Nikhil seduced me

Swati Jain is here to narrate her one more true incidence cum story,as I lost my virginity to Nikhil and than my lover Anuj fucked me thinking about my hymens break,he is a happy guy but he is not known to the facts but In anger ,I have lost my virginity to other than I frisked inside washroom for bath .

I removed my shorts and shirt as I am looking my nude vaginal parts are shining like a pearls as it's labias are looking sexy,my boobs started growing as I have started physical love 2 weeks ago but my mom Urwashi came to know it,is giving me some sort of I took bath while putting body shampoo on my body ,now I rubbed my wet body as I put my panty and brassiere on my sexual waking back ,I took my tops as well as short skirt to wear ,as I moved in dinning space to have my I sit on chair ,mom came there with my breakfast as I started eating it and she looked me in anger……..

“Swati this type of dress ,is not good for you
(Swati)mom you can see more vulgar dress ,come to my college and see it
(Mom)you gals of today are going on wrong track and justifying your act.”

As I have my breakfast ,I washed my hand and took my purse ,put a high heel sandals on legs and walked out of I walked to bus stop , waiting for bus to come and lastly boarded the bus , reached my college on time.I am in classroom as lecture is going on and my eyes are on madam as I moved my face ,I can see Nikhil eyeing towards me and I responded with smile.our three classes have made me exhausted as lunch break started,I walked out of classroom with my friends Dipali,Divya and Sonal .now we are going to canteen as I am feeling hungry and there ,we ordered for snacks and coffee as we friends took out our lunch box also.we three are having it as I can see Nikhil coming inside canteen and he crossed me ,sitting on other table alone but gazing at me ,my nude thighs as well as legs are visible .lastly ,we three walked out of canteen ,now walking towards classroom as I moved inside ,Nikhil followed me…….

(I turned back)yes Nikhil ,what's the matter
(Nikhil bit nervous) actually ,I want to ……..
(Swati)oh Nikhil ,express your feelings
(Nikhil)you know it.” And I walked out of classroom with Nikhil as he said….”now remaining classes are of no use
(Swati)oh I see than
(Nikhil)if you want ,we can have some nice time together
(Swati)I know your intention but I am not interested today .” And he walked away as I moved inside classroom ,as lecture is going on ,my mind is on Nikhil's desires as he is not present in class ends ,I walked out of it giving excuse to my friends ,as I walked out of college main gate,I took out my mobile and called Nikhil……..

“Swati speaking
(Nikhil)yes Swati
(Swati)are you not in college premises
(Nikhil)I am in nearby market
(Swati)I am waiting for you at busstop.”

As I am standing there with my purse on shoulder , waiting for Nikhil to come as I need fun desperately ,after 5-7 minutes ,Nikhil came as he is riding his bike and I seat on back seat while putting my arms on his shoulder ,other hand on his waist and have put my both legs in one direction ,putting my legs crossed as I want to cover my inner thighs and Nikhil is riding bike he took bike on outer ring road ,I thought he will take me to army cantonment forest zone but he took me towards Indraprastha park in the outskirts of he parked his bike and we both are walking inside but he stops near a icecream trolly as he bought vanilla flavoured icecream for both of walking inside park while licking it ,he have hold my wrist and both are moving inside park as it's a largest park of Delhi with full of greenery and lastly ,we both sits on grass behind a large tree covering with dense bushes.

I put my purse on grass as I am sitting with my legs straight ,if I have bend my knees and sit there ,I think it's possible that my short skirt goes to near my pelvic zone as Nikhil can see my inner thighs with my blue full Nikhil smiled ………

“Swati ,you are in anger with me
(Swati)you followed me to canteen and than talked to me as I entered classroom ,my friends can think ……
(Nikhil)sorry I will call you on mobile ,sorry for it.”

As he moved closer to me and put his hand on my knee , moving it upwards to my smooth thighs and rubbing his palm on it,as I am feeling his palm going inside my skirt ,I hold his wrist and put away his hand.He is in shock as he is eyeing my boobs looking like pair of orange on chest ,while my eyes are on his bulge of penis.after a while ,Nikhil took out a packet of cigarette and lit it ,while smoking cigarette he is showing his anger to I sits near him as I put my arm on his shoulder just pressing my right soft breast on his inner chest and he is neutral as I put my hand on his wrist and took away cigarette.while smoking cigarette ,I am pressing my breast intentionally as he put his hand on my thigh and now my patience have eloped.

