Indian guy fucking Busty Mexican Lady

Hi Everyone. This incident happened to me when I was 23 years old (currently I'm 26) and happened to lose my virginity to a busty Mexican Lady. I was born and brought up in and moved to the USA when I was 21 for my Master's degree. I completed my Master's and got a job in a good tech company with a good package. I'm tall, of average build, with a 5.5” tool.

Though I got settled into a good job, I haven't gotten into any relationship till then. I was desperate to find a partner to lose my virginity and start exploring my sexual fantasies. I have installed all apps like Bumble, Tinder, Tagged, etc., and started chatting with a lot of girls and women near New Jersey. Though my ultimate intention was to have a sexual partner, I don't want that to be kind of a one-night stand, I would like to continue that sexual activity with the same woman for some time.

After talking to a lot of women, I finally found the right person whom I vibed with. Maria is the heroine of this story. She's a 29 years old Mexican woman, with figures of 36-34-38, which I loved. Maria worked for a government agency in the suburbs of New Jersey. I made my intentions clear to Maria in our chats to which she readily agreed to have sex without strings attached. Maria is a divorced woman and hasn't gotten into many sexual activities in the past 5 months. Maria was glad to hear I'm a virgin and readily accepted to have some sex with me.

After a of weeks of chats and calls, we finally decided to meet to explore our sexual fantasies. We have decided to meet in her place, where she lives alone. I ordered her pink , the color which she loved, and delivered it to her place. I have asked her to wear the lingerie alone once we meet for the first time. I bought chocolate syrups and whipping creams to surprise her in foreplay, which was one of my fantasies as well.

Finally, the day arrived. Per our plan, I drove to her place around 7 PM. Since it was an apartment complex, Maria gave the instructions to her apartment. Since it was the first time I'm going to meet an unknown person in a new place for the first time, my heart was beating faster which made me a bit tense. Once I reached her apartment downstairs, Maria provided the code for the door entry to the building. I came to the building, her apartment was on the second floor, and knocked on the door.

There she's….!! Maria was wearing the pink lingerie which I bought her. She was looking like a sexy bitch. It was the first time I saw a woman in a bikini so close. We hugged each other for a minute and exchanged a brief lip-lock. Maria sensed that I was a bit nervous and she calmed down a bit by giving me some water and showing around her flat. I got comfortable in a few minutes, then Maria asked what was in my bag. To which I told her, you'll get to know later. Lol!!

I was awestruck by her structure. She had awesome boobs, , and a belly. I was constantly gazing at her ass when she was walking. In a few minutes, we moved to the bedroom and started our business. Maria removed my t-shirt and shorts, Maira was in her bra and panty.
I started kissing her on her lips slowly and kissed all over her cheeks and gradually moved to her neck. I was slowly licking her neck all over and started biting her earlobes gradually. Maria started to moan slowly at my kisses.
Then moved to her belly part, I am a navel fetish guy. Maria's navel was such a deep oval-shaped navel, which I would love to see all day. Then I took the and poured it into her deep navel and started licking it. Maria didn't expect me to do so, she started enjoying the action which I was doing and increasing the moaning, I poured chocolate syrup a couple more times and started licking her navel slowly till started to scream in pleasure.
Then I removed her bra and saw a woman's boobs for the first time in person. I was awestruck by her boobs. I was playing with her boobs for some time and started licking her nipples in a circular motion, then I started pressing her other boobs so hard. I was doing this for about 5 mins, then licked her other boobs for some more time.

Then I poured the whipping cream from her boobs to her belly. Damn, that was a sight that I can forget to date. A Mexican busty woman lying topless in front of me, with whipping cream on her body waiting to be licked. Then I slowly started to lick the whipping cream from the boobs, for which Maria was enjoying the tickling sensation with pleasure. I licked the whipping cream, and just left it alone in the navel area. Maria started to plead with me to lick her navel, which I loved. I slowly reached her navel and started to lick her navel in a circular motion and cleaned her deep navel. After which Maria was feeling relieved, we hugged each other and had a lip-lock.

In a minute my hand started touching her pussy over her panty, which was so wet. I have read in that women's pussy will be soaking wet, which I realized that day. I pulled her panties with my teeth and saw her clean shaved pink pussy. I was so excited to see her pussy for the first time and started kissing her clitoris and then slightly moved to her pussy lips. Maria's pussy tasted so good, then I increased my intensity of licking her pussy lips a bit, which she was enjoying, and moved her body to keep my licking motion. In a couple of minutes, Maria leaked her juices into my mouth, and I licked and drank a part of her juices. I sensed Maria was exhausted and she was breathing heavily. Then I started kissing her thighs and inner thighs which were silky smooth. Since Maria had a feet fetish, I started to kiss and lick her feet for a few minutes till she felt normal.

Then it's time for Maria to give it back to me. She jumped on to me and started kissing my neck and chest. Though it felt ticklish in my chest I loved each moment she kissed me and gradually moved down to my belly for kissing. She removed my panties and kissed the tip of my dick, I was out of the world for a minute. She slowly kissed my dick up and down for a few mins and she kissed my balls slowly. All the time I was screaming in pleasure. Then she sucked my dick for a couple of minutes and my dick was hard rock.

Then I wore the condoms and she applied a bit of lube on top of it. She went on top of me and guided my dick into her pussy. It was painful for both of us in the initial strokes, then again we applied more lube than we tried. Now I feel that my dick is in her pussy. Then she slowly increased her pace and started riding me. In a minute I felt like cumming so we changed our position. We moved to doggy and I started inserting my dick in her pussy. I fucked for a couple of minutes in the same position and we both came at the same time.

We collapsed on the bed, and FINALLY, I LOST MY VIRGINITY. Then we hugged each other and started kissing her. Then after an hour she again gave me a and now I'm ready for the second round. Now she climbed on top of me and she started riding me. Now I felt more comfortable with the position and adjusted my dick to her pussy motion. It went around 5 minutes and I got my and Maira also came around the same time.

Then after some time, I poured the chocolate syrup into her pussy, navel, belly, and armpits and started licking slowly which Maria was enjoying to the most. Around 11 PM we took a shower together and went to bed naked.

Thanks for reading my story guys. Hope you enjoyed my first experience with a Mexican Lady. Please stay tuned for my next encounters with Maria where we traveled to Boston and explored our sexual fantasy further. Please write to [email protected] or connect in hangouts about your thoughts.

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