Horny stud receives sex lessons from hot Step Mom

Ralph was your run of the mill average teenage boy. He was the youngest of three children. He was bright, intelligent and above all that, he very skillful in fixing things.

Even as child, he was taking things apart to see how they worked then he would put them back together again just for the fun of it and to learn more about them.

As Ralph progressed into his teenage years, he could take something that wasn't working, disassemble it, analyze and determine what needed to be repaired, fix it, then put it back together again good as new.

Ralph was also very knowledgeable about computer systems both on the hardware and software sides. He loved taking old run down computers that were considered obsolete and reworking them and updating both the software and hardware and thereby restoring them to current standards of technology.

You would have figured with skills like these, Ralph would be quite popular, well in some since he was. Whenever anyone he knew needed something to be repaired they knew they could call on him and he would repair it and make good as new again and sometimes even better.

Yet with all this going for him, Ralph still had one thing that kept him held back socially, in that he was very much a quite person and an introvert. Above all that he felt nervous and awkward when he was around girls.

He really didn't know how to communicate with them that would make them see him as a desirable mate. The girls he knew in high-school liked him but only as a “friend” in that they didn't want to date him.

It wasn't because he wasn't handsome. Physically speaking he stood about 5'11” tall with a somewhat slender to medium build. He had short dark brown hair he kept cut fairly short hazel eyes and weighed about 170 pounds.

Ralph wasn't the most handsome guy around but he wasn't butt ugly either. He was just an average looking boy who really never seemed to have any luck with women.

As a result, he pretty much kept to himself and focused on what he was good at fixing things and his other exceptional talents of being a great artist and creativity when it came to writing stories, mostly epic adventures of which he could control.

In these stories Ralph made himself the epic hero and someone who the women flocked to and longed to be. This allowed him to live vicariously through others and Ralph immersed himself in this world because it seemed to fill the void he felt he had in life.

Shortly after Ralph's 16th birthday his mother divorced his father because she felt she was lacking something in life. The truth being told she felt that she wanted to shed the responsibilities in her life and live a carefree adventurous life.

In her own words “She wanted to sew her wild oats while she was still young enough and before they all turned to Shredded Wheat.” She felt since her two oldest children were grown up and had their own lives and since Ralph was sixteen and pretty much grown up himself, this was as good of a time as any to spread her wings and fly.

Ralph's mother didn't try to gain custody of Ralph so as not to be tied down so he lived with his father who was a very successful and wealthy business man with a net worth in the 10's of Billions who traveled extensively and was rarely home.

Fate eventually smiled down on Ralph in the person of 37 year old Jenna Phillips and bring a ray of sunshine into his dismal world of self-torment. Six months later, his father remarried, mainly for selfish reasons.

Ralph's father wanted a sexy young wife to have on his arm for when he went to social events at his work. He basically wanted a trophy wife he could show off and fulfill the role of an escort and other than that he really had no use for her.

You could call it an example of the movie “Pretty Woman” that featured Julia Roberts and Richard Gere where a man takes a high class call girl and turns her into a lady and falls in love with her.

However in this story Ralph's father marries Jenna and she knows she is to be a trophy wife and agrees. Jenna could do whatever she wished with whomever she wished, just as long as she stayed married to Ralph's father and was available twice a year for office social functions.

To Jenna, it seemed a win-win proposition. She could give up having to strip for money although she enjoyed it immensely. She was well paid very good at what she did and she enjoyed putting on shows for men to see them get their rocks off watching her.

However since she was now Mrs. Frank Worthington and as such she had a very sizable monthly allowance of $7500, a lavish clothing allowance, a platinum card with a limit of 100 thousand dollars and free reign of the lavish estate and two story 10,000 square foot 8 bedroom 6 bath manor house with all its creature comforts and benefits, all at her beckoning call, she no longer felt she HAD to strip.

Jenna decided to hang up her garter belt you could say and she decided to go into retirement. However it wouldn't be a complete and total retirement more like a semi-retirement.

She still enjoyed stripping it was in her blood. She decide she would buy into the strip club as part owner and still strip when she felt like it which was about once or twice a month.

The first time Ralph saw Jenna, he was instantly smitten by her. Who wouldn't be. At age 37 Jenna was very attractive and SMOKING HOT!!! Mother Nature had blessed her with an exquisite body and Father Time had been more than generous in that she had the looks and a body of a woman in her mid to late twenties.

Jenna stood about Ralph's height (5'11”) weighed about 135 pounds and had a very sexy sumptuous and curvaceous body and long slender dancer's legs that could wrap around a man's body and pull him in.

Other physical features of Jenna were her nice size, sumptuous and all natural breast which measured 38 DD. In all, her complete measurements were 38-27-36.

