Step siblings can’t deny their sexual attraction

Ben was sitting on the sofa with his step-sister Claire. Even though their parents were out of town for almost two weeks, they both ended up dateless on that first Friday night and were watching a movie together. Ben was home from his first year at college and Claire was back from her second year at college for the summer. She was sitting there dressed in an old, white V-neck t-shirt and a blue lace thong. Ben was only wearing his boxer briefs. He couldn't help but notice her long bare legs and the outline of her breasts and nipples showing through her top. Ben knew he shouldn't be looking at his step-sister that way but he was a nineteen-year-old guy who was constantly horny. Besides, Claire was almost twenty-one. She is cute and tall and was a decent volleyball player with an athletic build. Ben remembers checking her out in her tight volleyball shorts and how firm her ass is.

Their parents have been married for five years. Ben's mom had substance abuse issues and was cheating on his dad to help pay for the drugs. His dad, Ben Sr., couldn't take it anymore and finally filed for a divorce. Ben was traumatized by the divorce, from watching his mom go through her problems, and was happy to be living with his dad living a normal life again.

Claire's mom, Sherry, caught her dad cheating with his secretary multiple times even after marriage counseling. She threw him out of the house when she caught him cheating again even after he promised his affair was over. Claire missed her dad but understood why her mother had to divorce him.

It was difficult for both Ben and Claire to see their parents dating other people and it was even more difficult when they started getting serious with each other. It didn't come as a surprise to Ben when his father got engaged. He knew his dad was happier with Sherry and seemed to, and, gave, adjust to the thought of having a step-mom. Ben was getting older and didn't want his dad to be lonely when he left for college in a few years.

It was a different story for Claire. She was always a daddy's girl and hoped her parents would eventually get back together. She made life miserable for everyone after the marriage when they all started living together. Claire didn't like anyone, including Ben. She was also a normal teenage girl with her hormones raging and mood swings. The situation didn't make it any easier.

Eventually, Claire and Ben started to adjust and they became not only friends but best friends. Ben was good in math and science so he helped Claire in those subjects while she was good in literature and history so she tutored her step-brother. They looked out for each other and developed a very close relationship. They were so close that some people thought they were blood siblings because he had blonde hair and blue eyes just like Claire.

When Claire went off to college, Ben missed her but also enjoyed being the only child until she came back that first summer. Things seemed to change for Ben and Claire that first summer when she came back home. Ben had just turned eighteen and his body filled out. He was a late bloomer and was happy he now had more muscles and was a couple of inches taller. He was also more popular with the girls at school.

Claire noticed the change in Ben immediately when she walked in the door. She couldn't believe how much he'd changed. Her step-brother was over six feet tall with a muscular body. He wasn't an athlete in high school but began working out with buddies when they were getting picked on in school last year.

Ben also looked at Claire differently. He wasn't sure if it was because he was older or the fact they hadn't seen each other since winter break but his eyes scanned his step-sister's body from her long blonde hair to her beautiful face and blue eyes to her full 36c breasts. She was wearing booty shorts that showed off her long, athletic legs and firm ass. He had to stop himself from thinking impure thoughts.

After all the hugs from their parents and Ben greeting Claire, he took her suitcases upstairs to her bedroom. As they were climbing the stairs, Claire's ass was practically in Ben's face. He couldn't help but stare at how her ass twitched from side to side as she went up each step. Ben scolded himself for staring at her ass but the devilish side of him marveled at its perfection. Her ass was firm but still round enough to fill out a pair of shorts, her cheeks peeking out from the bottoms. He had to fight his desire to reach out and squeeze her ass but they finally reached the second floor and he placed her luggage on the bed.

They started talking as Claire unpacked her clothes and put them in her dresser. Ben watched his step-sister closely as they talked about his senior year, prom, upcoming graduation, and college plans. Ben was able to get a glimpse down Claire's shirt at her hanging breasts when she leaned forward to get clothes out of her suitcases and checked out her ass again when she bent over to put them away.

Throughout that summer, Ben and Claire didn't see a lot of each other between working and their social lives but they did have some days and evenings when it was just the two of them. Their parents took advantage of having older children and began to do things on their own like vacationing by themselves or simply socializing with their friends.

Claire always thought of Ben as her little brother and was casual about the way she dressed in front of him. It was common for her to walk around the house in the mornings or late at night in a sleep shirt or oversized t-shirt. Sometimes Ben would be able to see through the material and get a glimpse of his step-sister's panties when the light was behind her. He always noticed the way her breasts bounced when not constrained by a bra and it was even better when he could see the outline of her nipples or the way they poked through the shirt when they were hard. Ben tried to make sure he was in the kitchen when Claire came down for breakfast because he would sometimes get a peek at her ass while she bent over in the refrigerator or when her shirt would lift when she reached for something on the top shelf of the cupboard.

After a few weeks, Claire began to realize her brother might be looking at her differently and she began to tease him on purpose. One morning after their parents had left for work, Ben let Claire shower first before they each went to work. He patiently waited in his room for her to finish. When Claire was done, she came into his room with a towel wrapped around herself to let him know he could now use the bathroom. Ben couldn't help but think of Claire's naked body under the towel. It barely covered her ass and pussy. He tried not to stare at her long legs and bare feet. He covered his crotch with his hands to hide his growing erection. It seemed like Claire was waiting for him to get up before she left but he didn't want her to think he was a pervert for getting hard seeing her in just a towel. Claire just kept talking to him and even sat down on the foot of the bed. He kept trying to get a glimpse of her pussy but she had her hand covering herself.

Even though he wanted his step-sister to stay, he had to get to work too. Ben didn't want to ask her to leave. Finally, she stood up to leave and when she rose, her towel accidentally came apart and fell to the floor. Ben's eyes widened and he stared at her gorgeous tall, lean, athletic body. Her tits were magnificent, firm, and round. Her nipples were dark and hard. Claire had a fair amount of neatly trimmed hair around her pussy but her lips were visible. He got a great view of her ass when she bent over at the waist to pick up the towel. Ben's face got red from the excitement of seeing his stark naked, the embarrassment of what he was thinking, and how he was staring at her.

Claire picked up her towel and walked out of the room without wrapping it around her again and said, “Well, we're siblings so I guess it doesn't matter that you saw me naked.”

