Breastmilk and a Bad cock

I am a 27-year-old guy living in Perth, . This incident happened around nine years back when I was in India. I feel shameful to share this initially but after reading do many stories like this got to know these type of things are common. This incident changed my relationship with my mom Divya.

I was born in a middle-class family. My father was working in a rural shop and mother was a homemaker. I studied in a rural school till the highschool. I was only 13 years old when we lost my dad in an accident.

Mom was so depressed by his death and she spent a couple of years in loneliness. Every relative of us convinced mom for the second marriage. Mom finally got married to a rich businessman when I was 17. He is a busy person staying in New York and visit us rarely. Although we tried to move with him our visa become a major problem.

During his rare visiting, he used to spend more time with mom. This results in great happiness for everyone as mom become pregnant. The new member of our family arrived after a wait of nine months. My mom becomes a mother again after 18 years at the age of 38. Stepdad gave more importance to his new daughter, he made every possible thing to keep her rich. But he failed to stay with her as he is a busy person in the US.

From the day of his departure, I was appointed as mom's caretaker. A maid was kept for household chores but she only works in the day. I was one there to help mom during the night time in sleeping, taking medicine and also in attending the nature calls. This continued well until the night of this incidence.

It was a dark night and we go to bed at around 10 like a daily routine. The little kid has got some fever that day and this gives mom a lot more pressure. She made the baby sleep and went to bed. As I was her caretaker I took the bed along with her as usual. I was not getting a good sleep because of the baby's repeated crying that night but somehow managed to sleep late at night.

It was around 1 in midnight, I hear some groan noise. I was shocked to see it was mom who is twirling on the bed in pain.
“Mom… mom.. what happened?”I asked in tension.

She was not in a state of replying too. So I feared and switched on the light. I was shocked to see mom crying and taking deep breaths holding the bed tightly. The scene is similar to the labor pain I usually watched in movies.
“Mom.. what is happening to you? Shall I call the doctor?” I asked

“No.. no son.. go and see the baby is waken up or not” she said with deep breaths

I followed her order and replied”No mom.. she is in deep sleep”
“Ohh god!! why she is doing like this today!?” She questioned God holding her chest tightly and literally screaming.

“Mom..are you getting pain? How can I help you?” the only thing I can ask.
“No son… it's not the pain of that kind…it's something else.” her reply remains same.
I had no idea what was happening to mom and sit like a lame duck.

A couple of minutes passed and mom's pain got more intense.
“Mom…tell me what is happening to you.” I requested again.
“What will you do if I tell you?” her untrusty reply
“I can do anything mom.. trust your son.” my confident answer.

“Could you become my kid again?” she finally have something to say.
“What mom… I didn't understand you.” I questioned back with my childish mind.

“I feel good if you remove some milk from my breasts.” a shocking but a needy request from her. I failed to spoke back the words and silently sit for her further actions.

She drops her blackish green saree and I can see her red blouse wetted completely. It turned to oil red colour due to wetness and I can clearly noticed that the wet thing is her milk.

She has already unhooked few buttons of her blouse to relieve pain and her breasts are ready to burst out.My mouth dried and hands shivered by looking at her like this. She waits no more time and started to unhook her remaining buttons.Her boobs come out all of sudden and I have no option other than closing my eyes for a second.

She kept an hand on my face and made me to open the eyes to see her. I was shocked to see her boobs at first as they were almost ready to explode. Her blackish brown nipples are pointed like a bullet. Few drops of milk is oozing out from them. Her rolling tears alarmed me to do my duty.

I slowly take my hand and touch a part of her left breast. It was so hard like a rock and mom screams”haaa…no.. ” to just a gentle touch. Her nipples feels really like a bullet. As I showed more interest to touch them with hands mom lost her patience and pulled my head towards her.

Her nipples beat my nose and the smell of hot milk aroused my senses. My lips slowly spread apart to take them in mouth. They were very hard to even my lips so I take support of teeth to gently bite them. She feels more pain and hence requested “no dear…don't bite them.. be gentle.” Her breast vibrates to her voice and she felt a hell like pain.

I created vacuum in mouth so that I can suck her without pain. A drop of milk drips out on my tongue which is both hot and sweet. I have to use a lot of energy to suck each drop painlessly.After several drops I slowly bite her nipple again. It became slightly smooth now and this may ease my further actions.