Lastly, Jenna had long straight dark chestnut brown hair that fell to the middle of her back, piercing emerald green eyes that could captivate a man's soul and hold it hostage, oh so kissable ruby red lips than beckoned to be kissed, and her sweet pussy was nicely shaven and oh so deliciously and perfectly pink.

From the first minute they met and laid eyes on each other, Jenna knew that Ralph had the hots for her and she was very flattered by it. Roger didn't realize it at the time but deep inside, Jenna was just as smitten by him as well.

In her mind, Ralph was a young stud pony she would love to train and ride. Even though she wanted to jump Ralph's bones, she also desired to have a deeper more meaningful relationship than just casual sex. She desired a soulmate and knew she had found it in Ralph.

However, since Ralph wasn't yet an adult, she knew it wouldn't be proper to act on her desires until after Ralph turned 18. As a result, she chose keep them hidden until after Ralph turned 18.

Rachel was a master at this. She also could pick up on Ralph's shyness and insecurities so she knew that when the time came to make her move, it would have to be slow and gentle.

For the next eighteen months, Jenna and Ralph became very close.

Even though Ralph was hot for her, Jenna was also someone he could confide his most intimate desires and deepest, darkest and most hidden secrets. Ralph found that he could trust Jenna with things that a man wouldn't tell his bartender and that it would be held in the strictest confidence and he implicitly knew that Jenna would never judge or belittle him for it.

During this time, Ralph and Jenna would talk about anything and everything. This is when Jenna's suspicions about Ralph being shy around girls were confirmed. Jenna never judged Ralph and when the time came that he wanted any pointers in how to talk to women she would be more than happy to oblige.

Even though Jenna and Ralph were close, it was all Ralph could do to keep from letting his deep seeded carnal desires and lusts from getting the better of him. Jenna picked up on this as well and did her best not to exacerbate or embarrass Ralph.

Even though Jenna was proud of her body and loved to show it off, she chose to keep it “PG-13 Rated” The most revealing Jenna allowed Ralph to see her as was in bikini and that was when they were in the pool or when she was in the house and had on her lingerie. She figured boys Ralph's age, 16 and 17 year olds saw this much or more on Television and You Tube Videos, so what was the harm.

Jenna also began taking an genuine interest in Ralph's hobbies and interests. About a month after she moved in she found Ralph doing an illustration to one of his fantasy stories.

Jenna complemented Ralph on how well he drew and his ability to be creative. She asked if she could see some of his work and she was very impressed. Jenna encouraged Ralph to continue with his talents and even helped him find ways to show it off via the Internet.

Finally the day came in June when Ralph turned 18 and Jenna had planned a “special” treat for Ralph. His birthday fell on a Saturday during the first week of May.

That morning Jenna decided to drop the wall of modesty that was between them. She had a special treat she wanted to give Ralph, herself.

Since it was his birthday Jenna let Ralph sleep late. Around 10:15 that morning Ralph came down the back stairs into the kitchen. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt and a pair of gym trunks.

Ralph saw Jenna sitting in the breakfast alcove smoking a cigarette, drinking a cup of coffee and reading on her tablet. Ralph could only see the back of Jenna. It appeared she was wearing an off-white(cream colored) full length robe and he just figured she had on a night gown or pair of pajamas under it.

“Hey Jen,” Ralph said as he made his way into the kitchen poured himself a glass of juice and proceeded to walk over to the table where Jenna was.

Jenna turned stood up and that is when Ralph got a big surprise although a pleasant one. Ralph's jaw almost dropped when he saw Jenna standing with her robe open revealing that underneath the robe the only thing she had on beside a smile was a pair white thigh stockings with a matching garter set.

“Hey hon,” Jenna said as she sauntered over to where Ralph was and put her arms around his neck so that her forearms were resting on his shoulder and her hands were casually clasped together with her fingers interlocked.

Jenna was positioned so there were only a few inches of distance between her and Ralph.

“How's my birthday boy doing this morning,?” Jenna added with a smile and her emerald green eyes twinkling.

It took a minute but Ralph was able to regain his composure and force out the answer “I am okay”.

Jenna sensed Ralph's uneasiness and lovingly said “Does my outfit or rather the lack of it bother you?”

Ralph gulped and said “Ah no, I just wasn't expecting it.”

Jenna just smiled and lovingly scratched the base of Ralph's skull.

“Well sweetie I figured that since we are both adults now, I could let you see me the way I really like to dress.”

Jenna went on to explain that she was very proud of her body and loved to show it off. She also explained she knew it wouldn't be appropriate to dress liked she wanted in front of Ralph until he turned 18. Now that he was, she felt like she had the freedom.

“I'm not moving too fast for you am I,” Jenna asked with a hint of care and concern for Ralph's feelings. “If I am, I can scale it back,” Jenna added. “I value our relationship too much to do anything to jeopardize it.”

