. Bethany doesn't need to know.”

“Besides getting laid is in our nature.”

I became pissed when Dad explained how men have always exploited women for their own pleasure. However, I couldn't stay mad when I realized that I had just fucked his own wife.

Dad kept talking, but as he ran on, I reminisced back to last night. I looked over at the wall I had pressed Bethany against. I could feel her nail's digging into my neck and heard her moaning as she orgasmed with my cock deep inside her womb.

“So what do you say son.”

“Huh? Oh sorry Dad. My mind was somewhere else.”

Dad laughed and said. “Have you ever been to a strip club?”

“Of course not. I'm only eighteen.”

“Then I think a trip when you're old enough is in order.” Dad said, and went on saying how the girls gave lap dances and stuff.

After Dad described everything about a strip club, he excused himself and said he was going golfing for the day. He offered to take me, but I didn't have any interest and said I was going to just relax and maybe take in a swim. Dad left, and I ventured back up to my room to ponder over what Dad told me about Bethany being upset. I wondered if she and I screwing was the reason. I was still in deep thought when I heard my phone ring.

Oh crap – Mom. I thought, remembering how I forgot to call her.

But the number was from someone else I didn't know.


“Tyler… It's Bethany… sorry about breakfast, but I needed time to think.”

“Oh… Ok no problem.”

“Tyler… I think we need to talk about last night.” I heard her say.

“Bethany I don't want to hear about finding girls my age again. I think you know how I feel about you.”

“Honey… I don't want to do this over the phone. I'll be home shortly. We'll have a heart-to-heart talk then.”

I huffed and agreed. However, before she arrived, I changed into my swim trunks and went down to the pool.

It was another half-hour before I saw Bethany pull into the driveway. I stayed in the pool and waited for her to find me. Bethany didn't look happy when she walked across the patio, waving me out of the pool while she sat on a chair under a sun umbrella.

Walking towards her while I dried myself off, I admired her beauty. She was dressed in a white sundress that was skin tight and very short. Walking closer I gazed upon her hard nipples as they pressed against the material and also realizing her panties had to be just an inch away from being seen. That caused Mr. Stiffy to come alive again.

My eyes eventually rose up to her face, and I caught her staring at my erection. I figured out sitting down would be a good thing. However, that was short lived when she said.

“Tyler… what we did last night should have never happened.”

“Beth…” I said but was cut short when she leaned over, and she put her finger to my lips.

“Shhh… I'm not finished.”

Bethany became fidgety, and her head dropped.

“When your father came to bed and hugged me, I felt ashamed. I tried to justify what we did in my mind, but couldn't when your dad thanked me for taking care of you while he was busy at work.”

Beth's hands covered her face, and she began to weep.

Now I felt very guilty.

It's my fault. My greedy lust pushed her into fucking me. 

“Beth… I'm sorry. I guess what Dad said is right.” I said and placed my hand lightly on her thigh.

Bethany lowered her hands placing them on top of mine and looked at me with her tear filled eyes.

“What do you mean?”

Oh fuck… I shouldn't have said that. 

My mind raced with ways I could try to cover what I just said. I couldn't tell her what Dad told me about exploiting women. I felt it would only make things worse, and thought she wouldn't believe me in the first place.

Think shit head. Think! 

But I couldn't and my long pause only piqued her interest even more.

“What did your father say?”

“Um… Nothing. Forget I said that. It's not important.”

Bethany firmly grabbed my hand and said.

“Tyler… what did your father tell you?”

Pulling my hand away, and in a firm voice, I replied.

“I'm not saying. I'm not hurting you again.”

Beth straightened her posture, and her demeanor was one of authority.

“So you're not going to tell me then?”

“No… I'm not” I said hesitantly, even though my mind was telling me too.

“Fine… I guess this talk is over.”

“I guess it is.” I replied and watched her get up to leave.

Tell her you idiot. Be strong. She needs to know. I kept hearing in my mind as she walked heavy footed back to the house. But I just couldn't muster the courage to do it.