Now she didn't feel pain when I chewed her nipple and her milkflow also become good.Her milk slowly become more and more sweeter.My mouth is getting wider to take her breast to deep. Her half of the breast is in my mouth and my teeth started biting her soft skin. “Its enough with it.. take the other one”her request made me to got up.

I feel very special to see the asymmetry of her breasts. Her left one is slightly bent and looks softer while the right one still stood straight like a rock. Few drops of milk is dripping out of her right nipple and I feared a lot to touch it. She feels slightly better with her left one and started massaging it slowly.

I bent down near her right one and stretched my tongue out to taste a drop of milk dripping. I circled around her areola to check for its hardness. I feel it as better than the one before and so I started chewing it directly. She hold the bed and take a deep breath to bear the pain.

I slowly started emptying the milk with taking her breast more and more deep into my mouth. She now came to resist me”Its enough son… I feel better now.“ .But I was not ready to leave her and goes on sucking her. She stop resisting further as I am also her son and the milk belongs to me also.The rate of milk flow gradually decreases and reached almost nill because of my immense sucking. I leave her nipples free and stood up with a feeling of satisfaction.

She massaged her both the breasts and started to hook her blouse back. I checked myself down and came to know that my cock became rock hard and ready to came out of my trouser,as for the first time I had touched a woman so closely and need an immediate jerkoff to calm down. Hence I ran towards bathroom and masturbate to unload a huge load.My body is full of sweat and hence took a shower and dried myself before entering the bedroom back.

Mom was still sitting on the bed. Her body is covered with sweat and it can be clearly seen in her armpits.

“What do you want mom?…. I guess you need something…” I questioned.
“I need some hot water to wash my nipples before feeding the baby dear.” she asked me for help.

“See how sweated out you are… I think it is good to take a shower instead…” I tried to convince her.
She thought for a while and finally agreed to walk with me towards the bathroom. Usually, the housemaid gives her a bath during day time but now I have to do it for her.

I take mom's towel and placed it on the hanger. I switched on the water heater and stood near mom to undress her. First I take off her blouse and saree, she herself removed her petticoat and stood in a single piece. I arranged a stool for her to sit.

My eyes fall on her panty and went to take it off. But she hold my hand and said “no son… “I left it as it is and start pouring warm water on her body.

After she feel comfortable I take the soap to apply. I started from her face,neck and breasts. I massaged her face and washed it first to make free from soap. I then washed her neck and back to reach her breasts. Literally I has no idea what I am doing and slowly started squeezing her breasts. I use my both hands to pound them as dough and pinched her nipples too. She never resist my single action as she just takes it as a process of washing and a tool for relaxation.

After a long time of work with her boobs I moved down to her hip and navel. I insert my finger in her navel to clean it. “You are the first one cleaning there”she said with a smile on face.
I think the housemaid doesn't give a bath like this,so I decided to take long time with that. I washed her soft thighs and moved to her legs. I feel devine to wash her feet and give an extra care to each of her toes.

I poured water until she is completely relaxed.I dried each part of her with a special care. She then send me out so that she can wash her pubic area. I was waiting for her in the room.The baby waked up and started crying suddenly. I knocked the bathroom door to inform that. “wait a second. I will be there.. “she replied.

A minute later she came with a towel wrapped around her waist. Her soft boobs jumping with her run and the new look of mom after the bath gave me an erection.

She take the baby in arms and sat down on the bed to latch it on her breast. Her sitting position disturbs her small towel and makes a large gap through which my eyes can catch her secret area. I was witnessing my own place of birth that time.

It was cleanly shaved and the clit between the two thick lips killed my mind. I was looking at it as a hungry tiger which comes to mom's notice. She replied with a smile “hey don't look like that… baby may got eyed…”I clearly understood that she was unaware of her disturbed towel.

While feeding the baby she said me to make her dresses ready. I searched the wardrobe and select a saree, blouse, petticoat and panty. She completed feeding in couple of minutes and got up from the bed to make the baby sleep. Her towel goes down the very next moment when she got up. Now my mom is completely nude in front of her son. As she was turned on the other side her thick ass and a welcoming cleavage in between made me mad for her.

She doesn't care about the fallen towel and continue her job of making the baby sleep. I took the towel from the floor and wrapped around her.
“No son… it is wet and cold.. don't wrap it..”her words gave me a new feel and I stood like a statue holding my hand on her tummy.
She broke the voice “go and bring me the panty.. “I slowly moved and handed over her panty.

