Family camping trip

This story is about a vacation. “Are we there yet?” came from the back bedroom of our motor home as Steve, my dad, was maneuvering into the line at the state park check-in station. Seems we weren't the only family that got out of town for the three day weekend. “Why don't you get off that gaming station and come find out?” Steve asked as he watched in the rear view mirror. Crystal, my mom, was in the passenger seat monitoring the passenger side mirror as other vehicles came close to that side. David, my younger brother, was in the back bedroom playing video games.

Dad is a very successful business owner and has done quite well. Well enough that we have a new house with a pool and this big RV that we are in. Two years ago he built a workout gym in his company so his employees could stay healthy and in shape. Needless to say he uses it regularly and his well-toned body is proof. Mom is a real estate agent and found our dream house and pool. I emphasize pool because that is my favorite part of the new house.

Mom is a 39 year old hottie. She's 5'7″ with a model body, perfect tits and ass complimented by ass-length auburn hair and green eyes. Dad is 6'0″ tall with short blonde hair and a body most men wish they had. I inherited my mom ‘s body, hair and eyes. My brother is a mini version of my dad and stands 5'9″. I'm sure he has a few more years to grow ending up as a carbon copy of my dad. Yes he spends hours at the company gym.

So that's my family, all loaded up in the RV headed for a relaxing weekend with nature. I'm Samantha, Sam to my family and friends. I'm 19 and going to the local community college studying to be a massage therapist. David is a 18 yr old senior in high school hoping to be the next video game legend.

My family is what would be called nudists. We like to be naked as much as possible. We've seen each other's body many times and for me, it never gets old. My dad and brother get me wet every time I get to watch their gorgeous cocks swinging in the breeze. Occasionally I catch them standing erect and oh the beauty of a hard cock. Several times I've placed myself in the way on purpose so I'd get cock bumped in my ass or mound to mound but that's a story for another day.

Let's start at the beginning of this trip. We have been on the road for three days and I have say they have been eye opening days. As we left the house, mom told me that I could “get comfortable” which means I could get naked if I wanted to. She said she was as she took off her spaghetti-stringed top and dropped her short shorts. She wore no underwear so I was treated to her hairless pussy and no tan lines. I quickly dropped my clothes in a pile as my mom said “sweetie, I love your landing strip on our mound. How about we trim it all off like mine?” With that she thrust her pelvis forward giving me a better view of her pussy.

“I don't know mom” I said as I stared at her pussy. Her pussy should be used to make fake ones, it's perfectly shaped to have had two kids pop out of it. No stretch marks or lip irregularities, just two perfect lips.

“Oh no honey, it feels great. Here, feel” as she stepped forward, took my hand and put it over her bare mound. My middle finger was right over her clit and I moved my hand around on her mound. My middle finger played with her clit and she gasped.

“Wow mom, that feels pretty sexy” as I leaned into her and whispered in her ear. I nibbled on her earlobe then pulled away. Mom's eyes were closed and her head had rolled back a bit. “Oh sweetie, that felt so good.” I let my finger slide up and down her slit a few times then added a little pressure as I slid down the last time and my finger slipped between her lips. She was already wet from my touch so I eased my finger in slowly. Her hand covered mine as she drew in a sharp breath. Mom leaned into my shoulder as her right tit pressed into mine. I curled my finger inside her pussy and stroked her G spot every so slowly. Mom's body shook as she orgasmed on my finger. Her nipples were hard as rocks as I felt her press against me. After a few body tremors, mom settled down and stepped back from me.

Without a beat I asked “mom, do you think you could help me shave my pussy? With the RV moving, I'm afraid I may nick myself.”

“Are you sure Sam?” Mom asked as she looked in my eyes as if begging I'd say yes.

“Only if you want to” I said. Mom grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back bedroom and shut the door behind us. She went into the small bathroom and came back with a towel, cream and a razor.

After she spread out the towel, she motioned for me to sit on it. I sat on the bed's edge and mom knelt down at my feet and spread my legs. She placed my feet up on the edge of the bed and told me to lean back. I started to become a little aroused at this sight and hoped that it was apparent down there.

Mom sprayed a small amount of cream in her hand and began rubbing it across the small patch of pubic hair above my pussy. After she had that covered, she moved her hand across my wet lips and covered them with cream as well. The feeling caused my to roll my head back and lay back on the bed. My legs spread wider as mom continued to caress my wet pussy lips with her cream coated fingers.

Mom removed her hand and wiped the excess on the towel. She took the razor and quickly removed any sign of hair from my strip all the was down to my puckered hole. I was as bare as a new born baby. Mom took a wet rag and began wiping me. By the time she was finished, I was about to come all over the rag. I think she sensed this as she sat the rag down and dropped to her knees and began licking and kissing my bare pussy. I gasped as she ate my pussy with skill.

