Extreme measures to get pregnant lead to hot new fetish

Sally was staring into her coffee trying to sort out what she wanted to do next. She was at a truck stop at the edge of town that she had barely known existed a few weeks ago. Though it was pretty big, with a large diner and even showers available for the long-haulers, it just wasn't the type of place she usually went. Sally and her husband, Phil, were affluent suburbanites. Though she wasn't the type to stick her nose up and think she's too good for anyone or anyplace, she felt pretty out of place here.

She took another small bite of the Boston cream pie she'd ordered. At least it tasted good. Probably for the best that's what she got, she was clearly out of her mind having any other thoughts.

Sally was 41 years old, and though she was starting to soften a bit, she took very good care of herself. She was wearing an expensive beige blazer and a chic pencil cut skirt that came down to her knees. Her sandy blond hair was pulled into a bun, that was just tight enough to declare it as put together without looking severe. Her makeup was light and tasteful, just enough to accentuate everything beautiful about her. The overall impression was perfection. She may not be the hot blonde she had been in college, but was still turning heads.

The problem was whose head she wasn't turning. No, that wasn't fair. Phil still paid her plenty of attention, but only on a schedule. Specifically, a schedule that didn't match when she was ovulating. Three years of experience showed a clear pattern.

Sally had already been worried that she might be getting too old, but she really wanted a child. She'd talked to Phil, and after a couple months, Phil said “OK”. So, with his blessing, Sally went off the pill. They'd always had an active sex life, so she expected to get knocked up quick, assuming that they were both healthy. She was so excited. She wanted a child, but she was also turned on by the thought of those sperm swimming in to fertilize her. For awhile it was like a dream of taboo lust. Every time they had sex she would take him deep inside and imagine that cream deep inside and wonder if this would be the time. No sperm found her egg.

After 8 months of not getting pregnant that Sally started getting serious about trying. Step one was to start tracking her cycle. She looked up exactly when she'd be most fertile, only to find that for several days surrounding that time, Phil was unavailable. He was traveling for work, or wasn't feeling well, or was just staying up late doing other things. What could have been normal one-offs started to build a pattern. It started to look like he was actively avoiding impregnating her.

Another 8 months like this and Sally finally confronted Phil, saying she was going to post her ovulation times, and expected him to be there. It didn't go well. Phil said she was stressing him out, and that it should just happen naturally. But it didn't. She kept track, and even with her best efforts, over the next 2 years they'd only had sex 3 times during her potentially fertile days.

The real kicker was that a few months ago, when she brought it up, he suggested they go and get tested at a family planning clinic – as if that were the only reason she wasn't pregnant. So, they went. Not only were they both perfectly healthy, but Phil's swimmers could have qualified for the Olympics.

There was no doubt in her mind, Phil was avoiding impregnating her.


Sally was getting desperate. Maybe she wasn't thinking straight, but a couple weeks back she was talking with her brother, Greg. She mentioned that she was getting frustrated with not getting pregnant, and that Phil seemed indifferent – Sally was unwilling to admit to anyone that Phil was straight up avoiding knocking her up. Really, Sally should have known better. Though Greg was always the best brother she could hope for, he was also rather lewd when it came to anything that even tangentially related to sex.

“How long have you been trying?” Greg asked, his restraint from bringing up how to insert a penis into a vagina actually surprised Sally.

“Over three years now,” Sally admitted.

“Yikes! I mean, I guess that makes sense, but still, that's a long time with no results. I don't mean to be mean, but, you sure you're able?”

“Yeah, I went and got checked, everything to going as it should. I just can't get Phil to watch the clock with me about when to… ‘be intimate'.” This was as close as she could bring herself to saying that he was actively avoiding knocking her up.

“Well, you could always try the fertile hole.” Greg quipped.

“The what?”

“Never mind, just a stupid rumor.” Greg was blushing, something he never did.

“OK, now you have to tell me what deviance is this?” Sally teased.

Greg dodged a bit, “it's just a rumor, more likely just some guys fantasy story that got passed around like an urban myth.”

“Sure, fantasy story became urban myth, but what is it?”

Greg caved, “fine. Do you know what a gloryhole is?”

Sally scrunched her brow in confusion, “no…”

“Well, it's basically a hole in a wall that a guy sticks his dick through. If there's someone on the other side, that person pleasures his dick, what whatever means of their choosing.”

“So, you stick your dick through a hole and hope a stranger gets you off?”


“But you have no idea if she's good looking, or even if it's a she! You could end up having butt sex with some old fat guy.”


“And why would anyone want to be on the other side? I mean other than the desperate old gay guy.”

“I think some people like the anonymity of it, and the control. The guy with his dick in a hole doesn't have much control. Think of it like a blindfold with some light bondage. It gets some people off.”

“You sound like you've done this.” Sally regretted the comment as soon as she said it, as it invited more information about her brother's sex life than she was comfortable with.

“Um, well, maybe under very controlled circumstances.”

“Yeah, sorry, I don't want to know.” Sally tried to get back on track. “So, now I know what a gloryhole is.” She didn't want to admit it herself, she actually found the idea of giving an anonymous blowjob kind of sexy.

“Right. So, the rumor is that there's this truck stop that has a gloryhole.”

“Sure, sure, truck stop with a gloryhole. Which one is this supposed to be?”

“You know the big one on the freeway about 10 miles north of town?”

“Yeah, I think so. It's got some nondescript name like Chuck's, right? You're telling me there's a gloryhole there?” Sally was incredulous.

“The truck stop is named Carl's… Anyway, the rumor is that there is, and more than just a normal gloryhole. The rumor is that they get women who aren't using protection to go in and service whichever dicks come in.”

“So, she would have sex with random strangers?”

“That would be the idea. Supposedly, there's some big bonus if she actually gets knocked up from it. Hence the name, fertile hole.”

“There's no way that's real.”

“You're probably right. Like I said, some guys fantasy that became urban legend.”

“How would they even find women for that? It's ridiculous.”

“Well, you know how urban legends are, all the details filled in. Supposedly, if a woman thinks she might be interested, she goes up to the counter, alone, and orders the cream pie special. It's on the menu as being your choice of banana cream pie or Boston cream pie with a cup of coffee. But if it's ordered by a lone woman, it's code that she's interested. Someone will come around and get details, and be sure.”

“They just have women lining up for this?”

“Well, it's cheaper than a sperm bank?” Greg offered. “In fact, if the girl does everything right, she can get over 5 grand for it.”

“Five Grand! Where does the truck stop come up with that?”

“Well, to get it, there are hurdles.”

“I can't believe I'm asking, but my morbid curiosity has taken over. What hurdles?”

“Well, she gets 50 dollars for each guy she services, not matter how she does it. Then if she takes at least 10 creampies, she gets a 2,000 dollar bonus, plus each over 10 gets 100 bucks instead of 50. Finally, if she shows that she wasn't pregnant going in, but is afterward, she gets another 3 grand.”

“So, they get hookers for this?”

“Assuming this were real, that wouldn't be ideal. No hooker wants to get pregnant, and it breaks the fantasy, so they would be trying to screen for ‘normal' women.”

“I thought the fantasy was for a virgin anyway. There are really guys whose fantasy is to knock up a stranger?”

Greg blushed again. Wait, Sally thought, that idea turns him on? Oh god, more information I didn't want to have about my brother!

“There are,” Greg admitted. “Funny you should mention the virgin. There was a rumor about a girl claiming to be a 22 year old virgin. Not sure what they did to verify that, but supposedly they did. Then they auctioned off her first time. The winner paid 10 grand to cum inside her. It was done through the gloryhole, so they never even met.”

“Did she get pregnant?”

“Not that time, or so the story goes.”

“Oh my god, I can't believe this conversation.”

“Yeah, sorry, this is bad, even for me.” Greg apologized.

