Aunty Invited Me With Fuck

Hi All. I am KKD. Read Holiday Fuck with Mom and Anuradha before starting this.

After getting the exam schedule and centers I saw that my exam center is 15 kms away from my home. I came to know that it is just 2 kms away from Preethi house. So I decided to go their house till the completion of exams and come back to home after completion of the exams. I went to and dad told to them about that. They accepted and said that would be better to stay there till the completion of exams at their home and come back after the exams rather than traveling 30 kms up and down daily. Even they are also having a scooty at their. You can use that to go and come to the exam center. They said they will call to the aunty and ask her whether she will accept to stay there or not. Mom and dad called aunty and asked and she accepted straight away. I planned to go their house before a week of exams actual start date so that I can prepare well and can myself get ready for the exams.

On Sunday morning I started from my house and reached their house in less than one hour. I went to their home. Aunty and Preethi standing at the home entrance and received me. Preethi is jumping in full excitement by telling my name like a small kid. Aunty scolded her to stop behaving like a small kid. But never listen to aunty words and she mind her words. They received me and greeted well. After sometime aunty called Preethi and asked her to go the fish farmer ponds and bring some fish if they are available. Preethi called me and said

Preethi: I am going to the fish farm for fish. I you are not having any work come let's go.
Aunty: Why are you calling him now. Just now he came from by traveling. He will be tired.
Within in the time I came and said
Me: No problem aunty. I am not feeling tired and I am not having any work now. I will go with Preethi.

We both started to fish farmer ponds. While going she is speaking with full excitement and enjoyment on the way to the pond. She said that she also going to write her pending subjects in the same center on particular dates. She said she will also start preperation along with me. We both went to the fish pond. Luckily they are catching the fishes. That fish pond owner saw Preethi and asked

Uncle: What Preethi how are you?
Preethi: Fine uncle. I need some fish.
There are many types of fishes available there.
Uncle: Choose which one you want from them.
She pointed to the same kind on fishes which we ate last time when I fucked her. They turned around to pick them from the tub. I remember the day I fucked her in the crop fields and pinched on her waist. She shouted Ahhhh…………… Suddenly uncle and workers working in the fish pond turned around and looked at us.

Uncle: What happen?
Preethi: Nothing Uncle. Ant bite me on the feet.
Uncle: Be Careful. Look around before you standing some where.

Preethi said ok and stood like that. I pinched her again on the waist. She shouted again. Uncle said to her to come away from there and stand aside. I too went along with her and stood beside her. I tried to pinch her again. But she stopped me. Uncle asked how many kgs we want. Preethi said 5. He took two big fishes and one normal fish. He placed them in one small bag and given us. I took them. Uncle asked for money. Preethi said to take from her mom and ran outside by holding my hand. Uncle laughed by seeing us running outside and continued in his work.

The fish in the bag are still alive. They are moving up and down and trying to jump away from the bag. I am unable to hold them. Immediately Preethi took the bag and pressed that bag tight to her boobs over the dress and holding the bag tight to her boobs. They are moving up and down and trying to come outside. Preethi hold the bag tight and enjoying their movement on her boobs and moaning slowly. I am getting horny by seeing her expression while she pressing bag to her boobs. I went behind and hold her navel from backside and hugged and pressing her waist. She is moaning more. I started to kiss her on the neck.

Preethi: Stop someone may notice us. We are in the middle of road.
Me: You are looking so hot by holding the fish bag on your boobs.
Preethi: You can lick my boobs after going to home. Leave me now.

I left her and started to walk beside her. She is moaning heavy due to the movement of fish in the bag. I am pinching on her waist. She is not saying anything and enjoying. I am keep on pinching and squeezing her waist all the way to home. We came to the village and I acted as normal and she is holding the bag like that and walked towards the home. After going home aunty took the fish bag and them and started to scold

Aunty: Why did you brought these fishes.
Preethi: Only these fishes are available.

Aunty started to scold her something randomly. Preethi went inside home without listening to her. I went along with her and we went inside. I saw her nipples are erected and poking from her blouse. She is not wearing any bra inside. I hold her from behind and dragged her nipples hard and released at once. She moaned Ahhhh……. She turned around to me and started to give liplock. We kissed for sometime and I went on to her neck and kissing and went on to her cleavage and licking and smooching her cleavage. Within the time aunty called Preethi

Preethi: My mom is calling me to prepare fish for curry. You go upstairs. I will come there after sometime.

