I just want to be used

I came to this site because since the demise of Craiglists' No Strings Attached section, it's been difficult to meet men for sex. I am a man, in my late 40's and I have discovered I love being used for sex, very, very much.

To explain it all, is to go too far back and into too much detail. I began experimenting in sex with men in my 30's. I won't start there either, I'm going to start in my early 40's when I learned just how much I love being used for sex.

I used Craigslist to meet men for sex. It was easy, just chat a little, show up to the agreed meeting point and if all was good – boom – SEX!

I always feel guilty afterward, but, I get turned on so easily, commercials, movies, it seems like sex is everywhere, and because I'm not dating women seriously, I choose to meet men for sex and hope they understand how I want them to use me.

Most men just don't get it. They are too laid back, too quiet, too timid, too shy or too vanilla. I mean come on, I drove to YOU for YOU to use my mouth and ass to pleasure YOUrself. I tell them in the phone calls, and at the meeting point, I love being deepthroated, facefucked, submitting to , and I want you to cum where you want, don't ask me if it's ok in my mouth, my ass, my face – JUST CUM WHERE YOU WANT – I love cum.

You see, I get so much pleasure being used for sex, I feel empowered because I'm making myself available to men, BY CHOICE. The romantic thing is too much work with women, the game playing is tiring, it gets old, and I like SEX!

So, in my mind, if I'not cumming, somebody should, and I like being used to help guys pleasure themselves.

It was forced on me as a kid, so… things happen in life and unfortunately for me, this is my response. I LOVE women, I don't actually want a romantic relationship with a guy – just no strings attached sex. Long term if I could ever find the right guy.

You see the truth is, in a public place like a park, restroom, or where no other people are around, if a guy whipped his cock out and put it to my mouth… I probably could not resist sucking him off. As long as he was not gross, as long as he's CLEAN, not too verbal to start, and especially if he has a nice cock… I'm probably gonna take him in my mouth and enjoy.

Here, let me tell you how sex is just so hot, most times it does not matter what a guy looks like. I met a guy on CL once, who shared his cock pic. It was pretty, not too big, not too hairy, thick and pale (I like white guys). I liked his cock pic so much I told him that when I got to his place, to please face fuck me, deep throat me, and cum in my mouth. He agreed.

But, when I got to his place, wow… it was filthy! A mess, I mean he had the squalor thing down pat. He said he was married, but, wow, the place was a total wreck. Anyway, I was already wanting sex badly, we got undressed, he left his shirt on. Once I got a good luck at him, I could see why. He wasn't initially too out of shape, but then I could see he had a belly, like, unattractive. Suddenly, I could not see myself doing oral for him. So when he asked how I wanted to start, I had to think if I even wanted to have sex.

Something about the pic of his cock, made me have pity on him. I started to get turned on by the idea of being used by a slob, I mean YES, no sugar coating it, he was a total slob. So, I told him I wanted to feel him in my ass. I figured I would start there, and see what might happen.

He was hung pretty nice – I like thick cocks. He didn't need to lube up, and I bent of his couch, spread my cheeks, and felt him enter slowly into me as the pressure filled me quite intimately. Soon he was working away to pound himself completely into me at full depth. It felt great, I was turned on knowing I was letting a complete slob fuck me in the ass. I wanted him to cum inside me, the thought just really turned me on that I was going to be totally used by a guy least likely to even get laid. I kept telling him to cum inside me, more because I was not going to suck him off at all.

His phone rang, and his dumb ass answered. I wanted cock so damn bad!!! I could hear him telling the caller he had already put something in the oven, and mentioning two hours. So, I guess he was married after all, must have been his wife, that never cleans.

He took too long, it was about 4 minutes, but his place was just gross. he came back out asking me to suck him off, and I wanted to, but his belly and his place was just too gross.

I told him I had to leave, and when he asked why, I replied, I really loved your cock pic, but your place its so gross. I was going to let you cum in my ass because somehow the thought of submitting to you turned me on, but… I'm sorry the reality of how gross your place is has just hit me too hard.

So, that day I learned when I really, really want cock, I'm willing to lower my standards.

Now… let me share how I learned I love to be used.

Another guy I met on CL wanted oral sex. I love giving oral and fantasize regularly about being used by 4 or more guys at a time, because one load is such a tease. Anyway, I met up with him at a hotel. It was dusk, and he was on the second floor. I walked up and as I approached his room, the door was opened slightly. As is knocked, he opened the door to great me, sitting on his bed, naked, masturbating to porn, and invited me in. It was kinda strange because anyone walking past his door would have seen him. I almost left because I thought the police might already be on the way.

I saw his cock, I was there, and suddenly, I was weak.

I got undressed, and sat next to him, slowly reaching for his cock, and gently jerking him off to get started, and after less than 10 seconds, he shoves my hand away, pushes me down to the ground kneeling, and slowly puts his cock to my mouth. I take him in, gladly, and slowly begin sucking him off.

He then grabs my head, with both hands (I love that) and starts face fucking me like it's a race. My first thought was, what the fuck!!! He was manhandling me and I took exception to that. I was just about to stand up and say fuck this, I'm leaving, when I reasoned to myself that, THIS is why I am here. I'm here for cock and cum and whatever else he's willing to do to pleasure himself.

I decided to stay and go with it.

He face fucked me hard, he deep-throated me, his cock wasn't long but it was thick, so I was able to take his full shaft all in, and all out. It was like being used like a piece of meat and I absolutely loved it!!!

I wanted it to last much longer, but after 15 minutes, he came. He had me laying on the bed, was fucking my face hovering above me, told me he was going to cum, and I pulled his thighs closer to me, to take his cock completely in – I never like missing a drop!

Just as I did, he brushed my hands aside, pulled his cock out of my mouth, and let his load build up, then told me to open my mouth, and shot one huge load into my mouth saying “you BETTER it!”

I loved the feel of his full load in my mouth, and my tongue swished it around, while he went away to clean off. I kept swishing him in my mouth deciding whether or not to swallow. I wanted to, I love cum, like really, really, really love cum. But, today was not his day, I got up from the bed, walked over to the sink and regretfully spit him out.

Almost immediately, I asked when I could service him again. He answered next week, same time same day. I was hot for more cock, and already wanted him in my mouth again. I walked out and as I did, I reached down to his still semi hard cock, leaned over put it in my mouth, sucked out some remaining cum, and told him I want him to last longer next time,

As I walked back to my car, some strange guy was waiting at the end of the row of rooms, as I turned the corner to go downstairs, he began to follow me.

I got the strong feeling he had earlier seen my hookup guy naked and then saw me walk in, and the door close behind me.

He followed me close, I got the feeling he wanted sex. I turned to look at him, and he was skinny, kinda messy, looked a little buzzed, and I thought… no. He's too messy looking, and I'm happy with the load I got.

CL is gone now, and its been over two years since I had sex. I'm going to share another story of the struggle to deal with hooking up after CL.

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