“Well you're probably going to believe this more than I do,” Ralph responded “but I actually like seeing you like this and find myself getting extremely turned on by it.”

“Mmmmmmm good,” Jenna replied with a contented purr in her voice. “I was hoping you would like it. Just think of it as an early birthday present.”

“Wow! I could get used to this kind of welcome every morning,” Ralph replied surprising himself.

Deep inside Ralph felt his carnal lusts and desires for Jenna burning like a raging inferno hotter than the largest and hottest star in the universe. Also his adrenaline was pumping and his heart was racing ninety to nothing and he could feel it almost beating out his chest and hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

Ralph also felt awkward. He didn't know what to do with his hands. He so wanted to wrap them around Jenna's waist and pull her tight into himself and feel her soft warm supple and inviting body pressed firmly against his.

Jenna sensed Ralph's awkwardness and smiled as she stepped back took his hand in hers and led him over to the couch and set beside him.

“Here hon let me give you one of these,” Jenna said offering Ralph her pack of cigarettes. “These will help calm you down.”

Ralph took the pack and since he was nervous, he fumbled with the box as he tried opening it and pull out a cigarette.

“Allow me hon,” Jenna said with a smile as she took the pack of cigarettes back. Jenna pulled out two cigarettes placed them side by side in her mouth and lit them both, handing one to Ralph.

Ralph took it, inhaled and then blew out the smoke. He repeated a couple of times and soon his found that he was beginning to be less nervous. He also noticed that he was getting a slight buzz

“Wow,” Ralph said as he put his hand on his face like he was trying to shake off a feeling that was strange

“What's wrong sugar,” Jenna replied with a slight note of concern in her voice.

“Whoa I feel kinda light headed,” Ralph replied as he did his best to shake off the feeling.

“Is it kind of like having a buzz,” Jenna inquired.

“Yeah I guess you could call it that,” Ralph said

“Don't worry hon,” Jenna said with a reassuring tone. It's only a nicotine buzz. It's harmless and it will soon pass. I still get them sometimes in the morning when I have my first ciggy. It usually wears off in a minute or two.”

Ralph continued to smoke the cigarette and by the time he was finished with it, he noticed the buzz beginning to fade.

“You're right, Ralph replied. “It is starting to wear off but it sure was intense and I think I liked it.”

Jenna smiled and said “It will take some getting used to.”

Jenna also noticed Ralph wasn't shaking as much and was calmer and said “Now isn't that better,” to which Ralph replied “Yeah thanks I needed that.”

“Wanna another one,” Jenna said offering him the pack again and Ralph took one out and this time he lit it without being nervous.

Ralph inhaled deeply and as he savored the richness of the flavor with the cool sensation with it. He found that he liked the taste of Jenna's cigarettes and asked her what kind they were.

“They are Virginia Slims 120's Menthols, Jenna replied. ” It's my primary brand and usually only brand I smoke. You like them?”

“Yeah they're pretty good actually,” Ralph replied. “I wish I could by them myself but I am still too young.”

“I know sweetie,” Jenna said in an understanding tone. “I think that is a silly law as well as not being able to drink until you are twenty-one.”

“Hell, in my opinion if the US government is able to put a rifle in your hand, a uniform on your back, ship your butt overseas and tell you to point a gun at someone and shoot them when you are 18, then I think you should be able to drink and smoke if you want to.”

“I kinda agree,” Ralph replied. “But hey what can you do?”

“Well don't you worry about that. I've got that one covered,” Jenna replied. “Here, take this pack I got plenty more.”

Jenna then changed the topic of her conversation to Ralph's birthday.

“So hon, do you have anything special you would like to do for your birthday,” Jenna inquired.

“Nothing in particular, Ralph replied. “I figured I was just hang around here and chill out and take it easy.”

“Hmmmmm, how would you like to spend your birthday with me,” Jenna said with a lustful purr.

” Well now, what did you have in mind,” Ralph said with a sly grin

“Are you sure you really wanna know,” Jenna said with a seductive purr and licked her lips.”

“Yeah,” Ralph replied hoping Jenna was going to say what he wanted her to say.”

“Mmmmmmmm,” Jenna purred again. “Well to be brutally honest with you, I was hoping to give you the one birthday present every horny red-blooded male wants. I was going to help usher you into manhood if you know what I mean.”

Ralph knew exactly what Jenna meant and he was more than eager to accept the gift.

“I know you're not very good with girls and haven't had sex before so I was going to teach you,” Jenna replied. “Would you like for me to do that?'

Ralph's heart leapt with joy and he eagerly replied with an unqualified and resounding YES!!!”

