Nude family gains a new family member

Who would have ever thought that just being in your own back yard could change the rest of your entire life?

I am a six foot, one hundred eighty pound man with minimal fat yet an average looking male. I live in a neighborhood with homes in pretty close proximity of each other. Yards are separated by three and a half foot tall chain link fencing. The lot immediately behind my house is vacant with overgrown brush and trees, hiding any direct view into our backyard from the adjacent street. The house to the vacant lot’s left, looking from my back door is occupied by a single female with long blonde hair. She’s probably 5ft 8in and has a very nice body. More on that later. The house next to my house, also left from the back door, is occupied by an older, single gentleman who owns his own landscaping company. He’s lived there for a long time and parks his company truck in the drive, that’s how I know his business.

So, yesterday was Friday and I had had a very long and stressful week. The weather had been picture perfect all week and Friday was no exception. No clouds in the sky, a warm breeze and no one home but me. I did what I always do on a pretty day, I stripped out of my clothes, then went out on the back deck to get some sun. I absolutely love being outside, soaking up the sun naked, it’s very cathartic. I lose all my cares as the sun bathes my body from head to toe with warm caresses.

I had been lying in the sun for about thirty minutes when I realized that where I was lying, I could be seen from my back neighbor’s driveway if she drove in but didn’t put her car in her garage. I figured that I had some time before she got home from work so I continued to absorb the sun’s warmth. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I hear is a woman’s voice. When I raised my head from the lounger, I saw her standing in the driveway talking on her cellphone. I froze. Had she seen me? I didn’t know this lady, we’ve never met. Was she reporting a naked man to the police? Should I move or cover? My brain was in overdrive trying to make sense of what to do.

I rationalized to move nonchalantly towards the door so as not to gain any attention from her way. All I had with me was a towel and my cellphone and, unfortunately for me, I was lying on my towel so it did me no good in covering up. As I begin to move I kept my focus on her as I watch for movement. She wasn’t looking my way so all was good, I thought. As my feet touched the ground, I stepped on my faithful dog’s tail resulting in a yelp. Spooked, I stood quickly and tried to grab the towel for cover. I turned to make sure my neighbor didn’t see me and sure enough, she was looking dead at me with her mouth open and her phone at her neck as she had lost focus on her phone call. Her focus was now on the entire front of my naked body as I stood with towel in hand. I had forgotten to cover myself when we made eye contact so there I was, on total display for my neighbor.

Slowly I raised my hand in an attempt to wave, to which my neighbor did the same as her phone remained at her neck. Her stare was broken by the voice on her phone. She looked down, raising her phone back to her ear and recovering the conversation she was having moments ago. At that queue, I dashed for the back door in an attempt to hide. I’m not sure if she looked back up but I was now inside my home, safe. As I stood inside the back door I realized why she was staring, I had a full erection. All eight and a half circumcised inches were at full salute. The thrill of what had happened made me stroke myself till I filled my empty hand with my juice. I then emptied my juice into my mouth and swallowed. I have learned to like my juice as my wife and I shared it over the years after she would suck me off. It’s not as bad a taste as you might think, an acquired taste I’d say.

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