The rest of the day was very quiet. Even when Dad came back, things were very uncomfortable. It was mainly because I blamed him for my being in this predicament. So when Dad suggested we go out and see a movie I fibbed and said I wasn't feeling well. Then I excused myself and went to my room.

The next morning was filled with the same eerie stillness, and as we ate breakfast Dad spoke up.

“So what am I missing here? You two have been awfully quiet.”

I looked at Beth as she spoke.

“Nothing dear. Tyler and I just had a disagreement.”

“Oh? Over what?”

“About not finishing sentences.”

Dad looked puzzled but before he could talk, I interjected.

“It wasn't appropriate. I told you. But like all women, you have to know everything.”

“Hey hey. Settle down Mr.” Dad said.

“Sorry Dad. I said and looked at Bethany.

“Sorry Beth… that was uncalled for.”

Bethany didn't reply and just walked out of the kitchen.

Dad looked at her as she walked away then turned to me and said.

“Wow you really got her pissed.”

“Yeah I know.” I said and excused myself from the table and went back to my room.

I spent the day lying on my bed trying to figure out a way to make things right between Beth and I. Even if I told her about Dad's indiscretions, she had made it clear we couldn't be with each other again. I wasn't going to take advantage of her weaknesses anymore. The last straw was at dinner when Dad explained how he would have to work late once more, giving me a sly wink when Beth wasn't looking. I knew what that meant, and I again became furious. I couldn't take it. So when Dad and Bethany went to sleep. I packed my stuff up and wrote a note before hitching a ride to the bus station.

In the note, I said.

Sorry for the letter, but I know you would try to stop me from going home. I hope you understand I came out to see you. Maybe we can do this again when you're not so busy. Thanks and tell Bethany, I'm sorry. 

Halfway home I hesitantly dialed Mom's number. After several rings, I heard her sweet voice.

“Hey… Sorry Mom for not calling sooner. I hope you didn't worry.”

“Where are you calling from?”

“I… I'm on my way home. I caught a bus last night.”

“Why didn't your father fly you home?”

“I'll explain when I get home Mom.”

I felt myself choking up. I so much wanted to spill everything to her. But I knew I couldn't tell her the entire truth.

“I love you Mom. See you soon.” I said.

“Love you to honey.”

I no sooner hung up with Mom when a text message came across my screen.

Why did you leave like this? Your father is very upset. 

I typed back. I think you know why.

So it was because of me and not what you wrote. 

I paused before typing again.

I couldn't stay and see Dad taking advantage of you. I also left knowing I couldn't be with you. 

How is your father taking advantage of me? 

Not being in front of Bethany gave me the strength needed to tell her and typed.

He's not working late like he's telling you. He's messing around behind your back. 

It was almost 10 minutes before I got a text back.

Why didn't you tell me this when we were talking? 

A pain filled my gut as my feelings for Beth surfaced. I knew this couldn't progress further so I just typed.

Bye Beth. 

Several texts came back from her. All of which I just ignored until she finally gave up.

Mom was at the bus depot when I arrived and ran up to me squeezing me tightly. I held her firmly back as I felt her tears brush across my cheek.

“I'm sorry Mom. I'm so sorry.” I said as I close my eyes, and we embraced each other. I felt so secure in her arms. I was truly happy to be with the one person who loved me with all her heart. However, as Mom squeezed her bosom hard to my chest, my mind envisioned Bethany's bare breast pressing through her baby doll and into me. My cock began to rise as the feeling of lust grew stronger. I felt myself push my groin against Mom's leg, and she broke our hug.

As Mom stepped back I saw the bewildered look upon her face and quickly said.

“Oh sorry mom. I guess it's just too much excitement for me.”

Mom's expression changed, and she looked puzzled.

“Let just get my stuff and go home. I would love a hot bath.” I said. Hoping that would make her forget what had just happened.

