Married woman saves a hunky, grateful hitchhiker from the storm

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It was a dark and stormy night. (Well, actually it was)

Certainly darker, and far more stormy that Regina Wellstone was comfortable driving in. If it had just been rain, the 38 year old CPA would have been able to make it north to her home in Sioux City with both eyes closed. When the soft pitter-pat of sleet began to hit her windshield just as she pulled out onto Highway 29 out of Omaha a little after 10pm however, Regina started to feel queasy. That feeling was only heightened when the tires of her Prius began to shimmy on the increasingly treacherous pavement below.

She knew she should have taken the offer of her client that evening to stay at a hotel back in Omaha since some mixed precipitation was in the forecast, but Regina decided to soldier on. The analytic part of her brain quickly noted the absence of traffic flowing south down 29, so she knew the storm was most likely worse the further north she went. Unfortunately, there were things going on at home that were pulling her up that slick and desolate stretch of rural Iowa highway.

In a sign of the times, Regina had family issues her rearing hadn’t prepared her for. Having grown up in a relatively traditional household, with a Father who worked 50 hours+ a week, and a Mother who stayed home to raise the four kids, Regina could have easily latched onto a guy right out of high school, married and started a family of her own. For whatever reason, she wanted to blaze a trail of her own in the world and wound up going to college and getting her accounting degree before meeting the man she would eventually marry in her late 20’s.

While it wasn’t exactly a fairy tale, Regina’s relationship with her Husband, Kenneth, was pretty stable and the couple had two kids, an 8 year old Son who was planned and a 5 year old Daughter that had been a little bit of a shock.

Between Ken’s executive job at a finance company and the part time work Regina did balancing the books of a large farm co-op in the area, paying the bills had never been a big problem for the Wellstones. Like many people swimming peacefully along however, the recession in ’08 caused things to get far more choppy.

Ken was laid off and really didn’t pursue a new job considering the unemployment check was more than he could get working at a new place. Things were OK for about a year, Ken had even taken an active role in being ‘Mr. Mom’ while Regina took on more hours at her job and even began to do some word of mouth freelancing work during tax season. When Ken didn’t show any ‘giddy-up’ when his benefits ran out however, things around the house slowly began to deteriorate.

For starters, Ken started to drink. It was no secret when the two were dating years ago that Ken’s Father was an alcoholic, but Ken had always gone out of his way to say he’d never tread down the same path. Between the hit to his self esteem from losing his job and all the free time on his hands, Ken found himself self medicating in ways he’d swore he never would. It had started out as a couple of innocent beers in the afternoon but eventually Kenneth gravitated towards something more potent until Regina would find him drunk most afternoons when she made it home from work.

The family’s finances increasingly strapped, Regina sadly found it necessary to hire a babysitter for her two kids just so they wouldn’t have to come home everyday from school to see their Father wallowing around in his self-pity. Thankfully Ken Wellstone wasn’t a violent or angry drunk, but his obnoxious and dim-witted behavior wasn’t something Regina wanted her children exposed to if she could help it.

One the evenings such as her current work trip to Omaha, Regina would make arrangements to leave the kids with her Sister just so she wouldn’t have to rouse them at such a late hour just to drive them home.

Among the problems she faced being away from her kids far more than she wanted, it allowed Ken to play the ‘good guy’ in all this. Even though the kids were with the babysitter a good bit of the time, he never missed an opportunity, sometimes subtle and sometimes not, to dig at Regina in front of the children for being gone so often.

Wired thankfully to take the high road whenever possible, Regina resisted the urge to remind the kids the reason she was gone so much was because their Father was too lazy to go out and get a job. Still, it was undeniably a hot button issue for Regina, and holding all those emotions in inevitably created a bubbling and toxic witch’s brew inside her.

Her part-time job at the co-op certainly wasn’t enough to keep the family afloat, so Regina found herself having to branch her accounting skills out until she’d corralled several jobs outside Sioux City. Considering the distance between towns along the western Iowa and eastern Nebraska border, Regina often found herself saddled with a two to three hour drive each way when she was tending to the accounts she couldn’t manage over the computer. Thankfully she’d acquired a handful of clients in Omaha so she could commit one full day every so often to drive down and knock them all out at the same time.

The long and lonely, windswept stretches of farmland highway also provided Regina with ample time to process stuff in her head, not that that was always a good thing considering the way her seemingly ideal life had spiraled out of control. There would be no thinking about anything other than the pavement in front of her on this night however, as it quickly disappeared beneath a wintery mix in front of her.

Needless to say, as narrowed as her focus was, Regina barely saw the dark figure trudging up the right shoulder of the highway when she approached at about 45mph. Pulling her car to the left just in time to keep from drenching him in a wave of slush, Regina babied the steering wheel to keep from spinning out as she drifted back into her lane.

