Loving Mother, Son lets mother comfort him

, Son lets mother comfort him, Dave Gardner awoke to the sight of sunlight streaming through the thin gaps in his blinds. He rolled onto one side and checked the time on the clock sitting on his end table; it read 6:35am. ‘Goddamnit' muttered Dave, annoyed that he'd woken up well before he needed to on a Saturday morning. He'd been sleeping poorly lately. At 18 years old it was expected of him to go to bed late and sleep in late, and while he had no problem with the former the latter was proving to be a trouble.

Still groggy, but knowing that he wouldn't be getting any more sleep, Dave got up and headed out to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. When he entered the room he saw his mom, Olivia, sitting at the dining table with a coffee of her own.

At age 36 Olivia was doing pretty well in terms of appearance. She was 5 foot 4, and while she wasn't stick-figure skinny she took reasonable care of herself. Her body wasn't her best feature, however. She had a sweet, caring face and long black hair that flowed down the front and backs of her shoulders while she sat at the table, playing with her iPad and drinking her coffee.

Her breasts, though, were nothing short of perfection. They were each just smaller than her head and, while they didn't sag much, they looked soft and squishy and when she walked they jiggled in a way that could bring a grown man to his knees. She was wearing a fluffy white nightgown with no bra, which was allowing them to hang freely and displayed a modest amount of cleavage, but still enough to make Dave's mouth water.

Dave hated admitting to himself that he was massively attracted to his own mother. He had always had bad luck with girls when he was in school, and now that he was out of high school his mother was the only woman he saw on a regular basis. They lived in a small town, and Dave didn't have a job, so he spent most of his days either cooped up in his room playing video games, or doing work around the house. Dave's father had run off as soon as he was born, and while his mom was working and he wasn't he did his best to keep the house clean and do any other odd jobs that might be around. His mom was working hard to take care of him by herself, after all, and he didn't want to feel like a freeloader.

‘Morning' Dave said as he grabbed a cup and poured himself a coffee from the pot sitting on the counter. ‘Morning dear' his mom replied. ‘You look tired. How did you sleep last night?'

‘Horribly' Dave replied. ‘It took me forever to fall asleep'. Truthfully, he'd spent a fair bit of that time masturbating in front of his computer, but his mom didn't need to know that.

His mom frowned. ‘Oh dear. Do you want to go see the doctor about it? I'm sure there's something they can prescribe you to help.'

‘No, I'll be fine' Dave said. He was sure it was just nerves getting to him. He was waiting to hear back about his university application. He was applying for a scholarship at a prestigious university in the city, and while he'd done well in school he was still unsure if he'd get in. He didn't have any other plans for the future than studying to become a civil engineer, so getting into university was the most important thing in his life at the moment.

‘Okay, if you say so' his mom replied, looking somewhat unsure. She drained her coffee, walked over to Dave and gave him a big hug. She came up to just under Dave's chin, and in the warm embrace of the hug he became very aware of her breasts pressing into his lower chest. Dave wrapped one arm around his mom's back and held his coffee with the other, enjoying the hug but also trying to keep his dick down at the same time. Unfortunately it was a long hug, and soon enough he could feel the midsection of it pushing against his mother's plump stomach as it rose. But either she didn't notice, or she did and didn't say anything, because she smiled up at him and broke the hug without saying a word.

Olivia went over to the sink and started doing the dishes while Dave sat down at the table with his coffee, hoping the boner he'd developed during the hug would go down without leaving him sitting there with his coffee long enough that it became suspicious. However, fate had other things in mind that morning.

As Olivia was leaving the kitchen area the rope on her nightgown snagged on the countertop, undoing the flimsy bow she'd tied and opening her nightgown, revealing her full, soft tits in all their luscious glory. Dave looked straight at his mother's bare chest, drinking in the spectacle.