“Ok, that sounds good,” Mom replied. However, before she turned around I saw her looking down at my stiff cock, which caused it to twitch.

We got my bags, and Mom drove. It wasn't long into the drive when Mom asked what had happened at Dad's', and why I came home on a bus.

Leaving out all the parts about my sex with Bethany I told her how I met a couple of girls and one of which I was especially fond of. I also explained how Dad was never there and what he was doing behind Bethany's back.

“Your father will never change. He's a womanizer.”

“Yeah…” was my only response back.

“So tell me about this special girl. What happened?”

“I don't want to talk about that” I said.

“You'll feel better if you do.”

“Maybe some other time Mom. Right now, it just hurts to bring it up.”

“I understand sweetie.”

When we got home, I did like I said and took a very long hot bath. Hoping my troubles would wash away. But once again, my mind went back to Beth. As I laid in the hot water, I stroked myself reminiscing over my first experience. I was so lost in thought I almost missed the knock upon the door.

“You ok in there?”

Sitting up quickly I answered “Yeah… just enjoying the hot water.”

“Ok… I made you supper so get out soon before it gets cold.”

“Ok Mom, and thanks.”

Drying myself off, I put on a pair of pj's and headed down stairs to eat. Mom was in the other room watching her television show. From where I sat, I could clearly see her sitting with her legs tucked under her ass wearing a long red robe. The bottom of her robe had parted slightly, and Mom's smooth milky legs were exposed up to her knee. I stared at the spot where the robe still hid flesh and found myself wanting to see higher. I wondered what was tucked under that robe.

Was it a baby doll like Bethany's? Was mom braless underneath? 

All these strange questions and ideas kept popping into my brain. As I continued thinking, my dick once again became stiff. Only this time it was more pronounced since I hadn't put any underwear on under my pajamas.

I shifted my eyes down to my plate quickly when I saw Mom looking in my direction.

“Are you finished eating?” Mom yelled from her seat.

“Almost Mom.” I said glancing up at her.

Mom was still looking at me, her eyes not focused on my face, but lower. I felt my face blushing knowing I couldn't hide the stiff protrusion poking up in my pj's, and waited for Mom to question me about it. Surprisingly, nothing was said and Mom finally turned her head back to the television. I took that opportunity to finish my plate as fast as I could and made a dash for the stairs. Yelling goodnight as I departed.

That night my mind raced with thoughts and visions of Beth and Mom. Remembering how my cock felt as I fucked Bethany, and realizing it wouldn't ever happen again, then to wondering why Mom hadn't said anything and had just kept her eyes fixed on my groin.

I was in total turmoil and knew I had to do something to shake these thoughts. So I focused on one and replayed how Mom looked when she saw my stiff pecker. My mind then went off on its own tangent. Before long, I was picturing Mom still looking at my cock, then standing up and walking toward me. As she did, she opened her robe and dropped it to the floor exposing her naked body to me. My hand clutched at my stiff wood as I admired Mom's nakedness.

My wicked thoughts went on, and I stroked harder as I pictured mom kneeling down and freeing my cock. My palm became slick with precum as I imagined Mom opening her mouth and taking me slowly down her sweet throat.

Faster and quicker I jerked as my breath and heartbeat raced to the wicked image of my mother sucking me off. Then I felt my cum right at the tip and knew I couldn't hold back anymore.

I gave in and exploded gasping, “Oh fuck Mom!”

I wasn't even finished squirting when I heard the floor creak outside my door and saw a shadow under the door pass by.

Oh fuck! Had she heard me? I thought and fell asleep wondering.

The next day at breakfast I waited to see if Mom would bring up last night. However, either she hadn't heard or wasn't letting on she did. Everything seemed fine. She even suggested we could take in a movie later in the day to help get my mind off my troubles. I agreed that would be a good idea, but in reality, it didn't help. My mind was just too troubled to enjoy the flick, and I spent most of the time thinking back to Bethany and how she made me feel.

I spent the next couple of weeks like that – more being in a daze than dealing with what was happening around me. Finally, Mom spoke up.