“Holy Cow…why would anyone be out walking anywhere on a night like this..much less the interstate,” she mumbled to herself, the beating of her heart audible over the raspy hum of the defroster in the dash.

Stealing a quick glimpse or two in the rear view to see the figure behind her gradually disappear into the fog, the gnawing pest of Regina’s conscience began nipping at her ears.

“Its so dark out here, some tractor trailer might not have time to move over without hitting him,” that nagging voice chimed in.

“Well..anybody crazy enough to be out walking in all this deserves what they get,” she gasped defiantly under her breath, trying to wash the image of the hitchhiker out of her already overburdened mind.

“’re gonna feel really great when you pick up the paper in a day or two and see some poor, unfortunate guy either froze to death or got flattened down here on Route 29,” her conscience continued to grind.

“You’ll feel even worse when its you in the paper being found strangled to death by an insane drifter,” her common sense rightfully countered.

By now, Regina’s knuckles were white as she gripped the wheel, and not just from the stress of driving through such deplorable conditions. Quite a bit more internal dialogue volleyed back and forth inside Regina’s head as she sat erect and motionless in the driver’s seat.

Another mile marker tripped into the Prius’ rear view when suddenly the late model Toyota drifted into the slow down lane for the next exit up ahead.

“What do you think you’re doing?” her inner rationale begged, but no sane answer was forthcoming.

“Well..if you’re gonna do least call somebody so they know where you are…just don’t tell them what you’re about to do,” Regina Wellstone made that final deal with herself as she took the exit then doubled back the way she came.

Driving south until she came across one of the state vehicle turnarounds on the highway, Regina proceeded northbound again, keeping her eyes peeled for the hitchhiker she’d just seen.

“Couldn’t have been more than maybe a dozen or so cars and trucks come by here since I passed him,” Regina whispered out loud, her gut filling with a mixture of dread and relief when he was no where to be seen.

Relief, that she didn’t have to make the ultimate decision whether or not to give him a ride, and dread, given the fact that she thought with all the stuff she was dealing with in her personal life, that maybe she was now starting to have hallucinations.

Regina had pretty much resigned herself to the idea that one of the other drivers had stopped and given the man a ride when she saw a shadowy figure taking refuge under the shelter of the highway overpass where she’d taken her detour minutes earlier.


It was a pretty dumb decision, even by his standards.

Anton Samuelson was a 20 year old exchange student from Switzerland who’d spent the previous semester at the University of Nebraska. While he hadn’t exactly made the Dean’s List, Anton had passed all his courses but decided instead of heading home for the holidays, he’d spend his Christmas break hitchhiking across the US the way he’d done several times back in Europe.

A true passion for adventure fueling him, Anton made it as far as Omaha before he realized he’d perhaps bitten off more than he could chew. Having grown up in a chilly climate and spending countless hours with his childhood friends skiing the Swiss Alps, cold weather wasn’t something that bothered Anton all that much.

Saturated quickly from the mixed precip, and chilled to the bone from the ceaseless wind whipping across the frozen tundra of America’s breadbasket, Anton found himself wandering through the whipping frigid Hell along the Iowa/Nebraska border.

He really only had himself to blame. Several people back at the library he’d spent the day at made mention of a storm rolling in later that night, but his youthful exuberance and eagerness to get on with his trek easily won out. Spending the better part of the afternoon at the Omaha library answering his email, stealing a nap up in the stacks and taking a bath essentially in one of the bathroom sinks, Anton set out a little after 7 that evening. By 11 or so, he was shivering under an interstate overpass, his clothing drenched from the icy castoff of passerby’s.


“Twenty minutes from now you’re gonna be dead,” Regina told herself, her right foot pressed on the brake as she guided her Prius into the breakdown lane beneath the overpass.

“You can press it back over on the accelerator and get the hell out of here,” her inner voice railed but her body suddenly became as still as her car.

“Your phone’s still sitting haven’t made that call like you promised,” her conscience chided.

“What am I supposed to say to my Husband..’Oh..I’m down here stuck in a ice storm and I think I’m going to pick up this nice guy hitchhiking up the highway?’ Regina shook her head and huffed, knowing the concern it would raise with Ken even if the two weren’t on the best of terms at the moment.

“You could call your Sister and just tell her you’re gonna get a room for the night and wait out the storm,” the lucent voice of common sense chimed in, perhaps for the last time of the evening.

A whisper of serene calm trickled briefly through Regina’s body, sensing that getting a room was likely her best option. It was a feeling that evaporated in a snap when she saw the dark figure seated outside stand up on the concrete incline of the bridge support and start heading towards her car.

The following thirty seconds seemed to unfurl faster than any half minute Regina could ever remember. The man who had just been sitting on his perch under the bridge had appeared on the passenger side of her car in the blink of an eye.

“Thank God for automatic door locks,” she thought in a panic as she jerked her head to the right.