Ben hurried to the bathroom to jump in the shower and he jerked off while in there dreaming about his sister's naked body. From that day forward, he looked at Claire much differently than before. While he had seen glimpses of her body parts previously, that was the first time he saw her completely naked and he would never forget it.

Things changed for Claire too. She noticed Ben hiding an erection and felt a little bad for arranging to drop her towel in front of him, making things harder for him in more ways than one. Claire liked the idea of teasing Ben and it turned her on thinking he would probably jerk off from seeing her naked. She felt bad for torturing him like that but not bad enough to stop her from doing it again. Whenever she had the chance, Claire would let Ben see her in her underwear, or give him peeks up her skirts or down her shirts. She even began to leave her bedroom door open just a little in the mornings when she was getting dressed. More than once she would look into her mirror and see Ben standing outside her door trying not to get caught peeping in on her.

When Claire knew Ben was watching, she would brush her hair in the mirror, giving him a view of her from the front and back. She would also apply body lotion to her long legs and torso making sure she had her legs open facing the door and taking time to play with her nipples. When Ben wasn't fucking one of his girlfriends fantasizing it was Claire, he'd be jerking off at the thought of being with his step-sister and all the things he wanted to do to her naked body.

Claire was also having impure thoughts about Ben. She would masturbate to the thought of him watching her and knowing he wanted to do sexual things with her. Ben was growing up from a boy to an attractive man and she noticed he was now a hunk. When she was getting fucked by some of her boyfriends, Claire's thoughts would sometimes drift into wondering what it would be like to fuck Ben. She would then feel guilty and try to get those thoughts out of her head but they kept reappearing out of her control.

Towards the end of the summer, things were silently heating up between Ben and Claire. He began to wear swim briefs around their pool instead of the type that looked like shorts. That's when Claire noticed his muscular body more, especially his six-pack abs, full chest, and biceps. She couldn't take her eyes off the obvious lump in his tight briefs. Her step-brother was pretty well hung. They would apply suntan lotion on each other's backs, doing it slowly to make sure every inch was covered. A couple of times Ben got close to Claire's breasts along her sides. Part of her wanted to raise her torso and give him access to her tits but she thought better of it. He secretly wished he could get his hands on her luscious tits too.

Eventually, the summer of teasing came to an end and Claire returned to college and Ben began his freshman year at another school. When Ben was doing a load of laundry before leaving for his first year at college, he found a pair of Claire's panties mixed in with his clothes. He wondered how they got in his laundry hamper. He couldn't help but wonder if Claire left him a going-away present. Ben kept her panties to use when he jerked off. Sometimes he would feel them as he stroked himself thinking of her ass and pussy in them. Other times he would rub himself off with them. He liked the feel of the satin material against his dick.

Over the course of his first semester, Ben had his fair share of sex with different girls but his thoughts still drifted back to Claire. They would video chat with each other and sometimes she'd be in her bra and panties or a t-shirt with no bra which would fuel Ben to jerk off when they were done. Ben would be shirtless and show off his muscular chest and broad shoulders. He didn't realize that Claire would sometimes use her vibrator pretending it was her step-brother.

When they were both home for winter break, their mutual teasing continued. This time it was Ben that walked into Claire's room with a towel wrapped around his lower body after taking a morning shower to tell her the bathroom was now free. Claire was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her panties in full view and her sleep shirt hanging down revealing most of her tits.

She looked up at Ben and said, “You must still be working out. You look like you have even more muscles than this summer. You must be pretty popular with the ladies.”

“Yeah, I found a couple of gym rats I became friends with. They've helped me with my routine. The ladies seem to like the results too if you know what I mean.”

“I know exactly what you mean, Ben,” Claire replied while her eyes scanned her step-brother's body.

Ben then said, “Anyway, the bathroom is all yours,” then his towel accidentally fell to the floor.

Claire sat there and stared at Ben's seven-inch, cut, half-hard cock. He then bent over to pick it up from the floor while his step-sister stared at his firm, tan-lined ass.

As he was leaving, Ben said, “Well, we're siblings so I guess it doesn't matter that you saw me naked,” in a clear reference to what she said when she dropped her towel in front of him.

Claire played with her nipples and pussy while in the shower while thinking devilish thoughts about Ben. Before leaving for work, Claire grabbed her vibrator from her nightstand when she got back to her room and used it to bring herself to an orgasm. For the first time, Claire was on the receiving end of Ben teasing her.

Things weren't always sexual between Ben and Claire, they would go out to dinner, catch a movie or watch TV together when they weren't out on dates. They enjoyed each other's company and their parents were happy that they had a close relationship. It was nice to have someone from the opposite sex to turn to when they needed relationship advice on the people they were each dating. Sometimes, Ben or Claire would make fun of their 's choices for romance, and more often than not, they were correct in their assessments. Ben even offered to pre-screen Claire's choices of men because she was going through a string of bad dates when they returned to their colleges for the spring semester.

Ben and Claire would video chat several times per week and they looked forward to talking with each other. They were there to offer emotional support to each other, and to share their college experiences with their best friend. They even discussed the possibility of Ben transferring to the same college as Claire so they could share expenses and cut down on some living costs.

When they both got home in mid-May, they were thrilled to see each other in person again and greeted each other with a long, sincere hug bypassing their parents who became second and third in line for an embrace. Instead of dining with their parents, Claire and Ben made plans to go out on their own to catch up even though they had been video chatting regularly. Their parents were disappointed not to be invited but they were happy that their children were getting along so well.

As they were talking over dinner, Ben couldn't help but notice how beautiful his step-sister was. He knew this before but there seemed to be something different about her. Maybe it was that she was older now, almost twenty-one and looking more like a young woman than a pretty girl. His eyes kept darting down to her cleavage and he was recalling seeing her naked and hoping it would happen again someday. He could only wish.

Claire was complaining to Ben about all of the jerks she seemed to attract when dating. She had only been in one semi-serious relationship and was frustrated that she hadn't found a decent guy yet.

Claire noticed Ben staring at her and asked, “Why do you keep looking at me like that?”

“I'm sorry Claire, you're such a beautiful woman and a loving, caring person. The right guy will come along eventually. It will probably happen when you least expect it.”

“Ahhhh, you're so sweet. Any woman would be lucky to have you, Ben. That's what I love about you, you're always so supportive.”

Claire also noticed how mature Ben had gotten during his freshman year in college. Being away from home probably helped but he continued to fill out physically also. He was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed off his muscular chest, broad shoulders, and biceps. Claire even teased him about the women in the restaurant checking him out.