“Oh, I'm not even sure you're to blame this time!” Sally teased.


After that talk with her brother, the idea of the fertile hole stayed with Sally. The thought grew. She wanted to get pregnant, but moreover, the more she thought of it, the more the thought of sex with a total stranger had an unexpected appeal. The idea that some random guy's cock would fill her with sperm actually excited her to the point she found herself masturbating to it.

This morning she decided to go check out this truck stop. Of course, she wasn't going to do anything. Maybe though, she would find something that could feed her fantasy.

When she took the exit for the stop, her heart was racing. The building was even bigger than it looked from the freeway. She stepped inside, her legs shaking slightly. From the main entrance, to her left, she could see a quick mart that was as big as some grocery stores, with all the normal rest-stop sundries. To the right was a dinner that looked big enough to serve half the town. She guessed this had the advantage of not needing to rush anyone out. Straight ahead, beyond the clerk to help with gasoline problems, were the restrooms. There were pictograms indicating there were showers and lockers available inside. Maybe this is where they would hide a gloryhole, she wondered. So, she went back to women's room to look around.

Sally ended up spending 10 minutes going through every corner of the very large bathroom. There were 6 shower stalls, but all of them were solid, no strange holes. The toilets were normal too, without any chunks of wall missing. Finally she looked for extra doors, but the only door other than the entrance was for a utility closet. The door to the closet was slatted, and she could see the brooms and cleaning supplies inside.

Oh well, what did I expect? Sally thought. There is no way such a thing exists in our town.

So, Sally went into the dining area, and sat at the counter, thinking to get a light snack before heading home. Looking over the menu, she found it. “Cream pie special”, just as advertised.

Ha! That's probably what started this rumor in the first place. Sally concluded. I wonder if they even know what creampie means?

Sally ordered the special as a lark. This was just too funny.

But once she got the pie, she realized that part of her was actually disappointed. She'd been so excited by the prospect of this forbidden solution to having a child, that her panties were dripping wet.

What's come over me? Sally wondered. My brother tells me some ridiculous rumor and I get wet over seeing a dessert special?

Sally blushed slightly and went back to nibbling at her pie.

“Hello ma'am. How's that pie treating you?” The voice asking was deep and rich.

Sally looked up find a large middle aged man with salt and pepper hair and a full beard on the other side of the counter. He wore a name tag that simply said “Carl”. It was the same color and font as the waitress had been, or at least close enough, but had no other identifier except the name.

“Hi,” Sally responded slowly. “It's pretty good, thanks.”

“You'd let me know if you wanted anything else now, wouldn't you?” He seemed to be probing for something.

Sally nodded. “So, are you the manager?”

Carl smiled, “sort of. I'm Carl.” This just got a blank look from Sally. So, he continued, “as in, ‘Carl's truck stop'.”

“Wait, there's actually a Carl? You're that Carl? No way.”

“Seriously. although, to be honest I cheated. My dad bought the place and built it up. He bought it when I was 10 telling me it would be mine one day, even named it after me to prove it!”

“Well, thank you Carl, that's quite the service you provide. Do you introduce yourself to everyone that comes through?”

“Not everyone. But I find myself drawn to those that order the special.”

Carl then looked over Sally, taking her in. He changed the subject, asking, “you're not a regular here, and you don't look like the typical road warrior, what brings you in today?”

“I don't?” Sally asked. “What does a road warrior look like?”

“Don't get me wrong, you could be, but you look like you could take over a board meeting and all the social club wives at the same time, and you don't look tired from driving. So, if you are a traveler, I'm quite impressed. We do have some local regulars, but they are typically from the trailer park across the way. Am I wrong?”

The smile Sally gave him could win beauty contests. “No, you're right, I'm from town, but this is my first time here.”

“Well, I'm delighted to have you! Can I ask what brought you to our neck of the woods? Was it the rumors of the best cream pie special?”

Sally blanched. She was sure that she looked like a ghost. Before she could come up with a misdirect, she answered, “I had heard rumor of it.”

“And is it all that you expected? Or was there something more to it in the stories you'd heard?”

Sally swallowed hard. “I had heard of more cream pies.”

“I see. Well, as you can imagine, there are cream pies, and there are creampies.”

“Is it true that there are creampies in a hole?” The code was clumsy, but Sally didn't know what else to say.

Carl smiled warmly, “ah, yes, that kind of creampie can be made. Would you like to come into my office to discuss ordering one?”

Knots and butterflies battle to dominate Sally's stomach as she quietly nodded.

As they stood, Sally reached for her purse to pay for the pie and coffee. Carl just knocked the counter with his knuckle, “don't worry none about that, it's on the house, no matter whether we order you another.”

Carl led Sally along the length of the diner's counter to a door at the far end. The door, like his nametag, just said “Carl”.

The office was simple and clean. There were a couple of comfortable chairs, a computer and a filing cabinet. The pictures around the office were all framed photos of various places. A few had people in them, but most were just of ocean or mountains.

Sally sat at Carl's direction, feeling fully outside her element.

Carl continued to smile as he said, “ok, enough with the code. You came here looking for something, likely rated x in nature, is that right?”

Sally tried to swallow, but her mouth had gone dry. “I'm not sure, maybe. I don't know if I should be doing this.”

Carl nodded, his mannerisms reassuring. “That's fair. Let me absolutely clear on this point: at no point are you obligated to do anything you aren't comfortable with. If you say let's make arrangements today, then the day of, or even the minute of, you change your mind, that's OK. So for now, just to get it out there, what made you come here?”

“Is there a ‘fertile hole' here?” Sally got the words out, surprising herself.

“There is. Is that what you think you want? Do you want to risk ? Or do you want to get pregnant?”

“Is there a difference?” Sally asked.

“Only from a curiosity standpoint, everything else is the same.”

“I don't know, it seemed better than artificial insemination.” Sally didn't want to talk about her husband here.

“Well, I know the donors enjoy it more,” Carl said. “OK, for that, here's how it works: first you have to be fertile. Basically, that means you aren't on any form of birth control, don't have an IUD, etc.”

“I've not been for 3 years.”

“OK, and do you track your ovulation cycle?”

“I do.”

“Good, then we can use that to schedule a day. It must be one of the 3 days you are most likely to be ovulating, assuming you are regular enough for that.”

“OK.” Sally agreed. Why was she agreeing? Was she actually considering this madness?

“Once we do that, from my end, I will line up possible participants. You will never see them, and you have no obligation save one: in order to get to the next person, you must bring the current to orgasm. You don't have to have sex with them. You don't have to blow them. Hell, if you can sex talk well enough, maybe you don't even have to touch them. But the order of the men is decided by lots, and if you want to see number 7 you have to first get number 6 off.”

“So, not creampies?” Sally managed to ask, slightly in a daze imagining a random cock cumming for her.

“You can if you want. In fact, that's the point of the fertile hole. Creampies are encouraged, and rewarded.”

“How so?”

“Well, for each creampie you take, you get 100 dollars, with a bonus of 2,000 if you take at least 10.”

“I see.” Sally didn't need the money, but she understood the financial incentives.

Carl continued explaining, “further, if you do a pregnancy test before starting that day, and it's negative, then are pregnant from that cycle, you get a 3,000 dollar bonus. I don't think that's why you're doing this, though. Maybe put it toward the kids college fund.”

“I don't know,” Sally balked, coming to her senses despite the pool of fluid her pussy was soaking in.

“No worries. How about this: we figure out when you would come if you wanted to and set up a test date. Then, I'll text you the day before to confirm. If you don't feel up to it, or want to pretend this never happened, just ignore me and go on with your life. If you want to see the next step, then you can reply and we'll meet the next day.”

Sally felt a bit like she was talking to a salesman, but as she considered, there wasn't much downside. Obviously, she would just ignore the text message. In the meantime, she could fantasize about getting knocked up by a stranger… or strangers.