All she could see through the slightly fogged window was the man’s soaking wet black sweatshirt, and the grim outline of his white hand reaching for the door handle. Regina’s heart trampolined into her throat she she heard his failed initial attempt to open the locked door.

“Now he’s starting to bend down,” Regina quivered, everything spinning so fast now in her head that she clutched both her mitten clad hands around the steering wheel to keep from coming apart.

In her heart of hearts, she fully expected the face of Satan to peer at her through the passenger side window. And if not Lucifer himself, at least the gnarled and snaggle-toothed face of an old and grizzled man who’d been rode hard and put up wet more times than he could count. The first strains of a scream had even began formulating in her throat before she’d even seen his face in anticipation of the evil surely present.

The scream that was just about to blare from her lips lodged squarely in her throat however when, instead of the horribly jagged and weathered face she was expecting, Regina was met with one that provided nothing but innocence and vigor.

“He’s just a kid,” she winced, the buzzing hive of her nerves settling somewhat when she realized how young the stranger seemed.

“Ted Bundy seemed sweet and charming too,” her conscience jabbed, but it was helpless to stop the maternal urge inside Regina from guiding her hand over to unlock the Prius’ door.

“God..Thank You for stopping,” the hitchhiker immediately gasped, opening the door in a frantic rush before easing his soaked and shivering frame down into the passenger seat.

“His accent…,” Regina thought to herself, her mind still awash in the surreality of what she’d done.

It sounded European to her untrained ear, but she had no clue which part. All Regina could do was sit there and listen to him thank her several more times as he wedged his sleet covered backpack between his boots in the floorboard.

Ramping the car’s heater up to full blast when she saw the stranger twist off his gloves and hold his bluish pale fingers in front of the vent, Regina’s first reaction from his youthful appearance was that he might be a runaway.

“Oh…Yeesss,” he sighed when the warm exhaust began de-thawing his numb digits.

The analytic part of Regina’s brain, the one she depended on for her profession knew the risks of picking up someone off the interstate. She was literally putting her life on the line. Seeing someone as strapping, and as visibly healthy as this guy, reduced to such a shivering mass of humanity, the nurturing part of Regina’s soul understood how his life would have been on the line if she, or someone else, hadn’t taken the chance and picked him up.

“What’s your name?” the most obvious of questions slipped from her lips.

“Anton,” he replied quite amiably through his chattering teeth.

“Regina…Regina Wellstone,” she followed, both appearing to want to politely shake hands but quickly deciding not to from the binding of their heavy coats along with the cramped positioning of their bodies.

“Where are you going?” Regina soon asked cliché question number two.

“Miami,” the young man answered with sheepish but sharp comedic timing. “I think I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere.”

Immediately sensing the stranger’s seeming worldliness in the minute or so he’d sat down beside her, Regina was pretty sure he wasn’t a runaway, at least not from anywhere around there.

“Maybe if you could just get me up to the next town….I’ll take my chances finding a room,” he offered, smelling the obvious and understandable trepidation seeping from the woman’s pores.

“…OK,” Regina nodded her head in slow motion and agreed, as if in a fog.

“The weather forecast says this stuff is supposed to keep up through the night..I was thinking about pulling over for the night myself,” she added, the words sounding dry and flat as the intermittent wipers screeched across the dry windshield from being under the overpass.


Anton had hitchhiked quite a bit across parts of Europe as a youth. While it probably wasn’t the safest mode of travel back home, it definitely had its perils in the US. Having garnered more than his share of stink-eyes when he told some of the people back at college how he planned to spend his holiday break, given his penchant for reckless adventure, Anton decided to try hitchhiking across the US anyway. Now, less than three days into his ill-timed excursion, Anton found himself in the passenger seat of a thankfully warm car, rescued for the frozen plight that most certainly awaited him.

Regina’s unease continued to permeate the cab of the car however, and once again she nearly yelped out in fear when she saw Anton reach for one of the zipped compartments of his bulky bag.

“Here’s my passport,” he offered, handing the stoic and suddenly very silent woman beside him the chilly document.

The three previous people who’d taken the chance to pick him up had all been truckers, and all of them, while exhibiting a fair amount of caution, seemed more than happy to ferry him a little further up the road. The last thing Anton ever expected was for a woman traveling all by herself to stop and give him a ride, even under such extreme circumstances.

Still, as he stole a peek over to his right and caught Regina in a moment of distant contemplation, a vague sense of excitement stung him in a place he was very familiar.

“Switzerland,” she said, loud enough for Anton to hear when she scanned the passport, very much appreciating the gesture, and certainly feeling a little more at ease given his openness.

“You do this often..just wonder the highways in the middle of the night?” Regina handed him back the dark blue booklet and asked in an disapproving, motherly tone.

“Not on a lot of night’s like this one,” he tilted his head and laughed heartily.

Anton proceeded to tell Regina a little about his background and how he wound up hitchhiking along the Nebraska/Iowa border, and with each word she felt more comfortable in his presence.

