Low-Caste Whore

Part 1

An East Indian native, Deepti – who spoke English – was a pervert long before the ensuing happened.

Her large tits didn't sag and her arse was firm, though she had submissive needs involving , golden-showers, , , rape and physical abuse.

When she was 18, however, her 19-y/o boyfriend forced her to service his dog, Cookie.

She loved it, while several years later, a woman-friend persuaded her to screw a horse during a party in Mumbai where she lived.

At 36, Deepti bought another dog named Simba.

As well, she sensed that Rohit, her cute, 18-y/o son, was developing a misogynistic attitude.

So, one July, Thursday evening when he went home after a soccer match, he found her naked while Simba pizzled her vag.

‘What are you doing, mom?' he inquired.

‘I'm horny!' she panted.

‘You horny bitch!' the teenager crowed as he stripped and thrust his 9-inched rod into her mouth.

‘Suck my dick or I'll tell everybody you're a low-caste !' he threatened her.

‘Uh-hmmm!' Deepti mumbled.

Meanwhile, Rohit was scornfully glaring into her eyes.

Suddenly, he jerked her lips off his penis and slapped her lovely face.

‘Aaah!' Deepti gasped, though he didn't reply as he buried his cock in her throat.

Next, the dog came in her snatch before dismounting her, followed by her son unloading in her mouth and urinating in it.

‘I've always wanted to do that, mom,' he said.

‘Thank you, son,' Deepti replied.
‘Are you my slave?' Rohit asked.

‘Yes, I am.'

‘Good,' Rohit said while turning, reaching around for her black hair, gouging her nose into his butt-crack and farting.

‘You smell so beautiful!' he laughed.

‘Please don't flatter me!' she begged.

‘Why not?' he snarled as swung his foot against her loins.

‘Uugghh!' she grunted.

‘Am I hurting you?' he shouted.

‘Oh, god, yes!' Deepti moaned.

‘I don't care!' Rohit snorted, then: – ‘You're an animal, mom!'

‘You're right,' Deepti had barely answered when Rohit pulled her to her feet, jammed his finger into her bowels and employed it to steer her along the balcony to the flat in which the white, 22-y/o Paul and 23-y/o Kelvin lived.

They were energy consultants from Birmingham, England.

Rohit then knocked on their door and Kelvin opened it.

‘Bloody ‘ell!' he exclaimed when saw her wearing nothing but shoes.

‘Mom's here to entertain you,' Rohit grinned.

‘What are you going to do to entertain us?' Paul asked.

‘Anything you wish, sir.'

‘Anything?' Paul replied.

‘Yes, sir,' Deepti said.

‘You must be an unholy cow!' Paul disparaged Indian tradition.

‘I'm a dirty cow,' she admitted before Paul and Kelvin removed their clothes.

Once they had, Paul shoved her over a couch and chiseled his 9-inched tool into her shit-hole.

‘Take it!' he growled as Kelvin drew her head toward him and sank his 10-pecker into her mouth.

Rohit watched until he snickered, ‘Mom's a filthy pig!'


Part 2

‘Yeah, she is!' Paul replied as he brutally slammed his cock father into her guts.

‘Eeeeeh!' she exploded with an orgasm.

However, she was surprised by Kelvin saying, ‘Your mother's womb is a barnyard, isn't it, Deepti?'

‘Uh-hmmm!' she nodded.

‘Well, I'm amazed that a boar stooped far enough to breed her before she whelped you!' he responded.

‘Maybe I should breed you, mom!' Rohit remarked.

‘That's a great idea,' Paul said.

Obviously, though, he and Kelvin had no concern for her dignity as they kept pounding until Paul jizz-defiled her anus and Kelvin her mouth.

They'd scarcely withdrawn from her when Paul pushed her rump to the floor.

‘You're contemptible!' he jeered as he and Kelvin spit-covered her face.

‘Yes, sir!' Deepti whispered, though Paul crouched, spread her legs and oozed his fist into her snatch.

‘I was hoping I could shred your hymen!' he chuckled.

‘I'm wagering your dad destroyed it years ago!' Kelvin said

‘How often did he fuck you?' Rohit played along with Kelvin.

‘I don't remember!' she answered.

‘He thought you're disgusting, didn't he?' Kelvin asked.

‘Yes, sir!'

‘You obscene abomination!' Kelvin added as Paul slid his clenched hand from her slimy vag.

Nonetheless, he, Kelvin and Rohit could hardly believe her again moaning, ‘I'm a sewer-! Shit on my stomach!'

‘Shit on you?' Kelvin roared, then straddled her to oblige.

For a few seconds, the men were silent until Paul clutched Deepti's hair, dragged her into the bathroom and laid her in the bath-tub, after which the guys drenched her in piss, and…

‘… you'll never be anything but a filthy pig!' Paul ended the night.