The skin of her breasts and bare stomach was paler than the rest of her, milky white compared to the light tan she had on her arms, legs and face. Her nipples poked out a quarter-inch from her chest, presumably a result of the air conditioner that was running, and her areolas were about an inch in diameter. Her tits jiggled hypnotically as Olivia rushed to make herself decent again, evidencing how soft and squishy they must be. Dave imagined himself burying his face in her perfect breasts, losing himself in the soft, warm embrace and teasing her hard nipples until she squealed with delight.

As Olivia closed her gown and tied it up again Dave hastily looked away, hoping against hope that his mother hadn't seen him ogling her breasts, or that he was sporting a raging hard-on from them. When she was covered again she looked at Dave, blushed and apologized for what had happened. ‘They're-that's-it's okay, mom' he stammered out, still reeling from the experience. ‘Really, I don't mind'.

‘I'll bet you don't' Olivia replied as she left the room, leaving Dave alone to figure out the meaning in what she'd said. She must have seen him looking. How could she not have? Dave was still sitting at the table when he heard the water start up in the shower down the hall. Figuring this was his only chance he stood from the table, hard-on still raging, and limped over to his room.

Once inside Dave shut and locked the door, unbuttoned the fly on his boxer shorts and pulled out his almost painfully erect dick. It was normally about 9 inches long, a size Dave was pretty happy with, but right now he could've sworn he'd gained another half-inch just from how hard he was.

He went over to his computer and pulled up his porn folder. He pulled up the subfolder labeled ‘busty milfs' (no-one else ever used Dave's computer, so he didn't need to bother disguising his porn) and started jacking off to the pictures he'd saved. However, before long he had his eyes closed, picturing his mom's huge, perfect tits as he ran both hands up and down his cock. He made a mental note to feel guilty about it later, but for now the image was burned into his mind and he was too horny to care.

He came quickly, and powerfully, shooting cum all over his computer monitor for what felt like a minute. While he was cleaning up the mess Olivia knocked on his door and announced that she was leaving for work. Dave yelled goodbye through the door, not wanting his mom to see or smell the mess he'd made, and after he'd finished cleaning and heard her car leave he started his own shower. Once he'd cleaned himself and calmed down Dave got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and started on the housework.

Later that evening, after Olivia had gotten home from work and they'd eaten dinner (Dave took his to his room, still feeling awkward after what had happened that morning) Dave was idly browsing on his computer when he heard a beeping noise from his email inbox, indicating that he had a new email. He opened the email tab and saw that it had come from the university he was applying to. Dave only needed to read the subject line to know his fate, however. The big, bolded letters read ‘Dave Gardner: Application Rejected.' Dave's heart sank in his chest, lower than he thought possible. He opened the email and read it anyway, but it only confirmed what the subject line had told him.

Dave was distraught. He didn't really have a plan B; becoming and engineer was the only goal he had. He didn't have a job or any savings either, so it's not like he could pay his own way into the program. Now he didn't know what he would do.

Sullen, Dave got up from his computer and went to tell his mom what had happened. He found her in the living room, laying on the lounge watching her favourite soap opera with an empty wine glass on the table in front of her. She was wearing a nightgown, but it was different from the one she'd worn that morning. This one was made of a thinner material, and stopped halfway above her knees. It displayed a bit more cleavage than the other one, and Dave could see her nipples poking through the thin fabric at the front, which momentarily distracted him from his woe.

Olivia noticed Dave standing in the corner of the room. ‘What wrong dear? You look upset' she asked him, beckoning him closer as she did.

‘I- I got a reply from the university. They said I didn't get the scholarship' Dave replied as he sat down on the lounge next to his mom.

‘Oh, I'm sorry dear. I know how much you wanted it' Olivia said as she reached over and hugged him. Dave felt her breast pressing into his arm, warm and soft, her nipple poking into his bicep ever so slightly. ‘Just remember that you tried your best, so there's nothing else you could have done'.