Ten minutes after she’d pulled over, only one other vehicle had passed and the two shared a poignant sigh of agreement that it would have been a very long night for Anton if she hadn’t stopped.

“The next city up is Missouri Valley..there might be a few motels up there but they may be filled because of the storm,” Regina wondered aloud. “Guess the only thing we can do is head up and check.”

Anton nodded his head as if to say ‘you know you’re way around here far better than I’ before Regina shifted the Prius into gear and pulled back out onto the road for their slow slog north. It didn’t take long for the sleet to start hitting the windshield once they left the cover of the overpass and when it did, the two inhabitants inside the car happened to turn and share an extended and greedy glance at the other at the exact same time.


The roof of the motel could have been crashing down on top of her and Regina Wellstone wouldn’t have known the difference. The concussion of the 20 year olds savage thrusts sent one debilitating jolt after another up and down the 38 year old woman’s spine as she buried her writhing face into the scrunched pillow below. It seemed as if her muffled cries only egged the young man on as he plowed her from behind, hurling his rigid cock at a dizzying array of angles until she was blissfully cowering in the center of the bed.

Regina could still taste Anton’s warm seed fresh on her palate, and even in her flummoxed state she couldn’t get over how he’d recovered so gloriously since his first nut to be pounding her so ruthlessly from behind. Regina was sure at some point everything that happened over the previous hour might one day make some sense, but as she knelt there on all fours, her body as well as her moral will stripped bare as she allowed a man barely half her age to have his utter and complete way with her, all she cared about was feeling every morsel of joy the young stud was bringing her.

She was sure the people in the next room could hear her wails as Anton pounded her. All 10 of his fingers dug into her meaty backside as he usurped complete control, Regina envisioned what the tenants’ faces on the other side of the wall must look like as her shrieks of lust bled through. Just like her, they were travelers taking shelter from the storm and by morning and they’d be on their seperate ways never having to put a face with the late night moans, but for the next few hours she was sure they would be losing some sleep.


The two had been sitting in the front seat of Regina’s car after they’d pulled up to the office of the Motel 6. It was the only spot on the exit that still had a vacancy sign flashing, and it was clear that was going to be the pair’s only port on this night.

Strangely, it hadn’t been totally unexpected when the Swiss exchange student leaned to his right and placed a firm and unapologetic kiss square on her lips. A woman often times has a sixth sense about those types of things. Obviously she was taken aback by his brazenness, and did momentarily put her hands up in stunned protest, but what truly startled Regina was the how quickly, and for that matter, how ferociously she found herself kissing him back.

Regina remembered the smug and knowing look on the night clerk’s face when she paid for the room. It was clear in the paunchy, old man’s gaze that he could sense that the strapping young lad standing behind her wasn’t her son. Regina was on the shorter side, just a tad over 5’2″ and admittedly a little overweight. She had her Mother’s rounded face with her Father’s curly, dark red hair. Anton, on the other hand, was very tall and lean, his cheek bones chiseled as his long, light brown locks flowed down past the sleet covered fabric of his black stocking cap.

Listening to the credit card receipt running through the clerk’s printer, Regina’s temples pounded as she contemplated what she was about to do. Signing the slip of paper almost felt symbolic in a way, as if she was somehow signing away her life for the next few hours. She even blushed when she locked eyes one last time when the man behind the counter, her mouth going dry when he offered the odd coupling a sly grin and wished them a good night.

It didn’t take long for everything in that night clerk’s assuming stare to come to fruition once Regina and Anton were alone in the room. Her fate sealed the instant he closed the door behind him, before Regina could exhale the breath lodged in her throat, Anton gallantly swirled around and planted his lips directly down on hers. This time he snaked his arms around the married woman’s back and held her in place as he caressed his tongue gently into Regina’s welcoming mouth.

The bulk of their winter coats preventing their bodies from coming completely together, Regina knew she had only an opportunity or two to put a stop to this before it was too late. By the time the handsome stranger began stripping her of her Winter layers while at the same time nibbling his lips and teeth softly along the left side of her neck, Regina’s will power had been flattened by a runaway freight train.

And speaking of freight trains, that was also an apt way to describe the way it felt as Anton plowed her from behind. Regina could feel yet another orgasm building in her loins, the number of which she’d long lost count. The first one however, she’d never forget.


Anton had nudged her backwards against the wall just inside the door to the room. His kisses had only intensified, and now his right hand was roaming down the front of her palpitating body. Feeling Anton’s hand drift down over the voluptuous mound of her bosom, Regina felt him shamelessly cup both her breasts through the front of her blouse, tweaking each of the erect nipples through the fabric as he sighed his appreciation for her endowment.

With no choice but to rest her shoulder blades against the wall, the last vestige of her conscience attempted to string together two words between the young stranger’s fervent and mesmerizing kisses.