“Okay sweetie,” Jenna replied. “I will start with the basics first and then work my way to the more advanced lessons.”

“Well I am eager and ready to learn,” Ralph replied.

“Okay, Jenna said. “So just curious have you ever kissed a girl before,”

Ralph got a sheepish look and shook his head.

“That's okay,” Jenna smiled lovingly. “I will be more than happy to teach you. Here stand up and I will show you how.”

Jenna and Ralph stood and Jenna assumed the posture she had when she had put her arms around Ralph earlier. Jenna's body was just inches away from Ralph's.

Jenna saw that Ralph was once again awkward about where to put his hands. “You can touch me if you want. I promise I won't bite,” then Jenna and added with a sensual tease “unless you really want me to,” giving Ralph a naughty wink. That seemed to break the awkwardness.

“Now put your arms around me like this,” Jenna said as she took them and placed them around her waist.

“Perfect,” Jenna said as she praised Ralph. “Now this is the best way to stand when you are going to kiss a someone. Next you press your lips against the other persons lips and deliver the kiss like this,” and with that Jenna gave Ralph a loving kiss on the lips.

There was an instant spark as Ralph's lips met Jenna's and Jenna held the kiss for about five seconds and then broke it.

“So how was it hon,” Jenna said with a soft smile.

“Better than I imagined,” Ralph replied.

“Well only gets better,” Jenna stated. “I will show you another one and this time I will add a little passion to it and will pull you into me, like this.” With that Jenna planted another kiss on Ralph's lips and showed him what she meant.

Jenna pulled Ralph into her close and pressed his body firmly against hers. She deepened the kiss and slipped her tongue into Ralph's mouth and gave him a shorter less intense version of a French kiss.

“So what did you think of that one hon,” Jenna said with a smile as she saw the passion and desire in Ralph's eyes.

“Oh wow if they only get better I can't wait to see more,” Ralph said with a soft sigh.”

“Now I am going to do it again but now I want you to respond to me, Jenna added as she lovingly instructed Ralph. “The goal is to let yourself give into the passions and allow nature to take its course.”

“How do I do that,” Ralph asked.

“I will demonstrate,” Jenna replied ” However, I think that once you start, instinct will kick and take over and you won't have any trouble knowing what to do. Ready?”

“Let's go for it,” Ralph eagerly replied, anticipating the lascivious carnal pleasures to follow.

Jenna once again planted a long wet deep passionate tongue probing tonsil swabbing kiss. Jenna pulled Ralph to her and as she did, Ralph's primitive desires took over and, as Jenna had promised, Ralph's carnal instincts took over.

Ralph pulled Jenna tightly into him pressing her warm body tightly against His. Ralph also took his hands and began caressing Jenna's soft flesh allowing them to roam freely. Jenna in turn did the same with Ralph.

“Mmmmmmm baby you're a fast learner,” Jenna lustfully purred as she broke the kiss and continued to hold Ralph to her.

“Well my mom always said I was bright,” Ralph replied.

“That you are baby, that you are,” Jenna said with a lustful moan. “Come with me baby and I think you are ready for the next lesson.”

With that, Jenna took Ralph by the hand and led him upstairs to her suite. Jenna closed the door and then sat Ralph on the edge of bed. Jenna then let her robe fall to the floor and stood in front of Ralph.

“So what do you want to learn next,” Jenna said with a sly grin.

“Whatever you wanna teach me I am game, Ralph replied.

“Well hon before women have sex most of them love what is called foreplay,” Jenna said. “Kissing is involved with that but it gets better when it gets more intimate. That involves fondling but lots of them love to be pleased orally. I can show you if you like.”

“Show me baby, show me,” responded eagerly.

Oooooohhhhh we are the eager beaver aren't we.” Jenna said with a naughty grin to which Ralph just smiled with the same wicked grin.” Well just you lay back hon and let Mommy teach her little eager beaver.”

Jenna knelt in front of Ralph and took her hands and lowered his gym trunks removing them as well as his briefs. Jenna's eyes lit up when she saw Ralph's raging 8 inch monster hard on.

“Oh my,” Jenna gasped, “we are a big boy aren't we.”

Jenna then removed Ralph's shirt and then told Ralph to lay back on the bed with his head on the pillow. Jenna then spread Ralph's legs so they were about a shoulder's width apart and laid on the bed beside him.

“So tell me hon have you ever masturbated,” Jenna asked casually.

Ralph blushed and sheepishly replied “No.”

“Why not hon,” Jenna replied with a smile. “There's nothing wrong with it. It's actually quite normal and it is such a pleasure once you do it. Heaven knows I have done my share of it.”

Jenna then leaned over pulled the top drawer of her night stand out and pulled out several objects.

“Let me introduce you to a few friends of mine,” Jenna said with a naughty wink as she pulled out two vibrators and another object which Ralph had never seen before.