‘I know that. It's just that…' Dave trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

‘Oh, my poor baby' Olivia replied, hugging him tighter. ‘Do you want a glass of wine? That might help you to feel better.' Dave nodded his approval, and Olivia got up with her empty glass to get them both some wine. Dave was nursing a semi in his jeans from the feel of his mom's tits pressed against him, but his disappointment at not getting the scholarship was overriding most of the sexy thoughts he would've normally been having at that point.

Olivia came back from the kitchen and handed Dave a glass of red wine. Dave wasn't a huge fan of wine, but he still downed the entire glass in two big gulps before Olivia had even sat down with hers. It was sour, but strong, and he felt a pleasant warmth in his chest as the alcohol started to take effect.

‘You might want to slow down, deary' Olivia said as she took the empty glass from him. ‘You're going to regret it in the morning if you have too much.'

‘I know' Dave replied. ‘I just… I just can't believe I didn't get in'.

Olivia put her glass down on the table and turned to face Dave. ‘David, look at me' she said, using his full first name to signal how serious she was. ‘I don't want you to worry to about that. You're a very smart, hardworking boy, and you'll find a way to get where you want to go. This isn't the end of the world. I know you're sad now, but everything will be different tomorrow. Trust me'

Dave smiled meekly after his mom was done talking, feeling a bit reassured by her pep talk. ‘Thanks mom' he said. ‘But now I'm going to have to keep living here until I can find something else. And I hate living here when you're paying for everything. I feel like I'm burdening you.

Dave looked away shyly when he'd finished talking, but Olivia grabbed his face and turned it back towards hers. ‘Deary, don't EVER think that you're a burden. I don't know how I could have managed all these years if you hadn't been around. Truthfully, I don't know how I'm going to cope when you're gone'.

Olivia let go of Dave's face, still staring into his eyes with loving, motherly affection. Dave was touched immensely by her kind words and, to his surprise, started to tear up a bit. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried over anything, but now his emotions were spilling forward. Olivia reached over and hugged him, stroking his back calmly while he cried into her shoulder. Dave felt embarrassed at being coddled by his mother considering that he was an adult man now, but he couldn't deny that he felt a lot better.

Dave became uncomfortable pressing his face into the bones of his mom's shoulder, so he turned his head to the side and positioned himself above her chest. However, his head slid down a bit more than he'd intended, and he was now had is face buried in his mother's tits, his nose poking into the cleavage between her rich, soft breasts.

Dave didn't know what to do. His mom hadn't reacted, but he wasn't sure if she was being weirded out by having her sons face pressed into her chest. He was about to sit up and apologize when she started to softly toy with his hair. Dave took this as an okay signal, and continued to enjoy the dark, soft warmth of his mother's large, beautiful breasts.

After a few minutes or so had passed Dave felt his mom start to shift around a bit. He thought she might be getting uncomfortable, so he sat back up again, noting the red splotches where his face had been rubbing against the top of her chest.

‘Sorry about that' Dave said.

‘Don't be' Olivia replied. ‘That's what moms are for. Do you want a refill?' she asked, gesturing to his empty wine glass.

‘Yes please' Dave responded. He would have offered to get the wine himself, but he became aware of his erection snaking down his jeans and decided against it.

Olivia returned with two full glasses and sat back down next to Dave. The wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders as Olivia rested her head on Dave's. Dave drank his wine slower this time, but it was still quite strong, and by the time he'd finished the glass he was reasonably drunk.

‘So mom,' Dave began. ‘Why don't you date any guys?'

‘I don't know. Why don't you date any girls?'

‘Because it's hard to meet girls when I spend all day here and have no money to go out. Besides, none of the other girls in this town could possibly be as nice as you.'

‘Aw, thank you dear' Olivia said as she turned her head towards him and pecked him on the cheek. ‘I can give you money to go out, if you want. You're so young and handsome; you'll be the hottest catch out there.' She said, slurring her words only slightly. The wine seemed to be taking its toll on her too, but then she'd had one more glass than him.

Dave couldn't help but smile at her compliment. ‘Thanks, but you still haven't answered my question. Why don't you go on dates sometimes?'