Part 3
Deepti and Rohit often went to an outdoor cafe at the Imperial Hotel, where Rohit bought wine for her and coffee for himself, 0ne Saturday afternoon.

She'd barely started drinking her beverage when the most gorgeous white man she'd ever seen walked toward her.

‘Hello. I'm Troy and I couldn't help noticing you because you're sexy,' he said.

‘Thank you,' she smiled.

‘What's your name?'

‘Deepti and this is my son, Rohit,' she answered.

‘Nice meeting you. Without bragging, I'm a wealthy American. I import carpets and India's are the best,' he replied.

‘I hope it doesn't shock you to hear that mom's a filthy slut,' Rohit remarked.

‘I'm divorced and wish my ex-wife was a slut, too,' Troy said, then: – ‘Are you into getting whipped in bondage, Deepti?'

‘Pain's my pleasure,' she said.

‘I'm not violent and you don't need to worry,' Troy promised.

Since Deepti was wearing a short dress, high-heeled shoes and fishnets, however, Troy thought she was a prostitute.

‘How much do your services cost?' he asked.

‘Is $5oo okay?' Rohit answered.

‘Yeah,' Troy said.

‘I've never done this before and it's great to pimp my own mother,' Rohit chuckled.

‘Mothers are nothing but flesh to sell!' Troy jeered as a hard glint came into his eyes. He then honked her tits through her dress and growled, ‘I don't care if you hate me for molesting you, bitch!'

‘Yes, sir!' Deepti moaned.

Next, he and Rohit accompanied her to Troy's hotel room.

‘Show me your shameful body!' he ordered.

Deepti removed her clothes while Troy leered at her nakedness before he said, ‘You're an indecent broad, aren't you?'

‘Yes, sir!' she replied as Rohit stripped, followed by Troy using a scarf to tie her hands to the doorknob.

Having done that, he undressed and wadded his briefs into her mouth.

‘I'm going to punish your ass!' he snarled as he began whipping her.

‘Eeeem!' she squealed.

‘Quiet, whore!' Rohit commanded.

Deepti obeyed until Troy tossed the whip aside and slowly buried his 12-inched penis in her manure-chute.

‘Take my dick!' he rasped.

‘Sodomize the pig!' Rohit urged him.

‘Pig! – pig! – pig!' Troy chanted.

Nevertheless, he ignored Deepti having a climax, though 5 minutes later, he emptied his balls into her bowels.

He withdrew from her; Rohit thrust his pecker into her vag.

‘Rip her apart!' Troy advised.

‘Hell, yeah!' Rohit exclaimed.

But it wasn't long before he smashed his seed into her vulva.

‘You destroyed her, didn't you?' Troy grinned.

‘Yeah,' Rohit responded as Troy untied her and gave Rohit $5oo.

‘Well, she's a good whore and maybe I can fuck her again,' Troy answered.

‘She'll fly here on a magic carpet,' Rohit said.

The next day, he and Deepti returned to the cafe, with Troy mercilessly plowing her holes.

And in her dark soul, she knew that sons have the right to turn their mothers into hookers – yes, indeed!


Part 4

Having pimped his mom, Rohit began searching for new ways to exploit her, especially since he realized she didn't respect herself

But Deepti enjoyed her notorious behavior, though one Saturday morning a week after her experience with Troy, Rohit was walking to the neighborhood store to buy some tea when he met Sanjay, his 20-y/o friend.

‘Do you smoke cigarettes?' Sanjay inquired.

‘Mom does,' Rohit answered.

‘So do I,' Sanjay said.

Once he and Rohit were in the store, the clerk told them the day's cigarette delivery hadn't arrived and recommended cigars to Sanjay.

Sanjay agreed, followed by Rohit asking, ‘Don't they have a horrible taste?'
‘Nicotine's a stimulant,' Sanjay replied.

‘Mom's a slut and doesn't need stimulation!' Rohit grinned.

‘Really?' Sanjay asked.

‘Come home with me and she'll prove it,' Rohit replied.

As his sex-slave, however, Deepti wasn't wearing any clothes, and Sanjay remarked, ‘You're a hot bitch.'

‘She's morally ugly!' Rohit derided her.

‘You deserve your son's insults, don't you?' Sanjay interjected.

‘Yes, sir,' she responded as Sanjay removed a lighter from his pocket, torched the cigar and aimed its butt into her twat.

‘Start smoking!' he instructed.

‘Yes, sir!' she said while beginning to flex her vag-muscles.

In a bit, Sanjay observed, ‘She could advertise stogies in TV commercials.'

‘You'd rather star in porn – right, mom?' Rohit said.

‘Yes, son!'

‘Beast movies are popular,' Rohit replied.

‘Beast movies?” Sanjay asked.

‘Oh, I forgot to mention that Simba, mom's boyfriend, is a dog!' Robit answered.