“…I’m…married…..,” she tried to gasp several times.

Anton didn’t dignify her plea with a response, her body was telling him everything he needed to know. When he lowered his exploring hand down to the front snap of her black business slacks and undid it in one neat twist of his fingers, Regina’s feeble resistance went mute.

Still in his heavy coat with his backpack slung to the floor beside Regina, Anton tucked his right hand into the unzipped opening he’d created. Looking deep into the slits of the married woman’s disbelieving eyes, Anton caught a glimpse into Regina’s long suffering soul as he folded his fingers inside the front of her dampened panties.

“UUUHH…..UUHHHAAAHHH,” a gasp filtered from her lips the instant his probing fingertips crept over her swollen vulva.

Seeing Regina’s eyes immediately snap shut only to re-open a few seconds later with new found, heavenly focus, Anton massaged his digits through those tender pink folds until she was trembling with every move he made. Teasing her relentlessly as he placed several lurid kisses on Regina’s chest and throat, Anton felt the vibration ripple through her body when she collapsed her full weight backwards against the wall, as if in a final show of surrender.

Wasting no time, Anton angled his wrist and buried his entire hand inside Regina’s pants, forcing three of his fingers into the welcoming grip of the older woman’s womb. Seeing the heavy swells of her breasts rise and fall with each labored breath she took, Anton anchored his left arm behind Regina’s back for support, then began swirling those three extended fingers inside her vagina until the slippery slurping sounds of her shameful lust were bristling through the shadowy room.

“Do you want to cum?” he asked in that haunting European accent.

“….Yes…,” Regina wept her reply.

How Anton was going to go about doing it, Regina didn’t have a clue. All she could do was spread her feet wider on the floor and dig her heels into the cheap carpet below as the eager youngster worked his hand all the way inside her pants.

For his part, Anton wasn’t about to sweep Regina off her feet and whisk her over to the bed like a groom would his new bride. He also wasn’t in the mood to drop his own pants and mount her against the wall like some slut in a back alley. For the time being, Anton was content seeing the way she winced and writhed each time his fingers dug deeper inside her. Arching them like grappling hooks inside the married woman’s burning quim until he’d found that ‘oh so special’ sweet spot, Anton incessantly jabbed them upwards until Regina’s knees could barely support her spasming frame.

Kissing and biting at her earlobe before slithering his serpant like tongue down her collarbone and shoulder, Anton pistoned those buried fingers until Regina’s lips parted into a gaping oval.

“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” he hissed repeatedly into the whimpering woman’s ear.

“……YEEEZZZ….. YYEEZZZ…YYEEZZZZZZZ…. OH…SHIT…YEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ,” she seemingly came on cue, digging all 10 of her fingers into the top of Anton’s stocking cap to keep from exploding straight up into the ceiling from the combustive release exploding between her legs.

Anton simply stood beside the older woman and grinned appreciatively, loving how her orgasm gripped every muscle of her body as her womb constricted viciously around his now musky and drenched talons.


Coming to America had been a sexual revelation for Anton. While he’d enjoyed an active social life back home in Switzerland, and never lacked for attention when he traveled around Europe, he’d even shocked himself by how much poon he’d scored since arriving in the States. Granted his view may have been a bit skewed considering he’d spent the previous few months on a college campus, surrounded by thousands of horny teenage girls with their liberal views and tons of alcohol. But even when Anton ventured out to some of the clubs around Lincoln, there were always plenty of women up for a good time, many of whom even older than Regina.

That’s not to say he sensed the current object of his affection was ‘easy’ by any means. Even Anton knew what was happening in that rundown interstate motel room was more about serendipity than anything tangible. Under normal circumstances, the woman gyrating so franticly beside him would be a faithful Wife and doting Mother, incapable of such a lurid and vile loss of self control, but the young exchange student had found her in that supreme moment of weakness, and with his hormones now raging, he was intent on milking it for all it was worth.

Easing the greasy club of his hand free from the syrupy mire between Regina’s thighs, Anton flicked his thumb across the tip of her buzzing clit a couple of times, just to let her know he was still in firm control. Feeling her flinch and cower as she snuggled for support against him, Anton slowly leaned in and whispered into the married woman’s ear.

“I’m gonna go in there and take a long, hot shower. When I come out I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t move,” he stoically promised before planting his lips tenderly on her right temple.

Overwhelmed by the soul jarring crescendo she’d just been put through, the figure of the man who’d unleashed that monster inside her almost appeared to dissolve into neon vapor as he made his way towards the bathroom.

“Maybe all of this was a dream,” Regina told herself until the hiss of the shower starting up, and the billowing steam that followed, reminded her everything that happened was all too real.

As if she needed any reminding, when she looked down Regina could see her undone pants, not to mention the copious amounts of her own arousal drizzled along the stained front of her best pair of slacks. Tucking her underwear back up into place, she couldn’t help but wince when she grazed her fingers through the dense and saturated triangle of her pubic fleece.