“It's been many a night that these little babies have gotten through when the urges strike and I need relief. Heaven knows I have gone through countless batteries and though they don't match the feeling of a good stiff cock inside of me, they sure make the lonely nights much more bearable.”

“Well it's not like I haven't thought about masturbating, but I just never worked up the nerve to,” Ralph said.

“Well not to worry,” Jenna said with a smile. “What I am going to show you is very similar to it but it is a hell of a lot more fun. It's called a blowjob and I think you are going to really enjoy it”

With that Jenna moved down so her head was near Ralph's cock. She then took Ralph's pulsating throbbing cock in her hands and began pumping it.

“Oh God yes,” Ralph lustfully moaned as his head began swimming.

“You like baby,” Jenna said with a smile.

“Hell yeah I like,” Ralph exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Well sweetie if you like that then you're really going to love this. Just lie back and let momma Jenna work her magic.”

Jenna took Ralph's cock placed her mouth on it and began giving him a blow job that would curl his toes.

“Oh shit baby,” Ralph moaned “Oh God that is so fucking good.”

Jenna just triumphantly smiled as she continued to suck Ralph. Jenna sucked Ralph like a vacuum cleaner slurping on his cock like a child would a popsicle.

Deep inside Ralph could feel his pleasure growing and his cock tingled. It slowly filled with cum and he was moaning in ecstasy. Ralph wasn't sure of what the feelings he was experiencing were but he knew one thing, he didn't want them to stop. He wanted them to last forever.

Jenna continued to please Ralph as she alternated between sucking and using her hand to bring Ralph off. Suddenly Ralph's cock twitched and he gasped. Jenna knew what was about to happen and she quickly placed her mouth back on Ralph's cock.

Just as she had swallowed Ralph's cock, Ralph spunked his load and spewed his jism forth as Jenna drank down every bit of Ralph's hot manhood not missing a drop.

“HOLY SHIT!!! What the hell was that,” Ralph moaned. “What just happened?”

“It's called an orgasm sweetie,” Jenna replied smiling.

“Oh God that was so un-fucking-believable”, Ralph said as he tried to make sense of the new sensation. “Now I understand what my buddies meant when they told me about blowjobs.”

“I told you that you would like it,” Jenna said smiling, “and isn't it a whole lot more fun with a sexy girl bringing you off than wanking by yourself?”

“Hell yeah,” Ralph exclaimed. “I could get used to this.”

“Well I have just scratched the tip of the iceberg,” Jenna said. “Now I will show you how to please me the same way.”

With that Jenna, had Ralph switch places her. Jenna laid on her back with her legs spread wide and had Ralph place his head by her pussy.

Ralph looked puzzled but Jenna just smiled and replied “Just relax hon, let nature take its course, and the rest will take care of itself.”

Jenna placed Ralph's head on her pussy and told him to suck and use his tongue.

“Like this,” Ralph replied.

“Oh yeah baby you got the hang of it,” Jenna said as she just laid back and let Ralph suck her out.

It didn't take Ralph long and soon he was swinging with it eating out Jenna like a pro.

“OH HELL YEAH BABY!!!!” Give it to me,” Jenna exclaimed.

Ralph continued to suck on Jenna's wet pussy. Jenna grabbed Ralph's head by the hair and held it to her pussy as she bucked up to fuck his face.

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through Jenna as her orgasms steadily built and soon it was all she could do to keep from coming.

“OH GOD YES BABY!!!!! Make mommy cum,” Jenna screamed at the top of her lungs.

It wasn't long until Jenna felt her pussy quiver and her juices flowed as she came all over Ralph's face.

“Don't stop baby!!! Gimme more,” Jenna lustfully moaned.

Ralph continued to suck on Jenna's pussy for another five minutes or so until he made her cum again.”

“Oh shit baby, you're so fucking good,” Jenna said with a lustful moan as she managed to sit herself up so she was propped on her elbows. “Are you sure you have never done this before?”

“No but I wish I had,” Ralph replied. “Now I know what I have been missing.”

“Well I am glad you have enjoyed it so far,” Jenna said smiling, “but you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until you feel my hot sweet tight pussy on your cock.”

“Can't wait,” Ralph said with anticipation.

“Me either baby,” Jenna replied and with that she crawled on top of Ralph and embraced him as she pressed her body against hers.

Jenna and Ralph passionately kissed as their bodies pressed together becoming one. Ralph's cock was fully erect and Jenna felt it against her moist wet pussy.

“OH GOD I GOTTA HAVE YOU INSIDE OF ME NOW,” Jenna exclaimed with a panting breathy husky tone. Jenna took her hand and lined Ralph's cock up to her snatch and guided into her warm waiting pussy.