I grabbed her head and held her as close to me as possible as I felt my orgasm build. Mom must have sensed it too because she began sucking my clit like there was no tomorrow. With my back arched up I came hard on mom's face. She licked and slurped my juice as fast as she could. When she finished and looked up at me her face looked wet from her nose down to her chin. I reached for her and pulled her up to my face and licked and kissed her face clean.

She lay on top of me for a few minutes and we fondled each other. Dad came on the speaker system and said we were going to be making a pit stop soon so everyone needed clothes on if they were getting off. Mom and I lay for another minute enjoying our time cuddling then she rose up and went to gather our clothes.

While she was bent over to get our stuff, I saw my brother sitting on the couch and he was also naked. He was slow stroking his very impressive 8-9 inch cock and looking straight at mom. He had a perfect view of her pussy from between her legs as she was bent over. David's cock was perfectly shaped with a perfectly shaped helmet head. I've seen many pictures so I speak from great picture knowledge.

As she stood up she told David to either finish what he was doing quickly or take care of it after our stop. She brought our clothes back to the bedroom and we quickly got dressed as we felt the RV rocking as dad pulled into the parking lot. Dad preferred to stop at major truck stops because the facilities are better. He wanted to save emptying the waste tanks, truth be known. At any rate, we all got out and got our land legs back under us as we walked around browsing through the stop.

Dad picked up a few road snacks, David got a few magazines and back to the RV we went. Once we were inside, everyone except dad stripped out of clothing. It just felt better to be naked than to wear constricting clothing. David resumed his position on the couch with his magazines while mom and I went to the back bedroom to lay around and chat.

Since there was really no one to worry about, we left the door open. As we lay on the bed, we talked about college and what I was going to do with my life, small talk. Mom asked “so what's going on in the dating section?” I rolled on my side facing her propping my head in my hand “I'm too focused on my career to be sidetracked by boys right now. I've dated a few guys but no real interest right now.”

“That sounds like a plan” mom said. “Besides, if you get an itch, I'm sure your horny brother could help you out.” She stared at me for a few seconds then said “I'm joking, you need someone with maturity and experience. Take your dad, for instance. He's mature and certainly experienced.” She looked at me as if to say it was okay to fuck my dad. I've seen my dad naked and I have to say, he has a large cock. I'm not sure it would fit in my tiny pussy but her talking about it got me thinking.

“So you would be okay if I let dad, you know,… fuck me?” I watched her facial expressions as I said it. “Honey, it's your father, of course I'm okay with it. It's not like he's cheating. While technically he is, but really he is just helping his with a problem that only he can fix.” She said this as if she rehearsed it many times and it sounded so innocent. My head spun for a second as my mind flashed a picture of my dad with his cock sunk in my wet pussy.

“Are you sure mom? I don't want to create a problem that doesn't exist.”

Mom gave me the look of compassion and said “Oh sweetie, it's okay. Your dad and I discussed this several years ago. We decided if you wanted him to help you with anything, including Learning to fuck when you were ready for it. He's had a vasectomy years ago so there would be no worries about you getting pregnant.”

Mom and dad had actually talked about him fucking me, good to know. As we talked, dad came on the intercom and said we were going to be pulling into our first overnight spot. Where did the time go? Mom and I had spent the first day laying around talking.

Turns out it was a major chain store with 24 hour security in the parking lot. We stopped at the farthest spot from the store and dad activated the levelers and got out of the driver's seat. He activated the down curtain button and all of the privacy curtains slowly shut the outside world away.

He went outside to make sure the RV was level then came back in and stepped to the bathroom to relieve himself due to his long drive today. As he exited the bathroom I noticed he had removed all his clothing. Mom had opened some various things for our dinner and told everyone if they didn't want it, they could eat whatever they could find.

I looked at dad and asked if I could talk to him privately. He said sure and we went to the back bedroom. I pulled the door shut, a little because I was worried he might go off on me. “Dad, I need to ask you something but I don't want you to take it wrong.”

“Okay Sam, what's going on?” Dad said with a concerned look on his face.

“Well, mom said that it we didn't want to eat what she put out that we could eat whatever we could find. Well…I uh…wondered if…I could…have your cock for supper?” I asked as I felt my nipples getting hard and my pussy get damp.

Dad stood for what seemed like an eternity before a smile stretched across his face. knew he was in favor of it as his cock sprang to life. “Are you sure baby?” Dad asked as his cock rose for the occasion.