“What the hell,” Sally said. She reached into her purse to grab her phone. On it, she had an app she'd been using to track her menstrual cycle. The app had her cycle stored over the past two years and showed the days she was at risk of getting pregnant in red, with percentiles on certain days as likely ovulation days. “OK, based on my tracker, the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 4 weeks out are the most fertile days.” Her app actually showed her that the days had a 7%, 62%, and 29% chance to be the day of ovulation, respectively. The app always allowed some chance that her cycle was off, but she was pretty regular.

“So, which day works best for you?”

“Thursday?” Sally asked rather than answering. She wanted to drag this out a bit. Also, who knew, maybe Phil would step up this time.

“That works. I generally prefer the middle day, but this works. And if you go through with it, and don't get fertilized, you could try again.”

“We'll see, I'm not sure about one time,” Sally hedged.

“By the way, ma'am,” Carl added as he stood to see her out. “You are clearly a beautiful woman and could have just about anyone you wanted. If you're considering this, I'm guessing you want to remain completely anonymous. If you come back next month, or anytime for that matter, I will do everything I can to keep your identity secret. No pictures, no last names, etc. I have your cell number, but promise I will even delete that after using it the one time.”

“Thanks.” Sally's reply was almost a whisper. She wasn't sure if she appreciated his efforts to protect her privacy or if it somehow made this feel more real.

With quick goodbyes Sally left the truck stop. As she pulled away, she wondered where this gloryhole was located. Maybe one of the back doors?

When she got home, Sally went directly to her bedroom and stripped. Her panties were a wet mess. Every thought of a stranger's cock filling her with cum made her roil with desire. The thought that such a stranger's creampie could get her pregnant made her squirm. Her hand drifted between her legs and massaged her clit as she thought about it.

She thought about how she should try to only have white guys cum inside her. She didn't really care about race, and part of her liked the idea of having cum from every ethnic group inside her and letting chance decide. This thought made her increase pressure and speed, fingers slipping between her full labia. But no, she wanted to be able to pretend that the child was Phil's.

Her wet pussy clenched her penetrating fingers as she thought of different cocks inside her, and the game of pregnancy roulette.

“Fuck me,” she was moaning to herself. “Fill me with all your baby batter. Mmm, yes, I want to feel it in me. Yes!” Sally came hard on her fingers. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had such an intense orgasm. It had probably been a couple years.

The next day, Phil returned from his latest business trip. Of course he arrived just in time to miss her fertile time this month. There was no way it was accident. Nevertheless, when he was home, he took Sally to their bedroom and started to undress her. He kissed her neck, sending electricity down her spine, and caressed her nipples making them hard little buttons. Sally rewarded the affectionate behavior by dropping to her knees and releasing his cock. At 6 inches, he was just average, but Sally had always enjoyed his size. He was big enough to please her, and she could almost, but not quite get him down her throat.

Sally licked the length of her husband's cock, enjoying the soft texture on her tongue. She then sucked the tip into her mouth and rolled her tongue around it. As she did so, she imagined it being a random cock poking through a gloryhole. She was shocked by the thought. With her husband's cock in her mouth, she was fantasizing about a stranger. Yet, she couldn't deny that she was turned on by the thought, much wetter than usual at this point. So, she let the fantasy continue.

Imagining that the cock she held was some stranger's, she began a blowjob in earnest. Sucking down most of Phil's cock in one long smooth motion. In her imagination, the cock was just a bit bigger, and she stretched to take it in. She found herself wanting that imagined cock down her throat. She pulled back, running her tongue along the underside of his cock, then bobbed back down as deep as she could. She was taking more of him in her mouth than she'd managed in 15 years of marriage. Each stroke she was taking more of Phil, imagining that it was some unknown cock instead. When she pressed her nose into his groin, his cock fully in her throat, she was a bit surprised. Rather than gagging, she found herself moaning with pleasure. This was by far the best blowjob Phil had ever gotten, and the vibration of her throat was too much.

“Oh god, cumming!” Phil barely got the words out before letting go.

Sally stayed in place, fascinated by this new sensation. She continued to rub his cock with her tongue, but otherwise didn't move while Phil dumped his load into her throat.

As his last spasm subsided, she pulled back licking the tip of his cock to get the last drop of semen.

“Well, those swimmers are getting anyone pregnant,” Sally teased.

“Oh my god.” Phil wasn't quite up to being coherent after that performance.

Once he was able to move again, the couple went to get a snack and cuddled on the couch in front of the TV. It didn't take long before Phil was ready to go again.

This time he wasted no time, pulling his wife over to straddle him, his hard cock easily penetrating her wet folds. Again, Sally found herself imagining strangers filling her pussy instead of her husband. She rode him while thinking of different shapes and sizes filling her, one after the other, filling her womb with sperm. Her imagination running wild, she ground down on Phil's lap, taking him as deep as he would go.

“Oh god yes, fill me with all that cum,” Sally cried out. “More and more, make me your cum-dumpster!” She had never talked like this before, but as she was begging for Phil's cum, she was envisioning so many different people all dumping their load into her. Crying out, she came hard, her pussy clenching down, trying to pull the cum out of Phil's cock.

Moments later, Phil joined her cries of ecstasy, shooting his seed up into her hungry cunt.

If only this were a few days ago, it would have been perfect. Sally thought to herself as her vaginal walls continued to milk the last drops of sperm out of Phil. Still, there's always a chance.

As was her routine now, Sally milked as much cum out of Phil as she could over the next several days. As much fun as it was, it proved to not satisfy her ultimate goal when her period came.


One evening Sally was looking at Phil's travel schedule. Sure enough, he was leaving on a business trip over the weekend when she'd start being fertile. Technically, while he left on Friday, Thursday was a “risky” day, but that was more of a buffer for people trying to avoid getting pregnant by any sperm that might survive long enough. However, it looked like he was scheduled to come back on Wednesday, just in time for possible ovulation!

“Hey, sweetie,” Sally called into the next room where Phil was watching the game.

“Yeah, what's up?”

“You've got a business trip, weekend after next, right?”

“I think so, you've got my schedule there.”

“Well, you are coming back on Wednesday. What do you think of planning a midweek date night?” Sally thought this would be a good way to lock up his time and get that cock inside her when she most wanted it.

“Oh, sorry babe. I need to change that. There is one of my clients that wants to stay after the convention for a golf outing. I'll be coming back on Friday morning instead.”

Sally fumed. There was no point arguing though, that would just risk missing that Thursday love-making session.


The risky Thursday came, and so did Phil. Sally managed to get 2 loads of his cum deep inside her that night before they went to sleep. Phil then went to airport early Friday morning, where he'd miss another cycle of her fertility… unless some of those sperm he'd deposited made it. She didn't have much hope, though this did make the 4th time they had sex on potential pregnancy days in over 3 years.

By Wednesday, Sally had practically forgotten the fantasy of the gloryhole pregnancy. Her life had returned to the normal, and she wasn't the type to spend her days in a sexual fantasy, no matter how hot she found it. She did however keep track of her temperature to put into her app when she was likely ovulating.

When her phone buzzed from an coming text message, she was actually surprised to find that it was from an unknown number, and took a minute to remember that Carl said he would contact her. The message was simple and to the point.

Sally contemplated, a nervous storm growing in her belly. When she imagined that belly filled with cum, she was immediately wet.

Hi, hope all is well. Are you still interested in your appointment for tomorrow?

I think so. Will you be upset if I back out at the last minute though?

Awesome, everything is ready for you. Don't worry, if you change your mind, no hard feelings. But if you're still thinking about it, you should at least come by and check it out for real.

OK, I'll do that.

Great, does eleven work for you? That way people are more likely to be free with their lunch breaks.