Sitting down in the chair next to the room’s rickety old desk, Regina immediately turned her head away from the mirror in front of her. The one image that caught in her mind was the sparkling glow of her wedding ring as she held her hands to her face. Left alone with her thoughts as the endorphins of her release slowly faded, Regina absently rubbed her right hand over the diamond symbol of her marital vows, making sure not to look down and be faced with its implication.

Not wanting to look back up and see herself in the mirror either, the only real other option left was to cast her gaze out across the room to the open bathroom door, knowing what was waiting inside.

Perhaps it was the self-esteem issues she’d been dealing with all her life. A big-boned Midwestern girl on the shorter side didn’t have much of a chance measuring up to the standards set by all those fashion magazines and TV shows. Add in the fact that she was also smarter than most of her peers, and always saw herself going on to have a career isolated Regina somewhat from many of the small town girls she was raised with who were looking to get married as quickly as possible out of school. To have someone of Anton’s dashing good looks so enthralled with her provided Regina with an opportunity for some attention from a man she’d never gotten a second look from when she’d been his age.

Perhaps it was all the stored animosity with her Husband for the way things had spiraled downward in their marriage. Had his lack of attention, both to her and to everything that should have mattered their life brought her to this point where she had so willingly offered herself up to a complete stranger who happened to show her an iota of attention. As selfish as it was to contemplate, was going through this wanton act a way for Regina to unleash the torrent of frustration that had long been boiling inside her.

Whatever the reason, Regina winced and huddled in that chair when she heard the shower in the next room go silent just before Anton pulled the curtain back and stepped out. Of all the things she expected he might say to her as he began drying himself off, the words that echoed from the mist-filled bathroom left Regina at a loss.

“Do you recycle?” she heard him ask.

Given the surreality of her predicament to begin with, she was sure she misheard him.

Hearing the wall of silence coming from the bedroom, Anton poked his head out the bathroom door and saw Regina sitting, still dressed, in a chair on the far side of the room.

“The question probably caught you a little off guard,” he admitted as he rubbed the towel across his chest and face. “I noticed you were driving that new Prius..just jumped to the conclusion you were somewhat eco-friendly. So many of the people I’ve met since I got to the US are just so wasteful..just thought it was nice to see you weren’t one of them.”

“….I do recycle..I separate my paper and plastics,” Regina finally replied, her voice sounding meek and confused.

With her back turned and a million or more different things tangling up her mind, Regina heard Anton disappear back into the bathroom, only to re-emerge a minute or so later. Her heart leapt a little more with each footstep he took closer behind her.

“Then I guess it wouldn’t be in your nature to let something like this go to waste,” Anton prodded matter of factly as he eased up to Regina’s left.

When she turned, she came face to face with the most gorgeous erection she’d ever seen.

“…..oh…dear….,” she croaked, her eyelids fluttering as a blushing rash of embarrassment washed like wildfire across her cheeks.

Taking the base of his substantial rod in his right hand, Anton grazed the spongy and freshly showered head of his cock up and down each of Regina’s cheekbones before leaning down and kissing her on the center of her balmy forehead. Leaning back when he saw the look of utter submission glow in her distant and dazed eyes, Anton swung the cylinder of his mighty girth forward and pressed the torpedo-like tip of it against the married woman’s quivering lips.

There was always that moment of uncertainty before he pressed forward and buried his cock into a hesitant woman’s mouth for the first time. It was no different with Regina. There was a brief moment of pause, followed by several deep and reflective breaths before she finally accepted his prize willingly between her lips.

Feeling the top row of her teeth brush against the smooth, taunt skin of his manhood, Anton radiated with that addictive, adrenaline laced sense of power that came when a woman submitted to his advances. That feeling was only heightened when he glanced down and saw Regina’s wedding ring sitting on the dresser. Reaching down and taking the band in his left hand, Anton carefully studied the diamond inset as Regina slurped and rolled her tongue around his meaty shaft. Using his right hand to brush the curls out of Regina’s eyes, Anton ground his hips forward at an ever increasing pace as he sat the ring back down where he’d found it.

Seeing half his dick now submerged between Regina’s stretched lips, Anton steadied both his hands around the back of the married woman’s head before unleashing his full fury. Gripping Regina’s scalp with a tenderness belying the urgency and power his chiseled body rocked forward, Anton worked his pelvis in slow, methodical circles as the older woman’s breath huffed from her nostrils with each exasperated exhale.

Continuing the indecent act as Regina trembled in the chair, it looked as if Anton was a male stripper giving a female customer a little something extra with her complimentary lap dance. Coiling his fingers into Regina’s dark red hair, Anton was pleasantly shocked when he felt the head of his saliva soaked cock start to slide down the married woman’s overwhelmed gullet. Sensing she could take all he had to offer, Anton hunched forward until his heavy and bloated balls were bouncing on Regina’s pale chin.