I was still looking her in a hungry look while she is wearing panty.My cock is so hard that it is piercing my shorts and made a bulge on. She noticed it finally and asked about it in a naughty style

“Hey… remove your tent.. otherwise a frog may enter inside.. “I was readily waiting for the words and replied “My snake will kill the frog….”
“Is your snake such powerful…?” she teased me with a big laugh. I lost my control on me and pulled my shorts down with in a second and replied “see.. it is already hissing inside… ”

She was shocked to see my cock. She has no words to reply for a few minutes. Her look on my cock become more and more killing. For a second she turned into a hungry slut but controlled herself down.

“Keep your snake inside the tent other wise it may eject its venom…” her double meaning words show me her feelings.
I have to check her inner feelings so I rised my voice “mom… it needs a warm burrow to rest in this cold weather… ”

She now got my feelings and also the inner meaning of my words. She decided to calm me down in a different manner and thus said”take and wrap this wet towel around that… hahaha…” Her laugh gave me some anger,so I take the perfect opportunity “Why can't you hold it for sometime, till it goes down? ”

“Hey…i am your mom… “she replied with a surprise.
“that's why I told you…” I said in confidence.

A minute of silence and then she slowly walked towards me. She come and hold my dick in her hand. Wow! I can't explain the feeling which I get when my own mother holds my cock in her soft hands. She takes it in her both hands, cupped it and measured its size.
“How can you got this much big..” she asked in curiosity.

“This is the result of your milk..” I repeat what she expects.
“No son… its the gift of your dad..!“ she was very happy to say that.
“Was my dad having the same?.. what about my new dad? “I go on an investigation.
“He will never get this big if he was born again… it surely resembles your dad…! ”
I was very delighted to hear her words of honor. I think she will say yes if I request to proceed for a sex session.

“Mom… if you want to play with it..? ”
“No…necessarily not…” although she said it… it was not from her heart…
“I can understand you mom… don't worry… take it as much as you want… ”
I think she also waited for that moment and took a chance. She kneeled down and gave a gentle kiss on the tip of my hard and long dick.

How lucky I am to get a kiss on my manhood by own mother!! She not only kissed it but pushed its foreskin back and take its tip in lips. She is tastings its glans while her tongue is tickling my tiny cum-hole. Although I want to go deep, I controlled myself and left my dick completely to her choices.

She continued tasting its tip for a long time and it made me put my hands on her head to push it in. My dick goes slowly into mom's mouth. I hold her tightly while my dick is in her throat to feel her heat. Her chin is pressed on my seeds and her nose is inside my own pubic hairs. Her saliva is flowing down on my thighs as she has no space to take it in.

She was getting breathless and her sound like ‘mmm.. mmm' made me to release her. She gave a strange look once after I released but understood my mind instantly. She started blowing my cock. She takes my cock deep and removes it to lick with lips. This repeated actions continued till my cum ejects out. It completely filled in her mouth and she never wasted a single drop of it. I think she liked its taste as she cleaned my dick with her mouth only.

I was in such a state that no man wants to be. I never get an idea of what to do next and stood still in the same place. Mom wiped her lips and parts of cheek spreaded with my cum and moved near the bed. She starts preparing the bed for sleep.

I desperately need her that night and so hugged her tightly from back. My hot boner is beating her ass and my both hands hold her breasts. She is feeling for me and caressed my hairs with a hand. She also avoids my dick beating her on the other hand.

“What do you want my son.. ?”
“I want you… ”
“Are you hungry? ”
“Yes… I am”

“Come… sit on the bed… I will feed you… ”
I jumped on the bed and she sat in a comfortable position. I rested on her lap and take her nipple in mouth. The milk now is hotter but less sweeter. However I sucked it hard like a kid and emptied in less time. My hunger needs more to satisfy so I moved on to the other one.
“No dear… its for the kid… ”she resisted.
“I am your kid too… ”my reply.

“Ohh god… how can I say!?”she was helpless
“Give me anything instead… ” my clever request.
“What…what do you want? ”
“Anything… anything comes out of your body… ”
My index finger is directed towards her pussy.
“Do you need your mom's cum…?”
“Yes mom… it may satisfy my hunger”
“Oh god!! ”

She was already aroused due to my words. Her panty is showing a big wet spot. I was getting its hot smell as I was too near to it. I waited no time to give an erotic kiss on the bulge itself.