‘Is that the truth?' Sanjay questioned Deepti.

‘Yes, sir!'

‘You little mutt!' Sanjay sneered as he grabbed her hair, jerked her to her feet and shook her so roughly that the cigar fell to the kitchen's tile floor.

Rohit then crushed it beneath his shoe.

Next, he called Simba into the kitchen.

‘You don't love your girlfriend, do you?' he said while scratching the dog's ears, after which he lifted his tail, pushed his mom to her knees and ordered, ‘Kiss his ass!'
‘Yes, sir!'

‘My god, you're twisted!' Sanjay growled.

Soon, she reached under the canine's belly and started fondling his 7-inched erection.

Within 3 minutes, Simba's pecker-juice soiled her hand.

She then stood before Sanjay and Rohit undressed.

‘How much is banging her worth?' Rohit asked.

‘No more than 10 rupees!' Sanjay smirked.

‘Rape me!' Deepti startled the boys.

‘Are you serious?' Sanjay inquired.

‘Yes, I am!' she confessed.

‘I'll rape you!' Sanjay yelled as he threw her against the nearest wall, savaged his 11-inched penis into her muff and started hammering her.

‘Eeeh!' she yelped.

‘Suffer, you piece of filth!' Rohit admonished

‘I'm cummming!' she wailed not long before Sanjay unloaded in her snatch and dismounted her.

Rohit next brought her to her knees again.
‘You're desperate for my cock, aren't you, mom?'

‘Yes, sir!' she answered.

‘You're not getting it!' Rohit snarled before he jacked-off into her mouth.

‘I think your mom should marry her boyfriend,' Sanjay said.

‘Okay,' Rohit replied, then ‘performed a wedding ceremony.'

‘Now, you're Simba's wife!' he said.

‘Force me!' Deepti begged her ‘husband', though considering that was his ‘marital privilege', he did, and…

‘… curse you, mutt!' Rohit laughed.


Part 5

With English being the language used at Mumbai University, it aroused Rohit to read “Women As Sex-Objects In Ancient Societies.”

He learned that husbands were polygamous and offered their wives to male visitors in the home, though at least once a year, wives were expected to prostitute themselves. Bestiality was common, too.

And one Thursday afternoon, he was leaving class when the white, 21-y/o Lloyd – a British exchange student – approached him.

‘Hi, I'm Lloyd,' he said.

‘I'm Rohit.'

‘Great meeting you. I'm from Bristol and our study assignments have me wondering if you know any dirty slags,' Lloyd responded.

‘Deepti, my mom, is a dirty slag,' Rohit answered.

‘Your mom?'
‘Yeah, and you won't believe she married her dog, Simba.'

‘Only a despicable whore would do that!' Lloyd said.

‘Simba and I detest her, that's for sure!' Rohit snickered.

He and Lloyd then walked to a restaurant and drank some coffee before riding the city bus to Deepti's house.

‘Are you pimping me again?' she asked Rohit.

‘Your son's a pimp?' Lloyd inquired.

‘He sold my $500 body to an American not long ago, sir.'

‘You evil slut!' Lloyd snorted, then: – ‘I just heard about The Sparkling Diamond Club, and we should take her there, Rohit.'


‘First, let me call the manager,' Lloyd said as he removed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

In a bit, he told Deepti, ‘The manager wants you to demonstrate your dancing abilities.'

‘Yes, sir,' she replied.

Rohit then ordered her to wear a harem outfit, after which a taxi drove him, Deepti and Lloyd to the club.

Devarsh, the 43-y/o manager, met her at the door and remarked, ‘Your clothes are perfect for stripping, dancing and, well, you'll see.'

Having said that, he led her, Rohit and Lloyd on-stage and she noticed men filling a small theater.

Inspired, she disrobed and started swirling around to sitar music.

Meanwhile, the audience-members were stroking their pricks and yelling:

“Shake your ass, bitch!”
“Yeah, cunt!”
“Do it, you rancid whore!”

However, she'd scarcely been labeled ‘a rancid whore' when Junior, a donkey, appeared, with his 16-inched phallus throbbing.

Deepti fell to her knees and guided it into her snatch.

‘Fuck me!' she loudly implored.

‘I'll fuck you!' Rohit snarled as he dropped his pants and shoved his penis into her mouth.

‘You're trash!' Lloyd bellowed.

Nevertheless, he watched until Rohit's jizz soiled her gullet and Junior voluminously drained his balls into her snatch.

Next, Lloyd's 13-inched cock invaded her bowels.

‘Yes! – yes! – yes!' Deepti moaned while an orgasm rippled through her.

Ten minutes later, Lloyd's semen polluted her guts.

Since the donkey's pecker-juice was lying in a puddle on the stage floor, Rohit commanded her wallow in it.

She did, and her show came to an end.