Ben smiled and said, “Some women like me for my body, I get that. Don't get me wrong, it's helped my sex life but I'm still looking for that special person too.”

“Until that happens, I guess we're stuck with each other, Ben.”

He laughed and replied, “There are worse people to be stuck with I guess.”

“Gee, thanks a lot,” Claire jokingly replied.

“You know what I mean.”

Claire responded, “I know what you meant but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with you.”

That is what Ben and Claire loved about each other. They could playfully make fun of one another, share their deepest secrets, give advice to each other and share their fears and disappointments. They were best friends in addition to being step-siblings.

As they were leaving the restaurant, Claire asked, “Why can't I find a guy like you? Any woman would be lucky to have you.”

Ben laughed and replied, “There's only one of me so you'll have to settle for second best, I guess.”

Claire shook her head and laughed too. She should have expected that response but she meant what she said, Ben was an awesome guy; too bad they were related. Claire's statement made Ben think too. He was hoping to find a girl as pretty and down to earth as his step-sister; someone he could talk to about anything, laugh with and enjoy being around without the drama or game playing.

Things were almost back to normal with both siblings back at home for the summer. They each socialized with their friends, got together with family, and dated. When each of them had a date the other couldn't wait for their sibling to get home so they could hear all about what happened. Most times, they wouldn't talk until the morning after their parents went to work. Neither Ben nor Claire were shy about telling the other if they had sex with their dates and if they were any good. More often than not, the sex was okay but nothing spectacular. The one thing that did change that summer is both Ben and Claire started to get a bit jealous when the other was going on a date and especially if they had sex.

Before one of Claire's dates, Ben half-jokingly asked, “So which loser are you going out with tonight? Please tell me it isn't Jerry. He's a loser if there ever was one.”

“What's wrong with Jerry? He's a nice guy.”

“He's a jerk.”

Claire was a little angry at Ben for putting down her date like that but when she got home early she had to admit that Ben was right, Jerry was boring and a jerk. Ben took pride in being right and wasn't shy about letting his sister know that she should have taken his advice.

When Ben was going on a date with Lynn, Claire wasn't shy about letting him know that she thought Lynn wasn't very smart and couldn't hold a decent conversation with anyone.

When Claire said Lynn just liked to sleep around Ben replied, “Why do you think I'm going out with her? A man has needs too.”

“Oh, you're such a man whore Ben.”

The next morning Ben admitted to Claire that Lynn wasn't very bright but was good in bed. It got to the point when either one of them was going out on a date, the other would be critical of the other person. They didn't think anyone was good enough for their sibling. They even introduced people to each other as part of a game. Both Ben and Claire thought they would be better at picking a date for the other person. Claire and Ben weren't having any romantic connections anyway so they figured it couldn't hurt. However, it also didn't help. Neither one of them liked the person their sibling picked for them so they continued to casually date on their own.

They also continued to tease each other by letting the other see them partially or fully nude at times under the pretense of it being an accident. At breakfast when their parents weren't home, Claire began to wear more sheer tops without being too blatant but sheer enough to show off her lovely breasts to Ben. Her t-shirts got shorter to the point where her panties weren't even hidden anymore. Ben never acknowledged his step-sister's new boldness but enjoyed the views of seeing her breasts, her satin-covered ass with her cheeks hanging out the side, or the sight of her pubic hair through the front of her underwear.

Ben knew exactly what Claire was doing, she seemed to like teasing his friends whenever they were at the house by wearing skimpy clothing. All of his friends had a crush on Claire. He was well aware that she was teasing him with her young, nubile, athletic body. He figured that two can play that game and began coming to breakfast in only his boxer-briefs that revealed the seven-inch bulge in them. Sometimes the bulge would reveal his half-hard excitement too, causing Ben to struggle to get his mind off his step-sister's body so he wouldn't get a full-blown erection.

One morning when their parents left for a vacation, Ben came downstairs for breakfast, Claire was wearing a coral-colored lace babydoll with a matching thong. It wasn't completely see-through but just enough to see her nipples and thong underneath if he looked closely enough. Her breasts were practically falling out of the top. Ben hadn't gotten laid in about a week and as soon as he saw Claire he got an erection. He tried to hide his condition by quickly sitting down. Claire wondered what was going on because Ben wanted her to bring him a cup of coffee and creamer. She was happy to do it at first but he kept asking her to do things for him, like get a bagel and put it in the toaster, get the cream cheese, and a plate.

After doing some of the things for him, Claire got tired of being a waitress for him and said, “Get up and get it yourself. What's the matter, is your leg broken or something?”

“My leg isn't broken but I have a different problem.”

After Claire kept asking for details, Ben decided to reveal why he didn't want to get up. He rose from his chair and Claire's eyes immediately noticed his full erection in his briefs. She broke out in a burst of nervous laughter much to Ben's embarrassment.

“This is why I didn't want to get up. I knew you'd laugh and it's embarrassing. I'm sorry, I can't control it.”

“Sit down Ben. I'll get your breakfast for you under one condition.”

“What's that?”

“That as soon as we're done eating, you go take care of, um, your condition,” Claire teasingly replied.

“Don't worry, I'll take care of it before work.”

Things didn't get easier for either of them over breakfast. Claire was pleased with the effect she had on her and wondered what her step-brother's erection looked like. She'd seen him naked before but never with a hard-on. Her panties were getting wet thinking about him. Claire had to stop herself from wondering what Ben was like in bed. The more Claire paraded around the kitchen in her satin lingerie, the more Ben looked at her and the hornier he got. Ben was wondering if his sister gave a good blow job or how she was in bed. Those thoughts didn't help his condition either.

After breakfast, Claire said she would clean up so he could go upstairs and shower first, also knowing he was going to masturbate. When Claire went upstairs, she heard the shower going and was tempted to walk into the bathroom to try and catch Ben jerking off. She knew she couldn't do that so she went into her room and pulled out her vibrator. While Ben was jerking off he was thinking of Claire coming into the shower with him to suck his dick, then he would bend her over with the warm water cascading over their naked bodies and he'd fuck her. Simultaneously, Claire was using the vibrator on her pussy thinking of Ben coming into her room and ravishing her body, sucking her sensitive nipples, licking her pussy then fucking hard.

They both left for work without seeing each other. They were texting during the day about having dinner and watching a movie together later that night. That's what brings to that fateful night.

