Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part 1

Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor.. My name is Max. You’d think that Max is a nickname for Maximillian, but it’s not. It’s actually a nickname for Maximum. My parents were probably high when my twin sister and I were born. My sister’s name is Mini. You guessed it; her real name is Minimum. One explanation might be that our mother was only eighteen when we were born. My dad is fifteen years older and to his credit he stepped up after our birth and married our mom and they have been together ever since. I had a discussion with Mom when were ten about our names asking what were they thinking. Mom simply said, “Max. We were going to name you Micky, so get over it.” That was the last time I ever brought it up.

Our Dad is now Fifty-one and has made a pretty comfortable life for his family from a monetary point of view but he has mostly been absent for my entire life. When he is home, he is off playing golf or otherwise unavailable. Mini and I hardly notice anymore. Our mom never says anything derogatory about him and she has structured a good life for herself and Mini and me.

Mom is thirty-six now and I think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She has kept her figure all these years and she turns heads wherever she goes. She has always dressed very classy with a touch of sexy. She has been my favorite masturbation material since I started at age ten. I have never seen her naked but I have often seen her in a bikini and it doesn’t take much to imagine what she looks like naked.

My twin sister, Mini is very popular in school. She is involved in nearly every after-school program including sports, newspaper, National Honors – you name it. She takes after our mom in that she is very pretty and has a smoking body. I’m the antithesis of her. Even though Mini and I are identical twins and I could pass for her with a good shave, a wig and a burlap sack, I am invisible. I’m not an athlete and even though I’m probably smarter than her, I don’t put any effort into school work and get B’s and C’s while Mini studies hard to get A’s and B’s.

My only interest in life seems to be sex. My mind is consumed by thoughts of sex. My dick seems to always be hard and I masturbated many times every day. Mom or Mini is always knocking on the bathroom door whenever I’m in there whacking-off. Mini yells at me for taking over the bathroom for long periods of time. Mom seems to know what’s going on and is much gentler about suggesting that others needed to use the facilities.

I suspect that Mini is sexually active. She’s always talking to her many friends on her cell-phone and she accidently says things that lead me to my suspicions. Even though we’re twins, we are not close and we don’t talk about things, especially things like sex.

With our dad almost never around, Mom has developed many friendships around the neighborhood and she basically spends her time after taking care of the house visiting there or having them here. Her best friend is our next door neighbor, Nadia. She and her husband are probably a little older than Mom. Her two kids are a few years older than me and have since moved out to college and beyond. Nadia is my second favorite masturbation material. She is gorgeous. There is nothing more erotic to me than a beautiful older woman.

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