I went upstairs. I felt bored in the room and went on to the terrace. It is red-hot sunny on the terrace. I went nearby to the safety wall and stood there. I saw that fish pond uncle is coming to the home. Aunty came and given money to him and he went. I saw aunty was sitting in front of a big stone and taking out the fish from the bag. Preethi stood there and avoiding dogs to come near. From the top I can see aunty boobs. Her saree is having more foldings at the cleavage. Due to that it is looking so thin. I am having a good view of her boobs from the terrace. Her figure is 34-28-36. She is rubbing fish to the stone and taking of the peel and waste from the fish. When she is rubbing the fish to the stone her boobs are moving to and fro and bouncing up and down. It is looking very nice from the terrace and I became horny by seeing that and enjoying. There is compund wall around the house. So that no one can notice them from outside. I leaned more on the safety wall for better view. Preethi noticed my shadow on the floor and turned back and looked at the terrace. She looked at me and asked what I am doing there. I pointed to her boobs and said they are looking very good from here. She shocked and opened the mouth and given a position like that she will punch me and go away from there. When Preethi turned towards me and signalling me aunty saw her. Aunty didn't saw me due to sunlight. I stepped back to hide from her. Aunty asked

Aunty: What are doing without stopping the dogs to come here.
Preethi: Nothing mom. It is too sunny. I am just standing to give shadow to you here. Anyhow dogs won't come here
Aunty: Is it? Then clean the fish and prepare them for curry.

Aunty stood up and came into the house. Preethi got shocked and slowly looked at the terrace. I stepped forward and lean on the safety wall and smiled by seeing her. She looked in anger at me and went to the fish and sat and looking at me slowly folding her half saree as thin as possible and kept her petticoat one edge in the waist and started to clean the fish. Her boobs are clearly visible from the top and I can see her one upper thigh and another leg side thigh from the terrace. She is looking so hot. She is giving a pose like kissing me and calling me to come down and lick her boobs. She is making me more horny with her gestures. I am looking her like that and signalled her to drag her petticoat more up. So that I can view her pussy. She slowly lifted it up till I can get the view of her pussy. She is wearing the panty. I am unable to see her pussy. She called me to come down and lick her pussy. She is making me more horny by her gestures to come down and lick her boobs and pussy. I stood like that by seeing her. Aunty suddenly shouted at Preethi whether it is completed to clean them or not. Preethi immediately started to clean them fast and completed in sometime and went inside the home. I went inside my room with my erected dick and slept on the bed with my erected dick and playing with it on the imagination of Preethi. I slowly went into sleep.

I wokeup after sometime and came down to the ground floor and aunty greeted me with smile and asked me to wash my hands to have lunch. I washed my hands and came to eat lunch. I am so excited to eat that fish and fuck Preethi all the day. I started to eat to and aunty is serving me how much I want. I asked aunty also to eat. She said she will eat later.

Me: Are you waiting for Uncle?
Aunty: No. He is out of town. He went to her elder house. She is now.
Me: You mean Deepa? Tell my congrats to her.
Aunty: You can tell her directly. She may come here in a month or less than that for pregnancy.
Me: Oh ok. But I am using her room to stay now. Did I need to move to second floor room.
Aunty: No not required now. You can shift once after she come.
Me: Are you not feeling hungry?
Aunty: Yes I am.
Me: Then come and eat. Why are you waiting?

She brought a plate started to eat. I ate more than what I usually eats. I completed eating and went in search of Preethi. I didn't find her. I went to the sofa and sat and started watching TV. I am randomly changing channels. I stopped in a channel which is playing full of melody songs with full of lustful meanings in their lyrics. The heroines in the songs are exposing their . I started to enjoy by seeing them. I forgeted that aunty also watching TV along with me while she is eating. She is watching TV and listening to the lyrics and enjoying the songs. I looked at her.

Me: Did you want me to change the channel.
Aunty: No not required. Watch which ever channel you want. I am having work in kitchen now. Anyhow after eating I will go to kitchen.

I said ok and continued to watch the TV. After sometime she completed eating and went to the kitchen and started to clean the vessels in the sink. My dick slowly started to erect by seeing the heroines in the songs exposing their body. My dick got erected completely. I stood up and hide my boner and went in search of Preethi all around the house. I didn't find her. I went to kitchen and in a intension whether I need to ask aunty about Preethi or not. I went behind her and stood like that and thinking. Within the time she asked

Aunty: Why are you standing here. Do you want something. Do you want to eat some more fish?
Me: No aunty nothing. I came for water.