As they were watching a movie that evening, there was sexual tension in the air. They were both stealing glances at each other as they sat there, almost afraid to look at one another. They were drinking their parent's liquor and feeling a buzz. That's when a long, steamy sex scene came on the movie they were watching. That only raised the sexual tension they were both feeling. Their morning masturbation didn't quell the fire in their loins.

Ben reached to pull a pillow over his crotch to hide his growing erection, “Watching this is torture.”

Claire asked, “Holy shit, Ben, are you getting an erection again?”

Claire pulled the pillow away in an attempt to playfully embarrass her step-brother but she was also curious to see the bulge in his briefs. She giggled but was intrigued. Ben made no effort to hide his erection.

“Hey, I'm a guy in my sexual prime. I can't help it. Tell me you aren't getting a little turned on watching this.”

“Well, maybe a little.”

“I don't know about you but I'll take care of it before I go to bed. Don't play little miss innocent, I've heard you using your vibrator in your room so don't pretend you don't masturbate too.”

Claire began to blush but admitted she used her vibrator at times and replied, “Hey, we all do it. There's nothing wrong with it.”

That's when Ben decided to try to push the envelope and asked, “If we're both going to do it tonight, why don't we do it together?”

“You mean in the same room? Wouldn't that be weird?”

“Come on Claire, it'll be fun. We've both seen each other naked before.”

Ben pulled the waistband of his briefs out, silently offering Claire a peek at his hard-on if she so desired. She was naturally curious and leaned in to see his fully erect cock with a drop of precum leaking out of the tip then looked up at Ben and back at his erection.

When Claire continued to look at his cock, Ben pulled off his briefs to expose his hard dick and he began to stroke himself. Claire had a mix of emotions. She was intrigued, excited, nervous and scared all at the same time but couldn't take her eyes off Ben's erect cock. He began to stroke himself slowly in front of Claire. She stared intently as her pussy was getting more damp. Without realizing what she was doing, her hand drifted down between her legs and she started massaging her pussy.

Claire caught herself, stood up, peeled off her t-shirt then her thong, and told Ben, “Follow me.”

Ben followed close behind his step-sister, watching her ass twitch as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom where she laid down on the bed and reached for her vibrator from the nightstand. Ben laid down on the bed next to Claire and began to slowly stroke himself while his step-sister ran the vibrator over her neck, then down her chest, circling her full, round breasts before focusing on her dark, erect nipples.

Ben couldn't take his eyes off her as she traced the vibrator up and down her thighs then ran it along her pussy lips, teasing her clit at the same time. Claire was watching Ben stroke his seven-inch hard on as her moans and buzz from the vibrator filled the room. Performing in front of her naked step-brother while he stroked himself gave Claire a thrill, the likes of which she never felt before. Ben felt the same excitement. Instead of jerking off to a porn video on the Internet or a fantasy image, he liked having a live model masturbating in front of him.

When Claire inserted her vibrator into her pussy, she began to moan louder. She was using one hand to massage her clit but would stop at times to play with her nipples. When her hand returned to her clit, Ben reached out to fondle Claire's breasts with his free hand. She was shocked at first, then felt awkward. Her instinct was to stop Ben from playing with her tits but the pleasure of having her breasts played with while she played with her clit and pussy got the best of her and she let him continue.

The sexual tension between them was higher than their mutual teasing ever caused and in Ben's mind, he wanted to do more with his step-sister than masturbate with her but he also didn't want to push his luck. Claire was equally excited and was trying to control the nasty thoughts going through her mind. She was tempted to replace the vibrator in her pussy with the real dick just inches away from her but Claire wasn't ready to go down that road. She felt guilty enough for even thinking of fucking Ben or letting see her in one of her most private moments.

Things rose to another level when Claire removed her hand from her clit to massage her other breast while Ben played with the other. She loved having both breasts fondled at the same time. However, Ben's hand started creeping down her torso towards her pussy. Claire knew where his hand was headed, knew she should stop him, but felt powerless to object. Ben let his hand drift slowly down towards Claire's pussy giving her ample opportunity to protest but when she remained silent, he continued until he touched her between her legs.

Ben's finger began to rub Claire's clit and she began to buck wildly to his touch. After a minute or two, she began to orgasm. It was an orgasm made more intense by their mutual teasing of each other for a long time and the sheer naughtiness of what they were doing. After Claire caught her breath, Ben took her hand and placed it around his dick. She instinctively began to stroke her step-brother's dick. Claire had wondered what it felt like but had resisted touching it before. She even wondered what it tasted like or felt like in her pussy but was too scared to go further. There was plenty of pre-cum leaking from the tip and if this was any other boy, Claire would have licked it off by now. Heck, if this was someone other than her step-brother, Claire would have sucked and fucked him a long time ago. Ben's cock was larger than average and she understood why he was popular with the ladies.

When Ben began to breathe faster and moan louder, Claire knew he was ready to cum and picked up the pace of her hand movements. He was thrusting his hips in rhythm to her strokes and grunted loudly. Ben's cock began to spasm, then he shot a huge load of cum onto his step-sister's stomach and tits. Ben kept cumming and cumming, shooting wad after wad onto his sister's naked body until his balls were drained dry.

Claire never released his dick from her hand and Ben noticed a look of lust in her eyes. He decided to run his hand between Claire's legs and, once again, finding no resistance, he inserted his finger into her pussy and began to finger fuck her. Claire half-heartedly asked him to stop but instead, began to thrust her hips up to meet his finger. Ben then inserted another finger into his sister while his thumb played with her clit causing Claire to cum again.

With Ben being a horny nineteen-year-old, he was hard again and Claire felt she should return the favor and jerked him to his second orgasm too. This one took longer than the last but she also got to play with his cock that much longer until he came again, leaving a second load on her stomach and breasts.

There was an awkward silence until Claire said, “I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.”

“Yeah, uh, I think I will too.”

Claire had a mix of emotions. She was tired, felt guilty for what she had just done but also excited by the sheer naughtiness of what just happened with Ben. It was so but that's also what made it so much fun. She never had a guy care as much about her needs to bring her to two orgasms either. Ben didn't feel as guilty; he was more worried about Claire. He wanted to fuck his step-sister but knew she wasn't ready for that. That is probably the difference between a teenage young man and a woman. It was awkward the next morning at breakfast. Claire was dressed more modestly but Ben felt comfortable in his boxer briefs.