‘Well, I don't know if you remember, but when you were little I would let guys take me out to dinner every now and then, when I could find a babysitter for you. It's just that…'

‘It's just that what?

‘It's just that they were only ever interested in my tits' Olivia said, her bold use of the word ‘tits' surprising Dave. ‘Once they got me in bed a few times they would lose interest, and what I really wanted was someone who could be a father for you.'

‘Okay, she's definitely pretty drunk' Dave thought to himself. ‘Well, they were all pretty stupid guys then' he said, trying to prevent an awkward silence from cropping up.

‘I suppose you're right, but then I do have pretty great tits, don't you think?' Olivia said, smiling up at Dave.

Dave had no idea how to reply to that, he just stared at his mom with his jaw hanging open, trying to stammer out an answer that would insult her or sound pervy.

‘I'm only teasing you sweetie' Olivia continued, breaking the silence. ‘But I saw you staring at me this morning when my robe came undone. You seemed to be enjoying them then' She said as she started rubbing the bulge created by her son's dick pressing against his left thigh in his jeans, harder now than it had ever been.

Dave raised his arm from where it had been hanging at his mom's side and started rubbing her breast gently through the thin fabric of her gown while she rubbed his dick. Her breath became heavier as Dave's movements became bolder, and before long he had his hand down her gown and was openly palming her right breast, taking her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gently squeezing it every so often.

After a few minutes of this, without warning, Olivia stood up from the couch. Dave was worried that he'd done something that made her want to stop and leave, but instead she got down on her knees in front of him and started undoing the front of his jeans.

‘I know I'm going to regret this tomorrow' she said as the reached into Dave's pants and pulled out his hard, throbbing cock. His mom's eyes bulged as she surveyed the nine-inch length of his dick, drinking in the sight of the thick, rigid shaft and flared purple head.

By now Dave had completely forgotten about the scholarship. He was firmly fixed in the present as his mom started running the tip of her tongue up the length of his dick, stopping at the tip to lick around a few times before running it back down again. Dave was in absolute heaven. His own busty, beautiful mom, the hottest woman he knew, was expertly tonguing his dick (she was actually a bit clumsy because of the alcohol, but Dave didn't know the difference anyway).

Olivia took the head into her mouth and started sucking down the length. She took her time, moaning around his shaft as she took it further and further into her mouth. This was Dave's first blowjob, and it didn't take him long to start shooting his load straight into his mother's mouth. She swallowed with glee, eagerly tonguing the tip of Dave's dick as he shot more and more cum into her mouth.

Once Dave was well and truly spent he looked down at his mom, staring over his softening dick to see a look of concern on her face.

‘I- I'm sorry dear. I got carried away and I don't… I don't know why I did that.'

Dave wanted to reassure her, so he just said exactly what was on his mind. ‘Mom, that was the hottest thing that has ever happened to me. You're the most beautiful and caring woman I know. So don't feel guilty, you were only trying to make me feel better. That's what moms are for, right?'

The way his mom kept staring off into space had Dave worried that his message hadn't gotten though. Olivia stood up, looked at Dave (whose soft dick was still hanging out of his pants), went to her room and shut the door without saying goodnight.

Dave stood, stumbled to his room, got undressed and hit the bed, the effects of the blowjob and alcohol overriding his concern and knocking him out instantly.

Dave woke the next morning to find that his head was throbbing, his mouth was dry and he was sweating profusely. It was the middle of summer and a freak heat wave had rolled into town overnight. Dave had no air conditioner in his room, and when he fell asleep last night he hadn't opened his window or turned on the ceiling fan, so his room was ridiculously hot and stuffy.

Dave thought back to the previous night and realized that things were still unresolved between him and his mom. He could hear her in the kitchen, presumably making her morning coffee, but that didn't mean much. Dave rolled out of bed, put on a pair of boxer shorts and stepped out into the hallway. He had expected the air to be cooler out here as he went to wash his face in the bathroom, because Olivia would have started the air conditioner when she got up. Then he realized that neither of them had turned it off last night, and it had probably burned out from running all night.