“Tyler you have to forget her.”


“I know you're still thinking about her. I can tell. But that isn't good for you. Why don't you go out and meet someone new? I know I didn't like that in the past but schools out, and you need to get on with life.”

“I really don't feel like meeting anyone right now.”

“Then let's go to the pool at least.”

“The pool? You want to go to the pool with me?”

“Why? Is there something wrong with that?”

“Um… No. It's just that. Well, you never go to the pool.”

“I think it's time for a change for both of us.”

“Ok Mom. I'm game if you are.”

“Good, I'll go change.” Mom replied and went upstairs to her room.

I did the same and grabbed my swimming trunks.

Of course, I was ready way before my mother and almost choked when she came into the room. She was wearing a bikini similar to the one Bethany wore when doing her daily tanning.

“Holly fff…” I almost said.

“Hey Mr.”

“Sorry Mom. But you look… Well… you look incredible.”

I saw Mom blush as she looked down and said.

“You think so? It's been so long since I wore so little clothes.”

“Mom you're hot and don't let anyone tell you different.”

“Thank you dear.” Mom replied as she walked up and pecked my cheek.

I felt my cock rising again and tried my best to control it. However, it was useless. My mother's sexy figure was too much for my young soul, and in no time I was fully erect.

Mom once again was looking down at my hard dick, but this time said.

“I see you really do like it.”

“Oh… I'm sorry Mom. I… err… Umm…”

Mom chuckled as she stared at my groin and replied.

“I understand honey. Young men get hard a lot. So I guess I can deal with my son getting a woody looking at his mother if it gets his mind off things.”

I was so shocked by her comment. My mother never spoke like this. To top it off, she was correct. I wasn't depressed anymore and looked forward to going to the pool with her.

Mom covered herself up in a sexy hot pink swim dress that I also never saw, and we drove to the pool. The sun was hot, and the place was crowded with people. Mom pulled off the dress and placed two towels down next to each other. She sat down facing the pool and patted the towel next to her.

“Take a seat. I won't bite.” She said and once again, I was surprised by her comment.

Thankfully, my dick had subsided, and I was getting used to seeing her half naked when I sat down next to her. Mom leaned back and rested her weight on her elbows, and I did the same as we watched the people by the pool. Then I saw her tilt her head back, which pushed her chest up higher in the air. Her nipples poked hard against the bikini top, which made my mouth water. Mom caught me staring at her chest, and half smiled before saying.

“You enjoying yourself?”

“Uh… Oh yea. I'm having a good time.”

“Good.” Mom said as she rolled herself over and lay on her chest with her face away from me.

My cock once again started to grow as I looked at mom's rear and how the tiny bikini barely covered her ass. The material had pushed into her crack, and it almost looked like she wasn't wearing anything. I became mesmerized as I drooled over my mother. However, I was snapped back to reality when she moved her hands and undid the thin straps that held her top. I could see the bare side of her breast as it squished under her weight.

“Honey, can you put some lotion on my back please?”

I was ecstatic when she asked me that, and felt myself becoming lustful and daring. I opened the lotion, and Mom's body shivered as I applied a creamy string down the center of her back.

“Oh that's cold” Mom said as she shifted her head to the side facing me but had her eyes closed.

I noticed mom's lips part, and she softly sighed as I leisurely rubbed the lotion on her skin. I started at her lower back towards the center, and worked my way up to her neck then back down again. Inching my hands outward as I went, I was near her sides and my hands were at her waist heading steadily up to her breasts. I felt Mom delicately twitch when my fingers sparingly grazed over the sides of her breast. I wanted to keep going. However, her flesh absorbed the lotion quicker than I expected it to, and my hands started to stick so I stopped.

“That was great honey. You're very good at that. Can you do my legs now?”

Like before I streamed the lotion down the center of her legs then started at her upper thighs. I finished at the bottom of her calves and saw Mom's ass cheeks tighten when the lotion hit her skin.