Ben mentioned, “I had fun last night. I hope you're okay.”

“I think we both got carried away last night. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but it can never happen again, Ben.”

“I understand, Claire.”

Claire didn't want to admit, even to herself, that she secretly wanted things to progress further. Ben was disappointed because he was hoping for more of the same action or more, seeing his parents were going to be gone for several more days. They were both quiet during breakfast, then went about their day.

On Saturday night, Ben and Claire decided to have a small party with several friends, nothing too wild but with music, liquor, and swimming in the pool. They almost felt obligated to have a party with their parents out of town. Things were pretty normal, with some single friends and couples invited. Everyone was having a good time partying.

Early in the evening, Claire's best friend, Lisa, came up to her and said, “I can't believe how great your little brother looks. I don't remember him having all those muscles. Damn, he looks good.”

“Yes, he certainly has grown up.”

“I remember he always had a crush on me but he was too young and nerdy but now….”

“Come on now Lisa, he's my little brother.”

There was a definite hint for Lisa to stay away from Ben but she was too curious to let Claire's feelings get in the way of her horniness. Lisa began flirting with Ben and Claire saw them making out in the pool. Lisa was wearing a tiny string bikini that caught Ben's attention too. Claire was annoyed with her friend for putting the moves on her brother. Drinks kept flowing and Ben and Lisa kept making out. They were in the pool then Claire lost sight of them. After about an hour, Claire went looking for them and saw them coming out of Ben's bedroom. Claire told Ben she wanted to talk to Lisa so Ben said he'd meet her downstairs.

“Did you just fuck my brother?”

“Not that it's any of your business, but yeah and it was fantastic. He's got a great body and is hung too. I wish I would have known that years ago.”

‘I can't believe you just fucked my brother. You're my best friend.”

“What's that got to do with anything? He's old enough to make his own decisions. Besides, if he were my step-brother I'd fuck his brains out every day. He's cute, hung, and great in bed.”

Claire replied, “Nevermind,” and stormed off.

Lisa decided to leave and Ben confronted his sister about what happened. He couldn't understand why she was so mad but didn't want to get into an argument during what was supposed to be a party. Things seemed to be going smoothly until Ben saw Claire flirting with his best friend, Ronnie. Ronnie had a crush on Claire for the longest time and he was practically drooling over seeing her in her booty shorts and bikini top. When Ben saw them sneaking upstairs, he knew Claire was going to fuck him. He was pissed at his sister because he knew she never liked Ronnie. He thought Claire was just getting revenge for him fucking Lisa. Ben realized that he was jealous of someone else fucking his sister and that may have been her problem with him and Lisa hooking up.

Ben and Claire didn't speak the rest of the night. The next morning at breakfast things were cool between the two of them. Ben tried to talk about the night before but Claire was giving him the silent treatment which frustrated him even more. He kept trying to talk to Claire but she kept giving him the cold shoulder. They ate breakfast in silence.

When Claire was getting up to leave the kitchen table, Ben told her, “You know what your problem is? You are jealous that I fucked Lisa.”

“Fuck you, Ben.”

“No, fuck you, Claire.”

They both stormed off to get ready for work.

Neither of them could get their minds off their dispute while at work. It was distracting but it's not like they never argued before. At some point, they would get over whatever was bothering them and become best friends again.

Ben was relieved when he got a text message from Claire, “We need to talk. I'll make us dinner tonight

“Yes, I'd like that, Claire.”

That evening at dinner, Claire wore a flirty, short summer dress. It wasn't a sexy dress but she looked sexy in it. She looked good in almost anything. Ben wore a tight polo shirt and shorts. Ben decided he wasn't going to talk about what happened the last few nights, he would let Claire guide the conversation. They both started drinking while Claire was cooking dinner and continued drinking throughout their meal.

While they were eating, Claire said, “I think we need to talk about what's gone on between us over the last few days. This is very difficult for me because there are so many thoughts going through my mind.”

“If it makes you feel better, Claire, I'm going through the same thing myself. I think it's taken us both by surprise.”

“The other night when we ended up in my bedroom, well, this is difficult for me to say, it was one of the hottest things I've ever done and it wasn't even full sex. Part of me wanted to have sex with you but the other part of me told me it was wrong because you're my brother.”

“I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I've never wanted to have sex with anyone so bad in my life, but I didn't want to push you into something neither one of us was ready for. The last thing I would want is for you to think I took advantage of you.”

“I was just as much at fault as you, Ben. I know I've been teasing you for a long time. I liked the attention but I didn't realize I was teasing myself too.”

“You sure have been teasing me. You have no idea how often you caused me to jerk off, you cocktease. I almost came in my pants that day you dropped your towel.”

“Now wait a minute, Ben, you did the same to me and you walk around the house in just your boxer briefs.”

“That was just payback.”

They were both laughing at each other. Their open and honest conversation broke the ice.

“One more thing, Ben. I think I really was jealous last night. I couldn't stand the thought of Lisa have sex with you.”

“What about you and Ronnie? I was pissed you slept with him. ”

“That was me being drunk and having revenge sex. I might regret that for a long time.”

“You made Ronnie's dreams come true.”

“Please, let's not talk about that.”

Ben then asked, “So, if you were jealous, so jealous that you had revenge sex with my best friend, does that mean..”

“I don't know what that means, Ben. Let's just play it by ear and see what happens.”

“It's a deal, Claire.”

They cleaned up the dishes after dinner and settled in to have a relaxing evening watching a movie. There was still a nervous tension in the room even though they cleared the air earlier. Claire had her feet up against the edge of the coffee table, her dress hiked up a little and Ben kept stealing glances at her long athletic legs. When he got up to get them more to drink, he got a perfect view up her dress to her panties. Ben tried to put the sexual thoughts out of his head but his teenage dick was winning out.

About halfway through the movie, Claire suggested they get more comfortable and went to change. Ben wasn't sure how he should dress but decided to act like nothing happened between them and decided to wear his boxer briefs as usual. He was the first to return to the sofa, waiting anxiously for his step-sister to return. Ben wasn't disappointed when Claire came into the family room wearing a blue lace babydoll. He could see Claire's brown nipples and her matching blue lace thong underneath when he looked closely. She casually sat down next to Ben and turned the movie back on. Ben could smell Claire's perfume which she wasn't wearing previously. When she sat down and crossed her legs, Claire's entire leg, thigh, and half her ass were visible, making it impossible for Ben to concentrate on the movie. He could see plenty of side boob too. Ben couldn't believe his step-sister was cockteasing him again after their earlier conversation.

