Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

Meet with Bangalore Female Story Reader

Hello everyone I am praveen 25 years guy from Bangalore.  I am starting this story from the middle. The hour needle in the clock has touched 12. It’s midnight. Vidya was breathing and moaning heavily in a pitch-dark room. We are in Vidya’s friends flat. Vidya had boozed and was on top of me, thrusting … Read more

First time with professor

This is the story of the first time I was fucked,  I lost my virginity to my school science professor I was a good student scoring good marks in every subject but science was never my cup of tea but I used to manage to get passed somehow but I was failing this time nd … Read more

A series of story how her hate turned to the evening she would never forget

Hi! This is Sarika. I’m writing this story about the guy I hated… made me go on knees for him. Currently in my master’s, I have a quite funky figure of 36,34,40, a bit bulged tummy. Adi, the guy who was the showstopper of my class, getting attention from each and every girl was quite … Read more

Submitting to my bully – Part 1

This is a story about Ritu and how her Bully Dinesh blackmailed her into submission. Hello ,i am Ritu a 20 year old collee girl,I am lonely girl on college concentrating mostly on studies,since i got no friends i constantly got bullied,my main bully isDinesh a very muscular guy,taller than me always rude to me … Read more

Jasmine Flower To Red Flower

After few days there is a party happened as a treat for chairman son marriage. Party is happening in the night in the college ground and we all are enjoying and staff came to control the students if anyone is behaving more than normal.

An old professors

Hy I’m era I’m a college student studying in nyc UniversityI’m an Indian with big titts Our college have a uniform of white shirt and black skirt but our college provides us that we can’t buy it on our own the average size of the shirt in nyc was tight on my tits but they … Read more

I let my bullies use my wife – Part 1

I was doing good in life by the time I was 33yrs old. I was a reputed professor in a good college. With a house and a decent car. I got married a couple of years back to a beautiful young woman, Lilly, who is 24 years old. She was my student when I first … Read more

Sex in my room

Hi , i am prakrutha. Now i am 23. I am a charming beautiful girl. I was naughty too. My friends say, I had a sexy figure and attractive eyes. Everyone in my class used to talk about my body measurements. It is 36-28-30 perfect size and shape. Anyone can visible my boobs if i … Read more