After he washed his faced and rinsed his mouth out Dave made for the kitchen, heart pounding as he contemplated what his mom's reaction to last night might be. Would she forget the whole thing? Would she want to do more? Would she cry and call him a pervert and kick him out? The last one seemed unlikely, but he couldn't help but worry. As he stepped into the kitchen and saw her it became very apparent what she wanted to do.

Olivia was leaning against the countertop facing Dave, drinking her coffee in nothing but a pair of black panties. Her breasts looked just as soft and beautiful as they did yesterday, but now that she was showing them to him deliberately the situation was twice as sexy. Olivia noticed Dave staring at her and smiled sweetly over the rim of her coffee cup. ‘Morning dear' she said. ‘Sorry to surprise you like this, but it's just too hot to wear anything else. I figured you wouldn't mind seeing them again after last night'.

Olivia went on to say something about the air conditioner, but Dave couldn't hear her over the immense relief he was feeling and the infinite number of fantasies involving him and his sexy, mostly-naked mom. He was eventually able to tear his eyes away from her tits to gaze at her midriff which had just the right amount of weight to it to not make her skinny, but not fat by any means (you need a bit of weight to get natural tits that big, anyway). Her thighs were the same, no gap but still smooth and lovely looking. Her panties were just a bit see-through at the top, revealing that her pussy had been shaved smooth (had she done that for him?).

While Dave was engrossed in his mother's body she walked up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips to get his attention back. ‘Listen,' she started. ‘I'm sorry I ran off like that last night. You were right; I was trying to make you feel better about not getting your scholarship. But that was the hottest thing that's happened to me in years. Most guys only love me for my tits, even your dad. But I know that you love me for me, which makes you the hottest guy I know. I ran off because I was scared that you were only going along with it because we were drunk. But I can see now that I shouldn't have worried.' She added emphasis to the last sentence by grabbing Dave's cock, which was pointing proudly upwards towards her chest, and rubbing it through his shorts. ‘So, what to you say we pick up where we left off?'

Dave didn't say a word; he just bent down and kissed his beautiful mother. Not in the way a son kisses his mother, in a much different way to that. While they swirled their tongues together Dave started fiercely palming his mother's huge tits, grabbing the biggest handfuls he could and massaging them with vigour.

Dave pushed his mother over to the countertop where she had been and lifted her up so that she was seated on it. Then he broke the kiss and started sucking on her nipples, biting one gently while pinching the other, switching once every half a minute or so. Olivia was already moaning with lust. Her breasts had always been sensitive in spite of their huge size, but just knowing that it was her own son playing with them brought her to entirely new levels of pleasure. She was holding onto her son's shoulders while receiving the hottest fore-play she'd ever had, and she loved every minute of it.

Dave slipped his hand into his mother's panties and began rubbing her wet slit while he was still tonguing and palming her tits. He slipped one finger inside her, followed by another, and started exploring her pussy, feeling the wetness and imagining what it would feel like to bury his cock inside of it. Before long Olivia was crying out in the best orgasm she'd had in years, her son's chest-mauling and finger-fucking overwhelming her and causing her to spray pussy juice into her panties, which quickly soaked through and started leaking onto the countertop.

Dave slowed down while his mother was panting in the afterglow of her earth-shattering orgasm. Once Olivia had caught her breath she slid off the countertop, grabbed Dave by the hand and led him to her bedroom. She pushed him onto her bed and told him to wait there, while she opened the bottom drawer on her nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube.

‘Now it's your turn, Davey' she said with a smile so sexy that Dave nearly creamed himself right there. Before she got started with the lube, however, Olivia peeled off her panties and tossed them at Dave. They were damp with her cum, assaulting his nose with a strong, delicious smell. He breathed deeply and savoured the incestual odour.

