Michelles surprise

My hubby comes home says he a surprise for me. He comes out of the bedroom with our over night bags. We need some excitement he says as we pull into motel parking lot.

We check in, after getting into the room he tells me to go take a shower. I come out with just a towel on. He has me walk over to the bed. Pulls out a black bag i hadnt seen in a while.

What do you think your doing? Look just relax and your gonna enjoy this. He hands me some ear plugs and ask me to put them in my ears. Next he puts a blind fold on me, hands me a ball gag and put it on me. He lays me back on the bed and puts wrist a d thigh cuffs on me. Next he adds a spreader bar connected to my ankles. So now i can not hear anything, see anything or say anything, my legs are spread and my wrist are cuffed to my thighs.

I dont feel anything for a few mins. As i lay there wondering whats he doing i feel his hands rub my leg, his hand rubs down my inner thigh, slowly his fingers rub across my bare pussy. Slowly rubbing his fingers between my lips slowly pushing his finger in me. I instantly begin to get wet. As he starts fingering me i start humping into his hand. His other hand he rubs and pinches each of nipples. Being a little rougher than he ever has before. I cum with a moan escaping around the ball gag.
He stops and replaces his fingers with his tounge. As he slowly sucks and nibbles on my pussy i start to think this feels different than the way jack normally goes down on me. Maybe he is trying a different way so i hump his mouth enjoying my pussy being ate. As i cum i clinch my knees right around his head, moaning and humping his face cumming harder than i have in a while. The enjoyment of being used with no control has been breed into me since i was young.

As i loosen my thighs from his head he moves. After a min i feel him rubbing the head of his dick up between my pussy lips. Im soaking wet as he pushes his head in me. Somethings different , the head feels smaller than jacks, as he pushes in more i can feel its getting thicker and curves upward like a banana. He pushes in deeper, stretching my pussy more. I know its not jacks cock thats inside me, it maybe thicker but its not as long as jacks. I cant beleave i have a strange dick in me,i try to say stop, i try to ask who are you, i yell for jack and as i lay there adjusting to my pussy being stretched, i cum hard against my will.

I try to close my legs but he pushes my knees apart as he begins pumping his cock in to me. I moan and wiggle trying to move away from him but all i end up doing is moving and allowing him to get his cock in me at better angle. He begins pumping faster causing me to unwilling hump back into him. Again i cum around his fat cock. He stops pumping into me and stays still for a min. I feel the spreader bar being un-cuffed from my ankles, as soon as its removed he puts my legs up on his shoulders and pushes in deeper as i cum again. My breathing is getting faster and heavier as he pumps into me deeper and faster. I cum again as he starts slowing down i feel sweat dripping onto my chest. He holds his cock still in me i feel it swelling and twitching i know he is close to cumming. I try to yell dont cum in me. He pulls back till just the head is in and slowly pushes back in. Repeating this several times before pulling out. I feel his cum splash onto my stomach.

As he moves from between my legs i close my legs and turn onto my side. My pussy still dripping wet. Flash backs flood into my mind. I am almost positive i have had that cock in me before but it couldnt be him cause he had got married and moved away.

Suddenly i feel a hand on my head. He grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls me head around toward the side of the bed. He starts rubbing his dick around my cheek. I feel another hand pulling pushing my legs up towards my stomach as i lay on my side. I feel a cock pushing into pussy, sliding in with ease. It feels like jacks cock. As he begins pumping into me, my mouth gag is removed and before i can say a word its replaced with a stiff cock. As i lay there with my pussy being fucked at the same time as my mouths i climax multiple times hard. I think if this jack fucking my pussy whos cock is in my mouth. Right now im in so MUCH ecstasy from the different cocks in me i dont care. I lay there humping back against the cock in my pussy as the cock in my mouth gags me i cum again. I havent came this much in a while. Since we stopped having 3somes with other girls. I tighten my grip around the cock in my pussy squeezeing as tight as i can. The one in my mouth shots his cum into my mouth holding my head still forceing me swallow. I feel the cock in my pussy swell up twitch and shot his load deep in my pussy.

They both remove their cocks from me.i Lay there covered in sweat barely able to move. Dont know how much time passed before hands grab my arms pull me up to the sitting position on the side of the bed. He undoes my blindfold its jack standing there. I stare up at him as he un cuffs my wrist and thighs. I look around the room and no one else is there. I dont know what to say or do. Jack hands me a camcorder and say confused push play.

I watch the video, i watch as jack puts everything on me lays me back on the bed. Leaves view of the camera, i see him walk back into the room then i see his dad walk into the room and go right to rubbing on me like he used to do when me and jack 1st got together while i pretended to be asleep every time jack was at work. I watched as he went down on me. After i came he gets up and moves. Then his cousin walks in and slides his dick in me. I knew i had felt that dick before. I can see jack standing on one side of the bed and his dad on the other. They stroke there cocks as matt fucks me. After he cums i was right it was jack that got behind me and fucked me as steve fucked my mouth. I cum again from watching all this happen on the video.

I look at jack and ask him what the fuck jack. Well matt was our bitch boy till he got married and moved. I ran into him the other day and my dad we had a talk the other day, he came clean about everything and i told him u had already told me. He asked if you told me about us both doing you in the same night. So as much as you used to pretend sleep and let him fuck you i figured what the hell. Its been awhile since we had any fun and its been years since either of them had fucked you and after you let me fuck your mom. I wanted you to get fucked good. So i set this up and from as much as you came i know you enjoyed it.

I look at him and say well since you like surprises so much i have one for you.

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