See you tomorrow morning then!

Sally was in shock as she stared at her phone. What had she done? Nothing yet, she reassured herself. She was just going to go in again to satisfy her curiosity. She wanted to see this gloryhole, then she'd back out, right? Her mind was spinning rationalizations, but there was no doubt that as she went further down this path, the more turned on she was getting.

Oh my god, am I just some floozy? Am I really just using the desire to get pregnant as an excuse to fuck random men I'll never meet? Sally asked herself. As if confirming that worry, her right hand had gone under the waistline of her skirt in search of her clit. Finding that path too difficult, she hiked her skirt up and shoved her panties out of the way to plunge her fingers into her depths.

“Fuck, yes, I am a slut who need lots of strangers cock,” Sally moaned. She brought her fingers up and tasted her own juices before resuming the assault on her pussy. “I want to feel them pushing cum deep inside me from the cock before. Oh god, so fucking hot.” Sally surprised herself, but kept working her clit until he came again.

Damn, this is risky. I know it's just a fantasy, but it gets me so riled up. Do I really dare go out there tomorrow? Sally wondered, but knew that she would go, and part of her knew this was more than just fantasy for masturbating.

Afterward, Sally took her temperature and recorded it in her app, she was now ovulating.

The next morning Sally woke and dressed casually, or at least casually for her. She still looked amazing in white cotton pants and a simple flowing top. While the outfit was loose fitting and didn't exactly show off her figure, as it flowed around her, it hinted at the great curves underneath. In truth, Sally chose it because she didn't want to risk damaging any of her nicer clothes. Not that anything is going to happen, she thought to herself. She had a growing suspicion that this thought was a lie.

Punctual as always, Sally walked into the diner portion of the truck stop at 10:55 AM. She still wasn't sure if she was supposed to just go to Carl's door and knock. She decided to go back to the counter and see if he would come out.

The waitress that came to take Sally's order was rather hot, in that tomboy body sort of way. Though she didn't have a large rack, which is what really brings in the tips, she had black hair, porcelain smooth skin, and bright blue eyes. She was lean enough that Sally could see muscle definition in her arm as she worked. The svelte waitress wore a nametag declaring her to be “Lucy”. Sally guessed Lucy was about 30, though her ability to judge age left a wide margin for error.

“Hi Hun! Do you know what you'd like?” Lucy smiled as she talked and somehow made her eyes sparkle too.

It was probably all the fantasies she'd been playing through her head lately, but Sally found herself attracted to Lucy. She hadn't felt that way about a girl since shortly after college, and had never done more than kiss. Still, here she was thinking of going into a gloryhole and checking out a cute waitress. Sally cleared her throat. “Um, yeah, the creampie special.” In her mind she was ordering a creampie, not one of the cream pies.

“Really?” Lucy lit up, which was impressive given her cheerful starting point. “Do you have the eleven o'clock appointment?”

“I do,” Sally barely got the words out past her nerves.

“Well, I must say, I'm thrilled. Carl said you were a looker, but I don't really trust him. He's too nice. I was worried you were some fat, middle aged, suburbanite who could get laid without a bag over her head. But look at you, you are none of those. You're smoking hot.” Lucy's rant was all at the volume of a whisper as she ensured to not draw any attention.

Sally was blushing crimson by the time Lucy was done. “Thank you, you're pretty hot yourself.” Sally blush got even deeper. She couldn't believe she said that out loud.

“Thank you, sweetie. That's good, because we might be spending a lot of time together.”

“Oh?” Sally wasn't sure where this was going now.

“Well, I'm your guide. I'll show you were to go, and walk you through how everything works. If you want, I can stay with you, or leave, whichever makes you the most comfortable. I don't want to pressure you, but if I stay, it can be fun.”

“Hmm,” Sally's non-committal sound belied her attraction to Lucy and the fact that spending more time with her seemed like a wonderful idea.

“We'll revisit that once you know more. Come on, let me show you around. Unless you actually wanted a snack first?”

“No, I don't think so.”

“Great,” Lucy practically bounced. “Let's go, I'll start by showing you where the showers are.”

Lucy led the way with Sally in her wake. They went back to the women's restroom and lockers. This is where Sally had looked around before, but didn't see anything that looked gloryhole related. Lucy briefly pointed out the showers, noting that they were available for later use, but walked to the toilets. “OK, we need to make a pit stop here. We need to get a pregnancy test, and I need to watch. Sorry, I know how that sounds. If you don't want to do this part, that's fine, you can still go in, but the bonuses aren't available.”

“That's fine, I actually want to know, and I don't think I have a shy bladder.”

“Want to know… seems like there's a story there.”

“Yeah, it's complicated.”

In the toilet stall, Sally pulled down her pants and sat. Then, to her surprise, Lucy squatted down directly in front of the toilet, looking between Sally's legs. Lucy then took out a pregnancy test and held it ready.

“OK, pee when you're ready, I'll catch some for the test. In the meantime, I'll just admire your labia.”

Sally blushed further. She then asked, as shy as a school girl, “you like my labia?”

“Oh Hun, do I ever. The slight extra flesh hanging there just begs to be licked. They make me think of a small butterfly nestled right between your legs. But for now, think of waterfalls and flowing rivers.” Lucy smiled up at Sally.

A minute later the urine started to flow, running past those beautiful labia that Lucy truly was admiring. Lucy moved the test between Sally's legs to catch the stream in the right spot, then withdrew it. She checked her watch to start the countdown.

“Nope, not pregnant,” Lucy declared after a few minutes. “Though, the test can be wrong for several days. Really you want to test on what should be the first or second day of your period.

“Either way, that test is passed, so let's go see the place.” Lucy backed out of the stall, and dropped the pregnancy test into a Ziploc bag that was labeled with the date and “Negative”. She then stopped to wash her hands before continuing. It was a small thing, but one that Sally appreciated as she washed up herself.

Lucy then led Sally to the utility closet. Bringing out a key she opened it to show a room full of brooms, mops, and other cleaning supplies. Sally was now thoroughly confused. Lucy just stepped into the closet and at the back she reached behind a large plastic sink basin and turned a knob that had been obscured. The entire back wall opened as a door. Beyond the false wall was another small room, about 8 feet long and 5 feet wide. The entire room, including the walls was tiled in white with blue trim tiles running through for decoration. About two-thirds of the way down the length of the room, on either side, and about waist height were holes in the walls. The holes were trimmed with blue bullnose tile, making them stand out while also giving them rounded edges.

“Impressive,” Sally whispered.

“Right?” Lucy beamed as if she'd built it herself. “On the right wall you'll find drinks and snacks should you want any, there are various aids on the left wall, including lube and foam pads to kneel on. There's also a short stool if you want to be a bit higher up relative to the holes.”

“Is there anyone out there now?” Sally asked, mesmerized by the two holes.

“Not yet. Not until we give them the green light.”

“Oh,” Sally absently replied sticking her hand through the hole on the right. She touched the opposite side, and found it felt like polished wood. The wall seemed very thin, but she guessed that made sense. “So, the walls are thin to allow them to get in?”

“Yeah, well, they are in a small section around the holes. The rest of the room actually has some extra noise blocking material in it to keep it from getting noisy.”

“I can't believe I'm actually thinking about going through with this.” Sally had turned ghost white as the reality hit her.

“You mean having lots of guys fill you with their cum?” Lucy's question cut to quick of the matter.

“Yeah, that. What does it mean that I'm turned on by that? Am I crazy?”

Lucy looked over and coyly replied, “I may be the wrong one to ask. I really want to watch you get filled up with cum.”

“OK, yeah, you might be biased,” Sally conceded. “Anything else in the tour?”