I worked my hands on Mom's calves and slowly massaged my way up her body. My fingers would spread out wide as I pushed up and then close and go to the inside of her leg as I pulled them back down. I did this until all the lotion was absorbed and then went higher up Mom's legs until I was at her lower thighs. Mom made little whimpers and her legs parted slightly when I rubbed my palms up and down. I extended my thumbs out so they touched her inner thighs. I looked at her face and saw her mouth had parted more and noticed her chest rising and falling quicker. I became more daring when Mom's legs parted more. Now I could see her bikini cover snatch. I couldn't take my eyes off it, and as I rubbed up her thighs I noticed a wet spot forming.

Holy fuck! I'm turning her on. I thought and felt my dick twitch.

More than ever I wanted to touch it and worked my probing hands higher up Mom's thighs. Mom was panting, and her hips twitched slightly as I massaged her upper thighs inching my fingers closer to her barely covered pussy. I was only an inch away, and my cock raged in my shorts as I nearly dared to touch Mom's mound for the first time. Just before my thumb could reach it, Mom snapped her legs shut and reached back to tie her top and said.

“Thanks honey that was great.”

“Anytime Mom.” I said and lay on my stomach hiding my raging boner.

We sunned for another hour before heading home, and once again, I started to think about Bethany. So when we got back I went into my room to sulk. It was dark when I heard a rap on my door.

“Honey? Are you ok?”

“Yeah Mom, just thinking.”

“Why don't you come out and watch a movie with me?”

“Thanks Mom, but I think I want to be alone for a while.”

“Please. I promise it will make you feel better.”

I knew very well Mom wouldn't quit, so I gave in and said.

“Ok Mom. I'll be right out.”

I put on my pajamas to meet Mom down stairs. Going down the stairs, I stopped at the bottom. Mom had darkened the room except for a couple of lit candles placed around the end tables. I noticed Mom sitting on the couch covered in her long red robe. Her legs, once again, scrunched under her.

“Well don't just stand there. Come join me. I think you're going to enjoy this movie.”

I ventured over to Mom and took a seat next to her. On the coffee table, I saw a bottle of lotion and tried to read the label. In the dim lighting I couldn't make out what it said.

Mom pushed herself close to me resting her head on my shoulder as she put her arm under mine and placed her hand palm down on my upper thigh.

“Mmm… isn't this comfy” Mom said and with her free, hand pushed play on the remote.

I looked toward the television as the show began. However, it didn't start as a typical movie. There were no credits just a blank screen until an out of focus image appeared showing a person standing very close to the camera. My mouth dropped open when the person backed away from the camera and Beth's body wearing her tiny bikini came into view.

“This came for you yesterday.” Mom said.

“I… I don't think we should watch this.” I announced but when I tried to move away mom held my arm tight and said.

“I do. She's very pretty.”

I tried to interject again, but Beth began to speak.

“Tyler… Since you wouldn't answer my texts, I figured this would be the only way to get your attention. What we did that night was wonderful. I know I said we couldn't ever again.”

Mom hit the pause button on the remote and asked me, “What did you do with her Tyler?”

Mother and son play while dad is away

I trembled inside and couldn't find the words.

Mom hit play and said. “That's ok. You don't have to answer.”

Beth once again started to talk.

“But maybe I was wrong. I don't know if it was from knowing I was your first or from how passionately we made love. But I have never felt as excited as I did that night.”

Mom hit pause again and whispered into my ear.

“She took my baby's virginity did she?”

All I could do was nod yes and felt Mom's hand lightly stroking up and down my thigh.

My emotions were all over the place when Mom hit play again.

“I hope you visit us again so I can get another chance to show you. However, until then maybe this will show you I'm sincere.” Beth said as her hand slowly tucked under her bikini bottoms.

“I know how much you like watching me.”

My heart pounded in my chest as I mumbled. “Okay Mom. I think that's enough.

“The best part is coming up” she said as she squeezed my thigh close to my groin.