Being a constantly horny young man, Ben began to get an erection but this time he made no effort to conceal his growing problem. It was Claire's turn to get more drinks and Ben watched her walk to the kitchen not knowing if he could control himself any longer. He was checking out Claire's round, tight ass, and long athletic legs. When she returned he could see her hard nipples, taut abs, and thong. When she leaned over, he could see her full breasts. That's when Claire noticed his erection.

“Damn Ben, do you always have a hard-on?”

“No, usually only when someone is cockteasing me.”

“Um, maybe I'm not teasing.”

It took a second for Ben to process what Claire just said, then got a big grin on his face and replied, “Hey sis, I'm game for anything you want.”

“I think I'm going up to bed now,” Claire said as she started to walk away.

Claire knew Ben was watching her every move and gave her ass a very enhanced wiggle. When she got to the bottom of the staircase, she turned her head, gave Ben a wicked smile, and walked slowly up the stairs. Ben didn't need any more encouragement and was close behind her and playfully smacked her ass that was now practically in his face.

When they got to Claire's bedroom, Ben still wasn't sure what she had in mind but he was hopeful that it was more than a but that wouldn't be a bad end to the evening either. Claire went to the side of her bed, turned around, and paused. She looked longingly at Ben who was scanning her luscious body in her babydoll. Damn, she looked gorgeous. Claire seemed to be offering herself to Ben and wanting him to take charge so he approached her, took her in his arms, and began to run his hands over her satin lace-covered body. He loved the feel of her body covered in the satiny material and took his time to enjoy it. Claire melted to his touch and clutched his muscular buttocks through his briefs as his erection pressed against her thigh. Ben knew he was in for a memorable night when Claire began to moan when he nuzzled her neck.

As Ben slowly pulled up the babydoll over Claire's head, she raised her arms to help him slip it off, almost as a sign of surrendering herself to him. She took a deep breath lifting her chest, offering her breasts to her step-brother. Ben took the hint and began to fondle her breasts and alternately suck on her nipples. Claire's hand found Ben's dick and began to rub him through his boxer briefs. Ben's hand clutched Claire's ass while he sucked on her tits.

After several minutes of fondling each other, Ben had Claire get onto the bed while he stripped off his underwear, his hard cock bobbing in the air before her. As Ben placed his hands on each side of Claire's thong, she lifted her hips so he could easily slide them down her legs leaving them both naked. Ben began sucking and playing with his step-sister's breasts marveling at her form and beauty before slowly working his way down her athletic body. He kissed, licked, and sucked down to her feet, pausing momentarily to kiss and suck on her toes while simultaneously drinking in the sight of her hot pussy. He then worked his way back up the other leg, pausing again to gaze at his naked sister.

Claire moaned as Ben began to kiss and lick around her hot pussy before teasing her lips with his tongue. Her fingers were running through his hair as he pushed her legs back so he had better access and stuck his tongue deep into her pussy. One thing Claire never noticed about her brother was his long tongue. No one had ever tongue fucked her that deeply before. It made her squirm in pleasure as her younger step-brother ate her pussy.

Ben took his time orally pleasing his step-sister, savoring the taste of her juices. He dreamed of this moment for a long time and wasn't going to rush through it now. He also wanted to give Claire the best sex she'd ever had.

When Claire was nice and hot, Ben began to concentrate on her clit, licking, sucking, and gently nibbling on it, bringing her to the edges of an orgasm several times before finally letting her cum, releasing some of her pent up sexual desires. After she came, Ben enthusiastically licked up her juices from her pussy then went to work on her clit again, bringing her to another orgasm. Claire thought he was done but he didn't stop until he licked her to a third orgasm. No other lover spent that much time trying to please her before.

It was now Claire's turn to reciprocate. She was more determined than ever to return the oral favor. She started at Ben's neck, nuzzling and kissing it then worked her way down to lick and suck on his nipples. No girl had ever done that with him before and he never realized how sensitive his nipples were until Claire began to suck on one while pinching the other. Ben had muscular arms, shoulders, and chest which Claire loved to caress.

She licked her way down her step-brother's six-pack abs, feeling his hard cock pressing against her body. Claire spread Ben's legs and began to kiss and lick his inner thighs, driving him wild. He often fantasized about what his sister's lips would feel like wrapped around his dick and the anticipation was killing him. Claire was mouthing her way around his entire crotch area and even held her mouth millimeters from this dick. Her mouth was so close, he could feel her hot breath on his shaft.

It was now Claire's turn to bend her brother's legs back towards his chest giving her better access to his balls. She began to tenderly lick them and even licked the area between his balls and ass. For a moment, Ben thought she was going to give him a rim job but she stopped just short. Claire licked, kissed, tonged, and nuzzled Ben's balls. She then began to lick his balls then started up his shaft, licking it like an ice cream cone with wide swipes of her tongue. Claire turned her head sideways to mouth and lick the shaft but never touching the head. She ran her mouth up and down the shaft until Ben was begging for more.

Claire began to stroke the shaft of Ben's cock, squeezing more pre-cum out of it, and licked it up with the tip of her tongue. She did that a couple of times before giving the head butterfly flicks. Claire then sucked on only the very tip before gradually taking more and more of the head between her lips. As her head began to bob, she took more and more of his dick between her lips until she deep throated him. Claire held his entire dick in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it until she had to come up for air then did it again. Ben was squirming in pleasure on the bed. He was getting the best blow job of his young life and Claire knew it.

Finally, Ben told Claire, “Please stop or I'm going to cum. I want to fuck you so bad.”

“I need you to fuck me too, Ben.”

Claire then laid back on the bed with her legs spread wide open, inviting her step-brother to fuck her. Ben had waited a long time for this moment which he thought would remain only a fantasy. He placed Claire's legs over his shoulders and began to rub his dick up and down her soaking wet pussy. Ben would rub his dick against Claire's clit and watch her squirm, then he would insert only the very tip of his cock into her.

Claire could only take so much of this teasing from Ben and told him, “Fuck me you tease. You've wanted this pussy for a long time so now's your chance.”

“You've wanted this dick for a long time too, sis and here it is.”