Jenna rose up and slowly began riding Ralph's hard tool as she fucked him.

Ralph was sure he had died and gone to Heaven by the way his cock felt inside of Jenna. His deepest most secret fantasies were finally coming true and he was fucking the woman of his dreams.

Ralph's wildest daydreams and imaginations could not compare to the actual carnal ecstasy he was experiencing at this moment. His head was swimming and he just laid back and enjoyed the pleasures to cum.

Something inside of Ralph told him to place his hands on Jenna's hips and he did as he helped guide her fucking motions. Jenna had to resist the urge to fuck him fast. Finally her dreams were cumming true and she wanted to savor this moment for as long as she could.

Jenna gradually built up speed and soon she decided it was time to ride Ralph hard and fast. Jenna was moaning in pleasure as she rode Ralph like a wild woman.

Jenna no longer took on the character of a classy woman. She had transformed into a trashy filthy whore and she was loving every minute of it.

Jenna pulled out all the stops and was soon bouncing up and down on Ralph's cock. Ralph was certain that if she kept it up, Jenna would grind his cock down to a nub, but he didn't care. He was loving every minute of the new lascivious carnal pleasures he was experiencing.

“Oooooooooo yes baby make mommy cum,” Jenna panted.” Mommy wants her baby boy to make her feel good.”

Jenna pulled Ralph up so that he was now sitting upright with her and was embracing her. She continued to hammer Ralph as fast as she could.

“Suck my breast baby,” Jenna crooned. “Let mommy nurse her little boy.”

It didn't take Ralph long to know what Jenna was saying and Jenna pressed her nipples against Ralph's mouth and he began sucking on them.

“Oh yes baby,” Jenna lustfully moaned. “Mommy loves making her little boy feel good.”

Jenna placed her arms around Ralph's head and held it close to her breast as Ralph continued to nurse Jenna like an infant would its mother.

“Mmmmmmm yes baby Mommy loves how her little boy is pleasing her,” Jenna added with a lustful moan.

After about a couple of minutes of this Jenna released Ralph and let him lay back as she continued to fuck him like there was no tomorrow.

Jenna felt her pussy quiver and she knew it wasn't long until she was going to cum. At the same time Ralph's cock was filling with cum and he was beginning to feel the same sensation he felt the first time Jenna pop his top wither blow job.

“Oh shit yes,” Ralph groaned.

Jenna didn't have to ask what was happing she knew Ralph was on the verge of cumming again.

“Gimme all of you baby,” Jenna panted. “Mommy wants to feel her baby boy's manhood deep inside of her.”

Just as Jenna said that, Ralph let loose of his load sending his hot jism deep inside of Jenna's eagerly hungry waiting pussy.

“Oooooooooh yes baby,” Jenna crooned with delicious delight as Ralph's hot load spewed forth like lava from an exploding long dormant volcano. At the same time, Jenna climaxed and flooded Ralph's hard cock with her sweet cream.

“Don't stop baby I gotta have more,” Jenna said with a lustful moan. I want you to take me from behind and do me doggie style I will show you how if you need to.”

“I think I kinda know what you're talking about.” Ralph said and with that Jenna got on her hands and knees and assumed the position. Ralph got behind her and pressed his cock up against Jenna's pussy from behind and slid it in.

“Oh God yes, Jenna crooned as Ralph's hard throbbing cock was thrust into her pussy.

Ralph slowly began pumping Jenna and he gradually built up speed until he was hammering her hard, fast and continuous.

“OH-H-H-H-H-H-H-H SHIT BABY Yes-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s,” Jenna lustfully panted as she gasped for breath while Ralph hammered her like a pile driver. Jenna was moaning like a porn star does in a porno flick.

You would have thought Jenna was acting out the part with all the skills of the pros but unlike what is usually the case in these movies, Jenna's orgasms were real and the moans came from genuine ecstasy.

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through Jenna's body. She dropped to her elbows and grabbed the sheets as she bit the pillow and tried to brace for the next huge tsunami wave of pleasure that was building up in her body.

It hit without warning and Jenna arched her back and tried to cry out but was breathless. All she could manage was a whimper. Once the wave of passion passed she found her voice and bit the pillow again as she wailed at the top of her lungs like the banshee.

At the same time Jenna came flooding Ralphs cock once again.

Jenna then told Ralph she want him to take her missionary style. Ralph dismounted Jenna and allowed her to lie on her back with her legs spread wide while Ralph crawled on top of her.

After Ralph was on top of Jenna, she lovingly embraced him and they began kissing and caressing. Jenna's long luscious legs wrapped around Ralph's back and pulled him into her.

Ralph maneuvered himself so that his cock pressed up against Jenna's dripping wet pussy. Ralph thrusted his cock into Jenna's pussy and slowly began fucking her with a steady rhythm.