“Last thing is etiquette. There are two holes, but it's still first come first serve. That means your attention should be focused on the first one to show up until he cums. There are two sides so that the men aren't bumping into each other, and shouldn't really be overlapping that much anyway. If you want me to stay, I can help out, act as a fluffer for you if you want, in case there is an overlap.

“The other side is the gentlemen's etiquette. They are supposed to knock before the cum. This is meant to allow you to position yourself how you want. For example, if you're giving a blowjob but don't like to swallow, the knock would tell you when to pull off. However, it's not full proof, some guys forget, but more of them just don't give quite as much warning time as you'd like. You should accept that wherever you put a cock, there is some risk that cum will end up there.”

“OK, but I'm supposed to be taking it inside though, right?”

“Only when you want to, you are free to decide for yourself. It's just the bonus that Carl told you about is dependent on cum in your pussy.”

Sally took a deep breath. “OK, can I share something with you, that goes no further?”

“What is it sweetie?” Lucy looked genuinely concerned.

“Well, I'm married. So, if I get pregnant, I'd rather it look at least a little like my husband. I mean I know I don't get pictures, but…” Sally trailed off.

“You want only caucasian sperm,” Lucy filled in.


“OK, no problem. Does that mean you want me to stay and help?”

Sally smiled. “Maybe, what'll you be wearing?”

“Ah, there's the flirting I was hoping for! I'll wear whatever you want.”

“Well, I'm going to strip down to just my sneakers, care to join me?”

Lucy starting to unbutton her top, pulling everything off while maintaining eye contact with Sally. Lucy had a sports bra underneath, which compressed her breasts making her seem flatter than she was. Once released she was on the cusp between a large B and a small C. Her abs were flat, with just a hint of a six pack showing. Sally was impressed.

“So, you do this often?”

“Play tour guide? Yeah, averages once or twice a month. Co-participate, this will be my third time in 6 years.”

“I'm flattered.” Sally couldn't take her eyes off Lucy.

“You should be. One of the others was a close friend that I'd had a crush on for ages. The other was someone I thought I might to do more with, but we ended up not really having more than the initial attraction.”

Sally had pulled off her clothes and now stood naked, except the shoes, before Lucy. Though she was in great shape with curves exactly where they should be, she felt old and out of shape next to Lucy's lithe body.

“May I?” Lucy asked as she reached out to cup Sally's large breasts. Sally nodded.

Lucy cupped and lifted Sally's tits, feeling their weight for a moment before caressing the skin, the moving her thumb to flick across a large nipple. Sally found her hands drawn to Lucy's taught body, she ran her hands over the younger woman's shoulder and back, feeling her hips then coming back up over her abs and perky tits. Sally then leaned forward and kissed Lucy. It started as a chaste kiss, but quickly changed include some flicking tongues.

Lucy pulled back. “I'd love to do that all day. But today, it's time to start, assuming you want to.”

“I guess I can't really know until I see a cock. Until then, this just doesn't feel real,” Sally admitted.

Lucy walked over and flipped a light switch. It didn't do anything in the room they were in, so Sally guessed it turned on a “ready for business” sign elsewhere.

While they waited, Sally entertained herself by sucking on Lucy's nipples. She'd never done this before, so had no comparison point, but found the sensation of the hard nipple in her mouth, accompanied by Lucy's moans, to be very erotic. It's no wonder guys as so obsessed with these, she thought.

Less than 2 minutes after turning on the switch, the first half-erect penis appeared through the hole. It was not particularly impressive at half mast. It was pale, and uncircumcised. Being uncircumcised in this part of the country wasn't the norm. In fact, she recalled that her brother was teased in high school – evidently being the only one in his year to still have a hood. It crossed Sally's mind that her brother was one of the few from the town to be uncut, but she figured that just meant this guy as a trucker travelling through. She was, after all, at a truck stop.

Sally went over to it and wrapped her finger around its soft length.

“Don't worry, the first one is rarely fully erect since he's basically there with no cues about when something will happen,” Lucy offered.

Sally bent at the waist to get a closer look. “It's actually kind of cute.” And with no further warning, she sucked it into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue.

“Ung, fuck yeah,” could be heard through the wall.

Sally flicked the foreskin with her tongue and swirled the hardening cock around in her mouth. She was surprised how much she was enjoying its taste and that added to the eroticism of sucking off a stranger. She kept her lips tightly around the base of the cock while she sucked and licked it. When it had grown too much for her to keep in her mouth, Sally pulled back with a gasp to reveal a thick seven inches of hard cock.

“So, I guess we're doing this.” Lucy quipped.

“Oh we're doing this,” Sally confirmed. “Hand me the bench thing, I want a step up.” She went back to running her tongue up and down the cock as Lucy adjusted equipment. When it was in place, Sally stepped up with her butt toward cock. She never let go of the dick in her hand, as if she was keeping track of a precious toy. The stool/bench was only about 8 inches high. It was just enough to lift Sally's pussy higher than the hole so the next maneuver was easy. Bending over slightly she backed her ass toward the hole until the tip of the cock brushed her thigh. She then started moving the cock around until its tip was wet from her pussy. Finally, holding it in place she pushed back on it. It when about an inch in. Despite her being wet, it was a bit bigger than she was used to. It felt so good stretching her out. She continued to hold it as she moved herself back and forth on it, only letting go to take the last couple inches inside.

“Oh god! I've got a stranger's dick inside me!” Sally was somewhere between uncontrolled lust and panic.

Lucy stood in front of Sally and kissed her. As they kissed, the dick in the wall started to slide in and out of Sally's pussy, which was pressed tightly against the wall.

“You are so hot right now,” Lucy cooed. She then moved away from Sally's kiss to wrap her lips around the large nipple that crowned Sally's D cup right breast. Sally's pussy was still being pounded by that first stranger. Would he cum deep inside her? Would he give her the baby she wanted?

A knock came through the wall.

“Yes, fill me up!” Sally pushed her ass tight against the wall and cried out as she took her first adulterous creampie. She could feel the stranger's cock twitching deep inside as it delivered a massive load into her womb.

As the pale dick pulled back through the hole, Sally commented, “that seemed fast.”

“Yeah,” Lucy replied. “They are kind of encouraged to be quick, to give you time with more of them.”

“How many are out there?” As she asked the question, Sally saw a new cock emerging from the other side. It was darker in color, she noted, probably Latino or Asian. Too bad, she was now wanting to feel more in her cunt.

“Not sure this time. There have been as many as 30 or as few as 11.”

As Sally started toward the next cock, Lucy held her up. “Wait, before you kneel down, let's get that sperm deep inside you.” She went over to the supplies and put a large pillow on the floor. “Lie down on this.”

Sally did as requested and immediately her legs were pulled up in the air by Lucy.

“I want to hold you like this for a minute,” Lucy continued giving directions, “to allow gravity to move that spunk into you. And this,” she pulled out the dildo, still in its packaging, “will be our plunger, and yours to take home afterward.”

Sally braced her elbows on the ground and push up her hips to help Lucy's plan. The result was a rough approximation of a shoulder stand. Though her heavy breasts were practically smothering her, she stayed like that as Lucy braced her with one hand.

Lucy managed to unwrap the silicone dick, and stuck it in her mouth to get a saliva on it. She then pushed it down into Sally's waiting hole. The movement was gentle and purposeful, and only a few strokes before withdrawing it and putting it back in her mouth. “Not bad,” Lucy teased, “but I bet it's better from the source. That will have to wait though, I think it's time you see to your next customer.”

Sally rolled to a seated position then stood to move to the waiting cock. Though it had been hard when it came through, it was starting to soften.

“That won't do,” Sally whispered to the new dick, and then bent at the waist and tried to swallow it whole. It pressed against the back of her throat as it returned to life, but she held, ignoring her gag reflex. After a moment like this, she started to work her tongue against it while bobbing her head back and forth. She had to brace herself against the wall in this position to move back and forth on the cock while she was still standing. She was enjoying the sensation of the cock in her mouth and she was mildly surprised that she was looking forward to tasting the semen it would produce. She was rolling her tongue around the head of the cock when she felt Lucy's hand start to caress her ass.