With that being said, Ben thrust himself deep into Claire's pussy and began to fuck her slowly while looking deep into her eyes. He saw the look of lust on her face and he patiently fucked his sister. Ben put her legs down off his shoulders and leaned in to kiss Claire and she immediately thrust her tongue into his mouth. This was their first kiss as lovers. They've given each other pecks on the cheek before but this was a deep, long passionate kiss as they slowly made love. Ben wanted to take his time to let this sensation last longer. He didn't know if or when he might get another chance to fuck his step-sister and he wanted to make the most of this opportunity. They might even have regrets later but, for now, he was going to enjoy every second of having his dick in Claire's tight pussy.

They broke their embrace so Claire could get on top so they switched places and now she was in the driver's seat so to speak. She rode his seven-inch cock slowly at first then began to pick up the pace and rode him hard for a few minutes, her tits bouncing wildly until she was out of breath. When Claire slowed down, she fed her breasts to Ben so he could suck on them, then she leaned in to kiss him again.

They switched positions again so Ben could take her from behind. He fondled Claire's ass and spread her cheeks, taking in the view of her asshole and pussy. Ben spanked her a few times before lining himself up and fucking his step-sister hard from behind. He tugged on her long blonde hair and slapped her ass a few times making her cry out in pleasure. They were fucking so hard the sound of their skin slapping together filled the room along with the sloshy sounds of Claire's soppy wet pussy.

When Ben couldn't hold back any longer, he held onto Claire's hips tightly and thrust himself deep into her pussy, unleashing a torrent of cum that was coming from deep down in his balls. Claire could feel his cock spasming inside her and she tightened her pussy muscles on his backward stroke to milk every drop of cum out of him. When he was done cumming, she quickly turned around and licked him clean, savoring the taste of the mixture of her juices and his cum.

Ben told Claire, “That was great. I've dreamed about fucking you for a long time and that was even better than I ever imagined.”

“You really know how to please a woman, Ben. That was awesome. No guy has ever made me cum three times before.”

Ben left to refill their drinks then returned for round two. Neither one of them was ready to call it a night but they took their time as they laid round on Claire's bed, naked, talking and gazing at each other's nude bodies. Ben knew his 5'10” sister had long legs but they looked even longer when she was naked. She even had sexy feet with long toes, perfectly manicured and red-painted nails. Her breasts were soft and ripe. Claire's ass was perfectly formed with well-defined muscular glutes, round but not fat. Seeing them naked left Ben with the uncontrollable urge to grope her cheeks. Claire was, by far, the best-looking girl he ever fucked.

Claire likes athletic men and even though Ben wasn't an athlete, per se, he was lifting weights regularly for a few years now. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and chest muscles, taking time to tease his nipples. Ben also had a taut, muscular ass that Claire sunk her fingers into, then stroked his thighs. The thing she loved most about the suddenly sexual nature of their relationship is just that, it was sexual with no strings attached. Ben was a caring lover with a great body and decently hung.

Their sexual passion led to them fucking and sucking into the wee hours of the morning. Claire and Ben fell asleep in her bed out of sheer sexual exhaustion. When Ben woke up the next morning, Claire had already showered and made breakfast in the kitchen. He showered too and found her wearing only a t-shirt and nothing else. Ben was wearing his boxer briefs as usual.

“Good morning,” Ben said.

“Good morning, Ben.”

“That was some night, wasn't it?” Ben asked, trying to feel Claire out to see how she felt.

“Yeah, it was. I'm exhausted. It's a good thing neither one of us has to work today,” she replied.

Ben kept staring at Claire's ass that was peeking out of the bottom of her t-shirt and her jiggling breasts. He had the best sex of his life with Claire the night before and his dick was remembering how good it was and was starting to grow.

As Claire was serving him bacon, eggs, and English muffins, Ben heard those words no guy wants to hear, “We need to talk about last night.”

Over breakfast, Claire explained how what happened last night couldn't be a regular thing no matter how much they both enjoyed it. They were still step-siblings and had to be careful. Ben was nodding his head in agreement the entire time while still focusing on Claire's nipples and cleavage, his dick now completely hard. When he looked down, he could see her lovely, long crossed legs and bare feet. Ben knew his step-sister was naked underneath her t-shirt.

Ben helped clean off the plates when they were done with breakfast and Claire noticed his erection and commented, “My God, Ben. Weren't you listening to a word I said? Look at you.”

“I have no control over when I get an erection? I'm a normal, healthy teenager. What can I say?”

As Claire was putting the dishes in the sink, Ben came up behind her, pressed his hard cock against her ass, slipped his hands around her waist, and said, “Besides, you look so sexy in that t-shirt.”

“Stop it, Ben. I'm serious, we can't be doing this all the time.”

Ben's hands slid up Claire's torso and cupped her breasts while he started to nuzzle her neck.

“Ben, please stop,” Claire said as she started to melt in her step-brother's arms and, without thinking, began to rub her ass back against his hard cock.

Ben slid one hand underneath her t-shirt to fondle her bare breast while he slipped the other between her legs to finger fuck her pussy. Claire's protestations ceased as she began to moan and her juices began to flow.

“Ben, we shouldn't be doing this again.”

“I know, Claire. That's what makes it so much fun.”

Ben then took the bottom of Claire's t-shirt and slipped it over her head. Claire raised her arms to help him strip her of her only piece of clothing. He quickly shed his underwear and laid Claire down on the kitchen table, spreading her legs. He stood between them and leaned forward to suck and play with Claire's tits while rubbing his erection against her pussy. Ben then got down on his knees and began to lick his step-sister's pussy, tongue fucking her first then licking and sucking her clit until she came twice. After they both caught their breath, Ben stood up, placed Claire's legs on his shoulders, and rubbed his cock up and down her wet slit to tease her more.

“You want my dick don't you Claire?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Ben. I want your dick?”

“What do you want me to do with my dick?”

“I want you to fuck me with your hard cock. Fuck me like you did last night.”

Now feeling he teased her and himself enough, Ben slid his dick into his step-sister's now-familiar pussy and began to fuck her hard on the kitchen table. Their skin was slapping together and her tits were bouncing wildly to the hard pummeling Ben was giving her pussy. He came twice last night so Ben was able to last a lot longer that morning. When he was tired of fucking in this position, he bent her over the table. Claire held on tightly to the edges as her step-brother pounded her pussy hard from behind.

“You like my dick don't you Claire?”