Olivia opened Dave's fly and pulled out his long, impossibly hard cock. ‘I can't believe my own son has the biggest cock of my life, and he's been holding it back from me all these years' she teased as she opened the lid in the lube container and squirted a generous serving onto the tip of his cock. Dave flinched at how cold it was, but then relaxed as soon as his mom started running her hands up and down his length. Watching his beautiful naked mother jerking him off nearly had him coming, but Olivia sensed this and let go of him just in time to bring him to the edge, but not let him go over.

‘Not just yet, big boy. We haven't even gotten to the really fun part yet'. Olivia teased him while she rubbed the excess lube around the inner edge of her tits. Dave realized what she was going to do to him before she started.

Olivia knelt down at the edge of the bed and encased Dave's cock between her tits. The softness was almost enough to drive him right over the edge, but he managed to grit his teeth and hold back while his mom started massaging her breasts around his cock, creating an immensely pleasurable feeling for both of them.

Olivia started rubbing her tits up and down the length of her son's cock. For the most part her massive, soft tits completely covered it, but on the down strokes the head poked out between them. She got into a rhythm of licking at it each time it poked out, the very sight of which brought Dave to a powerful climax. He came on a down stroke, splattering her face with his first rope of cum. Olivia reacted quickly by locking her lips around his head, sucking the cum out while still massaging the base of his cock with her tits.

Dave was gasping for air from the enormity of his orgasm, and fell backwards to lay flat on the bed in the aftermath. Olivia, still with strands of her son's cum hanging off her face like sticky stalactites, crawled on top of her son and kissed him deeply. Dave could taste his own cum in her mouth, adding a level of depravity that brought his cock surging back to life in spite of him having cum only seconds earlier.

Dave felt his cock brush against his mother's sopping cunt as it lengthened out again, causing her to squeal in surprise. She shifted downwards and ran her pussy along the length of his cock, pressing her immense tits into his chest and stomach as she did so. ‘Mmm, I can't wait to have that huge cock inside me' Olivia moaned, teasing Dave into yet another level of hardness. ‘Are you ready baby?' She asked, to which Dave meekly nodded in approval.

Olivia sat backwards onto Dave's cock, taking well over half the length of her son's cock in one push. ‘Oh my god!' they both cried out in unison, each experiencing a pleasure neither had felt before. Dave watched as his own mom started bouncing up and down on his cock. This was his first pussy ever (in more ways than one) and so far the experience was everything it had been hyped up to be.

After a bit of work Olivia bottomed out on her son's cock, and started gyrating her hips around it. She was in danger of biting clean through her cum-soaked bottom lip, and she climaxed quickly when her son sat up and started playing with the immense soft tits dangling in front of him.

They fucked like this for a while (Dave didn't know how long, but his mom came twice more in that time) before Dave flipped his mom over onto her back and started thrusting in and out of her himself. With each thrust he buried himself just that extra bit deeper into his mom's wet, wonderful pussy, watching as she came again and again, going delirious with pleasure.

Eventually Dave reached the end of his rope, feeling his orgasm building up to immense proportions. ‘I'm gonna cum, mom!' he yelled, unsure whether he should pull out but thrusting harder nonetheless.

‘Cum in me baby! Oh! Ah! AH!' His mother yelled back, her orgasm causing her cunt to clench down on Dave's cock and bring him surging to his peak.

‘AAAHHHH!' Dave yelled cum rocketed from the tip of his cock, firing shot after shot into his own mother's wanting pussy. Olivia came again immediately as soon as she felt it, and the humped and gyrated together while Dave pumped her full of his youthful cum.

After what felt like minutes Dave's cock finally gave in, dribbling out the last dregs of his cum while his mother's pussy massaged his tiring cock. Dave collapsed to the side of his mother, both gasping for air. They turned their heads to face each other, kissing deeply when their eyes met.

This time yesterday Dave had been a ball of nerves, constantly worrying over his scholarship, his job prospects and his future. Now, as he lay next to his mom in post orgasmic bliss, none of that mattered. The only future that mattered to him was the one he would be spending with his amazing, beautiful, loving mother.

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