“Very nice,” Lucy said, running her hands over Sally's ass and down her thighs. “It's as if you got in this position just to show off for me. And will you look at that, I can see your sweet labia poking out between those thighs. I guess I'm going to have see how sweet they are.”

Lucy then knelt behind Sally, and started licking and sucking on her even as Sally was licking and sucking on a stranger. She pulled the butterfly flaps of Sally's labia into her mouth and flicked at them with her tongue before pushing her tongue out, splitting the folds and pressing into her vagina. Sally, already so wet, felt herself gushing onto Lucy's tongue.

A knock on the wall.

Sally had the cock fully in her throat when the stranger came. She pulled back a bit so that only the head was still in her mouth. She wanted to taste this load fully. Her tongue was flicking across the tip when the floodgate opened. Warm, sticky cum filled her mouth, she let it wash over her tongue as she swallowed it down. After the fourth spurt, it seemed to subside, but she didn't let him withdraw yet, instead she sucked him into her throat again and pulled back slowing sucking the length until releasing it with a ‘pop' and a moan.

Sally looked back over her shoulder to find Lucy's face planted in her ass as she continued to lick away. “I can't believe I'm going to ask you to stop, but time to change positions.”

Lucy pulled away. “OK, I think I got some of that first guys cum, it's pretty good,” she said. Sally smiled at this and kissed Lucy, tasting herself and the cum from inside her pussy. Lucy got a taste of the cum that Sally had just swallowed at the same time. They held there briefly pressing their bare bodies together, hands exploring naked flesh and tasting the sexual exploits on each other.

Sally looked up as the third cock come through the hole on the right. It looked like a white guy, so she'd want him to cum in her. The cock itself was on the small side, at under 5 inches, and thin to boot. It was hard and ready to go though, so she backed up against it, standing on the stool again for a better angle. It slipped easily into her wet cunt. With her butt pressed against the wall, she started doing some kegel exercises massaging the prick inside of her. The moans of pleasure from outside told her that it had the desired effect and he started to rock back and forth, in and out of her.

After a minute of this motion, Sally saw that across the room, the next dick had come through the wall a bit early. It was big. It looked to be 9 inches long and was covered in veins. The pale skin was pulled so tight that it looked almost translucent. This new cock looked like something out of porn shoot. Sally felt herself get wetter in anticipation of the new sperm donor. Her kegel muscles were spasming on their own as her cunt anticipated this new rod entering her. As she drooled over the cock on the other side, the smaller dick continued to thrust into.

A knock on the wall.

Sally barely registered her next action, but part of her realized that she didn't really want the sperm from this tiny cock inside her womb. So, she pulled off, until the tip of the cock was barely nestled between her labia and held there, letting it spurt it's seed at her vaginal entrance. If it were her only sexual activity of the day, it would be considered enough to give her a pregnancy risk. However, with cum already deep inside her and more likely on the way, these swimmers didn't have much chance.

Once he was done painting her labia in semen, the small dick receded.

Sally turned to Lucy who was also admiring the larger cock. “Come here a second,” the older woman instructed. When Lucy stepped toward her, Sally guided the lithe woman to her knees and then lifted her leg so that her pussy was open, right in front of the Lucy. “Mind cleaning out his cum,” Sally asked.

Lucy complied, digging her tongue between Sally's folds and scooping out the white cum, then sucking out what should could. Lucy slurped away at the offered pussy until all signs of cum were removed. “Well, he's not likely to be your baby daddy, but his baby batter tasted just fine,” Lucy said as she pulled back.

Sally smiled and leaned over to kiss Lucy and shared the cum licked out of her.

“Not bad, but I've got a monster to tame.”

Sally went over to the large, veiny rod, and ran her fingers along it. It was surprisingly soft given it's ridged look. She wrapped her hand around and stroked it slowly, and bent over an gave it a brief suck. She then recovered the stool from the other side and moved it in front of this hole.

“Can you give me a hand guiding it in?” Sally asked.

Lucy went to it and wrapped her hand around the base. She then leaned over and sucked the tip into her mouth rolling around the bulbous head with her tongue. Only after she'd gotten a taste did she hold it in position for Sally.

Standing on the stool again, Sally bent forward to try and give access to this beauty.

“One sec,” Lucy said, then went to the supplies and cleared a few items off a chair. She brought the chair over and placed it so Sally could use the back to stabilize herself while bending over further.

Lucy moved between Sally and the wall, grasping the hard cock again, and starting sliding it up and down along Sally's waiting pussy. It didn't take long before the head was covered in a fresh coat of pussy juice. Sally started pushing back a little and on the next upswing, the head popped into the warm embrace of her sopping wet cunt.

Lucy didn't let it stay, instead she continued to push it upward so that it pulled out again. She then sucked the head again, getting a mouthful of Sally's tasty fluids.

Again, Lucy went through the process of sliding the rod up and down Sally's slit until it was soaked. This time when the head pushed into Sally, she held it still. Sally immediately started rocking. Each stroke taking just a little bit more of the big dick.

When she reached the point that was as deep as she'd ever felt before, she paused, enjoying the fullness. There was still more to go. Sally leaned forward sliding the entire length out of her pussy, until the head was barely nestled in her labia, the rocked all the way back, taking the whole thing inside. It was stretching parts inside she didn't know could be stretched. Her pussy spasmed clenching the rod and trying to hold it inside. Otherwise she didn't move, instead taking a moment to get used to the size.

“Fuck me,” Sally commanded after a minute of stillness.

Evidently the sound carried through the wall as the large rod of man meat started sliding back and forth. The movement was slow at first as if testing if he was doing the right thing. Sally's guttural sound of lust were sufficient encouragement. The pace increased until the cock was slamming into Sally like a jackhammer, and she was barely able to keep herself stable by holding onto the back of the chair. Lucy was running her hand over Sally's body the whole time, focusing on her swaying tits and large nipples.

A knock on the wall.

“Yes, fill me,” Sally cried, as much to large cock in general as to the prospect of its cream inside of her. She could feel it spasming inside her as the motion stopped when the cock was fully inside. The waves of seed were filling her deep inside, each pump was splashing against her cervix. Sally was reveling in it, when she felt a new sensation. Even as the cock was twitching and filling her, Lucy had gotten between Sally's legs and was pressing her tongue against Sally's hard clit. It was enough to send Sally over the edge of her own orgasm. Deep in her pussy, the orgasm was making her cervix clench and suck up the two loads sperm into her fallopian tubes.

Sally couldn't believe what was happening to her. She'd come to the truck stop with outlandish thoughts about how to get pregnant despite her husband's unwillingness to cooperate. Now, as she pressed her ass tight against the wall being filled by a stranger's cock, she was riding out her second orgasm. The physical sensations of these new cocks rubbing her snatch was wonderful, but knowing getting all the seed was truly erotic. Sally had to admit it, she was a cumslut.

Another cock was waiting for her on the other side of the room. As soon as the massive rod filling her stopped pumping cum into her womb, she pulled off and moved direct to take the newcomer. Lucy had gotten another stool so she didn't have to move the one back and forth. Instead she stepped directly up, turned around and impaled herself again.

The new cock was moderately sized, but Sally was wet already – not to mention having 2 loads of cum and having been stretched out already – so the new cock slide into her without any problem. Sally clamped her kegels on the latest cock an started riding it.

Looking up, Sally saw that Lucy had not let the monster cock go just yet as she was cleaning the mix of sex off of it with her tongue. Even with a cock pounding away in her fuckhole, Sally found she was a bit envious. Though she wasn't sure if the envy was from wanting to feel Lucy's tongue on herself, or wanting to taste the cum from it.