“I love your dick, Ben?”

“You want me to fuck you whenever I want don't you Claire?”

“Yes, Ben. I want you to fuck me whenever you want. Fuck me hard, Ben. Fuck me hard.”

Ben wasn't making love to Claire like the first time last night; he was giving her pussy a good, hard fucking. He was slapping her ass and even wet his thumb and stuck it up her ass while he continued to fuck his step-sister hard. She came when feeling the double stimulation of a dick in her pussy and a thumb in her ass. When he came, Ben was even surprised at the amount he unleashed into Claire's pussy, however, he was a young, virile man who was getting a piece of the best pussy he's ever had. The fact that it happened to be from his step-sister made it so taboo and even better.

Claire had similar feelings. She had never had so much fun sexually before. Her step-brother was a skilled lover, even at his young age, and Claire also felt the adrenaline rush of having forbidden sex with him. As much as she tried to deny the sexual pleasure her brother was giving her, it was impossible not to enjoy it.

It wasn't all about sex for Ben and Claire while their parents were away, they also went out to dinner and movies in between socializing with their friends. They were not only growing closer together sexually but as friends also.

Both Claire and Ben took advantage of their parents being away to explore their new found sexual relationship but things cooled off when their parents returned from their vacation. While it was more difficult to get together with their parents around, it didn't stop them completely. Sometimes Ben would sneak into his sister's room after their parents had gone to bed or they'd have a quickie before they each went to work in the morning. Ben and Claire also began to date other people which led to them both being somewhat jealous but they both knew they couldn't be sexually exclusive with each other.

Their secret relationship continued until they both went back to school in late summer. On the night before they were both going to leave home to return to school, they had mixed feelings. They were excited to start another year of school and take another step towards graduating but they were also going to miss each other deeply. They decided to go out to dinner with each other and they had a long discussion about their relationship while eating. They both had things on their minds that they were reluctant to talk about.

“Ben, I think we need to talk about what has gone on between us this summer.”

“I know what you mean, Claire. It's been on my mind too.”

“The sex has been great. I think we both know that Ben but there's more to it than that. I think the difference is that we're best friends and we truly care about each other.”

“I know exactly what you're talking about, Claire. I feel the same way. It's more than just sex with you. I like you a lot and I'd do anything for you.”

“Exactly, Ben but it scares me because we aren't supposed to be doing what we've been doing. We're brother and sister.”

“We're step-brother and step-sister, Claire.”

“What are you saying, Ben?”

Ben then said what each of them was thinking for weeks but didn't want to say it out in the open, “Well, if you weren't my step-sister, oh, never mind.”

“And if you weren't my step-brother there wouldn't be anything wrong with what we are doing and we might even end up dating.”

“I was afraid to say that because I didn't want you to think I was weird or something.”

There was an awkward silence until Ben asked, “So where does that leave us?”

“I don't know. We're both going away for a few months. That'll give us time to figure it out. It's too bad mom and dad are home, you know.”

Ben then suggested, “Why don't we rent a motel room for the evening. We can tell mom and dad we're hanging out with friends.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

They paid their bill and left the restaurant to rent a motel room so they could be alone for a few hours for one more evening before they went their separate ways in the morning. They bought a six-pack of beer to take with them and found a cheap motel. It wasn't a fancy motel but it would serve the purpose of giving Ben and Claire the privacy they sought.

As soon as they closed the door to their room, Ben took Claire in his arms and kissed her, lightly at first, then more deeply. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies in heated passion. They both knew this would be the last time they would be together for a few months, probably until Thanksgiving break. They parted so they could strip off their clothes then returned to embrace and kiss again.

They decided to get into a sixty-nine so they could orally pleasure each other at the same time. Claire straddled Ben's face and lowered herself so he had access to her pussy and clit. As Ben began to lick and tongue fuck his step-sister, Claire began to stroke his shaft while licking her step-brother's balls. Ben would move his hands from Claire's tight ass to play with her breasts and move them back again. Within minutes, Claire was deep throating Ben's dick.

After Claire orgasmed, Ben laid her back on the bed, placed a couple of pillows under her hips, crawled between her outspread legs, and began to fuck Claire. He moved his hips nice and slow. He knew he wouldn't be able to get together with his step-sister for a long time and he wanted to savor this evening and her tight, sweet pussy. Ben kissed Claire deeply as she slid his dick into her. He was making love to her like he did the first time they had forbidden sex together. Claire was moving her hips upwards to meet Ben's thrusts.

Claire wanted her chance to control the rhythm of their sex together and got on top of Ben, riding his cock slowly, then leaning forward to kiss her step-brother and feed him her breasts. When she had enough of their slow fucking Claire began to ride Ben's cock faster, sitting straight up as her breasts bounced. Ben was holding onto Claire's ass as he pushed upwards into her.

When Ben announced he was about to cum, Claire said, “I want to taste you,” climbed off him and stuffed his cock in her mouth just as he unleashed his cum. Claire didn't take her mouth off her step-brother's dick until she sucked every drop of cum out of him.

The night was still young and neither one was ready to go home yet so they had a beer before starting round two. This time Claire sucked and stroked Ben's dick until he was hard again while he fingered her pussy and clit. They then started to fuck in every position they could think of. Ben would take time out to lick Claire's pussy and even brought her to another orgasm before continuing to fuck his step-sister. They licked, sucked, fingered, and fucked for more than an hour before Ben came again.

Ben and Claire knew they both had to get up early to head back to school and they reluctantly got dressed and went home. It was a bittersweet moment for them, realizing they weren't going to see each other for a couple of months. They knew they both were going to see other people while going to separate colleges which made parting all that more painful.

When they got home, their parents were already sleeping. Ben and Claire shared a passionate kiss goodnight and went to their own rooms, although they were tempted to spend the night together.

In the morning, it was agreed that Ben's dad would travel with him to help him move into his dorm room while Claire's mom would accompany her to help her move into an apartment she'd be sharing with friends. Before they all left for their summer-ending trip back to college, they exchanged hugs and kisses with their parents. It was then time for Ben and Claire to say goodbye.

Claire looked at Ben with tears welling up in her eyes, hugged him with a peck on the cheek, and said, “Love you, Ben. I'll miss you.”

“Love you, Claire. I'll miss you too.”

Their parents were proud that they raised their step-children to care so much for each other. Little did they know why Ben and Claire would miss each other so much.

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