Even though in the back of her mind she had a very good idea of what was about to happen next, Regina couldn’t really do anything to prepare herself when Anton sent his potent and steaming deluge streaming down her throat. Churning the muscles in her neck as best she could to keep up, several milky strands escaped from the corners of her mouth as the rest of the thick and rich paste found a home in her growling belly. For Regina, it would be the only sustenance she’d need for the rest of the night.

Her head throbbing to the point of madness, she didn’t even hear the young exchange student’s haughty groans of release until she’d pulled back and started wiping the salty seed from her lips and chin. It was then she allowed her gaze to drift up the length of Anton’s body. The taste of the younger man’s virile lust now seared into her brain, Regina focused first on the gloriously plump appendage she’d just had in her mouth and suddenly found herself longing to feel it in other places. Tracing her line of sight upwards over his rippled abs and smooth but well defined expanse of his pecs, Regina finally locked gazes with the handsome stud towering above. When he met her spent eyes with a knowing nod of the head and eased his hands down to start undoing the buttons of her blouse, Regina Wellstone nearly fainted in the chair.


Regina was in a haze as the naked 20 year old stud steadily undressed her. After unbuttoning her blouse, Anton snuck his hands behind the older woman’s back and undid the four hooks and eyes of her bra. Rolling the straps down her shoulders, Anton squeezed both her breasts in a clear sign of primal ownership as he planted several fervent kisses on Regina’s numb lips before focusing his efforts lower.

With Regina’s slacks already unsnapped, Anton worked them over the married woman’s ample behind before jerking them, along with her musky panties, all into a bunch down at her ankles. Helping Regina kick off her black leather boots, Anton then held her by the shoulders as she clumsily stepped out of the rest of her clothes.

Next thing Regina knew she was laying on the center of the bed with her legs draped over the bottom edge. Anton was on top of her, his lips seemingly in 10 places at once as he kissed, bit and licked every inch of her torso and face. The fog she was in had graduated to a rolling boil inside her head as he worked his way down her body. Her nipples were the size of grapes as the younger man rolled them between his front teeth, and her pussy had turned into a raging stew as he wedged his hand back down there to gauge her readiness.

“Please fuck me!!” the hapless married woman eventually begged.

The rolling boil inside Regina met its critical mass when Anton slithered his tongue down her belly and finally pressed the warmth of his mouth over the seething bloom of her vagina.

“UUUHHH…..OOOHHH….AAAHHHHHH,’ Regina’s voice cracked like shattered crystal through the motel room when she felt Anton soft lips begin to chew at her nectar folds.

Clamping her hands blindly down on the top of the young man’s head, it literally looked as if she was trying to shove the Swiss exchange student’s ruggedly handsome face all the way up inside her.

Any sense of time disintegrated as Anton hungrily fed. Allowing him to nurse the dripping juices of her arousal for what seemed like an eternity, Regina savored the sparkling splash of chromatic color against the blackened backdrop of her closed eyes as Anton skillfully devoured every single drop of lust her loins seemingly could squeeze out.


Making Regina cum in the condition she was in didn’t take any sort of magic. As wound up as he’d made the woman stretched out before him, a mere puff of air over her clit, or well timed flick of his devilishly long tongue on the hidden trigger of her G-spot would send the married woman tumbling towards another spastic and increasingly draining release.

It was after he’d pushed her over the edge for the third time since he commenced his oral feast that an idea sparked in Anton’s head to try something with Regina that he had with several other women he’d been with over the years. Each time previously, when Regina would moan her gutteral and coughing cry up to the ceiling, Anton would do the gentlemanly thing and allow her to regain her composure before diving back in. Planting soft, butterfly kisses along the insides of Regina’s chubby thighs while at the same time tracing his fingers around the outer rim of her pussy and lower belly, Anton would patiently wait until she signaled for him to resume his dastardly efficient deed.

On the fourth time he made her cum however, instead of pulling back and allowing yet another tempest to ricochet through her body, Anton raised the stakes. Having timed Regina’s vocal and physical chain reactions, just as she came for that fourth time, Anton unabashedly dipped his tongue down from her honey soaked pussy and pressed it directly against the rim of the married woman’s virgin asshole.

The reaction was cataclysmic. Regina immediately raised her short legs and locked them savagely around Anton’s back as her ass lurched violently up and down on the straining mattress.

“Lesson learned,” Anton rested there and filed away the knowledge for later.

When he finally pulled his face free from the sweltering trough between Regina thighs, Anton gently grabbed her by the waist and helped Regina 180 degrees over on her belly.


By that point, given the circumstances, it was fair to say Regina was slightly less lucent than the young man she’d picked up along the highway. The only lighting in the room was the small lamp on the desk she’d flipped on when they’d first entered, and given her position now on the bed, and the blood traveling at warp speed through her head, everything around her had taken on a shadowy, psychedelic presence. When she looked down between the valley of her creamy cleavage and saw the stranger’s face still perched just above her crotch, yet another aftershock of delirium rippled through her core.

