Fascinated by in-laws

Me spending at my in-laws house along with my husband, it’s a official trip for him. To be honest my in-laws and their house was lovely, father in-law was a govt contractor and my mother in-law was office employe once, both of them got retired. It’s been a week at their house.

Me and my husband staying at the upper room. It’s his room. We both making love at that night. But we both heard noises from the lower room, it’s not that loud but still noticeable.
We both stopped “my parents, I don’t know what they are thinking errr”

“stop it, they really love each other”-me

“they should feel ashamed of themselves”

My husband doesn’t seem happy, I think he felt uncomfortable and went to his side.

“honey, what about me”

“I…… Don’t feel comfortable” I can see expression

“okay, I understand”-me

He kissed me on the forehead “another time” he went to sleep.
It’s obvious any kid wouldn’t feel easy when their parents having sex. Even though they are my in-laws, I can’t stop imaging them naked at this age and screams of mother in-law doesn’t seem to stop, these forbidden thoughts clouding my mind, I slowly drifted it to sleep.

Next day, while me and mother in-law preparing lunch.

MIL-“anjali I want to tell something, it’s about last night” she looks so embarrassed and me too. There’s a awkward moment of silence.

“It’s okey to tell me,”- me

“it’s so embarrassing”

“you look more younger and brighter than yesterday” I tried to cool down the situation

“ANJALI, that was…..” there was shy smile around lips.

“what do you wanna tell mother, I am happy that you are sharing this, my mother never ever talked about this”-me

“anil sure doesn’t feel comfortable about us”

“He is, don’t worry about him”-me

“you know my age is catching up–”

“I am not sure of it”-me

“ANJALI, stop” we both laughed

“I need a favour, I know it’s a not a proper thing to ask” I cut her

“tell me mother” I asked confidentially

“since I am not young,…….. I….. Just couldn’t get ready more often, it takes weeks.”


“i think it is one of those weeks where I feel ready, umm… We sure made anil uncomfortable but If don’t do– ”

I understand she is worried about her son. “Don’t worry I will take care of him.”

We talked and I bullied her a little more. At that Night, before he goes to sleep I mixed a less concentrated pills in the milk. I don’t know why I did that. He fell asleep.

It’s around 12.30. I can hear sounds. I slipped from my room, as I slowly climbing down the steps, sounds are getting more clear and erotic. As I reached to the door handle, my hearts racing, slowly I tried to open but it’s closed.
I went around the room and peeked through the window, that scene caught my breath “ah”.

I never seen directly people having sex, maybe that’s what made me to put my husband into sleep. My mother in-law on top all naked, clutching her saggy boob with one hand other was placed on him. Watching my innocent mother(in law) doing that made my own nipples hard. I sensed that my breast was molested by my own hand involuntarily.

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