Unsatisfied wife

I had known Sarah n Tim for about 4 years now. I was friends with Tim since our days in Arizona. He wasnt very good looking but had worked a lot to reach a good place in his firm. Being the sales head kept him busy but kept the money flowing in. He got married 3 years back with Sarah. Unlike him,his was of a very extroverted nature n the life of parties. They made a good couple but over the past year i had caught Sarah looking at me differently. I could see why. I was a good looking guy with gym toned and great looks. She must have heard from Tim about my colorful . I never wanted to be tied down with one woman. My appetites were too muvh for one woman. The last few years had been splendid to say the least. Hooking up with 2-3 women in a week, my schedule had been quite full. Usaully it had been college girls mid 20s women who couldnt resist my charm.This was new.

So whenever i was over for drinks at their house, i would make small jokes about how much women loved me n couldnt have enough of me just to gauge Sarah's reaction. Most nights Tim would spend on his phone having a drink m barely focusing on anything else.At these times i couldnt help myself for glancing at Sarah's hot gym body. That woman loved to workout. With her killer figure of 34c-30-36,her well toned legs were drool worthy. Looking at Tim's disinterest i could very well imagine why i was getting looks from Sarah.The situation got me aroused. i had been partner to gfs before but never with someone i knew. Slowly I increased my communations with Sarah. Silly forwards with nsfw jokes. I realised she seemed to like evrything i sent.

I started spending more time at their place. Tim was a light drinker. Few beers and he would sleep. Me n Sarah would talk late into the night. She opened up to me about how she feels not being desired by Tim anymore. I like a good friend made some excuses on his behalf but I knew she was looking for more.I decided to wait a while.

Few days later I got a call from Sarah. She n Tim were at work n they were expecting a contractor to work on their new kitchen. She asked if i would be willing to go over n let him in n watch over him. I drove over their house n waited while the contractor worked. As the work was getting finished , Sarah reached home. Thanking me for the help she asked if i wanted a beer. We paid the guy n sat down to enjoy our beers.We were both sitting on the couch when i felt her leg brush up against me. I looked at her. She said in a low voice.'how long do i have to wait before you get i want you?'

I was taken aback for a moment but then i caught a look of her well toned body and lunged at her.Our bodies hugged and we started kissing passionately. My hesitance was out of the window and all i wanted was that hot body of hers. She didnt even stop me when my hands groped her breasts from under her tshirt. She moaned,'oh god how long i have wanted to be taken by you'. Those words were music to my ears. I pulled off her tshirt and bra n out pounced those perfect tight tits. Burying my face in them i squeezed her boobs with my hands, she let out a long moan. i groped them harder making them turn a little red. worried i loosened my grip but Sarah asked me to continue saying,' dont worry about marks. he isnt going to see them. We havent fucked in months.'

Sucking on her nipples i started removing her skirt. I touchd the crotch of her panties n they were wet. This had me turned on more but before i could do anyhting she got n pushed me on my back.Naughtily she taking my pants off, saying, ‘ lets see what is this cock that so many women want'. the pants n boxers drop n out sprang my 7 inch thick cock. She looked at it amazed,winked at me and began taking my cock in her mouth. Oh the feeling as her mouth moved over it,tongue moving,cheeks sucking. I was in heaven,eyes closed, lying down while she worked wonders with her mouth. In the heat of moment i grabbed her hair,half expecting her to resist. when i didnt get any, I started moving her head slowly up n down on my cock. she was not used to this size i think coz she wasnt able to deepthroat it. SLowly i started guiding her deeper. She would choke once in a while but didnt stop me. I ordered her to look at me. her looking in my eyes while my cock was her mouth just drove me mad. I wanted her cunt.I pulled her off my cock n put her on the couch. Off came her panties,all soaking wet. Her hairless pussy was glistening as i imagined it had been a long time since she had been fucked.
She asked me if I was safe n i was.

‘Then raw but dont '
Thats all i needed to hear. I spread her legs. i knew she badly needed it n I was enjoying it as well. I wanted it to last long enough for her to want it more.
So i started off slowly. Which was good as the slut was very very tight. Her face contorted in pleasure n pain as the tip entred her.
‘The biggest u have taken?',I asked.
‘Oh by very far',she repleid shakingly.

Torturously slowly i take time introducing aorund 5 inches in her. Its teasing for her but i can feel her cunt tighten in anticiaption. The slut was dripping wet.I picked up the pace fucking her harder n deeper with each thrust. Her moans got louder as i rammed into her tight cunt.Her pussy was making squelchy sounds as my thick cock pounded without mercy into her. She was slapping the couch under her as her body orgasmed,squeezing around my cock like a vice.Her body shaked as she came as i enjoyed the pulses of her pussy. As it subsided she lay there exhausted n satisfied. I pulled my cock out,all covered in her juices. Now was the time to really her. She didnt offer any resistance when i turned her on her stomach n got her on all fours. i lined up my cock to her pussy n asked' want to be fucked like a dirty bitch?'
She turned to look at me n nodded.

I slowly slid in,making her moan again. giving her barely a minute to get used to it, i started pounding into her like a crazy dog. he moans started turning into loud sounds of pleasure. i had to cup her mouth. Didnt want the neighbours to find out.I continued to fuck her like this for anoother 20 minutes. 2 more body thrashing orgasms later,i pull my cock out of her messy pussy.She collapses on the floor.I knew the state of mind she was in. Pleasure senseless. i offered her my throbbing cock n she just opned her mouth. i mouth fucked for some more time before unloading in her mouth. Sh swallowed evry drop like a good slut.
once the sex craze had worn off, she kissed me n told me i had to leave as Tim will be home soon.
‘We gonna do this again?'I asked.
‘Oh yes i need to. want more of this' She replied.

Thats what i needed to hear. This is going to be a lot of fun, i thought as i left the house. The idea of her turning into my slut was now very possible.There is a different arousal of turning a wife into slut and i was looking forward to it.

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