Beth sat down facing the camera with her legs parted widely as I watched her hand moving up and down across her mound under her bikini. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open as she began to moan.

Mom's hand rubbing my thigh and Beth masturbating was getting me excited. I could feel my dick rising and tried to speak.


“Shh… Baby. Just watch. Mommy is going to make it better.”

I was glued to the television seeing Bethany's body jerk as she rubbed faster on her mound and gasped when I felt Mom's hand run across my stiff dick.

I placed my own hand upon Mom's robe and squeezed her thigh as I felt her fumbling with my pajama's. She opened my pajamas and freed my dick from its hiding place while Beth squirmed around and removed her bikini bottoms.

Mom reached forward and grabbed the lotion from the coffee table and was lubing up her hand, just as I saw Bethany insert her a couple fingers inside her wet pussy.

“Isn't that hot honey.”

“Mom… I… Oh…” Was all I could say when Mom first stroked her slicked up hand slowly down my shaft.

“It's okay… Mommy is here.”

I grasped Mom's thigh hard as I watched Beth fuck herself and then moaned loudly while Mom jerked my rod faster.

“Ugh… Oh… Oh…” I grunted as my hips began to buck up meeting Mom's down strokes.

Mom leaned closer, and I felt her hot breath on my ear. Twisting her gripping hand around my shaft, and she whispered.

“That's your dad's wife isn't it?”

I just nodded yes as my eyes closed and head fell back.

“You fucked your step-mommy?” Mom whispered and jerked my dick even harder.

My cum rose to the tip quickly as I became super excited. I knew I was going to cum any second. I opened my eyes and looked forward just as Bethany was thrusting her fingers hard inside her cunt wailing that she was coming. I then looked down to Mom's hand vigorously jerking my dick. It was more than I could handle and I exploded.

“Oh fuck Mom!” I gasped out as my cum was flying from my cock.

My cock was held firmly in Mom's slick hand and her continued strokes kept my ecstasy at a high pitch while I finished cumming.

My body shivered, and my ass bucked as I groaned. As I felt the last of my sperm drip out, Mom kissed me hard on the lips. Then she worked my pants down to my ass. I reached down and helped until they were completely removed then couldn't help but wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. Mom adjusted herself until she was straddled over me and her robe partially opened down the middle revealing she was naked underneath.

“Oh Mom.” I said as I felt her naked ass press upon my thighs when see eased herself down.

“Shh… Honey. Mommy is going to make you forget all about her” She softly said as she leaned in and kissed me again. I willingly kissed her back and felt her body inch forward until her hot mound was resting upon my shaft.

Mom moved her hips, grinding her pussy lightly against my dick as we passionately kissed with our tongues intertwining. I reached my hands inside her robe and softly palmed my mother's soft breasts. Mom moaned as her nipples became firm to my touch, and her body pushed down harder against my groin which I felt coming back to life.

Mom broke our kiss and whispered, “That's it baby. That's it.” Her hand slipped down between us and grasped my swollen cock smashing it hard against her pussy as she rocked to and fro. I felt my steel pole part her lips and slip partially inside her warm cunt.

My hands grasped her bosom tightly as I felt myself slip further inside and groaned.

“Jesus Mom!”

Mom wiggled her body, and her legs spread wider sending my entire cock inside, and I huffed.

“Oh fuck!”

Her pussy felt fantastic. I took hold of her waist. As she slowly raised up and pushed down, I would thrust up with my hips.

Our slow fucking increased in speed, and I heard Mom whimper.

“Fuck me… Fuck mommy… Fuck me Tyler!”

I went crazy and grasped her hips tightly. Sinking lower on the couch, I pushed myself into her as hard and as fast as I could. Mom wailed and moaned as her pussy tightened around my shaft. Her body quivered, and I felt her legs clamp against mine as she arched her back and screamed.

“I'm cumming. Oh god I'm cumming!”