I drank some water. My dick is fully erected. It is not getting calm down. I am feeling more horny to have sex. I went to aunty again and dared to ask about Preethi.

Me: Aunty, where is Preethi. I didn't find her anywhere in the house.
Aunty: She went to her friend house to get books for exam preparation. She will come.
Me: How long it will take to come her.
Aunty: I don't know about that mischievous girl. She went before an hour. She might have been playing with some children on the roads in the way. How many times I said to her but she won't listen to me to don't behave like childish. Why do you have any work with her.
Me: No nothing aunty. Just asking.

She started to scold Preethi. I slowly came away from there and sat in sofa. My dick became hard rock. I am unable to control myself. I decided to ask aunty to have sex with me. I went to kitchen and stood behind her. I am seeing her back from her blouse and want to touch it. I am seeing her waist from back and want to squeeze it. She noticed me.

Aunty: You came again?

I didn't reply and stood like that and watching her ass from back over the saree. I stood there for sometime without speaking anything.

Aunty: Why are you standing here. Do want something?
I immediately hugged her from back and started to squeeze her boobs and kiss on her neck and rubbing my dick to her ass.
Me: Yes I want to fuck you.

She moaned by my squeezing on her boobs and she came to senses and pushed me back with her shoulders.

Aunty: What are doing?
Me: I am going to fuck you are you not understanding.

I went nearby to her again and kissed her on the lips by holding her face tight. She pushed me away again.

Me: Aunty, My dick is hard rock I am unable to control my self. Please accept to have sex with me.

I pointed towards my boner. She see my bulge over my pant. She had seen my boner and said

Aunty: So what I need to do? Get away from here.

She turned to sink and I went behind her and hold her waist and pressing her boobs and lifted up and rubbing my dick to her ass. She opened her mouth in shock and moaned Aah, Aah….. Due to pressing her boobs and rubbing my dick on her ass over saree. Within in the time she washed her hands and started to beat me on my hands to leave her. I didn't listen to her and kissing on her back visible from her blouse. I bite her. She moaned in pain. I bite her again and licking on the bite marks I kept on her back. I hold her and brought her out of the kitchen like that. She is beating on my hand to leave her. My hands became red due to her beating. It is paining. So I left her and stood like that. She is standing in front of me by showing her back to me. I started to move towards to hold her again from the back. Suddenly she turned around and face towards me. I didn't stop and went nearby to her and started to give liplock to her and hold her tight and hugged her tight and started to drag her towards her bedroom by kissing her. She is beating me in my shoulders to leave her. I took her in to the room and thrown her on the bed. I didn't close the door. She tried to move away. I immediately hold her and thrown her on the bed again. Sh eto tried to move away again. This time I hold her tight and took her nearby to the bed and thrown her on the bed and I fell on her. Now she is under me and I started to give liplock to her and squeeze her boobs and waist. She in closing her eyes and beating repeatedly on my shoulders. I moved her saree away from her boobs. I stopped kissing and standing to remove my shirt. She immediately hold my shirt and dragged me towards her face and slapped me hard on my face. She hold my hair tight and started to give liplock to me. I got shocked with what she did. She rolled me and came on top of me. Now I am under and she is on top of me. I continued to squeeze her boobs. After sometime she stopped kissing me. I smiled by looking at her. She slapped me once again hard on my face. She started to give liplock again. She stopped kissing and I stood up to remove my shirt. Aunty also started to remove her blouse. She is looking at me by kissing her lips and slowly removing the blouse. I jumped on to her and removed her blouse and made her to lay on the bed and started to smooch and lick her boobs.