The cock was thrusting in and out of her as Sally rocked back and forth pushing her pussy against the hole. She only rocked back and forth a few times before the cock tensed up.

A knock on the wall.

“Fuck yes,” the new cumslut moaned as jets of seed filled her womb further. This cum mixing with the previous deposits gave Sally a warm feeling that made her press back hard against the wall, trying to get the cream as deep inside her as possible.

Sally pulled off the rod even as it was twitching its last. The next cock, had shown up and she wanted more. As the moved over she could feel some of the cum starting to escape her inner folds. She grabbed the new cock and rammed it into her waiting gash, pushing the cum back inside. This produced a slurping sound that was barely audible with the moans coming from both Sally and the new sperm donor.

Sally held her ass against the wall letting the stranger behind the wall do the work pounding into her, his balls slapping against her cum stained thighs.

Lucy came over and kissed Sally, their tongues dancing. Sally could taste the cum on Lucy lips and rejoiced at the flavor. Cutting the kiss short Lucy moved down Sally's body, pausing to nibble at her neck and flick her tongue across the swaying nipples. When Lucy got between Sally's legs, she stuck out her tongue so that it pressed into Sally's clit while the tip just touched the cock sliding in and out. The extra sensation was all it took to send the cock over.

A knock on the wall.

There was no time between the knock and the cock slamming into Sally. It was already spasming, dumping it's load of cum into her. The cum was leaking out of Sally even before he withdrew, and Lucy was there to get it. Lucy's tongue was tickling the balls below the twitching cock, but more importantly she was sucking on Sally's clit and getting any stray cum.

When the cock withdrew, Lucy wrapped her arms around Sally's hips to hold her in place as she sucked on. Lucy pulled the fleshy labia and clit into her mouth and slide her tongue between the folds. The result was a perfect tunnel, like a straw, through which Lucy was able to suck out the extra cum in Sally's pussy. She slurped away for a few moments as Sally trembled. Satisfied that she got everything she could for now, Lucy let go of Sally.

Another cock had appeared on the other side. This one was small and dark. As much as Sally wanted more cum inside her, she knelt and took this one in her mouth. She was able to fit entirely in her mouth and so concentrated on sucking and fondling it with her roiling tongue.

Meanwhile, Lucy laid on her back and scooted herself underneath Sally's ass. There was just enough room between Sally's crotch and the floor for Lucy to get into. Lucy took advantage of that space and pressed upward with her tongue. Though it first found Sally's ass, that didn't stop her. She pressed her tongue up into Sally's puckered hole and got a surprised moan as reward. She jabbed her tongue upward and back a few times, opening Sally's ass for further exploration. Once she was able to get her whole tongue into the opened sphincter, she rolled it around, enjoying the sensation and moans it was producing. She then pulled back and shifted to the gaping hole that was Sally's pussy. More cum started slopping out, and Lucy plunged her tongue into this hole now to capture that cream.

Sally's moans kept a steady vibration going against the cock in her mouth. By the time Lucy was sucking cum out of her this prick was already twitching.

A knock on the wall.

Sally started flicking the head of the cock with her tongue as she sucked hard, when the knock came. This had the desired effect of increasing the intensity of the orgasm. The small cock jerked uncontrollably, almost escaping her lips, and filled her mouth with thick cum. Sally held all the sperm in her mouth, and sucked the cock clean when it pulled away. She then lifted herself up off of Lucy's probing tongue. She leaned over to give Lucy a kiss, which was accepted readily.

Lucy got quite the surprise though, as their mouth opened the massive load of cum was dumped out onto her tongue. She smiled at the gift and kissed Sally harder as she swallowed.

Their kiss continued as they got back up and Sally took another cock into her wet hole, wanting to feel more sperm in her womb. She was bent over, ass against the wall, with a complete stranger thrusting into her. Lucy stood before her, but instead of kissing her, Sally pulled the lithe woman's chest forward and started sucking on one of her pert nipples. Sally was focused on the feeling of the hard nub, and she missed when the rhythm of the pounding cock changed.

A knock on the wall.

A hard nipple in her mouth, the thought of more cum in her pussy, and the sensation the cock ramming its length into her was enough. Sally's vision flashed and she swayed, as the orgasm hit her. She clung to Lucy for stability and her pussy gripped tightly on the cock as it spurted out the fifth load of seed deep into her.

Even as that cock vacated the hole, the women spun around offering Sally's pussy to another cock. She'd barely had time to register that it looked Caucasian before turning her sloppy cunt toward it. The cock slammed into her as she continued to make out with Lucy, reveling in the soft, firm flesh of the younger woman.

The latest cock was enough to keep her pussy occupied, but not enough to take her attention away from Lucy's warm embrace. It also didn't last long.

A knock on the wall.

As more cum gushed into her, Sally moaned into Lucy's neck. Sally felt her insides swell with the massive load of semen that was shooting into her, driving her toward another orgasm. When the cock retreated through the hole in the wall, it left a white sticky mess of a pussy, the labia covered in cum and more cum dripping out.

It wasn't enough, and Sally moved to take the next cock, already proudly standing at the other hole. She took all 7 inches of it into her in one move. Her pussy was sopping wet and want more. Sally's hands continued to roam over Lucy as she felt the cock slide in and out of her. It's size was enough to make her take note of the way her cum-lubricated pussy walls tingled with delight as it moved, pressing all the prior cum deeper into her. She didn't get to enjoy it long though as it was clearly primed already.

A knock on the wall.

The cock thrust forward trying to get deep into her, but Sally was in her own bliss, enjoying the motion, and continued rocking back and forth as it added a seventh coat of cum to her cervix.

Again, as the cock pulled away, Sally turned to take the next cock. She hesitated a moment, feeling the cum dripping out of her. Reaching between her legs she scooped a large dollop of cum out of her pussy and brought it to her lips. Before today, she'd thought herself indifferent to cum, willing to swallow because it turned on her partner, but now she was wanting it so badly it hurt. She wanted to have it inside her cunt, in her mouth, on her. The thought struck, and she pulled her hand away from her mouth and smeared the remaining cum across her large, firm tits. She then pressed herself toward the wall taking the newest cock into her cum filled cunt.

Lucy moved to the cum smear on Sally's chest and started to lick the globes clean. Though Sally had wanted to wear the cum, she immediately preferred the trail of saliva left by Lucy's hungry tongue-bath.

The cock in Sally's pussy was ramming into her, shaking the wall with its attempts to get deeper into her gapping fuckhole. The motion kept her tits swaying, gently slapping Lucy as she had her face buried between the udders.

A knock on the wall.

Sally hadn't moved at all since impaling herself; movement hadn't been necessary with the cock thrusting into one end and Lucy's tongue swirling on the other. When the knock came she braced against the wall and clinched her pussy as tight as possible around the cock planted deep inside her. She could feel the addition of more semen to the prior loads deep inside.

After four large spurts of cum, the cock started to retreat. Sally cupped her hand between her legs and caught the dripping cum the came out as the cock left her. She resisted the urge to shove it in her mouth, and instead smeared it up across her clit and on each of her nipples. It was like drawing a large arrow of where she wanted Lucy's tongue.

Sally then moved to the next cock ready and waiting on the other wall. Her lust had fully overtaken her senses and she barely registered it as a pale member before ramming it insider herself. She was undulating her hips as it started to slide in and out of her.

Lucy, as expected started sucking on Sally's nipples, rolling them around in her mouth as she got the cum off. Lucy then knelt and started licking away on her clit. Every now and then Lucy's tongue would dart forward and graze the cock that was sliding in and out of Sally. It was covered in cum from the previous entrants and getting close to making another deposit.

A knock on the wall.