I pumped and pounded away as Mom thrashed on top of me. She fell forward resting herself on my chest and holding onto my shoulders. I kept fucking her until I knew I was going to cum myself. However, when I tried to pull Mom off, she sat up still holding my shoulders and rocked on my dick very hard and fast.

“Mom… Mom… I'm going to… oh fuck! I said as my sperm released deep inside her womb.

“Yes… Give mommy your cum.” I heard her say as she gyrated herself on me until I was once again spent.

Mom leaned forward and rested her head back on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around her body pushing her chest into mine with my dick still planted inside her.

The television screen was black, and the room was silent except for our heavy breathing. I held Mom until my dick went limp inside her, and she sat up looking at me while she lightly brushed my hair.

I peered back into Mom's eyes, and she softly said.

“Mommies not done with you yet” and took my hand as she stood up.

I rose from the couch, and Mom led me to her bedroom. When we reached her bed, she turned me around and pushed me backwards. I fell onto the bed and watched as she took off her robe, letting it fall on the floor. Mom knelt in front of me and grasped my cock as she eased her head down.

“Oh fuck! Mom!” I said when her lips kissed the tip of my dick and caused it to twitch.

“Mmmm… Mommy likes Tyler's dick,” she said as she slowly inhaled my dick until it was completely inside her warm mouth.

I grabbed Mom's head and closed my eyes as my mother worked her mouth and tongue on my appendage until it was fully erect one more time.

Mom stopped sucking me and grasped my dick in her hand, stroking it while she looked up at me and said.

“Did she do this for you?”

I shook my head no and Mom went back down on me. Her head bobbed faster, and I was close to cumming again when she stopped suddenly. I opened my eyes to see Mom moving beside me lying on her side facing me and taking my cock once more in her hand as she slowly stroked it. I turned my body to face her and lowered my left hand down until I had it placed across her mound.

Mom moaned and opened her legs when my fingers grazed across her pussy. I slid my fingers up and down her crack and slowly eased them inside until I found her clit. As I toyed with the hard little button, Mom's hips began to twitch. Her clit grew harder against my finger. I heard her breathing getting heavier and her hand stroking my dick went faster. Her hips bucked against my hand, and I inched myself closer until I felt her stroking hand against mine as I tickled her clit.

Twisting my cock around, I felt Mom move my dick between her legs. I pushed forward until the tip penetrated her pussy and heard her moan.

Mom moved her hand away while I removed my hand from her clit and thrust forward just as Mom pushed sending my dick another half inch inside her.

I was sex crazed and kissed Mom deeply while I rolled her onto her back to center myself on top of her. Taking hold of her thighs, I spread them wide and pushed hard. My dick sank deep, and Mom wailed as her ass lifted off the bed meeting my thrusts. In and out, in and out, faster and quicker I went until Mom was bucking and thrusting. Her moans were almost screams when I got up on my knees and put her legs over my shoulders. Holding her thighs tight to me, I rammed vigorously inside her soaked snatch.

“Oh fuck Tyler! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again” Mom shouted as she tensed up, and I kept pounding away.

I felt myself ready to explode again but this time I didn't hesitate and rammed deep inside her cunt and held myself there as my cum emptied once again inside my mother.

When my climaxed finished I dropped my sweaty body upon my mother and listened to our pounding hearts. Exhausted I fell asleep lying on top of her with my dick still inside.

When morning came. I looked up and quickly and played back what took place last night. Mom was nowhere to be seen when I sprang from her bed. I went into my room to dress, and that's when Mom popped inside.

She was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a yellow tank top. It was obvious she was braless as her nipples poked at the material.

She smiled when she saw me staring and her chest and said, “You feel better now?”

I smiled back and nodded yes.

“Good. Now let's make sure you stay that way.” Mom said as she closed my door and removed her clothes.

We fucked in my room that morning and again that evening.

Mom said we could keep fucking if I forgot about Bethany, which I readily agreed to.

However, Bethany was my first, and now that I know I still have a shot, who knows?

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