Nikhil have put his arm on my shoulder as his hand is going down to my boobs and I am smoking cigarette.lastly he hold my boobs hard as he pressed it hard and I shouted”oohh aauucchh Nikhil don't press it hard” ,looking towards each and every area in park ,I am feeling safe as no one is there at 2:35 pm.nikhil is pressing my breast hard as I put my hand on his jeans and started unzipping it fastly,he smiled and helped me in bringing out of his jeans and undies.looking like a straight hard fleshy part ,I hold his cock and started it fastly ,now our desires have pressurized our mind as I moved to his lap.while sitting on his lap as my legs are wrapped on his waist ,I am kissing his face and he is rubbing my back.His penis is straight in between our waist and he took my lips in his mouth to suck and now our body are in closest position.nikhil is moving his hand on my sexy ass as my skirt have gone upto pelvic zone ,I am sure people can see my sexy ass from a my lips came out of his mouth ,I pushed my tongue in Nikhil's mouth,he is sucking it as his hand have hold my neck just pushing towards his face to have my whole tongue in his eyes are closed as our breaths are fast ,my lovely boobs are brushing his chest as he is holding me in his arms.after a while ,I pushed his face back as I took out my tongue from his mouth.nikhil is rubbing my ass as I am feeling horny ,now I left his lap and while sitting near his waist ,I leaned my face on his penis.It's a 7-8 inches long 2 inches thick cock as I hold it in my hand and started kissing its base to shaft ,his hand is on my sexy ass as he is pressing his finger on my ass hole from it(panty).as I kissed his cock ,it's growing bigger and I took out my tongue as I put the glans on it to rub.nikhil have put his hand on my breast to massage as his other hand is on my ass just making me horny without removing my panty.later on ,I put his cock in my mouth and started sucking it with my head going up and down ,Nikhil is pressing my breast hardly as he started pulling my elastic panty down to legs.while sucking his cock ,I left my vagina to him to love or fuck.nikhil is screaming in pleasure

“oohh uuhh yumm Swati you are so sexy suck it hard” but keeping your mouth open for sometime with a hard tool in it ,will make some discomfort.I took it out of my mouth and started rolling my tongue to lick it as Nikhil have removed my panty ,his middle finger is screwing my vagina and I know I will cum soon ,so I took his penis in my mouth and sucked for a I put my face up and than stand up to walk towards a large tree ,as I urinated there and came back to have my bottle of water and than washed it infront of my friend I sit on grass ,he is masturbating his cock and I hold his wrist……..

“leave it Nikhil ,now it's your chance to please my vagina.” And thinking about its position for love ,he ask me to lye on grass and he put his both hand under my sexy ass as he took it upwards and now put his face inbetween my thighs to kiss my I put my fingers on vagina as I opened it's hole and Nikhil while holding my ass upwards ,is rolling his tongue in my vagina.I am screaming in pleasure

“oohh aahh uumm”and my vagina become juicy as he licked it to taste it's he put my ass on grass as I am still lying on grass like a desperate fucker and Nikhil showed his desire as he put his jeans down to legs and started rubbing his glans on my vagina.nikhil is going to fuck me but with no safeguard as I am feeling his cock inside my vagina,he hold my waist and pushed harder as my vagina is full of penis and Nikhil fucked me hard to insert his whole cock in my fucking me harder ,he is pressing my breast and I am lying on grass with my legs stretched.He is giving me a hard fuck as I am feeling his penis brushing my vaginal walls and it's going deeper inside my vagina as I am too hot .as I started screaming”oohh uumm fuck me fast ,fuck me till I die ” and he is penetrating his cock with speed and power ,as after 7-8 minutes his penis have last laugh inside my vagina and I got the sperms in my vagina.we both rested there for an hour as we cleaned our sexual organs and than moved to our home.

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