Ralph and Jenna's hot bodies melted together like fresh butter on a warm fresh pastry and soon they moved together in perfect unison and harmony.

Ralph and Jenna soon became one, not only physically but mentally and spiritually as well. The world around them slowly faded away and time and space lost all meaning Jenna and Ralph were in their own private universe and were one with each other.

Ralph and Jenna hearts beat as one as they became inexorably linked and they felt each other's passions. They knew instinctively what to do and how to do it.

Something inside of Ralph told him to begin biting Jenna's flesh on her neck and he followed the impulse As he bit Jenna she lustfully moaned

“Mmmmmmmm yes baby,” Jenna lustfully crooned in a panting voice. Bite me harder. Make me bleed and take my life force into you. Let me become one with you.

Ralph bit Jenna harder and harder and with one fail swoop he clamped down on her neck and broke the skin. Jenna's life-force slowly trickled out of the bite in her neck and Ralph bit one more time, creating a slow steady stream of blood.

He drank in Jenna's life-force as her essence became a part of him. Ralph continued to drink in taking in about four tablespoons of Jenna's salty sweet essence.

“Oh God yes,” Jenna lustfully purred with delight.

Jenna felt her orgasm reach its zenith as did Ralph. They both knew they were on the verge of cumming.

Ralph's cock twitched as he felt it fill with cum and let out a guttural moan.

“Cum on me baby,” Jenna panted in a husky tone. “I want to feel your hot manhood spew on my tits.”

Seconds before Ralph came Jenna arched her back and gasped for air as she came flooding Ralph's hard cock with her sweet honey nectar.

Waiting until the last possible second Ralph kept his cock inside Jenna and then within a millisecond of cumming Ralph withdrew his cock and placed it between Jenna's breasts.

Ralph grunted as he spunked his hot load all over Jenna's tits and neck. Jenna just purred with delight she felt his jism cover her body.

Ralph reinserted his throbbing cock back into Jenna and then Jenna rolled him over so that she was back on top. She began riding Ralph once again but not as fast. She use long slow intense fucking motions.

Jenna did to Ralph what she did to him, bit him on the neck until he bled drinking in his salty sweet essence.

Jenna flooded Ralph's cock as Ralph spunked his final load deep inside of Jenna filling her with his hot manhood.

Jenna laid on top of Ralph as they lovingly embraced. Slowly our lovers came down from their orgasmic high. Time and space slowly returned to normal and the world came back into view.

Ralph held Jenna tightly as they embraced and kissed and basked in the feeling of afterglow.

“Oh baby you don't know how long I have been waiting for this day,” Jenna lustfully purred. “These past 18 months have seemed like an eternity but it was well worth the wait.”

After about five minutes of just cuddling and caressing Jenna stroked Ralph's bangs and curled her finger through the tip of his hair.

“So sweetie, how was your first lesson,” Jenna said with a gleeful contented purr as she lit up a cigarette took a long puff and handed it to Ralph who took a puff.

“Oh baby I can hardly wait to learn more,” Ralph eagerly replied as he blew the smoke out..

“Well maybe later I can show you some more and we can practice what you have learned,” Jenna replied with a gleeful grin. I don't know about you but I am famished. I haven't eaten yet and after that work out I am sure you are hungry as well.”

“Yeah I'm so hungry I could eat a bear,” Ralph said with a grin.

“Well I wouldn't go that far,” Jenna said with a laugh “but I could use something to eat.”

Jenna then looked over to the clock that was on the dresser. “Damn, no wonder we both so hungry, it's almost fifteen after one.”

“Well they say time flies when you're having fun,” Ralph grinned.

“How about we go out for pizza then I will take you shopping for your ‘real' presents Jenna said as she got up from the bed.'

“Sounds great to me, Ralph replied, “but I don't think you could buy me something that equaled to what I have gotten today.

“Well that's true,” Jenna replied “Like they say the best present is something money can't buy. Come on sweetie lets shower get dressed and we will have plenty of time later tonight to enjoy some more of the present I gave you.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Ralph smiled and with that they both showered and got dressed and went out for pizza.

Ralph put on a t-shirt and jeans with sneakers and Jenna put on a sexy low cut tank top that showed off her cleavage and a pair of tight short denim jeans and sandals

Just as they were getting ready to leave the doorbell rang. Jenna answered it and it was the postal carrier with a certified letter she had to sign for. Jenna took it, read who it was from and smiled.

“What is that,” Ralph inquired curiously.

“It's the solution to the problem we discussed earlier,” Jenna said with a triumphant smile. “You remember wondering how you were going to get around the silly law about the drinking and smoking age?”

