Cards make brother sister horny

The story starts with our introduction I am Rahul a 19 year old athletic guy and my elder sister Niharika 20 year old having 36d-26-36 figure with thick thighs, we have been close to each other due to sharing same room I have seen her in her undies while she was changing secretly , and … Read more

Romance with virgin sister

Hi, I’m Avi, and I want to share my true story about my younger sister, Siddhi. This story dates back to a decade ago when I was 24 years old, and Siddhi was 19. After Siddhi completed her schooling in our hometown, it became clear that she needed better educational opportunities that weren’t available there. … Read more

Mom deals with her forbidden desire for her son

Mom deals with her forbidden desire for her son My name is Samantha Hart but my friends call me Sam. I’m a single mother with two kids. My daughter Jessi, is just finishing up her second year of college while my son Nick just graduated from high school. I was 18 and just out of … Read more

A boy’s first time should be with his Mom

A boy’s first time should be with his Mom Cast of Characters: Jake — Our hero Judy — His loving mother Janet, AKA “Aunt Janet”– His loving stepmom, indisputable matriarch of the family Jenny — His half sister and only child of Janet – a stunning beauty. Jake’s protector Steve — His father, known for … Read more

My Big Boobed Younger Sister

This is based on my experience. I was 22 when this incident happened. My sister Lakshmi was 19. It took place during midsummer when Lakshmi was preparing for her entrance exams. In our moderately wealthy household, there was always protein-rich food. Most days you will find good fish and meat. Lakshmi likes chicken. Her figure … Read more

A brother and sister practice role-playing

A brother and sister practice role-playing WHEN I GOT MY NEW JOB at an ad agency early last year, I rented a nice two-bedroom apartment in a suburban neighborhood about a 20-minute bus ride from the center of town. It was during the pandemic, so I set up my second bedroom as an office, since … Read more

Husband plans to be cuckolded by wifeโ€™s brother

Husband plans to be cuckolded by wife’s brother The characters in this story are Indian and the dialogues have few Hindi words sprinkled between predominantly English words. I hope the Hindi words add more authenticity for readers familiar with the language. The rest of the English dialogues should make this readable for other readers. All … Read more

Brother-Sister discover more than the joys of sex together

In the days before streaming porn, scoring a VHS tape loaded with grainy, thrice copied porn felt like winning a jackpot. If it was recorded at SLP speeds, that could mean anywhere from four to six hours of hot, steamy porn for your jerking pleasure. Best of all? When the person making the copy took … Read more

Bro and sis keep a promise, Mom and dad make it better

This is my first story for Sex4stories. All characters are 18 or older of course and any and all thought or actions of sexual nature occur after that age. Any and all comments are encouraged and welcome. I’ve heard it said truth will always be stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense. I’m … Read more

A young man and his sister spend the day at the beach

When the weather is fantastic and the whole family is free, a beach day is obviously going to happen. Mom and grandma prepped the food, dad and grandpa got the car ready, I gathered all the beach games, and Jenny…well Jenny went to the beach with her friends. It wasn’t ideal but I got it. … Read more

Brother caught sister by browser history

Hello guys this is Rahul. I’m 23 years young good looking person. This is the story how I fuck my sister. Ok let’s go to the story. My sister name is Akhila. She is 21 years with gorgeous and attractive look. She is 5.7 inch tall and her size is 34d-30-36. My favourite part is … Read more

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