Pulling her hands from the deathgrip she had on his head as she whimpered on those sweaty and strewn sheets, Regina noticed with shame she’d ripped several strands of the young man’s long hair from his scalp during the more frantic moments of the previous half hour.

Her pupils focusing slowly given the dearth of light, eventually the subtle features of Anton’s face came into view as well. Regina was further transfixed when she saw just how soaked his entire face had become.

“His forehead is so shiny,” Regina breathlessly observed. “And so are his cheeks and nose…even his soul patch goatee is glistening…its like he’s spent the last hour bobbing for apples!”

The dampness saturating the sheets beneath her rear end only reinforced the point.

Regina had no clue what he was planning to do, and in her current condition, she didn’t have the strength left to even ask. All she could do was put her head on the pillow and allow the waves of euphoria to continue reverberating through her body.

Feeling Anton’s knees press down into the mattress to each side of her waist once he pulled himself up on the bed, Regina sighed and bit her lower lip when the bouncing sack of his warm balls came to rest on her lower back.

Breathless as she contemplated his next move, a visceral purr of joy leapt from her lips when he placed both his hands down and began massaging her neck, shoulders and back with the perfect mixture of tenderness and muscle churning care.

Dissolving into human mush as Anton steadily kneaded his efforts downward, by the time he reached the apple shaped expanse of her hips, the unquenchable pool of fire between Regina’s legs was once again stoked.

“You can’t get enough, can you?” Anton divined with clarity before propping the married woman up on her knees and forcing her thighs apart once again.

When Anton’s tongue slid across her anus just as her previous orgasm began to crest, Regina assumed it had been just a coincidence. When he situated her on her knees with her behind spread out before him however, then pressed his warm mouth between her asscheeks, she realized he had very clear intent.

The graphic way she’d reacted when he simply flicked his tongue over her anal ring at just the right time minutes earlier led Anton to want to explore further. Using his right hand to wedge the cheeks of her ass apart, Anton slithered his tongue down to that virgin territory as he continually kept fondling her smoldering quim with his left.

Feeling Regina lurch on her hands and knees when he locked the suction of his lips in place around her pulsing anus, Anton began to trace the tip of his tongue in tightly constricted whirlpool circles until the older woman was anxiously grinding her ass backwards against his face.

“UUUHHHHHHH… AAAAAAHHH..UHHHHHH,” was about all Regina could muster as she wallowed in sensations she’d literally never felt before.

His own heart skipping a few beats when Regina’s wide backside began to quiver and cover with gooseflesh against his cheeks, Anton felt his cock harden back to its complete girth and knew it was time to take a second stab inside his trembling and incoherent conquest.

Considering the depth and expertise of Anton’s analingus skills, Regina’s natural assumption was that he was about to shove that impressive jewel of his manhood into the same tight spot his face had just been. It would have been her first anal experience, and more than one tremor of fear admittedly did course through every tissue in her body, but Regina knew she was powerless to stop the genie she’d unleashed.

It took Anton a little while to determine which direction he actually wanted to go. With his bottle of lube buried in his backpack on the other side of the room, and a hard-on in need of some immediate gratification, he decided for the moment to take the path of least resistance. With one viciously sweet and effective thrust forward, Anton watched his dick slice like a machete through the pulpy folds of Regina’s welcoming cunt.

And that’s where Regina Wellstone found herself, her clothes scattered in a trail beside the bed as she knelt on all fours, allowing a man she’d barely known for an hour to service her like she was nothing more than a crazed bitch in heat.

In her diminished state, she’d lost track of how many times she’d already came, but the one thing she was certain of was the buck naked Adonis ramming her from behind was showing no signs of slowing down.

Before she knew it, yet another howling burst was growing deep inside her womb and within another minute of Anton’s jack-hammering assault, those all too familiar concussions of release were barreling up her spine, much the same way a tractor trailer topping 110 might passing a helpless and stunned deputy.

The entire time she was vaguely aware of her muffled screams continuously flowing through the room, and now she was certain her wails were carrying through the paper thin walls, giving strangers several rooms down quite an earful.

Finally collapsing into a sprawled heap with her arms and legs flailed out in four separate directions, Regina tried mustering the little strength she had left to turn and face the young man that had so brutally turned her life upside down. She was immediately met with Anton’s fearless and attentive gaze as he knelt behind her, looking as fresh as he ever had.

Losing herself once again in his cold and bottomless blue eyes, Regina knew it would still be awhile before her soul could begin processing what she’d allowed to happen. Seeing Anton’s fully aroused cock rise like a majestic beacon from his crotch, its entire girth saturated beautifully with her shiny vaginal sheen, Regina sensed her body wasn’t off the clock just yet, either….

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