Me: Aunty thanks for accepting to have sex with me.
Aunty: It's ok. I know this will happen.
I got shocked.
Me: How did you know Aunty.
Aunty: It is due to fish she brought.
Me: Fish? What is the speciality of that fish? How did you find that I will come to fuck you by seeing that fish?
Aunty: Those are very rare fish. If we eat that fish it will increase sexual desires. Usually we will prepare them only for newly married couples and whenever and want to have more sex. They are very expensive. But the fish farmer in the village sells them to normal price only for our villagers. Most of the time he will export those fishes directly to the market.
I got shocked with what she said.
Me: So you already knows that I will come to fuck you.
Aunty: Before I answer tell me one thing you fuck Preethi when you both went to crop fields last time when you came to Deepa marriage right.
I got shocked again
Me: Aunty…… Yes. How did you know that. Did Preethi told you.
Aunty: No just now you told. On that day she came from crop files and went to bath. After she coming out I went to bath. When I am bathing I am getting smell of fish. I checked her clothes. I am getting smell from her blouse. Even I have noticed same smell from you when you both came. It is having some lemon stains in her bra. I have seen sperm stains and some sand on her petticoat. I got a doubt that you both had eaten those fishes and had sex in the crop fields on that day. I asked you to confirm now and you said yes.
Me: You are smart aunty. Ok tell me you already knows that I will come to fuck you right.
Aunty: No I didn't thought you will come to . I thought you and Preethi will have sex. I can catch you both red handed and blackmail you both and made you both to prepare well for exams. But unexpectedly you came to me to have sex. Preethi is good at studies. But she is wantedly getting failed in her exams. Make her to get pass.
Me: Ok aunty we will prepare well for exams. Actually I came to fuck to Preethi only. But she is not there in the home. My sex desires went to high. I am unable to control myself and came to have to sex with you. But you didn't accept to have sex with me.
Aunty: Actually I too want to have sex with you. I too ate that fish right. Then I will also get the sexual desires right. If I don't want to have to have sex with you. I would have taken a vessel from sink and beat you.
I got shocked with her reply and started to squeeze her both nipples very hard and asked
Me: You are having sexual desires and want to fulfill and you tried to stop me when I came to fuck you.
Aunty: I did like that to check how horny you are feeling. When you tried to fuck me forcefully it made me more horny.
By listening that I started squeeze her nipples more hard. She moaned loudly.
Me: Do you want me to fuck you forcefully?
Aunty: Yes.
Me: Then stop me if you can without fucking you.

I immediately hold her boobs tight and squeezing them hard and made her to lay down under me and turned her around. I am squeezing her boobs from back very hard and squeezing her waist. She is continuously shouting no, no, no, no, no. I am holding her head tight to the bed and removing her petticoat. I sit on her and turned to wards her ass and removed her petticoat completely and squeezing her ass cheeks hard and biting them. I widened her legs and lifted her thighs and started to lick her pussy. She is unable to get away from me. She is moaning and uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh, uhhhh………… Leave me, Leave me. I licked her pussy for sometime and turned her around and sit on her boobs and took my dick out and tried to keep in her mouth. She is rotating her head like not accepting to suck. I hold her hair tight and opened her mouth with another hand and inserted my dick into her mouth and started to fuck inside her mouth. After sometime I took my dick out and wrapped my hand around her neck and hold her tight and started to give liplock and removed my pant completely. Now we both are completely naked. I leaned on her and inserted my dick in her pussy in missionary position. She is pushing me away to don't fuck her. I slapped hard on her face. She looked at me in anger and said don't fuck me leave me. I started to give strokes more hard and slapped her hard again on the another side. She again said don't fuck me leave me. I slapped her repeatedly on both sides and her face became red.

I turned her into and hold her hair tight and started to fuck her. I am repeatedly slapping on her ass. She is shouting leave me, leave me……….. Within the time Preethi came. She heard noises and ran towards the room. She saw us and thrown the books and ran towards us to push me away and save her mom in anger. Within in the time she came I moved away from her mom and leaned on the bed. She came to us and her mom calling her closer in a tired manner. She came nearby to her and her mom immediately dragged her on to the bed.

I hold her tight and started to bite her boobs over the blouse. Immediately her mom also started to bite her boobs over the dress. We both are biting her boobs each. She got shocked and confused and looked at us. We both looked at her and laughed. She got shocked and asked

Preethi: Mom what's happening here? He is fucking you forcefully and you are supporting him and sucking my boobs.
I removed her half saree
Aunty: Don't you know what happing here? Don't you know when you bringing those fishes to get fuck with him.
Aunty removed her blouse and bra. Before Preethi speaks something I started to bite her bare boobs. Her mom also started to bite her boobs. We both are biting her boobs each. Preethi is moaning uhh, uhh, Aah, Aah, Aah……….. I went to give liplock to her and aunty went to remove her petticoat and panty. I started to do fingering to her pussy and aunty started to give liplock to me and Preethi is squeezing her mom boobs and her mom is holding my dick. After sometime Preethi started to do and Aunty is licking Preethi boobs. I went to Preethi pussy and lick it. I inserted my dick into Preethi pussy and started to fuck her. After sometime her mom went into doggy style and asked me to start from where I stopped. I took my dick from Preethi and inserted in aunty pussy and started to fuck her. Preethi started to shout your dick is mine come and fuck me….. Aunty got anger and dragged her and laid down on the bed and started to do fingering to her pussy and squeezing her boobs very hard. Preethi is moaning Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah……… And aunty is shouting Fuck me, Fuck me….. Preethi released her orgasm. I fucked aunty for 20 mins and released sperm inside her pussy. Aunty went to bath. Preethi wear dress and took the books she thrown away and went to eat. I wear dress and went to sleep in my room in the first floor.