Lucy sucked on Sally's clit as the cock dumped a massive load of cum inside of her. With eight prior loads of cum inside of her, the addition was sloshing around, making her feel full.

When the cock stopped pumping seed, Lucy grabbed hold of it, and moved Sally off of it. Sally smeared herself with another handful of cum that dripped out of her and watch as Lucy sucked the cum covered cock into her mouth. The cock came away clean, and the two women turn to regard the opposite hole, expecting to find the tenth creampie donor.

What they saw seemed impossible. It was a black cock so thick it practically filled the hole cut in the wall. Though the women didn't have a ruler, it didn't really matter. At only about seven inches long, it wasn't the length that was impressive, but the shape. It looked like someone had tried to dress a coke can up like a cock and put through the hole.

Sally knelt before the cock and started to lick it. She tried taking it in her mouth, but her jaw just wouldn't open enough for more than the tip to get in. She licked and sucked as best she could for minute before finally giving up.

“I want to feel this beast inside me,” Sally whispered to Lucy who was busily sucking on her cum-coated nipples.

“You sure, Hon? You wanted to keep it a lighter complexion.”

“I have to try it out, just for a minute. Help me out.”

So, Lucy held the cock in place as Sally positioned herself in front of it. Lucy ran the tip along the length of Sally's gash, which elicited a moan from the other side of the wall. What he couldn't see was that his cock was now covered with the sticky cum of 9 prior participants. The cum though would act as a lubricant, so Lucy made sure the thick cock was well coated before holding it still at Sally hole.

When Sally felt the cock come to rest, pressed against her cunt, she slowly pushed back as far as she could then rocked forward. The tip of the cock barely got a centimeter in before Sally had to pull off. Immediately she repeated the process, taking another centimeter, then another 2 centimeters, then another inch. Finally after the eighth cycle of out and in, Sally pushed hard backward and bottomed out against the wall. She couldn't believe that the massive, black cock was fully inside her. She was so stretched out.

“Fuck me slow,” she said, barely above a whisper, unsure if he'd hear her. Whether by instruction or instinct, the black pussy-wrecker started to move in and out at a gentle pace. Every stroke felt like her insides were being sucked out only to be rammed back in like a fist stuffing a Thanksgiving bird. It was overwhelming and wonderful. Her cunt was flexing around the behemoth as it nearly tore her in two. She knew she should stop already, get off this black cock and not risk it, but she was delirious.

A knock on the wall.

“Fuck,” Sally whimpered and she pulled herself off the beast as quickly as she could. Just as she disengaged, ropes of hot cum started shooting out of the dark rod. They splashed on her including landing on her gapping pussy. Part of Sally knew that was too close, and that she should be worried about getting pregnant with a child that couldn't be mistaken for her husband's. Instead she started rubbing the cum into her skin, relishing its heady scent and sticky texture.

Lucy moved behind Sally and had her bend over again, exposing her cum cover cunt. Lucy took her time sucking and licking all the exposed sperm off the older woman. Sally's labia were tender from the recent stretching but she still pushed back into Lucy's face, getting all the stimulation she could. Lucy embraced the encouraging move and plunged her tongue between the sensitive pussy lips to lap up more cum from inside.

Sally caught movement and looked to see another cock emerge. She wasn't sure, but she thought it looked like the first one she'd fucked earlier. How many good sized, uncut, pale cocks could there be around here?

“Hmmm, came back for seconds?” Sally whispered.

“What's that?” Lucy pulled away from her pussy snack to see the cock in the hole.

“Ah yeah, it's unusual for a repeat customer, but it's allowed if there aren't too many. This one's a regular, but I think this is the first time he's come back for more.”

“You recognize the cocks?”

“Some of those that stand out. This is the biggest uncut cock I've seen, so yeah I remember him. I've actually met him outside too.”

As they were talking, Sally had positioned herself in front of the familiar cock, and rocked her stretched and cum filled cunt back onto it. Her pussy was tender, but she wanted this last shot of cum. It would make 10, but it wasn't about getting the bonus so much as feeling of completeness. She wanted one last creampie, and this was the perfect cock to give it to her.

Ever so gently, she pressed herself back on the ridged member.

“Unngg,” Sally moaned, “you know him?” she was sliding her pussy down the meaty rod as she asked.

“Not really, it was a bar hookup a few years ago, when I gave him a BJ, I recognized the cock. I couldn't really say anything though, of course.”

Sally was fully impaled on the now familiar cock, and she let out a soft moan of satisfaction as it started pumping into her. “So, you've not felt this? You're missing out, it's perfect.”

“No, but I love watching you on it.” Lucy's voice was a whisper in Sally's ear.

This moment was perfection. Thirteen loads of cum had been shot into her cunt, on her body and down her throat. The air was heavy with the smell of cum. Lucy was caressing Sally's body, pinching her nipples and pressing her ass against the wall. The stranger's cock that had returned for seconds was her favorite of the bunch and the feeling of it sliding around it the mixture of her pussy juice and nine loads of cum was more than a dream come true as this was beyond any dream Sally had ever had. As Lucy's hand traced over her ass, down her thigh, and back up toward her pussy, Sally could feel another orgasm building. The cock continued to pound into her and there was soft grunts coming from the other side of wall. When Lucy's hand got to her cunt and a finger rubbed Sally's clit, it pushed her over the edge. With loud moans, Sally started cumming harder than ever before. Her pussy spasmed, her legs trembled. She felt herself collapsing, and lock herself in place just so she could continue to feel this cock.

A knock on the wall.

The second load from this cock was as satisfying as the first. The sensation of the added sperm inside her created an aftershock of orgasm.

Only once the cock had withdrawn did Sally move, slumping to the sticky floor.

“Are you OK?” Lucy asked. Lucy was sitting over the cumslut, gently petting her.

“Yeah, just… just give me a minute.” Sally strained to whisper.

“Eleven creampies? I think you can take a minute.” Lucy cooed.

“Hmm? No, it was ten.”

“No, it was eleven.” Lucy pondered a moment. “Perhaps you aren't counting the little guy that painted your labia for me early on?”

“Well, it wasn't really fully inside.”

“Close enough. And I liked that you shared.” Lucy chirped.

After lying on the floor a few minutes, Sally gathered her strength to get up. The reality of her infidelity settling in. Despite the guilt, she found she was still delighting in the afterglow of her own wantonness.

“Well, I guess I should see about those showers.”

Lucy helped steady her and replied, “sure, but take your time.”

“So, um, this is a bit awkward, but you know…” Sally started as clumsily as a teenager. “You are the first woman I've kissed, not to mention…”

“Oh, I didn't even think to ask, was that OK?” Lucy pulled back just a bit.

“Yeah, what I meant was that I liked it. Liked it way more than I would have expected.” Despite all that had happed, Sally felt herself blush with the admission.

“Well, good,” Lucy beamed, “as I said, I don't do this often. I like you, and if you're up for it, wouldn't mind seeing you again.”

“Even though I'm married, and maybe pregnant?”

“Well, I might have had something to do with the later.” Lucy smirked.

“I'd like that… and maybe you can point out Mr. Perfect Dick sometime for us to play with…”

“Oh, naughty… I like it!”


After pulling herself together, Sally exited the gloryhole room back into the women's showers, which had been conveniently closed “for cleaning” to give her some privacy. She exchanged numbers with Lucy and made arrangements to meet up in a few days. Finally put back together, she stepped out of the truck stop into the afternoon light.

Looking out at the parking lot, she paused. She saw, Greg's truck. At least it looked like it. If he was coming in, she didn't want to be seen leaving… not after the conversation they'd last had.

Scanning the parking lot, she saw his sandy blond hair, but he wasn't coming in. He was leaving. She watched as he got into his truck and drove off. At first relieved that he didn't see her. Then she wondered why he'd been there, possibly while she'd been in the fertile hole.

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