“Well, yes…id like to try. I mean, I've had boyfriends before but we never did anything like this. I think it's time I took the next step and mom said you two had talked about me so… Besides, you look like your sure” I told him as I watched his cock grow thicker. When it was fully erect it must have been 8 or 9 inches long and probably 1.5 to 2 inches thick. “I'm going to need you to talk me through this if I'm going to be any good at it”

Dad sat down on the edge of the bed and motioned me to sit beside him on his left. He said “ok baby, wrap your left hand around the base of my cock. That's it, a little lower. Good, now when you glide your hand up the shaft towards the head, stop when your hand is surrounding the head.” When I wrapped my hand around his cock, I felt the heat and the power and my pussy quivered.

“That's it, now rotate your hand around the head but be gentle at first. That's it baby, now glide your hand back down the shaft and as your hand leaves the head let your thumb wiggle a bit on the slit of the head.” As I followed his instructions, dad's eyes closed a few times so I guess I was doing it good.

“Now baby, as you glide up and down the shaft, lean over the head and lick the head of…mmm…my cock.” Dad said as he leaned back a bit and closed his eyes more. I leaned over his cock and could feel some heat coming from it. I gently slid my tongue across his cock head as I slid my hand to his cock base. Dad took a deep breath as I licked his cock head.

I really liked the feel of his cock skin across my tongue so I lean more and took the head in my mouth without direction. “Fuck” was all he could say as he stroked the back of my head.

As I continued to suck and stroke him, I repositioned myself so that I was on my knees in front of him. This gave me better access to his cock and I wasn't leaning too much. As I stroked and sucked, dad told me that if I would suck on his balls a few times that it would feel even better for him. My dad's balls and cock are shaved so the feel of his skin against my face had me on fire in my pussy.

With my right hand, I slipped a finger between my wet lips and made small circles around my clit. This caused me to speed up on dad's cock. He had a hand on the back of my head like he was keeping my focused. I bobbed up and down on his cock as it slipped in and out of my mouth and my hand was pumping like crazy.

Dad told me to stop for a second and to come up and straddle his lap. I did as my finger continued to circle my clit. I was close to orgasm and he knew it. As I sat down, his cock was resting on his stomach and my wet pussy sat right on its underside. The feel on my opened pussy lips caused me to gasp and my stomach muscles tightened. This joint reaction caused me to thrust my pelvis forward basically humping my dad's cock. It felt so good, I couldn't wait to feel it inside me filling my virgin hole.

Dad put his hands on my hips and slowly pulled and pushed me so I was dry humping his cock. Instinctively my hands cupped my tits and I slowly massaged my hard nipples. I heard dad say “we can fuck and I come in you or we fuck and I pull out and you can suck me off, which would you like to try first?” At this point I didn't know, both sounded equally yummy but I did come in here to suck him off.

“Well, I think for starters we could fuck then you pull out and I'll suck you off” I wasn't real sure but I figured this would let me get the opportunity to experience it all. Dad agreed and I eased my very wet pussy up to the head of his cock.

“Okay, now once we do this there is no going back. You won't be a virgin any more, you understand that?” Dad paused to ask.

“Yes and I want to do this, please” were the words I put together. Dad's cock was swirling around my clit and I was about to come. With skilled hands, dad pulled my hips forward and my lips eased around his cock head. He thrust his hips forward slowly and his cock head rubbed from just above my hole up to my clit. The feeling was none like I had ever experienced and I shuttered. Dad eased his hips back as the head of his cock cock slid down between my lips until the tip of head was at the entrance of my hole.

Dad moved his hands up to my tits and moved them under mine. He squeezed my tits and tweaked my nipples between his thumbs and forefinger. This caused me to arch my back and his cockbead entered my hole. I gasped at the sudden feeling between my pussy lips, it was like something missing had found its way home. I froze for a minute not knowing what was next and dad was very patient as he didn't move either. This reminded me of what mom said earlier about dad being experienced. He knew what I needed as I needed it and he just did it.

As I became accustomed to this new feeling I sat back more on dad's cock as it eased deeper in my soaking wet pussy. I was so wet that dad's cock entered me with very little fuss. I couldn't breathe for a second or two as his cock filled my pussy. My jaw hung open as I felt like a tree trunk was going to burst through me at any second.

When my mound met dad's I knew he was all in me and I felt totally full. It was amazing and I never wanted it to end. “Raise up lowly when you can” dad whispered and I find only to feel his cock slipping out. He stopped me just as his head was about to pop out then he whispered “ease back down” to which I gladly complied. Again I felt that full feeling come over me. It was only getting better as we went.

As I got the hang of easing up and down, dad instructed less and let me take more control. I started to make small circles as I buried his cock deep in me. This gave both of us more pleasure and increased my skill set as well. “Oh baby, yea, that's it, rock that pussy on dad's cock” to which I did.