I slept for sometime and Preethi completed eating and came to my room. She slowly came towards me and opened my pant and started to squeeze my dick and make it hard. She removed her half saree. She given blowjob to my dick. She came and sat on my dick by inserting it into her pussy. She is in cowgirl position wearing blouse and petticoat. She started to ride it. I wokeup and saw. She is riding it by looking at me and smiling. She leaned forward and started to remove my shirt. I removed her blouse. Her boobs are bouncing when she is riding my dick. I am squeezing them hard. She leaned forward and started to give liplock. I am squeezing her waist and placed my hands inside her petticoat and squeeze her ass cheeks. After sometime she got tired. I started to give strokes from down. I turned her into missionary position and removed my pant and her petticoat and fucked her 20 mins and released sperm in her pussy.

We both slept on the bed completely naked. We wokeup in the evening and did bathing and wear dress and came out.

In the night while we are having dinner there is some more fish curry is available and we three are sitting together and eating. We are playing some jokes and eating and after eating we went and sit in sofa and watching TV. They both are sitting in each side of me. I placed my hands on their both waists and squeezing them and squeezing her boobs over dress. They both came more closer to me and kissing me on the cheeks. Preethi started to give liplock to me. Aunty went to close all the doors and turned off the lights and said let's go to room. We went into the removed all our clothes and became completely naked. All of us went on to the bed and started to kiss each other and I am squeezing their boobs and waist and ass cheeks. They are licking my body. I am fingering their pussies. Aunty said to fuck her first. Immediately Preethi said to fuck her first. They both started to argue. I am in between them. The started in to fight. They are fighting with each and I am stuck in between. Most of the beating is on my body. I got irritated and stood up and stand on my knees and hold their necks and said I will fuck both of you. They didn't mind that started to rub my dick both at a time. I understood they did like just for fun. I slapped on their faces at once. They said slap us and fuck us hard. I started to do fingering their pussies hard. They are moaning a lot Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah……………… They both released two orgasm each. Aunty dragged me and pressing my head to her boobs. I am smooching her boobs. Preethi went to her mom pussy and licking it. I went to aunty pussy and started to fuck her. Preethi came on to my face and kept her boobs on my face. I started to smooch her boobs. Aunty took Preethi pussy into her mouth and licking it. After sometime Preethi said to fuck her. I said I will fuck her only after her mom. She got angry and started to squeeze her mom boobs hard. Her mom started to lick her pussy more fast and deeper inside. I am kissing Preethi and squeezing her boobs. Preethi released another orgasm on her mom face. I fucked aunty for 30 mins and released sperm inside her pussy and leaned on the bed. Preethi said No, no you should not get tired wakeup and fuck me. She started to request me. After sometime she got anger and slapped me on the face. I too slapped her and started to fight. Aunty came in between to stop us. We both started to bite her boobs hard. She is moaning. Aunty slapped us both on our faces. We too slapped her at a time on her face. She got anger and started to fight on the bed. We are fighting by squeezing and biting each other. We fight for sometime and got tired and sitting on the bed and seeing each other. Preethi slowly came to me and started to do rub my dick. After sometime she started to give blowjob. I got fully erected. Preethi came and sit on my dick in cowgirl position and aunty went to lick her boobs and slapping on her back and ass. I took aunty pussy to my mouth and slapping on her ass. I fucked her for sometime and made her into missionary position. When I am fucking aunty came to my dick and trying to lick. Preethi made her fell down and lay on her navel. She started to slap on her back and ass. I too slapping on her back and ass. I turned Preethi into doggy position. I am holding her waist and fucking her. Aunty came and started to slap us on the back at a time. Each time she slap us I am dragging Preethi more closer and fucking her hard. Preethi is moaning Ahhhh………. in full pleasure. She is enjoying it. She continued to slap us and I continued to fuck Preethi hard. I fucked her for 20 mins and released sperm inside her pussy. We all got tired and slept on the bed.

Next day morning when we wokeup our body is full of red and all are feeling body pains.

If any girls, aunties and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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