“Yeah, so?” Ralph replied puzzled

“So, this is the solution I told you I was working on,” Jenna smiled as she handed him the content of the envelope “Here take a look at this and you will know what I mean.”

Ralph looked at it and noticed it was a driver's license with his name and picture on it.

“It's a driver's license, but I got one all ready,” Ralph replied still not sure what Jenna was talking about.

“Well take a good look at it hon and then you will see what I mean” Jenna said.

Ralph looked then it hit him and his jaw almost dropped off his mouth and his eyes went wide

“Hey wait a minute, Ralph said with surprise. “This thing says I am 22 years old. How… What… Where…” he added with a puzzled look not able to find the words to finish his sentence

Jenna finished the sentence for him “I have a client at the strip club who is one of the top directors at the DMV. He got me this for let's say a favor if you know what I mean.”

When did you get this,” Ralph inquired.

“Well I told him I wanted it about six weeks ago and he said it wouldn't be a problem He just made a few modifications and waa-lah you are now 22 years old instead of 18.”

“Way cool,” Ralph replied with a big grin. “It actually makes me look 22. I think I have a good chance to pull this off.”

“Yep he did d0 a great job didn't he,” Jenna said with a smile. “Why don't we try it out.”

With that, Jenna and Ralph got into Jenna's 1968 fully restored Candy-Apple red Ford Mustang Convertible. It had the original factory V-8 289 engine with automatic transmission, red interior and a state of the art car stereo with AM/FM radio, CD player and a USB port so Jenna could plug her MP-3 and/or tablet into it and play her music.

The rear license plate read “2-Hot-4-U” and the front tag had “Jenna's Toy” written above an airbrushed picture of her car.

Jenna and Ralph cruised to the convenience store and Ralph went in to see if he was able to buy some cigarettes.

“While you are in the store, pick me up a couple packs of KOOL Super Long Menthol 100's in the green box, as well as a couple of packs of Newport 100's in the green box” Jenna said as she handed Ralph two $20 notes and a $10.00 dollar note

“These are also a good brand I like to smoke and I think you will like them as well,” Jenna added as she gave Ralph a long wet French kiss and Ralph went into the store to purchase them.

Ralph told the clerk what he wanted and the clerk told Ralph he needed to check his ID. Ralph handed the clerk the new ID Jenna had given him and the clerk looked it over and was satisfied.

“Here you go,” the clerk said as he handed Ralph his ID back plus the change.

Ralph was surprised that the clerk didn't question the ID, thanked the clerk, and took the cigarettes and went outside and got into the car.”

“Any trouble hon,” Jenna asked somewhat confident that there would be no problem.

“Worked like a charm,” Ralph replied smiling as he closed the door and buckled his seat belt.

“Told ya,” Jenna replied with a wink and with that she pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the Pizza joint.

“Hand me a pack of Newports will ya hon,” Jenna said with a smile.

Ralph opened the pack, handed it to her and Jenna pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“Here you go sweetie, try this and let me know what you think, Jenna said as she lit the cigarette took a puff and handed it to Ralph.

Ralph took a draw on it and blew out the smoke. “Not bad,” Ralph said. “These are pretty good,” he added as he took another puff and handed it back to Jenna.

Jenna and Ralph ate lunch and afterwards she took Ralph shopping. She got him a brand new laptop computer, a desktop computer, both state of the art and with all the programs he needed. Jenna then purchased Ralph a tablet as well as a new phone.

After that Jenna took Ralph and got him a complete makeover consisting of a new hairstyle so he would look chic and hip as well as some new clothes to go with his new look.

After that Jenna went and purchase herself some sexy outfits One was a hot little black dress that showed off every luscious curve of her sumptuous body. She also purchased some sexy lingerie for later that evening.

Ralph and Jenna arrived home around 5:30 in the evening put their stuff away. Jenna and Ralph enjoyed some more good hot sex and showered as they got dressed for the evening to go out on the town.

Jenna had arranged for a limo to pick them up around 7:30 in the evening and they shared a hot night of romance and passion as they ate dinner at a fancy restaurant then danced the night away at a hot new nightclub until around midnight.

Once home they went up to Jenna's suite and enjoyed good hot sex until dawn and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Over time, Ralph and Jenna grew closer together and had gone from normal step-mom/ relationship to eternal soulmates. Jenna helped Ralph get his stories and artwork published on the web and Ralph was soon making good money.

Jenna also took him to the strip club she owned and introduced him to the dancers who were all eager to meet him. She and some of her girlfriends put on a hot show for Ralph which of course winded of including him.

Eventually Jenna celebrated her 40th birthday with Ralph which was a hot torrid time within itself. Details of that as well as Ralph meeting one of his stepsisters, Jenna's youngest child Rachel will be included in the next installment of this torrid tale, cumming soon.

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