I slowly started kissing all over her panty. She was getting more and more aroused by this. My every kiss make her legs to spread apart by an inch. I removed her panty and put it on the floor in no time. I feel blessed to touch her soft and silky pussy lips. I spread them apart to see the flesh. It was pinkish red and already secreting the nectar drop by drop.

My mouth watered by the look of her inner flesh. I bent down and kissed on her down lips so hard that she takes a deep breath for a second. I moved my tongue slowly into her canal and licked its all corners. She was out of control and started releasing loads and loads of juice into my mouth. It was so sweet and divine to suck each drop of it.

Her hands pushed my head more and more towards her cunt. She was moaning “son… you have done it… ohhh son… come on… hmm…my dear… I never wanted you like this… son…hhhh…ufff… ”
Her moaning has a meaning and a lot of hunger to sex in it. I understood her well and decided to gift her what she needed at that time.

I slowly moved up licking and kissing her navel, nipples, cleavage, neck, and lips. My dick comes to the place it deserves. My one hand is massaging her soft thighs and ass and the other is busy in squeezing her boobs.

Once take the correct position my dick slowly goes inside my own birth canal. Mom helped me in doing that by guiding my dick into her hole. She takes it in with a deep breath. Although she feels great her moan continues as before. ” oh my son.. uf…why are you doing this… you are killing me… hmm… son.. please stop… hmm…”her words encouraged me and hence I pushed it even harder and reached her deep.

I slowly started pumping it in and out and her moan is slowly turning erotic ” come on son… fuck me… fuck your mom.. do.. do it quick… ” Her words give me more power and hence I increased my speed to the extreme.” oh no… oh… hmm… I am cumming… oh… “she released a huge load of her pussy juices at least three times.

I never stop pumping even after she released her loads several times. My rod slowly feels something and I am all set to shoot my nectar.
“Mom… I am cumming…? ”
“Take it out…!! ”

It is already late and half of my load filled into her pussy hole and another half ejected on her stomach and breasts including nipples.
“Sorry, mom… ”
“I don't know… take it out to make my hole free of your shit…”she ordered.

Her order doesn't seem to be her anger, rather it is a request to eat her pussy again. I bent down and kissed her clitoris. I play sometimes with it and then started sucking my cum out. It was the first time I tasted my own cum but after mixed with her juices it becomes sweeter. I cleaned her hole as deep as possible and made it clear from my cum.

I got up and ready to run to the bathroom. But she holds my hand and asked “Don't waste it… come near… ”

When I go near she herself pulled me towards her and kissed my lips. She started sucking my lips as I have done with her pussy. She takes all the juices present in my mouth and drank it. She then told me to lick the cum on her body. I take my own time to lick her soft body.

While my mouth is near her breast I never forget to take her nipples in. I sucked a few drops of milk too and mixed it with others. I went up to pour it in her mouth and she liked it very much.

This game goes on continuing and we are unaware of the time. It already passed 5 in the morning and the baby got up again. She was stunned for a second because her both nipples are touched with my cum and saliva.

“Mom… do you need water to wash? ” I asked
“Yes…immediately… ”

I rushed to the kitchen and back with a cup of warm water. I myself take the responsibility and wash her both the nipples using a clean piece of cloth. She then feeds the baby in the nude state itself and makes it sleep.

I kissed her again and invites for another round. She is too tired because of my hard performance. I didn't force her much but requested her for some milk. She was very happy to accept my request and fed me again.

“I am very much happier today.. mom.. ” I expressed my courage.
“I am too. my son. ”
“How can I help you in return… ”
“I will take it my own… ” she smiled.

She moved her hand to take my dick again and placed it in her mouth. She sucked me until my little brother give her what she wants…
“Mom..will you give me this again in the coming days? ” I asked by holding her boob in hand.
“Yes, my son… regularly from now… but only if you give me yours… ” She gave a kiss on my dick
“I am ready always… ”both laughed in happiness.

The exchange of cum and milk continues daily. Everything was at our side until her second husband come with her visa. Although he doesn't know our relationship he made an arrangement for sending me to Australia. I think mom had no option other than sending me out to keep this incident as a secret.

Added by Darshan

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