But she frequently returned to the club where she became a ‘sparkling diamond', the venue's favorite performer.

Needless to say, though, Lloyd had found a dirty slag.


Part 6

A month after Deepti satisfied Kelvin and Paul's dicks, their 37-y/o white friend, George, traveled to Mumbai to visit them.

‘How's life in Birmingham?' Paul asked.

‘I'm not a priest anymore because the church is too hypocritical,' George responded.

‘Fornicate to defy it,' Kelvin said.

‘I started fornicating at brothels when I was 16,' George answered.

‘Brothel reminds me that Deepti's a hooker according to her son, Rohit,' Kelvin said.

‘Who's Deepti?'

‘She's an infamous slut,' Paul replied.

‘Yeah, and I'm pretty sure she's home,' Kelvin said, after which he, George and Paul went to her flat.

‘Deepti, this George,' Kelvin introduced the former priest.

‘Hello, sir.'

‘Are you a Christian?' George said.

‘No, sir.'

‘Do you understand the Bible's teachings?'

‘A little, sir.'

‘Even little sins are wrong,' George said as Rohit entered the living room.

‘Bestiality's a terrible sin – right, mom?' he asked.

‘Yes, son!'

‘You're a dog's adulterous wife, aren't you?' Rohit jeered.

‘Yes, sir!'

‘Dog?' George said.

‘Oh, yeah. She joined Simba – that the dog's name – in unholy matrimony by coupling with him,' Rohit announced.

‘How dare you desecrate marriage?' George thundered.

‘You can't help yourself, can you?' Paul said.

‘No, sir!' Deepti replied as she undressed.

‘The harlot's baring her wicked soul!' Kelvin said.

‘God condemns harlots!' George answered.

‘His wrath's inescapable!' Paul remarked as George's hand exploded against her face.

‘Aaah!' she gasped.

‘It's my righteous duty to punish you!' he snarled before drilling his finger into her vag.

‘This is Satan's dwelling, isn't it?' he asked.

‘He's my father, sir!' Deepti said as George slid his finger out.

‘Can you perform an exorcism?' Kelvin inquired, though George amused him, Rohit and Paul by removing a red, felt pen from his pocket and writing 666 on her forehead.

‘You're the female anti-christ!' he characterized her.

‘Yes, sir!'

‘Yeah, and your mother moved her bowels to conceive you!' Kelvin gloated.

‘You had a shitty birth, pigsty-whore!' Rohit said.

Next, he, George, Kelvin and Paul stripped while the tart sank to her knees.

George then slugged his 13-inched cock into her pooper.

‘You belong in hell!' he raged.

‘Yes, sir!' Deepti sobbed.

For 1o minutes, George manhandled her until he defiled her anus, before Kelvin, Rohit and Paul spooged the same orifice.

George slid a bowl under her and ordered, ‘Defecate into this!'

‘Yes, sir!' she groaned as she did.

Next, George shoved her mouth in the bowl and forced her to drink the guys's jizz while an orgasm gripped her with demonic fury.
Nonetheless, Rohit surprised George when he intoned, ‘Dear Father in hell, please rape your daughter!'


Part 7

While it didn't occur to Deepti at the moment, she was lucky: Five days earlier, Rohit had commanded her to make a crap-dildo and leave it in the sun to dry.

He handed it to her on the present occasion and said, ‘Your Father decided he wants to rape yourself with this.'

‘What is it?' George asked.

‘It's a turd-penis – right? Kelvin said.

‘Yeah,' Rohit answered.

‘Not to insult your husband, your marriage is a toilet!' George exclaimed.

‘Yeah, and it's wonder Simba hasn't divorced you, Deepti!' Paul cackled.

‘He's never loved you, has he, mom?' Rohit asked.
‘No, sir!'

‘How could he love an obscenity?' Kelvin referred to the first time he'd fucked her.

‘He couldn't, sir,' Deepti replied as Simba startled George when he trotted into the living room and she accepted the dog's pizzle in her cooze.

‘I-I-I… can't… believe… my… eyes!' George stammered, followed by Kelvin sneering, ‘God's covering his in shame!'

But it wasn't long until Simba unloaded in and withdrew from her vulva.

Recently, however, Rohit had begun studying auto mechanics at a tech school where he'd obtained a gas funnel.

Now, he rolled Deepti to her bottom, aimed the funnel's spout into her vag and held it while cumming in it.

Next, Paul, Kelvin and George drained their balls into the device before Rohit discarded it.

‘Rape yourself!' he demanded.

‘Yes, sir!' Deepti said while inserting the dildo in her twat.

‘Destroy your filthy womb!' Paul advised.

‘Yeah, bitch!' Kelvin agreed.

Simultaneously, the whore was panting, as she did until she screamed through another climax – with Paul then saying, ‘Don't forget that your Father still thinks you're vile, you fucking manure-slut!'

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