It didn't take very long for this orgasmic wave to rush over me. I leaned forward with my arms extended and my hands on dad's chest as my body began to convulse in rhythm to the intense feeling from my pussy. I have never felt so good in all of my life. I thought I was about to die and I didn't want it to end. The next thing I remembered was waking up laying on dad's chest.

“What happened?” I asked as I sat up and still had that full feeling in my pussy.

“I believe you had a massive orgasm” dad said as he put his hands on my hips. “How did it feel?”

“Like I had died but in the most fantastic way” I told him as I smiled down at him. He pushed his pelvis up a little and a shockwave flooded my body. “Oh fuck” came out of my mouth as my body thrust down on him. I braced on his chest again as my stomach muscles convulsed in short bursts. I raised myself up from his body then sat back down and his cock filled me.

Dad thrust and I raised and lowered myself to three more orgasms until I heard him say “I'm getting real close, do you want to try sucking me off or do you want me to come inside you?” As much as I wanted to taste him, I had to know how this feeling between my legs ended.

“Please come in me dad, I've got to know how it feels” was all I could say as I rode him as hard as I knew how. I felt his cock stiffen more, if that was possible, and then this feeling of warm wet come began squirting in my core being. I thrust with all of my soul and body as this warm liquid coated my insides causing me to have a massive orgasm. “Oh my fucking…OH….MY….FUCK!” and my body tightened, my toes curled and my fingers dug into his chest.

After what seemed like an hour my body relaxed and I fell onto his chest. I was lifeless as I was breathing like a just ran a marathon. “Hey, you okay?” Dad asked as he was breathing hard.

“I'm fantastic” I said as this calming, utopia feeling flooded my body. I must have fallen to sleep because the next thing I remembered was waking up lying in the bed with covers over me. This was not where I usually sleep so I wondered what was going on. I raised up on my elbows, leaned over the side of the bed to find it was dark outside.

I got up and went to the front of the RV and found mom and my brother fast asleep in the second bed. I heard the toilet flush so I knew where dad was. He opened the door quietly and went back to the bedroom without saying a word. I followed to find him getting in bed. The same bed I had just gotten out of. Had we slept together all night? Did mom and David sleep together? Did they fuck too? I had so many questions and I wanted to talk but everyone was in bed now.

I decided to get back in bed with dad so I eased in and turned my back to him. Instinctively, he rolled over, put his arm around me and pulled me back into him. We spooned and I felt his cock between my ass cheeks ax his hand cupped my tit. He sighed and went to sleep as I lay there mentally picturing his body next to me. Slowly I faded off to sleep.

The next morning I woke to the sound of the motor humming beneath me as we motored down the highway. Dad had gotten up and gotten us on the road without waking anyone. He's a great driver so we weren't thrown around as we were all awakened slowly by the motor and the irregularities on the pavement below. It was going to be a great day.

On was also up making breakfast as David had his head covered in the second bed. “David, get up. It's time for breakfast.” Mom said as I kissed her on the cheek. “Sounded like you had a great first time last night” mom winked. I wrapped my arms around her naked body and sighed.

“I'll never be the same, it was the most wonderful experience of my life” as I leaned my head on her shoulder. “I knew if would be, I've had that for years and it only gets better with time” mom said softly.

I felt dad's come easing down my thigh and I wiped it with my fingers. When I raised it up to see what it looked like, mom eagerly sucked my fingers clean. “Sorry baby, but I love the taste of your dad's come. I couldn't resist.”

I looked confused for a second only to return my fingers to my thigh to retrieve another sample. This time I took my fingers to my own mouth. I had to taste dad's come for myself. It had a little bit of a salty taste but otherwise I tasted my juices mixed with his come. It wasn't bad at all so I scooped more and sucked my fingers clean. I gave mom a finger or two to suck on and she gladly did as she finished making breakfast.

We shared dad's come without words as our souls and bodies connected. Her nipples were hard now as were mine. I kept huggting her one armed as we leaned into each other. My free hand was between my legs diddling my clit. My nipples were hard as rocks as mom said ” take your time, don't rush an orgasm. It won't feel near as good as when you take your time” mom whispered. She let me hold her as I diddled myself to a quick orgasm. I couldn't help it, I needed it quick.

When I was finished, mom kissed me on the lips and thanked me for sharing that with her. She moved away, helped David set up the table, and put breakfast on it. She took dad a cup of coffee and kissed him on the cheek as he kept driving down the highway. I walked to dad and with an arm around him I kissed his cheek “thank you for last night. You are truly an amazing dad.”

Continue… Family camping trip : Part 2 – An RV vacation continues as pleasure increases

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